SCH 4U REVIEW 1 of 39 SCH 4U REVIEW CHAPTER 1: ORGANIC COMPOUNDS organic compound – a compound that contains carbon and usually hydrogen catenation – the property of carbon to form a covalent bond with another carbon atom, forming long chains or rings functional group – a group of atoms in an organic molecule that impart particular physical and chemical characteristics to that molecule – there are three main components: multiple bonds between C atoms (e.g. – C ≡ C – ) C bonded to a more electronegative atom (i.e., N, O, OH, or a halogen) C double bonded to O BASIC NAMING NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PREFIX FOR NAMING methethpropbutpenthexheptoctnondec- ALKYL GROUP NAME methylethylpropylbutylpentylhexylheptyloctylnonyldecyl- FUNCTIONAL GROUP -F - Cl - Br -I - OH - NO2 - NH2 ISOMERS OF ALKYL GROUPS butyl (or n-butyl) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 CH3 – CH – CH3 isobutyl (or i-butyl) s-butyl (secondary butyl) CH2 CH3 – CH – CH2 – CH3 CH3 t-butyl (tertiary butyl) CH3 – C – CH3 SYMBOLS R, R΄, R˝ alkyl group X halogen atom (O) oxidizing agent (like KMnO4 or Cr2O7 2- in H2SO4) PREFIX FOR NAMING fluoro chloro bromo iodo hydroxy nitro amino SCH 4U REVIEW 2 of 39 PRIORITY FOR NAMING (FROM HIGHEST TO LOWEST) OH hydroxyl NH2 amino F, Cl, Br, I fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodo CH2CH2CH3 propyl CH2CH3 ethyl CH3 methyl ALKANES DEFINITION NAMING a hydrocarbon with only single bonds between carbon atoms; general formula, CnH2n+2 prefix referring to number of carbons in the longest continuous chain + “-ane” alkyl groups are named in alphabetical order, numbered from the end that will give the lowest combination of numbers the presence of two or more of the same alkyl groups requires a “di” or “tri” prefix before the alkyl group name cyclic hydrocarbons have the carbon ring become the parent chain, and the prefix “cyclo” is used before the parent name GENERAL FORMULA –C–C– propane CH3 – CH2 – CH3 cyclohexane EXAMPLE(S) CH2 CH2 | CH2 CH2 | CH2 CH2 POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY non-polar dispersion forces relatively low increases with chain length straight chains have higher b.p.s than branched chains immiscible in water and other polar solvents combustion C3H8 + 5 O2 3 CO2 + 4 H2O REACTIONS substitution (halogenation) 1) CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl 2) CH3Cl + Cl2 CH2Cl2 + HCl SCH 4U REVIEW 3 of 39 ALKENES DEFINITION NAMING a hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon-carbon double bond; general formula, CnH2n prefix referring to number of carbons in the longest continuous chain that contains the double bond + “-ene” alkyl groups are named in alphabetical order, numbered from the end that is closest to the double bond | GENERAL FORMULA EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY | –C=C– CH2 = CH – CH3 propene non-polar dispersion forces relatively low immiscible in water and other polar solvents halogenation (with Br2, Cl2, etc.) ethene room temperature + bromine CH2 = CH2 + 1,2 – dibromoethane Br Br Br2 CH2 – CH2 hydrogenation (with H2) ethyne + hydrogen CH2 = CH2 + REACTIONS catalyst, heat, pressure 2 H2 ethane H H CH2 – CH2 H H hydrohalogenation (with hydrogen halides) propene room temperature + hydrogen bromine H – C = CH – CH3 | H + HBr PREPARATION hydration (with H2O) REACTION FOR ALCOHOLS 1-butene + CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 + 2-bromopropane H Br | | H – C – CH – CH3 | H H2SO4 catalyst water HOH 2-butanol CH3 – CH2 – CH – CH2 OH H “The rich get richer” … when a hydrogen halide or water is added to an MARKOVNIKOV’S alkene or alkyne, the hydrogen atom bonds to the carbon atom within the RULE double bond that already has more hydrogen bonds. SCH 4U REVIEW 4 of 39 a cis isomer has both alkyl groups on the same side of the molecular strucutre CH3 CH3 C=C cis-2-butene H GEOMETRIC ISOMERS H a trans isomer has alkyl groups on the opposite side of the molecular strucutre CH3 H C=C H trans-2-butene CH3 ALKYNES DEFINITION NAMING a hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon-carbon triple bond; general formula, CnH2n-2 prefix referring to number of carbons in the longest continuous chain that contains the triple bond + “-yne” alkyl groups are named in alphabetical order, numbered from the end that is closest to