Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) Use Case 2 Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Requests (eMDRs) 5/30/2012 5/30/2012 1 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Table of Contents 1.0 Preface and Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 Initiative Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Initiative Challenge Statement............................................................................................................ 6 3.0 Use Case Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 In Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Out of Scope........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.4 Communities of Interest ..................................................................................................................... 9 4.0 Value Statement ................................................................................................................................... 11 5.0 Generic Assumptions ............................................................................................................................ 12 5.1 – CMS User Story Additional Assumptions ....................................................................................... 13 5.2 – Commercial Payer User Story Additional Assumptions ................................................................. 13 6.0 Generic Pre-Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 13 6.1 CMS User Story Additional Pre-Conditions ....................................................................................... 13 6.2 Commercial Payer User Story Additional Pre-Conditions ................................................................. 14 7.0 Generic Post Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 14 7.1 CMS User Story Additional Post-Conditions ..................................................................................... 14 7.2 Commercial Payer User Story Additional Post-Conditions ............................................................... 14 8.0 Actors and Roles ................................................................................................................................... 14 9.0 Use Case Diagrams ................................................................................................................................ 16 10.0 Scenario............................................................................................................................................... 19 10.1 Generic User Story .......................................................................................................................... 19 10.1.1 CMS User Story ........................................................................................................................ 20 10.1.2 Commercial User Story ............................................................................................................ 20 10.2 Activity Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 21 10.2.1 Base Flow ................................................................................................................................. 21 10.3 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................ 24 10.3.1 Information Interchange Requirements .................................................................................. 24 10.3.2 System Requirements .............................................................................................................. 25 10.4 Sequence Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 27 5/30/2012 2 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 11.0 Dataset Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 27 eMDR Object - "Return Method Object" data elements ..................................................................... 39 12.0 Risks, Issues and Obstacles ................................................................................................................. 41 Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 42 Appendix A: Related Use Cases.............................................................................................................. 42 Appendix B: Glossary of Terms .............................................................................................................. 42 Appendix C: References .......................................................................................................................... 44 List of Figures: Figure 1: Generic Context Diagram – Overall S&I Framework esMD Initiative for PPA ............................... 7 Figure 2: Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 3: CMS Context Diagram .................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 4: Commercial Payer Context Diagram excluding Payer Contractors.............................................. 18 Figure 5: Commercial Payer Context Diagram including Payer Contractors .............................................. 19 Figure 6: Activity Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 7: Sequence Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 27 List of Tables: Table 1: Communities of Interest ............................................................................................................... 11 Table 2: Actors and Roles ............................................................................................................................ 15 Table 3: Base Flow ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 4: Information Interchange Requirements ....................................................................................... 25 Table 5: System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 26 Table 6: Dataset Requirements – eMDR Message – Message Level data elements .................................. 32 Table 7: Dataset Requirements - General Request Information ................................................................ 35 Table 8: Dataset Requirements - eMDR Object - Audit Specific Information ............................................. 36 Table 9: Dataset Requirements - eMDR Object – Claim Related Information and Specific Documentation Request ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Table 10: Dataset Requirements – eMDR Object - Return Method Object................................................ 40 5/30/2012 3 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 1.0 Preface and Introduction To fully realize the benefits of health IT, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), as part of the Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework is developing Use Cases that define the interoperability requirements for high priority health care data exchange; maximize efficiency, encourage rapid learning, and protect patients’ privacy in an interoperable environment. These Use Cases address the requirements of a broad range of Communities of Interests including patients, their significant others and family members, providers, payers, vendors, standards organizations, public health organizations, and Federal agencies. These Use Cases describe: The operational context for the data exchange The stakeholders with an interest in the Use Case The information flows that must be supported by the data exchange The types of data and their specifications required in the data exchange The Use Case is the foundation for identifying and specifying the standards required to support the data exchange and developing reference implementations and tools to ensure consistent and reliable adoption of the data exchange standards. 2.0 Initiative Overview Note: This section provides an overview of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)’ esMD program as an overall initiative and also as part of the Standards & Interoperability Framework. The specific scope of this Use Case is discussed in the 3.0 Use Case Scope section. Healthcare payers frequently request that providers submit additional medical documentation in order to adjudicate and support the processing of a specific claim or set of claims and perform other administrative functions, including identification of improper payments. Currently, Medicare Review Contractors send over 1 million requests for medical documents per year manually using a paper request letter and mailing it through the US Postal Service to healthcare providers. Until recently, healthcare providers had only two options for submitting the requested records to Medicare Review Contractors: 1) mail paper or 2) send a fax. The manual paper process is costly, time consuming and can delay proper claims processing on both the senders’ and receivers’ end. As of September 15, 2011, a pilot group of Health Information Handlers (HIHs) and Medicare Review Contractors began accepting electronic submissions from providers, as part of the first phase of esMD. These electronic submissions consist of an unstructured .PDF format of a scanned image, within an Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Cross-Enterprise Document Reliable Interchange (IHE XDR) wrapper. This initiative will provide added value to CMS, Commercial Payers, and Providers by defining the interoperability requirements for additional automation of the electronic request and submissions process. 