Solicitation VA-243-10-IB-0362: Replace Perimeter Walkways (#526-09-126) Offerors must bid on each item listed below. An award is intended to be made on the Base Bid, however should the bid exceed the availability of funds, then an award will be made on one of the bid alternate items in descending order. BID SHEET A. Replace Perimeter Walkways, Project# 526-09-126: A. BASE BID:CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TOOLS, RESOURCES, MATERIALS, TEMPORARY FENCING, SIGNAGE, PERMITS, SUPERVISION, ETC FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, STONE AND CONCRETE CURBS, EXCAVATION AND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, RETAINING WALLS, CURB RAMPS, RE-POINTING OF MORTAR ON EXISTING STONE RETAINING WALL, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS AROUND EXISTING TREES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION ALONG WITH ALL OTHER WORK INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Completion Time: 195 Calendar Days BASE BID B. PRICE: $______________ ALTERNATE NO.1: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE (PART PLANS B, C AND D) Completion Time: 135 Calendar Days ALTERNATE #1 C. ALTERNATE NO.2: PRICE: $______________ BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE AND WEBB AVENUE PART PLANS B, C, D, F AND G.) Completion Time: 105 Calendar Days ALTERNATE #2 PRICE: $______________ Page 1 of 162 D. ALTERNATE NO.3: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE AND W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE (PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F AND G) Completion Time: 75 Calendar Days ALTERNATE #3 E. PRICE: $______________ ALTERNATE NO.4: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE, W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE AND WORK AREA AT VA PARKING AREA ALONG WEB AVENUE.(PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F,G AND H) Completion Time: 60 Calendar Days F. ALTERNATE #4 PRICE: $______________ ALTERNATE NO.5: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE, W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE AND WORK AREA ALONG THE PLAZA AREA AND THE EXISTING BUILDING (PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F,G AND A) Completion Time: 45 Calendar Days ALTERNATE #5 PRICE: $______________ Page 2 of 162 Table of Contents PART I - THE SCHEDULE 1 ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION A - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined. SF 1442 SOLICITATION, OFFER, AND AWARD (Construction, Alteration, or Repair)Error! Bookm INFORMATION REGARDING BIDDING MATERIAL, BID GUARANTEE AND BONDS ...........................................................................................................................................5 INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS AND OTHER STATEMENTS TO BIDDERS/OFFERORS ................................................................................................................7 2.1 52.216-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984) ......................................................................7 2.2 52.222-23 NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CONSTRUCTION (FEB 1999)..............................................................................................................................7 2.3 52.225-10 NOTICE OF BUY AMERICAN ACT REQUIREMENT -CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (FEB 2009) ......................................................................8 2.4 52.228-1 BID GUARANTEE (SEP 1996) .............................................................................9 2.5 52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (SEP 2006)...................................................................10 2.6 52.236-27 SITE VISIT (CONSTRUCTION) (FEB 1995) ALTERNATE I (FEB 1995) .....................................................................................................................................11 2.7 VAAR 852.214-70 CAUTION TO BIDDERS--BID ENVELOPES (JAN 2008) ...............11 2.8 VAAR 852.228-72 ASSISTING SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN-OWNED AND VETERAN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESSES IN OBTAINING BONDS (DEC 2009) ...........................................................................................................................11 2.9 VAAR 852.233-70 PROTEST CONTENT/ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (JAN 2008) .................................................................................................11 2.10 VAAR 852.233-71 ALTERNATE PROTEST PROCEDURE (JAN 1998) .......................12 2.11 VAAR 852.270-1 REPRESENTATIVES OF CONTRACTING OFFICERS (JAN 2008) .....................................................................................................................................12 2.12 52.252-1 SOLICITATION PROVISIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998)............................................................................................................................13 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS ...........................................................................14 3.1 52.204-8 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (FEB 2009) ..........14 GENERAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................18 4.1 52.211-10 COMMENCEMENT, PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION OF WORK (APR 1984) ALTERNATE I (APR 1984)............................................................18 4.2 52.219-28 POST-AWARD SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM REREPRESENTATION (APR 2009) ..................................................................................18 4.3 52.222-39 NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONCERNING PAYMENT OF UNION DUES OR FEES (DEC 2004) ......................................................20 4.4 52.222-54 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION (JAN 2009) ..........................22 4.5 52.225-9 BUY AMERICAN ACT--CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (FEB 2009) ...........25 4.6 52.228-5 INSURANCE - WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997) .....................................................................................................................................29 Page 3 of 162 4.7 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .........................................................30 4.8 52.236-4 PHYSICAL DATA (APR 1984) ...........................................................................30 4.9 VAAR 852.203-70 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING (JAN 2008) ......................................30 4.10 852.211-75 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (JAN 2008) ...................................................30 4.11 VAAR 852.219-10 VA NOTICE OF TOTAL SERVICE-DISABLED VETERANOWNED SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE (DEC 2009) ...................................................31 4.12 VAAR 852.228-70 BOND PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT (JAN 2008)................................32 4.13 VAAR 852.236-71 SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION (JUL 2002) ............................................................................................32 4.14 VAAR 852.236-74 INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION (JUL 2002) .............................33 4.15 VAAR 852.236-76 CORRESPONDENCE (APR 1984) ....................................................33 4.16 VAAR 852.236-77 REFERENCE TO "STANDARDS" (JUL 2002) ..................................33 4.17 VAAR 852.236-78 GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION (APR 1984) ...................................33 4.18 VAAR 852.236-79 DAILY REPORT OF WORKERS AND MATERIAL (APR 1984) .....................................................................................................................................34 4.19 VAAR 852.236-80 SUBCONTRACTS AND WORK COORDINATION (APR 1984) .....................................................................................................................................34 4.20 VAAR 852.236-82 PAYMENTS UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS (WITHOUT NAS) (APR 1984) ...................................................................35 4.21 VAAR 852.236-84 SCHEDULE OF WORK PROGRESS (NOV 1984) ...........................38 4.22 VAAR 852.236-85 SUPPLEMENTARY LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS (APR 1984) ...........................................................................................................................38 4.23 VAAR 852.236-86 WORKER'S COMPENSATION (JAN 2008) ......................................39 4.24 VAAR 852.236-87 ACCIDENT PREVENTION (SEP 1993) ............................................39 4.25 VAAR 852.236-88 CONTRACT CHANGES--SUPPLEMENT (JUL 2002) ...................39 4.26 VAAR 852.236-89 BUY AMERICAN ACT (JAN 2008) ...................................................41 4.27 VAAR 852.236-91 SPECIAL NOTES (JUL 2002) ............................................................42 4.28 VAAR 852.273-76 ELECTRONIC INVOICE SUBMISSION (Interim - October 2008) .....................................................................................................................................43 4.29 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) .........................43 4.30 LIST OF DRAWING SHEETS ............................................................................................59 4.31 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................60 4.32 PROJECT SCHEDULES......................................................................................................74 4.33 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES ...............................................85 4.34 REFERENCE STANDARDS ...............................................................................................90 4.35 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES ..............................................................................92 4.36 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS ..........................................................101 4.37 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT .................................................................109 4.38 DEMOLITION ...................................................................................................................116 4.39 (SHORT-FORM) CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE ...........................................................118 4.40 MASONRY MORTARING ...............................................................................................126 4.41 MASONRY GROUTING ...................................................................................................131 4.42 MASONRY TUCK POINTING .........................................................................................135 4.43 EARTH MOVING (SHORT FORM) .................................................................................137 4.44 CEMENT AND CONCRETE FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS ..............................146 4.45 PLANTING.........................................................................................................................156 Page 4 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 INFORMATION REGARDING BIDDING MATERIAL, BID GUARANTEE AND BONDS (a) Bidding materials consisting of drawings, specifications and contract forms may be obtained by qualified General (Prime) Contractors interested in submitting bids direct to the Department of Veterans Affairs. A maximum of sets may be issued when requested. Up to sets of drawings and specifications will be furnished upon request to subcontractors for their use in preparing subbids for General (Prime) Contractors. Suppliers and subcontractors listed above shall show in their requests the work or equipment for which they intend to prepare subbids. (b) One set of drawings and specifications may be obtained by Builders Exchanges, Chambers of Commerce, Quantity Surveyors, trade and microfilming organizations. (c) Bidding materials may be obtained only upon written application to the issuing office. Bidders should allow 5 working days after receipt of their request by the issuing office for reproduction, in addition to mail delivery time when requesting bidding material. (d) Subcontractors, material firms and others interested in preparing subbids may, upon application to the issuing office, obtain a list of organizations, such as Builders Exchanges, Chambers of Commerce, Contractors and others, who have received bidding materials. (e) While no deposit will be necessary, return of the bidding material, postage prepaid, to the issuing office within 10 days after date of opening bids will be required. In case no bid is to be submitted, the return of the bidding material, as soon as this fact has been determined and before the date of opening bids, is requested. If you decide not to bid on this project, please advise the issuing office of your reasons (the contracting officer should modify accordingly if a deposit is required). (f) A bid guarantee is required in an amount not less than 20 percent of the bid price but shall not exceed $3,000,000. Failure to furnish the required bid guarantee in the proper form and amount, by the time set for opening of bids, will require rejection of the bid in all cases except those listed in FAR 28.101-4, and may be cause for rejection even then. (g) If the contract will exceed $100,000 (see FAR 28.102-1 for lesser amount), the bidder to whom award is made will be required to furnish two bonds, a Payment Bond, SF 25A, and a Performance Bond, SF 25, each in the penal sum as noted in the General Conditions of the Specification. Copies of SFs 25 and 25A may be obtained upon application to the issuing office. DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Base Bid): CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TOOLS, RESOURCES, MATERIALS, TEMPORARY FENCING, SIGNAGE, PERMITS, SUPERVISION, ETC FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, STONE AND CONCRETE CURBS, EXCAVATION AND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, RETAINING WALLS, CURB RAMPS, Page 5 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 RE-POINTING OF MORTAR ON EXISTING STONE RETAINING WALL, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS AROUND EXISTING TREES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION ALONG WITH ALL OTHER WORK INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Cost Range: $1,000,000.00 to $2,000,000.00. (End of Clause) Page 6 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS AND OTHER STATEMENTS TO BIDDERS/OFFERORS 2.1 52.216-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984) The Government contemplates award of a Firm Fixed Price contract resulting from this solicitation. (End of Provision) 2.2 52.222-23 NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR CONSTRUCTION (FEB 1999) (a) The offeror's attention is called to the Equal Opportunity clause and the Affirmative Action Compliance Requirements for Construction clause of this solicitation. (b) The goals for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: ____________________________________________________________________ Goals for minority participation | Goals for female participation for each trade | for each trade ________________________________ | __________________________________ | 17.3 % | 6.9 % ________________________________ | __________________________________ These goals are applicable to all the Contractor's construction work performed in the covered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a geographical area located outside of the covered area, the Contractor shall apply the goals established for the geographical area where the work is actually performed. Goals are published periodically in the Federal Register in notice form, and these notices may be obtained from any Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs office. (c) The Contractor's compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, and the regulations in 41 CFR 60-4 shall be based on (1) its implementation of the Equal Opportunity clause, (2) specific affirmative action obligations required by the clause entitled "Affirmative Action Compliance Requirements for Construction," and (3) its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, and in each trade. The Contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor, or from project to project, for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goals shall be a violation of the contract, Executive Order Page 7 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 11246, as amended, and the regulations in 41 CFR 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. (d) The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Department of Labor, within 10 working days following award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construction work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the-(1) Name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor; (2) Employer's identification number of the subcontractor; (3) Estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; (4) Estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and (5) Geographical area in which the subcontract is to be performed. (e) As used in this Notice, and in any contract resulting from this solicitation, the "covered area" is (End of Provision) 2.3 52.225-10 NOTICE OF BUY AMERICAN ACT REQUIREMENT -CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (FEB 2009) (a) Definitions. "Commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) item," "construction material," "domestic construction material," and "foreign construction material," as used in this provision, are defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled "Buy American Act--Construction Materials" (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.225-9). Construction material, domestic construction material, and foreign construction material, as used in this provision, are defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled "Buy American Act-Construction Materials" (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.225-9). (b) Requests for determinations of inapplicability. An offeror requesting a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act should submit the request to the Contracting Officer in time to allow a determination before submission of offers. The offeror shall include the information and applicable supporting data required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9 in the request. If an offeror has not requested a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act before submitting its offer, or has not Page 8 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 received a response to a previous request, the offeror shall include the information and supporting data in the offer. (c) Evaluation of offers. (1) The Government will evaluate an offer requesting exception to the requirements of the Buy American Act, based on claimed unreasonable cost of domestic construction material, by adding to the offered price the appropriate percentage of the cost of such foreign construction material, as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9. (2) If evaluation results in a tie between an offeror that requested the substitution of foreign construction material based on unreasonable cost and an offeror that did not request an exception, the Contracting Officer will award to the offeror that did not request an exception based on unreasonable cost. (d) Alternate offers. (1) When an offer includes foreign construction material not listed by the Government in this solicitation in paragraph (b)(2) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9, the offeror also may submit an alternate offer based on use of equivalent domestic construction material. (2) If an alternate offer is submitted, the offeror shall submit a separate Standard Form 1442 for the alternate offer, and a separate price comparison table prepared in accordance with paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9 for the offer that is based on the use of any foreign construction material for which the Government has not yet determined an exception applies. (3) If the Government determines that a particular exception requested in accordance with paragraph (c) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9 does not apply, the Government will evaluate only those offers based on use of the equivalent domestic construction material, and the offeror shall be required to furnish such domestic construction material. An offer based on use of the foreign construction material for which an exception was requested-(i) Will be rejected as nonresponsive if this acquisition is conducted by sealed bidding; or (ii) May be accepted if revised during negotiations. (End of Provision) 2.4 52.228-1 BID GUARANTEE (SEP 1996) (a) Failure to furnish a bid guarantee in the proper form and amount, by the time set for opening of bids, may be cause for rejection of the bid. (b) The bidder shall furnish a bid guarantee in the form of a firm commitment, e.g., bid bond supported by good and sufficient surety or sureties acceptable to the Government, postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or, under Treasury Department regulations, certain bonds or notes of the United States. The Contracting Officer will return bid guarantees, other than bid bonds, (1) to unsuccessful bidders as soon as practicable after the Page 9 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 opening of bids, and (2) to the successful bidder upon execution of contractual documents and bonds (including any necessary coinsurance or reinsurance agreements), as required by the bid as accepted.(c) The amount of the bid guarantee shall be percent of the bid price or , whichever is less.(d) If the successful bidder, upon acceptance of its bid by the Government within the period specified for acceptance, fails to execute all contractual documents or furnish executed bond(s) within 10 days after receipt of the forms by the bidder, the Contracting Officer may terminate the contract for default. (e) In the event the contract is terminated for default, the bidder is liable for any cost of acquiring the work that exceeds the amount of its bid, and the bid guarantee is available to offset the difference. (End of Provision) 2.5 52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (SEP 2006) (a) Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with the Government Accountability Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer (addressed as follows) by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from: Hand-Carried Address: Kathleen A. Johns Department of Veterans Affairs James J. Peters VA Medical Center Network Acquisition & Logistics(10N3NAL) 130 West Kingsbridge Road 9B-62 Bronx NY 10468-3904 Mailing Address: Kathleen A. Johns Department of Veterans Affairs James J. Peters VA Medical Center Network Acquisition & Logistics(10N3NAL) 130 West Kingsbridge Road 9B-62 Bronx NY 10468-3904 (b) The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day of filing a protest with the GAO. (End of Provision) Page 10 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2.6 52.236-27 SITE VISIT (CONSTRUCTION) (FEB 1995) ALTERNATE I (FEB 1995) (a) The clauses at 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions, and 52.236-3, Site Investigations and Conditions Affecting the Work, will be included in any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation. Accordingly, offerors or quoters are urged and expected to inspect the site where the work will be performed. (b) An organized site visit has been scheduled forWednesday June 2, 2010 at 9:00am (c) Participants will meet atVA James J. Peters Medical Center –Rm: 9B-01 Bronx NY, 10468 (End of Provision) 2.7 VAAR 852.214-70 CAUTION TO BIDDERS--BID ENVELOPES (JAN 2008) It is the responsibility of each bidder to take all necessary precautions, including the use of proper mailing cover, to insure that the bid price cannot be ascertained by anyone prior to bid opening. If a bid envelope is furnished with this invitation, the bidder is requested to use this envelope in submitting the bid. The bidder may, however, use any suitable envelope, identified by the invitation number and bid opening time and date. If an Optional Form (OF) 17, Sealed Bid Label, is furnished with this invitation in lieu of a bid envelope, the bidder is advised to complete and affix the OF 17 to the lower left corner of the envelope used in submitting the bid. (End of Provision) 2.8 VAAR 852.228-72 ASSISTING SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN-OWNED AND VETERAN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESSES IN OBTAINING BONDS (DEC 2009) Prime contractors are encouraged to assist service-disabled veteran-owned and veteran-owned small business potential subcontractors in obtaining bonding, when required. Mentor firms are encouraged to assist protégé firms under VA's Mentor-Protégé Program in obtaining acceptable bid, payment, and performance bonds, when required, as a prime contractor under a solicitation or contract and in obtaining any required bonds under subcontracts. (End of Provision) 2.9 VAAR 852.233-70 PROTEST CONTENT/ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (JAN 2008) Page 11 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (a) Any protest filed by an interested party shall: (1) Include the name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the protester; (2) Identify the solicitation and/or contract number; (3) Include an original signed by the protester or the protester's representative and at least one copy; (4) Set forth a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest, including a description of resulting prejudice to the protester, and provide copies of relevant documents; (5) Specifically request a ruling of the individual upon whom the protest is served; (6) State the form of relief requested; and (7) Provide all information establishing the timeliness of the protest. (b) Failure to comply with the above may result in dismissal of the protest without further consideration. (c) Bidders/offerors and contracting officers are encouraged to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures to resolve protests at any stage in the protest process. If ADR is used, the Department of Veterans Affairs will not furnish any documentation in an ADR proceeding beyond what is allowed by the Federal Acquisition Regulation. (End of Provision) 2.10 VAAR 852.233-71 ALTERNATE PROTEST PROCEDURE (JAN 1998) As an alternative to filing a protest with the contracting officer, an interested party may file a protest with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management, Acquisition Administration Team, Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420, or for solicitations issued by the Office of Construction and Facilities Management, the Director, Office of Construction and Facilities Management, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420. The protest will not be considered if the interested party has a protest on the same or similar issues pending with the contracting officer. (End of Provision) 2.11 VAAR 852.270-1 REPRESENTATIVES OF CONTRACTING OFFICERS (JAN 2008) The contracting officer reserves the right to designate representatives to act for him/her in furnishing technical guidance and advice or generally monitor the work to be performed under Page 12 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 this contract. Such designation will be in writing and will define the scope and limitation of the designee's authority. A copy of the designation shall be furnished to the contractor. (End of Provision) 2.12 52.252-1 SOLICITATION PROVISIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This solicitation incorporates one or more solicitation provisions by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. The offeror is cautioned that the listed provisions may include blocks that must be completed by the offeror and submitted with its quotation or offer. In lieu of submitting the full text of those provisions, the offeror may identify the provision by paragraph identifier and provide the appropriate information with its quotation or offer. Also, the full text of a solicitation provision may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): (End of Provision) 52.214-3 52.214-4 52.214-5 52.214-6 52.214-7 52.214-18 52.214-19 AMENDMENTS TO INVITATIONS FOR BIDS FALSE STATEMENTS IN BIDS SUBMISSION OF BIDS EXPLANATION TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS LATE SUBMISSIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND WITHDRAWALS OF BIDS PREPARATION OF BIDS--CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD--SEALED BIDDING--CONSTRUCTION DEC 1989 APR 1984 MAR 1997 APR 1984 NOV 1999 APR 1984 AUG 1996 Page 13 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS 3.1 52.204-8 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (FEB 2009) (a)(1) The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 236220. (2) The small business size standard is . (3) The small business size standard for a concern which submits an offer in its own name, other than on a construction or service contract, but which proposes to furnish a product which it did not itself manufacture, is 500 employees. (b)(1) If the clause at 52.204-7, Central Contractor Registration, is included in this solicitation, paragraph (d) of this provision applies. (2) If the clause at 52.204-7 is not included in this solicitation, and the offeror is currently registered in CCR, and has completed the ORCA electronically, the offeror may choose to use paragraph (d) of this provision instead of completing the corresponding individual representations and certifications in the solicitation. The offeror shall indicate which option applies by checking one of the following boxes: [ ] (i) Paragraph (d) applies. [ ] (ii) Paragraph (d) does not apply and the offeror has completed the individual representations and certifications in the solicitation. (c)(1) The following representations or certifications in ORCA are applicable to this solicitation as indicated: (i) 52.203-2, Certificate of Independent Price Determination. This provision applies to solicitations when a firm-fixed-price contract or fixed-price contract with economic price adjustment is contemplated, unless-(A) The acquisition is to be made under the simplified acquisition procedures in Part 13; (B) The solicitation is a request for technical proposals under two-step sealed bidding procedures; or (C) The solicitation is for utility services for which rates are set by law or regulation. (ii) 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions. This provision applies to solicitations expected to exceed $100,000. (iii) 52.204-3, Taxpayer Identification. This provision applies to solicitations that do not include the clause at 52.204-7, Central Contractor Registration. Page 14 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (iv) 52.204-5, Women-Owned Business (Other Than Small Business). This provision applies to solicitations that-(A) Are not set aside for small business concerns; (B) Exceed the simplified acquisition threshold; and (C) Are for contracts that will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas. (v) 52.209-5, Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters. This provision applies to solicitations where the contract value is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. (vi) 52.214-14, Place of Performance--Sealed Bidding. This provision applies to invitations for bids except those in which the place of performance is specified by the Government. (vii) 52.215-6, Place of Performance. This provision applies to solicitations unless the place of performance is specified by the Government. (viii) 52.219-1, Small Business Program Representations (Basic & Alternate I). This provision applies to solicitations when the contract will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas. (A) The basic provision applies when the solicitations are issued by other than DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard. (B) The provision with its Alternate I applies to solicitations issued by DoD, NASA, or the Coast Guard. (ix) 52.219-2, Equal Low Bids. This provision applies to solicitations when contracting by sealed bidding and the contract will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas. (x) 52.222-22, Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports. This provision applies to solicitations that include the clause at 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity. (xi) 52.222-25, Affirmative Action Compliance. This provision applies to solicitations, other than those for construction, when the solicitation includes the clause at 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity. (xii) 52.222-38, Compliance with Veterans' Employment Reporting Requirements. This provision applies to solicitations when it is anticipated the contract award will exceed the simplified acquisition threshold and the contract is not for acquisition of commercial items. (xiii) 52.223-1, Biobased Product Certification. This provision applies to solicitations that require the delivery or specify the use of USDA-designated items; or include the clause at 52.223-2, Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts. Page 15 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (xiv) 52.223-4, Recovered Material Certification. This provision applies to solicitations that are for, or specify the use of, EPA- designated items. (xv) 52.225-2, Buy American Act Certificate. This provision applies to solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-1. (xvi) 52.225-4, Buy American Act--Free Trade Agreements--Israeli Trade Act Certificate. (Basic, Alternate I, and Alternate II) This provision applies to solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-3. (A) If the acquisition value is less than $25,000, the basic provision applies. (B) If the acquisition value is $25,000 or more but is less than $50,000, the provision with its Alternate I applies. (C) If the acquisition value is $50,000 or more but is less than $67,826, the provision with its Alternate II applies. (xvii) 52.225-6, Trade Agreements Certificate. This provision applies to solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-5. (xviii) 52.225-20, Prohibition on Conducting Restricted Business Operations in Sudan-Certification. (xix) 52.226-2, Historically Black College or University and Minority Institution Representation. This provision applies to-(A) Solicitations for research, studies, supplies, or services of the type normally acquired from higher educational institutions; and (B) For DoD, NASA, and Coast Guard acquisitions, solicitations that contain the clause at 52.219-23, Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns. (2) The following certifications are applicable as indicated by the Contracting Officer: [ ](i) 52.219-19, Small Business Concern Representation for the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. [ ](ii) 52.219-21, Small Business Size Representation for Targeted Industry Categories Under the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. [ ](iii) 52.219-22, Small Disadvantaged Business Status. [ ](A) Basic. Page 16 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 [ ](B) Alternate I. [ ](iv) 52.222-18, Certification Regarding Knowledge of Child Labor for Listed End Products. [ ](v) 52.222-48, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain Equipment Certification. [ ](vi) 52.222-52 Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for Certain Services--Certification. [ ](vii) 52.223-9, with its Alternate I, Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Products (Alternate I only). [ ](viii) 52.223-13, Certification of Toxic Chemical Release Reporting. [ ](ix) 52.227-6, Royalty Information. [ ](A) Basic. [ ](B) Alternate I. [ ](x) 52.227-15, Representation of Limited Rights Data and Restricted Computer Software. (d) The offeror has completed the annual representations and certifications electronically via the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) website at After reviewing the ORCA database information, the offeror verifies by submission of the offer that the representations and certifications currently posted electronically that apply to this solicitation as indicated in paragraph (c) of this provision have been entered or updated within the last 12 months, are current, accurate, complete, and applicable to this solicitation (including the business size standard applicable to the NAICS code referenced for this solicitation), as of the date of this offer and are incorporated in this offer by reference (see FAR 4.1201); except for the changes identified below [offeror to insert changes, identifying change by clause number, title, date]. These amended representation(s) and/or certification(s) are also incorporated in this offer and are current, accurate, and complete as of the date of this offer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FAR Clause # Title Date Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any changes provided by the offeror are applicable to this solicitation only, and do not result in an update to the representations and certifications posted on ORCA. (End of Provision) Page 17 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 52.211-10 COMMENCEMENT, PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION OF WORK (APR 1984) ALTERNATE I (APR 1984) The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 15 calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 195 . The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. The completion date is based on the assumption that the successful offeror will receive the notice to proceed by. The completion date will be extended by the number of calendar days after the above date that the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, except to the extent that the delay in issuance of the notice to proceed results from the failure of the Contractor to execute the contract and give the required performance and payment bonds within the time specified in the offer. (End of Clause) 4.2 52.219-28 POST-AWARD SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM REREPRESENTATION (APR 2009) (a) Definitions. As used in this clauseLong-term contract means a contract of more than five years in duration, including options. However, the term does not include contracts that exceed five years in duration because the period of performance has been extended for a cumulative period not to exceed six months under the clause at 52.217-8, Option to Extend Services, or other appropriate authority. Small business concern means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding on Government contracts, and qualified as a small business under the criteria in 13 CFR part 121 and the size standard in paragraph (c) of this clause. Such a concern is "not dominant in its field of operation" when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on a national basis in a kind of business activity in which a number of business concerns are primarily engaged. In determining whether dominance exists, consideration shall be given to all appropriate factors, including volume of business, number of employees, financial resources, competitive status or position, ownership or control of materials, processes, patents, license agreements, facilities, sales territory, and nature of business activity. (b) If the Contractor represented that it was a small business concern prior to award of this contract, the Contractor shall rerepresent its size status according to paragraph (e) of this clause or, if applicable, paragraph (g) of this clause, upon the occurrence of any of the following: Page 18 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (1) Within 30 days after execution of a novation agreement or within 30 days after modification of the contract to include this clause, if the novation agreement was executed prior to inclusion of this clause in the contract. (2) Within 30 days after a merger or acquisition that does not require a novation or within 30 days after modification of the contract to include this clause, if the merger or acquisition occurred prior to inclusion of this clause in the contract. (3) For long-term contracts(i) Within 60 to 120 days prior to the end of the fifth year of the contract; and (ii) Within 60 to 120 days prior to the date specified in the contract for exercising any option thereafter. (c) The Contractor shall rerepresent its size status in accordance with the size standard in effect at the time of this rerepresentation that corresponds to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to this contract. The small business size standard corresponding to this NAICS code can be found at (d) The small business size standard for a Contractor providing a product which it does not manufacture itself, for a contract other than a construction or service contract, is 500 employees. (e) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this clause, the Contractor shall make the rerepresentation required by paragraph (b) of this clause by validating or updating all its representations in the Online Representations and Certifications Application and its data in the Central Contractor Registration, as necessary, to ensure that they reflect the Contractor's current status. The Contractor shall notify the contracting office in writing within the timeframes specified in paragraph (b) of this clause that the data have been validated or updated, and provide the date of the validation or update. (f) If the Contractor represented that it was other than a small business concern prior to award of this contract, the Contractor may, but is not required to, take the actions required by paragraphs (e) or (g) of this clause. (g) If the Contractor does not have representations and certifications in ORCA, or does not have a representation in ORCA for the NAICS code applicable to this contract, the Contractor is required to complete the following rerepresentation and submit it to the contracting office, along with the contract number and the date on which the rerepresentation was completed: The Contractor represents that it [ ] is, [ ] is not a small business concern under NAICS Code 236220 assigned to contract number . [Contractor to sign and date and insert authorized signer's name and title]. Page 19 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (End of Clause) 4.3 52.222-39 NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONCERNING PAYMENT OF UNION DUES OR FEES (DEC 2004) (a) Definition. As used in this clause-"United States" means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Wake Island. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this clause, during the term of this contract, the Contractor shall post a notice, in the form of a poster, informing employees of their rights concerning union membership and payment of union dues and fees, in conspicuous places in and about all its plants and offices, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. The notice shall include the following information (except that the information pertaining to National Labor Relations Board shall not be included in notices posted in the plants or offices of carriers subject to the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U.S.C. 151-188)). Notice to Employees Under Federal law, employees cannot be required to join a union or maintain membership in a union in order to retain their jobs. Under certain conditions, the law permits a union and an employer to enter into a union-security agreement requiring employees to pay uniform periodic dues and initiation fees. However, employees who are not union members can object to the use of their payments for certain purposes and can only be required to pay their share of union costs relating to collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment. If you do not want to pay that portion of dues or fees used to support activities not related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment, you are entitled to an appropriate reduction in your payment. If you believe that you have been required to pay dues or fees used in part to support activities not related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment, you may be entitled to a refund and to an appropriate reduction in future payments. For further information concerning your rights, you may wish to contact the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) either at one of its Regional offices or at the following address or toll free number: National Labor Relations Board Division of Information 1099 14th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20570 1-866-667-6572 1-866-316-6572 (TTY) To locate the nearest NLRB office, see NLRB's website at Page 20 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (c) The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Executive Order 13201 of February 17, 2001, and related implementing regulations at 29 CFR Part 470, and orders of the Secretary of Labor. (d) In the event that the Contractor does not comply with any of the requirements set forth in paragraphs (b), (c), or (g), the Secretary may direct that this contract be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, and declare the Contractor ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures at 29 CFR Part 470, Subpart B--Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and Enforcement Procedures. Such other sanctions or remedies may be imposed as are provided by 29 CFR Part 470, which implements Executive Order 13201, or as are otherwise provided by law. (e) The requirement to post the employee notice in paragraph (b) does not apply to-(1) Contractors and subcontractors that employ fewer than 15 persons; (2) Contractor establishments or construction work sites where no union has been formally recognized by the Contractor or certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of the Contractor's employees; (3) Contractor establishments or construction work sites located in a jurisdiction named in the definition of the United States in which the law of that jurisdiction forbids enforcement of unionsecurity agreements; (4) Contractor facilities where upon the written request of the Contractor, the Department of Labor Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Programs has waived the posting requirements with respect to any of the Contractor's facilities if the Deputy Assistant Secretary finds that the Contractor has demonstrated that-(i) The facility is in all respects separate and distinct from activities of the Contractor related to the performance of a contract; and (ii) Such a waiver will not interfere with or impede the effectuation of the Executive order; or (5) Work outside the United States that does not involve the recruitment or employment of workers within the United States. (f) The Department of Labor publishes the official employee notice in two variations; one for contractors covered by the Railway Labor Act and a second for all other contractors. The Contractor shall-(1) Obtain the required employee notice poster from the Division of Interpretations and Standards, Office of Labor-Management Standards, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-5605, Washington, DC 20210, or from any field office of the Page 21 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Department's Office of Labor-Management Standards or Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs; (2) Download a copy of the poster from the Office of Labor- Management Standards website at; or (3) Reproduce and use exact duplicate copies of the Department of Labor's official poster. (g) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold, entered into in connection with this contract, unless exempted by the Department of Labor Deputy Assistant Secretary for LaborManagement Programs on account of special circumstances in the national interest under authority of 29 CFR 470.3(c). For indefinite quantity subcontracts, the Contractor shall include the substance of this clause if the value of orders in any calendar year of the subcontract is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. Pursuant to 29 CFR Part 470, Subpart B-Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and Enforcement Procedures, the Secretary of Labor may direct the Contractor to take such action in the enforcement of these regulations, including the imposition of sanctions for noncompliance with respect to any such subcontract or purchase order. If the Contractor becomes involved in litigation with a subcontractor or vendor, or is threatened with such involvement, as a result of such direction, the Contractor may request the United States, through the Secretary of Labor, to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (End of Clause) 4.4 52.222-54 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION (JAN 2009) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause-Commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) item-(1) Means any item of supply that is-(i) A commercial item (as defined in paragraph (1) of the definition at 2.101); (ii) Sold in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace; and (iii) Offered to the Government, without modification, in the same form in which it is sold in the commercial marketplace; and (2) Does not include bulk cargo, as defined in section 3 of the Shipping Act of 1984 (46U.S.C. App. 1702), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. Per 46 CFR 525.1(c)(2), "bulk cargo" means cargo that is loaded and carried in bulk onboard ship without mark or count, in a loose unpackaged form, having homogenous characteristics. Bulk cargo Page 22 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 loaded into intermodal equipment, except LASH or Seabee barges, is subject to mark and count and, therefore, ceases to be bulk cargo. Employee assigned to the contract means an employee who was hired after November 6, 1986, who is directly performing work, in the United States, under a contract that is required to include the clause prescribed at 22.1803. An employee is not considered to be directly performing work under a contract if the employee-(1) Normally performs support work, such as indirect or overhead functions; and (2) Does not perform any substantial duties applicable to the contract. Subcontract means any contract, as defined in 2.101, entered into by a subcontractor to furnish supplies or services for performance of a prime contract or a subcontract. It includes but is not limited to purchase orders, and changes and modifications to purchase orders. Subcontractor means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or services to or for a prime Contractor or another subcontractor. United States, as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(38), means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (b) Enrollment and verification requirements. (1) If the Contractor is not enrolled as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify at time of contract award, the Contractor shall-(i) Enroll. Enroll as a Federal Contractor in the E-Verify program within 30 calendar days of contract award; (ii) Verify all new employees. Within 90 calendar days of enrollment in the E-Verify program, begin to use E-Verify to initiate verification of employment eligibility of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3 business days after the date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this section); and (iii) Verify employees assigned to the contract. For each employee assigned to the contract, initiate verification within 90 calendar days after date of enrollment or within 30 calendar days of the employee's assignment to the contract, whichever date is later (but see paragraph (b)(4) of this section). (2) If the Contractor is enrolled as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify at time of contract award, the Contractor shall use E-Verify to initiate verification of employment eligibility of-(i) All new employees. Page 23 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (A) Enrolled 90 calendar days or more. The Contractor shall initiate verification of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3 business days after the date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this section); or (B) Enrolled less than 90 calendar days. Within 90 calendar days after enrollment as a Federal Contractor in E-Verify, the Contractor shall initiate verification of all new hires of the Contractor, who are working in the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within 3 business days after the date of hire (but see paragraph (b)(3) of this section); or (ii) Employees assigned to the contract. For each employee assigned to the contract, the Contractor shall initiate verification within 90 calendar days after date of contract award or within 30 days after assignment to the contract, whichever date is later (but see paragraph (b)(4) of this section). (3) If the Contractor is an institution of higher education (as defined at 20 U.S.C. 1001(a)); a State or local government or the government of a Federally recognized Indian tribe; or a surety performing under a takeover agreement entered into with a Federal agency pursuant to a performance bond, the Contractor may choose to verify only employees assigned to the contract, whether existing employees or new hires. The Contractor shall follow the applicable verification requirements at (b)(1) or (b)(2), respectively, except that any requirement for verification of new employees applies only to new employees assigned to the contract. (4) Option to verify employment eligibility of all employees. The Contractor may elect to verify all existing employees hired after November 6, 1986, rather than just those employees assigned to the contract. The Contractor shall initiate verification for each existing employee working in the United States who was hired after November 6, 1986, within 180 calendar days of-(i) Enrollment in the E-Verify program; or (ii) Notification to E-Verify Operations of the Contractor's decision to exercise this option, using the contact information provided in the E-Verify program Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). (5) The Contractor shall comply, for the period of performance of this contract, with the requirements of the E-Verify program MOU. (i) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Social Security Administration (SSA) may terminate the Contractor's MOU and deny access to the E-Verify system in accordance with the terms of the MOU. In such case, the Contractor will be referred to a suspension or debarment official. (ii) During the period between termination of the MOU and a decision by the suspension or debarment official whether to suspend or debar, the Contractor is excused from its obligations under paragraph (b) of this clause. If the suspension or debarment official determines not to suspend or debar the Contractor, then the Contractor must reenroll in E-Verify. Page 24 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (c) Web site. Information on registration for and use of the E-Verify program can be obtained via the Internet at the Department of Homeland Security Web site: (d) Individuals previously verified. The Contractor is not required by this clause to perform additional employment verification using E-Verify for any employee-(1) Whose employment eligibility was previously verified by the Contractor through the EVerify program; (2) Who has been granted and holds an active U.S. Government security clearance for access to confidential, secret, or top secret information in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual; or (3) Who has undergone a completed background investigation and been issued credentials pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12, Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors. (e) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include the requirements of this clause, including this paragraph (e) (appropriately modified for identification of the parties), in each subcontract that-(1) Is for--(i) Commercial or noncommercial services (except for commercial services that are part of the purchase of a COTS item (or an item that would be a COTS item, but for minor modifications), performed by the COTS provider, and are normally provided for that COTS item); or (ii) Construction; (2) Has a value of more than $3,000; and (3) Includes work performed in the United States. (End of Clause) 4.5 52.225-9 BUY AMERICAN ACT--CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (FEB 2009) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause-"Commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) item"-(1) Means any item of supply (including construction material) that is-(i) A commercial item (as defined in paragraph (1) of the definition at FAR 2.101); (ii) Sold in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace; and Page 25 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (iii) Offered to the Government, under a contract or subcontract at any tier, without modification, in the same form in which it is sold in the commercial marketplace; and (2) Does not include bulk cargo, as defined in section 3 of the Shipping Act of 1984 (46 U.S.C. App. 1702), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. "Component" means any article, material, or supply incorporated directly into construction material. "Construction material" means an article, material, or supply brought to the construction site by the Contractor or a subcontractor for incorporation into the building or work. The term also includes an item brought to the site preassembled from articles, materials, or supplies. However, emergency life safety systems, such as emergency lighting, fire alarm, and audio evacuation systems, that are discrete systems incorporated into a public building or work and that are produced as complete systems, are evaluated as a single and distinct construction material regardless of when or how the individual parts or components of those systems are delivered to the construction site. Materials purchased directly by the Government are supplies, not construction material. "Cost of components" means-(1) For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation into the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a domestic firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued); or (2) For components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs associated with the manufacture of the component, including transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this definition, plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. Cost of components does not include any costs associated with the manufacture of the construction material. "Domestic construction material" means-(1) An unmanufactured construction material mined or produced in the United States; (2) A construction material manufactured in the United States, if-(i) The cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind for which nonavailability determinations have been made are treated as domestic; or (ii) The construction material is a COTS item. "Foreign construction material" means a construction material other than a domestic construction material. Page 26 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 "United States" means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas. (b) Domestic preference. (1) This clause implements the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) by providing a preference for domestic construction material. In accordance with 41 U.S.C. 431, the component test of the Buy American Act is waived for construction material that is a COTS item (See FAR 12.505(a)(2)). The Contractor shall use only domestic construction material in performing this contract, except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this clause. (2) This requirement does not apply to the construction material or components listed by the Government as follows: (3) The Contracting Officer may add other foreign construction material to the list in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause if the Government determines that-(i) The cost of domestic construction material would be unreasonable. The cost of a particular domestic construction material subject to the requirements of the Buy American Act is unreasonable when the cost of such material exceeds the cost of foreign material by more than 6 percent; (ii) The application of the restriction of the Buy American Act to a particular construction material would be impracticable or inconsistent with the public interest; or (iii) The construction material is not mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality. (c) Request for determination of inapplicability of the Buy American Act. (1)(i) Any Contractor request to use foreign construction material in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this clause shall include adequate information for Government evaluation of the request, including-(A) A description of the foreign and domestic construction materials; (B) Unit of measure; (C) Quantity; (D) Price; (E) Time of delivery or availability; (F) Location of the construction project; Page 27 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (G) Name and address of the proposed supplier; and (H) A detailed justification of the reason for use of foreign construction materials cited in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this clause. (ii) A request based on unreasonable cost shall include a reasonable survey of the market and a completed price comparison table in the format in paragraph (d) of this clause. (iii) The price of construction material shall include all delivery costs to the construction site and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free certificate may be issued). (iv) Any Contractor request for a determination submitted after contract award shall explain why the Contractor could not reasonably foresee the need for such determination and could not have requested the determination before contract award. If the Contractor does not submit a satisfactory explanation, the Contracting Officer need not make a determination. (2) If the Government determines after contract award that an exception to the Buy American Act applies and the Contracting Officer and the Contractor negotiate adequate consideration, the Contracting Officer will modify the contract to allow use of the foreign construction material. However, when the basis for the exception is the unreasonable price of a domestic construction material, adequate consideration is not less than the differential established in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this clause. (3) Unless the Government determines that an exception to the Buy American Act applies, use of foreign construction material is noncompliant with the Buy American Act. (d) Data. To permit evaluation of requests under paragraph (c) of this clause based on unreasonable cost, the Contractor shall include the following information and any applicable supporting data based on the survey of suppliers: FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS PRICE COMPARISON -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit of Unit of Price Construction material description Measure Quantity (dollars)* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item 1: Foreign construction material .............. ............. ............ Domestic construction material .............. ............. ............ Page 28 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Item 2: Foreign construction material .............. ............. ............ Domestic construction material .............. ............ ............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [List name, address, telephone number, and contact for suppliers surveyed Attach copy of response; if oral, attach summary.] [Include other applicable supporting information.] [*Include all delivery costs to the construction site and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued).] (End of Clause) 4.6 52.228-5 INSURANCE - WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997) (a) The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. (b) Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective-(1) For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or (2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. (c) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request. (End of Clause) Page 29 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.7 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS In accordance with FAR 28.307-2 and FAR 52.228-5, the following minimum coverage shall apply to this contract: (a) Workers' compensation and employers liability: Contractors are required to comply with applicable Federal and State workers' compensation and occupational disease statutes. If occupational diseases are not compensable under those statutes, they shall be covered under the employer's liability section of the insurance policy, except when contract operations are so commingled with a Contractor's commercial operations that it would not be practical to require this coverage. Employer's liability coverage of at least $100,000 is required, except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds that do not permit workers' compensation to be written by private carriers. (b) General Liability: $500,000.00 per occurrences. (c) Automobile liability: $200,000.00 per person; $500,000.00 per occurrence and $20,000.00 property damage. (d) The successful bidder must present to the Contracting Officer, prior to award, evidence of general liability insurance without any exclusionary clauses for asbestos that would void the general liability coverage. (End of Clause) 4.9 VAAR 852.203-70 COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING (JAN 2008) The bidder or offeror agrees that if a contract is awarded to him/her, as a result of this solicitation, he/she will not advertise the award of the contract in his/her commercial advertising in such a manner as to state or imply that the Department of Veterans Affairs endorses a product, project or commercial line of endeavor. (End of Clause) 4.10 852.211-75 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (JAN 2008) The products offered under this solicitation shall be type , grade , in accordance with No. , dated and amendment dated , except for paragraphs and which are amended as follows: (End of Clause) Page 30 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.11 VAAR 852.219-10 VA NOTICE OF TOTAL SERVICE-DISABLED VETERANOWNED SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE (DEC 2009) (a) Definition. For the Department of Veterans Affairs, "Service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern": (1) Means a small business concern: (i) Not less than 51 percent of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of any publicly owned business, not less than 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans (or eligible surviving spouses); (ii) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans (or eligible surviving spouses) or, in the case of a service-disabled veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran; (iii) The business meets Federal small business size standards for the applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code identified in the solicitation document; and (iv) The business has been verified for ownership and control and is so listed in the Vendor Information Pages database, ( (2) "Service-disabled veteran" means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(16). (b) General. (1) Offers are solicited only from service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns. Offers received from concerns that are not service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns shall not be considered. (2) Any award resulting from this solicitation shall be made to a service-disabled veteranowned small business concern. (c) Agreement. A service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern agrees that in the performance of the contract, in the case of a contract for: (1) Services (except construction), at least 50 percent of the cost of personnel for contract performance will be spent for employees of the concern or employees of other eligible servicedisabled veteran-owned small business concerns; (2) Supplies (other than acquisition from a nonmanufacturer of the supplies), at least 50 percent of the cost of manufacturing, excluding the cost of materials, will be performed by the concern or other eligible service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns; Page 31 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (3) General construction, at least 15 percent of the cost of the contract performance incurred for personnel will be spent on the concern's employees or the employees of other eligible service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns; or (4) Construction by special trade contractors, at least 25 percent of the cost of the contract performance incurred for personnel will be spent on the concern's employees or the employees of other eligible service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns. (d) A joint venture may be considered a service-disabled veteran owned small business concern if-(1) At least one member of the joint venture is a service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern, and makes the following representations: That it is a service-disabled veteranowned small business concern, and that it is a small business concern under the North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) code assigned to the procurement; (2) Each other concern is small under the size standard corresponding to the NAICS code assigned to the procurement; and (3) The joint venture meets the requirements of paragraph 7 of the explanation of Affiliates in 19.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. (4) The joint venture meets the requirements of 13 CFR 125.15(b). (e) Any service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern (non-manufacturer) must meet the requirements in 19.102(f) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation to receive a benefit under this program. (End of Clause) 4.12 VAAR 852.228-70 BOND PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT (JAN 2008) When net changes in original contract price affect the premium of a Corporate Surety Bond by $5 or more, the Government, in determining the basis for final settlement, will provide for bond premium adjustment computed at the rate shown in the bond. (End of Clause) 4.13 VAAR 852.236-71 SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION (JUL 2002) The clause entitled "Specifications and Drawings for Construction" in FAR 52.236-21 is supplemented as follows: (a) The contracting officer's interpretation of the drawings and specifications will be final, subject to the disputes clause. Page 32 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (b) Large scale drawings supersede small scale drawings. (c) Dimensions govern in all cases. Scaling of drawings may be done only for general location and general size of items. (d) Dimensions shown of existing work and all dimensions required for work that is to connect with existing work shall be verified by the contractor by actual measurement of the existing work. Any work at variance with that specified or shown in the drawings shall not be performed by the contractor until approved in writing by the contracting officer. (End of Clause) 4.14 VAAR 852.236-74 INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION (JUL 2002) The clause entitled "Inspection of Construction" in FAR 52.246-12 is supplemented as follows: (a) Inspection of materials and articles furnished under this contract will be made at the site by the resident engineer, unless otherwise provided for in the specifications. (b) Final inspection will not be made until the contract work is ready for beneficial use or occupancy. The contractor shall notify the contracting officer, through the resident engineer, fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which the work will be ready for final inspection. (End of Clause) 4.15 VAAR 852.236-76 CORRESPONDENCE (APR 1984) All correspondence relative to this contract shall bear Specification Number, Project Number, Department of Veterans Affairs Contract Number, title of project and name of facility. (End of Clause) 4.16 VAAR 852.236-77 REFERENCE TO "STANDARDS" (JUL 2002) Any materials, equipment, or workmanship specified by references to number, symbol, or title of any specific Federal, Industry or Government Agency Standard Specification shall comply with all applicable provisions of such standard specifications, except as limited to type, class or grade, or modified in contract specifications. Reference to "Standards" referred to in the contract specifications, except as modified, shall have full force and effect as though printed in detail in specifications. (End of Clause) 4.17 VAAR 852.236-78 GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION (APR 1984) Page 33 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (a) The work will be under the direction of the Department of Veterans Affairs contracting officer, who may designate another VA employee to act as resident engineer at the construction site. (b) Except as provided below, the resident engineer's directions will not conflict with or change contract requirements. (c) Within the limits of any specific authority delegated by the contracting officer, the resident engineer may, by written direction, make changes in the work. The contractor shall be advised of the extent of such authority prior to execution of any work under the contract. (End of Clause) 4.18 VAAR 852.236-79 DAILY REPORT OF WORKERS AND MATERIAL (APR 1984) The contractor shall furnish to the resident engineer each day a consolidated report for the preceding work day in which is shown the number of laborers, mechanics, foremen/forewomen and pieces of heavy equipment used or employed by the contractor and subcontractors. The report shall bear the name of the firm, the branch of work which they perform such as concrete, plastering, masonry, plumbing, sheet metal work, etc. The report shall give a breakdown of employees by crafts, location where employed, and work performed. The report shall also list materials delivered to the site on the date covered by the report. (End of Clause) 4.19 VAAR 852.236-80 SUBCONTRACTS AND WORK COORDINATION (APR 1984) (a) Nothing contained in this contract shall be construed as creating any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the Government. Divisions or sections of specifications are not intended to control the contractor in dividing work among subcontractors, or to limit work performed by any trade. (b) The contractor shall be responsible to the Government for acts and omissions of his/her own employees, and of the subcontractors and their employees. The contractor shall also be responsible for coordination of the work of the trades, subcontractors, and material suppliers. (c) The Government or its representatives will not undertake to settle any differences between the contractor and subcontractors or between subcontractors. (d) The Government reserves the right to refuse to permit employment on the work or require dismissal from the work of any subcontractor who, by reason of previous unsatisfactory work on Department of Veterans Affairs projects or for any other reason, is considered by the contracting officer to be incompetent or otherwise objectionable. (End of Clause) Page 34 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.20 VAAR 852.236-82 PAYMENTS UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS (WITHOUT NAS) (APR 1984) (a) Retainage: (1) The contracting officer may retain funds: (i) Where performance under the contract has been determined to be deficient or the contractor has performed in an unsatisfactory manner in the past; or (ii) As the contract nears completion, to ensure that deficiencies will be corrected and that completion is timely. (2) Examples of deficient performance justifying a retention of funds include, but are not restricted to, the following: (i) Unsatisfactory progress as determined by the contracting officer; (ii) Failure to meet schedule in Schedule of Work Progress; (iii) Failure to present submittals in a timely manner; or (iv) Failure to comply in good faith with approved subcontracting plans, certifications, or contract requirements. (3) Any level of retention shall not exceed 10 percent either where there is determined to be unsatisfactory performance, or when the retainage is to ensure satisfactory completion. Retained amounts shall be paid promptly upon completion of all contract requirements, but nothing contained in this subparagraph shall be construed as limiting the contracting officer's right to withhold funds under other provisions of the contract or in accordance with the general law and regulations regarding the administration of Government contracts. (b) The contractor shall submit a schedule of cost to the contracting officer for approval within 30 calendar days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. Such schedule will be signed and submitted in triplicate. The approved cost schedule will be one of the bases for determining progress payments to the contractor for work completed. This schedule shall show cost by the branches of work for each building or unit of the contract, as instructed by the resident engineer. (1) The branches shall be subdivided into as many sub-branches as are necessary to cover all component parts of the contract work. (2) Costs as shown on this schedule must be true costs and, should the resident engineer so desire, he/she may require the contractor to submit the original estimate sheets or other information to substantiate the detailed makeup of the schedule. Page 35 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (3) The sum of the sub-branches, as applied to each branch, shall equal the total cost of such branch. The total cost of all branches shall equal the contract price. (4) Insurance and similar items shall be prorated and included in the cost of each branch of the work. (5) The cost schedule shall include separate cost information for the systems listed in the table in this paragraph (b)(5). The percentages listed below are proportions of the cost listed in the contractor's cost schedule and identify, for payment purposes, the value of the work to adjust, correct and test systems after the material has been installed. Payment of the listed percentages will be made only after the contractor has demonstrated that each of the systems is substantially complete and operates as required by the contract. VALUE OF ADJUSTING, CORRECTING, AND TESTING SYSTEM System Pneumatic tube system......................................... Percent 10 Incinerators (medical waste and trash)........................ 5 Sewage treatment plant equipment.............................. 5 Water treatment plant equipment............................... 5 Washers (dish, cage, glass, etc.)............................. 5 Sterilizing equipment......................................... 5 Water distilling equipment.................................... 5 Prefab temperature rooms (cold, constant temperature)......... 5 Entire air-conditioning system (Specified under 600 Sections) 5 Entire boiler plant system (specified under 700 Sections) .... 5 General supply conveyors ..................................... 10 Food service conveyors ....................................... 10 Pneumatic soiled linen and trash system ...................... 10 Elevators and dumbwaiters .................................... 10 Page 36 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Materials transport system ................................... 10 Engine-generator system ...................................... 5 Primary switchgear ........................................... 5 Secondary switchgear ......................................... 5 Fire alarm system ............................................ 5 Nurse call system ............................................ 5 Intercom system .............................................. 5 Radio system ................................................. 5 TV (entertainment) system .................................... 