PhD Programs FMNHS - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health

PhD Programs FMNHS
From the 1st of January 2015 PhD training will become a compulsory part of the
doctoral program in the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences.
In the FMNHS there are 7 PhD programs.
2 Coursework Programs: Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Translational
5 Graduate Research Professional Development Programs: Biomedical Science;
Nursing and Midwifery; Education Teaching and Learning; Primary Health Care; and
Psychological Sciences.
The Faculty PhD programs are outlined in the following pages.
Biomedical Sciences
Program Director: A/Prof Martin Stone
Within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences students who
undertake a doctorate by research in Biomedical Science typically have completed
honours or a masters in a Biomedical Science discipline and are undertaking the
doctorate as a pathway to a career in research, academia or industry. It is proposed
that training for students who undertake HDR research in this discipline area is
composed of opportunities to gain fundamental research skills, as well as be
exposed to state of the art research technologies and the latest cutting edge
research. Creating unique opportunities to broaden their career horizons.
Program features 120 hrs of training (80 hrs – MIGR, 40 hrs – Biomedical Science).
Biomedical Science component is as follows:
Activity Title
Description and expected outcomes
Cutting Edge Research
Technologies in Biomedical
Science – Research
Technology Platforms
Training may include attending workshops/symposia on
specific platform research technologies and specific
equipment training. Level 1 of this training module is
compulsory for all students undertaking the Biomedical
Sciences Program.
Effective Teaching
Approaches in Biomedical
Includes the general Teaching Associate training workshop
[one day – new], as well as convenor-run demonstrator
meetings to discuss teaching approaches (typically one
meeting per week or fortnight throughout a semester). The
maximum of 20 hours would usually involve demonstrating
in 2-3 semesters.)
Effective Management of a
Biomedical Science
Research Project. (New - to
be developed).
Pre-requisite MIGR project management modules,
introductory and intermediate project management.
From Project to Product.
This module will introduce students to the initial stages of
the planning process, including what needs to be
considered when implementing such a project.
Scholarly communication in
the Biomedical Sciences
In this training module students will learn about discipline
specific practices and tools to enable efficient scholarly
communication throughout their research program and into
their careers.
Analysis of Current Literature
in Biomedical Science.
Journal Club
Other technical training
programs in biomedical
sciences (internal and
external to Monash).
Training must be specifically for postgraduate students.
Must be run by a recognized tertiary institution, specialist
research centre or professional society in the relevant field.
Written and Oral
Communication Skills for
Biomedical Science. (New to be developed).
This module is designed to build on the MIGR offerings in
Research Development and further develop the written and
oral communication skills for students in biomedical science.
Education, Teaching and Learning – Medicine
Program Director: Prof. Wayne Hodgson and Prof. Marg Hay
Within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences there is a small cohort,
currently 10 students, who undertake HDR research in Education, Teaching and
Learning, a portfolio that falls under the responsibility of the Deputy Dean of
Education, Prof. Wayne Hodgson. Students are enrolled in the academic unit
FMNHS - The Health Professions Education and Educational Research
(HealthPEER). In the future students in this discipline are likely to grow as
Education-focused academics across the faculty develop their discipline based
research in learning and teaching.
Program features 120 hrs of training (80 hrs – MIGR, 40 hrs – HealthPeer- FMNHS,
Faculty of Education). FMNHS and Faculty of Education component is as follows:
It is proposed that training for students who undertake HDR research in this
discipline area is composed of opportunities to be able to:
1) Audit three units that compose part of the Graduate Certificate in Health
Professional Education.
MEU9001: An introduction to teaching and learning in the health professions
MEU9011: Research methods in health professional education
MEU9015: Contemporary innovations and research in health professions
2) Undertake Faculty Research Skills Training Modules from the Faculty of
Education PhD Training Program as this aligns with the discipline research area.
Nursing and Midwifery
Program Director: Dr. Susan Lee
Within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences students who
undertake a doctorate by research in Nursing and Midwifery already have a vocation
and professional qualification in Nursing and Midwifery. The role of the doctor of
philosophy is to build core research skills in addition to clinical knowledge. It is
proposed that training for students who undertake HDR research in this discipline
area is composed of opportunities that these students have not previously had to
gain the skills they need to perform evidence based research and be able to
communicate this with impact. Opportunities to build skills required for career
opportunities in educational roles in academia or health care organisations are also
Program features 120 hrs of training (80 hrs – MIGR, 40 hrs –Nursing and Midwifery).
Activity Title
Description and expected outcomes
Evidence synthesis for best
practice health care decision
Building on standard narrative literature review technique,
this course develops evidence synthesis techniques.
Evidence Translation for
Health Care Practice
This course will enable students to build evidence
summaries to inform clinical practice change.
