Shayla Dedeaux - Kindergarten Lesson Plans 2/9/15 to 2/13/15 Monday Studentcentered Objectives Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TSW: with prompting and support, identify characters, setting and major events in a story. TSW: With prompting and support, ask and answer question about key details in a text. TSW: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. TSW: Learn to recognize common types of texts(for examples, story books) TSW: Name the author, and illustrator of the story. TSW: Identify the front cover, back cover and title of a book. TSW: Learn to recognize upper and lower case letters. TSW: Learn to illustrate a sentence. TSW: Count by ones. TSW: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). TSW: When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. TSW: Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. TSW: Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. TSW: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality . TSW: Say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. TSW: To sort group of objects by on attribute. TSW: Be introduced to math vocabulary words. TSW: Count to answer "how many?" questions about as many as 20 things arranged in multiple ways. S. C. O. are correlated to the GSD Pacing Guide listing of the following Common Core State Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4a, K.CC.B.4b, K.CC.B.4c, K.CC.B.5 K.CC.B.4 , K.C.C.B.4a, K.CC.B4b, RL.K.2., RL1, 3,5,6; RF1a,b,c,d; SL1a,2,6; L2a, 5a,; CC1; G1,2 Bell Ringer 7:00-7:25 7:25-7:30 Teacher Input and Modeling (Morning Meeting) 7:30-8:15 **Journals** (Whole group) - 8:45 - 9:10 on M,W,F **Ready Reading** (whole group) 8:15-8:45 Monday and Wednesday TSW identify color words and numbers, write numbers and number words, and add the sum of two numbers Pledge, announcements, prepare supplies, take roll, address student questions, collect notes, prepare lunch notes Meeting Board Daily - Promethean Board and Meeting Board flipcharts that includes the monthly calendar, days of the week, months of the year, number sense, counting 0-20, patterns, colors, color words, shapes, and alphabet recognition and matching, Color songs. DEAR TIME/LEADER IN ME STORY - whole group Review Habit 1-Be Proactive– The Owl and the Pussy Cat, Stone Soup, How to make Play dough Lesson Objectives: Understand there are different types of texts Thematic Unit: Valentine’s Day Anticipatory Set SW: Identify different genres using text provided by the teacher TW: Provide students a variety of text to determine genres Journal: 20 min. TW: Teacher will model correct way for journal writing. SW: Begin journal writing. Students will learn: *sentence starts with an uppercase letter. *how to illustrate the topic sentence. *punctuation *correct side of paper to begin reading. *spacing between words. *Ready Reading Pgs. 73-74 Student Book Computer Lab 8:25-9:10 iReady Reading SW: Identify clues in given stories to determine the genre TW: Guide students to find clues to determine the genre of different texts Journal: 20 min. TW: Teacher will model correct way for journal writing. SW: Begin journal writing. Students will learn: *sentence starts with an uppercase letter. *how to illustrate the topic sentence. *punctuation *correct side of paper to begin reading. *spacing between words. Computer Lab 8:25-9:10 iReady Math Computer Lab 8:25-9:10 STMath Journal: 20 min. TW: Teacher will model correct way for journal writing. SW: Begin journal writing. Students will learn: *sentence starts with an uppercase letter. *how to illustrate the topic sentence. *punctuation *correct side of paper to begin reading. *spacing between words. *Ready Reading – Pgs. 74-75 Student Book Ready Reading ( Whole Group/Small Group) Teacher Input/ Target Lesson Ready Math (Small Group TA Table) Lessons 16-17 with additional resource activities M-F Classroom Computer Center STMath Reading Teacher Table 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:45 12:30:1:00 1:00-1:30 Computer Cafe 8:25 - 9:10 Classroom Computer Center ST Math Computer Cafe 8:25 - 9:10 STMath 45 minutes I Ready Reading 45 minutes Classroom Computer Center ST Math Classroom Computer Center ST Math Computer Cafe 8:25 - 9:10 I Ready Math 45 minutes Classroom Computer Center ST Math Snack: 9:10-9:30 Snack: 9:10-9:30 Snack: 9:10-9:30 Snack: 9:10-9:30 Snack: 9:10-9:30 Library: 10:5511:40 Music: 10:5511:40 Art:10:55-11:40 PE:10:55-11:40 PE 10:55-11:40 Guided Practice and Modeling: Reading (Teacher Table) Sing, Spell, Read, and Write/Words their Way *The 1st highest group works in SSRW book 2, 2nd highest group Words Their Way and SSRW book 2, and the two low groups work in SSRW book 1. . Teacher Table: All groups will work with CVC words Recess 1:30 - 2:00 Water/Restroo m 1:50-2:00 Teacher Table: Book 1: TSW trace letters, cut and paste the correct letter sounds into their picture dictionary and color pictures with the correct sound. Book 2: TSW read another short i story 2nd high group will continue short a story Teacher Table Book 1: TSW trace letters, cut and paste the correct letter sounds into their picture dictionary and color pictures with the correct sound. Book 2: TSW read another short i story 2nd high group will continue short a story Teacher Table: Book 1: TSW trace letters, cut and paste the correct letter sounds into their picture dictionary and color pictures with the correct sound. Book 2: TSW read short i sentences and match to correct picture. 2nd high group will read short a sentences Teacher Table: Reading Clubs-Letters and sounds identifications Finish all groups. If all groups are finished the teacher will: Read Scholastic Weekly Reader, conduct whole groups lessons, songs, hands on art activities, and experiments using theme of the week Guided Practice and Modeling: Ready Math (TA-Teacher Assistant Table) Math 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:45 12:30:1:00 1:00-1:30 Enrichment: IPads, Patterns, Number puzzles, Books, and Language and Math file folder games will be available to students at Learning Centers Daily Closure K.OA.A.1,2,5 TSW-Identify how many items are being taken away K.OA.A.1,2,5 TSW-Subtract within 5 K.OA.A.1,2,5 TSW-Subtract within 5 Finish all groups Independent Practice: Centers Independent Learning Centers: Math: Hearts Graphing and Adding Writing: Write the room, practice writing using Valentine’s words Reading: Valentine’s Booklet Listening: Letter Sounds, Story Computer: **ST Math** Art: Valentine’s Craft Throughout the week, the students will participate in singing the SSRW Alphabet Song, Short Vowel Song, Additionally at my table students will review sight words daily *Review sequence of alphabet letters *Review upper case and lower case *Review numbers and number words. 2:20 - 2:25 K.OA.A.1,2,5 TSW-Identify if pictures match the number sentences. *Review sequence of alphabet letters *Review upper case and lower case *Review numbers and number words. *Review sequence of alphabet letters. *Review identification of letters and sounds *Review sight word on the bus song *Review sequence of alphabet letters. *Review colors *Review sequencing *Review sight word on the bus song Pack up/Stamp Anniston Paw Notebooks and Leadership Notebooks TA or Teacher will work one-on-one remediating students on letter recognition. *Review letter identification * Review identification of reading color words *Review numbers and number words. Journal Topics Monday Free Write Tuesday n/a Wednesday Valentine’s Day is….. Thursday n/a Friday Mardi Gras can be….. Assessments: Alphabet recognition, upper and lower case letters, Beginning Sounds, Number recognition at Teachers Tables, Completion of Bell Ringer Work; Centers; Journals, Participation in whole group Reading, Language and Math activities (observation) Homework is a daily review of topics introduced in class. Weekly homework sheets are placed inside the students’ binders in the homework section. In addition, students must read each night. Spelling Words and Sight Words Essential Questions: Math: Why do we subtract? Reading: Why is it important to understand there are different types of text?