Global Warming Study

Dhiren Chatlani
HLTH 841: Global Health Policy
Effects of Global Warming on Health
May 2, 2013
Global Warming & Health Effects…………………………………………5
Water Wars…………………………………………………………….……….8
Impact of Global Warming on Sustainable Development………………10
Other Health effects due to Global Warming………………………………12
The United States and their Impact on Global Warming………………… 12
What to do with global warming. …………………………………………….15
Global Warming is an issue that not only affects the planets
climate, but also leads to issues such as an increase of health issues,
higher costs of these, a shortage of water leading to water wars, and the
extreme flooding of certain regions. The effects of Global Warming on
this planet and our health are broad and are not taken into
consideration by a large part of the population.
Also known as Climate Change, Global Warming is an issue that
has been a constant worry in our society for the past few years and we
have seen how it has been affecting our planet. The high levels of
pollution, due to certain industries, the high rate of manufacturing and a
lack of innovation in clean and sustainable energy. This along with the
high dependence on fossil fuels and the lack of education of a large
part of the earth’s population can be considered the most deteriorating
effects this planet is going through which lead to global warming. In
order for these factors to be considered, we must understand that in the
past we have had a much lower dependency on these fossil fuels, but
after the industrial revolution we have increased mass production which
was led to higher levels of Water Vapor, CO2, methane, and nitrous
oxide amount other greenhouse gasses. This can also be considered the
greenhouse effect, which is based on the having the earths lower
atmosphere absorb the infrared radiation gasses which leads to the
earth´s higher temperature levels.
This idea of such an effect was first researched in 1896, and has
been very present in our society, and has also been the biggest
inconvenient truth ever.
When comparing the earths levels of CO2 in history to our present
times we can estimate that the levels of methane and CO2 have
increased from approximately 36% to 148% since 1750, but there is high
evidence that in the last 20 years fossil fuels have been part of the
increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, along with the changes on the
earths terrain and mainly deforestation. (EPA, 2007)
In the charts above we can see what industries have led the
higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions around the globe. As
mentioned before since the industrial revolution levels have increased
dramatically, but it is not only higher manufacturing processes and
deforestation that have led to this. A growing population, the
commoditization of certain services such as electricity and heat, and the
overproduction of food supply in many areas of the world has led to this.
The lack of proper distribution of the plants services around the world,
having mainly developed countries being the cause of these high levels,
and the abuse of these needs has led to what might be one of the
biggest problems this earth has faced in history. In over 400,000 years we
have never seen such a rise in temperature as we have in the last 60
years, and that is due also to a higher rate of transportation, and mainly
globalization without control. Living in a fast paced world, which only
cares about economies of scale, the lack of value and understanding
for the earth’s resources such as water and nature, and the inability to
change these processes until it’s too late.
The increase of the earth’s temperatures does not only lead to
higher levels of C02 in the atmosphere, but it also affects the way nature
behaves. As there is a rise in temperatures, many bacteria and viruses
appear, and many fade away, altering the process of evolution. This can
lead to an increase in mosquitos and ticks, or even genetic mutations in
bacteria. These effects can lead to huge health catastrophes, especially
in developing countries as first due to the lack of certain infrastructure
and inadequate access to the plants resources (MedIndia).
Global Warming & Health effects
As mentioned before, the process of evolution is changing by
regions, dry regions get dryer, water is harder to access, and there is a
spread of diseases and bacteria. But as the name mentions, Global
Warming, better known as Climate Change, relates to extreme heat. The
fewer greenhouse gases given out by our planet, the lower the heat in
the atmosphere and hence lower the temperature. But as we lack the
knowledge of such facts in this 21st century, we must take a look at past
events in order to educate ourselves.
In 1995 there was a killer heat wave in Chicago, in which
approximately 750 people died. In 2003 a heat wave struck Europe and
over 70,000 people died. One may think that the extreme heat was the
cause of all these deaths, but there are other related problems such as
higher levels of respiratory allergies, airway diseases and asthma. Higher
levels of CO2 in the air lead to an alteration in the timing of distribution of
certain things like pollen. As temperature rises, there is a higher level of
pollen in the atmosphere which leads to higher rates of allergies and
respiratory problems.
The high temperatures and the ozone lead to:
-Lung injury
-Premature mortality
-Worsening of asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease
-Cardiac dysrhythmias
These are just a few of the problems related to airway diseases and
respiratory problems(CDC)
Hurricanes Rita and Katrina hit the USA in 2005, and affected more
than 1.5 million people, and led to over 800,000 people to have to
relocate. The intensity of these disasters increases due to higher
temperatures, and it is predicted that many other disastrous events with
worse effects will occur in the coming years. The increase in sea level,
extreme weather, the lack of resources will make millions of people have
to leave their homes and move to different regions. Studies show that
over 200million people worldwide will have to change locations by 2050
due to these natural events. Individuals with lower levels of income will
be the first ones due to the high costs of rebuilding areas and will start to
suffer from a phenomenon named Solastalgia. This term refers to the
stress of losing connection with one’s local environment, or having to
move involuntarily to another region. This is said to lead also to mental
health problems, as many people relate to their home climates, and
moving large populations around different areas may create an issue
that will affect millions of people. Forced migration would also lead to
higher levels of depression, and stress (CDC).
