Class Syllabus Medical-Surgical Nursing: PTVN- P010B Porterville College: Vocational Nursing Program – 1st Semester Units: 5 Instructor: Elizabeth Keele, RN, B.S.N. Fall 2011 Hours/ Days: Thursday 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM One 15 minute break in the morning 45 minutes for Lunch break Friday 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM *Wednesday 11/23; Monday 11/28 *Tuesday 11/19 – Final Exam Course Description: A study of health and illness using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Needs as a theoretical approach. The cause of disease and the many factors influencing health/illness are reviewed. Major body systems are studied with emphasis on assessment, common disorders including etiology, symptoms, medical, nursing, pharmacological, nutritional and rehabilitation interventions. Education of the patient and their family is emphasized with sensitivity to cultural needs. Grading: 75% - 83% = C 84% - 92% = B 93% - 100% = A Criteria: Quizzes : 350* pts Participation 75 pts (5pts/day iClicker) Midterm Exam: 100 pts Final Exam: 100 pts__ Total: 625* pts (*These are approximate numbers subject to change) Office Hours: Thursday & Friday: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM, or by appointment You may e-mail me at (if I do not reply within 24 hours, please call me) I am also available by phone at 559-793-1664 Please do not call after 10:00 PM nor on Sundays Web Site: or go to go to and go to the instructors web sites and click on Elizabeth Keele. You may obtain power point presentation, handouts and class syllabus on-line. Textbook: Medical Surgical Nursing Care – 3rd edition. Burke, Mohn-Brown, Eby. o All assigned reading is required and you are responsible for the material contained in it. iClicker. o This is a standard iClicker, which is absolutely required for this class. It is an electronic device used for in-class polling, quizzes, etc. One iClicker can be used by a single student for any number of classes at the same time and can be used again in future semesters. Each student MUST have his/her own iClicker and will need to bring it to class daily. ATI PN edition 8.0 Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Quizzes: A quiz, test or work-sheet will be given on a daily bases. Please bring a scan-tron form #882-ES to all quizzes and tests. Tests and quizzes are timed – 1 minute for each question. Quizzes and tests are based on reading and lecture notes. The opportunity to make up one missed exam will only be allowed if the student informs the instructor prior to the scheduled exam. Pop quizzes may not be made up. Some quizzes will be administered using the iClicker, you must bring it to class daily. Quizzes are based predominantly on the subject matter that was taught in the most resent previous lecture, however they may include information from earlier lectures. The Mid-term Exam is cumulative from Day One. The Final Exam is cumulative from Day One. Students will not be allowed to retake any exam or quiz on which an unsatisfactory grade was earned. Students may make arrangement with the instructor to review an individual exam up to two (2) weeks after the exam is returned. The final exam will not be reviewed. All cell phones, pagers, and/or electronic device must be turned OFF during exams/quizzes unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. Electronic devices other than a calculator may not be used for in-class calculations work (ie. Cell phones, PDA’s, etc). Participation: Participation points will be given in this class based on your use of the iClicker during class discussions. Participation points are awarded as an “all or nothing”; five points per class session. You may miss one iClicker participation session (during one day) and still get full credit for the day, but if you miss more than one, you will receive no participation points for the day. General: Students are expected to be on time and attend each scheduled class and assume responsibility for assigned activities, be active in the learning process and meet all established level objectives. Students are expected to call the instructor is they are unable to attend. If you are unable to attend class, you must notify the instructor prior to class. Only excused absences will be given an opportunity to make up quizzes/tests. Homework will not be accepted late unless excused by the instructor. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off or placed in silent mode. Children are not allowed in classroom. Reasonable Accommodation: If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or you have questions related to any accommodation for testing, note takers, readings, etc., please speak with the instructor as soon as possible. Students may also contact the Disability Resource Center (559) 791-2215 with questions about such services. Instructor’s Intellectual Rights: Individual instructors retain intellectual property rights to lectures and class presentations and related material; notes or other class materials may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation or for any other purpose other than study by the individual student enrolled in the class. Unauthorized use of class notes or recordings is subject to the federal Copyright Act, California Civil Code, and Program policy and may subject an individual to failure of the course and/or legal proceedings brought by the instructor, as well as the Nursing Department. Examples of violation of this policy include, but not limited to, audio recording, and any electronic posting such