5 (c) In addition to this cost schedule, the contractor shall submit such unit costs as may be specifically requested. The unit costs shall be those used by the contractor in preparing his/her bid and will not be binding as pertaining to any contract changes. (d) The contracting officer will consider for monthly progress payments material and/or equipment procured by the contractor and stored on the construction site, as space is available, or at a local approved location off the site, under such terms and conditions as such officer approves, including but not limited to the following: (1) The material or equipment is in accordance with the contract requirements and/or approved samples and shop drawings. (2) Only those materials and/or equipment as are approved by the resident engineer for storage will be included. (3) Such materials and/or equipment will be stored separately and will be readily available for inspection and inventory by the resident engineer. (4) Such materials and/or equipment will be protected against weather, theft and other hazards and will not be subjected to deterioration. (5) All of the other terms, provisions, conditions and covenants contained in the contract shall be and remain in full force and effect as therein provided. (6) A supplemental agreement will be executed between the Government and the contractor with the consent of the contractor's surety for off-site storage. Page 37 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (e) The contractor, prior to receiving a progress or final payment under this contract, shall submit to the contracting officer a certification that the contractor has made payment from proceeds of prior payments, or that timely payment will be made from the proceeds of the progress or final payment then due, to subcontractors and suppliers in accordance with the contractual arrangements with them. (f) The Government reserves the right to withhold payment until samples, shop drawings, engineer's certificates, additional bonds, payrolls, weekly statements of compliance, proof of title, nondiscrimination compliance reports, or any other things required by this contract, have been submitted to the satisfaction of the contracting officer. (End of Clause) 4.21 VAAR 852.236-84 SCHEDULE OF WORK PROGRESS (NOV 1984) (a) The contractor shall submit with the schedule of costs, a progress schedule that indicates the anticipated installation of work versus the elapsed contract time, for the approval of the contracting officer. The progress schedule time shall be represented in the form of a bar graph with the contract time plotted along the horizontal axis. The starting date of the schedule shall be the date the contractor receives the "Notice to Proceed." The ending date shall be the original contract completion date. At a minimum, both dates shall be indicated on the progress schedule. The specific item of work, i.e., "Excavation", "Floor Tile", "Finish Carpentry", etc., should be plotted along the vertical axis and indicated by a line or bar at which time(s) during the contract this work is scheduled to take place. The schedule shall be submitted in triplicate and signed by the contractor. (b) The actual percent completion will be based on the value of installed work divided by the current contract amount. The actual completion percentage will be indicated on the monthly progress report. (c) The progress schedule will be revised when individual or cumulative time extensions of 15 calendar days or more are granted for any reason. The revised schedule should indicate the new contract completion date and should reflect any changes to the installation time(s) of the items of work affected. (d) The revised progress schedule will be used for reporting future scheduled percentage completion. (End of Clause) 4.22 VAAR 852.236-85 SUPPLEMENTARY LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS (APR 1984) (a) The wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor is set forth in section GR, General Requirements, of this contract. It is the result of a study of wage conditions in the locality and establishes the minimum hourly rates of wages and fringe benefits for the described Page 38 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 classes of labor in accordance with applicable law. No increase in the contract price will be allowed or authorized because of payment of wage rates in excess of those listed. (b) The contractor shall submit the required copies of payrolls to the contracting officer through the resident engineer or engineer officer, when acting in that capacity. Department of Labor Form WH- 347, Payroll, available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, may be used for this purpose. If, however, the contractor or subcontractor elects to use an individually composed payroll form, it shall contain the same information shown on Form WH-347, and in addition be accompanied by Department of Labor Form WH-348, Statement of Compliance, or any other form containing the exact wording of this form. (End of Clause) 4.23 VAAR 852.236-86 WORKER'S COMPENSATION (JAN 2008) Public Law 107-217 (40 U.S.C. 3172) authorizes the constituted authority of States to apply their workers compensation laws to all lands and premises owned or held by the United States. (End of Clause) 4.24 VAAR 852.236-87 ACCIDENT PREVENTION (SEP 1993) The Resident Engineer on all assigned construction projects, or other Department of Veterans Affairs employee if designated in writing by the Contracting Officer, shall serve as Safety Officer and as such has authority, on behalf of the Contracting Officer, to monitor and enforce Contractor compliance with FAR 52.236-13, Accident Prevention. However, only the Contracting Officer may issue an order to stop all or part of the work while requiring satisfactory or corrective action to be taken by the Contractor. (End of Clause) 4.25 VAAR 852.236-88 CONTRACT CHANGES--SUPPLEMENT (JUL 2002) (a) Paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) apply to proposed contract changes costing over $500,000. (1) When requested by the contracting officer, the contractor shall submit proposals for changes in work to the resident engineer. Proposals, to be submitted as expeditiously as possible but within 30 calendar days after receipt of request, shall be in legible form, original and two copies, with an itemized breakdown that will include material, quantities, unit prices, labor costs (separated into trades), construction equipment, etc. (Labor costs are to be identified with specific material placed or operation performed.) The contractor must obtain and furnish with a proposal an itemized breakdown as described above, signed by each subcontractor participating in the change regardless of tier. When certified cost or pricing data are required under FAR Subpart 15.403, the cost or pricing data shall be submitted in accordance with FAR 15.403-5. Page 39 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (2) When the necessity to proceed with a change does not allow sufficient time to negotiate a modification or because of failure to reach an agreement, the contracting officer may issue a change order instructing the contractor to proceed on the basis of a tentative price based on the best estimate available at the time, with the firm price to be determined later. Furthermore, when the change order is issued, the contractor shall submit a proposal, which includes the information required by paragraph (a)(1), for cost of changes in work within 30 calendar days. (3) The contracting officer will consider issuing a settlement by determination to the contract if the contractor's proposal required by paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this clause is not received within 30 calendar days or if agreement has not been reached. (4) Bond premium adjustment, consequent upon changes ordered, will be made as elsewhere specified at the time of final settlement under the contract and will not be included in the individual change. (b) Paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(11) apply to proposed contract changes costing $500,000 or less: (1) When requested by the contracting officer, the contractor shall submit proposals for changes in work to the resident engineer. Proposals, to be submitted as expeditiously as possible but within 30 calendar days after receipt of request, shall be in legible form, original and two copies, with an itemized breakdown that will include material, quantities, unit prices, labor costs (separated into trades), construction equipment, etc. (Labor costs are to be identified with specific material placed or operation performed.) The contractor must obtain and furnish with a proposal an itemized breakdown as described above, signed by each subcontractor participating in the change regardless of tier. When certified cost or pricing data or information other than cost or pricing data are required under FAR 15.403, the data shall be submitted in accordance with FAR 15.403-5. No itemized breakdown will be required for proposals amounting to less than $1,000. (2) When the necessity to proceed with a change does not allow sufficient time to negotiate a modification or because of failure to reach an agreement, the contracting officer may issue a change order instructing the contractor to proceed on the basis of a tentative price based on the best estimate available at the time, with the firm price to be determined later. Furthermore, when the change order is issued, the contractor shall submit within 30 calendar days, a proposal that includes the information required by paragraph (b)(1) for the cost of the changes in work. (3) The contracting officer will consider issuing a settlement by determination to the contract if the contractor's proposal required by paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this clause is not received within 30 calendar days, or if agreement has not been reached. (4) Allowances not to exceed 10 percent each for overhead and profit for the party performing the work will be based on the value of labor, material, and use of construction equipment required to accomplish the change. As the value of the change increases, a declining scale will be used in negotiating the percentage of overhead and profit. Allowable percentages on changes will not exceed the following: 10 percent overhead and 10 percent profit on the first $20,000; 7-1/2 Page 40 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 percent overhead and 7-1/2 percent profit on the next $30,000; 5 percent overhead and 5 percent profit on balance over $50,000. Profit shall be computed by multiplying the profit percentage by the sum of the direct costs and computed overhead costs. (5) The prime contractor's or upper-tier subcontractor's fee on work performed by lower-tier subcontractors will be based on the net increased cost to the prime contractor or upper-tier subcontractor, as applicable. Allowable fee on changes will not exceed the following: 10 percent fee on the first $20,000; 7-1/2 percent fee on the next $30,000; and 5 percent fee on balance over $50,000. (6) Not more than four percentages, none of which exceed the percentages shown above, will be allowed regardless of the number of tiers of subcontractors. (7) Where the contractor's or subcontractor's portion of a change involves credit items, such items must be deducted prior to adding overhead and profit for the party performing the work. The contractor's fee is limited to the net increase to contractor of subcontractors' portions cost computed in accordance herewith. (8) Where a change involves credit items only, a proper measure of the amount of downward adjustment in the contract price is the reasonable cost to the contractor if he/she had performed the deleted work. A reasonable allowance for overhead and profit are properly includable as part of the downward adjustment for a deductive change. The amount of such allowance is subject to negotiation. (9) Cost of Federal Old Age Benefit (Social Security) tax and of Worker's Compensation and Public Liability insurance appertaining to changes are allowable. While no percentage will be allowed thereon for overhead or profit, prime contractor's fee will be allowed on such items in subcontractors' proposals. (10) Overhead and contractor's fee percentages shall be considered to include insurance other than mentioned herein, field and office supervisors and assistants, security police, use of small tools, incidental job burdens, and general home office expenses and no separate allowance will be made therefore. Assistants to office supervisors include all clerical, stenographic and general office help. Incidental job burdens include, but are not necessarily limited to, office equipment and supplies, temporary toilets, telephone and conformance to OSHA requirements. Items such as, but not necessarily limited to, review and coordination, estimating and expediting relative to contract changes are associated with field and office supervision and are considered to be included in the contractor's overhead and/or fee percentage. (11) Bond premium adjustment, consequent upon changes ordered, will be made as elsewhere specified at the time of final settlement under the contract and will not be included in the individual change. (End of Clause) 4.26 VAAR 852.236-89 BUY AMERICAN ACT (JAN 2008) Page 41 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (a) Reference is made to the clause entitled "Buy American Act--Construction Materials," FAR 52.225-9. (b) Notwithstanding a bidder's right to offer identifiable foreign construction material in its bid pursuant to FAR 52.225-9, VA does not anticipate accepting an offer that includes foreign construction material. (c) If a bidder chooses to submit a bid that includes foreign construction material, that bidder must provide a listing of the specific foreign construction material he/she intends to use and a price for said material. Bidders must include bid prices for comparable domestic construction material. If VA determines not to accept foreign construction material and no comparable domestic construction material is provided, the entire bid will be rejected. (d) Any foreign construction material proposed after award will be rejected unless the bidder proves to VA's satisfaction: (1) it was impossible to request the exemption prior to award, and (2) said domestic construction material is no longer available, or (3) where the price has escalated so dramatically after the contract has been awarded that it would be unconscionable to require performance at that price. The determinations required by (1), (2), and (3) of this paragraph shall be made in accordance with Subpart 825.2 and FAR 25.2. (e) By signing this bid, the bidder declares that all articles, materials and supplies for use on the project shall be domestic unless specifically set forth on the Bid Form or addendum thereto. (End of Clause) 4.27 VAAR 852.236-91 SPECIAL NOTES (JUL 2002) (a) Signing of the bid shall be deemed to be a representation by the bidder that: (1) Bidder is a construction contractor who owns, operates, or maintains a place of business, regularly engaged in construction, alteration, or repair of buildings, structures, and communications facilities, or other engineering projects, including furnishing and installing of necessary equipment; or (2) If newly entering into a construction activity, bidder has made all necessary arrangements for personnel, construction equipment, and required licenses to perform construction work; and (3) Upon request, prior to award, bidder will promptly furnish to the Government a statement of facts in detail as to bidder's previous experience (including recent and current contracts), organization (including company officers), technical qualifications, financial resources and facilities available to perform the contemplated work. (b) Unless otherwise provided in this contract, where the use of optional materials or construction is permitted, the same standard of workmanship, fabrication and installation shall be required irrespective of which option is selected. The contractor shall make any change or Page 42 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 adjustment in connecting work or otherwise necessitated by the use of such optional material or construction, without additional cost to the Government. (c) When approval is given for a system component having functional or physical characteristics different from those indicated or specified, it is the responsibility of the contractor to furnish and install related components with characteristics and capacities compatible with the approved substitute component as required for systems to function as noted on drawings and specifications. There shall be no additional cost to the Government. (d) In some instances it may have been impracticable to detail all items in specifications or on drawings because of variances in manufacturers' methods of achieving specified results. In such instances the contractor will be required to furnish all labor, materials, drawings, services and connections necessary to produce systems or equipment which are completely installed, functional, and ready for operation by facility personnel in accordance with their intended use. (e) Claims by the contractor for delay attributed to unusually severe weather must be supported by climatological data covering the period and the same period for the 10 preceding years. When the weather in question exceeds in intensity or frequency the 10-year average, the excess experienced shall be considered "unusually severe." Comparison shall be on a monthly basis. Whether or not unusually severe weather in fact delays the work will depend upon the effect of weather on the branches of work being performed during the time under consideration. (End of Clause) 4.28 VAAR 852.273-76 ELECTRONIC INVOICE SUBMISSION (Interim - October 2008) (a) To improve the timeliness of payments and lower overall administrative costs, VA strongly encourages contractors to submit invoices using its electronic invoicing system. At present, electronic submission is voluntary and any nominal registration fees will be the responsibility of the contractor. VA intends to mandate electronic invoice submission, subject to completion of the federal rulemaking process. At present, VA is using a 3rd party agent to contact contractors regarding this service. During the voluntary period, contractors interested in registering for the electronic system should contact the VA's Financial Services Center at 4.29 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): Page 43 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 (End of Clause) 52.202-1 52.203-3 52.203-5 52.203-6 52.203-7 52.203-8 52.203-10 52.203-12 52.204-4 52.204-7 52.204-9 52.209-6 52.214-26 52.214-27 52.214-28 52.219-8 52.222-1 52.222-3 52.222-4 JUL 2005 52.222-6 52.222-7 52.222-8 52.222-9 52.222-10 52.222-11 52.222-12 DEFINITIONS JUL 2004 GRATUITIES APR 1984 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES APR 1984 RESTRICTIONS ON SUBCONTRACTOR SALES TO SEP 2006 THE GOVERNMENT ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURES JUL 1995 CANCELLATION, RESCISSION, AND RECOVERY JAN 1997 OF FUNDS FOR ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER ACTIVITY PRICE OR FEE ADJUSTMENT FOR ILLEGAL OR JAN 1997 IMPROPER ACTIVITY LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE SEP 2007 CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS PRINTED OR COPIED DOUBLE-SIDED AUG 2000 ON RECYCLED PAPER CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION APR 2008 PERSONAL IDENTITY VERIFICATION OF SEP 2007 CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL PROTECTING THE GOVERNMENT'S INTEREST SEP 2006 WHEN SUBCONTRACTING WITH CONTRACTORS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR PROPOSED FOR DEBARMENT AUDIT AND RECORDS--SEALED BIDDING MAR 2009 PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR OCT 1997 PRICING DATA--MODIFICATIONS--SEALED BIDDING SUBCONTRACTOR COST OR PRICING OCT 1997 DATA--MODIFICATIONS--SEALED BIDDING UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS MAY 2004 NOTICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF LABOR FEB 1997 DISPUTES CONVICT LABOR JUN 2003 CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT-OVERTIME COMPENSATION DAVIS-BACON ACT WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS PAYROLLS AND BASIC RECORDS APPRENTICES AND TRAINEES COMPLIANCE WITH COPELAND ACT REQUIREMENTS SUBCONTRACTS (LABOR STANDARDS) CONTRACT TERMINATION - DEBARMENT JUL 2005 FEB 1988 FEB 1988 JUL 2005 FEB 1988 JUL 2005 FEB 1988 Page 44 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 52.222-13 COMPLIANCE WITH DAVIS-BACON AND RELATED FEB 1988 52.227-4 ACT REGULATIONS DISPUTES CONCERNING LABOR STANDARDS FEB 1988 CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY FEB 1988 PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES FEB 1999 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MAR 2007 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE FEB 1999 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL DISABLED SEP 2006 VETERANS, VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH JUN 1998 DISABILITIES EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON SPECIAL DISABLED SEP 2006 VETERANS, VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS FEB 2009 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RIGHT-TO-KNOW AUG 2003 INFORMATION DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE MAY 2001 TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE REPORTING AUG 2003 RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FOREIGN JUN 2008 PURCHASES AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT DEC 2007 NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT DEC 2007 AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT PATENT INDEMNITY--CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS DEC 52.228-2 52.228-11 52.228-12 ADDITIONAL BOND SECURITY OCT 1997 PLEDGES OF ASSETS SEP 2009 PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR REQUESTS FOR OCT 52.222-14 52.222-15 52.222-21 52.222-26 52.222-27 52.222-35 52.222-36 52.222-37 52.222-50 52.223-5 52.223-6 52.223-14 52.225-13 52.227-1 52.227-2 2007 1995 52.228-14 52.228-15 52.229-3 52.232-5 BONDS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT DEC 1999 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS-NOV 2006 CONSTRUCTION FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES APR 2003 PAYMENTS UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION SEP 2002 52.232-17 52.232-18 52.232-23 52.232-27 CONTRACTS INTEREST AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS PROMPT PAYMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS OCT 2008 APR 1984 JAN 1986 OCT 2008 Page 45 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 52.232-34 52.233-1 52.233-3 52.233-4 52.236-2 52.236-3 52.236-5 52.236-6 52.236-7 52.236-8 52.236-9 52.236-10 52.236-11 52.236-12 52.236-13 52.236-17 52.236-26 52.242-13 52.242-14 52.243-4 52.244-6 52.245-1 52.245-9 52.246-12 52.248-3 52.249-2 52.249-10 52.253-1 PAYMENT BY ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER-OTHER THAN CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION DISPUTES PROTEST AFTER AWARD APPLICABLE LAW FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT CLAIM DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS SITE INVESTIGATION AND CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE WORK MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP SUPERINTENDENCE BY THE CONTRACTOR PERMITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OTHER CONTRACTS PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS USE AND POSSESSION PRIOR TO COMPLETION CLEANING UP ACCIDENT PREVENTION LAYOUT OF WORK PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE BANKRUPTCY SUSPENSION OF WORK CHANGES SUBCONTRACTS FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY USE AND CHARGES INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION VALUE ENGINEERING--CONSTRUCTION TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (FIXED PRICE) ALTERNATE I (SEPT 1996) DEFAULT (FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION) COMPUTER GENERATED FORMS MAY 1999 JUL 2002 AUG 1996 OCT 2004 APR 1984 APR 1984 APR 1984 APR 1984 NOV 1991 APR 1984 APR 1984 APR 1984 APR 1984 APR 1984 NOV 1991 APR 1984 FEB 1995 JUL 1995 APR 1984 JUN 2007 DEC 2009 JUN 2007 JUN 2007 AUG 1996 SEP 2006 MAY 2004 APR 1984 JAN 1991 Page 46 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 GENERAL DECISION: NY20100004 03/12/2010 NY4 Date: March 12, 2010 General Decision Number: NY20100004 03/12/2010 Superseded General Decision Number: NY20080004 State: New York Construction Types: Building, Heavy and Highway Counties: Broome and Chenango Counties in New York. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FOR BROOME COUNTY ONLY (does not include single family homes and apartments up to and including 4 stories, HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Modification Number Publication Date 0 03/12/2010 * ASBE0030-001 05/01/2009 Rates Fringes Asbestos/Insulator Worker includes application of all materials, protective coverings, coatings and finishings to all types of mechanical systems. Also the application of firestopping material to openings and penetrations in walls, floors, ceilings, curtain walls and all lead abatement......$ 28.15 14.53 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLER SCOPE OF WORK: DUTIES LIMITED TO preparation, wetting, stripping, removal, scrapping, vacuuming, bagging, and disposing of all insulation materials, whether they contain asbestos or not from mechanical system...........$ 18.72 9.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------BOIL0197-001 10/01/2006 Rates Fringes BOILERMAKER......................$ 27.45 ------------ * BRNY0003-002 07/01/2009 18.76 ---------------------------------------------------- BINGHAMPTON CHAPTER Rates Fringes BRICKLAYER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, BROOME COUNTY Bricklayers, Cement Masons, Stone Masons, Pointers, Caulkers and Cleaners...................$ 26.13 13.15 Marble Masons, Tile Layers, and Terrazzo Workers....................$ 25.73 11.20 Marble, Tile and Terrazzo Finishers..................$ 22.30 10.39 HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION, BROOME & CHENANGO COUNTIES Cement Masons..............$ 27.56 14.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * CARP0281-001 07/01/2009 Page 47 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Rates Fringes CARPENTER (BUILDING CONSTRUCTION) BROOME COUNTY Carpenters, Carpet Layer, Drywall Applicator, Floor Coverer, Lather............$ 22.51 13.09 Millwrights................$ 22.76 13.08 CARPENTER (HEAVY & HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION) BROOME COUNTY Carpenter..................$ 27.14 14.03 CHENANGO COUNTY Carpenter..................$ 25.06 17.81 FOOTNOTES: a. Paid Holidays: Independence Day and Labor Day, provided the employee works his scheduled day before and his scheduled day after the holiday and is on the payroll in the payroll week in which the holiday falls. ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ELEC0043-003 06/01/2009 CHENANGO (Twps of Columbus, New Berlin & Sherburne): Rates Fringes ELECTRICIAN......................$ 30.00 ---------- ELEC0325-002 06/01/2009 16.52 ------------------------------------------------------ BROOME, CHENANGO (Entire County, except Columbus, New Berlin and Sherburne Townships) Rates Fringes CABLE SPLICER....................$ 31.15 19.03 ELECTRICIAN......................$ 27.90 18.94 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ELEC1249-003 05/04/2009 Rates Fringes LINE CONSTRUCTION: Lineman (LIGHTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL Including any and all Fiber Optic Cable necessary for Traffic Signal Systems, Traffic Monitoring systems and Road Weather information systems) Flagman.....................$ 22.25 13.50+6.5%+a Groundman Digging Machine Operator....................$ 32.74 11.75+6.5%+a Groundman Truck Driver (tractor trailer unit)......$ 31.52 13.50+6.5%+a Groundman Truck Driver......$ 29.66 13.50+6.5%+a Lineman & Technician........$ 37.08 13.50+6.5%+a Mechanic....................$ 29.66 13.50+6.5%+a FOOTNOTE: a. New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, plus President's Day, Good Friday, Decoration Day, Election Day for the President of the United States and Election Day for the Governor of the State of New York, Page 48 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 provided the employee works the day before or the day after the holiday. --------------------------------------------------------------- ELEC1249-004 05/04/2009 Rates Fringes Line Construction: Overhead and underground distribution and maintenance work and all overhead and underground transmission line work including any and all fiber optic ground wire, fiber optic shield wire or any other like product by any other name manufactured for the dual purpose of ground fault protection and fiber optic capabilities (where no other trades are or have been involved): Cable Splicer..............$ 44.67 13.50+7%+a Flagman....................$ 24.37 13.50+7%+a Groundman digging machine operator...................$ 36.55 13.50+7%+a Groundman truck driver (tractor trailer unit).....$ 34.52 13.50+7%+a Groundman Truck driver.....$ 32.49 13.50+7%+a Lineman and Technician.....$ 40.61 13.50+7%+a Mechanic...................$ 32.49 13.50+7%+a Overhead transmission line work (where 40.09other trades are or have been involved): Cable Splicer..............$ 46.41 12.00+7%+a Overhead transmission line work (where other trades are or have been involved): Cable Splicer..............$ 47.44 13.50+7%+a Flagman....................$ 25.88 13.50+7%+a Groundman digging machine operator...................$ 38.82 13.50+7%+a Groundman truck driver (tractor trailer unit).....$ 36.66 13.50+7%+a Groundman truck driver.....$ 34.50 13.50+7%+a Lineman and Technician.....$ 43.13 13.50+7%+a Mechanic...................$ 34.50 13.50+7%+a Substation: Cable Splicer..............$ 44.67 13.50+7%+a Flagman....................$ 24.37 13.50+7%+a Ground man truck driver....$ 32.49 13.50+7%+a Groundman digging machine operator...................$ 36.55 13.50+7%+a Groundman truck driver (tractor trailer unit).....$ 34.52 13.50+7%+a Lineman & Technician.......$ 40.61 13.50+7%+a Mechanic...................$ 32.49 13.50+7%+a Switching structures; railroad catenary installation and maintenance, third rail type underground fluid or gas filled transmission conduit and cable installations (including any and all fiber optic ground product by any other name manufactured for the dual purpose of ground fault protection and fiber optic capabilities), pipetype cable installation and maintenance jobs or projects, and maintenance bonding of rails; Pipetype cable installation Cable Splicer..............$ 46.10 13.50+7%+a Flagman....................$ 25.15 13.50+7%+a Groundman Digging Machine Operator...................$ 37.72 13.50+7%+a Groundman Truck Driver (tractor-trailer unit).....$ 35.62 13.50+7%+a Groundman Truck Driver.....$ 33.53 13.50+7%+a Lineman & Technician.......$ 38.87 11.75+7%+a Mechanic...................$ 33.53 13.50+7%+a TELEPHONE, CATV FIBEROPTICS CABLE AND EQUIPMENT Cable splicer/Central Office Person..............$ 23.07 3.05+3% Groundman..................$ 11.61 3.05+3% Installer RepairmanTeledata Lineman/Tecnician- Equipment Operator.........$ 21.91 3.05+3% TREE TRIMMER................$ 18.92 4.05+3%+b FOOTNOTE: a. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Good Friday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Election Day for the President of the United States and Election Day for the Governor of New York State, provided the employee works two days before or two days after the holiday. Page 49 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 b. New Years Day, Washington's Birthday, Good Friday, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ELEV0062-002 01/01/2009 Rates Fringes Elevator Constructor Mechanics...................$ 36.93 18.285+a FOOTNOTES: a. 8 Paid Holidays: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Veteran's Day; Thanksgiving; the Friday after Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day Employer contributes 8% basic hourly rate for 5 years or more service or 6% basic hourly rate for 6 months to 5 years of service as vacation pay credit. --------------------------------------------------------------- ENGI0106-001 07/01/2009 HEAVY & HIGHWAY Rates Fringes Power equipment operators: GROUP 1.....................$ 32.73 18.75+a GROUP 2.....................$ 32.30 18.75+a GROUP 3.....................$ 31.39 18.75+a GROUP 4.....................$ 28.81 18.75+a GROUP 5.....................$ 33.91 18.75+a GROUP 6.....................$ 33.23 18.75+a GROUP 7.....................$ 33.73 18.75+a POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR CLASSIFICATIONS (HEAVY & HIGHWAY) GROUP 1: Boom Truck (over 5 tons), Crane, Cherry Picker (over 5 ton capacity), Derricks (steel erection), Dragline, Overhead Crane (Gantry or Straddle type), Pile Driver, Truck Crane GROUP 2: Automated Concrete Spreader (CMI), Automatic Fine Grader, Backhoe (Except Tractor Mounted, Rubber Tired), Backhoe Excavator Full Swing (CAT 212 or similar type), Belt Placer (CMI type), Black Top Plant (Automated), Boom Truck (5 tons and under), Cableway, Caisson Auger, Central Mix Concrete Plant (Automated), Concrete Pump (8" or over), Dredge, Dual Drum Paver, Excavator (All Purpose-Hydraulicly Operated) (Gradall or similar), Fork Lift (Factory Rated 15 ft. and over), Front End Loader (4 c.y. and over), Head Tower (Sauerman or equal), Hoist (2 or 3 Drum), Holland Loader, Mine Hoist, Mucking Machine or Mole, Pavement Breaker (SP) Wertgen; PB-4 and similar type, Power Grader, Profiler (over 105 H.P), Quad 9, Quarry Master (or equivalent), Scraper, Shovel, Side Boom, Slip Form Paver, Tractor Drawn Belt-Type Truck Crane, Truck or Trailer Mounted Log Chipper (Self-Feeder), Tug Operator (Except Manned Rented Equipment), Tunnel Shovel GROUP 3: Asphalt Paver, Backhoe (Tractor Mounted, Rubber Tired), Bituminous Spreader and Mixer, Blacktop Plant (Non-Automated), Blast or Rotary Drill (Truck or Tractor Mounted), Boring Machine, Cage-Hoist, Central Mix Plant (Non-Automated) and All Concrete Batching Plants, Cherry Picker (5 Tons Capacity and Under), Compressors (4 or less) Exceeding 2000 C.F.M. Combined Capacity, Concrete Paver (over 16S), Concrete Pump (Under 8"), Crusher, Page 50 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Diesel Power Unit, Drill Rigs (Tractor Mounted), Front End Loader (under 4 c.y.), Hi-Pressure Boiler (15 lbs. and over), Hoist (One Drum), Kolman Plant Loader and Similar Type Loaders, L.C.M. Work Boat Operator, Locomotive, Maintenance Engineer/Greaseman/ Welder, Mixer (For Stabilized Base Self-Propelled), Monorail Machine, Plant Engineer, Profiler (105 H.P. and under), Pug Mill, Pump Crete, Ready Mix Concrete Plant, Refrigeration Equipment (For Soil Stabilization), Road Widener, Roller (All Above Subgrade), Sea Mule, Self-contained Ride-onRock Drill, excluding Air-Track Type Drill, Skidder, Tractor with Dozer and/or pusher, Trencher, Tugger Hoist, Vermeer saw (ride on, any size or type), Winch, Winch Cat GROUP 4: A-Frame Winch Hoist on Truck, Ballast Regulator (Ride- On), Compressors (4 not to exceed 2000 C.F.M. Combined Capacity, or 3 or less with more than 1200 C.F.M. but not to exceed 2000 C.F.M.), Directional Drill Machine Locator Dust Collectors, Generators, Pumps, Welding Machines, Light Plants (4 of Any Type Of Combination), Concrete Pavement Spreaders and Finishers, Conveyor, Drill Core, Drill Well, Electric Pump Used In Conjunction with Well Point System, Farm Tractor with Accessories, Fine Grade Machine, Fork Lift (under 15 ft.), Grout Pump, Gunite Machine, Hammers (Hydraulic-Self-Propelled), Hydra- Spiker (Ride-On), Hydro-Blaster Water, Post Hole Digger and Post Driver, Power Sweeper, Roller (Grade and Fill), Scarifier (Ride-On Spansaw (Ride-On), Skid Steer loader (Bobcat or similar), Submersible Electric Pump (When Used In Lieu Of Well Point System), Tamper (Ride-On), Tie Extractor (Ride-On), Tie Handler, Tie Inserter (Ride-On), Tie Spacer (Ride-On), Tire Repair, Track Liner, Tractor With Towed Accessories, Vibrator Compactor, Vibro Tamp, Well Point, Aggregate Plant, Boiler (Used In Conjunction With Production), Cement and Bin Operator, Compressors (3 or less not to Exceed 1200 C.F.M. Combined Capacity), Dust Collectors, Generators, Pumps, Welding Machines, Light Plants (3 or less of Any Type or Combination), Concrete or Mixer (16S and under), Concrete Saw (Self-Propelled), Fireman, Form Tamper, Hydraulic Pump (Jacking System), Light Plants, Mulching Machine, Oiler, Parapet-Concrete or Pavement Grinder, Power Broom (Towed), Power Heaterman, Revinius Widener, Shell Winder, Steam cleaner, Tractor GROUP 5: Master Mechanic GROUP 6: Crane Premium with Boom Length and Jib 150 Ft.- 199 Ft. GROUP 7: Crane Premium with Boom Length and Jib 200 Ft. and over Tower Crane Premium .50 Hazmat Work Premium 2.50 Hydrographic .50 FOOTNOTE: a. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Good Friday, Columbus Day, November Election Day and Veteran's Day --------------------------------------------------------------- ENGI0106-006 07/01/2009 Rates Fringes Page 51 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Power equipment operators: (BUILDING:) GROUP 1.....................$ 32.74 GROUP 2.....................$ 32.30 18.88+a GROUP 3.....................$ 31.39 GROUP 4.....................$ 28.82 18.88+a 18.88+a 18.88+a Hazardous work- Anytime Operating Engineers are involved with Level C or above, $3.00 per hour over regular rate. FOOTNOTE: a. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATOR CLASSIFICATIONS (Building) GROUP 1: Crane, hydraulic cranes, tower crane, locomotive crane, piledriver, cableway, derricks, whirlies, dragline, boom trucks over 5 tons GROUP 2: Shovel, all excavators (including rubber tire, full swing), gradalls, power road grader all CMI equipment, front-end rubber tire loader, tractor-mounted drill (quarry master), mucking machine, concrete central mix plant, concrete pump, belcrete system, automated asphalt concrete plant, tractor road paver, boom trucks 5 tons and under, Maintenance Engineer, self contained crawler drill-hydraulic rock drill. GROUP 3: Backhoes (rubber tired backhoe/loader combination), bulldozer, pushcat, tractor, traxcavator, scraper, LeTourneau grader, form fine grader, road roller, blacktop roller, blacktop spreader, power brooms, sweepers, trenching machine, Barber Green loader, side booms, hydro hammer, concrete spreader, concrete finishing machine, one drum hoist, power hoisting (single drum), hoist two drum or more, three drum engine, power hoisting (two drum and over), two drum and swinging engine, three drum swinging engine, hod hoist, A-L frame winches, core and well drillers (one drum), post hole digger, model CHB VibroTamp or similar machine, batch bin and plant operator, dinkey locomotive, skid steer loader, track excavator 5/8 cu. yd. or smaller. GROUP 4: Fork lift, high lift, lull, oiler, fireman and heavy-duty greaser, boilers and steam generators, pump, vibrator, motor mixer, air compressor, dust collector, selding machine, well point, mechanical heater, generators, temporary light plants, concrete pumps, electric submersible pump 4" and over, murphy type disel generator, conveyor, elevators, concrete mixer and beltcrete power pack (belcrete system seeding and mulching machines pumps. --------------------------------------------------------------- IRON0060-001 05/01/2009 BROOME; CHENANGO (Twps. of Afton, Bainbridge, Coventry, German, Greene, Gilford, McDonough, Norwich, Oxford, Preston, and Smithville): Rates Fringes Ironworkers: Structural, Ornamental, Reinfoorcing, Pre-cast Concrete Erector, Machinery Mover & Rigger, Fence Erector, Stone Derrickman, Welder, Sheeter, Sheeter Bucker-up..$ 25.75 18.15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- IRON0440-003 05/01/2009 Page 52 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 CHENANGO (Twps. of Columbus, New Berlin, North Norwich, Plymouth, Sherburne and Smyrna): Rates Fringes Ironworkers: Structural, Ornamental, Rodmen, Reinforcement, Rigger, Machinery Mover, Fence Erector, Stone Derrickman..................