Professional Standards Commission Law & Ethics Seminar

Professional Standards Commission Law & Ethics Seminar
Quiz Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT part of the Professional Standards Commission?
A. Educator Preparation
B. Certification
C. Professional Development
D. Ethics
2. How many standards are in the Professional Standards Commission code of ethics?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 9
D. 12
3. Which of the following sanctions is the least severe?
A. Revocation
B. Suspension
C. Denial of Certificate
D. Warning
4. It is acceptable for a teacher to go out on a date with a student as soon as the student graduates
from high school.
A. True
B. False
5. A teacher must report suspicion of abuse within how many hours?
A. 36
B. 12
C. 24
D. 48
6. Which of the following is an example of an ethics violation?
A. Texting a student
B. Emailing a student about an assignment
C. Not reporting student drinking alcohol on activity bus
D. Taking a student home
7. If a teacher suspects abuse or neglect s/he must:
A. Call the parent to inquire
B. Report suspicion to school administration immediately
C. Point out bruises to a colleague
D. Speak to student to find out more details
8. Including incorrect information on a job application is a violation of which ethics standard?
A. Legal Compliance
B. Remunerative Conduct
C. Professional Conduct
D. Honesty
9. A teacher is planning a weekend trip with friends and the car is packed, including a bottle of
wine, so s/he can leave after school. This is a violation of the PSC code of ethics.
A. True
B. False
10. Which of the following is an example of an ethics violation?
A. Reporting suspicion of child abuse
B. Reporting suspicion of drug abuse by a colleague
C. Using sick leave to attend an out of town function
D. Using personal funds to purchase t-shirts for students
11. Calling students to line up for lunch according to their free and reduced lunch status is a
violation of which ethics standard?
A. Honesty
B. Conduct with students
C. Required reports
D. Confidential information
12. All of the following are examples of professional conduct violations except:
A. Sexual interaction with colleague at school
B. Refusing to sign contract
C. Calling students names
D. Betting with students
13. Discussing CRCT questions with a colleague after testing is a violation of the PSC code of ethics?
A. True
B. False
14. Mrs. Smith’s daughter attends school in a different district than where she teaches. Mrs. Smith
is administering the CRCT this week, but her daughter will take the test next week. If Mrs. Smith
discusses and tries to prepare her daughter for the test using actual test questions, she is
violating which ethics standard?
A. Legal Compliance
B. Honesty
C. Testing
D. Required reports
15. Jessica’s IEP states that she has read aloud as a testing accommodation, but she was able to
read the questions alone and answer them. The teacher allowed her to work on her own and
stopped reading questions aloud. This is a violation of the code of ethics.
A. True
B. False
16. Which of the following would be a violation of the code of ethics?
A. Signing test materials in and out
B. Providing students calculators when allowed
C. Leaving the room during testing
D. Posting testing time on the board
17. Mrs. Tucker realized one of her students marked two answers to one of the questions on the
CRCT. She erased the incorrect answer before returning her test. This is NOT a violation of the
code of ethics.
A. True
B. False
18. If students do not understand a question on the CRCT, it is acceptable to paraphrase and give
more information not in the administrator manual.
A. True
B. False
19. A teacher with two years of experience in a local middle school received a letter of suspension.
She had stellar evaluations and was very well liked by the school community. What could be the
reason she was suspended?
A. She is in default of her student loan
B. She did not park in the correct parking lot
C. She was talking on her cell phone after school
D. She emailed a parent to discuss their child’s grade
20. The teacher had a student miss the bus and his mother is not able to come to school and pick
him up. The teacher should:
A. Tell his mom you will bring him home
B. Leave him in the office and let the secretary deal with him
C. Call the police and report the mother
D. Find out if the school social worker can take him home or ride with you to take him
21. The job market is so competitive. John decided to list some awards and honors on his resume
that he did not actually receive to get an advantage over other candidates. It worked, and he got
a teaching job. Which ethics standard did John violate?
A. Legal compliance
B. Professional conduct
C. Honesty
D. Remunerative conduct
22. A teacher’s church pastor asks her to create their weekly newsletter and offers to pay her for
her time. Her computer at home breaks and she begins using the school computer to create,
save, print, and produce copies of the newsletter for at least 8 months. She only works on the
newsletter after school hours. This is a violation of the code of ethics.
