Ungifted Study Guide: Vocabulary & Questions

by Gordon Korman
Study Guide
Ch. 1 - Unearthed
battlement - A parapet at the top of a wall, usually of a fort or castle, that has squared
openings for shooting through
toupee - a wig or section of hair worn to cover a bald spot
archrival – the most important competitor
skulking – hiding something out of cowardice or fear
scoffed – an expression of scorn, contempt, or mockery
conceded – to grant as a right or privilege
belligerence – an aggressive disposition
nape - the back of the neck
careened – to cause to heel over
prognosis – the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of the medical
juggernaut – a massive inexorable forcer that crushes whatever is in its path
carom – a rebounding at any angle
pulverized – to reduce to very small particles
obscured – not clearly seen or easily distinguished
Study Questions
1. Why is Donovan interested in ancestry.com?
2. To what was the narrator referring when he said, “the howl of protest that went up all
around the building surprised even me”? What does this statement mean?
3. Why were the Daniels making grotesque faces at Donovan through the window?
4. What did Nussbaum mean by saying, if he’s any kind of basketball fan, you’re
5. Infer why Donovan wondered if he’d ever need enemies.
6. Who are the Hatfields and the McCoys? How would the Daniels be similar to them?
7. How would Donovan’s possible inherited survival skills come in handy after the events
of chapter one?
Chapter 2 - Unidentified
alumni – a person who is a former student of a particular school
tenpin – a bottle-shaped bowling pin
knoll – a small round hill
skewered – to criticize or ridicule sharply and effectively
foundry – an establishment where founding is carried on
vandalism – willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property
chagrin – distress of mind caused by humiliation
Study Questions
1. Who is the narrator?
2. Who is Dr. Schultz? What is his one rule?
3. Why did Dr. Schultz feel satisfaction at Donovan’s worried look?
4. Why was Dr. Schultz so upset when he returned to his office?
Chapter 3 - Unexplained
deployed – to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose
retorted – to pay or hurl back
buffer zone – a neutral area separating conflicting forces
melancholy – a depression of spirits
reverie - daydream
glowered – to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger
mused – to become absorbed in thought
listless – characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit
mewling – to cry weakly; whimper
modus operandi – a method of procedure
crowed – to brag exultantly or blatantly
languid – drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion
Study Questions
1. Why does Donovan say that he probably will never die of stress?
2. Why was Katie living with her parents?
3. What did Donovan mean by calling Katie “Miss Goodyear”?
4. Why did Katie seem depressed?
5. Who did Donovan think was waiting for him in the office? Who was actually waiting
for him? Why had he called Donovan to the office?
6. Why did Donovan refer to himself as Dog-Whisperer Donovan? Why was this a
7. Why did Donovan’s parents receive a letter recommending their son for a gifted
Chapter 4 - Unarmed
chastened – to correct by punishment or suffering
jarred – to be out of harmony
Study Questions
1. Explain Chloe’s first hypothesis in your own words. Do you agree or disagree?
2. Explain the meaning of “athletic ability exists in inverse proportion to intelligence”.
3. What does the expression “you’ve been riding the gravy train longer” mean?
Chapter 5 - Unknowing
insurrection – an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established
smattering – superficial piecemeal knowledge
pang – a brief piercing spasm of pain
vector – to change the direction for steering
troglodyte – a person characterized by reclusive habits or reactionary attitudes
lapel – the part of a garment that is turned back
shoddy - inferior, imitative, or pretentious articles or matter
Study Questions
1. Why didn’t the student get in trouble for throwing an airplane out of the bus?
2. Why did Donovan feel guilty that his mother was proud of him?
3. How does Donovan justify his ability to copy answers off of Noah’s paper?
4. What does “the Youkilis factor” mean?
5. What was Donovan’s excuse for swimming in the mall fountain?
6. To what does Donovan admit in reference to attending the Academy?
Chapter 6 - Uncredited
deadpanned – marked by an impassive matter-of=fact manner, style, or expression
vaunted – highly or widely praised or boasted about
spelunking – the hobby or practice of exploring caves
convulsive – violent, sudden, frantic, or spasmodic
mirth – gladness as shown by laughter
bereft – lacking something needed, wanted, or expected
dissertation – an extended written treatment of a subject
brandished – to shake or wave menacingly
tantalized – to tease or torment as if by presenting something desirable to the view by
continually keeping it out of reach
prospect – something that is awaited or expected
incredulous – skeptical
Study Questions
1. What does Mr. Osborne mean when he says, “a mosquito couldn’t make it through the
screening process”?
