CUP Report of March 25, 2014 - Northern Michigan University

CUP: March 25, 2014
REVISED Report to the Senate from
Committee on Undergraduate Programs
Chair: Elizabeth Monske
First Reading: March 25, 2014
1. Biology and Psychology
Create Neuroscience Major (59-66cr)
a. Required Courses in Major (33cr)
b. Create Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration (31-33cr)
c. Create Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Concentration (26cr)
d. Create Other Required Courses Section (10cr)
e. Add, under Minor, *Choose among three options for minor: 1) the
Integrative Science Minor; 2) the Pre-professional minor; 3) a Chemistry,
Physics, or Mathematics minor with the recommendation that students take
an additional 8 credits from outside of the minor department.
Create Pre-Professional Science Minor
a. Require 24 credits
1. CH 321 Organic Chemistry I (5cr)
2. CH 322 Organic Chemistry II (5cr)
3. CH 450 Biochemistry I (4cr)
4. Choose from the following two groups: PH 201 College Physics I
(5cr) and PH 202 College Physics II (5cr) or PH 220
Introductory Physics I (5cr) and PH 221 Introductory Physics II
iii. Create Interdisciplinary Minor
a. Require 24 credits
b. Add: Courses may be selected from Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.
Courses must be selected from at least two of these areas.
2. Biology
Revise Prerequisites for BI 425 Endocrinology (3cr)
3. Health and Human Performance
Add RE 298 Directed Study in Leisure in consultation with advisor (1-4 Cr)
to the Wildland Firefighting Certificate under “Choose Electives from the
Revise Course Description for RE 356 Wilderness Stewardship (2cr)
iii. Revise RE 372 Fire Crew (3cr) Prerequisites from RE 172 to “RE 172 or
4. Speech, Language and Hearing
Revise Prerequisites for SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience (4cr)
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1. Biology and Psychology
Create Neuroscience Major (59-66cr)
a. Required Courses in Major (33cr)
b. Create Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration (31-33cr)
c. Create Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Concentration (26cr)
d. Create Other Required Courses Section (10cr)
e. Add, under Minor, *Choose among three options for minor: 1) the
Integrative Science Minor; 2) the Pre-professional minor; 3) a Chemistry,
Physics, or Mathematics minor with the recommendation that students take
an additional 8 credits from outside of the minor department.
Rationale: The neuroscience major is designed for students who wish to pursue a career or
graduate studies in the field of neuroscience. This major provides a foundation for pursuing
graduate studies in neuroscience with a potential goal of conducting neuroscience research in
academia or industry. Included in the major is a choice of two concentrations: 1) Cellular and
Molecular Neuroscience or 2) Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. This major also prepares
students for other employment opportunities in neuroscience, such as entry-level research
positions in the pharmaceutical industry or at research institutions. Students are required to
choose among three options for minor: 1) the Integrative Science minor; 2) the Pre-professional
minor; or 3) a Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics minor with the requirement that students take
an additional 8 credits from outside of the minor department. Students will be assigned advisors
within the department where their concentration resides. This program will be administered by a
joint advisory committee consisting of members from both departments of Biology and
Neuroscience is a rapidly developing field that has led to neuroscience course offerings at most
U.S. colleges and universities. However, few institutions offer undergraduate neuroscience
majors and those that do are found at research I universities or at elite private liberal arts
colleges. Only two public undergraduate universities offer neuroscience majors, leaving
virtually no competition for students interested in pursuing neuroscience at an affordable
undergraduate institution. NMU already offers a large collection of Biology and Psychology
courses that cover neuroscience content that places us ahead of comparative institutions. The
development of an undergraduate neuroscience major would allow NMU to programmatically
utilize our existing neuroscience courses as well as provide NMU with a distinctive major for
attracting students from competing institutions to NMU.
Proposed Bulletin Copy: See Appendix A.
Library Resources Needed: Because this is a science-based academic program with a welldefined laboratory component, we expect more than average library usage. The present Olson
Library subscriptions to Science, Nature, and the Sciencedirect Package are acceptable, and other
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important books and journals are available through ILL. Based upon our assessment of current
library offerings and ILL availability, a conference with the Collection Development area
personnel is unnecessary.
Departments Affected: No departments contacted the CUP Chair about potential problems or
concerns from this proposal.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
Create Pre-Professional Science Minor
a. Require 24 credits
1. CH 321 Organic Chemistry I (5cr)
2. CH 322 Organic Chemistry II (5cr)
3. CH 450 Biochemistry I (4cr)
4. Choose from the following two groups: PH 201 College Physics I
(5cr) and PH 202 College Physics II (5cr) or PH 220
Introductory Physics I (5cr) and PH 221 Introductory Physics II
Rationale: The pre-professional minor is designed to provide students majoring in neuroscience
with a minor that provides courses in chemistry and physics that are necessary for meeting their
pre-professional program requirements.
Proposed Bulletin Copy: See Appendix A.