the triple bond GENERAL FORMULA EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY REACTIONS –C≡C– propyne non-polar dispersion forces CH ≡ C – CH3 relatively low immiscible in water and other polar solvents Same as Alkenes (resulting in double bonds rather than single) AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS DEFINITION NAMING GENERAL FORMULA a compound with a structure based on benzene (a ring of six carbons) consider the benzene ring to be the parent molecule alkyl groups are named to give the lowest combination of numbers, with no particular starting carbon (as it is a ring) when it is easier to consider the benzene ring as an alkyl group, we use the name “phenyl” to refer to it SCH 4U REVIEW 5 of 39 methylbenzene CH3 EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY REACTIONS non-polar dispersion forces relatively low immiscible in water and other polar solvents Same as Alkanes (performs substitution reactions) ORGANIC HALIDES DEFINITION NAMING a compound of carbon and hydrogen in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by halogen atoms halogen atoms are considered to be attachments to the parent chain and are numbered and named with a prefix as such GENERAL FORMULA R–X H H | | H–C–C–H | | Cl Cl 1,2-dichloroethane EXAMPLE(S) Cl 1,2-dichlorobenzene Cl POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY polar (due to halogen atom) dispersion forces (increased strength b/c of carbon-halogen bonds) higher than the corresponding hydrocarbons more soluble in polar solvents addition + hydrogen idodie ethylene H–C≡C–H REACTIONS + H–I 1-iodoethene H I | | H–C=C–H substitution ethane CH3 – CH3 + chlorine 1-chloroethane H Cl + hydrogen chloride Cl – Cl H–C–C–H + + H H H – Cl SCH 4U REVIEW 6 of 39 elimination 2-bromopropane + hydroxyl group H Br H H H H | | | H–C–C=C–H + H – C – C – C – H + OH- H H propene + bromine ion + water H Br- + H2O H ALCOHOLS an organic compound characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl functional group (OH-) - S O DEFINITION O < 109.5° NAMING H S+ the “e” ending of the parent hydrocarbon is changed to “ol” to indicate the presence of the OH- group the chain is numbered to give the OH- group the smallest possible number when there is more than one OH- group, the endings “diol” and “triol” are used, and each is indicated with a numerical prefix, however the “e” ending remain then (e.g., 1,3-propanediol) GENERAL FORMULA R – OH propanol CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH OH EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY phenol polar (due to hydroxyl group) hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces high (due to capacity for hydrogen bonding) very soluble in polar solvents and nonpolar solvents (due to OH- group) hydration (preparation) H2SO4 catalyst 1-butene + CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 + water HOH 2-butanol CH3 – CH2 – CH – CH2 OH H SCH 4U REVIEW 7 of 39 dehydration (elimination) H2SO4 catalyst propanol CH3 – CH – CH2 OH propene CH3 – CH = CH2 + water + HOH H Primary Alcohol (1°) CH3 – CH2 – OH 1 other carbon group attached to carbon with OH OH 1°, 2°, AND 3° ALCOHOLS Secondary Alcohol (2°) CH3 – CH – CH3 2 other carbon groups attached to carbon with OH OH Tertiary Alcohol (3°) 3 other carbon groups attached to carbon with OH CH3 – C – CH3 CH3 ETHERS an organic compound with two alkyl groups (the same or different) attached to an oxygen atom - C DEFINITION O 116° NAMING C S O C S+ C the longer of the two alkyl groups is considered the parent chain the other alkyl group with the oxygen is considered to be the substituent group (with prefix of carbons and “oxy”) numbering of C atoms starts at the O propane ethoxy CH3CH2CH2 – O – CH2CH3 3 2 1 1 2 ethoxypropane GENERAL FORMULA R – O – R΄ CH3 – O – CH2 – CH3 EXAMPLE(S) methoxyethane POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY polar (due to the V-shape and C - O bonds) dispersion forces medium (higher than hydrocarbons, lower than alcohols of similar length) soluble in polar solvents and nonpolar solvents SCH 4U REVIEW 8 of 39 condensation (preparation) * addition of two alcohols (same or different) * H2SO4 catalyst methanol + methanol CH3 – OH + CH3 – OH methoxymethane + water CH3 – O – CH3 + HOH ALDEHYDES DEFINITION NAMING an organic compound that contains the carbonyl group (–C=O) on the end carbon of a chain the “e” ending of the parent hydrocarbon is changed to “al” to indicate the presence of the R-C=O O || R[H] – C – H GENERAL FORMULA EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY O || CH3 – CH2 – C – H propanal polar (due to carbonyl group) dispersion forces medium (higher than ethers, lower than alcohols of similar length) similar solubility to alcohols oxidation (preparation) 1° alcohol + mild oxidizing agent aldehyde + water + (O) ethanol OH | CH3 – C – H REACTIONS + (O) ethanal + water O || CH3 – C – H + HOH | H reduction (hydrogenation) aldehyde + hydrogen 1° alcohol + hydrogen proponal O CH3 – CH2 – C – H 1-propanol OH + H2 CH3 – CH2 – C – H KETONES DEFINITION an organic compound that contains the carbonyl group (–C=O) on a carbon other than those on the end of a carbon chain (in the middle) SCH 4U REVIEW NAMING GENERAL FORMULA EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY 9 of 39 the “e” ending of the parent hydrocarbon is changed to “one” O || R – C – R΄ O || CH3 – C – CH3 propanone (acetone) polar (due to carbonyl group) dispersion forces medium (higher than ethers, lower than alcohols of similar length) similar solubility to alcohols oxidation (preparation) 2° alcohol + oxidizing agent 2-propanol + (O) propanone + water + (O) O || CH3 – C – CH3 + HOH OH CH3 – C – CH3 ketone + water H REACTIONS reduction (hydrogenation) ketone + hydrogen 2° alcohol + hydrogen butanone O 2-butanal OH CH3 – CH2 – C – CH3 + H2 CH3 – CH2 – C – CH3 NOTE: Tertiary alcohols do not undergo oxidation reactions; no H atom is available on the central C atom. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS DEFINITION one of a family of organic compounds that is characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group: O –C NAMING GENERAL FORMULA O–H the “e” ending of the parent alkane is changed to “oic acid” numbering starts with the C of the carboxyl group O || R[H] – C – OH SCH 4U REVIEW 10 of 39 CH2CH3 CH3 – CH2 – CH – CH – CH2 – COOH EXAMPLE(S) 4-ethyl-3-methylhexanoic acid POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY CH3 polar (due to carboxyl group) dispersion forces and hydrogen bonding very high (higher than hydrocarbons of similar length due to –CO and –OH groups) similar solubility to alcohols dissolution in water (proof of acidity) ethanoic acid + water carboxylate ion + hydronium ion CH3COOH + H2O CH3COO- + H3O+ O– CH3 – C * shares the double bond O oxidation (with weak oxidizer) 1) 1° alcohol + weak oxidizing agent aldehyde + water 2) aldehyde + weak oxidizing agent carboxylic acid + water O REACTIONS 1) CH3 – CH2 – OH + Cr2O72- + H+ CH3 – C – H + H2O + Cr3+ O 2) CH3 – C – H + Cr2O72- + 2 H+ 3 CH3 – COOH + 4 H2O oxidation (with strong oxidizer) 1° alcohol + strong oxidizing agent carboxylic acid + water ethanol + oxidizing agent + hydrogen ethanoic acid + water + manganese dioxide O 3 CH3 – CH2 – OH + NOTE: 4 MnO4- + 4 H+ 3 CH3 – C – OH + 5 H2O + 4 MnO2 Ketones are not readily oxidizing, as in the oxidation of aldehydes. ESTERS DEFINITION NAMING GENERAL FORMULA an organic compound characterized by the presence of a carbonyl group bonded to an oxygen atom the group that is attached to the double-bonded O becomes the parent chain with the “e” ending changed to “oate” the other group is named as a substituent group O || R[H] – C – O – R΄ SCH 4U REVIEW EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY 11 of 39 2-methylbutyl propanoate O CH3 CH3 – CH2 – C – O – CH2 – CH – CH2 – CH3 less polar than carboxylic acids (loss of OH- group) dispersion forces medium (lower than carboxylic acids, higher than aldehydes / ketones of similar length due to extra O) less soluble than acids condensation (formation) carboxylic acid + alcohol ester + water ethanoic acid + methanol O || CH3 – C – OH + CH3 – OH methyl ethanoate O || CH3 – C – O – CH3 + water + H2O + R΄ – OH REACTIONS hydrolysis (saponification) ester + NaOH sodium salt of acid O + alcohol O R – C – O – R΄ + Na+ + OH- R – C – O- NOTE: + Na+ Esters generally have nice odours and are used to create artificial flavours. AMINES DEFINITION NAMING an ammonia molecule in which one or more H atoms are substituted by alkyl or aromatic groups 1) nitrogen group is named as a substituent group using “amino-” 2) alkyl group is named as a substituent group from “-amine” R΄ [H] | R – N – R΄΄ [H] GENERAL FORMULA 1) 1-aminopropane 2) propylamine NH2 CH2 – CH2 – CH3 EXAMPLE(S) N-ethyl-N-methyl-1-aminobutane CH2CH3 | CH3 – N – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 POLARITY polar (not as polar as alcohols, because N is less polar than O) SCH 4U REVIEW FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY 12 of 39 dispersion forces and N-H bonds medium (lower than alcohols of similar length, higher than hydrocarbons) soluble in water formation alkyl halide + ammonia amine + ammonium halide REACTIONS iodoethane + ammonia CH3 – CH2 – I + 2 NH3 1°, 2°, AND 3° AMINES aminoethane + ammonium iodide CH3 – CH2 – NH2 + NH4I Primary Amine (1°) 1 alkyl group attached to N CH3 – N – H | H methylamine Secondary Amine (2°) 2 alkyl groups attached to N CH3 – N – CH3 | H dimethylamine Tertiary Amine (3°) 3 alkyl groups attached to N CH3 – N – CH3 | CH3 trimethylamine AMIDES DEFINITION NAMING an organic compound characterized by the presence of a carbonyl functional group (C=O) bonded to a nitrogen atom alkyl group attached to double-bonded O is considered to be the substituent group, attached to the parent “-amide” O R΄΄ [H] || | R[H] – C – N – R΄ [H] GENERAL FORMULA EXAMPLE(S) POLARITY FORCES BOILING POINT SOLUBILITY REACTIONS propanamide O || CH3 – CH2 – C – NH2 slightly more polar than amine of similar length (extra O) dispersion forces and N-H bonds same as amines soluble in water formation H2SO4 catalyst carboxylic acid + amine ethanoic acid + ammonia amide + water ethanamide + water SCH 4U REVIEW 13 of 39 O H || | CH3 – C – OH + H – N – H O || CH3 – C – NH2 + HOH EXAMPLE OF A STEPPED SYNTHESIS REACTION Write a series of equations for a method of synthesis for N-ethylethanamide from an alkane and ammonia. 1. ethane + chlorine chloroethane + hydrogen chloride CH3 – CH3 + Cl – Cl CH3 – CH2 + H – Cl | Cl 2. chloroethane + water ethanol CH3 – CH2 HOH CH3 – CH2 | | Cl OH 3. + + hydrogen chloride H – Cl ethanol + strong oxidizer ethanoic acid CH3 – CH2 + MnO4 CH3 – C – OH | || OH O + water + manganese dioxide + HOH + MnO2 ammonia aminoethane + ammonium chlorine 2 H – N – H CH3 – CH2 – NH2 + NH4Cl | H 4. chloroethane + CH3 – CH2 + | Cl 5. ethanoic acid + aminoethane CH3 – C – OH || O + CH3 – CH2 – NH2 N-ethylethanamide O H || | CH3 – C – N – CH2 – CH3 + water + HOH COMMON NAMES COMMON NAME IUPAC NAME ethylene ethene propylene propene acetylene ethyne formaldehyde methanal acetaldehyde ethanal acetone propanone COMMON NAME IUPAC NAME formic acid carboxyl group (COOH) acetic acid ethanoic acid toluene / phenyl methane methyl benzene acetate ethanoate acetamide ethanamide FLOW CHART OF ORGANIC REACTIONS SCH 4U REVIEW 14 of 39 CHAPTER 2: POLYMERS polymer – a molecule of large molar mass that consists of many repeating subunits called monomers; two types: addition and condensation monomer – a molecule or compound usually containing carbon and of relatively low molecular weight and simple structure which is capable of conversion to polymers by combination with itself or other similar molecules or compounds dimer – a molecule made up of two monomers ADDITION POLYMERS addition polymer – a polymer formed when monomer units are linked through addition reactions; all atoms present in the monomer are retained in the polymer monomer alkene + alkene polymer | | C=C | | + | | C=C | | | | | | –C–C–C–C– | | | | or | | – C– C – | | n less reactive than their monomers, because the unsaturated alkene monomers have been transformed into saturated carbon skeletons of alkanes forces of attraction are largely van der Waals attractions, which are individually weak, allowing the polymer chains to slide along each other, rendering them flexible and stretchable CONDENSATION POLYMERS condensation polymer – a polymer formed when monomer units are linked through condensation reactions; a small molecule is formed as a byproduct polyester – a polymer formed by condensation reactions resulting in ester linkages between monomers SCH 4U REVIEW 15 of 39 dialcohol + dicarboxylic acid O O || || C–C | | HO OH HO – CH2 – CH2 – OH + polyester (dimer) + water O O || || – O – CH2 CH2 – O – C – C – + 2 H2O n polyamide – a polymer formed by condensation reactions resulting in amide linkages between monomers; also known as a nylon diamine + H H | | N – CH2 – N | | H H dicarboxylic acid O O || || C–C | | HO OH + polyamide (dimer) + water H H O O | | || || – N – CH2 – N – C – C – + 2 H2O n COMPOUNDS OF LIFE protein – a large complex molecule made up of one or more chains of amino acids (an amino group and carboxyl group attached to the same carbon atom) – perform a wide variety of activities in the cell, including muscular growth, cellular repair, and serve as building blocks for all body tissue O || – NH – CH – C – | n R carbohydrate – a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with a general formula Cx(H2O)y – a major source of food energy, including sugars, starches, and cellulose – produced through photosynthesis in plants – provides an equivalent amount of energy as an equal mass of fatty acids fat – known chemically as a triglyceride (an ester of three fatty acids which are long-chain carboxylic acids and one glycerol molecule) – serves as a storage system, reserve supply of energy, and insulation glycerol H | H – C – OH | H – C – OH | H – C – OH + fatty acids 3 O || HO – C – R fat (triglyceride) O || H–C–O–C–R | H O || H – C – O – C – R’ | H O || SCH 4U REVIEW 16 of 39 H – C – O – C – R” | H nucleic acid – hereditary information stored in all living cells from which the information can be transferred; the chief types being DNA and RNA – DNA is created from four different nucleotides (monomer consisting of a ribose sugar, a phosphate group, and one of four possible nitrogenous bases) – carries the genetic information that encodes proteins and enables cells to reproduce and perform their functions nitrogenous base phosphate sugar CHAPTER 3: ATOMIC THEORY THE BOHR ATOMIC THEORY electrons travel in the atom in circular orbits with quantized energy – energy is restricted to only certain discrete quantities there is a maximum number of electrons allowed in each orbit electrons “jump” to a higher level when a photon (a quantum of light energy) is absorbed, resulting in absorption spectrum (series of dark lines) electrons “drop” to a lower level when a photon is emitted, resulting in bright-line spectrum (series of bright lines) ORBITS VS. ORBITALS orbit – 2-D path; fixed distance from nucleus; circular or elliptical path; 2n2 electrons per orbit orbital – 3-D region in space; variable distance from nucleus; no path and varied shape of region; 2 electrons per orbital; predicted by Schrodinger’s equation QUANTUM NUMBERS TO DESCRIBE ORBITALS n – principal quantum number or energy level l – secondary quantum number or subshell (s, p, d, or f) m1 – magnetic quantum number (direction of the electron orbit) m2 – spin quantum number (can only be +½ or –½ to describe spin of electron) VALUE OF l SUBLEVEL SYMBOL s p d f 0 1 2 3 6p 32 e- 6s 5p 5d NUMBER OF ORBITALS 1 3 5 7 MAX. NUMBER OF ELECTRONS 2 6 10 14 4f PRESENT AT n= 1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 SCH 4U REVIEW 18 e- 17 of 39 4d 5s 4p 18 e- 3d 4s 3p 8 e- 3s 2p 8 e- 2s 2 e1s CREATING ENERGY-LEVEL DIAGRAMS energy-level diagram – interpretation of which orbital energy levels are occupied by electrons for a particular atom or ion; also called an orbital diagram m2 (spin) m1 (one orbital is distinguished from another at the same sublevel) e.g., 9F 2p 2s 1s l (secondary quantum number or sublevel) n (primary quantum number or energy level) RULES FOR ENERGY-LEVEL DIAGRAMS Start adding electrons to the lowest energy level (1s) and build up from the bottom until the limit on the number of electrons for the particle is reached – the aufbau principle To obtain the correct order of orbitals for any atom, start at the hydrogen and move from left to right across the periodic table, filling the orbitals; see below: SCH 4U REVIEW 18 of 39 For anions, add extra electrons to the number for the atom. For cations, do the neutral atom first, and then subtract the required number of electrons from the orbitals with the highest principle quantum number, n (i.e., you would remove the electrons from 4s, rather than 3d.) Each orbital will hold a maximum of two electrons that spin in opposite directions – the Pauli exclusion principle Electrons must be distributed among orbitals of equal energy so that as many electrons remain unpaired as possible – Hund’s rule Half-filled and filled subshells are more stable than unfilled subshells as the overall energy state of the atom is lower after the electron is promoted to a lower