
A 65-year-old patient complains of shortness of breath , severe cough with a small account of
specimens streaked with blood , weight loss , temperature 37.2 ° C, loss of appetite , weakness. Ill for
many years, condition deteriorated year ago, and dyspnea appeared 3 weeks ago. All his life have
smoking, working carpenter. Objectively: normal physique , exhausted . Retraction of the right half
chest, excursion limited , more muscles involved in respiration , the number of 22 breaths per minute.
Percussion of the right upper lobe-dull sound , here auscultation - breathing absent, throughout
vesicular breathing. Rtg of chest organs: upper right portion reduced in size over its homogeneous
darkening associated with the root , the root strain , mediastinal organs slightly shifted to the right.
What is the diagnosis most probable?
A Obstructive pulmonary atelectasis
B. Pneumothorax
C.Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
D. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
E. Fibrosing alveolitis
A 20- year-old at the time of sports training suddenly took an attack of breathlessness , intense
stabbing pain in the chest on the right and cough. Objectively : patient sitting in bed, pale. Thorax
symmetric , bounded excursion right half , the number of breaths 22 per min. Over the right half of the
chest percussion sound with tympanic shade, to the left - clear lung sound . Auscultatory: on the rightgreatly weakened vesicular breathing , palpation: ibidem there is much weakened voice trembling. Xray of the chest organs: to the right
clear field without pulmonary pattern, reduced lung, lies closer to the root, organs of mediastinum
shifted to the left. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A. Spontaneous pneumothorax
B. Acute pneumonia
C. Pulmonary infarction
D. Intercostal neuralgia
E. Thromboembolism small branches of the pulmonary artery
In a 23-year-old male suddenly after severe cough originated attack of pain in the chest
right.On examination : to the right - tympanitis , weakened breathing. What is the likely diagnosis?
A.Spontaneous pneumothorax
B. Dry pleurisy
C. Myocardial Infarction
D. Pleural effusion
E. Ulcer of the stomach
Male 29-year-old has had gormonedependent astma . X-rays: in S2 right lung revealed a round
shadow with clear smooth contours , the average intensity. Around it are several polymorphic focal
shadows, in the root - calcification . Percussion sound of the lungs with box shade, listen scattered dry
rales. Blood test intact. The reaction to the Mantoux test with 2 PPD -L - 22 mm papule . What the
most likely diagnosis.
A Tuberculoma
B.Peripheral cancer.
C. Pneumonia.
D. Aspergiloma .
E. Eosinophilic infiltration.
Working brickyard 32 years old complains of cough with a small account sputum, decreased appetite ,
sweating , shortness of breath , body temperature 37.5oC. Over upper parts of the lungs auscultated
lung breathing hard . Radiological findings : in the upper and middle the lungs symmetrical foci of
medium intensity with clear contours , sometimes confluent . At the root - calcified lymph node. Blood
test: L - 9.5 109 / l, ESR - 28 mm / h. Mycobacterium tuberculosis by microscopy were not found.
Mantoux test with 2 TO PPD -L - 15 mm papule . The most likely diagnosis?
A.Disseminated tuberculosis .
B Sarcoidosis .
C. Metastatic carcinomatosis .
D. Bilateral lobular pneumonia.
E. Pneumoconiosis .
A man 29 years old, who father was suffering from cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis during
fluorography examination revealed changes in the lungs. Five years ago was treated for an peptic ulcer
, many smokers. Sometimes feeling pain in the epigastric section. Objectively - pathological changes
not found. Blood test intact. MBT in sputum microscopy method not found. Mantoux test with PPD
2TO -L - 12 papule mm. Radiological findings – on both apexis single, different size and intensity
shadows diameter to 1 cm, some with indistinct outlines. The most likely diagnosis.
A.Focal pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Disseminated tuberculosis .
C. Pneumoconiosis .
D. Lobular pneumonia.
E. Metastasis to the lungs.
The female patient complains of fever , dry cough, feeling scratchy throat and a
sternum, feeling short of breath , which appeared after supercooling.In history
missing information about the lungs disease .Temperatura of body 37,10C; pulmonary tonnes a box
shade, vesicular breathing with scattered dry and moisture rales of medium and large caliber .
Expiratory extended. Diagnosis ?
A Acute bronchitis
C. Obstructive bronchitis
D. Pneumonia
E. Bronchiectasis
The patient is 54 years-old long suffered from coughing with purulent sputum release of up to 150 ml
night . In the last year weight loss , increased shortness of breath, swelling appeared on the lower
extremities , cyanosis of the lips , fingers as " drumsticks ." Heavy breathing . Over lungs – dullness
tympanitis more right , vesicular breathing weakened , the lower posterior moist and dry scattered
rales , more on expiration . What diagnosis most likely ?
B. Pneumonia
C. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
D. Lung abscess
E. Lung Cancer
A 36- years old , complains of shortness of breath , mild cough with a small amount sputum ,
heaviness in the left side of the chest, increase fever up to 37.7 0 C . This symptoms appeared and
intensifed throughout the week. Objectively: RR-26/min. The left half of the chest lags behind during
breathing . Below angle of the left scapula voice trembling sharply weakened , percussion - dull
sound, auscultation – weakened vesicular breathing. What is the preliminary diagnosis can be
A. Left-sided pleural effusion .
B. Pneumothorax left.
C. Left-hand intercostal neuralgia
D. Atelectasis of the lower share
E. Abscess lower lobe of the left lung .
Patient H , 64 years-old, long suffering lung disease , arose another exacerbation. In the study of
sputum found : layered , yellow- green , contains many white blood cells, detritus , elastic fibers. What
disease may be responsible such an analysis ?
A Chronic lung abscess
B Asthma
C Acute Bronchitis
D Pneumonia
E Emphysema of lung
Patient K. , 58 year old complains of shortness of breath inspiratory pronounced character.
Objectsvely: RR- 30 per minute , blood pressure 230 /130 mmHg, acrocyanosis , bubbling breathing.
Auscultation of the heart - the accent of the second tone of the pulmonary artery. Select a combination
medicines for treatment.
A Morphine , furosemide
B Salbutamol, atropine,
C Aminophylline, prednisone .
D Strofantin , Panangin
E Corglycon , izadrin
Patient K., complains to whistling diffucult breath, cough suffocation. Recognizes the occurrence of
asthma attacks at night 3-4 times a month and a day 2-3 times a week. Objectively: vesicular breathing
with prolonged exhalation, scattered dry , whistling rales. Examination: FEV1 60 % of normal , daily
fluctuations in PEF 28%. What you want to assign for the relief of an astma attack ?
A Salbutamol .
B Flixotide .
C Teopek .
D Serevent .
E Tavegil .
Patient N., 26 year old , was admitted to the hospital with complaints of fever to 38 o C, shortness of
breath , pain in the right side of the chest during breathing and coughing. The patient has been feeling
for 6 weeks, treated independently. On examination cyanosis of the lips, pale face. Pulse - 105/min .
Cardiac tones weakened, the right half of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing . Percussion – to
the right from 5 -rib and down dull sound , breathing here sharp weakened. When puncture right
pleural fluid obtained turbid . What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Right-sided pleural effusion
B Hydrothorax
C Lobar pneumonia
D Cell lung cancer ( atelectasis )
E Intercostal neuralgia
Patient K. , 22 year-old, female, was admitted to hospital with complaints of asthma up to 3-4 times a
day, cough with viscous clear phlegm, shortness of breath. Examination : cyanosis of the lips, chest
barrel shape, swollen neck veins , tachycardia ( 110/min ). Cardiac tones weakened. Percussion - over
lungs box sound. Breathing is weakened, expiration prolonged. On both sides of the lungs many dry
rales . What diagnosis can ask ?
A Asthma
B. Cardiac asthma
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax
D. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
E. Hysterical asthma
A 56-year-old patient complains of hacking painful cough, especially at night , pain at
sternum , shortness of breath , weakness, subfebrile fever . On radiographs of the lungs near root
shadow with irregular vague contours , convex at the periphery and reminds interlobar mooring line .
Breathing in the lungs weakened, tough. In blood : Hb -126 g / l, L - 10,5 *109 / l, e - 7%, rod neutr. 5% segm. - 63%, lymph. - 20%. ESR 25 mm / h . What is examination necessary to carry out for the
diagnosis ?
A Bronchoscopy
B. Oxygenometry
C. Sputum
D. Mantoux test
E. Studies of respiratory
A patient 18 year-old after hypothermia body temperature rose to 39 o C, pain appeared in the right half
of the chest, chills , coughing . Objectively: pale,
moist , BP - 110 /70 mmHg , heart rate - 96/m . , RR - 27/m . Above the lungs percussion angle below
the right shoulder blade – lung sound dullness; auscultation: on the background attenuated vesicular
breathing fine moist rales, crackling. Your diagnosis ?
A Community-acquired pneumonia right-sided focal
B. Aspiration pneumonia right
C. Nosocomial ( hospital ) pneumonia
E. Abscess lower lobe of the right lung.
The patient is 57 year-old have been suffering from lung disease for 12 years. Last 8 years
concerned about shortness of breath, cough with sputum yellow-green color that is hard to depart,
subfebrile fever at night. Enjoys salbutamol, but despite frequent reception of relief he did not feel
good. Radiographs – strengthening lung pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Chronic obstructive bronchitis
B. Asthma
C. Cystic Fibrosis
D. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
E. Bronchiectasis
The therapist asked the patient 33 years-old. He is complaining of intermittent cough with
small amounts of sputum, minor dyspnea during physical exertion. Smoking from 18 more packs of
cigarettes per day. RR -20/min . Auscultatory: pulmonary hard vesicular breathing , exhale prolonged ,
a large amounts of scattered dry rales. X-Ray: enrichment pulmonary picture. Your preliminary
diagnosis ?
A Chronic obstructive bronchitis
B. Asthma
C. Lung cancer
D. Pneumonia
E. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Patient 29 year-old, who had treated outpatients acute respiratory viral infection , there was an
increase in temperature to 39, cough with " rusty phlegm " , shortness of breath , severe sickly. X-ray
examination: revealed infiltration in the right lower lobe of the lung. What complicated course of acute
respiratory viral infection in a patient?
A Pneumonia
B. Pleural effusion
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax
D. Acute bronchitis
E. Lung atelectasis
Patient B., 22 years-old complains of fever up to 38- 39oC , preferably in the evening
time; cough with a lot of mucous sputum odor , preferably in the morning. Sick since childhood.
Percussion: in lower regions of the lungs - blunting pulmonary sound; auscultation: at the same
location variegated moist rales.Your preliminary diagnosis ?
A. Bronchiectasis
B. Chronic lung abscess
C. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
D. Asthma
E. lobular pneumonia
Patient . complains of fever up to 39, cough, stabbing pain in the chest
cage, left over . On examination , the left half of the chest behind breathing.
Auscultatory left lower angle of the scapula listen bronchial breathing , moist
small bubbles wheezing. In blood Er 4.12 g / l , L 10,2 x109, ESR 28 mm / h. Your preliminary
A Left-hand lover lobe pneumonia
B. Left-sided pleural effusion
C. Lung cancer
D.Lleft-hand infarction - pneumonia
E. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The patient 42, have complains shortness of breath at rest, cough , fever
to 39C , general weakness . Objectivus: diffuse cyanosis, right half of the chest leg
behind in breathing, percussion - the dull sound of the middle third of the scapula downward and front
4 ribs on the right , there auscultation - breathing does not listen. Which diagnosis is most likely ?
