1. Area of Application and Regulatory References

National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
1. Area of Application and Regulatory References
The program of the discipline sets the minimum requirements for knowledge and skills of
sociology students and determines the content and the forms of educational activities and assessment.
The program is designed for the instructors of the “Applied Software in Sociology course,”
teaching assistants and students of sociology (Bachelor Program 040200.62 "Sociology").
The program of the “Applied Software in Sociology” course has been developed in
accordance with:
Educational standards of NRU HSE for bachelor level education, approved by the
Academic Council of NRU HSE (record #15 dated 02.07.2010). URL:
Educational Program of NRU HSE for bachelor level education, area of studies 040100.62
University Academic Plan of NRU HSE – Saint Petersburg for Bachelor level education,
040100.62 "Sociology” area of studies, the 2rd year of education.
2. Course Goals
The goal of the " Applied Software in Sociology” course is to provide sociology students with
the basic concepts and practical skills for efficient application of statistical techniques of quantitative
analysis of sociological data.
Therefore, the aims of the course are
1) To introduce students to the peculiarities of MS Office software package, which is a useful
tool for sociological analysis and research.
2) To present the key issues and methods of current quantitative sociological research in IBM
SPSS Statistics.
3) To familiarize students with some R basics and procedures.
4) To develop practical skills in conducting quantitative data analysis.
5) To teach students the basics of research, project presentation, including graphics.
3. Students' competencies to be developed by the course
As a result of studying the discipline a student is expected to:
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
 The specifics of different measurement levels and differences among analytical tools, applications
for data measured by different types of scales;
 The capabilities and limitations of the methods of mathematical statistics that are discussed in the
 Various sampling plans and their application;
Be able:
 To interpret statistical and sociological indicators, indexes, the results of analyses, presented in
charts and graphs, produced by MS Office and SPSS and discussed throughout the course;
 To draw tables, charts and graphs in Excel, SPSS and R, presenting the results of statistical
analyses and writing an interpretation in the analytical report on the sociological study in
accordance with the requirements for the scientific work;
The course develops the following competencies:
Descriptors –
the learning outcomes
(the indicators of achievement)
Forms and methods
of studies that contribute to
the development of
a competency
A student communicates in
English with other students,
demonstrates cooperation and
contributes to group discussions.
A student has skills of oral and
written communication in English
on professional topics.
A student is able to use the
information that he/she got from
English-language literature
sources to support his or her point
of view.
A student is able to work with
different sources of sociological
and statistical information: webpages, data sets, secondary
sociological data, academic and
Lectures, seminar and
practical sessions in
computer classes,
homework assignments.
Presentation and discussion
of group analytical
projects. Participation in
preparation of group
presentations and/or being
a speaker for the research
The graduate should have
such general culture
competences (GC), as:
The preparedness to cooperate
with colleagues and to work in GC-3
a team.
The ability to apply
fundamental ideas and
methods of liberal arts, social
and economic sciences in
order to solve professional
Lectures, seminar and
practical sessions in
computer classes, readings,
homework assignments,
designing a project,
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
The ability to analyze socially
important issues and
The ability to use the basic
laws of the natural sciences in
professional activities, apply
methods of mathematical
analysis and modeling,
theoretical and experimental
The ability to work with
information in the global
computer networks.
study literature sources.
A student demonstrates the ability
to solve research problems,
applying the knowledge of
modern theory in social sciences
and comparative methodology.
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student demonstrates the ability
to solve research issues applying
the knowledge of modern theory
of social sciences and
comparative methodology.
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student demonstrates the ability
to solve research issues applying
the knowledge of modern theory
in social sciences and comparative
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student can use Internet
resources and search for relevant
information, sources of
sociological and statistical
information: web-pages, data sets,
secondary sociological data,
academic and study literature
A student is able to identify the
need for relevant information and
perform online and library
searches to find that information.
A student can work with open and
archived data sources of
sociological survey data.
performing statistical
analysis and writing
analytical report on own
project research.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, reading,
homework assignments,
writing analytical report on
own project research.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, readings,
homework assignments,
doing statistical analyses
and writing analytical
Lectures, seminars and lab
sessions in computer class,
reading,s homework
assignments, designing a
project, writing analytical
report on the research.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
A student is able to perform
statistical analysis both using online built-in facilities of
sociological data archives ,websites and PC-installed SPSS.