energy level: Predicted Actual Cr: [Ar] Cr: [Ar] Cu: [Ar] Cu: [Ar] 4s 3d ELECTRON CONFIGURATION 4s 3d electron configuration – a method for communicating the location and number of electrons in electron energy levels principal quantum number e.g., O: 1s2 2s2 2p4 3p5 number of electrons in orbital(s) S2-: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 orbital shorthand electron configuration – when the electron configuration is written with the preceding noble gas placed before the subshell information (e.g., Cl: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 becomes Cl: [Ne] 3s2 3p5) isoelectronic – when two atoms/ions have the same electron configuration (e.g., Ne, F-, Na+) ferromagnetism – exhibited by the metals iron, cobalt, nickel and a number of alloys that become magnetized in a magnetic field and retain their magnetism when the field is removed paramagnetism – exhibited by materials like aluminum or platinum that become magnetized in a magnetic field but it disappears when the field is removed (caused by unpaired electrons) QUANTUM MECHANIC THEORY quantum mechanics – the current theory of atomic structure based on wave properties of electrons; also known as wave mechanics Heisenberg uncertainty princple – it is impossible to simultaneously know exact position and speed of a particle SCH 4U REVIEW 19 of 39 electron probablity density – a mathematical or graphical representation of the chance of finding an electron in a given space; see below for example of a 2s orbital: CHAPTER 4: CHEMICAL BONDING chemical bond – formed as the result of the simultaneous attraction of two or more nuclei TYPES OF BONDS 1. Ionic Bonding – when one atom has low ionization energy and low En, while the other has high ionization energy and high En (i.e., metal and nonmetal) – Δ En > 1.7 – the electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions 2. Covalent Bonding – when both atoms have high ionization energy and high En (i.e., two nonmetals) – Δ En ≤ 1.7 – the sharing of valence electrons between atomic nuclei 3. Metallic Bonding – when both atoms have low ionization energy and low En (i.e., two metals) LEWIS THEORY OF BONDING Atoms and ions are stable if they have a noble gas-like electron structure (i.e., a stable octet of electrons). Electrons are most stable when they are paired. Atoms form chemical bonds to achieve a stable octet of electrons. A stable octet may be achieved by an exchange of electrons between metal and nonmetal atoms. A stable octet may be achieved by the sharing of electrons between nonmetal atoms, resulting in a covalent bond. LEWIS STRUCTURES Lewis structure – a symbolic depiction of the distribution of valence electrons in a molecule 1. 2. Arrange atoms symmetrically around the central atom (usually listed first in the formula, not usually oxygen and never hydrogen). Count the number of valence electrons of all atoms. For polyatomic ions, add electrons corresponding to the negative charge, and subtract electrons corresponding to the positive charge on the ion. SCH 4U REVIEW 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 20 of 39 Determine the number of valence electrons all the atoms “want”, and subtract the number of valence electrons it has (result from step 2). Divide this number by 2 to determine the number of bonds the molecule will have. Place a bonding pair of electrons between the central atom and each of the surrounding atoms. Complete the octets of the surrounding atoms using lone pairs of electrons. Remember hydrogen (2 e-), beryllium (4 e-), and boron (6 e-) are the exceptions. Any remaining electrons go on the central atom. If the central atom does not have an octet, move lone pairs from the surrounding atoms to form double or triple bonds until the central atom has a complete octet. Confirm the number of bonds is correct by comparing it to the result in step 3. Draw the Lewis structure and enclose polyatomic ions within square brackets showing the ion chare. e.g., SO3 has wants difference O S 6 8 O3 3 (6) 3 (8) 6 + 18 8 + 24 = 24 e= 32 e= 8 e= 4 bonds S O O VALENCE BOND THEORY Covalent bonds form when atomic or hybrid orbitals with one electron overlap to share e-. Bonding occurs with the highest energy (valence shell) electrons. Normally, the s orbitals (sphere shape) and p orbitals (dumb-bell shape) overlap with each other to