CertusBank N.A. Business Continuity Plan For CertusSecurities, Inc. December 19, 2011 Table of Contents Plan Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose: .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Objective: .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Scope:........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Assumptions:............................................................................................................................................. 5 Strategies: ................................................................................................................................................. 5 CertusSecurities, Inc. Firm Policy .............................................................................................................. 6 Significant Business Disruptions (SBDs) .................................................................................................... 6 Approval and Execution Authority ............................................................................................................ 6 CertusSecurities, Inc. Business Description .............................................................................................. 6 CertusSecurities, Inc. Office Locations ...................................................................................................... 7 Control Strategy ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Training Methodology............................................................................................................................... 8 Testing Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 8 Plan Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Policy Distribution ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Certus Securities, Inc. Data Back-Up and Recovery (Hard Copy and Electronic) ...................................... 9 CertusSecurities, Inc. Disclosure of Business Continuity Plan ................................................................ 10 Business Unit/Work Area Recovery Strategy.............................................................................................. 11 CertusSecurities, Inc. Alternate Physical Location(s) of Employees ....................................................... 11 CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Mission Critical Systems .................................................................................... 11 Order Taking ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Order Entry ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Other Services Currently Provided to Customers ................................................................................... 12 CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Mission Critical Systems Provided by Our Clearing Firm ................................... 13 Customers’ Access to Funds and Securities ............................................................................................ 13 CertusSecurities, Inc. Critical Business Constituents, Banks, and Counter-Parties .................................... 13 Business constituents.............................................................................................................................. 13 Banks ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Gaps/Risks ................................................................................................................................................... 14 CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 2 CertusSecurities, Inc. Operational Risk ................................................................................................... 15 CertusSecurities, Inc. Financial and Credit Risk ...................................................................................... 15 Tasks/Sub-Tasks .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Response ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Notification ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Assess Disruption .................................................................................................................................... 16 Activate the Business Continuity Plan .................................................................................................... 17 Manage and Restore: .............................................................................................................................. 17 Team Positions and People ......................................................................................................................... 18 Notification Call List: ................................................................................................................................... 18 CertusSecurities, Inc. Emergency Contact Persons................................................................................. 18 CertusSecurities, Inc. Call Tree:............................................................................................................... 18 CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Alternate Communications between the Firm and Customers, Regulators ......... 20 Customers ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Regulators ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Regulatory Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 21 Appendix A - Incident Checklist .................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix B – Expense Log .......................................................................................................................... 24 Appendix C – Emergency Reference Information ....................................................................................... 25 Hurricane Safety Tips (1 of 2) .................................................................................................................. 25 Hurricane Safety Tips (2 of 2) .................................................................................................................. 26 Disaster Resources (1 of 2) ..................................................................................................................... 27 Disaster Resources (2 of 2) ..................................................................................................................... 28 Power Outage Tips (1 of 2) ..................................................................................................................... 29 Power Outage Tips (2 of 2) ..................................................................................................................... 30 Thunderstorms and Lightning Safety Tips (1 of 2) .................................................................................. 31 Thunderstorms and Lightning Safety Tips (2 of 2) .................................................................................. 32 Explosion Safety Procedures ................................................................................................................... 33 Earthquake Safety Procedures................................................................................................................ 