The graduate should have
in research activity:
such general professional
competences (PC), as:
The ability to independently
A student has skills of oral and
formulate the objectives,
written communication in English
outline specific research tasks
on professional topics.
in various fields of sociology
A student is able to work with
and solve them with the help
different sources of sociological
of modern research methods,
and statistical information.
applying the latest Russian
A student demonstrates ability to
and international experience
solve research issues applying the
and modern facilities, gadgets,
knowledge of modern theory in
and information technologies.
social sciences and comparative
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
The ability and readiness to
A student is able to use English
participate in writing and
literature to prepare for lectures,
processing of scientific and
seminars, practical classes and
technical documentation,
home assignments.
research reports, presenting
A student has skills of oral and
the results of research and
written communication in English
taking into account the
on professional topics.
characteristics of a potential
A student is able to work with
different sources of sociological
and statistical information: webpages, data sets, secondary
sociological data, academic and
study literature sources.
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student is able to apply methods
of statistical analysis for research
of social and economic problems
using SPSS.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, readings,
homework assignments,
elaboration and fulfillment
of an own research project.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, readings,
homework assignments,
writing an analytical report.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
A student can interpret the results
of the statistical analysis and
make conclusions.
A student can make tables and
graphs presenting the results of
statistical analysis.
A student knows the requirements
for writing both academic and
business analytical reports.
in project activity:
The ability to prepare and
A student is able to use English
present scientific research and
literature to prepare for lectures,
analytical projects in
seminars, practical classes and
accordance with normative
home assignments.
A student has skills of oral and
written communication in English
on professional topics.
A student is able to work with
different sources of sociological
and statistical information: webpages, data sets, secondary
sociological data, academic and
study literature sources.
A student is able to use the
information that he/she got from
English-language literature
sources to support his or her point
of view.
A student demonstrates the ability
to solve research issue,s applying
the knowledge of modern theory
in social sciences and comparative
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student knows the requirements
for writing both academic and
commercial analytical reports.
A student is able to meet the
requirements for information
security in his research work.
The ability to process and
A student is aware of existing
analyze data in order to
methods of statistical analysis
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, readings,
homework assignments,
writing an analytical report.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
produce analytical solutions,
expert advice and
applied in sociology and is able to computer classes, readings,
use them in his or her professional homework assignments,
writing an analytical report.
A student is able to apply methods
of statistical analysis for research
of social and economic problems
using SPSS.
A student can interpret the results
of the statistical analysis and
make conclusions.
A student knows the requirements
for writing both academic and
business analytical reports.
A student is able to meet the
requirements for information
security in his research work.
in the organizational and administrative activity:
The ability to use basic
A student is able to use English
Lectures, seminar and
knowledge of the theory as
literature to prepare for lectures,
practical sessions in
well as practical skills in order
seminars, practical classes and
computer classes, reading,
to participate in research,
home assignments.
homework assignments,
analytical and consulting
A student has skills of oral and
performing statistical
written communication in English analysis and writing
on professional topics.
analytical report on own
A student is able to work with
project research.
different sources of sociological
and statistical information: webpages, data sets, secondary
sociological data, academic and
study literature sources.
A student is able to use the
information that he/she got from
English-language literature
sources to support his or her point
of view.
A student can set up research
goals and implement a research
design in study of various social
problems in comparative
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student is able to apply methods
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
The ability of using methods
of gathering, processing and
interpretation of the complex
social data in order to solve
managerial and organizational
issues including those outside
a direct sphere of activity.
of statistical analysis for research
of social and economic problems
using SPSS.
A student knows the requirements
for writing both academic and
commercial analytical reports.
A student is able to meet the
requirements for information
security in his research work.
A student is able to use English
literature to prepare for lectures,
seminars, practical classes and
home assignments.
A student has skills of oral and
written communication in English
on professional topics.
A student is able to work with
different sources of sociological
and statistical information: webpages, data sets, secondary
sociological data, academic and
study literature sources.
A student is able to use the
information that he/she got from
English-language literature
sources to support his or her point
of view.
A student is aware of existing
methods of statistical analysis
applied in sociology and is able to
use them in his or her professional
A student is able to apply methods
of statistical analysis for research
of social and economic problems
using SPSS.
A student can interpret the results
of the statistical analysis and
make conclusions.
A student knows the requirements
for writing both academic and
business analytical reports.
A student is able to meet the
requirements for information
security in his research work.
Lectures, seminars and
practical sessions in
computer classes, reading,
homework assignments,
performing statistical
analysis and writing
analytical report on own
project research.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
4. How the Course Fits into the Curriculum
The present course is an essential part of the curriculum and the successful mastering of it is
crucial for the development of the competencies for research work.