5/30/2012 4 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer CMS continues to investigate additional capabilities of electronic submission of medical documentation. The next release for CMS’ esMD Phase 2 will enable Medicare Review Contractors to send electronic medical documentation requests (eMDRs), eliminating the need to send the paper letters via mail or fax. CMS joined the Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework to accomplish their short-term goals for Phase 2, and to address their long-term requirement for replacement of wet signatures. In joining the S&I Framework, the esMD stakeholders were broadened beyond CMS to include discussions with other payers in the esMD Community including Commercial Payers. With a goal of promoting consistency across payers and standardizing processes for providers dealing with multiple payers, the requirements of multiple payer entities were incorporated into the Use Case. The key objectives for the overall S&I Framework esMD Initiative include: Develop a registration process to allow Providers to sign up to receive electronic medical documentation requests from CMS Review Contractors Identify a standards-based machine-interoperable electronic format to provide an alternate electronic method for the current paper version of the medical documentation requests that are sent to providers Identify a secure method of sending medical documentation requests from CMS review contractors to providers Identify a solution that will enable an electronic replacement of wet signatures, for medical documents submitted from providers to CMS In order to address the objectives above, this Initiative will include the following three workgroups. Provider Profiles Authentication (PPA) workgroup: Addresses the registration process, technical transport and authentication needed to allow Payers to identify Providers and send requests to them. This workgroup is dependent on the Provider Directories Use Case #2 (Electronic Service Information Discovery) outputs, as well as the Exchange support (for the CMS User Story) for secure transport and other infrastructure. Structured Content (SC) workgroup: Determine the structured electronic format of medical document request letters to be sent to Providers, with consideration for the technical transport, expected response and information needed to support the response. Author of Record workgroup Provisional Assignment: Evaluate the business needs and implementable solutions to address the ability to prove the authorship and authenticity of any message or documentation that is part of the electronic submission of medical documentation (esMD). This includes all messages that are part of provider registration (UC1), the electronic submission of the structured medical documentation request (UC2) and the response by the provider or their agent to the payer or payer contractor. This Use Case specifically addresses the structured content requirements of the eMDR as well as the requirements to transport/send the eMDR from a payer entity to a registered eMDR Consumer1. To align with the short-term goals for CMS, the PPA workgroup took place first, and was followed by 1 Refer to Glossary Section for eMDR Consumer definition 5/30/2012 5 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Structured Content and Author of Record. PPA will include two separate use cases, which will also require input and collaboration from the Structured Content workgroup participants. The PPA Use Case 1 focuses on registration of providers to receive eMDRs. This document outlines the Use Case for the secure transportation and the structured content of the eMDR from the payer entity to the registered eMDR Consumer. Key objectives specifically for the PPA and Structured Content workgroup are to define the business requirements related to the registration process, compliant with CMS policies and Federal Information Security Management Act guidelines for the CMS User Story, and determine how to securely send medical document requests to registered providers. This Use Case also incorporates a Commercial User Story focused on the specific requirements for payers other than CMS. Business requirements and standards will have a key focus on the needs of CMS while also supporting options to enable re-use of the processes and standards by other Payers and Medicare partners. 2.1 Initiative Challenge Statement The esMD Initiative as a whole intends to define the requirements and select the standards necessary to replace current paper processes for medical documentation requests with an electronic alternative. This Initiative was begun to provide solutions that address gaps raised by CMS post-payment reviews specifically; however, through the participation of other relevant stakeholders, the outputs of this Initiative will reflect the requirements of other Payers, Providers, and additional relevant stakeholders. CMS and other payers need a standards-based, implementable, machine-interoperable electronic solution to reduce the time, expense, and paper required in current manual processing of medical documentation requests exchanged between providers and payers. To support the electronic sending of medical documentation requests and the electronic submission of medical documentation, the following solutions will be required: Process for Provider Registration to receive eMDRs from Payers Standardized electronic template to be used for eMDRs Secure sending of the eMDRs to registered providers Verifiable alternative for wet signatures on electronic medical documentation: a method of verifying the origin and authenticity of data submitted to payers and contractors for payment determination Standardized structured content related to information required for claims processing* * Structured Content for claims processing is currently out of scope for the S&I Framework esMD Initiative, but is a long-term esMD objective. As standards are harmonized by the esMD community, consideration will be given to what standards will be suitable for structured content submission goals. 5/30/2012 6 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 3.0 Use Case Scope The initial phase of this Initiative focuses on the Use Cases and Functional Requirements related to eMDRs, in support of CMS’ goals for the CMS esMD Phase 2 implementation. This will involve the creation of two use cases: 1. Use Case 1 - Provider Registration with Payer to receive eMDR. This Use Case has already been completed and approved through consensus (Completed on 3/19/2012 and posted here) 2. Use Case 2 - Secure transportation and structured content of eMDR from Payer/Contractors to registered eMDR Requestor (Addressed by this Use Case) Figure 1: Generic Context Diagram – Overall S&I Framework esMD Initiative for PPA Note – The diagram above illustrates the full PPA Use Case Diagram. This Use Case (UC # 2 listed above), focuses on the requirements for sending an eMDR from the Payer or Payer Contractor to the registered eMDR Consumer which can be a Provider, Provider Organization, or an Agent on their behalf. Once an eMDR Consumer has registered with a Payer using the requirements detailed in Use Case 1, the Payer and Payer Contractors will have the appropriate registration information to send an electronic request to the eMDR Consumer. Use Case 2 will build off of Use Case 1, reusing similar requirements for communicating with External Provider Directories. As potential standards are analyzed and harmonized, requirements of both Use Case 1 and Use Case 2 will be considered. Note – Not all Payers and Payer Contractors will be capable of sending an eMDR even if a provider or provider organization has successfully registered with that payer. 5/30/2012 7 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 3.1 Background Healthcare payers frequently request that providers submit additional medical documentation for a specific claim, to support claims processing and other administrative functions, such as the identification of improper payments. Currently, Medicare Review Contractors send over 1 million requests for medical documents per year by mailing a paper request letter via US Postal Service to healthcare providers. It is important to identify an alternative to the current process that reduces the number of paper requests that are sent to providers today. By introducing an electronic alternative, CMS, other Payers and Payer Contractors can reduce turnaround time, misdirected communications, and establish the transactions required to initiate an electronic response. This Use Case, which addresses secure transportation and structured content of eMDR from Payer/Contractors to registered eMDR Consumers, aims to reduce the need to mail paper request letters by replacing them with electronic alternatives. In order for CMS Payer Contractors to send an eMDR, the Provider Registration is of particular importance to CMS. Due to CMS policies required for FISMA compliance, CMS cannot send electronic notifications containing PHI to Providers, unless the Provider has specifically indicated that they wish to receive it. Once a Provider or Provider Organization has successfully registered with a Payer to receive eMDRs, the Payer and Payer Contractors can send the appropriate requests when necessary. Although the FISMA requirements are applicable to Federal agencies and not necessarily applicable to all Payers, the PPA workgroup determined that it would be beneficial for all Payers to follow a consistent registration process to identify providers wishing to receive electronic requests. This Use Case therefore includes input from a variety of stakeholders to validate that the transactions outlined here are applicable to a broad Payer and Provider community. 