33 CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 3 Plan Overview CertusSecurities, Inc is an introducing Broker/Dealer regulated by FINRA ,the SEC and the MSRB.CertusSecurities, Inc. is a business unit of CertusBank, NA. As a Broker/Dealer CertusSecurities, Inc. must adhere to specific guidelines constituted by it’s regulating bodies. As for CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP) it will also conform to the BCP instituted by CertusBank, NA in conjunction with it’s responsibilities as a Broker/Dealer. Purpose: Resiliency planning ensures that business units have the facilities, staff, office equipment, vital records, access to the business partners and technology systems necessary to continue or resume critical functions in the face of an emergency disruption. Recovery of information technology systems in response to a major disruptive event is a related activity of equal importance. Objective: The overall objective of the business recovery process is to facilitate and provide for the resumption of business operations in accordance with pre-established timeframes (Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) in a timely and organized manner to continue as a viable and stable business process. Additionally, this plan is intended to: Ensure continuity of critical process(es) Identify and prioritize core processes, resources, suppliers and upstream and downstream dependencies. Minimize possible adverse financial and operational impacts as the result of a disruption to normal business operations. Minimize impact to CertusSecurities’ public and industry reputation. Ensure business disruption is brought under control promptly. Empower management with the information they need for control during an interruption. Scope: The scope of this plan includes both time-sensitive and less time-sensitive business functions, automated technology, and support resources required to recover the outlined critical functions described herein. This plan will be activated in the event “business as usual” conditions do not exist. This plan addresses business recovery and resumption activities in a disaster situation and in accordance with regulatory guidelines that govern the financial industry. Determining the state of readiness of vendors in the event of a disruption or obtaining copies of vendor BCPs are not in scope within this plan. Vendor Management owns this component. Disaster and emergency risks could strike CertusSecurities at any time. Some of these ongoing risks could be caused by a single event, or a series of events, leading up to activation of the procedures listed in this plan. Some of these common risks include, but are not limited to: Power failures Hardware failures Telephone service disruptions Software errors Corrupted data Earthquake CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 4 Civil disturbance Fire disturbance Healthcare epidemic Acts of terrorism Inclement weather CertusSecurities is to protect itself, to the extent possible, from ongoing risks through comprehensive business contingency and resumption plans described within this policy and other related documentation. This plan is designed to identify high-risk areas and other risk reduction strategies. This strategy allows for resumption of critical processes as soon as possible after disruption. Assumptions: Teammate safety is always the first priority At least 50% of your teammates are available to assist in recovery activities. Key personnel and succession details are in place. Plans must support activation of business recovery from the point of disruption. The contingency site will survive the disaster and will be accessible to support failed primary work area operations during the activation of plan. The recovery procedures contained in this plan are not intended to replace operational procedures. Teammates assigned to work from home (WFH) have access to CertusSecurities owned equipment that meets standard bank requirements. CertusSecurites and the Bank’s resources (i.e. Corporate Real Estate, Human Resources, etc) will be available at the time of disaster to initiate process to restore the primary work area or secure local facilities. Corporate Real Estate’s response to the event will be secondary to the recovery plan. Recovery strategies should be developed to cover outage durations of Intraday, short term and long term. Strategies: CertusSecurities has researched various recovery strategies and determined that the following approach to recovery efforts will best fit its needs by: Using the existing office network for alternate facility space, as required. Basing contingency and recovery strategies on an overall plan, consisting of scenarios describing the loss of facilities, public utility services, critical computer services and/or services provided by external service relationships/trading partners or both facilities and services. Utilizing one of the regionally disbursed facilities for alternate occupational space, in the event that one or more utilities fail. The order of succession depends on the impacted region. Contingency and recovery strategies which are a result of loss of major utilities but are not a result of computer system problems are addressed in this plan to include the relocation of business units and technical resources to alternate office sites. This plan has identified CertusSecurities’ course of action to CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 5 mitigate infrastructure failures out of the its immediate control, such as a regional power failure, utility failure or telecommunications failure. CertusSecurities, Inc. Firm Policy Per our policy, CertusSecurities Inc. will respond to a Significant Business Disruption (SBD) by safeguarding employees’ lives and firm property, making a financial and operational assessment, quickly recovering and resuming operations, protecting all of the firm’s books and records and allowing our customers to transact business. If we determine that we are unable to continue our business, we will assure customers the prompt access to their funds and securities. Significant Business Disruptions (SBDs) Our plan assumes two kinds of Significant Business Disruptions; internal disruptions and external disruptions. An internal SBD affects our firm’s ability to communicate and conduct business, such as a fire in our building. An external SBD prevents the operation of the securities markets or a number of firms. These external disruptions include a terrorist attack, a city flood or a wide-scale, regional disruption. Our response to an external SBD relies more heavily on other organizations and systems, especially on the capabilities of our clearing firm, National Financial Services LLC (“NFS”). Approval and Execution Authority Thomas Johnson III, CCO, is a registered principal and is responsible for approving the plan and for conducting the required annual review. Additionally, Thomas Johnson III has the authority to execute this BCP. CertusSecurities, Inc. Business Description CertusSecurities Inc. conducts business in equity, fixed income, and derivative securities. Our firm is an introducing firm and does not perform any type of clearing functionality for itself or other firms. We do not hold customer funds or securities. CertusSecurities Inc., accepts trade orders and enters trade orders with our clearing firm. Our clearing firm executes our trade orders, compares the trade orders, allocates the trade orders and clears and settles the trade orders. Our clearing firm also maintains our customers’ accounts, grants customer access to the accounts, and delivers funds and securities. CertusSecurities Inc . services retail customers only. Our clearing firm is National Financial Services LLC and our primary contact person at the clearing firm is Michael Burke, (617) 563-9211. Representatives in the NFS Middle Office (800) 801-9942} can assist us in the event that our primary contact is unavailable. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 6 CertusSecurities, Inc. Office Locations CertusSecurities Inc., has a third party marketing arrangement with other banks allowing registered, licensed representatives to provide brokerage services on bank premises through CertusSecurities Inc as well as other locations as listed below: CertusSecurities Inc – Atlanta, GA Our main office location (an OSJ) is CertusSecurities Inc., 1100 Abernathy Road, 500 Northpark, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30328. The main telephone number is 404-266-0663 (800-749-0752). Employees are able to travel to this office via foot, car, train and bus. We engage in order taking and order entry at this location. First Century Bank- Bluefield, WV First Century Bank, 500 Federal Street, Bluefield, WV 24701 is a branch office location. The main telephone number is 304-325-8181. Employees are able to travel to this office via foot or car. We engage in order taking at this location. Corporate Office – Charlotte, NC Charlotte Corporate Office, 2100 Rexford Road, Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28211. The main telephone number is 704-973-3900. Employees are able to travel to this office via foot or car. We engage in order taking and order entry at this location. The Field House – Greenville, SC The Field House, 935 South Main Street, Suite 300, Greenville, SC 29601. The main telephone number is 864-478-1380. Employees are able to travel to this office via foot or car. We engage in order taking and order entry at this location. Riverplace Offices – Greenville, SC Riverplace Offices, 210 River Street, Suite 500, Greenville, SC 28211. The main telephone number is 864-478-1385. Employees are able to travel to this office via foot or car. We engage in order taking and order entry at this location. Corporate Offices – Atlanta, GA Corporate Offices, 1170 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2350, Atlanta, GA 30309. The main telephone number is 678-293-1045. Employees are able to travel to this office via foot or car. We engage in order taking and order entry at this location. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 7 Control Strategy Training Methodology: Prepared, informed and knowledgeable employees are integral to the success of a Business Continuity Program. Awareness Training for new employees/managers – This information introduces new hires to the concept of business continuity. The information is provided in new hire orientation. Refresher – This training covers various topics and is tailored specifically to the audience in attendance. Topics could include a review of preparedness procedures, roles and responsibilities or new topics. As business continuity evolves and improved methods for performing daily functions in a business contingency mode are introduced, it becomes necessary to incorporate new tools, procedures or methods. Procedural – This training reviews the alternate or manual procedures needed to support business functions in the event of system outages, if applicable. Testing Methodology: CertusSecurities realizes that contingency planning and disaster recovery plans are of no value unless each portion of the plan is realistically and periodically tested to ensure that established procedures will: Determine the feasibility of the business recovery process. Identify deficiencies in the existing procedures. Identify areas in this policy and other contingency plans that need modification or enhancement. Provide training to the team managers and team members. Ensure the adequacy of procedures relating to the various teams involved in the recovery process. Demonstrate the ability of the organization to recover. Provide a mechanism for maintaining and updating this policy and other contingency plans. Some situations may be tested on a frequent basis such as staff and customer evacuation under fire drill procedures, while other situations will require extensive planning and coordination to test since they may include movement of equipment, personnel and materials to a back-up contingency site. Plan Maintenance: To ensure the most effective and efficient response to business continuity within CertusBank, an intensive review of the Plan should be conducted annually. The review for all categories of the Plan includes, but is not limited to, the following elements: Organizational changes Functional or operational changes Policy standard or procedural changes Support partners CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 8 Contingency strategy changes Technology changes or advancements Call tree maintenance and testing The review process is documented and signoff is obtained from the Director of the Business Unit or their designee. CertusSecurities, Inc. will update this plan whenever we have a material change within our operations, structure, business or location or if there are any such changes within our clearing firm. In addition, our firm will review this Business Continuity Plan annually to make modifications to reflect any changes in our operations, structure, business or location or any such changes with our clearing firm. Policy Distribution Plan Location and Access CertusSecurities,Inc. will maintain copies of the Business Continuity Plan, the annual reviews of the plan and any amendments or changes that have been made to the plan for inspection. An electronic copy of our plan is located on a company network drive maintained and backed up by Reliance Financial Corporation as well as the network drive of CertusBank. Additionally, the registered principals and senior managers have a copy of this plan at their homes. Certus Securities, Inc. Data Back-Up and Recovery (Hard Copy and Electronic) CertusSecurities Inc. maintains its primary (original) hard copy documentation and electronic records at the appropriate Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ). The OSJ office locations is: 1. CertusSecurities Inc., 1100 Abernathy Road, 500 Northpark, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30328 Thomas Johnson III, Supervising Principal, 404-262-9283 is responsible for the maintenance of these books and records. Copies of paperwork are kept at the originating branch office locations. The following is a list of documentation that is maintained by the branch and/or OSJ and is not transmitted to our clearing firm: New Account Forms / Customer Account Records Trade Order Instruction forms CertusSecurities Inc Policy Manual (Compliance, Supervisory and Procedures manual.) Registered Representative information / NASD CRD info Registered Representative Compensation Information Registered Representative Complaint Records Contact Persons Record Communications Supervision Records Responsible Principal Records CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 9 Office Records Communications with the Public Organizational Documents Special Reports Exception Reports In the event of an internal or external SBD that causes the loss of our original paper records at an OSJ, we will physically recover the copies from the branch location. If our primary site is inoperable, we will continue operations from the alternate locations specified in this plan. Reliance Financial Corporation backs up all company network data and files each business day. This information is stored on a remote server and is available for retrieval. CertusSecurities, Inc. Disclosure of Business Continuity Plan We will provide a written summary of our Business Continuity Plan to customers upon account opening. We will also mail it to customers upon request. Our summary addresses the possibility of a future significant business disruption (SBD) and the plans for responding to events of varying scope. The plan summary provides specific scenarios of varying severity and general information about our intended response. The summary also states our intention to continue business during the disruptions and the planned recovery time. The existence of alternate locations and arrangements is also disclosed. The Business Continuity Plan summary is attached. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 10 Business Unit/Work Area Recovery Strategy CertusSecurities, Inc. Alternate Physical Location(s) of Employees In the event of a Significant Business Disruption in our main office location in Atlanta, GA, the staff will operate from their homes over their cell phones through the internet. Reliance Securities can also relocate to one of the Reliance Financial subsidiaries’ local or nationwide offices. If there is a SBD in any of our branch locations, operations will move to the appropriate Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ), Charlotte, Atlanta, Greenville (Riverplace and The Field House). Critical Dependencies: CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Mission Critical Systems CertusSecurities Inc.’s “mission critical systems” are those that ensure prompt and accurate processing of securities transactions. The processes include order taking, trade order entry, new account establishment and existing account maintenance. Our clearing firm, National Financial Services LLC is responsible for the execution, comparison, allocation, clearance and settlement of securities transactions. National Financial Services LLC is also responsible for the delivery of funds and securities. CertusSecurities Inc.’s mission critical systems include: National Financial Services Streetscape System (Inquiry, Trade Input and Account Establishment) 617-320-2447 National Financial Services FBSI system (Back Office Processing) 617-320-2447 Reliance Financial Corporation network (email and internet access) 404-965-7276 Reliance Financial Corporation phone system 404-965-7276 CertusSecurities Inc. has primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining the business relationships with our customers and has sole responsibility for the mission critical functions of order taking, order entry and account establishment and maintenance. Through our contract, the clearing firm provides the execution, comparison, allocation, clearance and settlement of securities transactions, access to customer accounts and the delivery of funds and securities. Our clearing firm maintains a business continuity plan and the capacity to execute that plan. Our clearing firm represents that it will advise us of any material changes to its plan that might affect our ability to maintain our business. In the event our clearing firm executes its plan, it represents that it will notify us of such execution and provide us equal access to services as its other customers. If we reasonably determine that our clearing firm has not or cannot put its plan in place quickly enough to meet our needs or is otherwise unable to provide access to such services, our clearing firm represents that it will assist us in seeking services from an alternate source. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 11 Our clearing firm represents that it backs up our records and stores them offsite at a hardened secure facility. Our clearing firm operates back-up operating facilities and offices in geographically separate areas with the capability to conduct critical functions including trading and relationship support. Our clearing firm has also confirmed the effectiveness of its back-up arrangements to recover from a wide scale disruption by testing and has confirmed that it tests its back-up arrangements annually. Recovery time objectives provide concrete goals for planning and testing. These are not hard and fast deadlines that must be met in every emergency situation. Various external factors surrounding a disruption, such as time of day, scope of disruption and status of critical infrastructure—particularly telecommunications—can affect actual recovery times. Recovery refers to the restoration of clearing and settlement activities after a wide-scale disruption; resumption refers to the capacity to accept and process new transactions and payments after a wide-scale disruption. For trade execution, our clearing firm anticipates an immediate recovery time and resumption within the same business day. Order Taking Currently, branch locations receive trade orders via telephone, facsimile, email or in person visits by the customer. (Telephone, facsimile and email trades are verified with the customer). During an SBD, either internal or external, we will continue to take orders through any of these methods that are available and reliable. The registered representatives will inform customers of alternate communication methods. Order Entry Currently, our firm accepts trade orders by recording them on paper (for non-electronic trades) and sending them to our clearing firm electronically via the NFS Streetscape System. We can also place trade orders via telephone by contacting NFS Middle Office at (800) 877-2410. If operations are moved to an alternate facility, NFS business unit personnel will provide us with revised contact information. Per the NFS BCP, we can expect the immediate recovery of trade execution services in the event of a disruption. In the event of an internal SBD, we will enter and send records to our clearing firm by the fastest alternative means available which can include telephone, facsimile or secure email. In the event of an external SBD, we will maintain the order in electronic or paper format and deliver the order to the clearing firm by the fastest means available when it resumes operations. In addition, during an internal SBD, we may require that all registered representatives deal directly with our clearing firm for trade order entry. Other Services Currently Provided to Customers In addition to order entry and order taking, CertusSecurities Inc., also establishes new accounts and inputs distribution requests and transfer requests with National Financial Services LLC. In the event of an internal SBD, we will contact National Financial Services via any available communications method or we will contact them from the alternate site(s) stated in Section V. In the event of an external SBD, we CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 12 will contact our clearing firm, National Financial Services LLC, in accordance with the procedures listed in their BCP. CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Mission Critical Systems Provided by Our Clearing Firm CertusSecurities Inc . relies by contract on our clearing firm to provide order execution, order comparison, order allocation, account transaction processing, delivery of funds and securities, and access to customer accounts. Customers’ Access to Funds and Securities CertusSecurities Inc. does not maintain custody of customers’ funds or securities. The assets are held with our clearing firm, National Financial Services LLC. In the event of an internal or external SBD, our registered representatives at the branch locations will continue to take customer orders or instructions via telephone (if telephone service is available). These trade orders or instructions will be communicated to the appropriate office location (or alternate office location) or entered directly with National Financial Services LLC in accordance with our usual procedure. If necessary, all representatives will directly contact our clearing firm with trade order requests or other instructions. If the SIPC determines that we are unable to meet our obligations to our customers or if our liabilities exceed our assets in violation of Securities Exchange Act Rule 15c3-1, SIPC may seek to appoint a trustee to disburse our assets to customers. We will assist SIPC and the trustee by providing our books and records identifying customer accounts subject to SIPC regulation. CertusSecurities, Inc. Critical Business Constituents, Banks, and CounterParties Business constituents The critical services for CertusSecurities Inc. are provided by the parent company, Reliance Financial Corporation (“RFC”). These services include telecommunications, network services (internet/email) and computer hardware. RFC has identified alternate arrangements in their continuity plan. Banks We have contacted our banks and lenders to determine if they can continue to provide the financing that we will need in light of the internal or external SBD. The banks maintaining our Proprietary Account of Introducing Broker/Dealers are RBC and State Street Bank, If our banks and other lenders are unable CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 13 to provide the financing, we will seek alternative financing immediately through Blue Ridge Holdings, LLC. Contact List: Internal: External: Business Unit Supplier Address Contact Name: Telephone Number: National Financial Boston, Ma Mike Burke 617-320-2447 Smarsh 75 Broad Street Suite 306 New York, NY 10004 Artur Viera 866-762-7741 Reliance Financial Corp 1100 Abernathy Rd, Atlanty, GA 30328 Eric VanRiper 770-680-0566c Securities Back Office Solutions Inc. (SBOS), Global Relay Communications, Inc. 220 Cambie Street, 2nd Floor Vancouver, BC V6B 2M9 678-274-1796o Chris Guerin 770-578-0287 Chris Ford 604.484.6630 Gaps/Risks. Date Gap/Risk Description Remediation Plan Assigned Ownership Target Closure Date CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 14 CertusSecurities, Inc. Operational Risk In the event of a significant business disruption, we will immediately identify the methods available to communicate with our customers, employees, critical business constituents, critical banks and regulators. Although the effects of an SBD will determine the means of alternative communication, the communications options we will employ will include secure email, telephone and facsimile. In addition, we will retrieve our key activity records as described in the section above, Data Back-Up and Recovery (Hard Copy and Electronic). CertusSecurities, Inc. Financial and Credit Risk In the event of a significant business disruption, we will determine the value and liquidity of our investments and other assets to evaluate our ability to continue to fund our operations and remain in capital compliance. We will contact our clearing firm, critical banks, and investors to apprise them of our financial status. If we determine that we may be unable to meet our obligations to those counterparties or otherwise continue to fund our operations, we will request additional capital inflow and financing from our current equity holders, to fulfill our obligations to our customers and clients. If we cannot remedy a capital deficiency as defined in SEC Rule 15c3-1, Curtis Weeks, Financial and Operations Principal, will contact the principal SEC office, regional SEC office and FINRA the same day the capital deficiency occurs as required by SEC Rule 17a-11. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 15 Tasks/Sub-Tasks – outline the tasks and sub-tasks for: Response: Ensure safety of all. Manage business disruptions on site. Designated leaders will direct action toward assuring teammate safety, reducing the immediate hazard and restoring normal conditions. Subtask Name Evacuate premises Account for teammates Description Lead teammates to evacuate to designated meeting location Ensure team mate accounting is completed immediately Report team mate accounting results to LOB manager Owner/Back-up Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum Notification: Follow incident checklist Subtask Name Description Escalate problem to Senior Management Notify (insert name(s) – for contact information see Notification Call List Activate Notification Call List to Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum alert Responders and other teammates that need to be mobilized to assist with assessing the effects of the event before declaring a disaster. Notification Call List Team or Individual Owner/Back-up Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum Assess Disruption Subtask Name Description Assess severity of situation Engage CRE or Facilities Management as needed Provide high level information Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum on how long-term outages would be managed (i.e. relocate staff to alternate site) Coordinate command post Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum amongst all impacted business units. Long-term outage Set-up command post Team or Individual Owner/Back-up Thomas Johnson/Bob Hogan CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 16 Activate the Business Continuity Plan Subtask Name Description Declare disaster and activate BCP Decision is made to declare disaster to activate the BCP when appropriate Outline process for utilizing alternate work sites Identify any equipment needing to be replaced or procured to conduct function during recovery Identify special access needs for work sites, systems and or applications Identify vial records or paper files required to conduct the business function Set-up alternate work sites Equipment needs Special access needs Vital records or files Team or Individual Owner/Back-up Thomas Johnson/Bob Hogan Thomas Johnson/Lee Jerrum Lee Jerrum/Don Casadonte Lee Jerrum/Don Casadonte Lee Jerrum/Thomas Johnson Manage and Restore: Manage event to closure and return to BAU Subtask Name Description Lead team Act as team leader for business unit and Senior Management team; escalates issues to Senior Managers as appropriate Provides regular reports on recovery status to appropriate groups (i.e. Sr. Leaders, business partners, etc) Tracks actual progress/completion of recovery activities against the projected sequence of recovery events as appropriate Oversees recovery logistics, travel, meals, and communications as appropriate Approves expenditures relating to recovery process Submit the final disaster assessment reports and actions plans to Senior Management team Monitor recovery process Track progress Oversees recovery activities Approves recovery expense(s) Submit final reports Team or Individual Owner/Back-up Thomas Johnson/Bob Hogan Lee Jerrum/Don Casadonte Lee Jerrum/Don Casadonte Don Casadonte/Ron Lankford Bob Hogan/Thomas Johnson Thomas Johnson/Don Casadonte CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 17 Team Positions and People Bob Hogan, President & Director CertusSecurities, Inc. 704-973-3921o 980-613-0171c Thomas Johnson, CCO, Director CertusSecurities, Inc. 404-262-9283o 678-362-5422c Lee Jerrum , DOO CertusSecurities, Inc. 678-274-1685o 404-313-8162c Don Casadonte CertusBank, NA 704-973-3977o 864-608-0309c Ron Lankford Contractor 678-748-4583o 404-989-5164c Notification Call List: CertusSecurities, Inc. Emergency Contact Persons CertusSecurities Inc.’s two emergency contact persons listed on the FINRA Contact System are Thomas Johnson, 404-262-9283 or 800-749-0752, thomas.johnson@sagesoutheastern.com and Ronald Lankford, 678-748-4583 or 800-749-0752, ron.lankford@sagesoutheastern.com. This information will be updated in the event of a material change and our Executive Representative will review the contact information within 17 business days of the end of each year. CertusSecurities, Inc. Call Tree: CertusSecurities, Inc. now communicates with our employees using the telephone, e-mail and in person. In the event of an SBD, we will assess which means of communication are still available to us and use the means closest in speed and form (written or oral) to the means that we have used in the past to communicate with the other party. We will also employ a call tree so that senior management can reach all employees quickly during an SBD. The call tree includes all staff home and office phone numbers. We have identified persons who live near each other and may reach each other in person. Thomas Johnson III or Robert Hogan will invoke the use of the call tree. CALLER Thomas Johnson RECIPIENT Status OFFICE ----------------- CertusSecurities Employee 404-262-9283 Richard Thayer Independent (Reliance) 404-965-7276 Ronald Lankford Contractor 678-748-4583 HOME 770-671-1151 - CELL 678-362-5422 404-213-3154 404-989-5164 CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 18 Lee Jerrum Lee Jerrum CertusSecurities Employee 678-274-1685 Teri DiSilvetsro CertusSecurities Employee 678.748.4522 307-760-8044 307-760-8044 Robert Hogan Dual Employee 704-973-3921 704-895-0270 980-613-0171 Adam Bear Dual Employee 704-973-3932 - 704-280-9336 Don Casadonte Contractor 704-973-3977 - 864-608-0309 Kelly Shook CertusWealth Employee 704-973-3970 - 828-244-2456 Randall Royther Dual Employee 704-973-3893 - Janet Kahl Blue Ridge Employee 704-973-3917 - Kyle Weeks Contractor (SMC) 404-841-1010 Curtis Weeks Contractor (SMC) 404-841-1010 - - Mike Burke Contractor (NFS) 617-563-9211 - 617-320-2447 - 404-313-8162 980-613-1375 404-449-6363 Contractor (NFS) Richard Thayer Victor Wilkerson Independent (Advocacy) 678-274-1756 - 404-713-8507 Anthony Hosfeld Independent (Advocacy) 678-274-1768 - 678-938-7239 John Beckett Independent (Reliance) 304-324-3348 - 304-320-8214 Frank Boccia Independent (Reliance) 770-543-0439 - 678-644-4404 Nicholas Cotter Independent (Reliance) 678-748-4608 - 404-808-5824 Rosemary Crowley Independent (Reliance) 302-246-5403 - 404-852-9367 Andrew Davis Independent (Reliance) 678-748-4520 - 770-853-9162 Karen Howard Independent (Reliance) 302-246-5401 - 215-840-1050 Julie Johnson Independent (Reliance) 304-324-3348 - Raymond Layman Independent (Reliance) 678-641-1355 - 770 565 7171 CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 19 Susan Lockwood Independent (Reliance) 864-226-1942 - 864-940-8753 Andrew Mallory Independent (Reliance) 404-965-7265 - - Timothy Morbach Independent (Reliance) 734-335-7452 - 734-718-8718 Larry Ocallaghan Independent (Reliance) 805-686-1964 - 805-686-1964 Robert Price Independent (Reliance) 678-274-1615 - 610-812-0480 Edward Shaw Independent (Reliance) 678-935-0021 - 404-372-8490 Jeffery Willis Independent (Reliance) 404-553-2371 - 404-433-6355 Angela Wommack Independent (Reliance) 404-965-7305 - Rob Keller Independent (Reliance) 770-919-0334 - 404-731-0809 CertusSecurities, Inc.’s Alternate Communications between the Firm and Customers, Regulators Customers We currently communicate with our customers using the telephone, e-mail, facsimile, U.S. mail and in person visits at our branches or at the other’s location. CertusSecurities Inc. does not maintain a website. In the event of an SBD, we will assess which means of communication are still available to us and use the means closest in speed and form (written or oral) to the means that we have used in the past to communicate with the other party. For example, if we have traditionally communicated with a party by e-mail but the Internet is unavailable, we will call them on the telephone and follow up where a record is needed