Academic Nursing and
Midwifery Career
Development Program
The purpose of this program is to develop skill in tutoring,
demonstrating lecturing, clinical teaching and assessment
Communicating Research
Goals and Outcomes with
This program will utilise peer and academic support forums
to foster communication skills in the communication of
research to a range of audiences.
Primary Health Care
Program Director: Prof. Colette Browning and A.Prof Jan Cole
Within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences many of the students
who undertake a doctorate by research in the Primary Health Care, Rural Health,
Social Work and Radiology and Imaging are already have a vocation and
professional qualification in their discipline and are undertaking PhDs to develop
their research skills and have a direct impact on the quality of healthcare in the areas
in which they work. Having a PhD training program that encompasses formal
research training opportunities would be very attractive to heath care professionals
looking to further their careers. It is proposed that training for students who
undertake HDR research in this discipline area is composed of modules and training
options that will allow students to gain these research skills in the context of their
discipline areas. As these students are already in the workforce, many undertake
their PhDs in a part-time capacity, these training options would need to include offcampus or online options such as podcast/web-based and/or videoconference
Program features 120 hrs of training (80 hrs – MIGR, 40 hrs –Primary Health Care,
Social Work, Rural Health Care).
Activity Title
Description and expected outcomes
Module 1: Systematic
Reviews and Meta Analysis
for Health Care
Professionals and
This module focuses on systematic and Cochrane reviews
and meta analysis. On completion of the module students
should be able to: explain the difference between
systematic reviews, Cochrane reviews and meta analysis;
develop a research question to be answered by a review;
develop the methodology for literature collating and
reporting and data analysis; and the process of conducting
a meta analysis;
Module 2 Qualitative
Methods in Primary Health
This module introduces the student to the major methods
and approaches in conducting qualitative research in the
primary care context. Data analytic methods are included.
Module 3 SPSS Data
analysis for Primary Health
Care Researchers
This module is a hands-on data analysis module.
Descriptive statistics ANOVA and multivariate approaches
will be included.
Module 4 Measurement
This module provides training in all aspects of the design,
Scales in Primary Health
development and use of measurement scales, the selection
of existing scales, scale and analysis. In addition the
module includes outcome measurement.
Module 5 Primary Care
Research Issues
This module covers the challenges of undertaking research
in primary care settings and includes types of research
conducted in primary care settings, complex interventions,
recruitment and statistical issues, and data resources.
Current Research Topics in
Primary Health Care
Research seminars are designed to enhance the breadth of
HDR student knowledge in Primary Health Care, in addition
to improving student appreciation of current issues, and
their understanding of the approaches used by successful
scientists to investigate these issues. It is expected that
students will develop a broader knowledge of their discipline
Social Work HDR
The Department of Social Work HDR conference consists of
lecture style academic presentations combined with small
group workshop teaching, computer based analysis
teaching, with students submitting written reports for
assessment. All aspects of the research process are
covered. For an example of this module please see the
2014 program - Appendix 1
Short Courses in Rural and
Indigenous Health
Each session consists of 2 hours of face-to-face attendance
with approximately 2 hours of preparation and follow up.
Short course Include sessions in: evaluations and research;
research without numbers; talking evidence; culturally
sensitive research and evaluation; keys to literature; Ethics
for everyone; systematic reviews and evidence; Stats
without maths; survey design and development; on-line
survey development; easy as results- charts, pie graphs and
interview texts; writing for effect.
Statistics and Data Analysis
for Health Care Researchers
in Rural and Indigenous
Training includes presenting data in tables and graphs;
descriptive statistics and/or basic thematic analysis; using a
statistical software package (e.g. SPSS, Prism) and/or using
NVivo or equivalent software package; demonstration of
statistical analysis and/or comprehensive coding and
thematic analysis
Current Research Literature
in Primary, Rural and
Indigenous Health Care
A critical aspect of productive research is the ability to read
and understand published research papers. One of the best
ways for PhD students to develop this skill is through
participation in group discussions of published articles. In
addition to broadening the students’ knowledge of a field,
these discussions familiarize students with many types of
scientific questions and methodological approaches and
allow them to hone their skills at data interpretation and
Annual Research Bootcamp
–School of Rural Health
Attended by both research staff and postgraduate students
of the School. The program involves student and staff
research presentations, keynote speakers and capacity
building activities. The 4-day bootcamp will be run in
collaboration with other regional university campuses to
promote networking. A shorter 1-day forum will be run in
years where the bootcamp is not held.