$ 23.63 19.16 --------------------------------------------------------------- LABO0007-002 07/01/2009 BROOME; CHENANGO (Remainder of Counties): Rates Fringes LABORER LABORER HEAVY AND HIGHWAY: GROUP 1....................$ 23.61 13.36+a GROUP 2....................$ 23.81 13.36+a GROUP 3....................$ 24.01 13.36+a GROUP 4....................$ 24.21 13.36+a GROUP 5....................$ 25.61 13.36+a LABORER CLASSFICATIONS GROUP 1: Laborers, flaggers, outboard and hand boats GROUP 2: Bull float, chain saw, concrete aggregate, bin concrete bootman, gin buggy, hand or machine vibrator, jackhammer, mason tender, mortar mixer, pavement breaker, handlers of all steel mesh, small generators for laborers' tools, installation of bridge drainage pipe, pipelayers, vibrator type rollers, tamper, drill doctor tail or screw operator on asphalt paver, water pump operator (1 1\2' and single diaphragm), nozzle (asphalt gunnite, seeding and sandblasting), laborers on chain link fence erection, rock splitter and power unit, pusher type concrete saw and all other gas, electric, oil and air tool operators, wrecking laborers GROUP 3: All rock or drilling machine operators (except quarry master and similar type), acetylene torch operators and asphalt paver, powderman GROUP 4: Blasters, form setters, stone or granite curb setters GROUP 5: Asbestos and hazardous waste removal --------------------------------------------------------------- * LABO0007-003 07/01/2008 BROOME (Remainder of County) Rates Fringes LABORER LABORERS BUILDING: GROUP 1....................$ 19.75 2....................$ 20.50 11.45 GROUP 3....................$ 21.75 11.45 GROUP 11.45 LABORERS CLASSIFICATION: Page 53 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 GROUP 1: Common laborers GROUP 2: Masonry forklifts, bob cats, rock drilling equipment and blasters GROUP 3: Asbestos and hazardous waste removal --------------------------------------------------------------- * LABO0017-003 06/01/2009 TWPS. OF COLUMBUS, SHERBURNE AND NEW BERLIN IN CHENANGO COUNTY Rates Fringes LABORER HEAVY and HIGHWAY GROUP 1....................$ 25.60 2....................$ 25.70 16.90+a GROUP 3....................$ 28.55 4....................$ 30.65 16.90+a 16.90+a GROUP 16.90+a GROUP FOOTNOTES: a. Paid Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Washington's Birthday, Election Day, Veterans Day provided the employee works one day in the calendar week during which the holiday occurs HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Flagperson, gateperson GROUP 2: General Laborers, Chuck Tenders, Handling and Distributing of Drinking Water, Distributing all Tools and Supplies of Laborers, AFL-CIO Trades Tenders, Nipper, Powder Carrier, Magazine Tender, Warehousemen, Concrete Men, Vibrator Men, Mason Tender, Mortar Men, Spraying, Brushing and Covering of Concrete for Curing and Preservative Purposes, Traffic Striper, Scaffold Builder, Concrete Curb and Sidewalk Form Setters, permanent traffic striping and reflective devices, placing and maintenance of all flares, cones, lights, signs, barricades, traffic patterns, and all temporary reflective type materials for traffic control, custodial work, traffic directors, temporary heat or light tenders, tool room, dewatering pump men, pitman, dumpmen, snow removal and firewatch, asphalt man, joint setter, signal person, pipelayer, pipelining and relining, wellpoints, conduit and duct layer, wire puller, rip rap and dry stone layer, steel rod carrier core drill, rock splitter, Hilti gun, air or electric, jackhammer, bush hammer, pavement breaker, chipping hammer, wagon drill, air track, jib rig, joy drill, gunite and sand blasting, coal passer and other machine operators, power tool operator sprayer and nozzle man on mulching and seeding machine, all guard rail and fence, all seeding and sod laying, all landscape work, grade checker, all bridge work, walk behind self-propelled power saw grinder, groover or similar type machine, walk behind tamper and roller of all types, salvage, stripping, wrecking and dismantling laborer (including barman, cutting torch and burner man), sheeting and shoring coming under laborers jurisdiction, bit grinder, operator of form pin puller and drivers, sandblasting joint and jet sealer, filling and wiring baskets for gabion walls, permanent sign man, median barrier, sta-wall or similar type product, chain saw operator, railroad track laborer, waterproofer, pre-stressed and pre-cast concrete brick, block and stone pavers, power tools used to perform work usually done by laborers, power buggy and pumpcrete operator, Page 54 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 fireproof, plaster and acoustic pump, asbestos, toxic, bio-remediation, phyto-remediation, lead or hazardous materials abatement when protective clothing and equipment is not required, power brush cutter, retention liners, artificial turf, retaining walls, walk behind surface planer, welding related to laborers work, remote controlled equipment normally operated by laborers, all technician work including but not limited to stitching, seaming, heat welding, fireproof sprayer, mortar mixer, concrete finisher, form setter for concrete curbs and flatwork, gunite nozzle man, stone cutters, granite stone layer, manhole, catch basin or inlet installing, laser men, ground man on milling machine GROUP 3: Ingersoll Rand heavy duty crawler master type HCMZ, any drill using 4" or larger bit, asbestos, toxic, bio-remediation, phyto-remediation, lead or hazardous material abatement when protective clothing and equipment is required, all working foremen including grade, pipe, concrete, clearing, blacktop drill, paving and blaster etc., hydraulic drill or similar, forklift for masonry only, blaster and asphalt screedman GROUP 4: Asbestos, toxic, lead or hazardous material abatement foreman --------------------------------------------------------------- PAIN0004-032 05/01/2007 Rates Fringes Painters: Bridges.....................$ 31.00 16.10 Epoxy-Brush & Roller........$ 21.31 10.89 Painters and Tapers.........$ 21.06 10.89 Spray Epoxy.................$ 22.31 10.89 Spray Work/Steeple Jack (over 100 ft)...............$ 22.06 10.89 Structural Steel (buildings) Spray Work......$ 21.56 10.89 Swing Scaffold, Boatswain Chair, Spray, Sandblasting, Steam Cleaning, Acid and High Pressure Water, Paperhangers, Vinyl Hangers, Power Grinders w/respirator................$ 21.56 10.89 ---------------------------------------------------------------* PAIN0677-003 05/01/2009 Rates Fringes GLAZIER..........................$ 21.10 ------ PLUM0112-010 05/01/2009 12.60 ---------------------------------------------------------- BROOME COUNTY Townships of Lisle, Triangle, Barker, Nanticoke, Newark Valley, Owego, Maine, Union, Vestal, Kirkwood, Conklin, Chenango, Fenton, Colesville, Windsor and Stanford CHENANGO COUNTY Townships of Linklaen, Otselic, Smyrna, Sherburne, Columbus, Pitcher, Pharsalia, Plymouth, North Norwich, New Berlin, German, McDonough, Preston, Norwich, Smithville, Oxford, Guilford Rates Fringes PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER Southern Zone...............$ 26.88 ----------------------------------- ROOF0203-001 06/01/2007 16.99 ----------------------------- Page 55 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Rates Fringes ROOFER, Including Built Up, Composition and Single Ply Roofs............................$ 21.20 10.34 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SFNY0669-001 04/01/2008 Rates Fringes SPRINKLER FITTER.................$ 29.90 -------------- SHEE0058-002 05/01/2009 16.30 -------------------------------------------------- CHENANGO COUNTY: Rates Fringes SHEETMETAL WORKER (HVAC Duct Installation Only) Projects with sheetmetal work contracts totalling $10 million or less.........$ 25.85 15.56 SHEETMETAL WORKER, Including HVAC Duct Installation Projects over $10 million...$ 26.85 15.56 --------------------------------------------------------------- SHEE0112-003 05/01/2004 BROOME COUNTY Rates Fringes Sheet Metal Worker...............$ 23.05 --------- TEAM0693-001 05/01/1991 Rates 9.93 ------------------------------------------------------- Fringes Truck drivers: HEAVY & HIGHWAY GROUP 1....................$ 16.20 4.14+a GROUP 2....................$ 16.25 4.14+a GROUP 3....................$ 16.30 4.14+a GROUP 4....................$ 16.45 4.14+a GROUP 5....................$ 16.60 4.14+a FOOTNOTES: a. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, provided the employee works the day before and the day after the holidays. TRUCK DRIVERS HEAVY & HIGHWAY CLASSIFICATIONS: GROUP 1: Pickups; panel trucks; flatboy material trucks (straight jobs); single-axle dump trucks; dumpsters; receivers; greasers; truck tiremen GROUP 2: Tandems; batch trucks mechanics GROUP 3: Semi-trailers; low-boy trucks; asphalt distributors trucks; agitator; mixer trucks and dumpcrete type vehicles; truck mechanic; fuel truck Page 56 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 GROUP 4: Specialized earth moving equipment - euclid type or similar off-highway equipment, where not self loaded; straddle (ross) carrier; self contained concrete unit GROUP 5: Off-highway tandem back-dump; twin engine equipment and double hitched equipment where not self loaded ---------------------------------------------------------------WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. ================================================================ Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). ---------------------------------------------------------------In the listing above, the "SU" designation means that rates listed under the identifier do not reflect collectively bargained wage and fringe benefit rates. Other designations indicate unions whose rates have been determined to be prevailing. ---------------------------------------------------------------WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: * an existing published wage determination * a survey underlying a wage determination * a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter * a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis-Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Page 57 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. ================================================================ END OF GENERAL DECISION Page 58 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.30 LIST OF DRAWING SHEETS TSECTION 00 01 15 LIST OF DRAWING SHEETS The drawings listed below accompanying this specification form a part of the contract. Drawing No. T-1 Title Title Sheet, Area Map, Drawing List, General Notes C-1 Work Area Plan A-1 Part Plan A A-2 Part Plan B Part Plan C A-3 Part Plan D A-4 Part Plan E A-5 Part Plan F Part Plan G A-6 Part Plan H A-7 Details A-8 Photographs Page 59 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.31 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 GENERAL INTENTION................................................................................................. 61 1.2 STATEMENT OF BID ITEM(S) ................................................................................ 62 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR CONTRACTOR..................................... 62 1.4 construction security requiremenets ..................................................... 62 1.5 FIRE SAFETY ............................................................................................................... 64 1.6 OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS ...................................................................... 66 1.7 INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES .................................................................... 69 1.8 DISPOSAL AND RETENTION..................................................................................... 70 1.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS ......................................................................... 70 1.10 RESTORATION............................................................................................................. 71 1.11 As-Built Drawings .............................................................................................. 71 1.12 USE OF ROADWAYS ................................................................................................... 72 1.13 TEMPORARY TOILETS .............................................................................................. 72 1.14 AVAILABILITY AND USE OF UTILITY SERVICES ....................................... 72 1.15 Construction area Sign .................................................................................. 72 1.16 HISTORIC PRESERVATION..................................................................................... 72 Page 60 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 SECTION 01 00 00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 GENERAL INTENTION A. Contractor shall completely prepare site for building operations, including demolition and removal of existing structures, and furnish labor and materials and perform work for Replacement of Perimeter Walkways as required by drawings and specifications. B. Offices of Kenneth Irving Architect PC, as Architect-Engineers, will render certain technical services during construction. Such services shall be considered as advisory to the Government and shall not be construed as expressing or implying a contractual act of the Government without affirmations by Contracting Officer or his duly authorized representative. C. Before placement and installation of work subject to tests by testing laboratory retained by Department of Veterans Affairs, the Contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer in sufficient time to enable testing laboratory personnel to be present at the site in time for proper taking and testing of specimens and field inspection. Such prior notice shall be not less than three work days unless otherwise designated by the Resident Engineer. D. All employees of general contractor and subcontractors shall comply with VA security management program and obtain permission of the VA police, be identified by project and employer, and restricted from unauthorized access. E. Prior to commencing work, general contractor shall provide proof that a OSHA certified “competent person” (CP) (29 CFR 1926.20(b)(2) will maintain a presence at the work site whenever the general or subcontractors are present. F. Training: 1. All employees of general contractor or subcontractors shall have the 30-hour OSHA certified Construction Safety course and /or other relevant competency training, as determined by VA CP with input from the ICRA team. 2. Submit training records of all such employees for approval before the start of work. Page 61 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.2 STATEMENT OF BID ITEM(S) A. BASE BID:CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TOOLS, RESOURCES, MATERIALS, TEMPORARY FENCING, SIGNAGE, PERMITS, SUPERVISION, ETC FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, STONE AND CONCRETE CURBS, EXCAVATION AND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, RETAINING WALLS, CURB RAMPS, RE-POINTING OF MORTAR ON EXISTING STONE RETAINING WALL, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LANDSCAPED AREAS AROUND EXISTING TREES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION ALONG WITH ALL OTHER WORK INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. B. ALTERNATE NO.1: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE (PART PLANS B, C AND D) C. ALTERNATE NO. 2: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE AND WEBB AVENUE PART PLANS B, C, D, F AND G.) D. ALTERNATE NO. 3: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE AND W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE (PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F AND G) E. ALTERNATE NO. 4: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE, W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE AND WORK AREA AT VA PARKING AREA ALONG WEB AVENUE.(PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F,G AND H) F. ALTERNATE NO. 5: BASE BID WITH A DEDUCT OF THE WORK INVOLVED ALONG SEDGWICK AVENUE, WEBB AVENUE, W. KINGSBRIDGE AVENUE AND WORK AREA ALONG THE PLAZA AREA AND THE EXISTING BUILDING (PART PLANS B,C,D,E,F,G AND A) 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR CONTRACTOR A. Additional sets of drawings may be made by the Contractor, at Contractor's expense, from reproducible sepia prints furnished by Issuing Office. Such sepia prints shall be returned to the Issuing Office immediately after printing is completed. 1.4 CONSTRUCTION SECURITY REQUIREMENETS A. Security Plan: Page 62 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1. The security plan defines both physical and administrative security procedures that will remain effective for the entire duration of the project. 2. The General Contractor is responsible for assuring that all subcontractors working on the project and their employees also comply with these regulations. B. Security Procedures: 1. General Contractor’s employees shall not enter the project site without appropriate badge. They may also be subject to inspection of their personal effects when entering or leaving the project site. 2. For working outside the “regular hours” as defined in the contract, The General Contractor shall give 3 days notice to the Contracting Officer so that security arrangements can be provided for the employees. This notice is separate from any notices required for utility shutdown described later in this section. 3. No photography of VA premises is allowed without written permission of the Contracting Officer. 4. VA reserves the right to close down or shut down the project site and order General Contractor’s employees off the premises in the event of a national emergency. The General Contractor may return to the site only with the written approval of the Contracting Officer. C. Document Control: 1. Before starting any work, the General Contractor/Sub Contractors shall submit an electronic security memorandum describing the approach to following goals and maintaining confidentiality of “sensitive information”. 2. The General Contractor is responsible for safekeeping of all drawings, project manual and other project information. This information shall be shared only with those with a specific need to accomplish the project. 3. Certain documents, sketches, videos or photographs and drawings may be marked “Law Enforcement Sensitive” or “Sensitive Unclassified”. Secure such information in separate containers and limit the access to only those who will need it for the project. Return the information to the Contracting Officer upon request. 4. These security documents shall not be removed or transmitted from the project site without the written approval of Contracting Officer. Page 63 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 5. All paper waste or electronic media such as CD’s and diskettes shall be shredded and destroyed in a manner acceptable to the VA. 6. Notify Contracting Officer and Site Security Officer immediately when there is a loss or compromise of “sensitive information”. 7. All electronic information shall be stored in specified location following VA standards and procedures using an Engineering Document Management Software (EDMS). a. Security, access and maintenance of all project drawings, both scanned and electronic shall be performed and tracked through the EDMS system. b. “Sensitive information” including drawings and other documents may be attached to e-mail provided all VA encryption procedures are followed. D. Motor Vehicle Restrictions 1. Vehicle authorization request shall be required for any vehicle entering the site and such request shall be submitted 24 hours before the date and time of access. Access shall be restricted to picking up and dropping off materials and supplies. 2. Separate permits shall be issued for General Contractor and its employees for parking in designated areas only. 1.5 FIRE SAFETY A. Applicable Publications: Publications listed below form part of this Article to extent referenced. Publications are referenced in text by basic designations only. 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): E84-2008.............Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 10-2006..............Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers 30-2007..............Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 51B-2003.............Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work 70-2007..............National Electrical Code 241-2004.............Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 CFR 1926..........Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Page 64 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Fire Safety Plan: Establish and maintain a fire protection program in accordance with 29 CFR 1926. Prior to start of work, prepare a plan detailing project-specific fire safety measures, including periodic status reports, and submit to Resident Engineer and Facility Safety Manager for review for compliance with contract requirements in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Prior to any worker for the contractor or subcontractors beginning work, they shall undergo a safety briefing provided by the general contractor’s competent person per OSHA requirements. This briefing shall include information on the construction limits, VAMC safety guidelines, means of egress, break areas, work hours, locations of restrooms, use of VAMC equipment, etc. Documentation shall be provided to the Resident Engineer that individuals have undergone contractor’s safety briefing. C. Site and Building Access: Maintain free and unobstructed access to facility emergency services and for fire, police and other emergency response forces in accordance with NFPA 241. D. Separate temporary facilities, such as trailers, storage sheds, and dumpsters, from existing buildings and new construction by distances in accordance with NFPA 241. For small facilities with less than 6 m (20 feet) exposing overall length, separate by 3m (10 feet). E. Means of Egress: Do not block exiting for occupied buildings, including paths from exits to roads. Minimize disruptions and coordinate with Resident Engineer and facility Safety Manager. F. Egress Routes for Construction Workers: Maintain free and unobstructed egress. Inspect daily. Report findings and corrective actions weekly to Resident Engineer and facility Safety Manager . G. Fire Extinguishers: Provide and maintain extinguishers in construction areas and temporary storage areas in accordance with 29 CFR 1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 10. H. Flammable and Combustible Liquids: Store, dispense and use liquids in accordance with 29 CFR 1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 30. I. Hot Work: Perform and safeguard hot work operations in accordance with NFPA 241 and NFPA 51B. Coordinate with Resident Engineer. Obtain permits from facility Safety Manager Officer at least 24 hours in advance. Designate contractor's responsible project-site fire prevention program manager to permit hot work. Page 65 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 J. Fire Hazard Prevention and Safety Inspections: Inspect entire construction areas weekly. Coordinate with, and report findings and corrective actions weekly to Resident Engineer and facility Safety Manager. K. Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in and adjacent to construction areas inside existing buildings and additions under construction. In separate and detached buildings under construction, smoking is prohibited except in designated smoking rest areas. L. Dispose of waste and debris in accordance with NFPA 241. Remove from buildings daily. M. Perform other construction, alteration and demolition operations in accordance with 29 CFR 1926. 1.6 OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS A. The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) on Government premises to areas authorized or approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall hold and save the Government, its officers and agents, free and harmless from liability of any nature occasioned by the Contractor's performance. B. Temporary buildings (e.g., storage sheds, shops, offices) and utilities may be erected by the Contractor only with the approval of the Contracting Officer and shall be built with labor and materials furnished by the Contractor without expense to the Government. The temporary buildings and utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by the Contractor at its expense upon completion of the work. With the written consent of the Contracting Officer, the buildings and utilities may be abandoned and need not be removed. C. The Contractor shall, under regulations prescribed by the Contracting Officer, use only established roadways, or use temporary roadways constructed by the Contractor when and as authorized by the Contracting Officer. When materials are transported in prosecuting the work, vehicles shall not be loaded beyond the loading capacity recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle or prescribed by any Federal, State, or local law or regulation. When it is necessary to cross curbs or sidewalks, the Contractor shall protect them from damage. The Contractor shall repair or pay for the repair of any damaged curbs, sidewalks, or roads. Page 66 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 D. Working space and space available for storing materials shall be as determined by the Resident Engineer. E. Workmen are subject to rules of Medical Center applicable to their conduct. F. Execute work so as to interfere as little as possible with normal functioning of Medical Center as a whole, including operations of utility services, fire protection systems and any existing equipment, and with work being done by others. Use of equipment and tools that transmit vibrations and noises through the building structure, are not permitted in buildings that are occupied, during construction, jointly by patients or medical personnel, and Contractor's personnel, except as permitted by Resident Engineer where required by limited working space. 1. Do not store materials and equipment in other than assigned areas. 2. Schedule delivery of materials and equipment to immediate construction working areas within buildings in use by Department of Veterans Affairs in quantities sufficient for not more than two work days. Provide unobstructed access to Medical Center areas required to remain in operation. 3. Where access by Medical Center personnel to vacated portions of buildings is not required, storage of Contractor's materials and equipment will be permitted subject to fire and safety requirements. G. Phasing: To insure such executions, Contractor shall furnish the Resident Engineer with a schedule of approximate phasing dates on which the Contractor intends to accomplish work in each specific area of site. In addition, Contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer two weeks in advance of the proposed date of starting work in each specific area of site. Arrange such phasing dates to insure accomplishment of this work in successive phases mutually agreeable to Medical Center Director, Resident Engineer and Contractor, in order to maintain the safe and continuous access through all areas at all times: H. Construction Fence: Before construction operations begin, Contractor shall provide a chain link construction fence, 2.1m (seven feet) minimum height, around the construction area indicated on the drawings or around where an individual phase is being performed. Provide gates as required for access with necessary hardware, including hasps and padlocks. Fasten fence fabric to terminal posts with tension bands and to line posts and top and bottom rails with tie wires spaced at maximum Page 67 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 375mm (15 inches). Bottom of fences shall extend to 25mm (one inch) above grade. Remove the fence when directed by Resident Engineer. I. Utilities Services: Maintain existing utility services forMedical Center at all times. Provide temporary facilities, labor, materials, equipment, connections, and utilities to assure uninterrupted services. Where necessary to cut existing water, steam, gases, sewer or air pipes, or conduits, wires, cables, etc. of utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems (including telephone), they shall be cut and capped at suitable places where shown; or, in absence of such indication, where directed by Resident Engineer. 1. No utility service such as water, gas, steam, sewers or electricity, or fire protection systems and communications systems may be interrupted without prior approval of Resident Engineer. Electrical work shall be accomplished with all affected circuits or equipment de-energized. When an electrical outage cannot be accomplished, work on any energized circuits or equipment shall not commence without the Medical Center Director’s prior knowledge and written approval. 2. Contractor shall submit a request to interrupt any such services to Resident Engineer, in writing, 48 hours in advance of proposed interruption. Request shall state reason, date, exact time of, and approximate duration of such interruption. 3. Contractor will be advised (in writing) of approval of request, or of which other date and/or time such interruption will cause least inconvenience to operations of Medical Center. Interruption time approved by Medical Center may occur at other than Contractor's normal working hours. 4. Major interruptions of any system must be requested, in writing, at least 15 calendar days prior to the desired time and shall be performed as directed by the Resident Engineer. 5. In case of a contract construction emergency, service will be interrupted on approval of Resident Engineer. Such approval will be confirmed in writing as soon as practical. 6. Whenever it is required that a connection fee be paid to a public utility provider for new permanent service to the construction project, for such items as water, sewer, electricity, gas or steam, payment of such fee shall be the responsibility of the Government and not the Contractor. Page 68 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 J. To minimize interference of construction activities with flow of Medical Center traffic, comply with the following: 1. Keep roads, walks and entrances to grounds, to parking and to occupied areas of buildings clear of construction materials, debris and standing construction equipment and vehicles. 2. Method and scheduling of required cutting, altering and removal of existing walks and entrances must be approved by the Resident Engineer. K. Coordinate the work for this contract with other construction operations as directed by Resident Engineer. This includes the scheduling of traffic and the use of roadways, as specified in Article, USE OF ROADWAYS. 1.7 INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES A. Implement the requirements of VAMC’s Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) team. ICRA Group may monitor dust in the vicinity of the construction work and require the Contractor to take corrective action immediately if the safe levels are exceeded. B. Establish and maintain a dust control program as part of the contractor’s infection preventive measures in accordance with the guidelines provided by ICRA Group. Prior to start of work, prepare a plan detailing project-specific dust protection measures, including periodic status reports, and submit to Resident Engineer and Facility ICRA team for review for compliance with contract requirements in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES. 1. All personnel involved in the construction or renovation activity shall be educated and trained in infection prevention measures established by the medical center. C. Medical center Infection Control personnel shall monitor for airborne disease (e.g. aspergillosis) as appropriate during construction. A baseline of conditions may be established by the medical center prior to the start of work and periodically during the construction stage to determine impact of construction activities on indoor air quality. D. In general, following preventive measures shall be adopted during construction to keep down dust and prevent mold. 1. Dampen debris to keep down dust. Page 69 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 a. There shall be no standing water during construction. All accidental spills must be cleaned up and dried within 12 hours. Remove and dispose of porous materials that remain damp for more than 72 hours. 1.8 DISPOSAL AND RETENTION A. Materials and equipment accruing from work removed and from demolition of structures, or parts thereof, shall be disposed of as follows: 1. Items not reserved shall become property of the Contractor and be removed by Contractor from Medical Center Cemetery. 1.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS A. The Contractor shall preserve and protect all structures, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and grass) on or adjacent to the work site, which are not to be removed and which do not unreasonably interfere with the work required under this contract. The Contractor shall only remove trees when specifically authorized to do so, and shall avoid damaging vegetation that will remain in place. If any limbs or branches of trees are broken during contract performance, or by the careless operation of equipment, or by workmen, the Contractor shall trim those limbs or branches with a clean cut and paint the cut with a tree-pruning compound as directed by the Contracting Officer. B. The Contractor shall protect from damage all existing improvements and utilities at or near the work site and on adjacent property of a third party, the locations of which are made known to or should be known by the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair any damage to those facilities, including those that are the property of a third party, resulting from failure to comply with the requirements of this contract or failure to exercise reasonable care in performing the work. If the Contractor fails or refuses to repair the damage promptly, the Contracting Officer may have the necessary work performed and charge the cost to the Contractor. (FAR 52.236-9) C. Refer to Section 01 57 19, TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS, for additional requirements on protecting vegetation, soils and the environment. Refer to Articles, "Alterations", "Restoration", and "Operations and Storage Areas" for additional instructions concerning repair of damage to structures and site improvements. Page 70 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.10 RESTORATION A. Remove, cut, alter, replace, patch and repair existing work as necessary to install new work. Except as otherwise shown or specified, do not cut, alter or remove any structural work, plumbing, steam, gas, or electric work without approval of the Resident Engineer. Existing work to be altered or extended and that is found to be defective in any way, shall be reported to the Resident Engineer before it is disturbed. Materials and workmanship used in restoring work, shall conform in type and quality to that of original existing construction, except as otherwise shown or specified. B. Upon completion of contract, deliver work complete and undamaged. Existing work (lawns, paving, roads, walks, etc.) disturbed or removed as a result of performing required new work, shall be patched, repaired, reinstalled, or replaced with new work, and refinished and left in as good condition as existed before commencing work. C. At Contractor's own expense, Contractor shall immediately restore to service and repair any damage caused by Contractor's workmen to existing piping and conduits, wires, cables, etc., of utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems (including telephone) which are indicated on drawings and which are not scheduled for discontinuance or abandonment. D. Expense of repairs to such utilities and systems not shown on drawings or locations of which are unknown will be covered by adjustment to contract time and price. 1.11 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. The contractor shall maintain two full size sets of as-built drawings which will be kept current during construction of the project, to include all contract changes, modifications and clarifications. B. All variations shall be shown in the same general detail as used in the contract drawings. To insure compliance, as-built drawings shall be made available for the Resident Engineer's review, as often as requested. C. Contractor shall deliver two approved completed sets of as-built drawings to the Resident Engineer within 15 calendar days after each completed phase and after the acceptance of the project by the Resident Engineer. D. Paragraphs A, B, & C shall also apply to all shop drawings. Page 71 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.12 USE OF ROADWAYS A. For hauling, use only established public roads and roads on Medical Center property which are necessary in the performance of contract work. 1.13 TEMPORARY TOILETS A. Provide where directed, (for use of all Contractor's workmen) ample temporary sanitary toilet accommodations with suitable sewer and water connections; or, when approved by Resident Engineer, provide suitable dry closets where directed. Keep such places clean and free from flies, and all connections and appliances connected therewith are to be removed prior to completion of contract, and premises left perfectly clean. 1.14 AVAILABILITY AND USE OF UTILITY SERVICES A. Contractor shall provide all utilities required to perform the work in this contract. 1.15 CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGN A. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SIGNAGE FOR EACH PHASED WORK AREA. SIGNAGE SHALL READ: CONSTRUCTION AREA AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION PLEASE USE ALTERNATE PATH PROVIDE DIRECTIONAL ARROW(S) TO INDICATE PROPOSED ALTERNATE ROUTE. SIGNAGE SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO CONSTRUCTION FENCE. SIGNS SHALL BE EACH END OF THE WORK AREA AND ALONG THE SIDES AT A MINIMUM OF 40'-0" OC. SEE CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNAGE. B. Paint all surfaces of Safety Sign and posts with one prime coat and two coats of white gloss paint. Letters and design shall be painted with gloss paint of colors noted. C. Detail drawing of construction area sign showing characteristics of sign is shown on the drawings. 1.16 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Where the Contractor or any of the Contractor's employees, prior to, or during the construction work, are advised of or discover any possible archeological, historical and/or cultural resources, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Resident Engineer verbally, and then with a written follow up. Page 72 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 - - - E N D - - - Page 73 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.32 PROJECT SCHEDULES SECTION 01 32 16.15 PROJECT SCHEDULES (SMALL PROJECTS – DESIGN/BID/BUILD) PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. The Contractor shall develop a Critical Path Method (CPM) plan and schedule demonstrating fulfillment of the contract requirements (Project Schedule), and shall keep the Project Schedule up-to-date in accordance with the requirements of this section and shall utilize the plan for scheduling, coordinating and monitoring work under this contract (including all activities of subcontractors, equipment vendors and suppliers). Conventional Critical Path Method (CPM) technique shall be utilized to satisfy both time and cost applications. 1.2 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE: A. The Contractor shall designate an authorized representative responsible for the Project Schedule including preparation, review and progress reporting with and to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COTR). B. The Contractor's representative shall have direct project control and complete authority to act on behalf of the Contractor in fulfilling the requirements of this specification section. C. The Contractor’s representative shall have the option of developing the project schedule within their organization or to engage the services of an outside consultant. If an outside scheduling consultant is utilized, Section 1.3 of this specification will apply. 