Library Resources Needed: No additional resources were needed for the implementation of this
Departments Affected: No departments contacted the CUP Chair about potential problems or
concerns from this proposal.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
Create Interdisciplinary Minor
a. Require 24 credits
b. Add: Courses may be selected from Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.
Courses must be selected from at least two of these areas.
Rationale: The integrative science minor is designed to provide students majoring in
neuroscience with a minor that provides a breadth of natural science and/or mathematics courses
to enhance a general scientific background. The minor also enables students to count certain
prerequisite courses that may be required for the neuroscience major. Courses must be selected
from at least two areas (either Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics).
Proposed Bulletin Copy: See Appendix A.
Library Resources Needed: No additional resources were needed for the implementation of this
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Departments Affected: No departments contacted the CUP Chair about potential problems or
concerns from this proposal.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
2. Biology
Revise Prerequisites for BI 425 Endocrinology (3cr)
Rationale: BI 425 is a required course in the Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Concentration in the proposed interdisciplinary major in Neuroscience. In addition, BI 425 is an
elective in the Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Concentration of the same proposed
major. The course content of BI 425 would not require a student having taken CH 220. The
physiological processes covered in BI 202 Human Physiology provide an adequate background
for the course. In addition, the chemistry associated with the course would not require students
to have taken Organic Chemistry.
Proposed Bulletin Copy:
BI 425 Endocrinology
3 cr. (3-0-0)
Offered: Winter, odd years.
Prerequisite: BI 202 or 327, and CH 220 or equivalent, junior standing or instructor’s
Structure and physiology of endocrine glands, biological actions and biochemistry of hormones,
emphasizing their role (at the systems level) in homeostasis, intermediary metabolism,
reproduction and behavior of mammals.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
3. Health and Human Performance
Add RE 298 Directed Study in Leisure in consultation with advisor (1-4 Cr)
to the Wildland Firefighting Certificate under “Choose Electives from the
Rationale: With implementation of the program we are finding that certificate students need
some flexibility to move smoothly through the program. Adding directed study credits allows
students this flexibility. The integrity of the program is assured through consultation with the
advisor assuring that the content and activities during the directed study contribute to the skills
and knowledge needed in Wildland Firefighting.
Proposed Bulletin Copy: See Appendix B.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
Revise Course Description for RE 356 Wilderness Stewardship (2cr)
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Rationale: Time in the field is an important component for students in the Outdoor Recreation
Leadership and Management Program. Allowing students to take this course more than once
allows students to build their outdoor skills and leadership skills. These additional experiences
also increase the potential for job opportunities.
Proposed Bulletin Copy:
RE 356 Wilderness Stewardship
2 cr. (1-0-2)
Offered: Winter, Summer
Prerequisite: RE 155 strongly recommended. Department permission required.
An extended trip to a local area based upon the Wilderness Education Association’s six core
outdoor leadership competencies. Course focuses on outdoor leadership, judgment, decision
making, group dynamics, expedition behavior, low-impact camping, environmental ethics and
outdoor risk management. Fees required.
Note: RE 356 Wilderness Stewardship can be taken multiple times for credit if the focus of the
course varies.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
Revise RE 372 Fire Crew (3cr) Prerequisites from RE 172 to “RE 172 or
Rationale: Students may be taking RE 172 concurrently. This course takes place during spring
break and the prerequisite material in RE 172 will be covered by midterm. All of the changes in
this CUP report for the WFIR courses are to facilitate timely movement of certificate students
through the program. Changes are limited to when the course is offered and/or prerequisites.
Proposed Bulletin Copy:
RE 372 Fire Crew
3 cr. (1-0-2)
Offered: Winter
Graded: S/U
Prerequisite: RE 172 or Concurrent
This course will involve the student in an intense, hands-on field experience in wildland fire
management. Extra fees required. Out-of-state travel required.
Note: Formerly RE 377: Field Experience in Wild Land Firefighting
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
4. Speech, Language and Hearing
Revise Prerequisites for SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience (4cr)
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Rationale: This is a change in prerequisites. These changes reflect the program changes for the
Biology courses needed for the SLH students recently approved by CUP and Academic Senate.
PY 204 is added as a prerequisite to allow students in Psychology (for the proposed
Neuroscience major) to enroll in the class.
Proposed Bulletin Copy:
SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience
4 cr. (3-0-2)
Offered: Fall
Prerequisite: BI 104 or BI 111, SL 150, SL 160 and SL 359, senior standing or instructor's
permission. Choose one of the following: BI104, BI111, BI201, BI202, BI203, BI206, BI221,
BI225, BI 312, or PY204 and senior standing.
The structure and organization of the human central and peripheral nervous systems with
emphasis on their functional relationship to human cognition and communication. Laboratory.
Date of Implementation: Fall 2014
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Appendix A
Proposed Bulletin Copy
Total Credits Required for Degree
Liberal Studies
Health Promotion Requirements
Required Courses in Neuroscience Major
Required Courses in Major
PY 100S Psychology as a Natural Science [III] or
PY 100L Psychology as a Natural Science with Laboratory (4 cr.)