A Pleural effusion
B. Lung abscess
C. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
D. Community-acquired pneumonia
E. Spontaneous pneumothorax
Patient K. 25, have complains of cough with little muco - purulent
sputum , shortness of breath , increased temperature body to 38.5 C , weakness . Sick 7 days after
supercooling. Objectivus : over the lungs - blunting percussion under the shoulder blade and axillary
area on the right , there is - weakened vesicular breathing , moist, sonorous small bubbles rales. What
is the diagnosis in this case?
A Community acquired pneumonia
B. Acute Bronchitis
C. Right-side pneumothorax
D. Pleural effusion
The patient during exercise sudden sharp pain in the right half
chest and shortness of breath. An objective examination showed: forced position
half-sitting up in bed , diffuse cyanosis , tachypnea 38/hv alone, the right half
chest increased in volume, does not participate in the act of breathing, the sound of percussion Right
tympanic part of the chest , breathing is absent. What is the likely diagnosis the patient ?
A Spontaneous pneumothorax
B. Hemothorax
C. Holdings pneumonia
D. Pulmonary embolism
E. Acute pleurisy
The patient, 44 years old, 20 years bothers cough with purulent sputum , shortness of breath permanent
, heaviness in the right upper quadrant , swelling , increasing abdomen. OBJECTIVE: diffuse cyanosis.
In the lungs breathing hard , dry tone scattered all wheezing RR 36 per minute. Cardiac weakened. BP
150 /90 mmHg Ascites . Liver 6 cm below the costal arch. The ECG : sinus tachycardia, right axis
deviation electricity . Signs of overload of the right atrium. Which complication correspond ECG
changes ?
A Pulmonary heart .
B Coronary Heart Disease .
C Hypertension .
D Heart Failure II -B.
E Mitral stenosis.
In a patient with cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis sudden pain arise in the right half
chest , dry cough, shortness of breath. Examination: diffuse cyanosis, expansion of the chest and
intercostal spaces . Percussion- tympanitis to the right , auscultation - sharply diminished vesicular
breathing. What complication arose in this case?
A Pneumothorax .
B Pulmonary embolism.
C Pleural effusion .
D Hemothorax .
E Pneumonia.
Man 60, entered the hospital complaining of cough with sputum and the presence of streaked with
blood , increased sweating , weakness, fever up to 37.40C. 10 years ago had focal pulmonary
tuberculosis and was removed from the register. On radiograph defined polymorphic focal shadows in
various sizes in both lungs which capture the upper and middle sections . In single sputum found
MBT. Name formulated correctly diagnosed.
A Disseminated tuberculosis , acute phase , MBT (+), hemoptysis
B Pulmonary hemorrhage, focal pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of infiltration
C Sarcoidosis , the second phase
D Focal pulmonary tuberculosis , acute phase , MBT (+), hemoptysis
E Miliary tuberculosis in phase infiltration, MBT (+), pulmonary hemoptysis
Man 61 year- old complains of dyspnea , aggravated by exertion,
persistent cough with little phlegm . Smokes more than 45 years. Objectively :
temperature - 36,50 C, RR - 24/m . , pulse - 84/m . , BP -125 /85 mm Hg.col., asthenia,
Skin pale pink prolonged exhalation through locked lips , chest barrel , the respiratory muscles are
actively involved in breathing. Auscultatory – over lungs small account dry rales. The absolute
dullness of heart is not defined. Spirograma : VC - 71%, FEV1 45% of the appropriate values. The use
of any therapy is the most effective method of secondary prevention of pulmonary emphysema in a
patient ?
A Bronchodilators prolonged action
B Inhaled steroid hormone
C Mucolytic agents
D Vaccinotherapy
E Low flow oxygen therapy
Male 57 year- old, the driver complains of constant suffocation , which is aggravated by physical load,
unproductive cough , usually in the morning. Ill for over 12 years. Smokes over 40 years (20 cigarettes
per day). In history - pneumonia. Objectively : temperature - 36,50 C , RR – 22/m, pulse – 80b/m . , BP
- 140 /80 mm Hg. col. Cyanosis of lips . Above the lungs - weakened vesicular breathing , a large
number of scattered dry rales . What is spirometryc index is most likely point to pathophysiologic
mechanism of respiratory failure in a patient ?
A FEV1 ( forced expiratory volume in 1 second )
B FVC ( forced vital capacity )
C VC ( vital capacity )
D PEFR . (peak expiratory flow rate by volume )
E Index Tiffno
Female 29 year-old complains of pain in the chest on the right , which is enhanced by
deep breathing , unproductive cough, shortness of breath . Became ill after 4 days ago after
supercooling. In history - bronchitis. Objectively : temperature - 38.80 C , RR - 22/m . , Pulse - 110/m,
BP- 100 /60 mm Hg. col. Above the lungs in the lower right - dull percussion sound, auscultation bronchial breathing. Radiological findings : right lung root expanded in the lower - ingomogenous
intense eclipse. What are spirometryc changes most likely point to the pathophysiologic mechanism of
respiratory failure in a patient ?
A VC ( vital capacity )
B FVC ( forced vital capacity )
C FEV1 ( forced expiratory volume in 1 second )
D PEFR . (peak expiratory flow rate by volume )
E Index Tiffno
Man 68 year-old complains of cough , shortness of breath , swelling of legs. Smokes 50 years.
Objectively: RR - 28 per min, Pulse - 108 b/m, BP - 130 /80 mm Hg. col. Diffuse cyanosis. Percussion
- box sound, auscultation - breathing weakened , scattered dry rales. Cardiac tones relaxed, accent II
tone of the pulmonary artery. Liver + 6 cm. On radiographs - signs pneumosclerosis, emphysema,
increased vascular picture the roots of the lungs, dilation descending pulmonary artery. What factor
most was likely to trigger the development process that led to the complications of chronic bronchitis
the patient?
A Alveolar hypoxia
B Arterial hypoxemia
C Changes in the electrolyte composition of blood
D Increased intrathoracic pressure
E Disorders of acid- base balance of blood
Male 40 yea- old suffering from disseminated tuberculosis . Suddenly, the patient
took a lot of pain council side, dyspnea, cyanosis , tachycardia, percussion- tympanitis , weakened
breathing. With each respiratory movement dyspnea increases, increasing cyanosis. What should be
done in the first stage to improve the patient's condition ?
A Transfer into an open pneumothorax
B Assign aminophylline and corglycon
C Assign ganglioplegic and aminophylline
D Assign corglycon and prednisone
E Transfer into an open pneumothorax
Patient 40 years has complaints pain in coxal joints left , amplifying walking ,increase temperature to
37,7 ° C in the first forum 2 months. In anamnesis –focal tuberculosis of the lungs. X-ray: left
coxofemoral joint is determined destruction, contiguous surfaces of the head femoral bone and roof
of acetabulum, joint space narrowing . Mantoux test with 2 TE - 14 mm papule . What is probable
A Tuberculosis left coxitis.
B Sarcoma left coxofemoral joint
C Arthroso-arthritis left coxofemoral joint
D Rheumatic arthritis
E Rheumatoid arthritis
Patient 48 year-old, female complains of pain in thoracic division of spine , violation of the sensitivity
in lower part of body, motor function of lower extremities, increases temperature to 37,5 ° C. She
suffered 3 years. Curation in different specialists, no effect. Is determined radiologically destruction of
contiguous surfaces VIII and IX thoracic vertebrae. Right paravertebral lesions at the level of
additional soft tissue shadow . What is probable diagnosis?
A Tuberculous spondilitis of the thoracic division spine.
B Spine tumors
C Multiple sclerosis
D Methastasis in spine
E Osteochondrosis
Radiographs of the patient complaining of fever, cough discharge of large amounts of sputum, in 6
segment of left lung was revealed annular shadow 7 cm in diameter with a thick wall and a horizontal
level between shadow and enlightenment. On the other extent lung tissue - without
features. What causes the described picture ?
B Bronchiectasis
C Cyst
D Gangrene
E Tuberculous cavity
Soldier 30 year-old when passing preventive fluorography examination was found focal tuberculosis
upper lobe of left lung, infiltration phase , MBT (-). The patient has not complaints. At objective
examination of the patient changes were not detected. Complete blood count was normal. What are
doing necessary to soldiers , which living with him in the same barracks ?
A Perform x-ray
B Perform Mantoux test with PPD -L 2TO
C Make immunological studies
D Make a complete blood count
E Make blood chemistry
A 50 year-old patient suffered fibrous- cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Recently, it has
were edema of the lower extremities . In urine marked proteinuria, cylindruria .
What it is highly cause changes in urine ?
A Amyloidosis
B Acute nephritis
C Tuberculosis of kidney
D Polycystic
E Chronic Renal Failure
Patient 40 year-old, gay , complains of long fever , night perspiration , abrupt loss of weight , pain in
muscles, pharyngalgia, pain in joints , recurrent diahrrea . While the review found generalization
limphadenopathy . What disease should be suspected ?
B Limphogranulomatosis
C Sepsis
E Limpholeucosis
A 25- year-old patient, male. During a routine inspection at the fluorography of the chest revealed
large cavity in the right lower zone of the lung. No complaints there. Laboratory examination -without
pathology. Who is the most suspicion diagnosis.
A Lung cyst
B Tuberculosis
C Atelectasis of the lower share
D Chronic lung abscess
E Lung tumors
The patient is 48 years of age , complains of constant shortness of breath, coughing up a small amount
of sputum yellow - green. The examination established the diagnosis of chronic
obstructive bronchitis, stage 1, acute phase . What preparations must assign as basic therapy?
A M-cholinolytics
B Antibiotics
C Methylxanthine
D B2 agonists
E Mucolytics
The patient is 45 year old, 12 years has been suffering rheumatoid arthritis. A year ago, appeared
swelling of the face and lower extremitis . Blood analysis : erythrocyte sedimentation rate 55 mm / h,
albulins - 35%, cholesterol- 10 mg / L. In urine : proteinuria 6 g / L , white blood cells 2-4 , red blood
cells 2-3 in field of vision. What is the complication of main disease is the patient?
A Renal amyloidosis
B Glomerulonephritis
C Pyelonephritis
D Kidney tumor
E Tubulointerstitial nephritis
Trucker driver , 40 years old, sick for two months : general weakness , sweating,
weight loss of 12 kg , frequent prolonged diarrhea and recurrent respiratory infections.
Objectively: generalized lymphadenopathy , oral candidiasis phenomena , in excrement - mixed with
mucus and blood. Showed a reduction in the number of T -helper cells, T4/T8 less than 0,5. What is
the diagnosis most probable ?
B Shigellosis
C Amebiasis
E Sepsis
In patient diagnosed with herpes zoster . A patient has been suffering from childhood diabetes, father
and grandfather - asthma. A few days ago moved food poisoning. Within 7 days analginum took about
headaches. Examination of the patient showing increasing levels of antibodies against HIV. What
factor has most pathogenic role ?
A HIV - immune deficiency caused by
B Allergic disease in relatives
C Food Poisoning
D Diabetes
E Reception analgesics
Patient with newly diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis upper lobe of the left
lung , phase dacay , MBT+. He receives anti-TB therapy. A month treatment of patient complaining
of dizziness , hearing loss , tinnitus . Which these drugs should be abolished ?