3.2 In Scope Requirements for standards pertaining to technical transport, the structured content of the eMDR and authentication needed to allow CMS/Payers to send eMDR to providers, either directly or via an Agent Templates/Datasets relevant to structure of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) Basic requirements for the response to the medical documentation request including but not limited to Due Date, Return Method, Return Format, and Documentation Required, to ensure the structured medical documentation request provides all the information that may be required in the response Use of Digital Certificates for identity or encryption and Signature Artifacts required by this use case will be defined within the Author of Record Use Case and S&I Provider Directory data model 5/30/2012 8 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 3.3 Out of Scope Guidelines and Policies for the medical documentation request, including limitations on the frequency and volume of the requests, and what scenarios will warrant a need for additional claims attachments Requirements and Standards for Structured Content of claims attachments sent from providers to payers/CMS Authentication of content sent from Providers will be covered in the Author of Record workgroup Requirements and Standards relating to Registration of Providers with esMD are addressed as part of Use Case 1 Templates/Standards relevant to Structured Inbound/Medical Documentation from Providers to CMS Authentication of content sent from Providers (will be covered in the Author of Record workgroup) Information requirements for requests other than documentation supporting claims Defining the transactions between the Payer Contractor and Payer Defining the transactions between the Agent and the Provider/Provider Organization 3.4 Communities of Interest The Communities of Interest section identifies relevant stakeholders that are potentially affected by the content of the Use Case. Member of Communities of Interests Working Definition Patients Members of the public who require healthcare services from ambulatory, emergency department, physician’s office, and/or a public health agency/department. While patient information is being exchanged as part of the eMDR, the patient is not a direct participant in this use case. Healthcare providers with patient care responsibilities (including physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, nurses, psychologists, emergency care providers, home health providers, definitive care providers, pharmacists) and other personnel involved in patient care. Healthcare administrators with patient information and medical records management responsibilities including Health Information Management (HIM) personnel, Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA), Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT) , Inpatient/Outpatient Clinical Coding Specialists, Medical Transcription Specialists, Medical Records Safety and Security staff, Quality Control personnel, Physician Practice Managers, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, and other management personnel or entities involved in managing patient information. Individual Providers Healthcare Administrators and Managers 5/30/2012 9 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Member of Communities of Interests Working Definition Provider Organizations Organizations that are engaged in or support the delivery of healthcare. These organizations include but are not limited to Hospitals, Ambulatory Centers, Provider Practices, Integrated Delivery Networks, Preferred Provider Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Systems, Academic Medical Centers, Long-Term Care Organizations, Rehabilitation Centers, and other organizations such as Durable Medical Equipment providers, Pharmacies, and Emergency Transport. Organizations whose purpose is to define, harmonize and integrate standards that will meet clinical and business needs for sharing information among organizations and for system interoperability. Organizations within the federal government that deliver, regulate or provide funding for health, healthcare, clinical, or biomedical research. Insurers, including CMS (Medicare), commercial insurance, and other health plans, self-insured employer plans, and third party administrators, providing healthcare benefits to enrolled members and reimbursing provider organizations. Vendors which provide specific EHR/EMR / Financial System solutions to providers such as software applications and software services. These suppliers may include developers, providers, resellers, integrators, operators, and others who may provide these or similar capabilities. Any organization that handles health information on behalf of a provider as a covered entity or under a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) is an Agent. Many providers already use Agents to submit claims, provide electronic health record systems, etc. Organizations that are Agents include but are not limited to Claim Clearinghouses, Release of Information vendors, Health Information Exchanges, Electronic Health Record vendors, etc. Standards Organizations Government Agencies Healthcare Payers EHR/EMR / Financial System Vendors Agent – (Clearing Houses and other entities as defined by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) including Health Information Handlers) 5/30/2012 10 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Member of Communities of Interests Working Definition Payer Contractors Claims review programs and/or their specific implementation through associated contractors that are established to prevent improper payments before a claim is processed as well as identify any improper payments that can be recovered after a claim is paid. These programs include but are not limited to: MAC- Medicare Administrative Contractors MRA –Medicare Recovery Auditor (formerly Recovery Audit Contractors, RAC) PERM – Payment Error Rate Measurement Program CERT –Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program ZPICS – Zone Program Integrity Contractors Supply systems and integration services for other intermediaries and Payer Contractors As defined in Affordable Care Act Section 1104, such entities will develop operating rules that define the necessary business rules and guidelines for the electronic exchange of information that are not defined by a standard or its implementation specifications. Rules developed under ACA Section 1104 may not necessarily apply to this Use Case. Other System Vendors Operating Rule Authoring Entities Table 1: Communities of Interest 4.0 Value Statement The value of the esMD Initiative will be to provide consensus-based use cases, functional requirements, standards and implementation specifications representing combined input from a broad range of stakeholders, including CMS, commercial payers, providers, and vendors. This will promote a nationally standardized approach to medical documentation requests, claims attachments, the proof of authorship of medical documentation and reduce the costs associated with sending paper medical documentation requests via mail. The outputs of this initiative will ultimately be implemented in CMS’ future esMD releases. It is expected that CMS implementations stemming from this Initiative will also test Provider Directories in a realworld setting. The outputs and implementations of this Initiative are intended to be reused by the broader payer community. This Initiative also benefits national interoperability by expanding the health information technology infrastructure to incorporate and validate signatures as part of structured documents and transactions. Payers, Providers, and Provider Organizations will benefit from the implementation of eMDRs. Some of the benefits of replacing the current paper process with an electronic option include: 5/30/2012 11 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Saves time, money and resources for CMS/Payers, Providers, and Provider Organizations Eliminates print/mail operations required for sending or processing medical documentation request Eliminates postage costs Increases the accuracy of the information requested and received by avoiding errors, omissions and problems associated with paper based methods Reduces turn-around-time for both providers and payers Improves timeliness results in improved accounts receivable cycle for provider, so payments are received sooner Reduces staff time spent handling paper Mechanisms/standards to send other types of medical requests may be used by Payers Relevance outside of CMS-esMD Mechanisms/standards to send medical request may be used by other Payers and stakeholders, such as Commercial Payers Improve HIPAA compliance through the elimination of manual and paper processes The standards adopted will have relevance to the industry as a whole and not merely to CMS and its partners 5.0 Generic Assumptions The following assumptions apply to all user stories within this use case. Additional assumptions for CMS and commercial payer are outlined in subsequent sections. The numbering of assumptions does not indicate importance. 1. The eMDR will have structured content and meet the requirements set by the Structured Content Workgroup 2. eMDR Consumer (either directly or through their Agent) will have an appropriate Electronic Service Information (ESI) for the eMDR transaction and will have successfully registered to receive the eMDR as defined in Use Case 1 3. Payer or Payer Contractor will send the eMDR directly to the eMDR Consumer or through the eMDR Consumers’ Agent as determined by the appropriate ESI information in the External Provider Directory 4. When an eMDR Consumer does not have a appropriate ESI, the provider will not receive an eMDR 5. All transactions will utilize industry accepted standards, where available 6. All transactions will have appropriate security to ensure data is transmitted with integrity, confidentiality, reliability; and with authentication of both the sender and receiver. 