form bonds between atoms. sp3, sp2, and sp hybrid orbitals are formed from one s orbital and three, two, and one p orbital, respectively, with orientations of tetrahedral (109.5°), trigonal planar (120°), and linear (180°), respectively. End-to-end overlap of orbitals or single covalent bonds is called a sigma (σ) bond. Side-by-side overlap of unhybridized p orbitals is called a pi (Π) bond (weaker than σ bond). Double bonds have one pi bond, while triple bonds have two pi bonds. VSEPR THEORY Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory – pairs of electrons in the valence shell of an atom stay as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion of their negative charges 1. 2. 3. Draw the Lewis structure for the molecule, including the e- pairs around the central atom. Count the total number of bonding pairs and lone pairs of electrons around the central atom. Use the table below to predict the shape of the molecule. # OF e- PAIRS AROUND CENTRAL ATOM 2 3 ORIENTATION OF ELECTRON PAIRS linear triangular planar NUMBER OF BONDING AND LONE PAIRS 2 BP, 0 LP 3 BP, 0 LP BOND ANGLES 180° 120° SHAPE EXAMPLE linear trigonal planar BeF2 BF3 MOLECULAR GEOMETRY X–A–X X | SCH 4U REVIEW 21 of 39 A X tetrahedral 4 BP, 0 LP 109.5° tetrahedral X X | A CH4 X X X 4 tetrahedral 3 BP, 1 LP < 109.5° trigonal pyramidal NH3 PCl3 A X X X tetrahedral 2 BP, 2 LP < 109.5° v-shaped or bent H2O OF2 tetrahedral 1 BP, 3 LP 180° linear HCl 5 trigonal bipyramidal 5 BP, 0 LP 120° & 90° trigonal bipyramidal PCl5 6 octahedral 6 BP, 0 LP 90° octahedral SF6 A X e.g., HOF(l) .. .. H : .O. : .F. : X A–X X X | X A | X X X X | X A X | X X 2 BP and 2 LP, therefore HOF(l) is v-shaped: O H F Note: – ions are treated in the same way, but square brackets are placed around the diagram with the charge placed in the upper right hand corner – double and triple bonds are treated as one group of electrons when using VSEPR theory, and most of those molecules take the same shape as their Lewis structure POLAR MOLECULES bond dipole – the electronegativity difference of two bonded atoms represented by an arrow pointing from the lower (∂+) to the higher (∂-) electronegativity nonpolar molecule – a molecule that has either nonpolar bonds (≤0.5 Δ En) or polar bonds whose bond dipoles cancel to zero (i.e., VSEPR diagram is symmetrical) polar molecule – a molecule that has polar bonds with dipoles that do not cancel to zero . . ∂- e.g., NH3 N 3.0 ∂+ INTERMOLECULAR FORCES 2.1 H H 2.1 H 2.1 ∂+ therefore, it is a polar molecule ∂+ intermolecular force – the force of attraction and repulsion between molecules; much weaker than covalent bonds SCH 4U REVIEW 22 of 39 dipole-dipole force – a force of attraction due to the simultaneous attraction of one dipole by its surrounding dipoles – the more polar the molecules, the stronger the force – the shape of the molecule also affect the dipole-dipole strength (i.e., closer together = stronger force) London dispersion force – the simultaneous attraction of an electron by the positive nuclei in the surrounding molecules – the greater the number of electrons per molecule, the stronger the force As dipole-dipole force or London dispersion force increases, the boiling point increases, allowing you to predict relative boiling point, if one of the forces is the same between the two substances, or if both forces are moving in the same direction. hydrogen bonding – the attraction of a hydrogen atom to a lone pair of electrons in N, O, or F atoms in adjacent molecules (possible because H has no valence e- to “shield” nucleus) .. .. H – .F. : ------------ H – .F. : STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS CRYSTAL PARTICLES FORCE/ BOND PROPERTIES SOLUBILITY MELTING CONDUCIN LIQUID/ POINT TIVITY SOLUTION EXAMPLES Ionic medium ions (+ and -) ionic (higher as ionic charge increases, size of ion decreases) yes yes NaCl, Na3PO4, CaF2, MgO, CuSO4•5H2O yes no Pb, Fe, Cu, Al, Ag, Au metallic Metallic cations (fixed nuclei with mobile delocalized electrons, allowing for conduction of heat and electricity) high (higher as number of valence electrons increases) SCH 4U REVIEW 23 of 39 Polar Molecular low molecules London, dipoledipole, hydrogen Nonpolar Molecular molecules or single atoms (higher as number of electrons, polarity of molecules, and presence of hydrogen bonds increases) yes