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S CONSULTANT: A. The Contractor shall submit a qualification proposal to the COTR, within 10 days of bid acceptance. The qualification proposal shall include: 1. The name and address of the proposed consultant. 2. Information to show that the proposed consultant has the qualifications to meet the requirements specified in the preceding paragraph. Page 74 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3. A representative sample of prior construction projects, which the proposed consultant has performed complete project scheduling services. These representative samples shall be of similar size and scope. B. The Contracting Officer has the right to approve or disapprove the proposed consultant, and will notify the Contractor of the VA decision within seven calendar days from receipt of the qualification proposal. In case of disapproval, the Contractor shall resubmit another consultant within 10 calendar days for renewed consideration. The Contractor shall have their scheduling consultant approved prior to submitting any schedule for approval. 1.4 COMPUTER PRODUCED SCHEDULES A. The contractor shall provide monthly, to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), all computer-produced time/cost schedules and reports generated from monthly project updates. This monthly computer service will include: three copies of up to five different reports (inclusive of all pages) available within the user defined reports of the scheduling software approved by the Contracting Officer; a hard copy listing of all project schedule changes, and associated data, made at the update and an electronic file of this data; and the resulting monthly updated schedule in PDM format. These must be submitted with and substantively support the contractor’s monthly payment request and the signed look ahead report. The COTR shall identify the five different report formats that the contractor shall provide. B. The contractor shall be responsible for the correctness and timeliness of the computerproduced reports. The Contractor shall also responsible for the accurate and timely submittal of the updated project schedule and all CPM data necessary to produce the computer reports and payment request that is specified. C. The VA will report errors in computer-produced reports to the Contractor’s representative within ten calendar days from receipt of reports. The Contractor shall reprocess the computer-produced reports and associated diskette(s), when requested by the Contracting Officer’s representative, to correct errors which affect the payment and schedule for the project. Page 75 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.5 THE COMPLETE PROJECT SCHEDULE SUBMITTAL A. Within 45 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit for the Contracting Officer's review; three blue line copies of the interim schedule on sheets of paper 765 x 1070 mm (30 x 42 inches) and an electronic file in the previously approved CPM schedule program. The submittal shall also include three copies of a computer-produced activity/event ID schedule showing project duration; phase completion dates; and other data, including event cost. Each activity/event on the computer-produced schedule shall contain as a minimum, but not limited to, activity/event ID, activity/event description, duration, budget amount, early start date, early finish date, late start date, late finish date and total float. Work activity/event relationships shall be restricted to finish-to-start or start-to-start without lead or lag constraints. Activity/event date constraints, not required by the contract, will not be accepted unless submitted to and approved by the Contracting Officer. The contractor shall make a separate written detailed request to the Contracting Officer identifying these date constraints and secure the Contracting Officer’s written approval before incorporating them into the network diagram. The Contracting Officer’s separate approval of the Project Schedule shall not excuse the contractor of this requirement. Logic events (non-work) will be permitted where necessary to reflect proper logic among work events, but must have zero duration. The complete working schedule shall reflect the Contractor's approach to scheduling the complete project. The final Project Schedule in its original form shall contain no contract changes or delays which may have been incurred during the final schedule development period and shall reflect the Contractors as bid schedule. These changes/delays shall be entered at the first update after the final Project Schedule has been approved. The Contractor should provide their requests for time and supporting time extension analysis for contract time as a result of contract changes/delays, after this update, and in accordance with Article, ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACT COMPLETION. B. Within 30 calendar days after receipt of the complete project interim Project Schedule and the complete final Project Schedule, the Contracting Officer or his representative, will do one or both of the following: 1. Notify the Contractor concerning his actions, opinions, and objections. Page 76 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2. A meeting with the Contractor at or near the job site for joint review, correction or adjustment of the proposed plan will be scheduled if required. Within 14 calendar days after the joint review, the Contractor shall revise and shall submit three blue line copies of the revised Project Schedule, three copies of the revised computer-produced activity/event ID schedule and a revised electronic file as specified by the Contracting Officer. The revised submission will be reviewed by the Contracting Officer and, if found to be as previously agreed upon, will be approved. C. The approved baseline schedule and the computer-produced schedule(s) generated there from shall constitute the approved baseline schedule until subsequently revised in accordance with the requirements of this section. D. The Complete Project Schedule shall contain approximately 15 work activities/events. 1.6 WORK ACTIVITY/EVENT COST DATA A. The Contractor shall cost load all work activities/events except procurement activities. The cumulative amount of all cost loaded work activities/events (including alternates) shall equal the total contract price. Prorate overhead, profit and general conditions on all work activities/events for the entire project length. The contractor shall generate from this information cash flow curves indicating graphically the total percentage of work activity/event dollar value scheduled to be in place on early finish, late finish. These cash flow curves will be used by the Contracting Officer to assist him in determining approval or disapproval of the cost loading. Negative work activity/event cost data will not be acceptable, except on VA issued contract changes. B. The Contractor shall cost load work activities/events for guarantee period services, test, balance and adjust various systems in accordance with the provisions in Article, FAR 52.232 – 5 (PAYMENT UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS) and VAAR 852.236 – 83 (PAYMENT UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS). C. In accordance with FAR 52.236 – 1 (PERFORMANCE OF WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR) and VAAR 852.236 – 72 (PERFORMANCE OF WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR), the Contractor shall submit, simultaneously with the cost per work activity/event of the construction schedule required by this Section, a responsibility code Page 77 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 for all activities/events of the project for which the Contractor's forces will perform the work. D. The Contractor shall cost load work activities/events for all BID ITEMS including ASBESTOS ABATEMENT. The sum of each BID ITEM work shall equal the value of the bid item in the Contractors' bid. 1.7 PROJECT SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS A. Show on the project schedule the sequence of work activities/events required for complete performance of all items of work. The Contractor Shall: 1. Show activities/events as: a. Contractor's time required for submittal of shop drawings, templates, fabrication, delivery and similar pre-construction work. b. Contracting Officer's and Architect-Engineer's review and approval of shop drawings, equipment schedules, samples, template, or similar items. c. Interruption of VA Facilities utilities, delivery of Government furnished equipment, and rough-in drawings, project phasing and any other specification requirements. d. Test, balance and adjust various systems and pieces of equipment, maintenance and operation manuals, instructions and preventive maintenance tasks. e. VA inspection and acceptance activity/event with a minimum duration of five work days at the end of each phase and immediately preceding any VA move activity/event required by the contract phasing for that phase. 2. Show not only the activities/events for actual construction work for each trade category of the project, but also trade relationships to indicate the movement of trades from one area, floor, or building, to another area, floor, or building, for at least five trades who are performing major work under this contract. 3. Break up the work into activities/events of a duration no longer than 20 work days each or one reporting period, except as to non-construction activities/events (i.e., procurement of materials, delivery of equipment, concrete and asphalt curing) and any other activities/events for which the COTR may approve the showing of a longer Page 78 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 duration. The duration for VA approval of any required submittal, shop drawing, or other submittals will not be less than 20 work days. 4. Describe work activities/events clearly, so the work is readily identifiable for assessment of completion. Activities/events labeled "start," "continue," or "completion," are not specific and will not be allowed. Lead and lag time activities will not be acceptable. 5. The schedule shall be generally numbered in such a way to reflect either discipline, phase or location of the work. B. The Contractor shall submit the following supporting data in addition to the project schedule: 1. The appropriate project calendar including working days and holidays. 2. The planned number of shifts per day. 3. The number of hours per shift. Failure of the Contractor to include this data shall delay the review of the submittal until the Contracting Officer is in receipt of the missing data. C. To the extent that the Project Schedule or any revised Project Schedule shows anything not jointly agreed upon, it shall not be deemed to have been approved by the COTR. Failure to include any element of work required for the performance of this contract shall not excuse the Contractor from completing all work required within any applicable completion date of each phase regardless of the COTR’s approval of the Project Schedule. D. Compact Disk Requirements and CPM Activity/Event Record Specifications: Submit to the VA an electronic file(s) containing one file of the data required to produce a schedule, reflecting all the activities/events of the complete project schedule being submitted. 1.8 PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR: A. Monthly, the contractor shall submit the AIA application and certificate for payment documents G702 & G703 reflecting updated schedule activities and cost data in accordance with the provisions of the following Article, PAYMENT AND PROGRESS REPORTING, as the basis upon which progress payments will be made pursuant to Article, FAR 52.232 – 5 (PAYMENT UNDER FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS) and VAAR 852.236 – 83 (PAYMENT UNDER FIXED-PRICE Page 79 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS). The Contractor shall be entitled to a monthly progress payment upon approval of estimates as determined from the currently approved updated project schedule. Monthly payment requests shall include: a listing of all agreed upon project schedule changes and associated data; and an electronic file (s) of the resulting monthly updated schedule. B. Approval of the Contractor’s monthly Application for Payment shall be contingent, among other factors, on the submittal of a satisfactory monthly update of the project schedule. 1.9 PAYMENT AND PROGRESS REPORTING A. Monthly schedule update meetings will be held on dates mutually agreed to by the COTR and the Contractor. Contractor and their CPM consultant (if applicable) shall attend all monthly schedule update meetings. The Contractor shall accurately update the Project Schedule and all other data required and provide this information to the COTR three work days in advance of the schedule update meeting. Job progress will be reviewed to verify: 1. Actual start and/or finish dates for updated/completed activities/events. 2. Remaining duration for each activity/event started, or scheduled to start, but not completed. 3. Logic, time and cost data for change orders, and supplemental agreements that are to be incorporated into the Project Schedule. 4. Changes in activity/event sequence and/or duration which have been made, pursuant to the provisions of following Article, ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACT COMPLETION. 5. Completion percentage for all completed and partially completed activities/events. 6. Logic and duration revisions required by this section of the specifications. 7. Activity/event duration and percent complete shall be updated independently. B. After completion of the joint review, the contractor shall generate an updated computerproduced calendar-dated schedule and supply the Contracting Officer’s representative with reports in accordance with the Article, COMPUTER PRODUCED SCHEDULES, specified. Page 80 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C. After completing the monthly schedule update, the contractor’s representative or scheduling consultant shall rerun all current period contract change(s) against the prior approved monthly project schedule. The analysis shall only include original workday durations and schedule logic agreed upon by the contractor and resident engineer for the contract change(s). When there is a disagreement on logic and/or durations, the Contractor shall use the schedule logic and/or durations provided and approved by the resident engineer. After each rerun update, the resulting electronic project schedule data file shall be appropriately identified and submitted to the VA in accordance to the requirements listed in articles 1.4 and 1.7. This electronic submission is separate from the regular monthly project schedule update requirements and shall be submitted to the resident engineer within fourteen (14) calendar days of completing the regular schedule update. Before inserting the contract changes durations, care must be taken to ensure that only the original durations will be used for the analysis, not the reported durations after progress. In addition, once the final network diagram is approved, the contractor must recreate all manual progress payment updates on this approved network diagram and associated reruns for contract changes in each of these update periods as outlined above for regular update periods. This will require detailed record keeping for each of the manual progress payment updates. D. Following approval of the CPM schedule, the VA, the General Contractor, its approved CPM Consultant, RE office representatives, and all subcontractors needed, as determined by the SRE, shall meet to discuss the monthly updated schedule. The main emphasis shall be to address work activities to avoid slippage of project schedule and to identify any necessary actions required to maintain project schedule during the reporting period. The Government representatives and the Contractor should conclude the meeting with a clear understanding of those work and administrative actions necessary to maintain project schedule status during the reporting period. This schedule coordination meeting will occur after each monthly project schedule update meeting utilizing the resulting schedule reports from that schedule update. If the project is behind schedule, discussions should include ways to prevent further slippage as well as ways to improve the project schedule status, when appropriate. Page 81 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.10 RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLETION A. If it becomes apparent from the current revised monthly progress schedule that phasing or contract completion dates will not be met, the Contractor shall execute some or all of the following remedial actions: 1. Increase construction manpower in such quantities and crafts as necessary to eliminate the backlog of work. 2. Increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per working day, working days per week, the amount of construction equipment, or any combination of the foregoing to eliminate the backlog of work. 3. Reschedule the work in conformance with the specification requirements. B. Prior to proceeding with any of the above actions, the Contractor shall notify and obtain approval from the COTR for the proposed schedule changes. If such actions are approved, the representative schedule revisions shall be incorporated by the Contractor into the Project Schedule before the next update, at no additional cost to the Government. 1.11 CHANGES TO THE SCHEDULE A. Within 30 calendar days after VA acceptance and approval of any updated project schedule, the Contractor shall submit a revised electronic file (s) and a list of any activity/event changes including predecessors and successors for any of the following reasons: 1. Delay in completion of any activity/event or group of activities/events, which may be involved with contract changes, strikes, unusual weather, and other delays will not relieve the Contractor from the requirements specified unless the conditions are shown on the CPM as the direct cause for delaying the project beyond the acceptable limits. 2. Delays in submittals, or deliveries, or work stoppage are encountered which make rescheduling of the work necessary. 3. The schedule does not represent the actual prosecution and progress of the project. 4. When there is, or has been, a substantial revision to the activity/event costs regardless of the cause for these revisions. B. CPM revisions made under this paragraph which affect the previously approved computer-produced schedules for Government furnished equipment, vacating of areas by Page 82 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 the VA Facility, contract phase(s) and sub phase(s), utilities furnished by the Government to the Contractor, or any other previously contracted item, shall be furnished in writing to the Contracting Officer for approval. C. Contracting Officer's approval for the revised project schedule and all relevant data is contingent upon compliance with all other paragraphs of this section and any other previous agreements by the Contracting Officer or the VA representative. D. The cost of revisions to the project schedule resulting from contract changes will be included in the proposal for changes in work as specified in FAR 52.243 – 4 (Changes) and VAAR 852.236 – 88 (Changes – Supplemental), and will be based on the complexity of the revision or contract change, man hours expended in analyzing the change, and the total cost of the change. E. The cost of revisions to the Project Schedule not resulting from contract changes is the responsibility of the Contractor. 1.12 ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACT COMPLETION A. The contract completion time will be adjusted only for causes specified in this contract. Request for an extension of the contract completion date by the Contractor shall be supported with a justification, CPM data and supporting evidence as the COTR may deem necessary for determination as to whether or not the Contractor is entitled to an extension of time under the provisions of the contract. Submission of proof based on revised activity/event logic, durations (in work days) and costs is obligatory to any approvals. The schedule must clearly display that the Contractor has used, in full, all the float time available for the work involved in this request. The Contracting Officer's determination as to the total number of days of contract extension will be based upon the current computer-produced calendar-dated schedule for the time period in question and all other relevant information. B. Actual delays in activities/events which, according to the computer- produced calendar-dated schedule, do not affect the extended and predicted contract completion dates shown by the critical path in the network, will not be the basis for a change to the contract completion date. The Contracting Officer will within a reasonable time after receipt of such justification and supporting evidence, review the facts and advise the Contractor in writing of the Contracting Officer's decision. Page 83 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C. The Contractor shall submit each request for a change in the contract completion date to the Contracting Officer in accordance with the provisions specified under FAR 52.243 – 4 (Changes) and VAAR 852.236 – 88 (Changes – Supplemental). The Contractor shall include, as a part of each change order proposal, a sketch showing all CPM logic revisions, duration (in work days) changes, and cost changes, for work in question and its relationship to other activities on the approved network diagram. D. All delays due to non-work activities/events such as RFI’s, WEATHER, STRIKES, and similar non-work activities/events shall be analyzed on a month by month basis. - - - E N D - - - Page 84 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.33 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES SECTION 01 33 23 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 1-1. Refer to Articles titled SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION (FAR 52.236-21) and, SPECIAL NOTES (VAAR 852.236-91. 1-2. For the purposes of this contract, samples (including laboratory samples to be tested), test reports, certificates, and manufacturers' literature and data shall also be subject to the previously referenced requirements. The following text refers to all items collectively as SUBMITTALS. 1-3. Submit for approval, all of the items specifically mentioned under the separate sections of the specification, with information sufficient to evidence full compliance with contract requirements. Materials, fabricated articles and the like to be installed in permanent work shall equal those of approved submittals. After an item has been approved, no change in brand or make will be permitted unless: A. Satisfactory written evidence is presented to, and approved by Contracting Officer, that manufacturer cannot make scheduled delivery of approved item or; B. Item delivered has been rejected and substitution of a suitable item is an urgent necessity or; C. Other conditions become apparent which indicates approval of such substitute item to be in best interest of the Government. 1-4. Forward submittals in sufficient time to permit proper consideration and approval action by Government. Time submission to assure adequate lead time for procurement of contract - required items. Delays attributable to untimely and rejected submittals (including any laboratory samples to be tested)will not serve as a basis for extending contract time for completion. 1-5. Submittals will be reviewed for compliance with contract requirements by Architect-Engineer, and action thereon will be taken by Resident Engineer on behalf of the Contracting Officer. Page 85 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1-6. Upon receipt of submittals, Architect-Engineer will assign a file number thereto. Contractor, in any subsequent correspondence, shall refer to this file and identification number to expedite replies relative to previously approved or disapproved submittals. 1-7. The Government reserves the right to require additional submittals, whether or not particularly mentioned in this contract. If additional submittals beyond those required by the contract are furnished pursuant to request therefor by Contracting Officer, adjustment in contract price and time will be made. 1-8. Schedules called for in specifications and shown on shop drawings shall be submitted for use and information of Department of Veterans Affairs and Architect-Engineer. However, the Contractor shall assume responsibility for coordinating and verifying schedules. The Contracting Officer and Architect- Engineer assumes no responsibility for checking schedules or layout drawings for exact sizes, exact numbers and detailed positioning of items. 1-9. Submittals must be submitted by Contractor only and shipped prepaid. Contracting Officer assumes no responsibility for checking quantities or exact numbers included in such submittals. A. Submit samples in single units unless otherwise specified. Submit shop drawings, schedules, manufacturers' literature and data, and certificates in quadruplicate, except where a greater number is specified. B. Submittals will receive consideration only when covered by a transmittal letter signed by Contractor. Letter shall be sent via first class mail and shall contain the list of items, name of Medical Center, name of Contractor, contract number, applicable specification paragraph numbers, applicable drawing numbers (and other information required for exact identification of location for each item), manufacturer and brand, ASTM or Federal Specification Number (if any) and such additional information as may be required by specifications for particular item being furnished. In addition, catalogs shall be marked to indicate specific items submitted for approval. 1. A copy of letter must be enclosed with items, and any items received without identification letter will be considered "unclaimed goods" and held for a limited time only. Page 86 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2. Each sample, certificate, manufacturers' literature and data shall be labeled to indicate the name and location of the Medical Center, name of Contractor, manufacturer, brand, contract number and ASTM or Federal Specification Number as applicable and location(s) on project. 3. Required certificates shall be signed by an authorized representative of manufacturer or supplier of material, and by Contractor. C. In addition to complying with the applicable requirements specified in preceding Article 1.9, samples which are required to have Laboratory Tests (those preceded by symbol "LT" under the separate sections of the specification shall be tested, at the expense of Contractor, in a commercial laboratory approved by Contracting Officer. 1. Laboratory shall furnish Contracting Officer with a certificate stating that it is fully equipped and qualified to perform intended work, is fully acquainted with specification requirements and intended use of materials and is an independent establishment in no way connected with organization of Contractor or with manufacturer or supplier of materials to be tested. 2. Certificates shall also set forth a list of comparable projects upon which laboratory has performed similar functions during past five years. 3. Samples and laboratory tests shall be sent directly to approved commercial testing laboratory. 4. Contractor shall send a copy of transmittal letter to both Resident Engineer and to Architect-Engineer simultaneously with submission of material to a commercial testing laboratory. 5. Laboratory test reports shall be sent directly to Resident Engineer for appropriate action. 6. Laboratory reports shall list contract specification test requirements and a comparative list of the laboratory test results. When tests show that the material meets specification requirements, the laboratory shall so certify on test report. 7. Laboratory test reports shall also include a recommendation for approval or disapproval of tested item. D. If submittal samples have been disapproved, resubmit new samples as soon as possible after notification of disapproval. Such new samples shall be marked Page 87 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 "Resubmitted Sample" in addition to containing other previously specified information required on label and in transmittal letter. E. Approved samples will be kept on file by the Resident Engineer at the site until completion of contract, at which time such samples will be delivered to Contractor as Contractor's property. Where noted in technical sections of specifications, approved samples in good condition may be used in their proper locations in contract work. At completion of contract, samples that are not approved will be returned to Contractor only upon request and at Contractor's expense. Such request should be made prior to completion of the contract. Disapproved samples that are not requested for return by Contractor will be discarded after completion of contract. F. Submittal drawings (shop, erection or setting drawings) and schedules, required for work of various trades, shall be checked before submission by technically qualified employees of Contractor for accuracy, completeness and compliance with contract requirements. These drawings and schedules shall be stamped and signed by Contractor certifying to such check. 1. For each drawing required, submit one legible photographic paper or vellum reproducible. 2. Reproducible shall be full size. 3. Each drawing shall have marked thereon, proper descriptive title, including Medical Center location, project number, manufacturer's number, reference to contract drawing number, detail Section Number, and Specification Section Number. 4. A space 120 mm by 125 mm (4-3/4 by 5 inches) shall be reserved on each drawing to accommodate approval or disapproval stamp. 5. Submit drawings, ROLLED WITHIN A MAILING TUBE, fully protected for shipment. 6. One reproducible print of approved or disapproved shop drawings will be forwarded to Contractor. 7. When work is directly related and involves more than one trade, shop drawings shall be submitted to Architect-Engineer under one cover. Page 88 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1-10. Samples (except laboratory samples), shop drawings, test reports, certificates and manufacturers' literature and data, shall be submitted for approval to Kenneth Irving Architect PC 42 Memorial Plaza, Suite 301 Pleasantville, NY 10570 1-11. At the time of transmittal to the Architect-Engineer, the Contractor shall also send a copy of the complete submittal directly to the Resident Engineer. Page 89 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.34 REFERENCE STANDARDS SECTION 01 42 19 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section specifies the availability and source of references and standards specified in the project manual under paragraphs APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS and/or shown on the drawings. 1.2 AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFICATIONS LISTED IN THE GSA INDEX OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FPMR PART 101-29 (FAR 52.211-1) (AUG 1998) A. The GSA Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions, FPMR Part 101-29 and copies of specifications, standards, and commercial item descriptions cited in the solicitation may be obtained for a fee by submitting a request to – GSA Federal Supply Service, Specifications Section, Suite 8100, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC 20407, Telephone (202) 619-8925, Facsimile (202) 619-8978. B. If the General Services Administration, Department of Agriculture, or Department of Veterans Affairs issued this solicitation, a single copy of specifications, standards, and commercial item descriptions cited in this solicitation may be obtained free of charge by submitting a request to the addressee in paragraph (a) of this provision. Additional copies will be issued for a fee. 1.3 AVAILABILITY FOR EXAMINATION OF SPECIFICATIONS NOT LISTED IN THE GSA INDEX OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS (FAR 52.211-4) (JUN 1988) The specifications and standards cited in this solicitation can be examined at the following location: DEPARMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Office of Construction & Facilities Management Facilities Quality Service (00CFM1A) 811 Vermont Avenue, NW - Room 462 Washington, DC 20420 Telephone Numbers: (202) 461-8217 or (202) 461-8292 Between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Page 90 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.4 AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFICATIONS NOT LISTED IN THE GSA INDEX OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS (FAR 52.211-3) (JUN 1988) The specifications cited in this solicitation may be obtained from the associations or organizations listed below. AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete Institute AGC Associated General Contractors of America AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute CPMB Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute GSA General Services Administration \ICAC Institute of Clean Air Companies NBS National Bureau of Standards See - NIST PCA Portland Cement Association PCI Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute UBC The Uniform Building Code See ICBO Page 91 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 - - - E N D - - - 4.35 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES SECTION 01 45 29 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: This section specifies materials testing activities and inspection services required during project construction to be provided by a Testing Laboratory retained and paid for by Contractor. 1.2 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): T27-06 ....................................Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates T96-02 (R2006) .....................Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine T99-01 (R2004) .....................The Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 2.5 Kg (5.5 lb.) Rammer and a 305 mm (12 in.) Drop T104-99 (R2003) ...................Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate T180-01 (R2004) ...................Moisture-Density Relations of Soils using a 4.54 kg (10 lb.) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop T191-02(R2006) ....................Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand-Cone Method C. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 506.4R-94 (R2004) ................Guide for the Evaluation of Shotcrete D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): A325-06 .................................Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength A370-07 .................................Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products Page 92 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 A416/A416M-06 ....................Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed Concrete A490-06 .................................Heat Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength C31/C31M-06 ........................Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C33-03....................................Concrete Aggregates C39/C39M-05 ........................Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C109/C109M-05 ....................Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars C138-07..................................Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete C140-07..................................Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units C143/C143M-05 ....................Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete C172-07..................................Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete C173-07..................................Air Content of freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method C330-05..................................Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete C567-05..................................Density Structural Lightweight Concrete C780-07..................................Pre-construction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry C1019-08................................Sampling and Testing Grout C1064/C1064M-05 ................Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete C1077-06................................Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation C1314-07................................Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms D698-07 .................................Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort D1143-07 ...............................Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load D1188-07 ...............................Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens Page 93 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 D1556-07 ...............................Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method D1557-07 ...............................Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort D2166-06 ...............................Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil D2167-94(R2001) ..................Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method D2216-05 ...............................Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass D2922-05 ...............................Density of soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) D2974-07 ...............................Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils D3666-(2002) .........................Minimum Requirements for Agencies Testing and Inspection Bituminous Paving Materials D3740-07 ...............................Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving Material E94-04 ....................................Radiographic Testing E164-03 ..................................Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments E329-07 ..................................Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection and/or Testing E543-06 ..................................Agencies Performing Non-Destructive Testing E605-93(R2006) ....................Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members E709-(2001) ...........................Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination E1155-96(R2008) ..................Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers E. American Welding Society (AWS): D1.1-07 ..................................Structural Welding Code-Steel Page 94 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1.3 REQUIREMENTS: A. Accreditation Requirements: Construction materials testing laboratories must be accredited by a laboratory accreditation authority and will be required to submit a copy of the Certificate of Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation. The laboratory’s scope of accreditation must include the appropriate ASTM standards (i.e.; E 329, C 1077, D 3666, D3740, A 880, E 543) listed in the technical sections of the specifications. Laboratories engaged in Hazardous Materials Testing shall meet the requirements of OSHA and EPA. The policy applies to the specific laboratory performing the actual testing, not just the “Corporate Office.” B. Inspection and Testing: Testing laboratory shall inspect materials and workmanship and perform tests described herein and additional tests requested by Resident Engineer. When it appears materials furnished, or work performed by Contractor fail to meet construction contract requirements, Testing Laboratory shall direct attention of Resident Engineer to such failure. C. Written Reports: Testing laboratory shall submit test reports to Resident Engineer, Contractor, unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing by the Resident Engineer. Submit reports of tests that fail to meet construction contract requirements on colored paper. D. Verbal Reports: Give verbal notification to Resident Engineer immediately of any irregularity. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 LANDSCAPING: A. Test topsoil for organic materials, pH, phosphate, potash content, and gradation of particles. 1. Test for organic material by using ASTM D2974. 