So why is Global Warming ignored by a large part of the
population? Why is this concept in need of strengthening its presence in
society? Global warming will affect coastlines around the pacific and
Indian Ocean areas and the sub-Saharan Africa regions first. These
developing areas which are not capacitated to handle their own
current problems will have to deal with new problems, and the
worsening of current problems due to the lack of capital and economic
development. Diseases such as malaria, diarrhea or malnutrition which
are easy to combat in developed countries will worsen in these areas
due to the lack of clean and accessible water. Desserts will get drier,
and coastal regions will tend to flood easier. This is a critical problem, but
what a large portion of the world´s population does not understand is
that global warming will have an important impact on the developing
countries. These countries have fewer resources, and are very unstable;
these countries do not participate highly in the CO2 production which
harms the ozone layer, but the developing countries that do suffer less of
an impact than these areas, and with the high levels of technology,
forecasting and preparing for these natural disasters allows developed
countries to reduce deaths and injuries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) along with researches from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison research and studied some of the
effects that climate change would have on the planet in the next one
hundred years.
The diseases related to climate change will more than double by
2030 if nothing is done to change the situation of the planet.
Floods will affect over 200 million people in coastal regions by 2080.
Dangerous pollution days in the eastern region of the US could
increase by 60% by 2050.
California’s heat waves that kill hundreds would double by 2100.
These are just some of the effects of global warming in the upcoming
years, without taking into consideration other global impacts and
dangers such as damages to biodiversity, shortage of water…(About)
Water Wars
“Whisky is for drinking; water is for fighting over.” M.Twain
Water is one of the most abundant resources in this planet, and it is
starting to be scarce. To be more specific, drinking water is becoming
scarce. Due to global warming, there is starting to be a shortage of
water that according to the US Director of National Intelligence. It is said
that the demand for water is going to grow and outstrip current supplies
by 40% in 20 years. Water is the most important resource to any human
being, and still there are around 780 million people that lack access to
clean drinking water according to the United Nations. When looking at
the scarcity of water we have to also take into account that the world’s
population is growing and this will also lead to a higher demand.
When studying the scarcity of water we must understand that 97%
of the water on earth is salt water, while the other 3% is fresh water. Out
of this 3% only one percent is drinkable. For this reason water is essential
to us, and the low amount that is available now, and considering that
each person needs around 1,000 cubic meters of this element a year.
Now water is not the only essential thing that is needed, and that is
being affected by global warming. Water though, is the cause of many
things such as food production. With a scarcity of water researches
predict there may be food riots in the future due to scarce foods. If
governments don’t start investing in clean and sustainable energy to
improve water consumption and reduce its waste we may suffer from
many problems. In the past we have seen certain water wars, some such
as the war between Senegal and Mauritania during 1989. These two
countries fought over the rights to access the water on the River Senegal.
There have been other wars such as the one between Is Israel and Syria
involving the territory of Golan heights to have control of a large area of
water. Syria and Iraq have also gone into combat in regard of who may
access the Euphrates river.
According to research done by the United Nations, by 2025 there
will be at least thirty nations that will be suffering from water scarcity.
These will be around the Middle East and North Africa. As we know
global warming is a critical issue that correlates with water scarcity, but
what can the lack of water do apart from creating confrontations
between different nations?
Studies show that over 750,000 jobs would be lost due to water
shortages, reducing the income by over 25% in the developing Arab
countries which could lead to a higher level of poverty along with no
Impact of Global Warming on Sustainable Development
The impact of global warming affects the development of
countries, and affects the health of millions of citizens but also affects the
development of countries affecting job creation, which can lead to high
rates of depression and affect the mental health of a large population.
Countries must commit to promoting equitable, sustainable
development and trade practices in order to become leaders of
innovation in today’s globalized world. In addition, reducing harmful
emissions and creating and adhering to a standard of reduction of costs
associated with manufacturing and the consumption of natural
resources will lead to an improved economic climate with a declining
rate of unemployment.
Specifically, climate change leads to a decreasing amount of rainfall
which is potentially harmful to people’s ability to access safe and clean
water sources and also reduces crop yields and reduces the number of
sites in which sustainable crops can be grown (European Commission of
Agriculture and Rural Development). In addition, water conservation
practices also promote energy conservation, which reduces the high
costs and energy use associated with the inefficient practices of
transporting water (Going Green). The implementation of certain
standards could mean that countries could be measured at the same
level and be penalized if they went over a certain quota. An example of
a type of standard would be Global Reporting Initiative, which creates
sustainability standards for corporations to adhere to in terms of pollution
and emission regulations, which would allow Spain to develop a method
of measurement that includes tax incentives or penalties based on how
each company upholds or disregards these sustainability standards
(Global Reporting Initiative).