[III] or
PY 100H Honors Psychology as a Natural Science (4 cr.) [III]
BI 111 Introduction to Biology: Principles [III]
BI 202 Human Physiology
PY 204 Physiological Psychology [III]
PY 211 Learning
BI 218 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology*
PY 404 Advanced Physiological Psychology
BI 420 Neuroscience
Choose a Concentration:
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration
BI 112 Introductory Biology: Diversity (4 cr.)
BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.)
BI 312 Genetics (4 cr.)
BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.)
BI 417 Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy (4 cr.)
BI 425 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
BI 498 Directed Studies in Biology (2 cr.) or
BI 499 Internship (with neuroscience) (2cr.)
33 Cr
31-33 Cr
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Concentration Electives (6-8 credits)
BI 201 Human Anatomy (3 cr.)
BI 221 Comparative Anatomy (4 cr.)
BI 225 Physiology of Aging (3 cr.)
BI 327 Animal Physiology (4 cr.)
BI 391 Laboratory Experience (1-2 cr.)
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BI 412 Biostatistics (4 cr.)
BI 413 Biochemistry of Development (4 cr.)
BI 418 Molecular Biology (4 cr.)
BI 419 Biology of Cancer (4 cr.)
BI 426 Human Histology (4 cr.)
PY 303 Neuropsychology (4 cr.)
PY 309 Psychopharmacology (4 cr.)
PY 311 Thinking and Cognition (4 cr.)
PY 410 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.)
PY 441 Individual Differences in Development (4 cr.)
SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience (4 cr.)
Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Concentration
PY 303 Neuropsychology (4 cr.)
PY 311 Thinking and Cognition (4 cr.)
PY 309 Psychopharmacology (4 cr.) or
PY410 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.) or
PY 441 Individual Differences in Development (4 cr.)
SL 459 Cognitive Neuroscience (4 cr.)
PY 498 Directed Research/Directed Study (2 cr.)
26 Cr
Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Concentration Electives (8 credits)
BI 215 Principles of Evolution (4 cr.)
BI 221 Comparative Anatomy (4 cr.)
BI 312 Genetics (4 cr.)
BI 406 Advanced Cell Biology (4 cr.)
BI 417 Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy (4 cr.)
BI 425 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
PY 205 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (4 cr.)
PY 302 Causes and Control of Aggression (4 cr.)
PY 355 Abnormal Psychology (4 cr.)
PY 305 Psychological Statistics (4 cr.)
PY 309 Psychopharmacology (4 cr.)
PY 410 Sensation and Perception (4 cr.)
PY 441 Individual Differences in Development (4 cr.)
*Requires CH111 and CH112 (also required for Integrative Science minor
and Pre-professional Science minor)
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Other Required Courses
CH 111 General Chemistry I [III]
CH 112 General Chemistry [III]
10 Cr
20-24 Cr
* Choose among three options for minor: 1) the Integrative Science minor;
2) the Pre-professional minor; or 3) a Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics
minor with the recommendation that students take an additional 8 credits
from outside of the minor department.
Integrative Science minor
20 Cr
Courses may be selected from Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.
Courses must be selected from at least two of these areas.
Pre-professional Science minor
24 Cr
CH 321 Organic Chemistry I (5cr)
CH 322 Organic Chemistry II (5cr)
CH 450 Biochemistry I (4cr)
Choose from the following groups:
PH 201 College Physics I
PH 202 College Physics II (5cr)
PH 220 Introductory Physics I (5cr)
PH 221 Introductory Physics II (5cr)
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Appendix B
Wildland Firefighting Certificate
This certificate program will prepare students for entry-level firefighter positions within
protected area management agencies, particularly at the state and federal level. Advanced
placement credit (up to 8 credits) will be granted for holders of National Wildfire Coordinating
Group (NWCG) certifications in applicable courses.
For department information or additional degree requirements, click here.
For course description, click on the course.
Total Credits Required for Degree
RE 172 Introduction to Wildland Firefighting
RE 173 Portable Pumps and Water Use
RE 174 Wildland Fire Chain Saws
RE 175 Basic Air Operations
RE 272 Intermediate Fire Behavior
RE 292 Wildland Fire Field Experience
RE 372 Fire Crew
RE 373 Interagency Incident Business Management
RE 374 Lessons Learned
RE 375 Followership to Leadership
RE 376 Advanced Firefighter
Choose electives from the following:
BI 100 Biological Science (4 cr.)
BI 111 Introductory Biology: Principles (4 cr.)
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BI 112 Introductory Biology: Diversity (4 cr.)
BI 305 Ecology of the Northern Forest * (4 cr.)
GC 100 Physical Geography (4 cr.)
GC 225 Introduction to Maps * (2 cr.)
GC 385 Weather and Climate * (4 cr.)
RE 352 Wilderness First Responder (3 cr.)
RE 371 Protected Area Management * (3 cr.)
RE 298 Directed Study in Leisure in consultation with advisor (1-4 cr.)
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