7. All transactions will be delivered in a timely manner 8. The transport of content and required data elements will be discussed during the harmonization phase 5/30/2012 12 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 9. It is the responsibility of an Agent or Gateway to ensure reliability and consistency of any transformation of information 10. A single eMDR for a single claim will use the same code set revision for diagnoses 11. Agents act on behalf of the Provider or Provider Organization they represent and assume responsibility for receiving and appropriately conveying eMDR information to the Provider or Provider Organization 12. Gateways and Payer Contractors act on behalf of the Payers they represent and assume responsibility for receiving and appropriately conveying eMDR information to the Provider’s Agent (or Provider or Provider Organization) 5.1 – CMS User Story Additional Assumptions 1. esMD Gateway is used by CMS and its contractors to support the activities related to eMDR transactions 2. All transactions will use NwHIN Exchange 3. CMS requires that all providers who wish to receive eMDRs to use the process defined for Provider Registration in UC 1 as well as this use case (UC 2) 4. CMS esMD Gateway requires Providers to use a CMS compliant gateway 5.2 – Commercial Payer User Story Additional Assumptions 1. All Generic Assumptions apply for Commercial Payer 2. Commercial payers may use an Agent or another Intermediary to send eMDRs 6.0 Generic Pre-Conditions 1. Payer has authenticated the Provider Directory used by the Provider as set by PPA Use Case 1 2. Provider or Agent has successfully registered and requested the Payer to send the eMDR 3. Provider or Agent supports the required transaction, payload and payload content standards for the eMDR transactions 4. Payer internal information systems are capable of sending the eMDR 5. Providers or Agents can receive an eMDR and acknowledge the receipt of eMDR using transport level acknowledgement 6. Provider registration information is maintained by the payer and available for use by the payer or other users of the provider registration system 7. Payers will send eMDRs to the location specified in the appropriate ESI for a registered provider at the time of transmission 8. Providers and Agents will maintain and update appropriate ESI information in the Provider Directory indicated at the time of registration 6.1 CMS User Story Additional Pre-Conditions None. All Generic Pre-Conditions apply for CMS User Story 5/30/2012 13 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 6.2 Commercial Payer User Story Additional Pre-Conditions None. All Generic Pre-Conditions apply for Commercial Payer 7.0 Generic Post Conditions Providers and Agents will be responsible for consuming and responding to the eMDR 7.1 CMS User Story Additional Post-Conditions None. All Generic Post-Conditions apply for CMS User Story 7.2 Commercial Payer User Story Additional Post-Conditions None. All Generic Post-Conditions apply for Commercial Payer User Story 8.0 Actors and Roles This table outlines the business actors that are participants in the information exchange requirements. A business actor is a person or organization that directly participates in a scenario. Thus, as a person or organization, the actor can (and should) be a stakeholder. The business actor must use a system to perform the functions and to participate in the information interchange. NOTE: A Business Actor may be a Stakeholder and also can have more than one role. The “Business Actor – Specific” column below identifies specific actors that play the role within a focused User Story. Example – a Health Information Handler will play the role of the Agent in the CMS User Story. Business Actor Generic eMDR Consumer Business Actor Specific eMDR Consumer Provider Agent Health Information Handler (HIH) 5/30/2012 System Role eMDR Consuming Information System Receives and consumes eMDR Agent Information System Communicate eMDR to eMDR consumer Information 14 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Requestor/Collector Information Combiner2*/Router Payer (Healthcare) Medicare Commercial Payer Information System Validates Providers against current enrolled provider list Confirms appropriate ESI to receive MDRs electronically Send eMDR External Provider Directory External Provider Directory Provider Directory Manage Provider Information Stores and responds to queries for Provider Information Provides appropriate ESI to receive eMDRs Payer Gateway esMD Gateway Payer Gateway Information System Payer Contractors / Intermediaries Payer Contractors / Intermediaries Payer Contractor Information System Provider Registration Information Requestor Appropriate ESI Requestor Sends eMDR Auditing Transaction Logging Routing Transforming Error Handling and Notification Submitted Authentication Table 2: Actors and Roles Descriptions of the terms corresponding to the table above can be but are not limited to: eMDR Consumer - Provider, Provider Organization, Agent eMDR Consuming Information System - Provider Directory / Billing System / Medical Records System Agent Information System - Transforming/routing system, Auditing System, Internal Provider Directory Payer Information System - Claims System, Provider Registration System, Internal Provider Directory, Business to Business Systems 2 An Agent or an HIH may combine eMDR requests for various providers within a group practice or a hospital system that originates from the payer or payer contractor 5/30/2012 15 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Payer Gateway Information System - Transforming/routing system, Auditing System Payer Contractor Information System – Claims System, Auditing System, Provider Directory 9.0 Use Case Diagrams Figure 2: Use Case Diagram ESI – Electronic Service Information eMDR – Electronic Medical Documentation Request Note – The Payer Gateway is not included as an actor in the Use Case Diagram above as its only role is to transform / translate the transaction. However, it is included within the Context diagrams below as it is an important part of the chain of interactions. 5/30/2012 16 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Figure 3: CMS Context Diagram The CMS Context Diagram above is specific to the CMS User Story. When a CMS Contractor or subcontractor identifies a need for additional medical documentation for a submitted claim, they must first check the eMDR Consumers registration status with CMS. Once the Registration status is confirmed, the Contractor requests and obtains the current ESI from the External Provider Directory to send the eMDR to the registered eMDR Consumer. All CMS eMDRs must go through the esMD Gateway prior to reaching the eMDR Consumer. 5/30/2012 17 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Figure 4: Commercial Payer Context Diagram excluding Payer Contractors The Commercial Payer Context Diagram above is specific to the Commercial Payer User Story. When a Commercial Payer identifies a need for additional medical documentation for a submitted claim, they must first check for an eMDR Consumers registration status within the Payer Internal System. Once the Registration status is confirmed, they request and obtain the current ESI from the External Provider Directory. 5/30/2012 18 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Figure 5: Commercial Payer Context Diagram including Payer Contractors The Commercial Payer Context Diagram above is specific to the Commercial Payer User Story. When a Commercial Payer’s Contractor identifies a need for additional medical documentation for a submitted claim, they must first check for an eMDR Consumers registration status within the Payer Internal System. Once the Registration status is confirmed, the Contractors request and obtain the current ESI from the External Provider Directory. 10.0 Scenario The Payer or Payer Contractor sends a payer-compliant electronic Medical Document Request (eMDR) to an eMDR Consumer for additional information to support review of a claim. 10.1 Generic User Story A Payer or Payer Contractor identifies a need for supporting documentation from a provider. Prior to sending a request, the Payer or Payer Contractor checks the Payer’s internal system to verify that the provider/eMDR Consumer is registered to receive eMDRs. If it is determined that the eMDR Consumer is registered within the payer internal system, either the payer or payer contractor sends query to the External Provider Directory to obtain the Provider’s Electronic Services Information (ESI). The External Provider Directory responds to the payer or payer 5/30/2012 19 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer contractor’s ESI query with the eMDR Consumer’s current ESI information. The Payer or Payer Contractors sends the eMDR directly or through a Gateway to the eMDR Consumer or to their Agent. If the Payer does not send an eMDR directly to the eMDR Consumer/Agent, a Payer Contractor sends the eMDR on the Payer’s behalf. The eMDR Consumer receives an eMDR if they are successfully registered and have appropriate ESI information. If the eMDR Consumer is not successfully registered or does not have appropriate ESI information they will not receive an eMDR. 10.1.1 CMS User Story A CMS Contractor identifies claims for which supporting documentation is needed from a provider. Prior to sending a request, the CMS Contractor checks the CMS internal system to verify that the provider/eMDR Consumer is registered to receive eMDRs. If it is determined that the eMDR Consumer is successfully registered within the payer internal system, either CMS or the CMS Payer Contractor sends a query to the External Provider Directory to obtain the Provider’s Electronic Services Information (ESI). The External Provider Directory responds to CMS or the CMS Contractor’s ESI query with the eMDR Consumer’s current ESI information. CMS or the CMS Contractor must send the eMDR through the esMD Gateway to the eMDR Consumer. The eMDR Consumer receives an eMDR if they are successfully registered and have appropriate ESI information. If the eMDR Consumer is not successfully registered or does not have appropriate ESI information they will not receive an eMDR. 10.1.2 Commercial User Story A Commercial Payer or Payer Contractor identifies a need for supporting documentation is needed from a provider. Prior to sending a request, the Payer or Payer Contractor checks the payer’s internal system to verify that the provider/eMDR Consumer is registered to receive eMDRs. If it is determined that the eMDR Consumer is successfully registered within the payer internal system, either the payer or payer contractor sends a query to the External Provider Directory to obtain the Provider’s Electronic Services Information (ESI). The External Provider Directory responds to the Payer or Payer Contractor’s ESI query with the eMDR Consumer’s appropriate ESI information. The Payer or Payer Contractor may send the eMDR directly or through a Gateway to the eMDR Consumer or to their Agent. If the payer does not send an eMDR directly to the eMDR Consumer and/or Providers’ Agent, a Payer Contractor sends the eMDR on the Payer’s behalf. 