The 40 Book
What is it?
 Over the course of this school year, we are going to challenge you to read 40 books.
 It may sound like a lot, but we have high expectations for you and know that you can succeed!
 We will help you in any way we can, but this will require you to accept the challenge and work hard to succeed!
How to Succeed
 You may be thinking that this is an impossible task, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that
you make it:
› Read every chance you get!
› Read during independent time and for at least 30 minutes at home each night.
› If you don’t like a book after giving it a fair shot (at least 20 pages), ask for help so we can find a new one
that you will like!
› Keep track of your progress on your reading log and celebrate every success!
› You will have conferences periodically to discuss your current book and how you are progressing with the
› Don’t give up! 
Difficulty requirements
 Lexile levels
› Based on spring MAP test from last year
› 8 out of 13 books per trimester (about 60%) must be above your Lexile range or no more than 100 points
› 5 out of the 13 books per trimester do not have to be within 100 points of your Lexile range
› Try to choose books that will be a challenge! This will help you grow as a reader!
› If you do not know your book’s Lexile level ask for help! Most LRC books are labeled.
 You will be meeting with a teacher in the LRC once every two weeks to discuss your progress on the 40 Book
 This teacher will discuss any books you have read with you and/or will suggest new books to you.
 They will also go over your reading log and SSR bookmarks.
 Reading Log
› You will keep track of the books you read in your reading log.
› You do have to read a variety of genres, but the books you pick will be your choice.
› Each trimester you will get one reading log. All three reading logs will equal 40 books!
 SSR Bookmarks
› Each time you finish a book, you will complete a bookmark.
› Take your time and do your best work-these will show that you understand the books you read.
 Rewards
› You will receive rewards and recognition for completing both your reading log and SSR Bookmarks
through the LRC.
Genre Requirements
› 3 Poetry books
3 Traditional Literature books
3 Realistic fiction books
1 drama
3 Fantasy books
3 informational books
3 action/adventure books
3 historical Fiction books
3 Science Fiction books
3 Mystery books
3 Biographies or Autobiographies or memoirs
9 Chapter books of your choice
**Books over 350 pages count as 2 books**