Psychological Sciences
Program Director: Prof. Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis
Within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences students who
undertake a doctorate by research in Psychological Sciences typically have
completed an undergraduate with honours and are undertaking the research
doctorate as a pathway to a career in academia, government and regulatory bodies,
hospitals, management or industry. It is proposed that training for students who
undertake HDR research in this discipline area is composed of options that will allow
students to gain fundamental research skills in addition to advanced discipline
specific knowledge and experience with the most up-to-date research technologies.
Opportunities also exist in the program for industry placements allowing students the
ability to obtain real world experience and expand their career options.
Program features 120 hrs of training (80 hrs – MIGR, 40 hrs –Psychological
Activity Title
Description and expected outcomes
Advanced writing for
publication in Psychological
This workshop builds on the MIGR workshop writing for
publication. Students will cover topics such as: selecting the right
Psychological Sciences journal; following journal specific
instructions; The structure and writing of Psychological Sciences
Auditing of the unit DPSY5103 Research Methods in
Professional Psychology
Students will audit this unit (auditing the unit requires
completing the unit to the satisfaction of supervising staff but not
complete any formalised assessment tasks).
Latest News in Cognitive
Research seminars specific for Psychological Sciences are
designed to enhance the breadth of HDR student knowledge,
their appreciation of current issues, and their understanding of
the approaches used by successful scientists to investigate these
issues. From attending seminars in the school and sub-Faculty it
Is expected that students will develop a broader knowledge of
their discipline area.
Cutting Edge Research
Technologies and Practice in
Psychological Sciences
This module contains workshops on the most up to date research
methodologies in the Psychological Sciences, including: Imaging,
Genetics and Sleep, in addition to real world insights by
practicing Psychologists. Training may include attending
workshops/symposia on specific platform technologies and
equipment training.
Cutting Edge Research
Technologies in Biomedical
Other Research Platform Training -– may include attending
workshops/symposia on specific research platform technologies
and specific equipment training used in biomedical research
more generally (this component has been developed as part of
the Biomedical Science PhD training program)
Effective Teaching Approaches
in Psychological Sciences
This training includes training in how to be an effective
demonstrator and tutor for undergraduate Psychology
Scholarly communication in the
Psychological Sciences
In this series of activities students will learn about discipline
specific practices and tools to enable efficient scholarly
communication throughout their research program and into their
Grant Writing and Fellowship
Applications in Psychological
This workshop will cover opportunities available for grants and
fellowships as well as tips on how to write these for Psychological
Science based research.
Industry placements in
Psychological Sciences
Work experience in an industry setting will facilitate engagement
with industry partners and will help to develop transferable skills.
Honours supervision experience Available for PhD students who have been confirmed. HDR
in Psychological Sciences
students will be able to offer an honours project under the
guidance of their primary supervisor. This will allow HDR students
to mentor junior researchers at the honours level and develop
skills in supervision, communication, and mentoring. Only 5
places will be available each year.
Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Program Director: Prof. Rory Wolfe
The Public Health and Preventive Medicine PhD Program will be a Coursework
Students who undertake this program will be required to take two core course work
MPH5040: Introductory Epidemiology – 6 credit points
MPH5041: Introductory Biostatistics – 6 credit points
Elective coursework units can also be undertaken. The conditions under which
additional elective units can be taken are outline below.
Elective coursework units.
Unit Title
Unit code
Pharmaceutical economics
Economic evaluation in health care
Regression Methods for epidemiology
Clinical Epidemiology
Chronic disease:epidemiology & prevention
Research methods
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Clinical trials (OCL)
Measurement in clinical research
Systemic Reviews and meta analysis
Health & Human Rights
Injury, epidemiology & prevention
Health policy and prevention in a global world
Law for health systems
Clinical Leadership and Manaagement
Foundations of Health Policy
Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
Reform & development of health services
Data management & Computing
Ethics, good research practice and practical research skills
Medical evidence
Ethics, medicine and the law
Elements of the forensic sciences
Elements of forensic odontology
Elements of forensic toxicology
With respect to the elective units:
With the agreement of the SPHPM PhD program coordinator and a student's main
supervisor, a student may additionally undertake up to two of the elective units.
While this is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged in order to add breadth to the
student's training.
In exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of SPHPM PhD program
coordinator and a student's main supervisor, a student may undertake an elective
unit in place of one of the required coursework units.
Students are also required to undertake the Good Research Practice Short Course
delivered by the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine within their
first year of candidature.
Translational Research
Program Director: Prof. Stephen Jane
The Translational Research PhD Program will be a coursework program.
Students who undertake this program will be required to take one core course work
TRM4002: Translational Research – 6 credit points (new unit)
one elective coursework unit:
MPH5041: Introductory Biostatistics – 6 credit points
APG5210: Bioethics Theory and Practice – 6 credit points
TRM4001: Introduction to Clinical Trials – 6 credit points