5/30/2012 20 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer The eMDR Consumer receives an eMDR if they are successfully registered and have the appropriate ESI information. If the eMDR Consumer is not successfully registered or does not have the appropriate ESI information they will not receive an eMDR. 10.2 Activity Diagram The Activity Diagram illustrates the Use Case flows graphically, and represents the flow of events and information between the actors. It also displays the main events/actions that are required for the data exchange and the role of each system in supporting the exchange. Note – Steps 1 and 3 are required only if a Payer Contractor is involved. Figure 6: Activity Diagram 10.2.1 Base Flow The Base Flow presents the step by step process of the information exchange depicted in the activity diagram (above). It indicates the actor who performs the action, the description of the event/action, and 5/30/2012 21 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer the associated inputs (records/data required to undertake the action) and outputs (records/data produced by actions taken). Note – In the Base Flow table, all activities are listed assuming that the sending of eMDR process is initiated by a Payer Contractor on a Payer’s behalf. In the event a Payer sends the eMDR, the process skips Step 1-3 below. Step # Actor Role eMDR Consumer’s Registration Information Requestor Event/ Description 1 Payer Contractor or Intermediary 2 Payer Provider information validator Payer validates eMDR Consumer registration status to receive eMDRs using internal information system 3 Payer Provider information validator Payer sends the response to Payer Contractor /Intermediary regarding eMDR Consumer registration status 5/30/2012 Payer Contractor / Intermediary sends a request to the Payer for eMDR Consumer registration status to receive eMDR Interoperability or System Step Inputs Outputs Need to send one or more medical documentation requests to a specific provider identified in a previously submitted claim Query for eMDR Consumer registration status to receive eMDR Query for eMDR Consumer registration status to receive eMDR Interoperability Internally validated eMDR registration status (including confirmation of eMDR Consumers identity) System Internally validated eMDR Consumer registration status (including confirmation of eMDR Consumer identity) Response to requestor confirming eMDR Consumer registration status, External Provider Directory address and available provider or Agent’s ESI Information from the registration request Interoperability 22 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Step # Actor Role 4 Payer, Payer Contractor or Intermediary Provider Information Manager, Current ESI Requestor 5 External Provider Directory Provider Information Manager, Current ESI and Request responder 6 Payer, Payer Contractor or Intermediary Current ESI Requestor 5/30/2012 Event/ Description Payer, Payer Contractor/ Intermediary sends request to External Provider Directory to retrieve current ESI Inputs Response to requestor confirming eMDR Consumer registration status, External Provider Directory address and available provider or Agent’s ESI information from the registration request External Provider Electronic Directory locates Service and sends Information requested Query for a provider specific provider demographics to obtain and ESI current ESI information to Payer Contractor / Intermediary Payer, Payer Current Contractor / Electronic Intermediary Service receives and Information for verifies provider the specific demographics, eMDR eMDR Consumer Consumer’s current ESI, and requested integration profile returned by the External Provider Directory Outputs Interoperability or System Step Electronic Service Interoperability Information Query for a specific eMDR Consumer to obtain current ESI Current Electronic Service Information for the specific eMDR Consumer requested Interoperability Verified Current Electronic Service Information for a specific eMDR Consumer System 23 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Step # Actor Role Event/ Description 7 Payer, Payer Contractor or Intermediary eMDR Sender Payer, Payer Contractor/ Intermediary sends eMDR(s) information to eMDR Consumer / Agent 8 eMDR Consumer / Agent eMDR Receiver eMDR Consumer /Agent incorporates the eMDR into their system Inputs Outputs Verified Current Electronic Service Information for eMDR Consumer and content of the eMDR eMDR(s) Interoperability or System Step eMDR(s) Interoperability END System Table 3: Base Flow 10.3 Functional Requirements Functional Requirements identify the capabilities a system playing a role must have in order to enable interoperable exchange of the healthcare data of interest. They provide a detailed breakdown of the requirements in terms of the intended functional behaviors of the application. The Functional Requirements include Information Interchange Requirements and System Requirements. 10.3.1 Information Interchange Requirements Information Interchange Requirements define the systems’ names and roles and specify the actions associated with the actual transport of content from the sending system to the receiving system. Information systems participating in this Use Case must meet certain functional requirements based on their role. Note - Each row in the table is a unique interchange. In rows III-A and III-B, IV-A and IV-B, and V-A through V-E, the interchange requirement itself is the same; however, the Sending and Receiving Systems vary. Initiating System I Payer Contractor Information System 5/30/2012 Send Information Interchange Requirement Name Query to validate eMDR Consumer’s registration status to receive eMDR Receiving System Receive Payer Information System 24 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer II Payer Information System Send III-A Payer Information System Payer Contractor Information System External Provider Directory External Provider Directory Payer Contractor Information System Payer Information System Payer Gateway Information System Payer Contractor Information System Payer Information System Send III-B IV-A IV-B V-A V-B V-C V-D V-E Receive Payer Contractor Information System Receive External Provider Directory Receive External Provider Directory Receive Payer Information System Receive Send Response to eMDR Consumers registration status query, address of External Provider Directory, and available provider or agent’s ESI Information provided as part of registration request Request for Current ESI of eMDR Consumer Request for Current ESI of eMDR Consumer Response for Current ESI for eMDR Consumer Response for Current ESI for eMDR Consumer eMDR Send eMDR Receive Send eMDR Receive Payer Contractor Information System Payer Information Gateway System Payer Information Gateway System eMDR Consumer Send eMDR Receive eMDR Consumer Send eMDR Receive eMDR Consumer Send Send Send Receive Table 4: Information Interchange Requirements 10.3.2 System Requirements System Requirements are internal to the system capabilities necessary to participate successfully in the transaction. System requirements may also detail a required workflow that is essential to the Use Case. System System Requirement eMDR Consuming Information System Agent /Access Information System a. Incorporate eMDR b. Receives eMDR c. Translate /transform received eMDRs to industry standard or proprietary transactions that can be consumed by the provider eMDR Consuming Information System d. Translate /transform information between payer and industry standard transactions Payer Gateway Information System 5/30/2012 25 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer System Payer Information System System Requirement Payer Contractor Information System e. f. g. h. i. j. Provider Directory k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Validate eMDR Consumer registration status Query Provider Directory for current ESI Receive ESI Incorporate ESI Generate eMDR Request Payer Information System to validate eMDR Consumer registration status Receive eMDR Consumer registration status Incorporate eMDR Consumer registration status Query Provider Directory for current ESI Receive ESI Incorporate ESI Generate eMDR Receive query for provider demographic and ESI Information Select appropriate eMDR Consumer based on query parameters Return eMDR Consumer demographic and ESI Table 5: System Requirements 5/30/2012 26 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 10.4 Sequence Diagram Note – Steps 1 and 3 are required only if a Payer Contractor is involved. Additionally, steps 4, 6, and 7 can be completed by either the Payer Contractor (A) or a Payer (B). For each of those steps (4, 6, 7), only step A or B can be selected. Figure 7: Sequence Diagram 11.0 Dataset Considerations This table lists the data elements and data element sets that will be available within the message or document. Historically, the optional/required nature of each data element is deferred to the discussions during the harmonization phase of the Initiative; however, some data elements do contain recommendations for optionality. Each data element listed below is necessary for some aspect of the Use Case; however, the table does not specify exactly how they may be used together. 