with paper copy in the U.S. mail. Clients can request to view their brokerage accounts on-line (view only). National Financial Services, Michael Burke (and team). : 617-320-2447 SMARSH, Aurthur Viera: 866-762-7741 Reliance Financial Corporation, Eric VanRiper: 678-274-1796w, 770-680-0566c Securities Back Office Solutions Inc. (SBOS), Chris Guerin: 770-578-0287 Global Relay Communications, Inc., Chris Ford: 604.484.6630 Regulators CertusSecurities Inc. is currently a member of the following Self- Regulatory Organizations (SROs): FINRA, SEC and MSRB. We communicate with our regulators using the telephone, e-mail, fax, U.S. mail, and in person. In the event of an SBD, we will assess which means of communication are still available CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 20 to us, and use the means closest in speed and form (written or oral) to the means that we have used in the past to communicate with the other party. Regulatory Reporting Our firm is subject to regulation by the following Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs): FINRA SEC MSRB We now file reports with our regulators using paper copies in the U.S. mail, and electronically using fax, e-mail, and the Internet. In the event of an SBD, we will check with the SEC, FINRA and other regulators to determine which means of filing are still available to us and use the means closest in speed and form (written or oral) to our previous filing method. In the event that we cannot contact our regulators, we will continue to file required reports using the communication means available. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 21 Appendix A - Incident Checklist - default list of notification steps provided. Identify ownership and/or modify as needed. No. Task 1 2 3 4 Call local authorities and/or 911 Initiate evacuation procedures Evacuate the premises, if appropriate Assemble at pre-designated assembly site for the postevacuation head count and account for all employees; ensure that the business unit has updated home telephone listings for all employees. Notify building management (if appropriate) Call corporate Security Notify the business unit manager Alert recovery site Assess severity of situation If the situation is obviously long-term, advise employees not required for the initial recovery effort that they will receive further instruction at a later time. Initiate call tree (if appropriate) Notify the recovery team leaders Convene the recovery team The recovery team leaders will meet to assess the situation, discuss options, and make decisions. Recovery team leaders together with their senior managers will decide if it is necessary to declare a disaster and activate the recovery plan. Declare disaster and activate the business continuity plan. As appropriate, notify recovery site or cancel the “alert” status. Set up command center Recovery team leaders and designated teammates set up command post to monitor activities. Make travel arrangements as needed Notify business unit teammates of disaster status, telephone number and location of the command post, and any action required by the teammates. The recovery team leaders or designated teammates will notify key clients and departments of the disaster and any changes in procedures. Example notification script: “Due to (name of event) on (date), the (name of the business unit) will be unavailable for (name period 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Responsibility Date/Time Completed CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 22 24 25 of time or date, if known). For further assistance please call (contact name & number)” The recovery team leaders or designated teammates will notify critical vendors of the disaster and any changes in procedures that may result. The CEO is responsible for all public statements regarding emergencies and disasters, and the recovery efforts of the Bank. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 23 Appendix B – Expense Log Business Unit Manager: Business Unit Location: G/L Number: Date Item Vendor Cost Approved By Purpose/Comments CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 24 Appendix C – Emergency Reference Information Hurricane Safety Tips (1 of 2) PREPARE A PERSONAL EVACUATION PLAN • Identify ahead of time where you could go if you are told to evacuate. Choose several places –a friend’s home in another town, a motel or a shelter. Consider advising your manager as to your evacuation plans. • Keep handy the telephone numbers of these places as well as a road map of your locality. • You may need to take alternative or unfamiliar routes if major roads are closed or clogged. • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio or TV stations for evacuation instructions. If advised to evacuate, do so immediately. TAKE THESE ITEMS WITH YOU WHEN EVACUATING: Prescription medications and medical supplies; Bedding and clothing, including sleeping bags and pillows Bottled water, battery-operated radio and extra batteries, first aid kit, flashlight Car keys and maps Documents, including driver’s license, Social Security card, proof of residence, insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, tax records, etc. First aid kit and essential medications Canned food and can opener. At least three gallons of water per person. Protective clothing, rainwear, and bedding or sleeping bags. Battery-powered radio, flashlights and extra batteries Special items for infants, elderly, or disabled family members. Written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas and CertusSecurities, Inc. advise you to do so. (Remember, you’ll water if authorities need a professional to turn them back on.) Your safety matters. Tip Sheet KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN A HURRICANE WATCH IS ISSUED • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio or TV stations for up-to-date storm information. • Prepare to bring inside any outdoor furniture, decorations or anything that could be picked up by the wind and create a missile. • Prepare to cover all windows of your home. If shutters have not been installed, use precut plywood as described above. Note: Tape does not prevent windows from breaking, so taping windows is not recommended. • Fill your car’s gas tank. • Recheck manufactured home tie-downs. • Check batteries and stock up on canned food, first aid supplies, drinking water and medications. • Clear clogged rain gutters. Hurricanes/tropical storms often bring torrential rain. Providing clear drainage will help prevent misdirected flooding. • Make sure storage sheds, children’s playhouses or other outbuildings are securely anchored, either to a permanent foundation or with straps and ground anchors. • Elevate articles in your basement that could be damaged from even minor flooding. • Have a certain amount of cash available. If power is lost, ATMs may not be working. • Make a record of your personal property. Keep an itemized list of your furniture, clothing and valuables to assist adjusters in case of a claim. Back it up with photographs or video. • Protect your insurance policies and other important documents in a secure place like a safe deposit box or a watertight box. Page 25 Many people back up important documents online. • Learn where gas pilots and water mains are located and how to safely shut off all utilities. Hurricane Safety Tips (2 of 2) Your safety matters. Tip Sheet PREPARE FOR HIGH WINDS • Install hurricane shutters or purchase precut ½” outdoor plywood boards for each window on your home. Install anchors for the plywood and predrilled holes in the plywood so that you can put it up quickly. • Make trees more wind resistant by removing diseased and damaged limbs, then strategically removing branches so that wind can blow through. • Lock doors and windows to ensure that they are closed tight to help protect against strong winds and rain. KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN A HURRICANE WARNING IS ISSUED • Listen to the advice of local officials and leave if they tell you to do so. • Complete preparation activities. • If you are not advised to evacuate, stay indoors, away from windows. • Be aware that the calm “eye” is deceptive; the storm is not over. The worst part of the storm will happen once the eye passes over and the winds blow from the opposite direction. Trees, shrubs, buildings, and other