as YouTube, blogging, podcasting, etc. Students may not tape record during any test preview or review Attendance: This class is a positive attendance class and roll will be taken daily (by iClicker). If you miss any class time, you will be required to make that time up. Arrangements are to be made with the instructor. Students are responsible for material presented during their absence. Honesty: I require honesty on tests and assignments. Following Porterville College policy, if a student cheats on a test or assignment, or plagiarizes, I will give an “F” grade on that assignment and I will report the incident to the Dean. The student will have to meet with the Dean of Students to determine whether further disciplinary action is necessary. Student Behavioral Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Describe the application of the nursing process to basic medical-surgical nursing. Identify specific concepts when teaching the patient about health/ illness and basic medicalsurgical issues. Discuss the importance of safety for medical-surgical patients. State the basic needs of all people as formulated by psychologist A.H. Maslow. Discuss the relationship between Maslow’s basic needs, homeostasis and nursing. Discuss the concept of holistic health. Define stress and discuss its relationship to pathophysiology. Discuss cultural beliefs that may affect an individual’s response to health/ illness. Identify factors that predispose an individual to infection. Discuss the inter-relationship between the agent, host, transmission (major methods of), and environment in the development of infectious diseases. Identify the various body defense mechanisms, which function to provide protection and discuss the means by which they accomplish it. Identify various infectious diseases, the etiologies, treatments, related nursing interventions, and preventative methods for the diseases. Identify the diagnostic tests and procedures used to determine specific infectious diseases. Define the term nosocomial infections. Explain a. individuals at high risk b. methods acquired c. most common sites d. most frequently encountered pathogens e. nursing interventions Describe the process of antigen-antibody interactions. Differentiate between B cells and T cells and their roles in response to antigens. Describe emotional needs and appropriate nursing interventions for a patient with infectious diseases. Describe the steps of the inflammatory process as they relate to the symptoms of inflammation. Describe normal changes of aging relevant to pathophysiology. Describe basic rehabilitation concepts appropriate for the medical-surgical patient. Identify the structure and function of the skin. Describe the important factors to consider when making an assessment of the skin. Describe the various types of skin lesions Describe treatment used for skin disorders including open and closed wet dressing, soaks, and therapeutic baths. Discuss factors that affect the emotional health of the patient with skin diseases. Explain the various types of wound healing. Describe the cause, stage, treatment and prevention of decubitus ulcers. Differentiate between decubitus ulcers and stasis ulcers. Describe the types of skin cancer symptoms, treatment and prognosis of each. Identify the following common skin disorders including the etiology, symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions: a. Acne b. Impetigo c. Psoriasis 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. d. Eczema e. Pediculosis f. Scabies g. lupus erythematosus of the skin Discuss nutritional needs of the patient with a skin disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate in treatment for skin disorders. Differentiate between the classifications of burns and explain the assessment of a patient with a burn. Describe the medical, surgical and nursing management for the burn patient. Identify the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of a cardiac patient. Describe the risk factors associated with heart disease. Describe the normal sequential function of the electrical conduction system of the heart. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the cardiovascular patient. Differentiate between angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Explain the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions. Discuss the differences in pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia and sickle cell anemia. Explain the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following cardiovascular disorders: a. Arteriosclerosis b. Atherosclerosis c. Hypertension d. Thrombophlebitis e. leukemia (two types) f. congestive heart failure (CHF) Discuss the nutritional needs of the patient with a cardiovascular disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate in treatment of cardiovascular disorder. Identify the structure and function of the respiratory system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of respiratory patients. Identify the signs and symptoms that indicate a patient is experiencing hypoxia, carbon dioxide retention or both. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the respiratory patient. Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following respiratory disorders: a. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) b. pneumonia c. communicable respiratory diseases d. lung cancer Discuss nutritional needs of the patient with respiratory diseases Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate in treatment of respiratory disorders. Identify the structure and function of the renal system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of renal patients. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the renal patient. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Explain the importance of intake and output. Discuss methods of measurement and documentation of I & O. List the symptoms of dehydration and explain the nursing responsibilities in the care of the dehydrated patient. Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following renal disorders: a. Nephrosis b. Glomerulonephritis c. Cysititis d. Pyelonephritisis e. Renal failure f. Renal calculi g. Cancer Explain the purpose of renal dialysis. Compare hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Discuss nutritional needs of a patient with a renal disease. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of a patient with a renal disorder. Identify the structure and function of the reproductive system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of patient with a reproductive disorder. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with a reproductive system disorder. Describe the etiology, signs, symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following reproductive system disorders: a. Endometriosis b. Orchitis/ prostatitis c. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) d. Phimosis e. Cryptorchism f. Cancer Compare and contrast the post operative care of the patient having abdominal hysterectomy with that of the patient having hysterectomy. Discuss the physical and psychological care of the mastectomy patient. Discuss the etiology for the patient needing a prostatectomy and describe the pre and postoperative care for the transurethral and suprapubic method of treatment. Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following sexually transmitted diseases: a. Chlamydia b. Gonorrhea c. Syphilis d. genital herpes infection e. aids Discuss nutritional needs of the patient with a reproductive disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of the patient with a reproductive disorder. Identify the structure and function of the endocrine system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of a patient with an endocrine disorder. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with an endocrine disorder. Describe the symptoms of glandular malfunction to hyposecretion or hypersecretion of the endocrine glands. Describe the classifications, etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for diabetes. Outline the information to be covered in patient education for the diabetic patient. Discuss the nutritional needs of a patient with an endocrine disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of a patient with an endocrine disorder. Identify the structure and function of the neurological system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of the patient with a neurological disorder. Discuss the assessment of pain. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with a neurological disorder. Identify signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure and appropriate nursing interventions. Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following neurological disorders: a. Meningitis b. Encephalitis c. cerebral vascular accident (CVA) d. epilepsy e. head injury f. spinal cord injury g. cerebral palsy h. cancer List the risk factors that contribute to making an individual “at risk” for a CVA. Describe the types of rehabilitation available to the patient that has had a CVA. Describe the following types of seizures and the treatment for each: a. Generalized b. Partial c. status epilepticus List the specific details of seizures, which should be recorded and reported. Discuss nutritional needs of a patient with a neurological disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of a patient with a neurological disorder. Identify the structure and function of the eye and ear. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of the patients with a disorder of the eye and/ or ear. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with an eye and/ or ear disorder. Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following eye and ear disorders: a. Conjunctivitis b. Glaucoma c. Cataract 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. d. Eye trauma injuries e. Ear trauma injuries f. Otitis media Describe methods to provide sensory stimulation and increase sensory awareness. Identify community resource agencies to assist those with vision or hearing deficits. Discuss nutritional needs of a patient with an eye and/ or ear disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of a patient with eye and/ or ear disorder. Identify the structure and function of the gastrointestinal system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of patients with a gastrointestinal disorder: Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with a gastrointestinal disorder: Describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing interventions for the following gastrointestinal disorders: a. Ulcers b. Cancer c. Appendicitis d. Hernia e. Hepatitis f. Cholecystitis g. inflammatory disorders Discuss nutritional needs of a patient with gastrointestinal disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of the patient with a gastrointestinal disorder. Identify the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. Describe important factors to consider in the assessment of patients with a musculoskeletal disorder. Discuss common diagnostic tests, procedures and related nursing