eLearning Adviser: SCOPE OF WORK 2015 FACULTY OF THE PROFESSIONS eLearning Advisers have been employed to work on strategically important activities associated with MyUni, and to support and encourage best practice using MyUni in the University’s blended learning environment. They provide pedagogical and goodpractice support in blended learning for their Faculty as per priorities negotiated with the Associate Dean Learning and Teaching. Professions eLearning Adviser: Mary Hill Mobile: 0447 886 667 Faculty Days: Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday morning & Friday Learning Technologies Team Days: Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon & Thursday Email: mary.l.hill@adelaide.edu.au For three days per week equivalent, Mary Hill will provide pedagogical and good practice support in blended learning for the Faculty of the Professions as per priorities negotiated with the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning). STRATEGIC FACULTY INITIATIVES FOR 2015 (Semester II) Major projects Post Graduate Program and Course Development 1. Development of new courses: Program Proposal & Course Proposal a. Provide support and leadership to blended program project teams in the design and development of their approaches. b. Develop a ‘template’ for blended delivery of new Post Graduate courses that incorporates identified target perspectives c. Develop resources & strategies that assist in building communities online for blended and online courses. Retention of Students in the first year of courses in the School of Architecture 1. Work with the Undergraduate Program Coordinator to develop a plan for 2016 focused on the retention of students 2. Work with the Undergraduate Program Coordinator on the development of the Student Portal for the Bachelor of Architectural Design program (Pilot) a. Support the Pilot through the Learning Innovations Framework b. Involvement in the Steering Group for the Pilot c. Provide support to the academic involved in the Pilot d. Work with the Program Portal support team to explore the inclusion of “Studying @ UofA” resource to support students at the University (services and supports) eAssessment 1. Support the eAssessment project to meet the Beacon targets: a. Work with Heads of Schools and key stakeholders in the Schools to develop and support the implementation of eSubmission and eMarking strategies i. Involvement in School strategies to support the implementation of eSubmission & eMarking in courses not currently utilizing eAssessment b. Provide support to Course Coordinators to identify appropriate tools for assessments i. Provide customized and individual support to course coordinators and their tutors Targeting Courses with Low eSELT feedback of less than 75% Broad Agreement to Q5 1. Work with course coordinators to improve their MyUni course in the following courses: a. DESST 1506 Design Studio II b. COMMGMT 1001 Introduction to Management I Ongoing Activities 1. Work with Associate Dean, and Learning and Teaching committees to meet the Beacon Objectives and Guidelines for Minimum Use of MyUni 2. Feedback to the Faculty and Schools regarding MyUni usage. 3. Feedback to LTT central projects and groups concerns and issues from the Faculty of the Professions Central Activities For two days per week equivalent, the eLearning Adviser will work centrally in the Learning Technologies Team. Thursdays are the common all-team day for sharing faculty experiences, concerns, progress etc. The eLearning Adviser supporting the Faculty of the Professions works on the Innovations Framework project and the Policies and Guidelines project located within the Learning Technologies Team. Reporting The eLearning Adviser’s performance plans will be reviewed by the Faculty Executive Dean (Learning, Teaching and Student Experience) to ensure that the Faculty’s priorities and expectations are represented. The Executive Dean (Learning, Teaching & Student Experience) will be invited to provide feedback during the performance feedback cycle. eLearning Advisers functionally report to the Manager, Learning Technologies.