objects damaged by the first winds can be broken or destroyed by the second winds. • Be alert for tornadoes. Tornadoes can happen during a hurricane and after it passes over. Remain indoors, in the center of your home, in a closet or bathroom without windows. • Stay away from flood waters. If you come upon a flooded road, turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car and climb to higher ground. KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN A HURRICANE IS OVER • Keep listening to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio or TV stations for instructions. • If you evacuated, return home when local officials tell you it is safe to do so • Inspect your home for damage. • Use flashlights in the dark; do not use candles. • (The above information is provided by Hurricane Awareness www.redcross.org) OUTSIDE RESOURCES AND BANK RESOURCES • Reference Disaster Resource Tip Sheet CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 26 Disaster Resources (1 of 2) BACKGROUND The hurricane season officially begins June 1 and ends November 30. Plan now in case you and your family need to take action as severe weather approaches. CREATE AN EMERGENCY PLAN FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY This should include an out-of-town contact that your family can report your status and immediate needs. If local authorities order you to evacuate your area make arrangements now regarding where you will go and what you will need (e.g., cash, transportation, clothing, medicine). Remember that many public emergency shelters will not permit family pets to be housed there; include your pets in your emergency plan. If you care for an elderly family member, make sure you plan for their specific medical or mobility needs. At work, ensure you are familiar with your business unit’s Business Continuity Plan. You should know how to reach your manager to report your status and to obtain information as to your business unit operational status. Your safety matters. Tip Sheet Call Trees CertusBank wants to know that you are safe! Your manager is the first and most desirable point of contact following a disaster. Should you or your family need assistance to get through a crisis, the following provides the help that is available through outside agencies. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 27 Disaster Resources (2 of 2) Your safety matters. Tip Sheet EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE External relief organizations such as the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and United Way specialize in providing immediate short-term relief to people in times of disaster including food, clothing, housing, etc. These organizations have a vast array of resources available to them due their specialized nature. They can also work with individuals or families to determine the best short-term and long-term plans to overcome the disaster that has just occurred based on each individual’s or family’s circumstances. If relief organizations cannot meet your needs, Human Resources may be able to help if resources within the community have been exhausted. THE AMERICAN RED CROSSwww.redcross.org 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or 1-800-257-7575 (Español) Provides free food, shelter, clothing and other resources to people in need. The Red Cross is generally the first community group to establish operations following a disaster. NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTERwww.nhc.noaa.gov The National Hurricane Center issues the official advisories on hurricanes and tropical storms four times each day during hurricane season. The agency’s web site also provides information on preparedness activities that you and your family can initiate to stay safe during a storm, as well as general information on the characteristics of hurricanes. ACCUWEATHER www.accuweather.com/news.asp AccuWeather, established in 1962, is the World's Weather Authority which provides local forecasts for everywhere in the United States and over two million locations worldwide. FEMA (FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY) www.fema.gov1.800.621.FEMA (1.800.621.3362) or (1.800.462.7585 (TTY) for people with speech or hearing disabilities. An agency of the federal government whose objective is to reduce loss of life and property and protect our nation’s critical infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. FEMA also provides assistance for families and businesses impacted by disasters and emergencies. THE SALVATION ARMYwww.salvationarmyusa.org An organization providing a helping hand to anyone in need. Visit the Salvation Army web site to locate an office near you. COMMUNITY SHELTERS Provides a bed and food to families and individuals displaced by disasters. Check your local yellow pages under “shelters” and check local city government offices to identify shelter locations. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 28 Power Outage Tips (1 of 2) PREPARATION • Purchase items for your home, office and car including: flashlights, batteries, AM/FM battery powered radio, rechargeable power failure lights, wind up or battery alarm clock, and light-sticks. • Have a 72-hour emergency kit for each family member. • Keep cash and change on hand. In power failures ATMs may not work nor will credit cards. • Phones with answering machines and cordless phones are power dependent. Have at least one phone that does not require power in case you need to call 9-1-1. Keep your cell phone powered up. • Familiarize yourself with your electrical panel in your home. You may have to turn off the main breaker or have to reset circuit breakers after an outage. • If you use your fireplace for heat, be responsible! Don’t burn wood with paint or stain. Do not leave an open flame. Make sure you close your fireplace screen to prevent sparks from flying. Do not store newspapers, kindling, or matches near the fireplace • Discourage the use of candles for lighting but if you must, place them on a fire proof surface. • Make sure you have smoke detectors in appropriate rooms. Change the batteries regularly, preferably every 6 months, and test them monthly. If your smoke detectors are wired directly into the electrical system of your home they will not operate during a power failure unless the batteries are working. Special smoke detectors are available for people with hearing impairment. • During the power outage, unplug all small appliances and electronics to avoid damage from power surge. Leave one low wattage incandescent light on so you know when the power comes back on. • When power comes back on you may have to reset your clocks, VCRs, microwave ovens, programmable thermostats, burglar and fire alarms. • Plan ahead and know where you can purchase dry ice or block ice. Your safety matters. Tip Sheet SECURITY ISSUES • Have a plan for checking on and reuniting family members. • Stay home and be safe during a power outage. Stores and gas stations may be closed. • During an area-wide power outage, traffic signals may be out. If so, remember the intersection becomes a 4-way Stop. • Watch for suspicious activity. Criminals may decide to take advantage of the power outage. Always call 9-1-1 if you notice suspicious activity. FOOD SAFETY • If you have a home freezer, resist opening the door unless necessary. Frozen food will stay frozen longer if the freezer door remains closed. • A full freezer will maintain cold for up to 48 hours, but only 24 hours when half full. • Many foods require refrigeration. Use caution consuming these foods that have not been maintained at temperatures below 40 degrees in excess of a few hours. IN THE WORKPLACE • If Building Management deems the building safe, the Line of Business manager should decide to continue or discontinue business as usual for comfort reasons. • Building Management may require an evacuation due to local codes. • If the power outage creates an inability to fight a fire or allow for a safe evacuation, the building may be shut down by the local Fire Department. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 29 Power Outage Tips (2 of 2) Your safety matters. Tip Sheet HEALTH ISSUES • Focus on children’s needs. Provide flashlights or light sticks for each child that they can keep by their bed and in their backpacks. Discuss living without electricity and how the outage is usually short term. • Elderly people and people with disabilities who are on power-dependent medical devices should arrange for back –up power with their vendors. Power-dependent devices include: medication pumps connected to IV, including pain control, anti-arrhythmia and chemotherapy; dialysis machines; home ventilators; and backup oxygen tanks. • People who are medically dependent on electricity may need portable generators. Safely store fuel only in approved containers, outside, never in garages. Operate generators only outside, ensuring that exhaust will not enter the home through vents or windows. Plug appliances directly into the generator using heavy-duty extension cords. NEVER attach generators to the facility current. • Re-fueling of small home type gasoline generators should never be performed while the unit is running. Gasoline vapors are highly flammable and can ignite easily from the heat of the motor. • All hospitals are required to have backup power. Medically dependent persons without adequate back-up power can call 911 for transport to a hospital where power can be supplied until the outage is over. • Have a first aid kit in your home, office, and car. Take first aid and CPR training. • Sewer pump stations have limited storage capacity. Limit all water usage, and avoid flushing your toilet during a power outage. • Be a good neighbor and check on any neighbors with special needs: elderly people, people with disabilities, and children who are home alone during a power outage. They may need your help. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 30 Thunderstorms and Lightning Safety Tips (1 of 2) THUNDERSTORMS –KNOW THE DANGERS • It's estimated that at any given moment nearly 2,000 thunderstorms are in progress over the earth's surface and that lightning strikes the Earth 100 times each second. Around the world it is estimated that there are about 45,000 thunderstorms daily; that’s 16 million annually. Across the United States, there are at least 100,000 thunderstorms each year. • A thunderstorm is a storm containing lightning caused by unstable atmospheric conditions. When cold upper air sinks and warm moist air rises, storm clouds or “thunderheads” develop. Thunderstorms may occur singly, in clusters, or in lines. Thus, it is possible for several thunderstorms to affect one location over the course of a few hours. Some of the most severe weather occurs when a single thunderstorm affects one location for an extended period of time. • Severe thunderstorms can bring heavy rains (which can cause flash flooding), strong winds, hail, lightning and tornadoes. • Every thunderstorm produces lightning –and it can strike as much as 10 to 15 miles beyond the rain area. Thunder is the sound produced by explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning stroke. • The #1 thunderstorm hazard is flash flooding, causing nearly 140 fatalities each year. WATCHES AND WARNINGS • A thunderstorm watch means a thunderstorm is possible for your area; a thunderstorm warning means a thunderstorm has been sighted in your area. HOW FAR AWAY IS LIGHTNING - You can estimate how far away a thunderstorm is from you. 1. When you see the lighting, begin to count the seconds until you hear the thunder. 2. Divide this number by 5. The number you get is the approximate distance of the lightning in miles. Your safety matters. Tip Sheet SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It’s safest to be indoors during a thunderstorm; if caught in one outdoors, seek shelter quickly or, if necessary, get inside a hardtop car and keep the windows closed. WHEN INDOORS 1. Secure outdoor furniture, trash cans, anything that could blow away or cause damage. 2. Stay away from open doors or windows or close windows and shutters securely. 3. Do not handle/use any electrical equipment, telephones or television. Lightning can hit power and telephone lines, sending electricity through the wires into your home. It is recommended that you unplug the TV and computers. 4. Avoid bathtubs, water faucets, and sinks. Metal pipes can transmit electricity. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 31 Thunderstorms and Lightning Safety Tips (2 of 2) WHEN OUTDOORS 1. It is a myth that lightning will strike the tallest object. Lightning will strike the nearest electricity, and that may be you. 2. Try to get into a building or a car. 3. If you are in the woods or near trees, find an area protected by a low cluster of trees. Never stand underneath a lone, large tree. 4. In the open, get as low a place as possible –in a ravine or beneath an underpass. At the same time, stay aware that low-lying areas may flood quickly. 5. Crouch with feet together and hands on knees if in an open field during a lightning storm. You want to minimize your exposed surface area. 6. Do not lie flat on the ground (too much surface area). Avoid tall structures, such as towers, fences, telephone and power line poles. 7. Remove all metal objects from yourself. 8. Stay away from natural lightning rods, such as flag poles, metal fences, golf clubs and carts, fishing rods, metal baseball bats, bicycles, motorcycles and camping equipment, anything that can conduct electricity (i.e. metal or water). 9. Get out and away from lakes, rivers, pools and other bodies of water. Water conducts electricity. Your safety matters. Tip Sheet WHEN IN A CAR 1. Stay in the car. A car is one of the safest places to be during a lightning storm. 2. Pull slowly onto the shoulder of the road, away from any trees or power lines that could fall on your vehicle. 3. Turn on the emergency flashing lights until the heavy rains subside and it is safe to resume your trip. IF SOMEONE IS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING • People struck by lightning carry no electrical charge and can be handled safely. • Call for help. Get someone to dial 9-1-1. • The injured person has received an electrical shock and may be burned both where the electricity entered and exited their body. Check for burns in both places. Being struck by lightning can also cause nervous system damage, broken bones, and loss of hearing or eyesight. • Give first aid. If breathing has stopped, begin rescue breathing. If the heart has stopped beating, a trained person should give CPR. If the person has a pulse and is breathing, look and care for other possible injuries. CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 32 Explosion Safety Procedures Your safety matters. Tip Sheet A sudden blast may be attributed to various causes. In addition to flying debris, the first thing that occurs in any explosion is that it generates a tremendous amount of dust. 1. Call 911. 2. Provide the operator with the location of the explosion, suspected cause, degree of damage, and whether or not to suspect any fires or injured persons. 3. Is there a chemical odor? 4. Do not hang up the telephone until released by the 911 operator. 5. Evacuate the immediate area and shut all doors. 6. Assign an officer or employee to wait at the elevator lobby to direct the responding emergency personnel. 7. Evacuate the area per established evacuation routes shown on posted floor plan. 8. Notify emergency response such as law enforcement or fire department. Earthquake Safety Procedures During an Earthquake 1. Stay inside the building. There are generally more hazards in the streets. 2. Move quickly away from windows, temporary walls, bookcases, hanging light fixtures, or anything else that could fall 3. Duck under a sturdy desk or similar piece of furniture, or brace the body against a permanent wall or under a permanent doorway. After an Earthquake 9. Stay where you are until the first aftershock subsides. 10. Before leaving shelter, look all around the area to make sure there is no danger of falling materials. 11. Listen for instructions from any emergency services. 12. Check for small fires that may have started, and try to extinguish them if this can be completed safely. 13. Check for injured or trapped people, and inform the Management Resumption Team so they may be assisted. 14. If possible, clean up spilled flammable liquids (such as cleaning solvents). 15. Avoid touching electrical wires and equipment until utilities have been checked. 16. Avoid smoking or using matches or lighters as there may be gas leaks present. 17. Restrict telephone use to emergencies only CertusSecurities, Inc. Page 33