2. Determine percent of silt, sand, clay, and foreign materials such as rock, roots, and vegetation. B. Submit laboratory test report of topsoil to Resident Engineer. Page 95 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3.2 SITE WORK CONCRETE: Test site work concrete including materials for concrete as required in Article CONCRETE of this section. 3.3 CONCRETE: A. Batch Plant Inspection and Materials Testing: 1. Perform continuous batch plant inspection until concrete quality is established to satisfaction of Resident Engineer with concurrence of Contracting Officer and perform periodic inspections thereafter as determined by Resident Engineer. 2. Periodically inspect and test batch proportioning equipment for accuracy and report deficiencies to Resident Engineer. 3. Sample and test mix ingredients as necessary to insure compliance with specifications. 4. Sample and test aggregates daily and as necessary for moisture content. Test the dry rodded weight of the coarse aggregate whenever a sieve analysis is made, and when it appears there has been a change in the aggregate. 5. Certify, in duplicate, ingredients and proportions and amounts of ingredients in concrete conform to approved trial mixes. When concrete is batched or mixed off immediate building site, certify (by signing, initialing or stamping thereon) on delivery slips (duplicate) that ingredients in truck-load mixes conform to proportions of aggregate weight, cement factor, and water-cement ratio of approved trial mixes. B. Field Inspection and Materials Testing: 1. Provide a technician at site of placement at all times to perform concrete sampling and testing. 2. Review the delivery tickets of the ready-mix concrete trucks arriving on-site. Notify the Contractor if the concrete cannot be placed within the specified time limits or if the type of concrete delivered is incorrect. Reject any loads that do not comply with the Specification requirements. Rejected loads are to be removed from the site at the Contractor’s expense. Any rejected concrete that is placed will be subject to removal. 3. Take concrete samples at point of placement in accordance with ASTM C172. Mold and cure compression test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C31. Make at least three cylinders for each 40 m3 (50 cubic yards) or less of each concrete type, and at Page 96 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 least three cylinders for any one day's pour for each concrete type. After good concrete quality control has been established and maintained as determined by Resident Engineer make three cylinders for each 80 m3 (100 cubic yards) or less of each concrete type, and at least three cylinders from any one day's pour for each concrete type. Label each cylinder with an identification number. Resident Engineer may require additional cylinders to be molded and cured under job conditions. 4. Perform slump tests in accordance with ASTM C143. Test the first truck each day, and every time test cylinders are made. Test pumped concrete at the hopper and at the discharge end of the hose at the beginning of each day’s pumping operations to determine change in slump. 5. Determine the air content of concrete per ASTM C173. For concrete required to be air-entrained, test the first truck and every 20 m3 (25 cubic yards) thereafter each day. For concrete not required to be air-entrained, test every 80 m3 (100 cubic yards) at random. For pumped concrete, initially test concrete at both the hopper and the discharge end of the hose to determine change in air content. 6. If slump or air content fall outside specified limits, make another test immediately from another portion of same batch. 7. Perform unit weight tests in compliance with ASTM C138 for normal weight concrete and ASTM C567 for lightweight concrete. Test the first truck and each time cylinders are made. 8. Notify laboratory technician at batch plant of mix irregularities and request materials and proportioning check. 9. Verify that specified mixing has been accomplished. 10. Environmental Conditions: Determine the temperature per ASTM C1064 for each truckload of concrete during hot weather and cold weather concreting operations: a. When ambient air temperature falls below 4.4 degrees C (40 degrees F), record maximum and minimum air temperatures in each 24 hour period; record air temperature inside protective enclosure; record minimum temperature of surface of hardened concrete. b. When ambient air temperature rises above 29.4 degrees C (85 degrees F), record maximum and minimum air temperature in each 24 hour period; record minimum Page 97 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 relative humidity; record maximum wind velocity; record maximum temperature of surface of hardened concrete. 11. Inspect the reinforcing steel placement, including bar size, bar spacing, top and bottom concrete cover, proper tie into the chairs, and grade of steel prior to concrete placement. Submit detailed report of observations. 12. Observe conveying, placement, and consolidation of concrete for conformance to specifications. 13. Observe condition of formed surfaces upon removal of formwork prior to repair of surface defects and observe repair of surface defects. 14. Observe curing procedures for conformance with specifications, record dates of concrete placement, start of preliminary curing, start of final curing, end of curing period. 15. Observe preparations for placement of concrete: a. Inspect handling, conveying, and placing equipment, inspect vibrating and compaction equipment. b. Inspect preparation of construction, expansion, and isolation joints. 16. Observe preparations for protection from hot weather, cold weather, sun, and rain, and preparations for curing. 17. Observe concrete mixing: a. Monitor and record amount of water added at project site. b. Observe minimum and maximum mixing times. 18. Measure concrete flatwork for levelness and flatness as follows: a. Perform Floor Tolerance Measurements FF and FL in accordance with ASTM E1155. Calculate the actual overall F- numbers using the inferior/superior area method. b. Perform all floor tolerance measurements within 48 hours after slab installation and prior to removal of shoring and formwork. c. Provide the Contractor and the Resident Engineer with the results of all profile tests, including a running tabulation of the overall FF and FL values for all slabs installed to date, within 72 hours after each slab installation. 19. Other inspections: Page 98 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 a. Grouting anchor bolts and reinforcing steel in hardened concrete. C. Laboratory Tests of Field Samples: 1. Test compression test cylinders for strength in accordance with ASTM C39. For each test series, test one cylinder at 7 days and one cylinder at 28 days. Use remaining cylinder as a spare tested as directed by Resident Engineer. Compile laboratory test reports as follows: Compressive strength test shall be result of one cylinder, except when one cylinder shows evidence of improper sampling, molding or testing, in which case it shall be discarded and strength of spare cylinder shall be used. 2. Make weight tests of hardened lightweight structural concrete in accordance with ASTM C567. 3. Furnish certified compression test reports (duplicate) to Resident Engineer. In test report, indicate the following information: a. Cylinder identification number and date cast. b. Specific location at which test samples were taken. c. Type of concrete, slump, and percent air. d. Compressive strength of concrete in MPa (psi). e. Weight of lightweight structural concrete in kg/m3 (pounds per cubic feet). f. Weather conditions during placing. g. Temperature of concrete in each test cylinder when test cylinder was molded. h. Maximum and minimum ambient temperature during placing. i. Ambient temperature when concrete sample in test cylinder was taken. j. Date delivered to laboratory and date tested. 3.4 MASONRY: A. Mortar Tests: 1. Laboratory compressive strength test: a. Comply with ASTM C780. b. Obtain samples during or immediately after discharge from batch mixer. c. Furnish molds with 50 mm (2 inch), 3 compartment gang cube. d. Test one sample at 7 days and 2 samples at 28 days. 2. Two tests during first week of operation; one test per week after initial test until masonry completion. Page 99 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Grout Tests: 1. Laboratory compressive strength test: a. Comply with ASTM C1019. b. Test one sample at 7 days and 2 samples at 28 days. c. Perform test for each 230 m2 (2500 square feet) of masonry. C. Prism Tests: For each type of wall construction indicated, test masonry prisms per ASTM C1314 for each 460 m2 (5000 square feet) of wall area. Prepare one set of prisms for testing at 7 days and one set for testing at 28 days. 3.5 TYPE OF TEST: Approximate Number of Tests Required A. Landscaping: Topsoil Test 1 B. Concrete: Making and Curing Concrete Test Cylinders (ASTM C31) 12 per phase Compressive Strength, Test Cylinders (ASTM C39) 1 per phase Concrete Slump Test (ASTM C143) 4 per phase Concrete Air Content Test (ASTM C173) 8 per phase Unit Weight, Lightweight Concrete (ASTM C567) 3 per phase Aggregate, Normal Weight: Gradation (ASTM C33) 1 per phase Deleterious Substances (ASTM C33) 1 per phase Soundness (ASTM C33) 1 per phase Abrasion (ASTM C33) 1 per phase Aggregate, Lightweight Gradation (ASTM C330) 1 per phase Deleterious Substances (ASTM C330) 1 per phase Unit Weight (ASTM C330) 1 per phase Flatness and Levelness Readings (ASTM E1155) (number of days)1 per phase C. Masonry: Sampling and Testing Mortar, Comp. Strength (ASTM C780) Sampling and Testing Grout, Comp. Strength (ASTM C1019) D. Inspection: Technical Personnel (Man-days) 3 3 4 per phase - - - E N D - - - Page 100 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.36 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS SECTION 01 57 19 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS EP-1. DESCRIPTION A. This section specifies the control of environmental pollution and damage that the Contractor must consider for air, water, and land resources. It includes management of visual aesthetics, noise, solid waste, radiant energy, and radioactive materials, as well as other pollutants and resources encountered or generated by the Contractor. The Contractor is obligated to consider specified control measures with the costs included within the various contract items of work. B. Environmental pollution and damage is defined as the presence of chemical, physical, or biological elements or agents which: 1. Adversely effect human health or welfare, 2. Unfavorably alter ecological balances of importance to human life, 3. Effect other species of importance to humankind, or; 4. Degrade the utility of the environment for aesthetic, cultural, and historical purposes. C. Definitions of Pollutants: 1. Chemical Waste: Petroleum products, bituminous materials, salts, acids, alkalis, herbicides, pesticides, organic chemicals, and inorganic wastes. 2. Debris: Combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as leaves, tree trimmings, ashes, and waste materials resulting from construction or maintenance and repair work. 3. Sediment: Soil and other debris that has been eroded and transported by runoff water. 4. Solid Waste: Rubbish, debris, garbage, and other discarded solid materials resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations and from community activities. 5. Surface Discharge: The term "Surface Discharge" implies that the water is discharged with possible sheeting action and subsequent soil erosion may occur. Waters that are surface discharged may terminate in drainage ditches, storm sewers, creeks, and/or "water of the United States" and would require a permit to discharge water from the governing agency. Page 101 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 6. Rubbish: Combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, boxes, glass and crockery, metal and lumber scrap, tin cans, and bones. 7. Sanitary Wastes: a. Sewage: Domestic sanitary sewage and human and animal waste. b. Garbage: Refuse and scraps resulting from preparation, cooking, dispensing, and consumption of food. EP-2. QUALITY CONTROL A. Establish and maintain quality control for the environmental protection of all items set forth herein. B. Record on daily reports any problems in complying with laws, regulations, and ordinances. Note any corrective action taken. EP-3. REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. B. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): 33 CFR 328 ............................Definitions EP-4. SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section, 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES, furnish the following: 1. Environmental Protection Plan: After the contract is awarded and prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall meet with the Resident Engineer to discuss the proposed Environmental Protection Plan and to develop mutual understanding relative to details of environmental protection. Not more than 20 days after the meeting, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Resident Engineer for approval, a written and/or graphic Environmental Protection Plan including, but not limited to, the following: a. Name(s) of person(s) within the Contractor's organization who is (are) responsible for ensuring adherence to the Environmental Protection Plan. b. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for manifesting hazardous waste to be removed from the site. C. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for training the Contractor's environmental protection personnel. Page 102 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 d. Description of the Contractor's environmental protection personnel training program. e. A list of Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and permits concerning environmental protection, pollution control, noise control and abatement that are applicable to the Contractor's proposed operations and the requirements imposed by those laws, regulations, and permits. f. Methods for protection of features to be preserved within authorized work areas including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ground cover, landscape features, air and water quality, fish and wildlife, soil, historical, and archeological and cultural resources. g. Procedures to provide the environmental protection that comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Describe the procedures to correct pollution of the environment due to accident, natural causes, or failure to follow the procedures as described in the Environmental Protection Plan. h. Permits, licenses, and the location of the solid waste disposal area. i. Drawings showing locations of any proposed temporary excavations or embankments for haul roads, material storage areas, structures, sanitary facilities, and stockpiles of excess or spoil materials. Include as part of an Erosion Control Plan approved by the District Office of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs. j. Environmental Monitoring Plans for the job site including land, water, air, and noise. k. Work Area Plan showing the proposed activity in each portion of the area and identifying the areas of limited use or nonuse. Plan should include measures for marking the limits of use areas. This plan may be incorporated within the Erosion Control Plan. B. Approval of the Contractor's Environmental Protection Plan will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for adequate and continued control of pollutants and other environmental protection measures. Page 103 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 EP-5. PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES A. Protect environmental resources within the project boundaries and those affected outside the limits of permanent work during the entire period of this contract. Confine activities to areas defined by the specifications and drawings. B. Protection of Land Resources: Prior to construction, identify all land resources to be preserved within the work area. Do not remove, cut, deface, injure, or destroy land resources including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, top soil, and land forms without permission from the Resident Engineer. Do not fasten or attach ropes, cables, or guys to trees for anchorage unless specifically authorized, or where special emergency use is permitted. 1. Work Area Limits: Prior to any construction, mark the areas that require work to be performed under this contract. Mark or fence isolated areas within the general work area that are to be saved and protected. Protect monuments, works of art, and markers before construction operations begin. Convey to all personnel the purpose of marking and protecting all necessary objects. 2. Protection of Landscape: Protect trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, land forms, and other landscape features shown on the drawings to be preserved by marking, fencing, or using any other approved techniques. a. Box and protect from damage existing trees and shrubs to remain on the construction site. b. Immediately repair all damage to existing trees and shrubs by trimming, cleaning, and painting with antiseptic tree paint. c. Do not store building materials or perform construction activities closer to existing trees or shrubs than the farthest extension of their limbs. 3. Reduction of Exposure of Unprotected Erodible Soils: Plan and conduct earthwork to minimize the duration of exposure of unprotected soils. Clear areas in reasonably sized increments only as needed to use. Form earthwork to final grade as shown. Immediately protect side slopes and back slopes upon completion of rough grading. 4. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Devices: The erosion and sediment controls selected and maintained by the Contractor shall be such that water quality standards are not violated as a result of the Contractor's activities Page 104 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 5. Handle and dispose of solid wastes in such a manner that will prevent contamination of the environment. Place solid wastes (excluding clearing debris) in containers that are emptied on a regular schedule. Transport all solid waste off Government property and dispose of waste in compliance with Federal, State, and local requirements. 6. Store chemical waste away from the work areas in corrosion resistant containers and dispose of waste in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations. 7. Handle discarded materials other than those included in the solid waste category as directed by the Resident Engineer. C. Protection of Water Resources: Keep construction activities under surveillance, management, and control to avoid pollution of surface and ground waters and sewer systems. Implement management techniques to control water pollution by the listed construction activities that are included in this contract. 1. Washing and Curing Water: Do not allow wastewater directly derived from construction activities to enter water areas. Collect and place wastewater in retention ponds allowing the suspended material to settle, the pollutants to separate, or the water to evaporate. 2. Control movement of materials and equipment at stream crossings during construction to prevent violation of water pollution control standards of the Federal, State, or local government. 3. Monitor water areas affected by construction. D. Protection of Fish and Wildlife Resources: Keep construction activities under surveillance, management, and control to minimize interference with, disturbance of, or damage to fish and wildlife. Prior to beginning construction operations, list species that require specific attention along with measures for their protection. E. Protection of Air Resources: Keep construction activities under surveillance, management, and control to minimize pollution of air resources. Burning is not permitted on the job site. Keep activities, equipment, processes, and work operated or performed, in strict accordance with the State of New York Air Pollution Statue, Rule, or Regulation 44 and Federal emission and performance laws and standards. Maintain ambient air quality standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency, for those construction operations and activities specified. Page 105 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1. Particulates: Control dust particles, aerosols, and gaseous by-products from all construction activities, processing, and preparation of materials (such as from asphaltic batch plants) at all times, including weekends, holidays, and hours when work is not in progress. 2. Particulates Control: Maintain all excavations, stockpiles, haul roads, permanent and temporary access roads, plant sites, spoil areas, borrow areas, and all other work areas within or outside the project boundaries free from particulates which would cause a hazard or a nuisance. Sprinklering, chemical treatment of an approved type, light bituminous treatment, baghouse, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, or other methods are permitted to control particulates in the work area. 3. Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide: Control monoxide emissions from equipment to Federal and State allowable limits. 4. Odors: Control odors of construction activities and prevent obnoxious odors from occurring. F. Reduction of Noise: Minimize noise using every action possible. Perform noiseproducing work in less sensitive hours of the day or week as directed by the Resident Engineer. Maintain noise-produced work at or below the decibel levels and within the time periods specified. 1. Perform construction activities involving repetitive, high-level impact noise only between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m unless otherwise permitted by local ordinance or the Resident Engineer. Repetitive impact noise on the property shall not exceed the following dB limitations: Time Duration of Impact Noise Sound Level in dB More than 12 minutes in any hour 70 Less than 30 seconds of any hour 85 Less than three minutes of any hour 80 Less than 12 minutes of any hour 75 2. Provide sound-deadening devices on equipment and take noise abatement measures that are necessary to comply with the requirements of this contract, consisting of, but not limited to, the following: Page 106 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 a. Maintain maximum permissible construction equipment noise levels at 15 m (50 feet) (dBA): EARTHMOVING MATERIALS HANDLING GRADERS 75 CONCRETE MIXERS 75 BACKHOES 75 CONCRETE PUMPS 75 TRUCKS 75 JACK HAMMERS 75 SAWS 75 ROCK DRILLS 80 GENERATORS 75 PNEUMATIC TOOLS 80 COMPRESSORS 75 VIBRATORS 75 b. Use shields or other physical barriers to restrict noise transmission. c. Provide soundproof housings or enclosures for noise-producing machinery. d. Use efficient silencers on equipment air intakes. e. Use efficient intake and exhaust mufflers on internal combustion engines that are maintained so equipment performs below noise levels specified. f. Line hoppers and storage bins with sound deadening material. g. Conduct truck loading, unloading, and hauling operations so that noise is kept to a minimum. 3. Measure sound level for noise exposure due to the construction at least once every five successive working days while work is being performed above 55 dB(A) noise level. Measure noise exposure at the property line or 15 m (50 feet) from the noise source, whichever is greater. Measure the sound levels on the A weighing network of a General Purpose sound level meter at slow response. To minimize the effect of reflective sound waves at buildings, take measurements at 900 to 1800 mm (three to six feet) in front of any building face. Submit the recorded information to the Resident Engineer noting any problems and the alternatives for mitigating actions. G. Restoration of Damaged Property: If any direct or indirect damage is done to public or private property resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct, the Contractor shall restore the damaged property to a condition equal to that existing before the damage at no additional cost to the Government. Repair, rebuild, or restore property as directed or make good such damage in an acceptable manner. Page 107 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 H. Final Clean-up: On completion of project and after removal of all debris, rubbish, and temporary construction, Contractor shall leave the construction area in a clean condition satisfactory to the Resident Engineer. Cleaning shall include off the station disposal of all items and materials not required to be salvaged, as well as all debris and rubbish resulting from demolition and new work operations. - - - E N D - - - Page 108 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.37 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT SECTION 01 74 19 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT 1.1 DESCRIPTION This specification covers the requirements for management of non-hazardous recyclable waste, building construction and demolition waste; universal wastes and hazardous wastes. Medical Center is also termed the “Generator” for environmental concerns under Federal jurisdiction and “Owner” for environmental issues governed by New York State law and may be referred to as Generator or Owner hereafter where applicable. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 02 41 00, DEMOLITION. B. Demolition and removal of roads, walks, curbs, and on-grade slabs outside buildings to be demolished: Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (SHORT FORM) . C. Disconnecting utility services prior to demolition: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. D. Reserved items which are to remain the property of the Government: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 1.3 GOVERNMENT POLICY A. Contractor shall practice efficient waste management when sizing, cutting and installing building construction products. B. Contractor shall use all reasonable means to divert construction and demolition waste from landfills and incinerators and facilitate their recycling. C. Contractor shall be responsible for implementation of any special programs involving rebates or similar incentives related to recycling and any revenues or savings obtained from salvage or recycling shall accrue to the Contractor. D. Contractor shall ensure that facilities used for recycling, reuse and disposal shall be permitted for the intended use to the extent required by federal, state and local regulations. Page 109 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 E. Under the direction of the Contracting Officer (CO) the Contractor/Sub Contractor(s) shall (a) conduct a site assessment prior to the start of work in order to characterize wastes to be generated and prepare for their on-site management and final disposal or recycling; (b) submit a comprehensive Waste Management Plan for approval to design criteria containing all required elements as noted in Section 1.4B below prior to contract award and start of work; (c) practice efficient waste management when sizing, cutting and installing building construction products and recycle all recyclable construction debris to the greatest extent practical; (d) mitigate the potential for spill or release of any hazardous materials or universal waste associated with the project and prepare all hazardous waste manifests and non-hazardous waste manifests/bills of lading; (e) select environmentally preferable and recycled building materials as specified in ( and (f) provide tonnage figures for recycled demolition/construction debris to the GEMS Coordinator, through the CO, for Agency reporting. Contractor shall provide completed hazardous waste manifests within 30 days of the waste leaving Medical Center property. F. Contactor and/or Subcontractors shall make all necessary notifications and obtain environmental permits as required by Federal, State and Local regulations with the exception of Storm Water Permits which must be completed by the Owner per New York State regulation. Medical Center Director of Facilities Management Service Center shall make the application for a Construction Storm Water Permit 0-08-001 for projects involving disturbance of 1 or more acres, cumulative (1 acre = 43,560 sq. ft.). (Note: Permit forms may be downloaded for paper submission at the following site 1.4 PLAN A. Contractor shall conduct a construction site assessment to estimate the types of materials that will be generated by demolition at the construction site. The Whole Building Design Guide website ( has a Construction Waste Management Database that contains information on companies that haul, collect, and process recyclable debris from construction projects. Contractor shall select a trained, licensed and insured company to pick up, haul and recycle all recyclable wastes; Contractor shall select a licensed and insured subcontractor to pick up and Page 110 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 dispose of any hazardous or universal wastes in accordance with Federal, State, Local and Agency guidelines. B. Written Waste Management Plan – Contractor shall submit a written waste management plan prior to contract award that includes at a minimum all of the following elements: (a) name of onsite waste manager(s) for the duration of the project; (b) photocopies of permits, licenses and insurance for the Contractor, all Subcontractors, recycling facilities, Temporary Storage Disposal Facility (TSDF); (c) photocopies of DOT permits and licenses for all transportation of hazardous and nonhazardous wastes generated from project; (d) management plan for lead wastes if applicable to project in accordance with established Federal, State and Local guidelines, including Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis for lead or other heavy metal wastes to properly characterize the waste as RCRA hazardous waste and copies of licenses and permits for all workers involved in removal of lead or other heavy metal wastes and identity of the laboratory performing the TCLP analysis; (e) management plan for asbestos wastes if applicable to project in accordance with established Federal, State and Local guidelines, including TEM and/or PCM laboratory analysis for asbestos-containing materials and potentially asbestos containing materials to properly characterize the waste as asbestos and copies of licenses and permits for all workers involved in removal of asbestoscontaining wastes and identity of the laboratory performing the TEM and/or PCM analysis; (f) management plan for mercury if applicable to project, to include decontamination of prior mercury use areas/equipment before the start of the construction job in accordance with all Federal, State and Local regulations; (g) copy of storm water permit and Notice of Intent filed by Owner per Section 1.3F; (h) management plans for all other types of waste identified in checklist found in Attachment B; (i) estimated job site waste to be generated by type and quantity; (j) list of equipment being removed/de-installed and associated waste streams that require management; (k) proposed alternatives to land filling; (l) on-site methods handling for recyclable materials; (m) on-site methods handling for hazardous and universal wastes generated from project, with methods in accordance with Federal, Page 111 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 State and Local regulations; (n) name of mixed debris recycling facility and list of materials to be recycled. C. On-site waste management – Contractor/Sub Contractor shall (a) appoint a licensed/trained on-site waste manager for duration of project; (b) provide necessary containers, bins and storage areas to facilitate effective waste management. Contractor shall ensure containers are clearly identified so that recyclable materials are separated from trash and can be transported to a respective recycling facility for processing. Contractor shall keep all containers covered except when adding waste to the container/recycling bin to protect contents from the weather. Where required, secondary containment shall be provided by the Contractor and used by the contractor/subcontractor to reduce the likelihood of environmental contamination from runoff, protect sewers and drains and to contain the wastes. (Note: Contractor shall ensure drums/buckets containing oils or solvents must be kept on a secondary containment pad at all times.) Contractor shall follow the guidance established in Attachment C for on-site segregation of wastes prior to final disposition according to all Federal, State and Local regulations. D. Waste Labeling Requirements - Contractor shall ensure all containers and drums used to collect hazardous and universal waste meet all of the following EPA labeling requirements: (a) hazardous waste containers have a label with WHITE background and RED LETTERING reading “HAZARDOUS WASTE” on it with the identity of the waste clearly written; (b) hazardous waste labels will have a date on it in mm/ dd/ yyyy format the day the waste container becomes full; (c) universal wastes/waste containers will have a label with BLACK background and WHITE LETTERING reading “UNIVERSAL WASTE” on it with the identity of the waste clearly written and the date the first waste item was introduced into the container written in mm/dd/yyyy format clearly written on the label. Contractor shall ensure all labels remain on said wastes for duration of time at the Medical Center prior to pickup for disposal by Sub-Contractor. E. Selection of Green or Environmentally Preferable Materials – Contractor shall give preference to Construction Materials and other goods integral to the project and/or renovation that meet Environmental Protection Agency recycled content standards. Page 112 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Guidance is provided below. (Note: As per the Solid Waste Disposal Act, Section (c)(1) “Requirements”, a decision not to procure these items can be made on the basis of (a) unavailability of items; (b) item doesn’t meet performance requirements for its intended use or (c) unreasonable price of items.”) F. Contractor shall develop and implement procedures to reuse and recycle materials to the greatest extent feasible based upon the contract, the construction and demolition debris management plan, the estimated quantities of materials, and the availability of recycling facilities. G. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Contracting Officer a written demolition debris management plan. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: a. Contractor and project identification information; b. Procedures Contractor shall use for debris management; c. A listing of the materials Contractor shall reuse, recycle, or take to the landfill. (Note: Examples of recyclable material are found in attached Appendix A.) d. The names and locations of reuse and recycling facilities or sites Contractor shall select for this project. e. Clearly stated waste diversion goals as a percentage of total project waste to be diverted from landfill by Contractor. f. Contractor shall be responsible for transporting and disposing of materials that cannot be delivered to a source-separated or mixed materials recycling facility to a transfer station or disposal facility that can accept the materials in accordance with State law. g. Contractor-identified landfill or incinerator for disposal of building or demolition materials that cannot be recycled nor have no practical use. 1.5 COLLECTION A. Contractor shall provide necessary containers, bins and storage areas to facilitate effective waste management. B. Contractor shall clearly identify all containers so that recyclable materials are separated from trash and can be transported to respective recycling facility for processing. Page 113 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C. Contractor shall ensure containers designated for hazardous or universal waste will have a hazardous or universal waste label on it, identifying the contents of the container with a date on it that the waste was introduced into the container, in accordance with EPA regulations. 1.6 DISPOSAL A. Contractor shall be responsible for transporting and disposing of materials that cannot be delivered to a source-separated or mixed materials recycling facility to a transfer station or disposal facility that can accept the materials in accordance with state law. B. Contractor shall be responsible for prompt removal of hazardous and universal wastes by Sub-Contractor and avoid on-site storage of wastes at the conclusion of each Phase of the project within the Medical Center or on its grounds. C. Building or demolition materials with no practical use or that cannot be recycled shall be disposed of at a landfill or incinerator by Contractor and/or Sub-Contractor. 1.7 REPORT A. With each application for progress payment, the Contractor shall submit a summary of construction and demolition debris diversion and disposal, quantifying all materials generated at the work site and disposed of or diverted from disposal through recycling, itemized separately for all identified wastes. Contractor shall provide “Generator Copy” of signed hazardous waste manifests to Medical Center representative prior to and up to the day the waste leaves the facility, containing signature of Sub-Contractor for hazardous waste removal and Medical Center representative. Contractor shall provide “Designated Facility to Generator Copy” of same completed Hazardous Waste Manifests within 30 days of waste leaving the Medical Center, containing additional signature of Temporary Storage Disposal Facility representative and date of receipt of waste. Contractor shall make sure completed hazardous manifests shall include a list and volume of all hazardous wastes removed including associated EPA waste codes. Fines and penalties assessed by Generator (Medical Center) for missing manifests to determine regulatory fees in accordance with Environmental Conservation Law 72-0402 shall become the responsibility of the Contractor. Page 114 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Project COTR shall ensure completed and signed hazardous waste manifests, bills of lading and associated paperwork with waste removal is given to GEMS Coordinator within 3 working days of the waste leaving the Medical Center. C. GEMS Coordinator shall send a copy of all signed hazardous waste manifests from construction projects to New York State within 15 calendar days of waste leaving the Medical Center. ---END--- Page 115 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.38 DEMOLITION SECTION 02 41 00 DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: This section specifies demolition of site work. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Demolition and removal of roads, walks, curbs, fence footing from previously removed fence and on-grade slabs outside buildings to be demolished: EARTH MOVING (SHORT FORM). B. Disconnecting utility services prior to demolition: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. C. Reserved items that are to remain the property of the Government: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. D. Environmental Protection: Section 01 57 19, TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS. E. Infectious Control: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Article 1.7, INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES. 1.3 PROTECTION: A. Perform demolition in such manner as to eliminate hazards to persons and property; to minimize interference with use of adjacent areas, utilities and structures or interruption of use of such utilities; and to provide free passage to and from such adjacent areas of structures. B. Provide safeguards, including warning signs, barricades, temporary fences, warning lights, and other similar items that are required for protection of all personnel during demolition and removal operations. Comply with requirements of Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Article 1.9 PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS. C. Maintain fences, barricades, lights, and other similar items around exposed excavations until such excavations have been completely filled. D. Prevent spread of flying particles and dust. Sprinkle rubbish and debris with water to keep dust to a minimum. Do not use water if it results in hazardous or objectionable Page 116 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 condition such as, but not limited to; ice, flooding, or pollution. Vacuum and dust the work area daily. E. Before beginning any demolition work, the Contractor shall survey the site and examine the drawings and specifications to determine the extent of the work. The contractor shall take necessary precautions to avoid damages to existing items to remain in place, to be reused, or to remain the property of the Medical Center; any damaged items shall be repaired or replaced as approved by the Resident Engineer. The Contractor shall coordinate the work of this section with all other work and shall construct and maintain shoring, bracing, and supports as required. F. The work shall comply with the requirements of Section 01 57 19, TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS. G. The work shall comply with the requirements of Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Article 1.7 INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 DEMOLITION: A. Completely demolish and remove site work as indicated on the drawings or as require to complete the scope of work indicated on the drawings and specifications. B. Debris, including brick, concrete, stone, metals and similar materials shall become property of Contractor and shall be disposed of by him daily, off the Medical Center to avoid accumulation at the demolition site. D. Remove and legally dispose of all materials, other than earth to remain as part of project work, from any trash dumps shown. Materials removed shall become property of contractor and shall be disposed of in compliance with applicable federal, state or local permits, rules and/or regulations. 