Notes and Ideas for Sci

Notes and Ideas for Sci-Fi Project
Open on news reports cataloguing the worlds conflicts of the past ten to twenty
News Reports
Europe becomes a United States of Europe after the joint assassinations of the
leaders of the U.K, France, Germany and Spain by terrorist extremists at the G14
summit held in Austria. The U.S.A creates an import/export embargo on the
newly formed U.S.E countries which it now see’s a threat to its weakened
monetary system. China applauds the decision of the coalition of European states
and sends its delegates to America to convince the U.S.A that it needs Europe to
China is now the world’s biggest super power, and has military capabilities that
dwarf all other nations.
The United States of Europe changes its name to Europa Vereint, which
translates from German as Europe Unites. The main base for the E.V. is in Berlin
and all decisions regarding E.V. laws and legislation come from the hub in Berlin.
A President is elected on a four-year term and the first president is Dr. Pascal
Senderos from Austria. Senderos is a well-liked figure that has the backing of all
nations in the E.V.
Senderos became world famous when he and his team solved the famine in
eastern Africa problem. Senderos created genetically modified food from scratch
in his laboratory. Ethiopia and Somalia (the worst hit places) volunteered to trial
his work to solve their famine problems. After a trial two years (2018-2020)
many more of the badly hit countries opted for Senderos’ D.A.N.I. Corp. (Diverse
Agricultural and Natural Innovations) consumable products. In early 2023 many
of the leading restaurants and leading fast food establishments started to use
D.A.N.I. Products on their menus due to their rich taste, health benefits and
longer shelf time.
Christmas Eve of that year the Hubble telescope reports back images of what
seems to be a tear in the solar system, the tear is later to be believed similar to a
black hole only the hole in space is a burgundy, red colour. The hole is found at
the very edge of our solar system near to Pluto’s largest moon (Charon’s) orbit.
The hole seems to have no gravitational pull or any adverse effects on its
surroundings. Both NASA and the ESA (European Space Agency) declare an
interest in finding out more about the hole, and plan to send a joint manned craft
to discover more. Russia and China declare that they have little or no interest in
wasting money on a futile escapade to the far reaches of the galaxy when the
world on their doorstep is “moving beyond our control.”
More sanctions are placed on Iran, as it is feared they have garnered enough
materials to make a nuclear bomb. Pakistan is blamed without proof, and
tensions in the Middle East are at an all time high. Coalition forces in Iraq are put
on high alert, after rouge Iranian soldiers cross the border killing twenty one
American marines, one for every year of coalition occupation.
The E.V. President Pascal Senderos, steps up the E.V. presence in Iraq just four
months after withdrawing many troops from the region. This is met with
protests, and the people of Europa Vereint demand the complete withdrawal of
troops from Iraq after the skirmish entered its twenty first year.
Senderos is also questioned over whether now is the right time to be sending a
spacecraft into the unknown when there is trouble brewing at home? Dr.
Senderos is adamant that the mission now known as the Horizon mission will
proceed as planned with the launch of the Heimdall vessel. Named Heimdall after
the Norse God of light and protection, the name was chosen by the E.S.A, as the
ship would be the first launched from the newly completed space station in
Stockholm, Sweden.
The E.S.A, NASA and two of the worlds leading corporations fund the Horizon
mission. Sixty percent of the funding has been provided by Elektronik &
Kommunikation Weltweit, who are now the leading provider of electrical goods
in the E.V. Including Computers, Entertainment appliances, electrics for cars,
aeroplanes, space flight amongst others, they are also the biggest
telecommunications and internet provider worldwide. They outsell Apple,
Microsoft and Sony four to one combined in the E.V. There interest in the mission
is to place small satellites the size of tennis balls at various locations throughout
the journey that will enable them to raise the size and speed of satellite internet
provisions for their customers on earth. The tennis ball sized satellites will all
link together throughout the galaxy enabling unlimited bandwidth and recordbreaking speeds.
Twenty percent of the funding has also come from Dr. Senderos’ D.AN.I. Corp.
They will also supply the food with its new line of easily accessible new line of
liquid foods known as Bibo/Voro TM (which translates from Latin as
The remaining twenty percent of funding comes from NASA and the ESA.
The Heimdall vessel launches successfully on the 24th December 2024 and
expects to rendezvous with the red hole in May of 2041.
2025 - 2027
After Iran announces that it has nuclear weapon capabilities, the war in the
Middle East comes to an abrupt end after Iran threatens a nuclear attack on
mainland Europa and America. Coalition troops are withdrawn from Iraq, and
Iran see’s the opportunity to invade the fragile infrastructure left by the Western
With the Iraqis recent struggles they see the invading Iranian forces as a threat
at first which is met with small outbreaks of violence, but when the president of
Iran announces his plans to unite the Middle East, into a once again strong
Persian empire, all hostilities are stopped and the new Persian Empire has begun
to form.
