contract for plot holders

Project Eden Gardens
Volunteer Commitment and Lease Agreement
Your commitment as a garden volunteer is essential to Project Eden’s mission to re-connect people
with the physical creation, restore broken ecosystems, and educate people about caring for creation.
The Project Eden Gardens are located just beyond the far north parking lot at Grace Church (5504
East 146th Street/Noblesville, IN 46062). The gardens will have individual/family plots and larger
group plots. Each individual/family plot is approximately 5’ X 20’. Individual/family plots are free, but
plot holders also agree to take on regular garden maintenance for the adjacent public plot, during the
growing season. Plot holders agree to maintain the adjacent Project Eden plot and agree that they
will deliver the yield from the adjacent Project Eden plot to the Grace Care Center food pantry.
Those leasing individual/family plots agree to abide by garden guidelines while tending to their
individual plots.
Garden Rules, Responsibilities and Etiquette
Introduce yourself, and be friendly towards other garden volunteers.
Plant your garden promptly. Do not plant trees, shrubs or invasive species.
Do not use any chemical sprays or pesticides. Check with the Garden Coordinator if you are
unsure about a product’s safety.
If planting tall crops, do so where they won’t shade other garden plots.
Weed and maintain your garden at least once/week.
Remove pests and diseased plants immediately.
Dispose of trash, and put away tools after each garden visit.
Utilize the compost bins located at the corners of the garden for compostable material. You
are free to bring compostable waste (no animal or dairy products) from home to the garden
compost bins if desired.
Abide by the garden rules regarding water use.
Never borrow tools from another gardener without asking permission.
Do not pick any planting from another plot, unless it is produce in a Project Eden plot that
needs to be picked and delivered to the Grace Care Center.
Walk with care. Keep walkways free of tools and weeds.
Do not move plot markers.
Children are welcome in the gardens! Please watch them.
Some enjoy quiet in the garden. Please no cell phones or radios.
Pets are not allowed in the garden.
All plant materials must be harvested at the end of the season.
Contact the Garden Coordinator at with any questions.
Project Eden and Grace Church will not be responsible for any accidents, injuries, or damages, nor will
they be responsible for any theft, damage to, loss of, or replacement of any belongings, equipment,
materials, or tools, or plantings. There is no security for any personal belongings. Failure to follow
any garden or public area rules and regulations, after reasonable attempt to notify gardener, may
result in loss of gardening plot and all plants contained in plot.
Please make sure that you have read and understand the above rules, responsibilities and etiquette,
and sign below indicating that you agree to the conditions of the Project Eden Gardens.