A Streptomycin
B Isoniazid
C Ethambutol
D Pyrazinamide
E Rifampicin
Male 40 year-old. Three years ago he was given a diagnosis of infiltrative tuberculosis the upper
lobe of right lung. After a comprehensive clinical treatment occurred cure. Over the last year for a long
time received corticosteroid therapy for rheumatoid arthritis . Which of the following should be
assigned with in order to prevent relapse of TB ?
A Isoniazid
B Rifampicin
C pyrazinamide
D Ethambutol
E Streptomycin
A man 45-year-old, while performing physical labor sudden sharp pain in the left
half of the chest , severe shortness of breath, dry cough. Skin pale, covered with
cold sweat , marked cyanosis, the left half of the chest lags behind in the act
breathing. Above left lung box sound , breathing weakened . In X-ray missing
pulmonary pattern left, shift of the mediastinum to the right. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A Spontaneous pneumothorax
B Fibrinous pericarditis
C Dry pleurisy
D Myocardial Infarction
E Pulmonary infarction
Patient 42 year-old, 16 years working in the mine drifter . 2 years ago notes pain
in scapula areas , periodic cough, shortness of breath on exertion . Over the lungs
percussion box sound , dry rales . In sputum revealed Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the bloodmoderate leukocytosis . X-ray - strengthening and deformation pulmonary pattern , small nodular
shadows number size of 2-3 mm, advantageously in the middle sections . Chopped of the roots of the
lungs . What is the diagnosis most probable ?
A Silicotuberculosis .
B Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis .
C Silicosis 1 stage.
D Syndrome Hamman-Rich .
E Chronic bronchitis.
The patient , teacher, 37 year- old . Acutely ill , complains the temperature to 39 ° C, total
weakness, cough . He feel ill 4-th day. He had contact with tuberculous patient. Examination: in the
lungs weakened breath , little bubble rales listened at the corner of the scapule right. In the blood :
ESR - 30 mm / h , white blood cells – 12*109 . In sputum found pneumococci . There are focal and
infiltrative changes in segments 4-5 on plain film of the chest cavity . Install the diagnosis.
A Community-acquired ( pneumococcal ) pneumonia S 4-5 right.
B Influenza .
C Pulmonary tuberculosis .
D Acute bronchitis .
E None of the proposed
A 7- year-old child has been complaining for 3 weeks of headache , nausea, fatiguability ; his
condition deteriorated gradually: increased headache, general weakness. At the age of 3 years suffered
bronchitis. His father was suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Objectively : temperature 37.5 ° C,
in the minds of, in the posture “pointer dog” , stiffness(rigidity) neck muscles + 6 cm, partial ptosis of
the right eyelid, right pupil enlarged . General hyperalgesia . Spinal fluid analysis : transparent ,
pressure 400 mm water column, protein 1.5%, cytosis 610 /3, mainly lymphocytes , sugar- 1.22 mmol /
L, chlorids- 500 mmol / L.
A Tuberculous meningitis.
B Secondary purulent meningitis.
C Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.
D Serous meningitis.
E Pneumococcal meningitis.
Patient 30 year-old, femail after exposure to the earnings addressed to dermatologist complaints for
rashes all over the skin. Over the past 3 months marks a sharp loss of weight ,general weakness,
constant subfebrile temperature . On the subject of what disease it is advisable examine the patient ?
B Syphilis
C Tuberculosis
D Neoplasms of skin
The patient is 69 year- old has been suffering from chronic bronchitis for 30 years. Over the past 10
years has increased number of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, dyspnea appeared alone, which
increases with physical exertion , coughing attacks become more aggressive. Blood pressure 150 /90
mm Hg. .Auscultatory - rhythmic activity of the heart, the emphasis of the second tone of the
pulmonary artery. ECG: high P II-III , decreased S- T interval , negative T wave II- III, pronounced S
wave I and Q III. Indicate the most likely diagnosis .
A Pulmonary heart
B Myocarditis
C Hypertensive heart
D Bacterial endocarditis
E TELA small branches
Patient N. , 48 year-old , complains of shortness of breath expressed within two weeks. From the
history follows the patient smoked a lot . Objectively: voice trembling not found on right lower
corner of the scapula. Percussion: dull sound . Above this area is not breathing noises monitored.
Bronchophony not defined. What kind of syndrome should think this case?
A °Obstructive atelectasis.
B Compression atelectasis.
C The cavity in the right lung.
D Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.
E Syndrome consolidation in the lung tissue.
Female 65 year-old suffers from diabetes. Fell ill with influenza. On radiographs right lung with upper
shadow with enlightenment , which looks like a triangle with apex to root, one side adjacent to
interlobular pleural clear boundary, second - is blurred . Here are a few pockets of shade from vague
contours. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A Infiltrative tuberculosis with dacay
B Right interlobular pleurisy
C Central lung cancer
D Atelectasis of upper lobe
E Influenza pneumonia
Man 50 year-old notes pain in the left half of the chest, shortness of breath , increased body
temperature to 38 ° C, little cough. Disease gradually started 2 weeks ago after supercooling. In
childhood - bronchoadenitis ,2 years ago - myocardial infarction. The sick side lags behind in
breathing , percussion: at the lower part of the lungs is determined dull sound with oblique limit it is
no breathing . The right border of the heart shifted to the right side , HR – 98 b/min . Mycobacteria in
sputum are absent. Tuberculin Mantoux test - papule 16 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Tuberculous pleurisy
B Central cancer of the left lung
C Congestive pneumonia
D Thromboembolism branches of the pulmonary artery
E Lobar pneumonia
Patient 20 year-old, temperature 39.5 ° C, headache and vomiting. Positive meningeal
signs. Spinal fluid analysis : cytosis - 7000 cells in 1 ml (97% neutrophils ). The likely diagnosis.
A Purulent meningitis
B Viral meningitis
C Uberculous meningitis
D Brain tumor
E Meningismus
In sinker , who has been working at the mine for 12 years. Flyurography of lung detected nodule
shadows to 2 mm in diameter on both sides on the background diffuse pattern, bronhoadenitis , the
left in the middle lobe - focal shade up to 3 cm in diameter with a path to root . What is the most likely
diagnosis ?
A Silikotuberculosis
B Lung cancer
C Silicosis
D Anthracosis
E Sarkoidosis
26 year old miner , experience of work in the " dust " under 4 years. He complains of breathlessness
during several weeks, the overall weakness . X-ray of the lungs was found total small dissemination of
lesions with a diameter of 4 mm .In the first segment of the upper lobe- infiltration diameter of 3 cm
from right , without sharp boundaries. What is the most likely diagnosis .
A Tuberculosis.
B Sarcoidosis.
C Pneumoconiosis
D Coniotuberculosis
E Canceromatosis .
X-ray examination of the chest cavity of a 9 year-old child from right subclavian area found
infiltration shadow of the lung tissue with a diameter of 3 cm path to root of the lung , lymph nodes of
root enlarged . What is most likely diagnosis?
A Primary tuberculous complex.
B Gones focus .
C Pneumonia with the reaction of lymph nodes of the root.
D Peripheral tumors .
E Eosinofilius infiltration.
Man 19 year-old was entered the infectious hospital with a diagnosis of " typhoid fever . The patient
has been feeling for 3 week. Two days ago, he had a dramatic deterioration of general condition,
strong headache , body temperature to 39.6 oC , sharp breathlessness at rest , consciousness marred ,
moderate meningeal signs. In the lungs vesicular breathing, wheezing not listen. On radiographs in
both lungs throughout multiple similar and small ( 1-2 mm) focal shadows . Clinical diagnosis?
A Acute miliary tuberculosis.
B Carcinomatous miliary lung .
C Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis .
D Sarcoidosis of the lungs.
E Double-sided pneumonia.
The patient 40 year-old , complains of fever up to 39.5 °C , cough with " rusty " sputum, shortness of
breath, cold sores on the lips. RR- 32 in 1 min. Under the shoulder blade strengthening voice tremor to
the right; percussion: there dullness , auscultation: bronchial breathing in the background - crackling.
Analysis of CBC: L – 14*10 9 , ESR 35 mm / h. Your preliminary diagnosis ?
A Lobar pneumonia.
B lobular pneumonia.
C pulmonary tuberculosis.
D Acute bronchitis.
E pleural effusion .
A man of 26 year-old complains paroxysmal abdominal pain, frequent liquid stool with impurities of
mucus and blood. Has been feeling for 3 years, loss of weight 14 kg . Obgectively: pulse - 96/m , BP110 /70 mm Hg , t - 37,6 °C. The abdomen was soft and painful on palpation at the colon , particularly
the left. Irrigoscopy - narrowed colon , haustrae are absent , contours uneven, indistinct . What is the
most likely diagnosis ?
A Ulcerative colitis
B Tuberculosis of intestines
C Amebic dysentery
D Crohn's disease
E Irritable bowel syndrome
Male 28 year-old, complains of fever to 39°C , cough with mucous sputum, chest pain on the right. For
a week of receiving antibiotics without effect. Objectively: dullness of percussion sound between the
shoulder blades, auscultatorya few moist fine bubbling rales . X-ray: throughout the lungs, but more in the upper , low-intensity
foci with indistinct contours. Complete blood count : white blood cells 13.2* 109 /l, ESR- 35 mm / h.
What is the most likely diagnose?
A Disseminated tuberculosis
B Canceromatosis light
C Bilateral lobular pneumonia
D Sarcoidosis
E Caseous pneumonia
Patient N., 64 year-old, complains of cough with sputum, sometimes hemoptysis. Smokes 30 years.
Loosted weight to 8 kg in the last 3 months. Radiological findings: in a middle of the right lung cavity
formation , the inner contour uneven, contains a small amount of liquid , it increased basal lymph
nodes . What research most informative for the diagnosis ?
A Bronchoscopy with biopsy
B Analysis of specimens
C Pulmonary tomography
D Bronhography
E Spirography
The patient 36, arrived in with complaints of cough with mucopurulent sputum , fever to 37.8°C, pain
in right side when breathing. Percussion : right in the lower lung dull percussion sound, auscultation weaked vesicular breathing and crepitation, pleural friction rub .For any given pathological condition
characterized by data?
A Community-acquired pneumonia
B Pleural effusion
C Nosocomial pneumonia
D Pulmonary Tuberculosis
E Acute bronchitis
Male 42 year-old, is working on a chicken farm , is complaining of fever, shortness of breath ,
temperature 39.6°C, pain in the left side of the chest. Two years ago suffered a heart attack.
Examination: cyanosis, RR – 26/m . , HR – 102 b/m . Percussion sound of the lungs altered, vesicular
breathing . Puffiness legs. X-ray: on both sides of throughout the lung many small 2-3 mm focal
shadows of low intensity , which chain located along blood vessels. ESR - 30 mm /h. Mantoux test
with 2TO – infiltrate 15mm. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A Miliary tuberculosis
B Congestive pneumonia
C Focal tuberculosis
D Idiopathic alveolitis
E Subacute disseminated tuberculosis
Patient with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis appointed streptomycin, rifampicin, isoniazid,
pyrazinamide , and vitamin C. After 1 month of treatment the patient began complains of hearing loss ,
tinnitus . Which meant drugs have the side impact?
A Streptomycin
B Isoniazid
C Rifampicin
D Pyrazinamide
E Vitamin C
Patient 20-year-old, complains of severe headache , double vision , general weakness,
fever, irritability. Objectively: body temperature 38.1°C, in contact comes reluctantly, overreacts to
stimuli. Ptosis left eyelids, divergent strabismus, anisocoria S> D. Marked meningeal syndrome.