3.2 CLEAN-UP: On completion of work of this section and after removal of all debris, leave site in clean condition satisfactory to Resident Engineer. Clean-up shall include off the Medical disposal of all items and materials not required to remain property of the Government as well as all debris and rubbish resulting from demolition operations. ---END--- Page 117 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.39 (SHORT-FORM) CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03 30 53 (SHORT-FORM) CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: This section specifies cast-in-place structural concrete and material and mixes for other concrete. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Materials testing and inspection during construction: Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES. B. Concrete roads, walks, and similar exterior site work: Section 32 05 23, CEMENT AND CONCRETE FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS. 1.3 TOLERANCES: A. ACI 117. B. Slab Finishes: ACI 117, F-number method in accordance with ASTM E1155. 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: A. ACI SP-66 ACI Detailing Manual B. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 1.5 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES. B. Concrete Mix Design. C. Shop Drawings: Reinforcing steel: Complete shop drawings. D. Manufacturer's Certificates: Air-entraining admixture, chemical admixtures, curing compounds. 1.6 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to extent referenced. Publications are referenced in text by basic designation only. B. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 117R-06..................................Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials 211.1-91(R2002) ....................Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete Page 118 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 211.2-98(R2004) ....................Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete 301-05 ....................................Specification for Structural Concrete 305R-06..................................Hot Weather Concreting 306R-2002..............................Cold Weather Concreting SP-66-04 ...............................ACI Detailing Manual 318/318R-05 ..........................Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 347R-04..................................Guide to Formwork for Concrete C. American Society for Testing And Materials (ASTM): A185-07 .................................Steel Welded Wire, Fabric, Plain for Concrete Reinforcement A615/A615M-08 ....................Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement A996/A996M-06 ....................Standard Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement C31/C31M-08 ........................Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C33-07....................................Concrete Aggregates C39/C39M-05 ........................Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C94/C94M-07 ........................Ready-Mixed Concrete C143/C143M-05 ....................Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete C150-07..................................Portland Cement C171-07..................................Sheet Material for Curing Concrete C172-07..................................Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete C173-07.Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method C192/C192M-07 ....................Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory C231-08..................................Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method C260-06..................................Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete C330-05..................................Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete C494/C494M-08 ....................Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Page 119 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C618-08..................................Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete D1751-04.Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) D4397-02 ...............................Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Industrial and Agricultural Applications E1155-96(2008) .....................Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMS: Wood, plywood, metal, or other materials, approved by Resident Engineer, of grade or type suitable to obtain type of finish specified. 2.2 MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II. B. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or F including supplementary optional requirements relating to reactive aggregates and alkalis, and loss on ignition (LOI) not to exceed 5 percent. C. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, Size 67. Size 467 may be used for footings and walls over 300 mm (12 inches) thick. Coarse aggregate for applied topping and metal pan stair fill shall be Size 7. D. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33. E. Lightweight Aggregate for Structural Concrete: ASTM C330, Table 1 F. Mixing Water: Fresh, clean, and potable. G. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260. H. Chemical Admixtures: ASTM C494. I. Vapor Barrier: ASTM D4397, 0.25 mm (10 mil). J. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615 or ASTM A996, deformed. K. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185. L. Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM D1751. M. Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete: ASTM C171. N. Abrasive Aggregates: Aluminum oxide grains or emery grits. Page 120 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 O. Liquid Hardener and Dustproofer: Fluosilicate solution or magnesium fluosilicate or zinc fluosilicate. Magnesium and zinc may be used separately or in combination as recommended by manufacturer. P. Liquid Densifier/Sealer: 100 percent active colorless aqueous siliconate solution. Q. Grout, Non-Shrinking: Premixed ferrous or non-ferrous, mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Grout shall show no settlement or vertical drying shrinkage at 3 days or thereafter based on initial measurement made at time of placement, and produce a compressive strength of at least 18mpa (2500 psi) at 3 days and 35mpa (5000 psi) at 28 days. R. Stainless Steel Reinforcing bars : ASTM A995. 2.3 CONCRETE MIXES: A. Design of concrete mixes using materials specified shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as set forth under Option C of ASTM C94. B. Compressive strength at 28 days shall be not less than 4000 psi. C. Establish strength of concrete by testing prior to beginning concreting operation. Test consists of average of three cylinders made and cured in accordance with ASTM C192 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39. D. Maximum slump for vibrated concrete is 100 mm (4 inches) tested in accordance with ASTM C143. E. Cement and water factor (See Table I): TABLE I - CEMENT AND WATER FACTORS FOR CONCRETE Concrete: Strength Non-Air-Entrained Air-Entrained Min. 28 Day Comp. Str. MPa (psi) Min. Cement kg/m3 (lbs/c. yd) Max. Water Cement Ratio Min. Cement kg/m3 (lbs/c. yd) Max. Water Cement Ratio 35 (5000)1,3 375 (630) 0.45 385 (650) 0.40 30 (4000)1,3 325 (550) 0.55 340 (570) 0.50 25 (3000)1,3 280 (470) 0.65 290 (490) 0.55 25 (3000)1,2 300 (500) * 310 (520) * 1. If trial mixes are used, the proposed mix design shall achieve a compressive strength 8.3 MPa (1200 psi) in excess of f'c. For concrete strengths above 35 Mpa (5000 psi), Page 121 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 the proposed mix design shall achieve a compressive strength 9.7 MPa (1400 psi) in excess of f’c. 2. Lightweight Structural Concrete. Pump mixes may require higher cement values. 3. For concrete exposed to high sulfate content soils maximum water cement ratio is 0.44. * Determined by Laboratory in accordance with ACI 211.1 for normal concrete or ACI 211.2 for lightweight structural concrete. F. Air-entrainment is required for all exterior concrete and as required for Section 32 05 23, CEMENT AND CONCRETE FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS. Air content shall conform with the following table: TABLE I - TOTAL AIR CONTENT FOR VARIOUS SIZES OF COARSE AGGREGATES (NORMAL CONCRETE) Nominal Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate Total Air Content Percentage by Volume 10 mm (3/8 in) 6 to 10 13 mm (1/2 in) 5 to 9 19 mm (3/4 in) 4 to 8 25 mm (1 in) 3 1/2 to 6 1/2 40 mm (1 1/2 in) 3 to 6 2.4 BATCHING & MIXING: A. Store, batch, and mix materials as specified in ASTM C94. 1. Job-Mixed: Concrete mixed at job site shall be mixed in a batch mixer in manner specified for stationary mixers in ASTM C94. 2. Ready-Mixed: Ready-mixed concrete comply with ASTM C94, except use of non-agitating equipment for transporting concrete to the site will not be permitted. With each load of concrete delivered to project, ready-mixed concrete producer shall furnish, in duplicate, certification as required by ASTM C94. 3. Mixing structural lightweight concrete: Charge mixer with 2/3 of total mixing water and all of the aggregate. Mix ingredients for not less than 30 seconds in a stationary mixer or not less than 10 revolutions at mixing speed in a truck mixer. Add remaining mixing water and other ingredients and continue mixing. Above procedure may be modified as recommended by aggregate producer. Page 122 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK: A. Installation conform to ACI 347. Sufficiently tight to hold concrete without leakage, sufficiently braced to withstand vibration of concrete, and to carry, without appreciable deflection, all dead and live loads to which they may be subjected. B. Treating and Wetting: Treat or wet contact forms as follows: 1. Coat plywood and board forms with non-staining form sealer. In hot weather cool forms by wetting with cool water just before concrete is placed. 2. Clean and coat removable metal forms with light form oil before reinforcement is placed. In hot weather cool metal forms by thoroughly wetting with water just before placing concrete. 3. Use sealer on reused plywood forms as specified for new material. C. Inserts, sleeves, and similar items: masonry ties, anchors, inserts, sleeves and other items specified as furnished under this and other sections of specifications and required to be in their final position at time concrete is placed shall be properly located, accurately positioned and built into construction, and maintained securely in place. D. Construction Tolerances: 1. Contractor is responsible for setting and maintaining concrete formwork to assure erection of completed work within tolerances specified to accommodate installation or other rough and finish materials. Remedial work necessary for correcting excessive tolerances is the responsibility of the Contractor. Erected work that exceeds specified tolerance limits shall be remedied or removed and replaced, at no additional cost to the Government. 2. Permissible surface irregularities for various classes of materials are defined as "finishes" in specification sections covering individual materials. They are to be distinguished from tolerances specified which are applicable to surface irregularities of structural elements. 3.2 REINFORCEMENT: Details of concrete reinforcement, unless otherwise shown, in accordance with ACI 318 and ACI SP-66. Support and securely tie reinforcing steel to prevent displacement during placing of concrete. Page 123 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3.3 PLACING CONCRETE: A. Remove water from excavations before concrete is placed. Remove hardened concrete, debris and other foreign materials from interior of forms, and from inside of mixing and conveying equipment. Obtain approval of Resident Engineer before placing concrete. Provide screeds at required elevations for concrete slabs. B. Before placing new concrete on or against concrete which has set, existing surfaces shall be roughened and cleaned free from all laitance, foreign matter, and loose particles. C. Convey concrete from mixer to final place of deposit by method which will prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. Do not deposit in work concrete that has attained its initial set or has contained its water or cement more than 1 1/2 hours. Do not allow concrete to drop freely more than 1500 mm (5 feet) in unexposed work nor more than 900 mm (3 feet) in exposed work. Place and consolidate concrete in horizontal layers not exceeding 300 mm (12 inches) in thickness. Consolidate concrete by spading, rodding, and mechanical vibrator. Do not secure vibrator to forms or reinforcement. Vibration shall be carried on continuously with placing of concrete. D. Hot weather placing of concrete: Follow recommendations of ACI 305R to prevent problems in the manufacturing, placing, and curing of concrete that can adversely affect the properties and serviceability of the hardened concrete. E. Cold weather placing of concrete: Follow recommendations of ACI 306R, to prevent freezing of thin sections less than 300 mm (12 inches) and to permit concrete to gain strength properly, except that use of calcium chloride shall not be permitted without written approval from Resident Engineer. 3.4 PROTECTION AND CURING: Protect exposed surfaces of concrete from premature drying, wash by rain or running water, wind, mechanical injury, and excessively hot or cold temperature. Curing method shall be subject to approval by Resident Engineer. 3.5 FORM REMOVAL: Forms remain in place until concrete has a sufficient strength to carry its own weight and loads supported. Removal of forms at any time is the Contractor's sole responsibility. 3.6 SURFACE PREPARATION: Immediately after forms have been removed and work has been examined and approved by Resident Engineer, remove loose materials, and patch all stone pockets, surface Page 124 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 honeycomb, or similar deficiencies with cement mortar made with 1 part portland cement and 2 to 3 parts sand. 3.7 FINISHES: A. Slab Finishes: 1. Broom Finish: Finish all exterior slabs, ramps, and stair treads with a bristle brush moistened with clear water after the surfaces have been floated. 2. Finished slab flatness (FF) and levelness (FL) values comply with the following minimum requirements: Slab on grade & Shored suspended slabs Specified overall value Minimum local value Unshored suspended slabs FF 25/FL 20 Specified overall value FF 25 FF 17/FL 15 Minimum local value FF 17 3.8 SURFACE TREATMENTS: A. Surface treatments shall be mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.9 RETAINING WALLS: A. Concrete for retaining walls shall be as shown and air-entrained. B. Install and construct expansion and contraction joints, waterstops, weep holes, reinforcement and railing sleeves as shown. C. Finish exposed surfaces to match adjacent concrete surfaces, new or existing. D. Porous backfill shall be placed as shown. - - - E N D - - - Page 125 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.40 MASONRY MORTARING SECTION 04 05 13 MASONRY MORTARING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: Section specifies mortar materials and mixes. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Mortar used in Section: 1. Section 04 05 16, MASONRY GROUTING. 2. Section 04 05 31, MASONRY TUCK POINTING. 1.3 TESTING LABORATORY-CONTRACTOR RETAINED A. Engage a commercial testing laboratory approved by Resident Engineer to perform tests specified below. B. Submit information regarding testing laboratory's facilities and qualifications of technical personnel to Resident Engineer. 1.4 TESTS A. Test mortar and materials specified. B. Certified test reports. C. Identify materials by type, brand name and manufacturer or by origin. D. Do not use materials until laboratory test reports are approved by Resident Engineer. E. After tests have been made and materials approved, do not change without additional test and approval of Resident Engineer. F. Testing: 1. Test materials proposed for use for compliance with specifications in accordance with test methods contained in referenced specifications and as follows: 2. Mortar: a. Test for compressive strength and water retention; ASTM C270. b. Mortar compressive strengths 28 days as follows: Type M: Minimum 17230 kPa (2500 psi) at 28 days. Type S: Minimum 12400 kPa (1800 psi) at 28 days. Type N: Minimum 5170 kPa (750 psi) at 28 days. Page 126 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3. Cement: a. Test for water soluble alkali (nonstaining) when nonstaining cement is specified. b. Nonstaining cement shall contain not more than 0.03 percent water soluble alkali. 4. Sand: Test for deleterious substances, organic impurities, soundness and grading. G. During progress of work, testing laboratory specified in Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES, takes and tests samples as specified in that section. Testing procedures and test methods in ASTM C780. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES. B. Certificates: 1. Testing laboratory's facilities and qualifications of its technical personnel. 2. Indicating that following items meet specifications: a. Portland cement. b. Masonry cement. c. Mortar cement. d. Hydrated lime. e. Fine aggregate (sand). f. Color admixture. C. Laboratory Test Reports: 1. Mortar, each type. 2. Admixtures. D. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: 1. Cement, each kind. 2. Hydrated lime. 3. Admixtures. 4. Liquid acrylic resin. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver masonry materials in original sealed containers marked with name of manufacturer and identification of contents. Page 127 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Store masonry materials under waterproof covers on planking clear of ground, and protect damage from handling, dirt, stain, water and wind. 1.7 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. Publications listed below form a part of specification to extent referenced. Publications are referenced in text by basic designation only. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C40-04....................................Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete C91-05....................................Masonry Cement C109-07..................................Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or 50-MM Cube Specimens) C144-04..................................Aggregate for Masonry Mortar C150-05..................................Portland Cement C207-06..................................Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes C270-07..................................Mortar for Unit Masonry C307-03..................................Tensile Strength of Chemical - Resistant Mortar, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacing C321-00/R05 ..........................Bond Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars C348-02..................................Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars C595-08..................................Blended Hydraulic Cement C780-07..................................Preconstruction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry C979-05..................................Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete C1329-05................................Mortar Cement PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 HYDRATED LIME ASTM C207, Type S. 2.2 AGGREGATE FOR MASONRY MORTAR A. ASTM C144 and as follows: 1. Light colored sand for mortar for laying face brick. B. Test sand for color value in accordance with ASTM C40. Sand producing color darker than specified standard is unacceptable. Page 128 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2.3 BLENDED HYDRAULIC CEMENT ASTM C595, Type IS, IP. 2.4 MASONRY CEMENT A. ASTM C91. Type N, S, or M. 2.5 MORTAR CEMEMT ASTM C1329, Type N, S or M. 2.6 PORTLAND CEMENT A. ASTM C150, Type I. 2.7 LIQUID ACRYLIC RESIN A formulation of acrylic polymers and modifiers in liquid form designed for use as an additive for mortar to improve physical properties. 2.8 WATER Potable, free of substances that are detrimental to mortar, masonry, and metal. 2.9 POINTING MORTAR A. For Cast Stone or Precast Concrete: Proportion by volume; One part white Portland cement, two parts white sand, and 1/5 part hydrated lime. 2.10 MASONRY MORTAR A. Conform to ASTM C270. B. Admixtures: 1. Do not use mortar admixtures and color admixtures unless approved by Resident Engineer. 2. Submit laboratory test report showing effect of proposed admixture on strength, water retention, and water repellency of mortar. 3. Do not use antifreeze compounds. C. Colored Mortar: 1. Maintain uniform mortar color for exposed work throughout. 2. Match mortar color in approved sample. 3. Color of mortar for exposed work in alteration work to match color of existing mortar. D. Color Admixtures: 1. Proportion as specified by manufacturer. 2.11 COLOR ADMIXTURE A. Pigments: ASTM C979. Page 129 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Use mineral pigments only. Organic pigments are not acceptable. C. Pigments inert, stable to atmospheric conditions, nonfading, alkali resistant and water insoluble. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MIXING A. Mix in a mechanically operated mortar mixer. 1. Mix mortar for at least three minutes but not more than five minutes. B. Measure ingredients by volume. Measure by the use of a container of known capacity. C. Mix water with dry ingredients in sufficient amount to provide a workable mixture which will adhere to vertical surfaces of masonry units. D. Mortar that has stiffened because of loss of water through evaporations: 1. Re-tempered by adding water to restore to proper consistency and workability. 2. Discard mortar that has reached its initial set or has not been used within two hours. E. Pointing Mortar: 1. Mix dry ingredients with enough water to produce a damp mixture of workable consistency which will retain its shape when formed into a ball. 2. Allow mortar to stand in dampened condition for one to 1-1/2 hours. 3. Add water to bring mortar to a workable consistency prior to application. 3.2 MORTAR USE LOCATION A. Use Type N mortar for masonry work, except as otherwise specified. B. Use Type N mortar for tuck pointing work. - - - E N D - - - Page 130 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.41 MASONRY GROUTING SECTION 04 05 16 MASONRY GROUTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: Section specifies grout materials and mixes. 1.2 TESTS: A. Test grout and materials specified. B. Certified test reports. C. Identify materials by type, brand name and manufacturer or by origin. D. Do not use materials until laboratory test reports are approved by Resident Engineer. E. After tests have been made and materials approved, do not change without additional test and approval of Resident Engineer. F. Testing: 1. Test materials proposed for use for compliance with specifications in accordance with test methods contained in referenced specifications and as follows: 2. Grout: a. Test for compressive strength; ASTM C1019. b. Grout compressive strength of 13790 kPa (2000 psi) at 28 days. 3. Sand: Test for deleterious substances, organic impurities, soundness and grading. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES. B. Certificates: 1. Indicating that following items meet specifications: a. Portland cement. b. Masonry cement. c. Grout. d. Hydrated lime. e. Fine aggregate (sand). f. Color admixture. Page 131 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C. Laboratory Test Reports: 1. Grout, each type. 2. Admixtures. D. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: 1. Cement, each kind. 2. Hydrated lime. 3. Admixtures. 4. Liquid acrylic resin. 1.4 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Deliver masonry materials in original sealed containers marked with name of manufacturer and identification of contents. B. Store masonry materials under waterproof covers on planking clear of ground, and protect damage from handling, dirt, stain, water and wind. 1.5 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: A. Publications listed below form a part of specification to extent referenced. Publications are referenced in text by basic designation only. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C40-04....................................Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete C91-05....................................Masonry Cement C150-05..................................Portland Cement C207-06..................................Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes C404-07..................................Aggregate for Masonry Grout C476-07..................................Grout for Masonry C595-08..................................Blended Hydraulic Cement C979-05..................................Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete C1019-05................................Sampling and Testing Grout PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 HYDRATED LIME: ASTM C207, Type S. 2.2 AGGREGATE FOR MASONRY GROUT: ASTM C404, Size 8. Page 132 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2.3 BLENDED HYDRAULIC CEMENT: ASTM C595, Type IS, IP. 2.4 MASONRY CEMENT: A. ASTM C91. Type N, S, or M. B. Use white masonry cement whenever white mortar is needed to match existing. 2.5 PORTLAND CEMENT: A. ASTM C150, Type I. B. Use white Portland cement wherever white mortar is needed to match existing. 2.6 LIQUID ACRYLIC RESIN: A formulation of acrylic polymers and modifiers in liquid form designed for use as an additive for mortar to improve physical properties. 2.7 WATER: Potable, free of substances that are detrimental to grout, masonry, and metal. 2.8 GROUT: A. Conform to ASTM C476 except as specified. B. Grout type proportioned by volume as follows: 1. Fine Grout: a. Portland cement or blended hydraulic cement: one part. b. Hydrated lime: 0 to 1/10 part. c. Fine aggregate: 2-1/4 to three times sum of volumes of cement and lime used. 2. Coarse Grout: a. Portland cement or blended hydraulic cement: one part. b. Hydrated lime: 0 to 1/10 part. c. Fine aggregate: 2-1/4 to three times sum of volumes of cement and lime used. d. Coarse aggregate: one to two times sum of volumes of cement and lime used. 3. Sum of volumes of fine and coarse aggregates: Do not exceed four times sum of volumes of cement and lime used. 2.9 COLOR ADMIXTURE: A. Pigments: ASTM C979. B. Use mineral pigments only. Organic pigments are not acceptable. C. Pigments inert, stable to atmospheric conditions, nonfading, alkali resistant and water insoluble. Page 133 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MIXING: A. Mix in a mechanically operated grout mixer. 1. Mix grout for at least five minutes. B. Measure ingredients by volume. Measure by the use of a container of known capacity. C. Mix water with grout dry ingredients in sufficient amount to bring grout mixture to a pouring consistency. 3.2 GROUT USE LOCATIONS: A. Use fine grout for filling wall cavities of stone units where the smallest dimension is 50 mm (2 inches) or less. B. Use either fine grout or coarse grout for filling wall cavities of stone units where the smallest dimension is greater than 50 mm (2 inches). ---END--- Page 134 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.42 MASONRY TUCK POINTING SECTION 04 05 31 MASONRY TUCK POINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This section specifies requirements for tuck pointing of existing stone work. 1.2 RELATED WORK Mortars: Section 04 05 13, MASONRY MORTARING. 1.3 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to extent referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by basic designation only. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C67-07....................................Brick and Structural Clay Tile, Sampling and Testing C216-07..................................Facing Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made From Clay or Shale) C270-07..................................Mortar for Unit Masonry C. International Masonry Institute: Recommended Practices and Guide Specifications for Cold Weather Masonry Construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 TUCK POINTING MORTAR As per appendix X3 of ASTM C270. 2.2 REPLACEMENT MASONRY UNITS A. Units to match existing. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CUT OUT OF EXISTING MORTAR JOINTS A. Cut out existing mortar joints (both bed and head joints) and remove by means of a toothing chisel or a special pointer's grinder, to a uniform depth of to 19 mm (3/4-inch), or until sound mortar is reached. Take care to not damage edges of existing masonry units to remain. B. Remove dust and debris from the joints by brushing, blowing with air or rinsing with water. Do not rinse when temperature is below freezing. Page 135 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3.2 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection: Protect newly pointed joints from rain, until pointed joints are sufficiently hard enough to prevent damage. B. Cold Weather Protection: 1. Tuck pointing may be performed in freezing weather when methods of protection are utilized. 2. Comply with applicable sections of "Recommended Practices for Cold Weather Construction" as published by International Masonry Industry All Weather Council. 3. Existing surfaces at temperatures to prevent mortar from freezing or causing other damage to mortar. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF TUCK POINTING MORTAR A. Immediately prior to application of mortar, dampen joints to be tuck pointed. Prior to application of pointing mortar, allow masonry units to absorb surface water. B. Tightly pack mortar into joints in thin layers, approximately 6 mm (1/4-inch) thick maximum. C. Allow layer to become "thumbprint hard" before applying next layer. D. Pack final layer flush with surfaces of masonry units. When mortar becomes "thumbprint hard", tool joints. 3.4 TOOLING OF JOINTS A. Tool joints in patch work with a jointing tool to match the existing surrounding joints. 3.5 CLEANING A. Clean exposed masonry surfaces on completion. B. Remove mortar droppings and other foreign substances from wall surfaces. C. First wet surfaces with clean water, then wash down with a solution of soapless detergent specially prepared for cleaning brick. D. Brush with stiff fiber brushes while washing, and immediately thereafter hose down with clean water. E. Free clean surfaces from traces of detergent, foreign streaks or stains. Protect materials during cleaning operations including adjoining construction. F. Use of muratic acid for cleaning is prohibited. - - - E N D - - - Page 136 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.43 EARTH MOVING (SHORT FORM) SECTION 31 20 11 EARTH MOVING (SHORT FORM) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1:DESCRIPTION: This section specifies the requirements for furnishing all equipment, materials, labor and techniques for earthwork including excavation, fill, backfill and site restoration utilizing fertilizer, seed and/or sod. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: A. Unsuitable Materials: 1. Fills: Topsoil, frozen materials; construction materials and materials subject to decomposition; clods of clay and stones larger than 75 mm (3 inches); organic materials, including silts, which are unstable; and inorganic materials, including silts, too wet to be stable. 2. Existing Subgrade (except footings): Same materials as above paragraph, that are not capable of direct support of slabs, pavement, and similar items, with the possible exception of improvement by compaction, proofrolling, or similar methods of improvement. B. Degree of Compaction: Degree of compaction is expressed as a percentage of maximum density obtained by the test procedure presented in D1557, Method A. C. The term fill means fill or backfill as appropriate. 1.3 RELATED WORK: A. Materials testing and inspection during construction: Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES. B. Protection of existing utilities, existing equipment, roads, and pavements: Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 1.4 CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION: A. Unclassified Excavation: Removal and disposal of pavements and other man-made obstructions visible on the surface; utilities, and other items including underground structures indicated to be demolished and removed; together with any type of materials regardless of character of material and obstructions encountered. Page 137 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Classified Excavation: Removal and disposal of all material not defined as rock. C. Rock Excavation: 1. Solid ledge rock (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock). 2. Bedded or conglomerate deposits so cemented as to present characteristics of solid rock which cannot be excavated without blasting; or the use of a modern power excavator (shovel, backhoe, or similar power excavators) of no less than 0.75 m3 (1 cubic yard) capacity, properly used, having adequate power and in good running condition. 3. Boulders or other detached stones each having a volume of 0.4 m3 (1/2 cubic yard) or more. 1.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT FOR ROCK EXCAVATION: A. Measurement: Cross section and measure the uncovered and separated materials, and compute quantities by the Registered Professional Land Surveyor or Registered Civil Engineer, specified in Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Do not measure quantities beyond the following limits: 1. 300 mm (12 inches) outside of the perimeter of formed footings. 2. 600 mm (24 inches) outside the face of concrete work for which forms are required, except for footings. 3. 150 mm (6 inches) below the bottom of pipe and not more than the pipe diameter plus 600 mm (24 inches) in width for pipe trenches. 4. The outside dimensions of concrete work for which no forms are required (trenches, conduits, and similar items not requiring forms). B. Payment for Differing Site Conditions: When rock excavation, as classified, is encountered, the contract price and time will be adjusted. 1.6 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES. B. Rock Excavation Report: 1. Certification of rock quantities excavated. 2. Excavation method. 3. Labor. Page 138 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4. Equipment. 5. Land Surveyor's or Civil Engineer's name and official registration stamp. 6. Plot plan showing elevations. 1.7 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS: A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by the basic designation only. B. American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA): 2004........................................American Standard for Nursery Stock C. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): T99-01 (R2004) .....................Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) Rammer and a 305 mm (12 inch) Drop T180-01 (2004) ......................Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54-kg [10 lb] Rammer and a 457 mm (18 inch) Drop D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): D698-07 .................................Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort D1557-02 ...............................Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort E. Standard Specifications of (Insert name of local state) State Department of Transportation, latest revision. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Fills: Materials approved from on site and off site sources having a minimum dry density of 1760 kg/m3 (110 pcf), a maximum Plasticity Index of 6, and a maximum Liquid Limit of 30. B. Granular Fill: 1. Under concrete slab, crushed stone or gravel graded from 25 mm (1 inch) to 4.75 mm (No. 4). 2. Bedding for sanitary and storm sewer pipe, crushed stone or gravel graded from 13 mm (1/2 inch) to 4.75 mm (No. 4). C. Fertilizer: (5-10-5) delivered to site in unopened containers that clearly display the manufacturer's label, indicating the analysis of the contents. Page 139 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 D. Seed: Grass mixture comparable to existing turf delivered to site in unopened containers that clearly display the manufacturer's label, indicating the analysis of the contents. E. Sod: Comparable species with existing turf. Use State Certified or State Approved sod when available. Deliver sod to site immediately after cutting and in a moist condition. Thickness of cut must be 19 mm to 32 mm (3/4 inch to 1 1/4 inches) excluding top growth. There shall be no broken pads and torn or uneven ends. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SITE PREPARATION: A. Clearing: Clearing within the limits of earthwork operations as described or designated by the Resident Engineer. Work includes removal of trees, shrubs, fences, foundations, incidental structures, paving, debris, trash and any other obstructions. Remove materials from the Medical Center. B. Stripping Topsoil: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, the limits of earthwork operations shall extend anywhere the existing grade is filled or cut or where construction operations have compacted or otherwise disturbed the existing grade or turf. Strip topsoil as defined herein, or as indicated in the geotechnical report, from within the limits of earthwork operations as specified above unless specifically indicated or specified elsewhere in the specifications or shown on the drawings. Topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural topsoil of loamy character and characteristic of the locality. Topsoil shall be capable of growing healthy horticultural crops of grasses. Stockpile topsoil and protect as directed by the Resident Engineer. Eliminate foreign material, such as weeds, roots, stones, subsoil, frozen clods, and similar foreign materials, larger than 0.014 m3 (1/2 cubic foot) in volume, from soil as it is stockpiled. Retain topsoil on the station. Remove foreign materials larger than 50 mm (2 inches) in any dimension from topsoil used in final grading. Topsoil work, such as stripping, stockpiling, and similar topsoil work, shall not, under any circumstances, be carried out when the soil is wet so that the tilth of the soil will be destroyed. 1. Concrete Slabs and Paving: Score deeply or saw cut to insure a neat, straight cut, sections of existing concrete slabs and paving to be removed where excavation or trenching occurs. Extend pavement section to be removed a minimum of 300 mm (12 inches) on each side of widest part of trench excavation and insure final score lines Page 140 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 are approximately parallel unless otherwise indicated. Remove material from the Medical Center. C. Disposal: All materials removed from the property shall be disposed of at a legally approved site, for the specific materials, and all removals shall be in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations. No burning of materials is permitted onsite. 