responsibilities for the patient with a musculoskeletal disorder. Describe the etiology, signs, and symptoms, treatment, and nursing interventions for the following musculoskeletal disorders: a. Fractures b. Sprains c. Dislocations d. Osteomyelitis e. Osteoporosis f. Amputations g. Degenerative joint disease (DJD) h. cancer Discuss the use of crutches and braces for patients including gait patterns, teaching plans and individual fitting. Discuss nutritional needs of a patient with a musculoskeletal disorder. Discuss pharmacological interventions appropriate for the treatment of a patient with a musculoskeletal disorder. Student Learning Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes Matrix Student Learning Objectives 1.The student will be able to explain and demonstrate behaviors consistent with those of a successful student learner. Context and Tasks to Achieve Outcomes Context in which achievement of this outcome will occur include: Reviewing course objectives Attending lecture Reading text & handout materials Participating in class discussions Taking notes Evidence of Success Measurement Criteria Students will demonstrate effective learning/work behaviors Effective learning behaviors to be demonstrated by the student to include: Daily attendance Punctuality Prior instructor notification of absences and tardiness Respectful conduct Participation in class discussions Students must achieve a grade of 75% or higher on all exams 2.The student will be able to describe and explain the concept of disease transmission and prevention. Context in which achievement of this outcome will occur include: Reviewing course objectives Attending lecture Reading text & handout materials Participating in class discussions Taking notes Evidence of success will be measured by passing an exam consisting of multiple choice questions. The student will be able to describe the process of disease transmission and prevention by explaining the following: The different types of pathogens The chain of infection Methods used to break the chain of infection Application of standard precautions Students must achieve a grade of 75% or higher in order to pass the exam. 3.The student will be able to describe the structure and functioning of various body systems. Context in which achievement of this outcome will occur include: Reviewing course objectives Attending lecture Reading text & handout materials Participating in class discussions Taking notes Evidence of success will be measured by passing an exam consisting of multiple choice questions. Students will be able to describe and explain the structure and functioning of the following body systems: Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nervous, Hematologic, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Urinary, Musculoskeletal, Sensory, and Reproductive Students must achieve a grade of 75% or higher in order to pass the exam. 4.The student will be able to explain and describe the pathophysiology of disease processes in various body systems. 5.The student will select a body system and be able to deliver a presentation on a disease process related to that body system. Context in which achievement of this outcome will occur include: Reviewing course objectives Attending lecture Reading text & handout materials Participating in class discussions Taking notes Context in which achievement of this outcome will occur include: Reviewing course objectives Attending lecture Reading text & handout materials Participating in class discussions Taking notes Evidence of success will be measured by passing an exam consisting of multiple choice questions. Evidence of success will be measured by through the use of an evaluation rubric. Students will be able to describe and explain the pathophysiology of disease process in the following body systems: Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nervous, Hematologic, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Urinary, Musculoskeletal, Sensory, and Reproductive Students must achieve a grade of 75% or higher in order to pass the exam. Student will be able to deliver a comprehensive presentation on a selected body system and will include a description of the disease, morbidity and mortality statistics, risk factors and prevention measures. Presentations have a maximum point value of 50. A rubric will be used for scoring Course Outline, Schedule and Assignments Fall 2011: Date Text Topic Day 1 10/06/11: Thursday MS: Ch 1; 3 & 9 Day 2 10/07/11: Friday Day 3 10/13/11: Thursday Day 4 10/14/11: Friday Day 5 10/20/11: Thursday Day 6 10/21/11: Friday Day 7 10/27/11: Thursday Day 8 10/28/11: Friday Day 9 11/03/11: Thursday Day 10 11/04/11: Friday Day 11 11/10/11: Thursday Veteran’s Day 11/11/11: Friday Day 12 11/17/11: Thursday Day 13 11/18/11: Friday Day 14 11/23/11: Wednesday Day 15 11/28/11: Monday 11/29/11: Tuesday MS: Ch 7; 44-45 Patient care concepts; cultural concepts Disease transmission/ prevention Fluid & Electrolytes Integumentary system Cardio-Vascular System MS: Ch 15-18 Assignments Quiz #1 Quiz #2 Quiz #3 MS: Ch 21-23 Cardio-Vascular System cont. Hematology Immune system Respiratory System Quiz #6 MS: Ch 41-43 Respiratory System cont. Skeletal –muscle system MS: Ch 40 Sensory systems Quiz #7 MS: Ch 28-29 Urinary System Quiz #8 MS: Ch 30-33 Quiz #9 NO CLASS Reproductive System STD’s HOLIDAY MS: Ch 34-35 Endocrine system Quiz #10 MS: Ch 36 Diabetes Mellitus Quiz #11 MS: Ch 37-39 Nervous system Quiz #12 MS: Ch 24-27 Gastrointestinal system Quiz #13 MS: Ch 19-20 Quiz #4 Quiz #5 Mid-term Exam FINAL EXAM 0830-10:30