2. What does Donovan do during Robotics that surprises and excites most of his
3. What had Noah never seen before?
Chapter 7 - Unrepaired
evicting – to put a tenant our by legal process
unperturbed – not worried, upset, or confused
bestowing – conveying as a gift
bewildered – perplexed or confused by a multitude of considerations
Study Questions
1. What was Donovan’s recurring nightmare?
2. What was Donovan doing when Mr. Osbourne walked into his classroom?
3. How could Katie help the Academy kids?
4. What did Donovan do when Katie refused to help?
5. Why was Donovan so adamant about Katie helping?
Chapter 8 - Unsurprised
uncanny – being beyond what is normal or expected
knack – a clever way of doing something
fever pitch – a state of intense excitement and agitation
brayed – to play loudly or harshly
forlorn – sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion
conviction – the process of finding a person guilty of a crime
Study Questions
1. What does Chloe suggest is Donovan’s gift?
2. What did Noah ruin for Katie?
3. What did Chloe learn while Katie was at the Academy?
Chapter 9 - Unfailing
conundrum – a riddle whose answer is a pun
pondering – to reflect on
revelation – an act of revealing divine truth
enticingly – attracted artfully by arousing hope or desire
Study Questions
1. Explain the conundrum in Noah’s wanting out of the Academy.
2. What about public schools or “normal” kids made Noah jealous?
3. Why was Noah so fascinated with YouTube?
4. Give two reasons why Noah didn’t want to go to the school dance.
Chapter 9 - Unpasteurized
über – being a superlative example of its kind
obstetric – associated with childbirth
entourage – one’s attendants or associates
infectious – capable of causing infection
Study Questions
Why is Katie upset with Donovan?
What field trip did Donovan’s class take?
Why was Dr. Monolo excited?
Chapter 10 - Unsuccessful
phantom – something apparent to sense but with no substantial existence
Study Questions
1. What example does Dr. Shultz give for the meaning of insanity?
Chapter 11 - Unrockin’
hypercompetitive – excessively inclined to compete
anxiety – painful or uneasiness of mind
bout – an outbreak of activity
exhilaration – the act of making cheerful and excited
drab – a dull, lifeless, or faded appearance or quality
lurked – to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose
brash – done in haste without regard for consequences
impale – to put in a helpless position
amid – in or into the middle of; surrounded by
gyrated – coiled around
flailing – swinging freely
furtive – expressive of slyness
Study Questions
1. Why was Chloe unsure of whether to wear the sneakers?
2. What did Noah wear to the dance?
Chapter 12 - Untrustworthy
omen – an occurrence or phenomenon believed to portend a future event
venturing – undertaking the risks and dangers of
schmoozing – to chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially so as to gain favor
ruefully - regretfully
miffed – ill humor; quarreled
trajectory – a path, progression, or line of development
Study Questions
1. How were the Daniels trying to humiliate Abigail?
2. Why did Donovan pretend that Noah wanted to cut in and dance with Abigail?
3. What were Donovan and the Daniels arguing about in the bathroom?
4. What did Donovan say the gym smelled like?
5. What compelled Donovan to halt his escape plan?
6. Who pulled the fire alarm?
Ch. 13 - Unsorry
distraught – agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain
heisted – stole
Study Questions
1. What was Noah’s invention idea for YouTube?
2. Why did Jacey start talking about South America butterfly migrations?
3. What was so interesting about riots to Noah?
4. How did the robotics team get a new motor for Mr. Tin Man?
5. What did Noah suggest the team do to help Donovan stay in the program? How does
this support Noah’s overarching desire?