During lumbar puncture spinal fluid flow out under pressure of 300 mm of water, clear with a slight
opalescence , one day had fibrinous film. Protein - 1.4 g / l , lymphocytes - 600 /3 in mm , sugar - 0.3
mmol / l.What is the preliminary diagnosis of the patient to ask ?
A Tuberculous meningitis
B Meningococcal meningitis
C Lymphocytic meningitis Armstrong
D Syphilitic meningitis
E Mumps meningitis
Patient, 45 year-old suffered infiltrative tuberculosis of upper lobe right lung, phase decay , MBT +.
In during 10 months had treatment. Last X-ray examination is established , that the upper lobe
reduced in volume , right root tighten upper , cavernous changes in not found .
What clinical form of tuberculosis in patients in the present time ?
A Cirrhotic lung tuberculosis
B Fibro- cavernous lung tuberculosis
C Cavernous lung tuberculosis
D Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
E Caseous pneumonia
In the patient revealed infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper lobe of right lung collapse phase, MBT (+).
What are hoping to hear (breath sounds) over lesion sites?
A. Dry whistling rales.
B. Crackling.
C. pleural rub.
D. Bronchial breath.
E. Local moist rales.
What is the primary method for detecting pulmonary tuberculosis in mass screening of the population?
A. Fluoroscopy.
B. CT.
C. Bronhography.
D. Fluorography.
E. Sighting radiography.
What form of tuberculosis is one of the primary?
A. Focal.
B. Disseminated.
C. Tuberculosis of unknown localization.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Infiltrative.
What are the biochemical components MBT determine their resistance to acids, alkalis and alcohols?
A. Proteins.
B. Carbohydrates.
C. Lipids
D. Polysaccharides.
E. Mineral salts.
What is the basic method of diagnostics of lung function?
A. Bronchoscopy.
C. Bronchography.
D. CT.
E. Spirotest
How and in what dose tuberculin used during mass tuberculin diagnosis?
A. 100% alt Koch's tuberculin.
B. PPD-L in standard dilution maintenance dose of 2.
C. LPD-L in standard dilution dose of 5 IU.
D. PPD-L in the standard maintenance dose of 10 dilution.
E. 25% dilution of tuberculin purified dry.
How many categories of treatment arev for tuberculosis?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3
E. 5.
What is meant a diagnosis of "tuberculosis of unknown localization"?
A. Symptom functional and objective signs of intoxication and resulting primary infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis unidentified localization.
B. Intoxication syndrome in a small form of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
C. Intoxication syndrome in primary pulmonary tuberculosis complex.
D. Intoxication syndrome in primary tuberculous complex ileocecal intestine.
E. Low-grade fever, sweating, cough, hoarseness of voice.
Patient 35 years. The disease began with increase sharply body temperature to 39 ° C, cough with
sputum release. For week received antibiotics - no effect. Between the shoulder blades listen fine reals.
On radiographs throughout both lungs are defined with different foci (5-10 mm in diameter) values
with fuzzy contours. Blood: L-13, 2x10 / L, ESR – 45 mm / year. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Subacute disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Bilateral pneumonia.
C. Myocardial-pneumonia.
D. Stagnation in the lungs.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
Patient 30 years. Two years ago, treated over FDPT (04.05.2001) SI right lung (focal), Destr-,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis-M-K-HIST0, Cat3 Koh2 (2001). 10 days ago diagnosed with right sided
suppurative otitis media. Now complains of severe headache, vomiting, general weakness. In the
contact comes hard. Radiological findings: in the 1st segment of the right lung has two focal shade of
medium intensity. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid: muddy, cytosis - 650 cells in 1 ml neutrophils 85%, lymphocytes - 15% sugar - 3.1 mmol / l, chlorides - 115 mg / dL. What is the most likely
diagnosis in this case?
A. Serous meningitis.
B. Tuberculosis.
C. Meningococcal.
D. Secondary purulent meningitis.
E. Menigism.
What radiological evidence strongly suggests the activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Pockets of high intensity with a crisp outer contours.
B. Group lesions of different sizes, high intensity.
C. Foci of low intensity with indistinct outlines.
D. Focus Gon.
E. Pockets of moderate-intensity on a background of limited pneumosclerosis.
What is the frequency of infiltrative tuberculosis in the general structure of newly diagnosed
pulmonary tuberculosis patients?
A. 5-10%.
B. 13-24%.
C. 25-35%.
D. 45-55%.
E. 65-85%
What is the frequency of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis among patients with newly diagnosed
pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. 1.2%.
B. 6.2%.
C. 8%.
D. 10%
E. 12%.
What kind of disease is often complicated by pulmonary hemorrhages?
A. Aspergiloma.
B. Lung cancer.
C. Adenoma of the bronchus.
D. Tuberculosis of the lungs.
E. Pneumonia.
What is the prevention of tuberculosis is used in infants?
A. Chemoprophylaxis.
B. Vaccination.
C. Sanitary prophylaxis.
D. Revaccination.
E. Current prevention.
What are the radiological signs of TB on a background of diabetes?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis, which occurs most often in the form of nebulous, and lesions
polysegmental lobit.
B. Bilateral infiltrates localized in the lower lobes (due to reactivation process in the internal thoracic
lymph nodes of lymphogenous and bronchogenic dissemination).
C. Tuberculoma large with indistinct outlines, perifocal inflammation, are prone to decay.
D. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis (runs hard, can more difficult caseous pneumonia progresses rapidly).
E. All these signs typical tuberculous process in the background diabetes.
What is one of the preventive measures in the hearth of tuberculosis infection?
A. Conduct disinfection.
B. Examination of contact persons and chemoprophylaxis of them.
C. Isolation of bacteria discharging children and intensive treatment patient.
D. Sanitary education of patients and their families, improvement of living conditions.
E. All listed.
What type of pathogen by Runyon classification, is referred to atypical mycobacteria?
A. M. bovis.
B. M. africanum.
C. Filtrative form.
D. M. Rvium,
E. M. tuberculosis.
What can be seen on the skin of the forearm with a positive tuberculin reaction with 2 IU?
A. Infiltrate the size of 5-17 mm.
B. Infiltration of vesicles in the center.
C. Plethora of more than 5 mm.
D. Infiltration larger than 17 mm.
E. Infiltrate the size of 2-4 mm.
Which of these diseases can reduce sensitivity to tuberculin?
A. Catarrhal otitis.
B. Allergic rhinitis.
C. Asthma.
D. Hypertension.
E. Cyrus.
In a patient with tuberculosis of the upper part of the right lung observed percussion sound from
tympanic shade- auscultation amphoryc breath. What changes in the lungs should be thinking about?
A. Infiltration of the lung tissue.
B. Cirrhosis of the lungs.
C. Atelectasis.
D. Giant cavity.
E. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
Which method of research should be conducted to confirm the presence of bronchiectasis?
A. Sights radiography.
B. Plain radiography.
C. Fistulography.
D. Imaging.
E. Bronhography.
What complication is relate to specific?
A. Hemoptysis.
B. Chronic pulmonary heart.
C. Atelectasis.
D. Tuberculosis of the larynx.
E. Amyloidosis
What are the components of compound MBT are the main carriers of antigenic properties?
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates.
C. Lipids.
D. Polysaccharides.
E. Mineral salts.
What is volume of anatomical dead space?
A. 10-25 ml.
B. 50-100 ml.
C. 140-150 ml,
D. 1400-1600 ml.
E. 3500-5000 ml.
What may increase sensitivity to tuberculin?
A. Old age.
B. Lymphogranulomatosis.
C. Lymphosarcoma.
D. Treatment of immunosuppressants.
E. Asthma.
What a listed antimycobacterial drugs are most effective?
A. Streptomycin and pyrazinamide.
B. Isoniazid and rifampicin.
C. Ethambutol and kanamycin.
D. Ethionamidum and cycloserine.
E. Tioatsetazon and PASK.
What paraspecific is seen in primary tuberculosis?
A. Micropolyadeni, erythema nodosum, fliktenous keratoconjunctivitis.
B. Tuberculosis of skin and tonsils.
C. Amyloidosis internal organs, pleural empyema.
D. Tuberculous pleurisy and pericarditis.
E. Tuberculous peritonitis and intestinal tuberculosis.
On x-ray of a man 48 y., in the upper lobes of both lungs revealed multiple foci of medium size, low
and medium intensity with indistinct outlines. Wellbeing patient is not broken. Blood: L-8, 2x10 / l.
ESR - 20 mm / h. What form of disseminated tuberculosis was diagnosed in a patient?
A. Miliary.
B. Disseminated (subacute).
C. Alopecia.
D. Disseminated (chronic).
E. Infiltrative.
What is the optimal combination of antimycobacterial drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis
A. Rifampicin + isoniazid + ethambutol.
B. Isoniazid + rifampicin + pyrazinamide + streptomycin.
C. Streptomycin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide + ethambutol.
D. Isoniazid + rifampicin 4 - + kanamycin Ethionamidum.
E. Ethionamidum pyrazinamide + tioatsetazon streptomycin.
What medications are useful for treating a patient test for the differential diagnosis of focal
tuberculosis and pneumonia?
A. Streptomycin + Macropen.
B. Streptomycin + INH.
C. Doxycycline + sulfalen.
D. Doxycycline + rifampin
E. Doxycycline + streptomycin.
What is segmental localization of tuberculous infiltration?
A. 1, 2 and 3 segments.
B. 1, 3 and 4 segments.
C. 1, 4 and 5 segments.
D. 1,2 and 6 segments.
E. 2, 6 and 9 segments.
Which clinical form of TB often formed fibrous kavernous tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Primary tuberculosis complex.
C. Infiltrative.
D. Camp fire.
E. Cirrosis.
What is first aid for valvular spontaneous pneumothorax?
A. FBS. ;
B. Mechanical ventilation.
C. Drainage of pleural cavity.
D. Breathing exercises.
E. Steadily bed rest.
What prophylaxis is used to prevent relapse of TB?
A. Secondary chemoprophylaxis.
B. Vaccination.
C. Revaccination.
D. Primary chemoprophylaxis.
E. Sanitary prophylaxis.
At combined tuberculosis with diabetes course and prognosis of which disease adversely?
A. Always tuberculosis.
B. Always diabetes.
C. Both diseases.
D. Usually the one that came first.
E. Usually the one that came second.
How many groups are divided focus of tuberculosis infection?
A. On five.
B. On the two.
C. On three.
D. On four.
E. The focuses are not divided into groups.
The girl 9 years old tuberculin "virage". At clinical, radiological and laboratory assessment of
pathological changes were detected. What should be the doctor's tactics with regard to girls?
A. Repeat Mantoux test with 2 after 1 year.
B. Hospitalized in a tuberculosis hospital.
C. Hold for three months of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis and vitamin B6.
D. Watch in TB Dispensary in 1-2 years.
E. Assume girl healthy and not to any preventive measures.
At which form and complication of pulmonary tuberculosis expedient to appoint prednisone?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by pleural pleurisy.
B. Chronic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic pulmonary heart.
C. Fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, amyloidosis internal organs.
D. Tuberculoma of the upper lobe of right lung, specific colitis.
E. Cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis, lung asperhiloma.
Boy 6 years complained of cough, loss of appetite, sweating, increased body temperature to 37,5 ° C.