5/30/2012 27 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer The development of the eMDR data elements below began with a review of various current paper letters sent by CMS to Providers today. The data fields on some of the paper letters sent today were used as a starting point to determine the scope of the eMDR. Additionally, various workflows for the sending of eMDR were considered before a recommendation was made to support a single transaction for a single patient for a single claim. This not only supports patient privacy by reducing it to a single patient per transaction, but also simplifies the structure required to maintain, process and support the numerous transactions that take place. Also, this sets the stage to allow for a (future) discrete response back to the Payer from the Provider, Provider Organization. Elements within the eMDR allow for aggregation of responses prior to sending it back to the Payers. All data elements for both the Message as well as the Structure of eMDR are outlined in the below tables Message Level - This is metadata used for the routing and secured transmission of the eMDR message Table 6 - eMDR Message - Message Level data elements eMDR Object - The structured content of the electronic medical documentation request Table 7 - General Request Information (i.e. “Cover Letter”) Table 8 - Audit Specific Information Table 9 - Claim Related Information and Specific Documentation Request Table 10 - Return Method Object (corresponds to Object identified in Contents of eMDR) Message Level - eMDR Message: Section Data Element Multiple Values (yes/no) No Data Element Description Additional Notes Unique Message ID for this eMDR eMDR IDs must be globally unique across all payers and able to accommodate expected request volumes (Example UUID). Unique ID may be a concatenation of more than one data element. This is a timestamp created by the originator of the request and propagated by all intermediaries Unique eMDR Message ID Unique eMDR Message ID Timestamp Timestamp of eMDR Message No Date and Time the eMDR message was created Unique Payer ID No Unique ID for the Payer that will directly or through a contractor issue an electronic request for medical Payer Organization 5/30/2012 28 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Payer Contractor Provider Organization documentation The organization’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code Demographics Name Address City State Zip Code Signature Artifact No No Signature artifact encrypted by owners private key Public Digital Certificate Contact information Person / Role / Department Telephone Email Address Fax URL Unique Payer Contractor ID No X.509 Token Profile No Information used to contact the organization by telephone or email No Demographics Name Address City State Zip Code Signature Artifact No Unique ID for the Payer Contractor that issues an electronic request for medical documentation The organization’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code Public Digital Certificate Contact information Person / Role / Department Telephone Email Address Fax URL Demographics Organization Name No 5/30/2012 No Exact nature of artifact to be determined during harmonization and Author of Record Signed by a trust authority Contact would include a person OR department OR role (Example – Compliance Officer). Contact information is optional Signature artifact encrypted by owners private key X.509 Token Profile Exact nature of artifact to be determined during harmonization Signed by a trust authority No Information used to contact the organization by telephone or email Contact would include a person OR department OR role (Example – Compliance Officer). Contact information is optional No The organization’s name, street address, As registered with NPI or alternative ID 29 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer (XYZ health system) Organization Address City State Zip Code National Provider Identifier (NPI) Alternate ID (if no NPI) city, state, and zip code No No NPI issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by NPPES ID issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by Alternative ID issuer Either NPI or Alternate ID must be used, but the concurrent use of both is not supported. Should be consistent with Alternate ID provided in PPA Use Case 1 Registration Request. Alternate ID may include an issuing Organization and may take the form of an OID Individual Provider Demographics First Name Middle Name Last Name Address City State Zip code NPI No The individual’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code No Alternate ID (if no NPI) No NPI issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by NPPES ID issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by Alternative ID issuer As registered with NPI or alternative ID Either NPI or Alternate ID must be used, but the concurrent use of both is not supported. Should be consistent with Alternate ID provided in PPA Use Case 1 Registration Request. Alternate ID may include an issuing Organization and may take the form of an OID 5/30/2012 30 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Information from eMDR Object Due Date No The date specified on which the additional documentation must be submitted Unique ID for eMDR Object Unique ID for eMDR Object No Unique ID for original eMDR Object No Unique ID for original eMDR Object Timestamp of eMDR Object No Request Purpose No The Date and time when the structured content of the eMDR included in this message was created Purpose of eMDR eMDR IDs must be globally unique across all payers and able to accommodate expected request volumes (Example UUID). Unique ID may be a concatenation of more than one data element Used only if this is a replacement or termination request This is a timestamp created by the originator of the request and propagated by all intermediaries A code set will need to be identified or created that defines the purpose of the eMDR. Purpose will, in general, be related to the authority the payer has for requesting the medical documentation and the specific documentation requested under that authority eMDR Object No Request Type No Request Type Reason No 5/30/2012 Each request has one and only one purpose. If information is being requested for multiple purposes, then multiple requests should be created. See table below Structured Content of the eMDR as an object Indicator if this is a Values: ‘New,’ ‘Replacement,’ replacement to a prior ‘Follow – Up,’ ‘Termination’ request, a new request, follow up or a termination request Description of reason for the replacement, follow up or 31 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Message Signature Public Digital certificate of transmitter Signature Artifact No No termination for a prior request X.509 Token Profile Signed by a trust authority Signature Artifact encrypted by transmitter’s private key Exact nature of the artifact to be determined during harmonization and Author of Record. At a minimum the Signature Artifact will include the digest (hash) of the message. Table 6: Dataset Requirements – eMDR Message – Message Level data elements The below data elements are associated with the eMDR Object eMDR Object - General Request Information (i.e. “Cover Letter”) Section Data Element Unique eMDR ID Unique ID for eMDR Object Timestamp Timestamp of eMDR Object Multiple Values (yes/no) No No Data Element Description Additional Notes Unique ID for eMDR Object eMDR IDs must be globally unique across all payers and able to accommodate expected request volumes (Example UUID). Unique ID may be a concatenation of more than one data element. Date and Time of the eMDR Object This element is identical to Unique ID for eMDR Object found under eMDR Message This is a timestamp created by the originator of the request and propagated by all intermediaries This value of this element is identical to the 'Timestamp of eMDR Object' element found under the eMDR Section of the eMDR Message tab” Payer Information Payer Demographics Organization Name Organization Address 5/30/2012 The organization’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code 32 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Payer Contractor Information City State Zip Code Unique Payer Identifier No Unique ID of the Payer In anticipation of a National Health Plan ID (HPID), there are other values that can be used in absence of the HPID Signature Artifact No Public Digital Certificate No Signature artifact encrypted by owners private key X.509 Token Profile Exact nature of artifact to be determined during harmonization Signed by a trust authority Payer Contact information Person / Role / Department Telephone Number Email Fax URL No Information used to contact the organization Contact would include a person OR department OR Role (Example – Compliance Officer). Contact information is optional Unique Payer Contractor ID No Payer Contractor Demographics Organization Name Organization Address City State Zip Code Signature Artifact Public Digital Certificate Payer Contractor Contact information Person / Role / Department Telephone Number Fax Email 5/30/2012 No No No The URL to be provided by payer for online communication between provider and payer Unique ID for the Payer Contractor that issues an electronic request for medical documentation The organization’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code Payer contractor on behalf of a payer Signature artifact encrypted by owners private key X.509 Token Profile Exact nature of artifact to be determined during harmonization Signed by a trust authority Information used to contact the organization. Payer Contractor on behalf of a payer. Contact would include a person OR department OR role (Example – Compliance Officer). Contact information is optional The URL to be provided by payer contractor for online communication 33 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer URL Individual Provider Information Provider Organization Information between provider and payer contractor The individual’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code Individual Provider Demographics First Name Middle Name Last Name Address City State Zip Code NPI No Alternate ID (if no NPI) No Provider Organization Demographics Organization Name Organization Address City State Zip Code NPI No The organization’s name, street address, city, state, and zip code No Alternate ID (if no NPI) No NPI issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by NPPES ID issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by Alternative ID issuer 5/30/2012 No NPI issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by NPPES ID issued to this provider organization or organization subpart by Alternative ID issuer As registered with NPI or Alternate ID Either NPI or Alternate ID must be used, but the concurrent use of both is not supported. Should be consistent with Alternate ID provided in PPA Use Case 1 Registration Request. Alternate ID may include an issuing Organization and may take the form of an OID As registered with NPI or Alternate ID Either NPI or Alternate ID must be used, but the concurrent use of both is not supported. Should be consistent