Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt: Agricultural technology City

Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt:
Agricultural technology
City living
Immense class inequlaities
Emerging power of states
 Both River Valleys
 Dependent on the rivers for agriculture in otherwise arid land
 Differences: Egypt—the Nile rose predictably every year to bring the soil and
water that nurtured Egypt. The Tigris and Euphrates flooded unpredictably.
o Mesopotamia was more vulnerable to invasion than Egypt which was
protected by deserts, mountains, seas, and cataracts
o If geography dictates culture—Mesopotamia us negative (violent
turmoil, unpredictable flooding)
o Egypt—more stable and predictable more cheerful and hopeful
outlook on the world.
o Death:
 Mesopotamia—Down the road with no turning back
 Egypt—a journey to eternal life.
o Agricultural and longevity:
 Mesopotamia—Especially in Sumer, experienced salinization
of the soil and deforestation over the centuries. Considered
ecological deterioration which weakened the Sumerian city
 Sumerians used complex irrigation systems – unnatural
 Egypt— created a more sustainable agricultural system which
lasted for thousands of years and led to continuity of the
 Egyptians used natural less intrusive styles- just using
the overflowed waters
Cities and States
 Mesopotamia—organized as City States that were independent. Each was
ruled by a king.
o There was almost total urbanization in Mesopotamia
o No authority in rural parts meant no protection so people were forced
to the cities
o Conflict, environmental devastation destroyed Sumer b/c it was
vulnerable to outside forces
 For 3,000 years Egypt was united and independent. There was frequent
communication up and down the Nile, as well as exchange, unity and stability
in the Nile Valley.
o Here was a record of political longevity and continuity that the
Mesopotamians and many other ancient peoples might well have envied
o Egyptian Cities: Far less important than in Mesopotamia—most
people lived in agricultural villages
o Egypt had greater stability which meant they didn’t need to be in
fortified towns.
Interaction and Exchange
Many agricultural stuffs came from Mesopotamia to Egypt
Egypt’s writing may have been influenced by Mesopotamia
“divine kingship” came from the Sudan—
both had long distance btrade
Both were influenced by other cultures
o Egypt—Nubian civilization
o Mesopotamians learned how to domesticate horses from pastoral
peoples in Russia
o Egypt got the chariot from the Hyksos