On radiographs - enlarged left bronchopulmonary lymph nodes with fuzzy outer contours. Mantoux
test with 2 - 15 mm infiltration. Blood test: A - 9.0 10 N / l, ESR - 30 mm / h. What is the diagnosis of
a child is the most likely?
A. Non-specific pneumonia.
B. Central cancer.
C. Sarcoidosis.
D. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
E. Lymphosarcoma
In a six-year boy with primary tuberculosis complex on the lower right of his chest auscultated
pleural friction. What kind of pathological changes should be thinking about?
A. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
B. Dry pleurisy.
C. Pleural effusion.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Empyema
What is meant - focal shadow?
A. Eclipse diameter of 0.2 cm
B. Eclipse 0.2 - 0.4 cm in diameter.
C. Eclipse 0.5 - 1.0 cm in diameter.
D. Eclipse in diameter and 1.0 cm
E. Eclipse 1.0 to 2.0 cm in diameter.
What is the phase characteristic of tuberculosis progression?
A. Resorption.
B. Seeding.
C. Seals.
D. Scarring.
E. calcification.
What mycobacteria called L-form?
A. The vaccine strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
B. Avizual form of MBT.
C. Atypical Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
D. MBT partially lost the cell wall,
E. Filterable forms MBT.
What is the value of vital capacity in healthy people?
A. 500-800 ml.
B. 1000-3000 ml.
C.. 1500-3500 ml.
D. 3500-5000ml,
Reason for applying sample Koch?
A. Prevention of tuberculosis.
B. Early detection of tuberculosis.
C. Determination of TB infection in the population.
D. Differential diagnosis between infectious and post-vaccinal allergy.
E. Identification of persons at risk of tuberculosis.
What is the optimal duration of the basic course of antimycobacterial therapy patient FDPT
(13.08.2003) left upper lobe lung (focal, phase infiltration), Destr-, MBT-M-K-HIST0, Сat3 Koh 3
A. 1-2 months.
B. 3-4 months.
C. 4-6 months.
D. 7-8 months.
E. 9-10 months.
What is called primary TB?
A. Newly diagnosed tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculosis, which evolved into a newly infected MBT
C. Tuberculosis, developed after suffering a primary tuberculous complex.
D. Tuberculosis, which is discovered during preventive examination.
E. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovine species.
Male 46 years old complained of cough, dyspnea, fever to 38'S. The disease began gradually. On
radiographs in the upper lobes of the lungs revealed focal low intensity shadow with vague outlines.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Cantciromatosis.
B. Disseminated tuberculosis.
C. Bronchopneumonia.
D. Focal tuberculosis.
E. Chronic bronchitis.
Which is often the beginning of tuberculous meningoencephalitis?
A. Gradually.
B. Sharp.
C. Asymptomatic.
D. Recurrent.
E. A surprising.
What is the frequency of primary tuberculous meningitis (an isolated lesion of the meninges), among
other forms of meningitis?
A. 2%.
B. 5%.
C. 20%.
D. 40%.
E. 50%.
A patient 25 years with prophylactic fluorography examination revealed focal shadows in 1-2
segments of the left lung, small intensity with clear contours. The reaction to the Mantoux test with 2
PPD-L- Infiltration diameter of 7 mm. Blood test: A - 9.9 10V / L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 26
mm / h. What is the most likely diagnosis in this case?
A. Focal tuberculosis.
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
C. Pleuropneumonia.
D. Lung cancer.
E. Eosinophilic infiltration.
Under the guise of disease often manifest tuberculous infiltration?
A. Peripheral cancer.
B. Retention cysts.
C. Pneumonia.
D. Eosinophilic infiltration.
E. Asperhiloma.
What is nonspecific complications of fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Chronic pulmonary heart.
B. Tuberculosis of the larynx.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Lung atelectasis.
E. Amyloidosis internal organs.
What is the BCG vaccine and BCG-M?
A. Killed mycobacteria culture.
B. Waste products of mycobacteria.
C. Live attenuated cultures of mycobacteria.
D. A mixture of purified tuberculin and killed mycobacteria.
E. Completely dry tuberculin purified.
What are the indications for x-rays of patients with diabetes?
A. After undergoing hyper-and hypoglycemic coma.
B. After suffering flu or pneumonia.
C. After surgery for any reason.
D. When the symptoms of tuberculosis or tuberculin reaction hyperergic.
E. All numbered requires mandatory inspection fluorography.
What is the most important factor in determining the risk of epidemic focus of tuberculosis infection?
A. Sanitary conditions in which the patient resides and his family.
B. Massiveness bacteria.
C. The presence of families of children and adolescents.
D. The clinical form of tuberculosis.
E. Term existence of the cell.
The boy 6 years is set to "virag" tuberculin reaction. Which test should be conducted?
A. General clinical examination, X-ray survey of chest, complete blood and urine.
B. Sample Koch, complete blood and urine.
C. X-ray, complete blood and urine.
D. Tomography, smears from the throat to the MBT.
E. FBS, research on the content of the bronchi MBT.
What medication is prescribed for the prevention of isoniazid neurotoxity?
A. Vitamin C.
B. Vitamin A.
C. Vitamin K.
D. Vitamin B12.
E. Diazolin.
The 5-year-old boy who was suffering from a primary tuberculous complex, suddenly appeared
cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, mild cyanosis of the lips. The body temperature of 38.4 'C.
Above the upper sections of the right lung - dull percussion sound the same – relaxed breathing. What
complication of primary tuberculosis complex is the most likely?
A. Pleural effusion.
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
C. Atelectasis.
D. Tuberculosis of bronchus.
E. Empyema
The patient is determined by "forked" symptom. What kind of pathological changes should be thinking
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
C. Cirrhosis of the lungs.
D. Dry pleurisy.
E. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
The patient 29 years during X-ray examination revealed under right clavicula collarbone eclipse
shadow diameter of 1 cm of low intensity with indistinct outlines. What type of abnormal shadow
determined is in the patient?
A. Focal.
B. Infiltrative.
C. Focal - infiltrative.
D. Ring.
E. Linear.
What are the data begins formulating a clinical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Phase process.
B. Clinical form.
C. Bacteria.
D. Localization process.
E. Type of tuberculosis.
What is the cause of primary drug resistance MBT?
A. Late detection of tuberculosis.
B. Late detection of tuberculosis.
C. Irregular receiving antimycobacterial drugs.
D. Treatment of low-dose chemotherapy.
E. Infection of resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
What is the ratio called the index Tyffno?
B. OB and VC,
C. MPA and MVL.
In response to the biennial child Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L - infiltration diameter of 7 mm, in four
years -3 mm. Postvaccinal scar size of 4 mm. What is the nature of tuberculin reaction occurs in a
A. Infectious allergy.
B. "Virage" tuberculin reaction.
C. Child sick with tuberculosis.
D. Postvaccinal allergy.
E. Mantoux test was positive.
Duration of the main course antymicobacterial therapy in patients with miliary TB, MBT (+)?
A. 2-3 months.
B. 4-5 months.
C. 6-7 months.
D. 8-12 months.
E. More than 1.5 years.
8. What should be the tactic of TB in relation to 7-year-old child with a diagnosis of "Tuberculosis of
unknown localization"?
A. Watch in TB dispensary for 2 years.
B. Perform treatment 3 antimycobacterial drugs for 4-6 months.
C. Watch in pediatric clinic to 14 years of age.
D. Hold isoniazid chemoprophylaxis for 3 months.
E. Improve your child to summer camp.
A patient 35 years complains of shortness of breath during physical load, cough with sputum release a
small amount. For 10 years he worked in the mine sinker. The body temperature is normal. In the
lungs, wheezing does not listen. Blood: L-7, 8*10 / 9, ESR - 8 mm / h. Mantoux test with 2 PPD-Linfiltration diameter of 10 mm. On radiographs on both sides, mainly in the anterior-lateral region
determined by small foci of high intensity shade with clear contours. What is the preliminary diagnosis
of the patient?
A. Bronchopneumonia.
B. Miliary tuberculosis.
C. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Carcinomatosis.
E. Pneumoconiosis.
What is the maximum size of shadows in focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A.1 mm.
B. 1.5 mm.
C. 5 mm.
D. 10mm.
E. 25mm.
Patient 39 y. Suffering from diabetes for 6 years. When X-ray examination of the lower lobe of the
left lung revealed infiltrative shadow in the center of enlightenment. The general condition of the
patient good. Blood test: A - 10.5 107l, ESR - 25 mm / h. What is the diagnosis of the patient?
A. Lung cancer.
B. Pneumonia.
C. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
D. Lung abscess.
E. Primary tuberculous complex.
What is the most specific complications of fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Tuberculosis of the larynx.
B. Tuberculosis of intestines.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Tuberculosis of the genitalia.
E. Tuberculosis of the kidneys.
Patients over 17 years old suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Recently time had increased
shortness of breath and cough, pain appeared in the right quadrant and in the heart, drowsiness,
swelling of the lower extremities. What is the most likely complication observed in this case?
A. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
B. Lung atelectasis.
C. Chronic pulmonary heart.
D. Amyloidosis internal organs.
E. Tuberculosis of bronchus.
What is the value of BCG vaccine?
A. Provides an easier course of tuberculosis.
B. Prevents infection.
C. Protection against tuberculosis.
D. Less chance of contracting tuberculosis.
E. Prevents recurrence of tuberculosis.
What is the main method for diagnosis of chronic pulmonary heart?
B. Phonocardiography,
C. Tonometry.
D. Echocardiography.
E. Fluoroscopy.
What disease can contribute to the development of tuberculosis?
A. Hypertension.
B. Infectious mononucleosis.
C. Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
D. All these diseases.
E. None of the above.
What category of tuberculosis focus is considered the most dangerous?
A. First.
B. Second.
C. Third.
D. Fourth.
E. Fifth.
What information is most significant in the survey of patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Marital status of the patient.
B. Job.
C. Material conditions of life.
D. Contact with TB patients.
E. Presence in the household cattle
When was discovered X-rays?
A. U1882 year.
B. In 1895.
C. In 1944.
D. In 1951.
E. In 1995.
A patient 10 years old tuberculin stated, "virag", Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L - infiltrate a diameter of
16 mm. Complaints of general weakness, low-grade fever, increased sweating. Blood: A-9, 2 10 / l / l,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 26 mm / h. When X-ray examination of pathological amine in the lungs
were found. What is the diagnosis of a child with likely?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
C. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Tuberculous intoxication.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
In patients with pulmonary tuberculosis under the left shoulder blade listen medium bubble wheezing.
As evidenced by this change?
A. Focal changes in lung tissue.
B. Bronchitis.
C. The presence of cavities collapse.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. atelectasis.
What is the most common form of secondary segmental localization of pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. I, II, III segments.
B. II, III, IV segments
C. III, V, VI segments.
D. I, II, VI segments.
E. II, III, X segments.
In the patient 19 years on prophylactic x-ray in the apical segments of both lungs revealed isolated foci
of low intensity with indistinct outlines. For any form of tuberculosis characterized by such changes?
A. Infiltrative.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. focus.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Disseminated.
What is the frequency of primary drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis TB patients?
A. 0.5-1%.
B. 2 - 5%.
C. I-14%
D. 15-20%.
E. 25-30%.
What are the indicators of lung function find most informative?