The E.V states, especially the U.K, France and Germany look towards China to
intervene in the problems in the Middle East and the re-growth of the Persian
Empire. China declares itself impartial as it has business interests in all areas
involved. China states that it has it on good authority that Persia has implied it
has nuclear weapons only as a deterrent against its Western neighbours who
have used the threat of nuclear arms against them for decades.
The first two E.K.W satellites are released successfully in orbit around Mars. The
Heimdall vessel has had a smaller ship depart from the main body and is heading
towards Venus and then Mercury to deploy the small telecommunications
satellites around these planets whilst the Heimdall continues on its mission to
the red hole.
2028 – 2030
The Persian Empire now includes Kuwait, Bahrain, the U.A.E, Oman, Yemen,
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria on the West of Iran, which is now
known as Persia. The governments of Qatar and Bahrain have been disbanded
and those countries have been made into a new east side of Saudi Arabia. On the
East of Iran/Persia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have all sworn
allegiance to the Persian Empire. The only remaining country in the vicinity
offering resistance to the new Persian Empire is Israel, which is now heavily
backed by the newly formed Coalition of Anti-Terrorism (or CAT).
The C.A.T consists of E.V state soldiers, alongside Japanese, United Korean army,
U.S military and the Australian Armed Forces. A small number of C.A.T soldiers
are deployed to Israel to deter any threat from the Persian Empire.
2031 -2040
Israel’s resistance is broken on the 3rd April 2031, mass slaughter of C.A.T troops
along with over a hundred thousand civilians have handed power to the leaders
of the Persian Empire, which is now governed by a council of elite rulers, from
Iran/Persia, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E and Southern Turkey. Turkey is now in the state
of civil war; with the south now know as Osmanli Devleti. It has renounced its
Europa Vereint State status and has declared an undying alliance to the Persian
Israel is now known as Palestine, and the Persian Empire threatens the E.V and
the U.S.A to stay away or face the consequences.
India is warned off its hostilities with Pakistan, as Bangladesh becomes the latest
country to join the growing Persian Empire (2032).
The Horizon mission is in full flow with many satellites distributed in and around
the cosmos. It will be in the vicinity of the moon Charon within ten earth years.
The planned arrival date is 2041.
Reports on the red hole have indicated it is not growing at any serious rate. It is
moving at a very slow rate and is reportedly growing in depth but not in width or
length. Scientists remain baffled by what it is or where it came from.
In 2035 things seem a little calmer. No more countries have joined the Persian
Empire and Turkey has signed the Keyseri treaty putting a stop to the bloody
civil war. Keyseri is the name of the city the last battle between warring north
and south Turks took place.
Chinas rank, as number one superpower is complete. Companies such as
Microsoft, Apple, Nestle and Coca Cola all moving their headquarters to the
Hangzhou business area of the country.
Arrival of the Heimdall craft at the red hole didn’t occur. The satellites being
dropped en route to Pluto’s moon and the red hole should have helped relay
messages with a delay of only ten minutes, even with the distance between
Heimdall and earth being as much as 2.7 billion miles away from each other. The
seventeen-year mission was deemed M.I.A by the Christmas of 2041.
The last message received from the Heimdall was clear and timed at 01.03.53 hrs
12/05/2041 from M.E.S.F. J. T. Decker (Marshall of the Europa Space Force.) The
message was a typed message as was procedure, as typed correspondence only
took between five and seven minutes to send and receive. The message read.
Heimdall is in the vicinity of the co-ordinates given of the red hole. Photographs
and read outs indicate no significant objects within the thousand mile radius. The
research object isn’t here. We will continue to the other side of Charon, in hopes of
discovery. Please confirm co-ordinates are correct. Co-ordinates: Alpha 7767776,
Delta 77888990, Whiskey 11001001a, Hotel 33234567, Yankee 00025001. Please
A response confirming the co-ordinates was sent, but no response came back
from the Heimdall.
Retired former President of Europa Vereint Dr. Pascal Senderos gave a rare
interview on the subject. Now in his late nineties, the Austrian former P.M.
Declared that the mission should have been successful and that the
disappearance of the red hole was as baffling as it’s appearance.
Elektronik & Kommunikation Weltweit refused to comment any further than
they already had but reiterated the sorrow felt for the families involved and that
there employees on the Heimdall had completed their part of the mission to the
highest degree achievable.