Ch. 14 - Untested
beseeching – begging for urgently or anxiously
brutalized – made harsh or cruel
Study Questions
1. What did the Daniels make Noah out to be in front on Dierdre and Heather?
2. Donovan admits that his friends are the same old Daniels. How has Donovan changed
over the course of being at the Academy?
3. What happens to Donovan that makes him think about his friendships? How are his
friendships different from those at the Academy and the Daniels?
Ch. 15 - Unforgivable
bastion – a fortified area or stronghold
Study Questions
1. Why was most of the faculty not worried about Donovan’s failing grades?
2. What does Ms. Bevelaqua say Donovan is entitled to?
Ch. 16 - Unreal
mongrel – a cross between types
anvil – a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped
Study Questions
1. What had been wrong with Beatrice all along?
2. How is Katie feeling about Human Growth and Development? What has it become for
3. What did Donovan tell his sister in the bathroom?
Ch. 17 - Unmasked
irate – arising from anger
squander – to spend extravagantly or foolishly
taunting – sarcastically challenging or insulting
Study Questions
1. How did Dr. Shultz find Donovan?
Ch. 18 - Unwelcome
contender – a competitor for a championship or high honor
microfiche – a sheet of microfilm containing rows of images of printed pages
hefted - influenced
consolation – the state of being comforted
pacifist – strongly and actively opposed to conflict
Study Questions
1. What was Donovan’s consequence for the Atlas fiasco?
2. What was Donovan’s homecoming at school given by the Daniels?
Ch. 19 - Unbelievable
truancy – an act of staying out of school without permission
jounce – to move in an up-and-down manner
indignant - feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy
snide – false; unworthy of esteem
Study Questions
1. What did Chloe do that was so unbelievable?
2. Why did Chloe go looking for Donovan?
Ch. 20 - Unschooled
wary – marked by keen watchfulness
vast – very great in size, amount, degree, or intensity
blazoned – published widely
Study Questions
1. How did the Daniels try to cheer up Donovan at school?
2. What did the Daniels do to cheer up Donovan off of school campus?
3. Why didn’t Donovan make it all the way down to see the team?
Ch. 21 - Unseen
atrocious – extremely wicked
pretenses – a claim made or implied
affably – pleasantly; friendly
nimble – quick and light in motion
coax – to persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery
garnered – acquired by effort
Study Questions
1. What happened to Noah in the bathroom? What did Mr. Osborne say about “the
2. Donovan couldn’t have made Tin Man go any faster, but what did he have that the
others didn’t?
Ch. 22 - Uncontrolled
expounded – defended with argument
apex – the uppermost point
pandemonium – a wild uproar
Study Questions
1. At what point and for what purpose did Donovan finally go down to see the team?
2. Why did Katie come for Donnie?
Ch. 23 - Unexpected
cowed – destroyed the courage of; intimidated
immaculate – having no stain or blemish
fiasco – a complete failure
Study Questions
1. What happened to the Academy at the robotics competition?
2. How does Chloe hypothesize that Donovan has a different type of giftedness than the
rest of the team?
3. What was the greatest moment of Noah’s life?
Ch. 24 - Unburdened
unbecoming – not appropriate to one’s position
Study Questions
1. Who was Abigail jealous of?
2. Who hacked into the library computer and helped Donovan cheat on the retest?
Ch. 25 - Unchallenged
distraught – agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain
Study Questions
1. Noah says that surprise doesn’t come from Youtube anymore. How does he define it?
2 How did Noah get kicked out of the Academy?
3. Where does challenge come from, according to Noah?
Ch. 26 - Unlittered
infamy – evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal
Study Questions
1. How was Noah able to Skype with Brad?
2. What quality of Donovan’s was always getting him in trouble as well as saving his life
while he was hiding out at the Academy?
Final Thoughts
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Did you like the book? Why or why not?
2. Would you recommend this book to someone else to read?