A. VC and MVL.
B. FEV index Tyffno.
C. VC, FEV, index Tyffno.,
D. MVL index Tyffno.
E. MOSH25 'pope expiration.
At what age and in what time spend massive tuberculosis diagnostics?
A. From the age of twelve, annually.
B. From the age of twelve, once in 2 years from.
C. Only 7 and 14 years.
D. With 7 years of age, per year to 14 years.
E. In 7 years, 5 years and 30 years of age.
What is the optimal scheme of antimycobacterial therapy in the initial phase of a patient with FDPT
(05.09.2004) of the upper lobe of right lung (tuberculoma), Destr-, Mycobacterium tuberculosis-M-KHIST0?
A. + Isoniazid + streptomycin ryfapmitsyn.
B. Isoniazid ryfapmitsyn + + - pyrazinamide.
C. Streptomycin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide.
D. Rifampicin + streptomycin + ethambutol.
E. Pyrazinamide + ethambutol + kanamitsyy.
What is called primary TB?
A. Newly diagnosed tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculosis, which evolved into a newly infected Office.
C. Tuberculosis, developed after suffering a primary tuberculous complex.
D. Tuberculosis, which is discovered during preventive examination.
E. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovine species.
A patient 62 years complains of paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, weight
loss of 10 kg. Contact with his brother, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Six months ago
underwent surgery for cancer of the prostate. Blood - anemia, ESR - 65 mm / h. On radiographs, the
average and mainly in the lower lung determined by multiple focal shadows, measuring 5-6 mm in
clear outline. What is the preliminary diagnosis of the patient?
A. Disseminated tuberculosis.
B. Carcinomatosis.
C. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Thromboembolism branches of the pulmonary artery.
E. Bilateral pneumonia.
The results of the study which is most informative to confirm tuberculous meningitis?
A. Mantoux test.
B. Sample Koch.
C. Complete blood.
D. Studies of cerebrospinal fluid.
E. Investigation of serum protein fractions.
What is criteria activity of focal tuberculosis?
A. Intoxication syndrome.
B. Changes in the hemogram.
C. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
D. Alopecia shade of medium intensity with clear contours.
E. A positive Mantoux test with 2 MCA-L.
Male 36 years old acutely ill after surgery for perforated gastric ulcer. On radiographs in the upper
lobe of the right lung defined array infiltration of lung tissue with multiple cavities collapse. Mantoux
test with 2 PPD-L questionable. Blood: L -17.0 10ya / l ERS - 52 mm / h. Found in the sputum MBT.
What is the most likely form of pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed in a patient?
A. Infiltrative.
B. Focus.
C. Fibrous-cavernous.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Cirrhotic.
A patient 35 years complains on cough with sputum release, weakness, shortness of breath with little
exertion. Three months as returned from prison. On examination, the right half thorax narrowed behind
in breathing. MBT found bacterioscopic. What clinical form of tuberculosis was found in a patient?
A. Tuberculoma.
B. Focal tuberculosis.
C. Tuberculous pleurisy.
D. Disseminated tuberculosis.
E. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis.
What is the main cause profuse pulmonary hemorrhage in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Rupture of a blood vessel.
B. Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery.
C. Varicosity of pulmonary blood vessels
D. Activation of fibrinolysis.
E. Abnormalities in blood coagulation system.
How long after BCG vaccination formated immunity?
A. After 6-8 days.
B. After 6-8 weeks.
C. After 6-8 months.
D. After 9-12 months.
E. After 5-7 years.
What of the following characteristic is at tuberculosis in the later stages of HIV infection?
A. Severe prolonged intoxication with a negative response to the test
B. Diffuse infiltrates localized in the upper and in the middle and lower parts of the lungs.
C. Preferably extrapulmonary lesions, increased intra thoracic lymph nodes, generalized
D. Half the patients - absence of sputum Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
E. All mentioned characteristic.
What is the determination of the infection?
A. This number was first reported during the year "turns" per 100 thousand population of the region.
B. This is the percentage of people who react positively to tuberculin in respect to the number of the
patients except those with postvaccinal reactions.
C. This is the total number of people who react positively to tuberculin, designed for 100,000 people.
D. This is the percentage of people who react positively to tuberculin in
respect to the number of patients.
E. This is the percentage of people who have found the MBT in relation to the number of patients.
What is the duration of antimycobacterial therapy after successful resection of the upper lobe of right
lung tuberculoma about?
A. 1-2 weeks.
B. 3-4 weeks.
C. 2-3 months.
D. 4-6 months.
E. 7-10 months.
At preventive examinations in 17-year-old boy found an increase in bilateral bronchopulmonary
lymph nodes. The general condition is satisfactory. On physical examination revealed no pathological
changes. Mantoux test with 2 L PPD-negative. Complete blood is pathological abnormalities. What
diagnosis is most likely in boys?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis.
B. Nonspecific adenopathy.
C. Sarcoidosis.
D. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
E. Lymphocytic leukemia.
A patient diagnosed with miliary tuberculosis, phase infiltration, MBT (-). Which combinations of
antimycobacterial drugs is the most optimal for the 1st stage of treatment?
A. Rifampicin + isoniazid + ethambutol.
B. Isoniazid + rifampicin + Ethionamidum.
C. Isoniazid + rifampicin + pyrazinamide + streptomycin.
D. Streptomycin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide + ethambutol.
E. isoniazid + ethambutol + pyrazinamide + kanamycin.
What type of breathing is characterized by the projection infiltrative lesions in pulmonary
A. Vesicular.
B. Amphoric.
C. Mixed.
D. Bronchial.
E. Saccadal.
Which method of research is performed to confirm the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity?
A. X-ray.
B. Imaging.
C. Bronchography.
D. Laterography.
E. Sights radiography.
Patient 25 years acutely ill. He complains of headache, dry cough, shortness of breath, fever and 39
(HS. examination: general condition is difficult, cyanosis of the lips, wheezing does not listen. Blood: 12.6 L 10 / L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 16 mm / h. Plain radiographs during both lungs are
defined multiple, small, low-intensity focal shadows. Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L - infiltrate a diameter
of 5 mm. Which clinical form of tuberculosis was diagnosed in a patient?
A. Focal.
B. Infiltrative.
C. Disseminated.
D. Miliary tuberculosis.
E. Caseous pneumonia.
How often develop secondary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antimycobacterial
drugs in patients with tuberculosis?
A. 1 - 5%.
B. 5 - 10%.
C. 10 - 20%.
D. 20 - 40%.
E. 50 - 60%
In patients 45 y diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis right lung, and seed decay phase, MBT (+).
Complaints of cough small selection of sputum, shortness of breath. With pneumatic reduction of
stated size and type of syringe exchange MOSH25 under normal terms and mosh mosh lesion of the
bronchi characterized by the following data pneumatic?
A. Large bronchi,
B. Average bronchi.
C. Large and medium-sized bronchi.
D. Medium and small bronchi.
E. Small bronchi.
What is "virag" tuberculin reactions?
A. Going negative reaction to tuberculin in a positive after BCG vaccination.
B. Going negative reaction to tuberculin in a positive after BCG revaccination.
C. Changing sensitivity to tuberculin due to primary infection Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
D. The appearance hyperergic tuberculin reaction in infected tuberculosis.
E. Negative reaction to tuberculin in seriously ill with tuberculosis.
For which of the antimycobacterial drugs peculiar toxic action, and it should not be administered to
pregnant women?
A. Ethambutol.
B. Rifampicin.
C. Streptomycin.
D. Pyrazinamide.
E. Isoniazid.
What complications are main for primary tuberculosis complex?
A. Chronic pulmonary heart.
B. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
D. Pleural effusion.
E. Amyloidosis internal organs.
What are the main radiological signs subacute disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. The total bilateral lesions SMALL.
B. Bidirectional symmetrical focal lesions, mainly in the upper and middle of the lungs.
C. One-tailed focal lesions.
D. Double-sided focal lesions within the apical segments.
E. Bilateral focal infiltrative process in the lower parts of both lungs.
Which pairs of cranial nerves are affected predominantly in tuberculous meningitis?
B. I, II, III.
C. I, II, X, XII.
D.V, VI, X. E. II, III, VII.
What is the maximum number of segments is affected in focal pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
E. 6.
What changes in the blood is most characteristic of patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis?
A.L-25, 107l 0, f 3%, 6% p-, p-51%, L-23% m 7%, ESR -6 mm / h.
B. L-9, 8 107l, E-11% n-6% c-65%, L-13% m 5%, ESR -36 mm / year.
S. L-4, 0 107l, p-2% 2% n-, s-60%, L-26% m 9%, ESR-6 mm / h.
D. L-16, 107l 5 are 10%, 10% p-, p-64%, L-14% m 2% ESR-21 mm / h.
E. L-107l 6.0 is, 4%, 3% p-, p-60%, L-26% m 6%, ESR - 7mm/hod.
Patient 36 years old newly diagnosed fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, MBT +, resistant to
ethambutol and streptomycin. Which combination antimycobacterial drugs is the most optimal?
A. Rifampicin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide + kanamycin.
B. Isoniazid + rifampicin + + tioatsetazon florymitsyn.
C. Isoniazid + kanamycin + + Ethionamidum PAS.
D. Ethionamidum + kanamycin + rifampicin + ftivazid.
E. Isoniazid and cikloseryn 4 - protionamid + kanamycin.
What is the immediate cause of death in pulmonary hemorrhage in patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis is the most common?
A. Anemia.
B. Aspiration pneumonia.
C. Asphyxia.
D. Atelectasis.
E. Progression of tuberculosis.
In some cases, conducting revaccination with BCG vaccine?
A. Infected.
B. Uninfected.
C. The contact with questionable reaction to the Mantoux test with 2.
D. Patients with tuberculosis.
E. Persons who have been ill with tuberculosis.
Can be vaccinated against tuberculosis newborn baby that was born from an infected mother to
A. Absolutely contraindicated in any case.
B. Yes, if the child has no contraindications and she soon genera were isolated from the mother.
C. You can, but you need to make vaccination Mantoux test.
D. Contraindicated if the mother destructive tuberculosis.
A. You can, but only if the mother during pregnancy has taken anti-TB drugs.
What is the WHO criterion correctly reflect the situation to eliminate TB as a common disease?
A. Incidence of 50 per 100 thousand population.
B. Detection of up to 50 patients with bacterial population by 10 million per year.
C. Infection 14-year-olds to 10%.
D. Incidence of 20 per 100 thousand population.
E. All criteria are correct.
At what age and in what time spend massive tuberculosis diagnostics?
A. From the age of twelve, annually.
B. From the age of twelve, once in 2 years.
C. Only 7 and 14 years.
D. With 7 years of age, per year to 14 years.
E. In 7 years, 5 years and 30 years of age.
What is the optimal scheme of antimycobacterial therapy in the initial phase of a patient with FDPT
(05.09.2004) of the upper lobe of right lung (tuberculoma), Destr-, Mycobacterium tuberculosis-M-KHIST0?
A. Isoniazid + streptomycin + ryfampicin.
B. Isoniazid +ryfampicin +pyrazinamide.
C. Streptomycin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide.
D. Rifampicin + streptomycin + ethambutol.
E. Pyrazinamide + ethambutol + kanamicin.
What is called primary TB?
A. Newly diagnosed tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculosis, which evolved into a newly infected MBT.