with Alternate ID provided in PPA Use Case 1 Registration Request. Alternate ID may include an issuing Organization and may take the form of an 34 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer OID Other General Information Date of Request No The date that the eMDR is sent Cover Letter text No Program No Non computable text corresponding to statements required by statutes, regulations or contract The type of program that sends eMDR Contact information for this specific request Person / Role / Department Telephone Number Email Fax URL No Information used to contact the organization Date of request may be different than timestamp of eMDR Object depending on processing of eMDR Requesting Program examples include MAC, RAC, ZPICS, CERT, etc. If different than the Payer or Payer Contractor contact information The URL to be provided by payer or payer contractor for online communication between provider and payer or payer contractor Table 7: Dataset Requirements - General Request Information eMDR Object – Audit Specific Information Section Data Element Audit specific Information Scope or Type of Audit Unique Claim Reference Identifier 5/30/2012 Multiple Values (yes/no) No No Data Element Description It is a codified field that determines the type of request including Pre certification, Claim Payment Documentation, Audit, Payment Recovery etc. A unique number associated with a specific claim that serves as a common identifier used by both the payer / payer contractor and Additional Notes Internal Control Number (ICN), Document Control Number (DCN) or Claim Control Number (CCN) of the claim. Only one may be used. One field is sufficient because each number identifies the type of 35 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Unique Case Reference Identifier No provider A case number used to track one or more related eMDRs. Serve as a unique external ID. control number. Table 8: Dataset Requirements - eMDR Object - Audit Specific Information eMDR Object - Claim Related Information and Specific Documentation Request Section Data Element Document Return Requirements Due Date Multiple Values (yes/no) No Provider Directory Address Provider Directory ID No Return Method Object Yes Processor Information Claim Processor Identifier No Patient Information Patient Name No Date of Birth No Account Number No Medical Record Number No 5/30/2012 No Data Element Description Additional Notes The date on which information must be submitted by Electronic address of the Provider Directory An identifier assigned to the provider directory whose purpose is to uniquely identify the provider directory from which a set of data is returned. See object definition below. The entity that processes the claim submission Provider information Identification of assigning authority is to be determined Examples – For CMS it would be the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs). It can also be PBMs. Name of the individual that received health services / care Date of birth of the patient that received health services/ care Identifier assigned by a provider and associated with a single encounter for the purposes of financial management A unique number assigned to a patient by the provider to assist in management 36 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Payer Identifier for the Policy holder No Payer Identifier for Patient No Date Claim Received No Date(s) of Service No Type of Bill Claim Level Detail (all data elements are from the submitted claim referenced in this section, unless Place of Service otherwise indicated) No No Diagnosis Code(s) Yes Diagnosis Code Set Used Diagnosis Related Group Code No 5/30/2012 No of medical records An identifier assigned by the payer to the policy holder under which payment will be made for this patient An identifier assigned by the Payer to identify the patient The date the claim for which the eMDR is requesting documentation was received by the claim processor entity Date of service, such as the start date of the service, the end date of the service, or the single day date of the service. A four-digit alphanumeric code which identifies the specific type of bill and represents the setting in which care was provided. Type of Bill only applies to institutional claims. Codes used on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered A diagnosis code identifying a diagnosed medical condition Revision of diagnosis code set A classification system that groups similar clinical conditions (diagnoses) and the procedures furnished by the hospital during This field will be populated if the holder of the policy and the patient are different. Example - Health Insurance Claim Number for CMS The date of service can be a range The first date is required As defined by the National Uniform Billing Committee in Form locator 04 ( CMS maintains the code set for Place of Service Example - ICD 9, ICD 10 The code is derived by the Grouper software 37 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Performing Provider NPI Performing Provider Alternate ID No No Alternate ID Type No Date(s) of Service No Line Level Detail (all data elements are from the submitted claim Place of Service referenced in this section, unless otherwise indicated) Revenue Code No No Provider Specialty No Diagnosis Code Yes Procedure Code No 5/30/2012 the stay. The NPI of the provider rendering the service NPI Issued to this provider by NPPES Alternate ID of the provider rendering the service if the NPI is not available ID issued to this provider by Alternate ID issuer A code value for the source of the alternate ID Date of service, such as the start date of the service, the end date of the service, or the single day date of the service. Example – State license number, Commercial ID or Location ID The date of service can be a range The first date is required Codes used on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered Identifies specific accommodations, ancillary services and billing calculations as determined by the National Uniform Billing Committee in Form locator 42. The area of medicine or surgery in which a clinician specializes CMS maintains the code set for Place of Service One or more of the diagnosis codes identified in the Claim Level that apply to this line level item HCPCS Code or HIPPS Either the claim level diagnosis code or up to 4 pointers to the claim level diagnosis code Example - Acupuncture, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Pathology etc. HCPCS Codes, Healthcare 38 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Code Procedure Modifier(s) Documentatio Documentation n Requested Requested eMDR Message Signature Yes Yes Specific modifier(s) defined for HCPCS code Documentation that must be provided in response to this eMDR Description of Documentation Requested Yes Description of documentation that must be provided in response to this eMDR Public Digital certificate of transmitter No X.509 Token Profile Signature Artifact No Signature Artifact encrypted by transmitter’s private key Common Procedure Coding System numbers, are the codes used by all Payers and maintained by CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, American Dental Association, American Medical Association as appropriate Claim formats currently support up to 4 modifiers This can be medical documentation or other types of documentation necessary to support the claim. This will need a code set which will be defined during harmonization This can be medical documentation or other types of documentation necessary to support the claim. Signed by a trust authority. For CMS, certificates must be issued by authorities cross certified with the Federal bridge. Exact nature of the artifact to be determined during harmonization. At a minimum the Signature Artifact will include the digest (hash) of the message. Table 9: Dataset Requirements - eMDR Object – Claim Related Information and Specific Documentation Request eMDR Object - "Return Method Object" data elements Section Data Element Multiple Data Element Values Description (yes/no) Return Return Method(s) No The method by which a Method provider or provider 5/30/2012 Additional Notes Defines the high level transport to be used for the 39 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Object organization may return the additional documentation requested in the eMDR Electronic Service Information (Electronic Service Information Object) No Physical Return Address (Physical Return Address Object) Maximum Electronic Return Size per transaction No Return Constraints Yes Return Constraints for this specific Return Method - Physical, Electronic Transaction, URI Return Format(s) Yes Return Formats allowed for this specific Return Method - Physical, Electronic Transaction, URI No Description of electronic services supported by the Payer / Payer Contractor organization. This is an object The physical return address for the organization. The maximum size allowed per return transactions in megabytes return. Transport could be: Physical, Electronic Transaction, and Universal Resource Identifier (URI) See Return Format below Use ESI Object developed in the Provider Directory data model found here. This will be the Address Object from PPA UC 1. Payer and Provider will need to support multiple transactions per submission if documentation requirement exceeds maximum return size or use an alternative method This is a code set that will be defined in harmonization. Examples -International Code Sets, Extended ASCII Character Sets, Language, Constraints related to paper submissions such as staples, holes in the paper, information included only on one side of the paper, etc. This is a code set that will be defined in harmonization. Examples – USB drive, CDs, PDFs, UML, XHTML, etc. Need to consider fax resolution, encryption of returns on CDs or via email, file naming conventions etc. Table 10: Dataset Requirements – eMDR Object - Return Method Object 5/30/2012 40 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer 12.0 Risks, Issues and Obstacles Assuming Provider Registration is not mandated, low adoption rates for Provider Registration with a