The “Applied Software in Sociology” is a required course within the Basic Syllabus for the
area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" for Bachelor level program at the Higher School of
The course has the following prerequisites (at the bachelor level):
The Course requires the following students' competencies and knowledge:
Basic knowledge of MS office
The main provisions of the course should be used for further studies of the following courses:
Data Analysis
Scholarly Research Seminar
Advanced Methods of Data Analysis
Economic Sociology
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
5. Thematic plan of the course
The course is organized in 12 topics: 17 seminars and 16 practical workshops in computer
classes. This course is built around practical tasks, which are common for the process of applied
social research.
The brief history of applied software usage in
sociological research in Russia. BMDP, SAS,
SPSS, Statistica, R.
Inputting, checking and editing data in Excel.
R: Data input/output and simple operations
R: Data structures and graphics
R: Data transformations
SPSS: Data import, export, recoding,
computing, and checking.
SPSS: Descriptive statistics.
SPSS: Cross-tabulation, Chi-square and
measures of association for nominal and
ordinal variables. Diagrams and graphs.
MS Office: Common types of diagrams.
SPSS: Comparing means: t-test and ANOVA.
SPSS: Correlations for ordinal and interval
SPSS: Linear regression models.
SelfSemin Practical Study
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
6. Tests and control tasks
Type of
Form of
Class activity,
recorded as
entries into
The Journal of
Intermediate Written inclass test
Written inclass test
1 2 3 4
x x x x
Students are expected to read and analyze
assigned literature and be able to participate
in discussions in class.
Test includes assignments dealing with the
topics covered in the first two modules.
Test includes assignments dealing with the
topics covered in the whole course.
7. Grading criteria
Students’ final grade for the course is determined by their compliance with the course
requirements and the overall performance in the course.
Final grade is made of the grades for
1. Home assignments throughout the course.
2. The intermediary written test
3. The final written test
The final grade accounts for the results of a student’s performance as follows:
G final = 0,1*G class participation + 0,4*G intermediate test + 0,5*G final test
Rounding procedure for the grades is following: if the score, which is calculated by the
formula above, is greater than or equal to the arithmetic mean between the nearest integer values,
then the higher of the nearest integer value is taken, otherwise – the lower of the nearest integer
values is used.
8. The Course Content
Topic 1. The brief history of applied software usage in sociological research in Russia.
BMDP, SAS, SPSS, Statistica, R.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
“Pre-computer” period in Russian sociology. Some examples of formulae for manual
computations. BMDP – the first integrated applied software package. Brief comparative overview of
SAS, SPSS, Statistica, Stata packages. R – the first successful non-commercial open-source package.
Core readings:
Крыштановский А.О. Анализ социологических данных с помощью пакета SPSS.
Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ. 2006.
Topic 2. Inputting, checking and editing data in Excel.
Data types and common formats of coding. Coding of single-choice and multiple-choice
questions. Coding and inputting of open-ended questions. Data base creation and management.
Core readings:
John Walkenbach. 101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks and Timesavers – Wiley, 2013
Additional readings:
Greg Harvey. Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies - For Dummies City, 2013
Topic 3. R: Data input/output and simple operations
Starting R. Data input/output. Working with files and scripts. Installing packages. R as a calculating
environment. Simple commands. Exiting R.
Core readings:
Jones, O. (2009). Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R. Boca Raton,
FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Additional readings:
Kabacoff, Robert. R in Action - Manning Publications, 2011
Зарядов И.С. Введение в статистический пакет R. М., изд-во РУДН, 2010.
Topic 4. R: Data structures and graphics
Types of objects in R: numeric (integer, double), complex, logical, character, raw. Special variables.
Data types: vector, factor, matrix, list and data frames. Working with different data types.
Core readings:
Jones, O. (2009). Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R. Boca Raton,
FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Additional readings:
Kabacoff, Robert. R in Action - Manning Publications, 2011
Зарядов И.С. Введение в статистический пакет R. М., изд-во РУДН, 2010.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
Topic 5. R: Data transformations
Data transformations. Data sorting, indexing, filtering, conditional manipulations.
Core readings:
Jones, O. (2009). Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R. Boca Raton,
FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Additional readings:
Kabacoff, Robert. R in Action - Manning Publications, 2011
Зарядов И.С. Введение в статистический пакет R. М., изд-во РУДН, 2010.
Topic 6. SPSS: Data import, export, recoding, computing, and checking.
Data import from MS Excel into SPSS. Defining variables. Variable names. Variable types in SPSS.
Adding variable names. Adding values names. Variables descriptions in SPSS. Data transformation:
Recode and Compute procedures. Merging data files. Using weights. Changing and adjusting scales.