C. Tuberculosis, developed after suffering a primary tuberculosis complex.
D. Tuberculosis, which is discovered during preventive examination.
E. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovine species.
What information is most significant in the survey of patients with suspected pulmonary TB?
A. Marital status of the patient.
B. Job.
C. Material conditions of life.
D. Contact with TB patients.
E. Presence in the household cattle
When it was discovered X-rays?
A. U1882 year.
B. In 1895.
C. In 1944.
D. In 1951.
E. In 1995.
A patient 10 years old tuberculin stated, "virag", Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L - infiltrate a diameter of
16 mm. Complaints of general weakness, low-grade fever, increased sweating. Blood: A-9, 2 10 / l / l,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 26 mm / h. When X-ray examination of pathological amine in the lungs
were found. What is the diagnosis of a child with likely?
A. Primary tuberculous complex.
B. Tuberculosis lymph nodes.
C. Focal tuberculosis.
D. Tuberculous intoxication.
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
What is the primary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
A. Stability of MBT in newly diagnosed patients who have not received treatment
antimycobacterial drugs
B. Stability of MBT in patients with primary tuberculosis.
C. Stability of MBT in patients with chronic forms of tuberculosis.
D. Stability of MBT in patients with recurrent tuberculosis.
E. Stability of MBT in patients with small pulmonary tuberculosis.
What is the basic method of diagnostics of lung function?
A. Bronchoscopy.
C. Bronchography.
D. CT.
E. Spirotest.
What is the purpose of conducting a massive tuberculosis diagnostics?
A. To prevent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
B. For the prevention of tuberculosis.
C. For early detection of tuberculosis among children.
D. For early detection of tuberculosis among adults.
E. To identify individuals with increased risk of tuberculosis.
Which of the following combinations of antimycobacterial agents are rational?
A. Streptomycin + kanamycin + viomicin.
B. Kanamycin + viomicin + isoniazid,
C. Ryfampi viomicin - isoniazid + pyrazinamide.
D. Isoniazid + ftivazid + PAS.
E. Ethambutol + PAS + tioatsetazon.
What is the most common primary segmental localization of pulmonary affections?
A. I, II, III, IV segment.
B. I, II, IV, VII segment
C. II, III, VIII, IX segment.
D. I, II, IV, VI segment.
E. I, II, VI, VII segment.
9. How long after onset can detect abnormal changes on radiographs in miliary tuberculosis of the
A. 1-2 days.
B. 3-5 days.
C. 7-14 days.
D. 21-30 days.
E. 1-2 months.
What is the average duration of prodromal period in patients with tuberculous meningitis?
A. 1-7 days.
B. 5-10 days.
C. From 1 to 4 weeks.
D. 2-3 months.
E. 4-6 months.
45-year-old patient concerned cough, fever up to 37.5 by C. sick 6 weeks ago after influenza. After a
2-week course treatment for pneumonia focal shadow in the upper lobe of the right lungs remained
unchanged. Determined in blood eosinophilia - 6%. What is the diagnosis of the patient is most likely?
A. Protracted pneumonia.
B. Lung cancer.
C. Eosinophilic infiltration.
D. Focal tuberculosis.
E. Aspergillosis.
With which disease is often carried out differential diagnosis caseosus pneumonia?
A. Staphylococcal pneumonia.
B. Central cancer.
C. Eosinophilic pneumonia.
D. Bronchopneumonia.
E. Bronchiectasis.
What is the most common immediate cause of death of patients with fibro-cavernous pulmonary
A. Lung atelectasis.
B. Chronic pulmonary heart.
C. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Progression of tuberculosis.
What drugs are prescribed to reduce the pressure in the pulmonary artery?
A. Penicillin, camphor, arfonad.
B. Atropine, aminophylline, ganglionic blockers.
C. Isoniazid, atropine, diuretic.
D. Oxygen, camphor, thrombin.
E. Dicinon, EAKK, nitrosorbid.
What is the duration of BCG revaccination approved in Ukraine?
A. At 3-5 days after birth.
B. At 3-5 weeks after birth.
C. In 3-5 years.
D. At 7, 14.
E. In 17, 30 years.
What are the radiological signs of TB on a background of diabetes?
A. Infiltrative tuberculosis, which occurs most often in the form of nebulous, and polysegmental
lesions, lobit.
B. Bilateral infiltrates localized in the lower lobes (due to reactivation process in the internal thoracic
lymph nodes of lymphogenous and bronchogenic dissemination).
C. Tuberculoma large with indistinct outlines, perifocal inflammation, are prone to decay.
D. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis (runs hard, can be complicated kazeozyoyu pneumonia progresses
E. All these features characteristic of tuberculosis on a background of diabetes.
What bacteria discharging is massive?
A. In any MBT are by culture no more than 20 colonies.
B. In which MBT are using simple microscopy.
C. In any MBT are by culture no more than 10 colonies.
D. Any bacteria discharging, which is registered.
E. All answers are incorrect.
In response to the biennial child Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L - infiltration diameter of 7 mm, in four
years -3 mm. Postvaccinal scar size of 4 mm. What is the nature of tuberculin reaction occurs in a
A. Infectious allergy.
B. "Virage" tuberculin reaction.
C. Child sick with tuberculosis.
D. Postvaccinal allergy.
E. Mantoux test was positive.
What will be the duration of main course antymicobacterial of therapy in patients with miliary
tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (+)?
A. 2-3 months.
B. 4-5 months.
C. 6-7 months.
D. 8-12 months.
E. More than 1.5 years.
What should be the tactic of TB in relation to 7-year-old child with a diagnosis of "Tuberculosis of
unknown localization"?
A. Watch in TB dispensary for 2 years.
B. Perform treatment 3 antimycobacterial drugs for 4-6 months.
C. Watch in pediatric clinic to 14 years of age.
D. Hold isoniazid chemoprophylaxis for 3 months.
E. Improve your child to summer camp.
At what disease can be determined "forked" symptom?
A. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculoma.
C. Dry pleurisy.
D. Cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis.
E. Silicotuberculosis.
For how many criteria assess the quality of technical performance X-ray observation?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3 ;
D. 4.
E. 5.
In patients 26 years of X-ray examination revealed multiple focal shadows in the upper and middle
sections of the lungs of low and medium intensity. Detected in sputum MBT. Blood tests: ESR -38
mm / year. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.
B. Focal pulmonary tuberculosis.
C. Disseminated tuberculosis.
D. Caseous pneumonia.
E. Fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis.
What type of MBT is most pathogenic to humans?
A. M. africanum.
B. M. avium.
C. M. bovinus.
D. M. tuberculosis,
E. M. Kansasii.
What is volume of anatomical dead space?
A. 10-25 ml.
B. 50-100 ml.
C. 140-150 ml,
D. 1400-1600 ml.
E. 3500-5000 ml.
The boy 6 years is set to "virag" tuberculin reaction. Which test should be conducted?
A. General clinical examination, X-ray survey of chest, complete blood and urine.
B. Sample Koch, complete blood and urine.
C. X-ray, complete blood and urine.
D. Tomography, smears from the throat to the MBT.
E. FBS, research on the content of the bronchi MBT.
What medication is prescribed for the prevention of isoniazid neyrotoksychyoyi?
A. Vitamin C.
B. Vitamin A.
C. Vitamin K.
D. Vitamin B12.
E. Diazolin. . . .
The 5-year-old boy who was suffering from a primary tuberculous complex, suddenly appeared
cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, mild cyanosis of the lips. The body temperature of 38.4 'C.
Above the upper sections of the right lung - dull percussion sounds the same - relaxed breathing. What
complication of primary tuberculosis complex is the most likely?
A. Pleural effusion.
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
C. Atelectasis.
D. Tuberculosis of bronchus.
E. Empyema.
What uncharacteristic form of clinical course of miliary tuberculosis?
A. Pulmonary.
B. Meningeal.
C. Tyfoyidna.
D. Septic disease (Landuzi).
E. Renal.
What is the most likely glucose in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with tuberculous meningitis?
A. 1.5 mmol / l.
B. 2.4 mmol / l.
C. 3.9 mmol / l.
D. 5.5 mmol / l.
E. Half blood glucose.
Patient 27 years treated in hospital with infiltrative tuberculosis of the left upper lobe lung collapse
phase for 4 months. MBT - but still infiltrate formed the formation of 2 cm in diameter round, medium
intensity, with a clear outer contour. What treatment would be best to be patient at this stage?
A. To direct the patient to a spa treatment.
B. Continue treatment antimycobacterial drugs.
C. Apply surgery.
D. 1.5 Conduct 2-month course of hormone therapy.
E. Apply traditional medicines.
Against the background of complications of pulmonary tuberculosis is often develop caseous
A. Pulmonary hemorrhage.
B. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
C. Tuberculosis of the larynx.
D. Renal amyloidosis.
E. Lobe atelectasis.
With which disease should be differentiated fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
A. Eosinophilic infiltrate.
B. Chronic bronchitis.
C. Chronic abscess.
D. Pleuropneumonia.
E. Lung cysts.
What preparation is procoagulation action?
A. Camphor.
B. Dicinon
C. Benzohexonium.
D. Ambrosan.
E. Atropine.
She was born a healthy baby weighing 3200 g on which day after birth she should be vaccinated with
B. 3-5.
C. 7-11.
D. 13-15.
E. 25-30.
When combined with tuberculosis and diabetes course and prognosis of the disease which is
A. Always tuberculosis.
B. Always diabetes.
C. Both diseases.
D. Usually the one that came first.
E. Usually the one that came second.
What should be done after careful examination of focus tuberculous infection, provided that all of the
contact person healthy but infected with tuberculosis?
A. To register and conduct immunization BCG-M.
B. To register and watch the dynamics of the X-ray picture.
C. To register and assign chemoprophylaxis.
D. On the record to not necessarily be chemoprophylaxis.
E. To register and monitor the dynamics of tuberculin sensitivity.
Reason for applying sample Koch?
A. Prevention of tuberculosis.
B. Early detection of tuberculosis.
C. Determination of TB infection in the population.
D. Differential diagnosis between infectious and post-vaccinal allergy.
E. Identification of persons at risk of tuberculosis.
What is the optimal duration of the basic course of antimycobacterial therapy patient FDPT
(13.08.2003) upper lobe of left lung (focal, phase infiltration), Destr-, MBT-M-K-HIST0, Cat3 Coh 3
A. 1-2 months.
B. 3-4 months.
C. 4-6 months.
D. 7-8 months.
E. 9-10 months.
What is called primary TB?
A. Newly diagnosed tuberculosis.
B. Tuberculosis, which evolved into a newly infected MBT.
C. Tuberculosis, developed after suffering a primary tuberculosis complex.
D. Tuberculosis, which is discovered during preventive examination.
E. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovine species.
What are the symptoms belonging to the "chest" symptoms of tuberculosis?
A. Low-grade fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath, malaise.
B. Hemoptysis, dyspnea, chest pain, cough, discharge specimens.
C. Pain in the heart area, subfebrility, cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath.
D. Pain in the liver, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, subfebrilitet.
E. Vomiting, hoarse voice, cough, dyspnea, sputum discharge.
How many parts (X-ray) are in the root of the lung?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
E. 5.
The patient's X-ray examination of the upper lobe of the left lung is determined by the ring-shaped
shade diameter of 5 cm thick walls around the fibrous and focuses. In sputum is revealed MBT. What
form of tuberculosis is likely?