Moreover, if climate change is not addressed, the world will suffer
an estimated $2 - 4 billion of excess healthcare costs by 2030, an
irreparable blow to the world economy (World Health Organization). This
will also reduce the number of workers in the health field, create more
diseases and create a high demand for healthcare needs, and a low
supply of personal.
As mentioned before, the developed nations will be able to adapt
easier to changes in climate, natural disasters and spread of disease.
Although this may be good, it also reduces the amount of action these
countries take for the future. The developing countries will be swamped
by natural disasters, diseases and levels of poverty will increase extremely
Other Health effects due to Global Warming
As carbon pollution increases we see the increase in hurricanes
and tropical storms. These disasters have been common throughout
history but their presence is increasing drastically, and the speeds of the
winds and storms are much higher, leading to more disasters.
Infrastructure destruction, along with the contamination of clean water
are some of the problems that arise from these disasters along with the
death of hundreds of people. The increase of refugees will also increase,
creating a new type of refugee: The environmental refugees. Due to the
rise of sea levels and extreme flooding in coastal areas, some regions
might become uninhabitable, which could lead to 50 million
environmental refugees in just 7 years from now. This not only has to do
with flooding and sea levels rising but also with areas in extreme drought,
especially desserts, and African regions (NRDC)
The United States and their Impact on Global Warming
The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world
but it only constitutes 4% of the world’s population.
In the chart above we can see that the United States is responsible
for one quarter of the world´s greenhouse gas emissions. When analyzing
this data in depth we must take into consideration that the US did not
start heavy manufacturing till later on in comparison to the UK, Germany
& other countries. What we can perceive from this pie chart is that the
US is the biggest responsible for Global Warming in the world, and it is
one of the countries that is least affected by it, when being compared to
developing countries. The large size of this country and the small
population make it unbelievably hard to understand this data. When
looking at this data in a per capita basis, each US citizen gives out 40,000
pounds of CO2 a year, which is more than adding up China, India and
Japan together.
The CO2 is not the worry some part, it is the amount of material
that is used every year. More than 850 million trees are used every year
for paper, There are over 200 million cars and trucks on US roads, and
over 200 million gallons of oil are used to pump these vehicles every day.
This along with the economic factor makes it hard for the US to transition
into green and sustainable cars that are hybrid of electric. This is 16 % of
the world’s oil usage in a year in cars, when looking at the industry and
machinery, the US is in charge of 25% of the world’s oil consumption. Just
4% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s oil is used
Oil consumption is absurd but the amount of oil that has been
spilled in US waters, along with the damage that it has done to the
ecosystem is much greater. More than 1.5 million gallons of oil were
spilled in the US during year 2000, and between 1976 and 1989, the US
suffered from 16 major oil spills, three times more than France, and the
UK. The capitalist society which the US is formed on leads it to use ad
waste more resources than any other country, and on average the
average American uses 864kg of municipal waste a year, and when
comparing this to most European countries it is three times more
Overall the US consumption is the largest in the world and the
countries carbon footprint averages that have several countries
combined. The health problems keep on arising and the natural disaster
this country faces keep on multiplying. Some ways to reduce this abuse
of waste and carbon dioxide could be to implement a standard for all
homes and companies to be measured at and fined if they pass a
certain limit of waste. This would create a movement of conscious
individuals, and could reduce the damage to the world greatly. An
example would be something similar to that of the Global Reporting
Initiative that exists in the US but it only directs itself to large corporations.
If households could be measured at the same level, and individuals to,
this would benefit the US, save it large sums of money and also help
reduce the amount of health problems the world faces now.
What to do with Global Warming
As mentioned before, global warming is the inconvenient truth our
society faces. The increase of greenhouse gases, the lack of education
in many countries, especially the US about the importance of tackling
this problem and the damages that it can have on human health should
be a reason to start working towards a cleaner and greener planet.
Promoting things like the Triple bottom Line, where People, planet and
profit are the main factors, and insisting in ideas such as the 3 R´s (Reuse,
Recycle, & Reduce). Educating the citizens of developing countries on
how they are a cause of an increment of poverty, giving them examples
of how African nations production of food is reducing due to the lack of
water, and the moisture of the soil may help.
Waste, water scarcity, the damage to ecosystems and the
increase of poverty are some of the main issues are generation must
focus on in order to fight global warming. As time goes by the number of
CO2 in the air increases, and the harder it is to go back and fix many
issues that affect our civilization.
As time goes by we have come to see record high, and record
low temperatures in different regions of the world causing many people
to get ill or have to relocate. The increase in natural disasters, and the
lack of water on some areas is leading to the death of thousands of
people each year, and it is all caused because of the commoditization
of certain services. The health of this planet is at stake, an increase in air
pollution, leading to people having to wear face masks in order to not
get some diseases is where we are at. The world is at a tipping point, and
if nothing is done, we are going to enter the biggest crisis this planet has
ever faced, and many are going to have to lose their lives due to the
ignorance of others. The fight against global warming must be done by
everyone, especially those in developed countries.
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