Binary and dummy variables. Converting multiple-choice variables into sets of dummies.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Pallant, Julie, (2010) SPSS Survival Manual – A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using
the SPSS Program, 4th Edition -Allen & Unwin
Topic 7. SPSS: Descriptive statistics.
Frequencies. Quartiles. Estimating central tendency: mode, median, mean. Estimating spread: range,
variance, standard deviation. Skewness and kurtosis.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Pallant, Julie, (2010) SPSS Survival Manual – A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using
the SPSS Program, 4th Edition - Allen & Unwin
Tabachnick Barbara G, Linda S. Fidell., (2013) Using Multivariate Statistics (6th Edition)
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
Topic 8. SPSS: Cross-tabulation, Chi-square and measures of association for nominal
and ordinal variables. Diagrams and graphs.
Basics of statistical inference. Null and alternative hypotheses. Statistical inference for the difference
of proportions. Chi-square test for independence of two categorical (nominal) variables. Degrees of
freedom notion. Two-dimensional scatter-plot. Z-test for proportions.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Lynch Scott M., (2013) Using Statistics in Social Research – A Concise Approach -Springer
New York
Griffith, Arthur, (2010) SPSS For Dummies 2nd Edition - Wiley.
Topic 9. MS Office: Common types of diagrams.
Fitting diagram types for data. Bar charts. Histograms. Pie-charts. What makes diagrams readable.
Preparing data for diagrams and graphs. Typical mistakes in graphical representations.
Core readings:
Mamishev, Alexander, (2013) Murray Sargent-Creating Research and Scientific Documents
Using Microsoft Word-Microsoft Press
Additional readings:
Kolenikov, Stanislav, Lori A. Thombs, Douglas Steinley, (2010) Statistics in the Social
Sciences: Current Methodological Developments - Wiley.
Topic 10. SPSS: Comparing means: t-test and ANOVA.
Z-test and T-test comparison. T-test for independent samples and paired-samples T-test. Levene test
for equality of variances. Interpretation of confidence intervals. One-way ANOVA: assumptions and
sum of square interpretation. F-criterion: inference and interpretation.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Lynch Scott M., (2013) Using Statistics in Social Research – A Concise Approach -Springer
New York
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
Ho, Robert, (2006) Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis and Interpretation
with SPSS – Taylor and Francis
Topic 11. SPSS: Correlations for ordinal and interval variables.
Pearson’s R for interval data: explanation of formula, assumptions and limitations. Kendall and
Spearman’s correlation coefficients for ordinal variables. Partial correlation.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Kolenikov, Stanislav, Lori A. Thombs, Douglas Steinley, (2010) Statistics in the Social
Sciences: Current Methodological Developments - Wiley.
Krzanowski, Wojtek J., (2007) Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social
Research - Oxford University Press
Topic 12. SPSS: Linear regression models.
Linear regression OLS: assumptions and requirements for dependent and independent variables.
Interpretation of scatter-plots. Testing for homoscedasticity and heteroscedasicity. Interpretation of
scatter-plots. R-squared interpretation. Interpretation of unstandardized and standardized regression
coefficient and intercept. Multicollinearity diagnostics. Nested models.
Core readings:
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage.
Additional readings:
Agresti Alan, Christine Franklin., (2012) Statistics – The Art and Science of Learning from
Data (3rd Edition) Pearson.
Tabachnick Barbara G, Linda S. Fidell., (2013) Using Multivariate Statistics (6th Edition)
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
9. Educational Technologies
The course syllabus, reading texts, presentations, practical tasks and home assignments will be
available in the LMS where all student will be assigned, and also sent by e-mail on demand. Students
are expected to log in to the course web-site on a regular basis.
10. Information basis for the course
10.1. Core Textbooks
Field Andy P., (2011) Discovering statistics using SPSS: (and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll)
(3rd edition) Sage. Available in electronic format.
Walkenbach, John -101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks and Timesavers (2013) –Wiley
Jones, O. (2009). Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R. Boca Raton,
FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
10.2. Internet resources:
European Social Survey. http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org
European Values Study. http://www.europeanvaluesstudy.eu
Field A. Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics. Companion Web-site.
Field A. Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (and Sex and Drugs and Rock
'n' Roll). Personal web-site. http://www.statisticshell.com/html/dsus.html
SPSS Tutorials. The London School of Economics and Political Science.