payer or payer contractor to receive eMDR (i.e. adoption of Use Case 1) will result in fewer eMDRs being sent by Payer or Payer Contractors Technical and / or operational barriers to scaling, participating platforms or services to meet volume of eMDRs Ensuring secure, trusted communications between payers, payer contractors, provider directories and eMDR Consumers or Agents Unintended disclosure of Personal Health Information Compliance with FISMA for transactions to CMS and other relevant federal agencies or their Agents Changes in the External Provider Directory information for a registered eMDR Consumer that make the ESI inaccessible Ensuring that there are consistent and reliable mechanisms for establishing and updating Provider Directories The inability to retrieve the correct ESI for the desired destination because of incomplete request or inconsistent federation Fees that may be charged by Agents or HIHs may increase costs for adopters of esMD and therefore hinder adoption Potential for expired information if consumer system caches destination and Electronic Service Information When an Agent is acting on behalf of a Provider or Provider Organization, the Agent may fail to deliver or execute the eMDR in a timely or reliable fashion When a Payer Contractor or Gateway is acting on behalf of a Payer, there is a risk that the eMDR may be incomplete, inaccurate, or may not be transmitted to the Provider or Provider’s Agent Availability of provider directories for all providers 5/30/2012 41 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer Appendices Appendix A: Related Use Cases Provider Directories Use Case 2 – Query for Electronic Service Information including Electronic Address Use Case esMD Provider Profiles Authentication (PPA) Use Case 1 – Provider Registration with a Payer to receive electronic medical documentation requests (eMDRs) Appendix B: Glossary of Terms Account Number - Identifier assigned by a provider and associated with a single encounter for the purposes of financial management. Alternate ID - An alternate ID can be used if a Registration Requester is not eligible to obtain an NPI, for example a number issued for provider of services by a commercial payer or Medicaid. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) –CMS is used in this Use Case to refer specifically to Medicare. Claim – Request for payment from a provider, supplier, or patient, and the provider, supplier, or patient requesting payment must furnish the appropriate payer with sufficient information to determine the amount of payment. Claim Date - The date the claim is submitted. Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) – Reviews claims to ensure that they have complied with Medicare coverage, coding, and billing rules. If not, assign error to claims. Dates of Service - Date of service, such as the start date of the service, the end date of the service, or the single day date of the service. Digital Certificate – Refer to Author of Record definition for Digital Certificate. Electronic Service Information (ESI) as defined in the Provider Directory ESI Use Case - All information reasonably necessary to define an electronic destination’s ability to receive and consume a specific type of information (Example - discharge summary, patient summary, laboratory report, query for patient/provider/healthcare data). The information should include the type of information (Example - patient summary or query) the destination’s Electronic Address (see definition above), the Messaging Framework supported (Example - SMTP, HTTP/SOAP), Security information supported or required (Example - digital certificate) and specific payload definitions (Example - CCD C32 V2.5). In addition, this information may include labels which help identify the type of recipient (Example - medical records department). eMDR – Electronic Medical Documentation Request refers to a request sent electronically from a Payer or Payer Contractor to obtain additional documentation in support of a claim submitted by a Provider to a Payer. eMDR Consumer – An eMDR Consumer can be a provider or a provider organization that has successfully registered with a payer or payer contractor to receive and consume electronic medical documentation Requests (eMDRs). An eMDR Consumer can also be an Agent on the provider’s behalf. In this Use Case, the Agent has been highlighted as a separate actor; however, their role is similar to a provider or provider organization if acting on their behalf. eMDR Consuming Information System – The consuming information system of an individual provider, provider organization, or an Agent on their behalf that has successfully registered with a payer or payer contractor to receive electronic Medical Documentation Requests (eMDRs). esMD Gateway – CMS esMD Gateway is NwHIN compliant solution built using the open source 5/30/2012 42 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer CONNECT software. This solution enables secure exchange of electronic health information adhering to various Health Information Technology (HIT) interoperability standards. Currently the Gateway receives medical documents submitted by various Health Information Handlers (HIHs) on behalf of the Providers and will soon accept documents sent by CMS to the Providers as well, thus facilitating bi-directional health information exchange. The CMS esMD Gateway went live on September 15, 2011. Federal Bridge Certificate Authority (FBCA) - Supports interoperability among Federal Agency Public Key Infrastructure domains in a peer-to-peer fashion and acts as a facilitator between Federal agencies in reaching agreements on recognizing or cross-certifying each other's certificates and federal standards for identity verification.3 Federal Information Security Management of 2002 (FISMA) - A mandated U.S. Federal law that provides a framework to improve information security of federal agencies, contractors, and other entities that handle federal data. Security components include: Risk Assessment, Security policies and procedures, Subordinate plans, Security testing, Remedial action and Security incident handling. Health Information Handler (HIH) – Any company that handles health information on behalf of a provider. Example - Health Information Exchange (HIE), Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO), Release of Information (ROI) vendors. Medical Record Number (MRN) - A unique number assigned to patient by the provider to assist in retrieval of medical records. Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) – Organizations contracted to process claims submitted by physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers/suppliers, and make payments to those providers in accordance with Medicare rules and regulations. This includes identifying and correcting underpayments and overpayments. Medicare Recovery Auditors (MRA) - The MRAs are responsible for identifying improper Medicare payments that may have been made to healthcare providers and that were not detected through existing program integrity efforts. National Provider Identifier (NPI) - The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a standard required under HIPAA. The NPI is a unique, 10-digit identification number for health care providers that is free of any personal or identifying information. HIPAA covered health care providers, health plans, and health care clearinghouses must use the NPI in administrative and financial transactions (Example - claims submission) that are adopted under HIPAA. National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) – Created by CMS to assign unique identifiers for health care providers. The purpose of these provisions is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of electronic transmission of health information. Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN) Exchange - A confederation of trusted entities, bound by mission and governance to securely exchange health information. 4 Patient – For the purposes of this esMD use case, it is the individual on which the service was performed. For CMS Medicare, the patient is called the beneficiary. For CMS Medicaid, the patient is called the recipient. For Commercial Payers, the patient could be either the insured or a dependent of the insured. Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) – CMS program and contractor that measures 3 de=2&in_hi_userid=11113&cached=true 4 5/30/2012 43 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability esMD Use Case 2 – Secure Transportation and Structured Content of electronic Medical Documentation Request (eMDR) from a Payer to an eMDR Consumer improper payments in Medicaid and CHIP and produces error rates for each program. The error rates are based on reviews of the fee-for-service (FFS), managed care, and eligibility components of Medicaid and CHIP programs in the fiscal year (FY) under review. It is important to note the error rate is not a "fraud rate" but simply a measurement of payments made that did not meet statutory, regulatory or administrative requirements. Provider Directory (PD) as defined in the Provider Directory ESI Use Case - An electronic, searchable resource that lists all information exchange participants, their names, addresses, and other characteristics. A Provider Directory can carry out the role of a Certificate Directory. (Ref: HITPC Information Exchange Workgroup Provider Directory Recommendations). Provider Profile Authentication (PPA) – PPA is the first workgroup for esMD which focused on the development of Use Case 1 for Provider Registration with a Payer to receive electronic medical documentation requests. Type of Bill – A four-digit alphanumeric code which identifies the specific type of bill and represents the setting in which care was provided. As defined by the National Uniform Billing Committee in Form locator 04 (FL04). Wet Signatures - Physically signing a document by hand using an ink pen. Zone Program Integrity Contractors (ZPICs) - Identify cases of suspected fraud and take appropriate corrective actions. Appendix C: References CMS esMD Program - FISMA Requirements o o 5/30/2012 44