A. True
B. False
23. A student in one of Mr. Smith’s class – Jacob - tells Mr. Smith that his friend is intimately
involved with Ms. Sutherland, another teacher at the school. Jacob gives Mr. Smith specific
details about Ms. Sutherland and his friend’s encounters. Mr. Smith should:
A. Tell the student not to tell anyone
B. Go directly and talk to the teacher
C. Ask the friend to come and talk with you to see if you can find out more details
D. Go directly to the principal and report this immediately
24. After a day of CRCT testing, the teacher is exhausted. She goes to visit her friend that teaches
down the hall. The two of them have a conversation about the CRCT and discuss specific
questions, their difficulty level, and student responses. This is NOT a violation of the code of
A. True
B. False
25. The teacher realizes that the star of the football team is in her fourth period class this semester.
After the first few tests, he is not doing so well. The student starts bringing the teacher cards
and gifts. His mother stops by once a week and brings the teacher flowers. Right before the
playoffs begin, she receives a $500.00 Visa gift card. She accepts these gifts without informing
anyone and decides to change his final grade. This is a violation of which code of ethics
A. Legal compliance
B. Conduct with students
C. Public funds and property
D. Remunerative conduct
Part II – English Learners
1. Which of the following describes Supreme Court case Lau vs. Nichols?
A. English learners in P-12 schools must be provided appropriate instruction to learn
English under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
B. State responsibility includes establishing and enforcing minimums for
implementation of language remediation programs
C. Prohibited discrimination in federally funded programs.
D. Set the standard for courts in examining programs for LEP students.
2. Which of the following court cases set the standard for examining programs for LEP students
including a pedagogically sound plan, qualified staff to implement effective plan, and a
system established to evaluate the program.
A. Brown v. Board of Education
B. Bilingual Education Act of 1968
C. Castaneda vs. Pickard – 1981
D. Illinois vs. Gomez – 1987
3. Choose the correct statement about Supreme Court case Plyer vs. Doe in 1982.
A. Declared desegregation of schools and established the principal of equal
educational opportunity for all students.
B. Undocumented students are legally due all the same rights to a free appropriate
public education as documented and native born students.
C. Provided supplemental funding for school districts interested in establishing
programs to meet the needs of LEP students.
D. Required only that appropriate action to overcome language barriers be taken
through well implemented programs.
4. Parents are required to supply schools with student’s social security number and proof of
residency status.
A. True
B. False
5. Title III of Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires:
A. LEP students develop high levels of academic attainment in English and meet the
same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
B. Equal protection of the laws and access to equal education.
C. Schools provide LEP students appropriate instruction to learn English
D. All students to attend school on a regular basis
Part III: Students with Disabilities
1. Which of the following court case now requires IQ tests given in student’s native language?
A. Brown vs. Board of Education
B. Castaneda vs. Pickard
C. Lau vs. Nichols
D. Diana vs. State Board of CA
2. Denial of education for students with disabilities violates which Amendment?
A. 12th
B. 10th
C. 14th
D. 1st
3. All of the following are entitled to all persons aged 3-21, including those with disabilities,
according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act EXCEPT:
A. Access to the general curriculum
B. A free and appropriate public education
C. The least restrictive environment
D. Placement in special education classes
4. A student in Ms. Allen’s class has a diagnosis of ADHD and finds it difficult to stay in his seat
during testing. He is eligible to receive testing accommodations.
A. True
B. False
5. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 requires:
A. Physical access to public spaces and transportation
B. Requires employers to hire
C. Requires special education services
D. Requires students receive accommodations
6. RTI stands for:
A. Rate total instruction
B. Require to involve
C. Response to intervention
D. Restrict the inclusion
7. What year did PL 94-142 become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
A. 2004
B. 2000
C. 1994
D. 1997
8. The six principles of IDEA include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. All students have right to an education
B. Parent participation
C. Students with disabilities must participate in assessments
D. Free and appropriate education as outlined by IEP
Part IV: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
1. Which of the following describes the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?
A. Prevents discrimination by any institution that receives federal funds
B. Protects the privacy of student education records
C. Requires due process including procedures to guide
D. Requires least restrictive environment
2. A student gives the teacher a note to call the student’s Aunt Suzie. When she calls the
number, Aunt Suzie is asking for the student’s most current grades in class. She also
requests the students CRCT scores from last year as well. What should the teacher do?
A. Tell her no and hang up
B. Ask her questions and try to find out why she needs this information
C. Give her the information she is requesting
D. Explain that the information is confidential and cannot be released without written
permission from the parent
3. The school psychologist comes to the teacher after school and starts asking questions about
a student. She wants to know about the student’s home life, her behavior, and her academic
performance. The teacher is NOT allowed to disclose this information to her.
A. True
B. False
4. While student teaching, the teacher attends a school football game on Friday night. There is
a large group of teachers sitting together so he joins them. They begin talking about
students and their academic performance in their classes. They are “comparing notes”
during the game. The teacher should:
A. Jump in and offer your input on the students
B. Walk away and go sit somewhere else
C. Go tell a parent of one of your students
D. Inform your CT and principal what you just heard
5. A KSU student just arrived back on campus after break and decides to go out with his
friends. It turns into a crazy night and he gets arrested for driving under the influence. He is
scheduled to begin student teaching on Monday. The student should:
A. Blame your friends and start beating them up
B. Report the arrest to the director of CEPP
C. Call your collaborating teacher and tell her what happened
D. Withdraw from student teaching and change your major