A. Cirrhotic.
B. Infiltrative.
C. Disseminated.
D. Tuberkuloma.
E. Fibrous-cavernous.
What mycobacteria is cause mycobacteriosis?
A. L-forms of mycobacteria.
B. M. tuberculosis.
C. Acid saprophytes.
D. Atypical mycobacteria,
E. Mycobacterium tuberculosis that are resistant to antimycobacterial drugs.
What is lung capacity in healthy people?
A. 500-800 ml.
B. 1000-3000 ml.
C. 1500-3500 ml.
D. 3500-5000ml,
In the girl 9 years old installed tuberculin "virag". At clinical, radiological and laboratory assessment
of pathological changes were detected. What should be the doctor's tactics with regard to girls?
A. Repeat Mantoux test with 2 after 1 year.
B. Hospitalized in a tuberculosis hospital.
C. Hold for three months of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis, Vitamin B6.
D. Watch TB Dispensary in 1-2 years.
E. Assume girl healthy and not to any preventive measures.
In which form and complication of pulmonary tuberculosis expedient to appoint prednisone?
A. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by pleural pleurisy.
B. Disseminated Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic pulmonary heart.
C. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis, amyloidosis.
D. Tuberculoma of the upper lobe of right lung, specific colitis.
E. Cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis, lung asperhiloma.
Boy 6 years complained of cough, loss of appetite, sweating, increased body temperature to 37,5 ° C.
On radiographs, increased left bronchopulmonary lymph nodes with fuzzy outer contours. Mantoux
test with 2 - 15 mm infiltration. Blood test: A - 9.0 10 N / l, ESR - 30 mm / h. What is the diagnosis of
a child is the most likely?
A. Non-specific pneumonia.
B. Central cancer.
C. Sarcoidosis.
D. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
E. Lymphosarcoma.
A patient diagnosed with miliary tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (-). Appointed 4
antimycobacterial drugs. What tools would be best to use immunosuppressive therapy patient?
A. Preparations thymus.
B. Corticosteroids.
C. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
D. Electrophoresis of calcium chloride.
E. Tissue preparations (Plasmol, aloe).
What drugs are used in severe tuberculous meningitis in addition to isoniazid, ryfampitsnnu,
pyrazinamide and streptomycin sulfate?
A. ATF, kokarboksilaza, inhalation of 2% solution solutyzon.
B. Streptomycin (endolumbar), glucocorticoids, 10% mannitol solution.
C. Per rectum introduction of isoniazid, vitamins Bl, B6 and C.
D. 10% solution of mannitol, albumin, dibazol.
E. Sibazon, 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, neostigmine methylsulfate.
Patient 35 years. Five years ago, suffered from infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper lobe of right lung,
MBT (-). Currently complained of dry cough, sweating. Above the upper division of the right
lung - dribnopuhyrchasti moist rales after cough. During the 3 - the last two years, X-ray picture is
stable (single focal the shade of large and medium intensity in the upper lobe of the right lung). What
kind of follow-up should include the patient?
A. 5.1.
B. 5.2.
C. 5.3.
D. 5.4.
E. 5.5.
Under the guise of disease often runs tuberculous infiltration?
A. Peripheral cancer.
B. Retention cysts.
C. Pneumonia.
D. Eosinophilic infiltration.
E. Asperhiloma.
What preparation with the most effective inhibitor of fibrinolysis?
A. Trasilol.
B. Contrical.
C. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid,
D. Ambrosan.
E. Albumin.
As injected BCG vaccination and revaccination?
A. Of skin.
B. Intradermally.
C. Subcutaneously.
D. Intramuscularly.
E. Orally.
The man '70 cough, hemoptysis, hoarseness of voice, ptosis and exophthalmos on the left. What
disease can think of?
A. Lung cancer has spread to the lymph nodes of the mediastinum;
B. Lung cancer has spread to the brain,
C. Circulatory insufficiency of cerebral circulation;
D. Acute laryngotracheitis;
E. laryngeal tumor has spread to the brain.
What are the indications for x-rays of patients with diabetes?
A. After undergoing hyper-and hypoglycemic coma.
B. After suffering flu or pneumonia.
C. After surgery for any reason.
D. When the symptoms of tuberculosis or hyperergic tuberculin reaction.
E. All numbered requires mandatory fluorography examination.
How long are under the supervision of TB persons who were in contact with family sick with active
A. Throughout the contact time and a year after the cessation of contact.
B. Throughout the time of contact.
C. One year.
D. Throughout the contact time and 3 years after termination contact.
E. Seeing only the period of examination.
What are the components of compound MBT are the main carriers of antigenic properties?
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates.
C. Lipids.
D. Polysaccharides.
E. Mineral salts.
What is volume of anatomical dead space?
A. 10-25 ml.
B. 50-100 ml.
C. 140-150 ml,
D. 1400-1600 ml.
E. 3500-5000 ml.
What is may increase sensitivity to tuberculin?
A. Old age.
B. Lymphogranulomatosis.
C. Lymphosarcoma.
D. Treatment of immunosuppressants.
E. Asthma.
How many times more likely to suffer from tuberculosis contacts than proximity?
A. 2-4
B. 5-10.
C. 15-20.
D. 25-30.
E. 31-35.
How many segments can be in the left lung?
A. 8-11.
B. 8-12.
C. 9-10.
D. 9-11.
E. 9-12.
What formulating clinical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is wrong?
A. FDPT (16.06.2003) shares the top of both lungs (disseminated, phase infiltration) destr + MBT + M
+ K + resists HIST0 Kat1Koh2 (2003).
B. CTB (12.02.2000) of the upper lobe of right lung (fibro- cavernous) Destr +, MBT + M + K +
resist+(S, R), HIST0 hemoptysis, HLH, CH II., Kat4Koh1 (2000).
C. RTB (20.11.2003) lower lobe of the right lung (tuberculoma) Destr + MBT-M-K-HIST0, Kat2
Koh4 (2003). Diabetes melitus Type I, a severe form.
D. FDPT (20.09.2003) (focal, phase infiltration) MBT-M-R0, HIST0, Kat3Koh3 (2003).
E. Condition after right-sided upper lobectomy (20.06.2003) regarding tuberculoma of the upper lobe
of right lung to collapse phase, MBT (+).
In order to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis patient had took specimens on solid medium. What
does the appearance of colonies on day 3 of the crop?
A. Growth of mycobacteria that rapidly multiply.
B. Growth of highly virulent mycobacteria.
C. The growth of atypical mycobacteria.
D. Growth of nonspecific microflora
E. Growth of L-forms of mycobacteria.
What method of provocation of wheezing in patients with tuberculosis?
A. Deep breathing
B. Breathing through the mouth.
C. Deep breathe after a slight cough.
D. Breathing through the nose.
E. Calm wind.
What kind of data do not account for the differential diagnosis between infectious and postvaccinal
tuberculin reaction?
A. Contact with patients with tuberculosis.
B. The intensity of the reaction to the Mantoux test in previous years.
C. Having postvaccinal scar.
D. The timing of BCG vaccination.
E. Carbon monoxide poisoning a few years ago.
What is the duration of antimycobacterial therapy after successful resection of the upper lobe of right
lung tuberculoma about?
A. 1-2 weeks.
B. 3-4 weeks.
C. 2-3 months.
D. 4-6 months.
E. 7-10 months.
At preventive examinations in 17-year-old boy found an increase in bilateral bronchopulmonary
lymph nodes. The general condition is satisfactory. On physical examination revealed no pathological
changes. Mantoux test with 2 L PPD-negative. Complete blood with pathological abnormalities. What
diagnosis is most likely in boys?
A. Lymphogranulomatosis.
B. Nonspecific adenopathy.
C. Sarcoidosis.
D. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
E. Lymphocytic leukemia.
In a patient diagnosed miliary tuberculosis, phase infiltration, MBT (-). Which combinations of
antimycobacterial drugs is most optimal the 1st stage of treatment?
A. Rifampicin + isoniazid + ethambutol.
B. Isoniazid + rifampicin + Ethionamidum.
C. Isoniazid + rifampicin + pyrazinamide + streptomycin.
P. streptomycin + isoniazid + pyrazinamide + ethambutol.
E. isoniazid + ethambutol + pyrazinamide + kanamycin.
Patient 45 years, first diagnosed tuberculous meningitis. The general condition of severe: pronounced
meningeal symptoms consciousness overshadowed. What is the duration of treatment of the patient?
A. 1 month.
B. With months.
C. 5 months.
D. 7 months.
E. 12 months.
Male 43 years old, smoker, complained of cough with little release of mucus, subfebrilitet.
Hospitalized in diagnostic department. On radiographs in the upper lobe of the right lung was observed
eclipses size 1 cm of fuzzy, blurry external circuit. Blood test: A - 9.0 109 / L, ESR - 18 mm / h.
Analysis of sputum: WBC - 8.12 in sight. Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L-infiltration diameter of 22 mm.
What is the diagnosis of the patient is most likely?
A. Peripheral cancer.
B. Lung abscess.
C. Tuberculoma.
D. Focal tuberculosis.
E. Asperhiloma.
What changes in the blood is most characteristic of patients with caseous pneumonia?
A. L-107l 25.0, p-3%, 6% p-, p-51%, L - 23% m 7%, ESR-6 mm / h.
B. L - 9.8 107l, p - 11%, n - 6%, p - 65%, L - 13%, m - 5%, ESR - 36 mm / h.
C. L - 4.0 107l is - 2%, n - 2%, p - 60%, L - 26%, m - 9%, ESR - 6 mm / h.
D. L-107l 17.5 is 10%, 12% p-, p-64%, L-14% m 2%, ESR - 58 mm / h.
E. L - 6.0 107l is - 4%, n - 3%, p - 60%, L - 26%, m - 6%, ESR - 7 mm / h.
Which disease name appropriate to the differential diagnosis of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis?
A. Chronic abscess.
B. Central cancer.
C. Polycystic.
D. Chronic bronchitis.
E. Bronchiectasis.
By what violation amyloidosis is characterized?
A. Carbohydrate metabolism.
B. Protein metabolism.
C. Fat metabolism.
D. Exchange vitamins.
E. Acid-base balance.
The 7-year-old girl at 5 months after revaccination in place BCG vaccine appeared swollen with bluish
tint skin, palpation - fluctuations. What complication is arose in girls?
A. Lymphadenitis.
B. Cyst.
C. Keloid scar.
D. Ulcer.
E. Cold abscess.
What disease can contribute to the development of tuberculosis?
A. Hypertension.
B. Infectious mononucleosis.
C. Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
D. All these diseases.
E. None of the above.
How often to repeat surveys of healthy contacts?
A. Only when registering.
B. Quarterly.
C. At least once every 6 months.
D. Every month.
E. Only when removed from the register.
What are the biochemical components MBT determine their resistance to acids, alkalis and alcohols?
A. Proteins.
B. Carbohydrates.
C. Lipids
D. Polysaccharides.
E. Mineral salts.
What is main method of diagnosis of lung function?
A. Bronchoscopy.
C. Bronchography.
D. CT.
E. Spirotest
How tuberculin and in what dose used during mass tuberculinodiagnostic?
A. 100% alt Koch's tuberculin.
B. PPD-L in standard dilution maintenance dose of 2.
C. LPD-L in standard dilution dose of 5 MOT.
D. PPD-L in the standard maintenance dose of 10 dilution.
E. 25% dilution of tuberculin purified dry.
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