Minutes Senate 2015 03 24 - University of Wisconsin

2:30–3:45 P.M., YU 203
Meeting called to order by Chair Notbohm, 2:30 p.m.
Present: Maguire, Kronzer, Nikoi, Simpson, Bezroukov, Hembd, Breckenridge, Augsburger,
Cross, Jones, Stocker, Sloboda, Wachter, Hembd, Pinnow, O’Leary, Griffith, Paul,
Approval of Agenda
Motion (Hembd/Kronzer) to approve agenda dated March 24, 2015. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion (Maguire/Jones) to approve minutes dated February 17, 2015. Motion carried.
Receive Executive Minutes – Motion (Cross/Hembd) to receive executive minutes dated
02-03-15 and 02-10-15. Motion carried.
Wachter- The public authority model seems to be getting pushed back. Progress is being
made on the governance and tenure taskforces. VSIP was announced today.
Hensrud-employee turnover and FAQ’s on UW faculty workload provided. Reassign time
data (across system) will be provided to department chairs. The final Burning Glass
report has been received. HLC Conference presentation scheduled for April. The new
template will be used for annual reports. A template for annual reporting for nonacademic units is being developed and should be finalized soon.
Faculty Senate Chair
Notbohm- The revised budget authority statement approved by senate was forwarded to
system leaders, BOR and the state legislator members. The Dean of Academic Affairs
and Assessment position will be separated into two part time positions. Ray Cross will be
on campus in April. No report from Cabiniet as it has not met. The faculty senate website
needs to be streamlined-discussion taking place as to how many years should be on the
website and what should be archived (and easily accessed). Chair Notbohm will contact
Laura Jacobs.
Faculty Senate Secretary
Stocker-Call for nominations for Faculty Senate Chair, APRC, Personnel and PBC will
begin tomorrow. Please confirm that your candidate is willing to run before nominating.
Faculty Representative
Sloboda-BOR meeting held on March 5th and Faculty Reps and Academic Staff joint
meeting on March 6th. Reps expressed their commitment to shared governance and the
importance of tenure to the Regents. Regent Falbo attended the joint meeting on Friday.
Faculty SPCT Representative
Hembd-Finishing the report format for non-academic units. Budget discussion taking
place, working to make sure that the budget and annual report are integrated to make the
process as simple as possible. .
Academic Program Review Council
Continuing work with department reviews, working with grad council to get feedback
about developing a report process for them.
Graduate Council
Paul-Graduate Studies open house will be on April 22. The SPED course proposal has
been approved. APRC approved using the undergrad template for the annual report.
Working with the international office, not all programs are international student eligible.
Personnel Council No report
Planning and Budgetary Council No report
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Pinnow-requesting that a department representative attend the UAAC meeting if the
department has an agenda item that includes many documents. Written report provided.
Academic Staff Senate
No report
Classified Staff Senate
McCauley-continuing to work on the UPS policies, seven have been approved.
Nominations and elections will be held in May. Developing a personnel committee to
work on grievances. Teleconferences with other UW institutions are taking place.
Student Senate No report
1. HIPs Integration Discussion (attachment)
Notbohm-the attachment summarizes the feedback from departments. The document will
be taken to the High Impact Practices meeting on Wednesday to discuss how to resolve
the questions. The priority is to maintain what is listed in the Strategic Plan. Departments
need to identify what HIPs they plan to integrate by the end of the semester. The first
focus should be integration. No comments or discussion from senators.
This item will continue as old business until issues are resolved.
1. Gen Ed Review Template Draft from APRC (attachment)
Motion (Hembd/Nikoi) to approve the General Education Review template.
Discussion. Stocker, member of APRC provided background information.
This would be the responsibility of the General Education Committee to compile the data
every 10 years. Motion to approve the General Education Review template carried.
2. UWS Prior Learning Graduate Policy from Graduate Council (attachment)
Motion (Kronzer/Hembd) to approve the UWS Prior Learning Graduate Policy,
Motion carried.
3. Revisions to Curriculum Approval Chart (AP 1117) from UAAC (attachments)
Motion (Stocker/Jones) to approve revisions to Curriculum Approval Chart (AP1117) from
UAAC. Discussion/clarification of MOU; internal vs external. Motion (Sloboda/Hembd) to
amend to add ‘external’ in front of MOU (under section other) External Memorandums of
Understanding (campus to campus or program to program). Amended motion one
carried. Discussion of HIPs section. Discussion ALS/HIPs portion of document.
Motion (Nikoi/Jones) to amend to eliminate the individual HIPs designations and replace
AS-L with HIPs designation to a course remove HIPs designation to a course and
significant change to HIPs course. Amended motion two carried with one opposed.
Motion to approve revisions to AP1117 policy with amendments carried.
Motion (Maguire/Kronzer) to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted on this 9th day of April 2015 by Linda Sharp, Clerical Assistant, Faculty