3.2 EXCAVATION: A. Shoring, Sheeting and Bracing: Shore, brace, or slope to it's angle of repose banks of excavations to protect workmen, banks, adjacent paving, structures, and utilities, in compliance with OSHA requirements. 1. Extend shoring and bracing to the bottom of the excavation. Shore excavations that are carried below the elevations of adjacent existing foundations. 2. If the bearing of any foundation is disturbed by excavating, improper shoring or removal of shoring, placing of backfill, and similar operations, provide a concrete fill support under disturbed foundations, as directed by Resident Engineer, at no additional cost to the Government. Do not remove shoring until permanent work in excavation has been inspected and approved by Resident Engineer. B. Excavation Drainage: Operate pumping equipment, and/or provide other materials, means and equipment as required, to keep excavations free of water and subgrades dry, firm, and undisturbed until approval of permanent work has been received from Resident Engineer. Approval by the Resident Engineer is also required before placement of the permanent work on all subgrades. When subgrade for foundations has been disturbed by water, remove the disturbed material to firm undisturbed material after the water is brought under control. Replace disturbed subgrade in trenches by mechanically tamped sand or gravel. When removed disturbed material is located where it is not possible to install and properly compact disturbed subgrade material with mechanically compacted sand or gravel, the Resident Engineer should be contacted to consider the use of flowable fill. C. Blasting: Blasting shall not be permitted. D. Site Earthwork: Excavation shall be accomplished as required by drawings and specifications. Remove subgrade materials, that are determined by the Resident Engineer Page 141 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 as unsuitable, and replace with acceptable material. If there is a question as to whether material is unsuitable or not, the Contractor shall obtain samples of the material, under the direction of the Resident Engineer, and the materials shall be examined by an independent testing laboratory for soil classification to determine whether it is unsuitable or not. When unsuitable material is encountered and removed, the contract price and time will be adjusted. Adjustments to be based on meters (yardage) in cut section only. E. Finished elevation of subgrade shall be as follows: 1. Pavement Areas - bottom of the pavement or base course as applicable. 2. Planting and Lawn Areas - 100 mm (4 inches) below the finished grade, unless otherwise specified or indicated on the drawings. 3.3 FILLING AND BACKFILLING: A. General: Do not fill or backfill until all debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials have been removed from the excavation. Proof-roll exposed subgrades with a fully loaded dump truck. Use excavated materials or borrow for fill and backfill, as applicable. Do not use unsuitable excavated materials. Do not backfill until foundation walls have been completed above grade and adequately braced, waterproofing or dampproofing applied, and pipes coming in contact with backfill have been installed, and inspected and approved by Resident Engineer. B. Proof-rolling Existing Subgrade: Proof-roll with a fully loaded dump truck. Make a minimum of one pass in each direction. Remove unstable uncompactable material and replace with granular fill material completed to mix requirements specified. C. Placing: Place material in horizontal layers not exceeding 200 mm (8 inches) in loose depth and then compacted. Do not place material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost. D. Compaction: Use approved equipment (hand or mechanical) well suited to the type of material being compacted. Do not operate mechanized vibratory compaction equipment within 3000 mm (10 feet) of new or existing building walls without the prior approval of the Resident Engineer. Moisten or aerate material as necessary to provide the moisture content that will readily facilitate obtaining the specified compaction with the equipment used. Compact each layer until there is no evidence of further compaction to not less than Page 142 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 95 percent of the maximum density determined in accordance with the following test method D1557, Method A. 3.4 GRADING: A. General: Uniformly grade the areas within the limits of this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth the finished surface within specified tolerance. Provide uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are indicated, or between such points and existing finished grades. Provide a smooth transition between abrupt changes in slope. B. Cut rough or sloping rock to level beds for foundations. In unfinished areas fill low spots and level off with coarse sand or fine gravel. C. Slope backfill outside the building away from the building walls for a minimum distance of 3048 mm (10 feet)at a minimum five percent (5%) slope. D. The finished grade shall be 150 mm (6 inches) below bottom line of windows or other building wall openings unless greater depth is shown. E. Place crushed stone or gravel fill under concrete slabs on grade tamped and leveled. The thickness of the fill shall be 150 mm (6 inches), unless otherwise indicated. F. Finish subgrade in a condition acceptable to the Resident Engineer at least one day in advance of the paving operations. Maintain finished subgrade in a smooth and compacted condition until the succeeding operation has been accomplished. Scarify, compact, and grade the subgrade prior to further construction when approved compacted subgrade is disturbed by contractor's subsequent operations or adverse weather. G. Grading for Paved Areas: Provide final grades for both subgrade and base course to +/- 6 mm (0.25 inches) of indicated grades. 3.5 LAWN AREAS: A. General: Harrow and till to a depth of 100 mm (4 inches), new or existing lawn areas to remain, which are disturbed during construction. Establish existing or design grades by dragging or similar operations. Do not carry out lawn areas earthwork out when the soil is wet so that the tilth of the soil will be destroyed. Plant bed must be approved by Resident Engineer before seeding or sodding operation begins. B. Finished Grading: Begin finish grading after rough grading has had sufficient time for settlement. Scarify subgrade surface in lawn areas to a depth of 100 mm (4 inches). Page 143 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Apply topsoil so that after normal compaction, dragging and raking operations (to bring surface to indicated finish grades) there will be a minimum of 100 mm (4 inches) of topsoil over all lawn areas; make smooth, even surface and true grades, which will not allow water to stand at any point. Shape top and bottom of banks to form reverse curves in section; make junctions with undisturbed areas to conform to existing topography. Solid lines within grading limits indicate finished contours. Existing contours, indicated by broken lines are believed approximately correct but are not guaranteed. C. Fertilizing: Incorporate fertilizer into the soil to a depth of 100 mm (4 inches) at a rate of 12 kg/100 m2 (25 pounds per 1000 square feet). D. Seeding: Seed at a rate of 2 kg/100 m2 (4 pounds per 1000 square feet) and accomplished only during periods when uniform distribution may be assured. Lightly rake seed into bed immediately after seeding. Roll seeded area immediately with a roller not to exceed 225 kg/m (150 pounds per foot) of roller width. E. Sodding: Topsoil shall be firmed by rolling and during periods of high temperature the topsoil shall be watered lightly immediately prior to laying sod. Sod strips shall be tightly butted at the ends and staggered in a running bond fashion. Placement on slopes shall be from the bottom to top of slope with sod strips running across slope. Secure sodded slopes by pegging or other approved methods. Roll sodded area with a roller not to exceed 225 kg/m (150 pounds per foot) of the roller width to improve contact of sod with the soil. F. Watering: The Resident Engineer is responsible for having adequate water available at the site. As sodding is completed in any one section, the entire sodded area shall be thoroughly irrigated by the contractor, to a sufficient depth, that the underside of the new sod pad and soil, immediately below sod, is thoroughly wet. Resident Engineer will be responsible for sod after installation and acceptance. 3.6 DISPOSAL OF UNSUITABLE AND EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL: A. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off Medical Center property. B. Place excess excavated materials suitable for fill and/or backfill on site where directed. C. Remove from site and dispose of any excess excavated materials after all fill and backfill operations have been completed. Page 144 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 D. Segregate all excavated contaminated soil designated by the Resident Engineer from all other excavated soils, and stockpile on site on two 0.15 mm (6 mil) polyethylene sheets with a polyethylene cover. A designated area shall be selected for this purpose. Dispose of excavated contaminated material in accordance with State and Local requirements. 3.7 CLEAN-UP: Upon completion of earthwork operations, clean areas within contract limits, remove tools, and equipment. Provide site clear, clean, free of debris, and suitable for subsequent construction operations. Remove debris, rubbish, and excess material from the Medical Center. - - - E N D - - - Page 145 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.44 CEMENT AND CONCRETE FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 32 05 23 CEMENT AND CONCRETE FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. This section shall cover site work concrete constructed upon the prepared subgrade and in conformance with the lines, grades, thickness, and cross sections shown. Construction shall include the following: B. Curb. C. Pedestrian Pavement: Walks. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Laboratory and Field Testing Requirements: Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES. B. Subgrade Preparation: Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (Short Form). C. Concrete Materials, Quality, Mixing, Design and Other Requirements: Section 03 30 53, (Short Form) CAST-IN-PLACE-CONCRETE. 1.3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Design all elements with the latest published version of applicable codes. 1.4 WEATHER LIMITATIONS Placement of concrete shall be as specified under Article 3.4 PLACING for cold and hot weather placements. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES, furnish the following: B. Manufacturers' Certificates and Data certifying that the following materials conform to the requirements specified. 1. Expansion joint filler 2. Hot poured sealing compound 3. Reinforcement Page 146 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4. Curing materials 1.6 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the basic designation only. Refer to the latest edition of all referenced Standards and codes. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): M31 ........................................Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (ASTM A615/A615M-96A) M55M/55M ............................Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement (ASTM A185) M147 ......................................Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase, Base and Surface Courses (R 1996) M148 ......................................Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete (ASTM C309A) M171 ......................................Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete (ASTM C171 M182 ......................................Burlap Cloth Made from Jute or Kenaf M213 ......................................Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Type) (ASTM D1751) T99 .........................................Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 2.5 kg. (5.5 lb) Rammer and a 305 mm (12 in.) Drop T180 .......................................Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg (10 lb.) Rammer and a 457 mm (18 in.) Drop C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): C94/C94M..............................Ready-Mixed Concrete C143/C143M..........................Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL Concrete shall be Type C, air-entrained as specified in Section 03 30 35, (SHORT FORM)CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, with the following exceptions: Page 147 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 TYPE MAXIMUM SLUMP* Curb & Gutter 75 mm (3") Pedestrian Pavement 75 mm (3") Vehicular Pavement 50 mm (2") (Machine Finished) 100 mm (4") (Hand Finished) Equipment Pad 75 to 100 mm (3" to 4") * For concrete to be vibrated: Slump as determined by ASTM C143. Tolerances as established by ASTM C94. 2.2 REINFORCEMENT A. The type, amount, and locations of steel reinforcement shall be as shown on the drawings and in the specifications. B. Welded wire-fabric shall conform to AASHTO M55. C. Dowels shall be stainless steel, plain steel bars conforming to AASHTO M31 or M42. Tie bars shall be deformed steel bars conforming to AASHTO M31 or M42. 2.3 FORMS A. Use metal or wood forms that are straight and suitable in cross-section, depth, and strength to resist springing during depositing and consolidating the concrete, for the work involved. B. Do not use forms if they vary from a straight line more than 3 mm (1/8 inch) in any 3000 mm (ten foot) long section, in either a horizontal or vertical direction. C. Wood forms should be at least 50 mm (2 inches) thick (nominal). Wood forms shall also be free from warp, twist, loose knots, splits, or other defects. Use approved flexible or curved forms for forming radii. 2.4 CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS A. Concrete curing materials shall conform to one of the following: 1. Burlap conforming to AASHTO M182 having a weight of 233 grams (seven ounces) or more per square meter (yard) when dry. 2. Impervious Sheeting conforming to AASHTO M171. 3. Liquid Membrane Curing Compound conforming to AASHTO M148 (ASTM C309), Type 1 and shall be free of paraffin or petroleum. Page 148 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 2.5 EXPANSION JOINT FILLERS Material shall conform to AASHTO M213. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SUBGRADE PENETRATION A. Prepare, construct, and finish the subgrade as specified in Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (Short Form). B. Maintain the subgrade in a smooth, compacted condition, in conformance with the required section and established grade until the succeeding operation has been accomplished. 3.2 SETTING FORMS A. Base Support: 1. Compact the base material under the forms true to grade so that, when set, they will be uniformly supported for their entire length at the grade as shown. 2. Correct imperfections or variations in the base material grade by cutting or filling and compacting. B. Form Setting: 1. Set forms sufficiently in advance of the placing of the concrete to permit the performance and approval of all operations required with and adjacent to the form lines. 2. Set forms to true line and grade and use stakes, clamps, spreaders, and braces to hold them rigidly in place so that the forms and joints are free from play or movement in any direction. 3. Forms shall conform to line and grade with an allowable tolerance of 3 mm (1/8 inch) when checked with a straightedge and shall not deviate from true line by more than 6 mm (1/4 inch) at any point. 4. Do not remove forms until removal will not result in damaged concrete or at such time to facilitate finishing. 5. Clean and oil forms each time they are used. 3.3 EQUIPMENT A. The Resident Engineer shall approve equipment and tools necessary for handling materials and performing all parts of the work prior to commencement of work. Page 149 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 B. Maintain equipment and tools in satisfactory working condition at all times. 3.4 PLACING REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcement shall be free from dirt, oil, rust, scale or other substances that prevent the bonding of the concrete to the reinforcement. B. Before the concrete is placed, the Resident Engineer shall approve the reinforcement, which shall be accurately and securely fastened in place with suitable supports and ties. The type, amount, and position of the reinforcement shall be as shown. 3.5 PLACING CONCRETE - GENERAL A. Obtain approval of the Resident Engineer before placing concrete. B. Remove debris and other foreign material from between the forms before placing concrete. Obtain approval of the Resident Engineer before placing concrete. C. Before the concrete is placed, uniformly moisten the subgrade, base, or subbase appropriately, avoiding puddles of water. D. Convey concrete from mixer to final place of deposit by a method which will prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. Deposit concrete so that it requires as little handling as possible. E. While being placed, spade or vibrate and compact the concrete with suitable tools to prevent the formation of voids or honeycomb pockets. Vibrate concrete well against forms and along joints. Over-vibration or manipulation causing segregation will not be permitted. Place concrete continuously between joints without bulkheads. F. Install a construction joint whenever the placing of concrete is suspended for more than 30 minutes and at the end of each day's work. G. Workmen or construction equipment coated with foreign material shall not be permitted to walk or operate in the concrete during placement and finishing operations. 3.6 PLACING CONCRETE FOR CURB AND PEDESTRIAN PAVEMENT A. Place concrete in the forms in one layer of such thickness that, when compacted and finished, it will conform to the cross section as shown. B. Deposit concrete as near to joints as possible without disturbing them but do not dump onto a joint assembly. C. After the concrete has been placed in the forms, use a strike-off guided by the side forms to bring the surface to the proper section to be compacted. Page 150 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 D. Consolidate the concrete thoroughly by tamping and spading, or with approved mechanical finishing equipment. E. Finish the surface to grade with a wood or metal float. F. All Concrete pads and pavements shall be constructed with sufficient slope to drain properly. 3.7 CONCRETE FINISHING - GENERAL A. The sequence of operations, unless otherwise indicated, shall be as follows: 1. Consolidating, floating, straight-edging, troweling, texturing, and edging of joints. 2. Maintain finishing equipment and tools in a clean and approved condition. 3.8 CONCRETE FINISHING CURB A. Round the edges of the gutter and top of the curb with an edging tool to a radius of 6mm (1/4 inch) or as otherwise detailed. B. Float the surfaces and finish with a smooth wood or metal float until true to grade and section and uniform in textures. C. Finish the surfaces, while still wet, with a bristle type brush with longitudinal strokes. D. Immediately after removing the front curb form, rub the face of the curb with a wood or concrete rubbing block and water until blemishes, form marks, and tool marks have been removed. Brush the surface, while still wet, in the same manner as the gutter and curb top. E. Except at grade changes or curves, finished surfaces shall not vary more than 3 mm (1/8 inch) for gutter and 6 mm (1/4 inch) for top and face of curb, when tested with a 3000 mm (10 foot) straightedge. F. Remove and reconstruct irregularities exceeding the above for the full length between regularly scheduled joints. G. Visible surfaces and edges of finished curb shall be free of blemishes, form marks, and tool marks, and shall be uniform in color, shape, and appearance. 3.9 CONCRETE FINISHING PEDESTRIAN PAVEMENT A. Walks: 1. Finish the surfaces to grade and cross section with a metal float, trowled smooth and finished with a broom moistened with clear water. 2. Brooming shall be transverse to the line of traffic. Page 151 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 3. Finish all slab edges, including those at formed joints, carefully with an edger having a radius as shown on the Drawings. 4. Unless otherwise indicated, edge the transverse joints before brooming. The brooming shall eliminate the flat surface left by the surface face of the edger. Execute the brooming so that the corrugation, thus produced, will be uniform in appearance and not more than 2 mm (1/16 inch) in depth. 5. The completed surface shall be uniform in color and free of surface blemishes, form marks, and tool marks. The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than 5 mm (3/16 inch) when tested with a 3000 mm (10 foot) straightedge. 6. The thickness of the pavement shall not vary more than 6 mm (1/4 inch). 7. Remove and reconstruct irregularities exceeding the above for the full length between regularly scheduled joints. 3.10 JOINTS - GENERAL A. Place joints, where shown, conforming to the details as shown, and perpendicular to the finished grade of the concrete surface. B. Joints shall be straight and continuous from edge to edge of the pavement. 3.11 CONTRACTION JOINTS A. Cut joints to depth as shown with a grooving tool or jointer of a radius as shown or by sawing with a blade producing the required width and depth. B. Construct joints in curbs by inserting 3 mm (1/8 inch) steel plates conforming to the cross sections of the curb. C. Plates shall remain in place until concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape and shall then be removed. D. Finish edges of all joints with an edging tool having the radius as shown. E. Score pedestrian pavement with a standard grooving tool or jointer. 3.12 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Use a preformed expansion joint filler material of the thickness as shown to form expansion joints. B. Material shall extend the full depth of concrete, cut and shaped to the cross section as shown, except that top edges of joint filler shall be below the finished concrete surface where shown to allow for sealing. Page 152 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 C. Anchor with approved devices to prevent displacing during placing and finishing operations. D. Round the edges of joints with an edging tool. E. Form expansion joints as follows: 1. Without dowels, about structures and features that project through, into, or against any site work concrete construction. Except where indicated on drawings where stainless steel dowels with one side greased and installed in an expansion tube to allow horizontal movement while preventing vertical movement are indicated 2. Using joint filler of the type, thickness, and width as shown. 3. Installed in such a manner as to form a complete, uniform separation between the structure and the site work concrete item. 3.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Place transverse construction joints of the type shown, where indicated and whenever the placing of concrete is suspended for more than 30 minutes. B. Use a butt-type joint with dowels in curb and gutter if the joint occurs at the location of a planned joint. C. Use keyed joints with tiebars if the joint occurs in the middle third of the normal curb and gutter joint interval. 3.14 FORM REMOVAL A. Forms shall remain in place at least 12 hours after the concrete has been placed. Remove forms without injuring the concrete. B. Do not use bars or heavy tools against the concrete in removing the forms. Promptly repair any concrete found defective after form removal. 3.15 CURING OF CONCRETE A. Cure concrete by one of the following methods appropriate to the weather conditions and local construction practices, against loss of moisture, and rapid temperature changes for at least seven days from the beginning of the curing operation. Protect unhardened concrete from rain and flowing water. All equipment needed for adequate curing and protection of the concrete shall be on hand and ready to install before actual concrete placement begins. Provide protection as necessary to prevent cracking of the pavement due to temperature changes during the curing period. If any selected method of curing does not afford the proper curing and protection against concrete cracking, remove and Page 153 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 replace the damaged pavement and employ another method of curing as directed by the Resident Engineer. B. Burlap Mat: Provide a minimum of two layers kept saturated with water for the curing period. Mats shall overlap each other at least 150 mm (6 inches). C. Impervious Sheeting: Use waterproof paper, polyethylene-coated burlap, or polyethylene sheeting. Polyethylene shall be at lease 0.1 mm (4 mils) in thickness. Wet the entire exposed concrete surface with a fine spray of water and then cover with the sheeting material. Sheets shall overlap each other at least 300 mm (12 inches). Securely anchor sheeting. D. Liquid Membrane Curing: 1. Apply pigmented membrane-forming curing compound in two coats at right angles to each other at a rate of 5 m2/L (200 square feet per gallon) for both coats. 2. Do not allow the concrete to dry before the application of the membrane. 3. Cure joints designated to be sealed by inserting moistened paper or fiber rope or covering with waterproof paper prior to application of the curing compound, in a manner to prevent the curing compound entering the joint. 4. Immediately re-spray any area covered with curing compound and damaged during the curing period. 3.16 CLEANING A. After completion of the curing period: 1. Remove the curing material (other than liquid membrane). 2. Sweep the concrete clean. 3. After removal of all foreign matter from the joints, seal joints as herein specified. 4. Clean the entire concrete of all debris and construction equipment as soon as curing and sealing of joints has been completed. 3.17 PROTECTION The contractor shall protect the concrete against all damage prior to final acceptance by the Government. Remove concrete containing excessive cracking, fractures, spalling, or other defects and reconstruct the entire section between regularly scheduled joints, when directed by the Resident Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Government. Exclude Page 154 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 traffic from vehicular pavement until the concrete is at least seven days old, or for a longer period of time if so directed by the Resident Engineer. 3.18 FINAL CLEAN-UP Remove all debris, rubbish and excess material from the Station. - - - E N D - - - Page 155 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 4.45 PLANTING SECTION 32 90 00 PLANTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION This work consists of furnishing and installing all planting materials required for landscaping hereinafter specified in locations as shown. 1.2 EQUIPMENT Maintain all equipment, tools and machinery while on the project in sufficient quantities and capacity for proper execution of the work. 1.3 RELATED WORK A. Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (Short Form), Stripping Topsoil and Stock Piling. B. Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES, Topsoil Testing. C. Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (Short Form), Topsoil Materials. D. Section 01 57 19, TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of Conformance or Compliance: Before delivery, notarized certificates attesting that the following materials meet the requirements specified shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer for approval: 1. Fertilizers. 2. Lime 3. Seed 1.5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Delivery: 1. Deliver fertilizer and lime to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's warranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name or trademark, and in conformance to state and federal law. In lieu of containers, fertilizer and lime may be furnished in bulk and a certificate indicating the above information shall accompany each delivery. B. Storage: Page 156 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 1. Keep seed, lime, and fertilizer in dry storage away from contaminants. 1.6 TURF INSTALLATION SEASONS AND CONDITIONS A. No work shall be done when the ground is frozen, snow covered, too wet or in an otherwise unsuitable condition for planting. Special conditions may exist that warrants a variance in the specified planting dates or conditions. Submit a written request to the Resident Engineer stating the special conditions and proposal variance. 1.7 TURF ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. The Establishment Period for turf shall begin immediately after installation, with the approval of the Resident Engineer, and continue until the date that the Government accepts the project or phase for beneficial use and occupancy. During the Plant and Turf Establishment Period the Contractor shall: 1. Water all turf to maintain an adequate supply of moisture within the root zone. An adequate supply of moisture is the equivalent of 25 mm (1 inch) of absorbed water per week either through natural rainfall or augmented by periodic watering. Apply water at a moderate rate so as not to displace the mulch or flood the plants and turf. 2. Provide the following turf establishment: a. Eradicate all weeds. Water, fertilize, overseed, and perform any other operation necessary to promote the growth of grass. b. Replant areas void of turf 0.1 m2 (one square foot) and larger in area. c. Mow the new lawn at least three times prior to the final inspection. Begin mowing when grass is 100 mm (4 inches) high. Mow to a 65 mm (2-1/2 inch) height. 1.8 TURF WARRANTY A. All work shall be in accordance with the terms of the Paragraph, "Warranty" of FAR clause 52.246-21, including the following supplements: 1. A One Year Turf Warranty will begin on the date that the Government accepts the project or phase for beneficial use and occupancy. The Contractor shall have completed, located, and installed all turf according to the plans and specifications. All turf is expected to be living and in a healthy condition at the time of final inspection. 2. The Contractor will replace any areas void of turf immediately. A one year warranty for the turf that was replaced, will begin on the day the work is completed. 3. The Government will reinspect turf at the end of the One Year Warranty. The Contractor will replace any dead, missing, or defective turf immediately. The Page 157 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 Warranty will end on the date of this inspection provided the Contractor has complied with the work required by this specification. The Contractor shall also comply with the following requirements: a. Complete remedial measures directed by the Resident Engineer to ensure turf survival. e. Repair damage caused while making turf replacements. 1.9 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS A. The publications listed below, form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by basic designation only. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications: ANSI Z60.1-04 ......................Nursery Stock ANSI Z133.1-06 ....................Tree Care Operations-Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees and Cutting BrushSafety Requirements C. Hortus Third, A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the U.S. and Canada. D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Publications: C136-06..................................Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C516-02..................................Vermiculite Loose Fill Thermal Insulation C549-06..................................Perlite Loose Fill Insulation D977-05 .................................Emulsified Asphalt (AASTHO M140) D2028-97 (Rev. 2004) ...........Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-curing Type) D2103-05 ...............................Polyethylene Film and Sheeting E. Turfgrass Producers International: Turfgrass Sodding. F. U. S. Department of Agriculture Federal Seed Act. 1998........................................Rules and Regulations G. American Wood Protection Association (AWPA): C2-02......................................Lumber, Timbers, Bridge Ties and Mine Ties, Pressure Treatment Page 158 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL All turf material will conform to the varieties specified or shown in the plant list and be true to botanical name as listed in Hortus Third. 2.2 TOPSOIL A. Topsoil shall be a well-graded soil of good uniform quality. It shall be a natural, friable soil representative of productive soils in the vicinity. Topsoil shall be free of admixture of subsoil, foreign matter, objects larger than 25 mm (one inch) in any dimension, toxic substances, weeds and any material or substances that may be harmful to plant growth and shall have a pH value of not less than 5.0 nor more than 7.5. B. Obtain material from stockpiles established under Section 31 20 11, EARTH MOVING (Short Form), subparagraph, Stripping Topsoil, that meet the general requirements as stated above. Amend topsoil not meeting the pH range specified by the addition of pH Adjusters. C. If sufficient topsoil is not available on the site to meet the depth as specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish additional topsoil. At least 10 days prior to topsoil delivery, notify the Resident Engineer of the source(s) from which topsoil is to be furnished. Obtain topsoil from well drained areas. Additional topsoil shall meet the general requirements as stated above and comply with the requirements specified in Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES. Amend topsoil not meeting the pH range specified by the addition of pH adjusters. 2.3 LIME Lime shall be agricultural limestone containing not less than 90 percent calcium and magnesium carbonates. Lime must be ground to such a fineness that not less than 90% must pass No. 8 mesh and not less than 25% must pass No. 100 mesh. Moisture is not to exceed 10%. 2.4 TURF FERTILIZER Provide turf fertilizer that is commercial grade, free flowing, uniform in composition, and conforms to applicable state and federal regulations. Granular fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's warranteed statement of analysis. Granular fertilizer shall contain a minimum percentage by weight of 14 nitrogen (of which 50 percent shall be organic), 22 Page 159 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 available phosphoric acid, and 10 potash. Liquid starter fertilizer for use in the hydro seed slurry will be commercial type with 50 percent of the nitrogen in slow release form. 2.5 WATER Water shall not contain elements toxic to plant life.. 2.6 SEED Seed shall be state-certified seed of the latest season's crop and shall be delivered in original sealed packages bearing the producer's warranteed analysis for percentages of mixtures, purity, germination, weed seed content, and inert material. Seed shall be labeled in conformance with U. S. Department of Agriculture rules and regulations under the Federal Seed Act and applicable state seed laws. Seed that has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged will not be acceptable. Onsite seed mixing shall be done only in the presence of the Resident Engineer. Seed mixtures shall be proportioned by weight as follows: NAME OF GRASS (Botanical and Common) Percent by Weight Montauk Turf - Type Tall Fescue 40% Onyx Turf - Type Tall Fescue 35% Plymouth Perennial Ryegrass 25% Germinates in 10-20 days PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TILLAGE FOR TURF AREAS Thoroughly till the soil to a depth of at least 100 mm (4 inches) by scarifying, disking, harrowing, or other approved methods. This is particularly important in areas where heavy equipment has been used, and especially under wet soil conditions. Remove all debris and stones larger than 25 mm (one inch) remaining on the surface after tillage in preparation for finish grading. To minimize erosion, do not till areas of 3:1 slope ratio or greater. Scarify these areas to a 50 mm (one inch) depth and remove debris and stones. 3.2 FINISH GRADING After tilling the soil for bonding of topsoil with the subsoil, spread the topsoil evenly to a minimum depth of 6 mm (inches). Incorporate topsoil at least 50 to 75 mm (2 to 3 inches) Page 160 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 into the subsoil to avoid soil layering. Do not spread topsoil when frozen or excessively wet or dry. Correct irregularities in finished surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Complete lawn work only after areas are brought to finished grade. 3.3 APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER AND LIME FOR TURF AREAS A. Apply turf fertilizer at the rate of 35 pounds per 1,000 square feet. In addition, adjust soil acidity and add soil conditioners as required herein for suitable topsoil under PART 2, Paragraph, TOPSOIL. B. Spread lime at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. C. Incorporate fertilizers and lime into the soil to a depth of at least 100 mm (4 inches) as part of the finish grading operation. Immediately restore the soil to an even condition before any turf work. 3.4 MECHANICAL SEEDING A. Broadcast seed by approved sowing equipment at the rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Sow one half of the seed in one direction, and the remainder sown at right angles to the first sowing. Cover seed to an average depth of 6 mm (1/4 inch) by means of spike-tooth harrow, cultipacker, or other approved device. B. Immediately after seeding, firm up the entire area with a roller not exceeding 225 kg/m (150 pounds per foot) of roller width. Where seeding is performed with a cultipacker-type seeder or where seed is applied in combination with hydro-mulching, no rolling is required. C. Immediately after preparing the seeded area, evenly spread an organic mulch of straw by hand or by approved mechanical blowers at the rate of 0.5 kg/m2 (2 tons per acre). Application shall allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate but also reduce soil and seed erosion and conserve soil moisture. Anchor mulch by either a mulch tiller, asphalt emulsion, twine, or netting. When asphalt emulsion is used, apply either simultaneously or in a separate application. Take precautionary measures to prevent asphalt materials from marking or defacing structures, pavements, utilities, or plantings. 3.5 WATERING Apply water to the turf areas immediately following installation at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of the soil to a depth of at least 100 mm (4 inches). Supervise Page 161 of 162 VA-243-10-IB-0362 watering operation to prevent run-off. Supply all pumps, hoses, pipelines, and sprinkling equipment. Repair all areas damaged by water operations. 3.6 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after installation of the turf areas, protect against traffic or other use by erecting barricades, as required, and placing approved signs at appropriate intervals until final acceptance. 3.7 RESTORATION AND CLEAN-UP Where existing or new turf areas have been damaged or scarred during planting and construction operations, restore disturbed area to their original condition. Keep at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building clean at all times. In areas where planting and turf work have been completed, clear the area of all debris, spoil piles, and containers. Clear all other paved areas when work in adjacent areas are completed. Remove all debris, rubbish and excess material from the station. 3.8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION All work and Contractor operations shall comply with the requirements of Section 01 57 19, TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS. - - - E N D - - - Page 162 of 162