SPSS Software http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss
The R Project for Statistical Computing http://www.r-project.org/
UNdata. http://data.un.org
World Bank Open Data. http://data.worldbank.org
10.3. Supplementary Reading
Adler, J. (2010). R in a nutshell. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
Agresti Alan, Christine Franklin., (2012) Statistics – The Art and Science of Learning from
Data (3rd Edition) Pearson.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
Agresti, Alan, Barbara Finlay (2009) Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, Fourth ed. Prentice Hall
Bucki Lisa A., (2013) Microsoft Word 2013 Bible -Wiley
Kabacoff, Robert. R in Action - Manning Publications, 2011
Cleophas, Ton J., Aeilko H. Zwinderman (2012) SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in
Statistics) -Springer
Cramer, Duncan, Dennis Laurence Howitt (2004) The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics: A
Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences - SAGE
Creswell J.W. (2013) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. Sage Publications.
Dodge, Yadolah, (2009) Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics - Springer
Graham, John W., (2012) Missing Data Analysis and Design (Statistics for Social and
Behavioral Sciences) -Springer
Griffith, Arthur, (2010) SPSS For Dummies 2nd Edition - Wiley.
Hans-Michael Kaltenbach, Hans-Michael., (2011) A Concise Guide to Statistics
(SpringerBriefs in Statistics) -Springer
Ho, Robert, (2006) Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis and Interpretation
with SPSS – Taylor and Francis
Kolenikov, Stanislav, Lori A. Thombs, Douglas Steinley, (2010) Statistics in the Social
Sciences: Current Methodological Developments - Wiley.
Krzanowski, Wojtek J., (2007) Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social
Research - Oxford University Press.
Lynch Scott M., (2013) Using Statistics in Social Research – A Concise Approach -Springer
New York
Mamishev, Alexander, (2013) Murray Sargent-Creating Research and Scientific Documents
Using Microsoft Word-Microsoft Press
Pallant, Julie, (2010) SPSS Survival Manual – A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using
the SPSS Program, 4th Edition -Allen & Unwin
Rossiter, John R., (2010) Measurement for the Social Sciences - The C-OAR-SE Method and
Why It Must Replace Psychometrics -Springer
Tabachnick Barbara G, Linda S. Fidell., (2013) Using Multivariate Statistics (6th Edition)
Teetor, Paul. (2011). R Cookbook. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
Urdan, Timothy C., (2010) Statistics in Plain English, 3rd Edition - Routledge
Valliant, Richard, Jill A. Dever, Frauke Kreuter (auth.) (2013) Practical Tools for Designing
and Weighting Survey Samples (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences 51) -Springer New
Бююль А., Цефель П. SPSS: искусство обработки информации, анализ статистических
данных и восстановление скрытых закономерностей. DiaSoft, 2002.
Зарядов И.С. Введение в статистический пакет R. М., изд-во РУДН, 2010.
Крыштановский А.О. Анализ социологических данных с помощью пакета SPSS. М.:
Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2007.
Многомерный статистический анализ в экономических задачах: компьютерное
моделирование в SPSS: Учебное пособие / Под редакцией И.В. Орловой. – М.: Вузовский
учебник, 2011. – 310 с.
Наследов А.Д. Математические методы психологического исследования. Анализ и
интерпретация данных. Учебное пособие. 4-е издание, стереотип. – СПЮ.: Речь, 2012. – 392 с.
Наследов А. IBM SPSS Statistics и AMOS: профессиональный статистический анализ
данных. – Спб: Питер, 2013. – 416 с.
Резник А.Д. Книга для тех, кто не любит статистику, но вынужден ею пользоваться.
Непараметрическая статистика в примерах, упражнениях и рисунках. – СПб.: Речь, 2008 – 265
Толстова Ю.Н. Математико-статистические модели в социологии. Математическая статистика
для социологов. М.: Издательский дома ГУ ВШЭ, 2007
10.4. Software packages
Students need the following software, provided in HSE computer clusters:
IBM SPSS Statistics 19 – 22
Microsoft Office 2010 or 2013
R or RStudio
11. Technical support
Each lecture, seminar and practical session is supported by PowerPoint presentations, shown
by OHP projector or via PC screen (in computer class). Seminars and practical sessions are held in a
fully-equipped computer class with personal computers available to every student in the group.
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Syllabus for the Course “Applied Software in Sociology”
Area of studies 040100.62 "Sociology" Bachelor level
12. Academic Integrity
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Higher School of Economics’
Academic Honesty Policy. For this course, collaboration is allowed for pairs and work groups during
seminars (Modules 1 – 4). Both in-class and home tests should be performed individually.
13. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Higher School of Economics is committed to ensuring equal academic opportunities and
inclusion for students with disabilities based on the principles of independent living, accessible
universal design, and diversity. The instructor is available to discuss appropriate academic
accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for academic
accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the semester, except for unusual
circumstances. Students are encouraged to register with Disability Services Center to verify their
eligibility for appropriate accommodations.