PF3, ICl, CHCl3, H2O, NH3, SO3 no inert gases, diatomic elements, CO2, CCl4, SF6, BF3 no diamond, SiC, AlN, BeO, SiO2, CuCl2, Mg2S no covalent Covalent Network Crystal atoms (a 3-D arrangement of strong covalent bonds between atoms; resulting in hardness and high melting point) very high (melting point increases as strength of covalent bonds increase ) no NETWORK SOLIDS (AKA “SUPERMOLECULES”) ALLOTROPES OF CARBON: – a 3-D network solid – each C atom is in the centre of a tetrahedron whose vertices are occupied by other C atoms – each C atom shares its valence e- with 4 other C atoms – bonding e- are tightly bound and highly localized a) diamond a) graphite – a 2-D network solid – each C atom is surrounded by a 3 others in a plane – the double bond consists of delocalized electrons, therefore a good conductor – separate layers are held together by dispersion forces and are easily separated SILICA AND THE SILICATES: silicon combines with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, SiO2 (silica) it further reacts with metal compounds to produce metal silicates SCH 4U REVIEW a) b) c) 24 of 39 quartz – a 3-D network solid mica – a 2-D network solid asbestos – a 1-D network solid CHAPTER 5: THERMOCHEMISTRY thermochemistry – the study of the energy changes that accompany physical or chemical changes of matter thermal energy – energy available from a substance as a result of the motion of its molecules chemical system – a set of reactants and products under study, usually represented by a chemical equation surroundings – all matter around the system that is capable of absorbing or releasing thermal energy heat – amount of energy transferred between substances exothermic – releasing thermal energy as heat flows out of the system; negative molar enthalpy endothermic – absorbing thermal energy as heat flows into the system; positive molar enthalpy temperature – average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter open system – one in which both matter and energy can move in or out (e.g., burning marshmallow) isolated system – an ideal system in which neither matter nor energy can move in or out (e.g., ideal calorimeter) closed system – one in which energy can move in or out, but not matter (e.g., realistic calorimeter) calorimetry – the process of measuring energy changes in a chemical system enthalpy change (ΔH) – the difference in enthalpies of reactants and products during a change q = quantity of heat (J) = m c ΔT m n M MOLAR ENTHALPY molar enthalpy (ΔHx) – the enthalpy change associated with a physical, chemical, or nuclear change involving one mole of a substance; examples are below: TYPE OF MOLAR ENTHALPY solution (ΔHsol) combustion (ΔHcomb) vaporization (ΔHvap) freezing (ΔHfr) neutralization (ΔHneut) formation (ΔHf) ΔH = n ΔHvap or sol = mcΔT EXAMPLE OF CHANGE NaBr(s) Na (aq) + Br-(aq) CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) CO2(g) + H2O(l) CH3OH(l) CH3OH(g) H2O(l) H2O(s) 2 NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) 2 Na2SO4(aq) + 2 H2O(l) C(s) + 2 H2(g) + ½ O2(g) CH3OH(l) + ΔH = q n SCH 4U REVIEW 25 of 39 ASSUMPTIONS USED IN CALORIMETRY: 1. No heat is transferred between the calorimeter and the outside environment. 2. Any heat absorbed or released by the calorimeter materials is usually negligible. 3. A dilute aqueous solution is assumed to have a density and specific heat capacity equal to that of pure water (1.00 g/mL and 4.18 J/g•°C). LAB: COMBUSTION OF ALCOHOLS Mass of Fuel Burned: Mass of Water Heated: Mass of Water Vapourized: Mass of Pop Can: Temperature Change of Water: 1.41 g 97.00 g 0.18 g 16.07 g 22.2 °C Heat Absorbed by Water: q = m c Δt = (97.00 g) (4.18 J / g · °C) (22.2 °C) = 9.00 x 103 J Heat Absorbed by Can: q = m c Δt = (16.07 g) (0.900 J / g · °C) (22.2 °C) = 321 J Heat Used to Vapourize Water: q = m · LV = (0.18 g) (2268 J / g) = 4.0 x 102 J Total Heat Evolved by Fuel: qtotal = (9.00 x 103 J) + (321 J) + (4.0 x 102 J) = 9.72 x 103 J = 9.72 kJ Number of Moles of Fuel: n=m M = 1.41 g 60.11 g / mol = 0.0235 mol Molar Heat of Combustion of Fuel: % error: 100% – ΔH = qtotal n = 9.72 kJ 0.0235 mol = 414 kJ/mol experimental enthalpy x 100% actual enthalpy = 100% – 414 kJ x 100% 490 kJ = 15.5%, therefore unacceptable (>10%) REPRESENTING ENTHALPY CHANGES METHOD 1: THERMOCHEMICAL EQUATIONS WITH ENERGY TERMS e.g., C6H12O6(s) + 6 O2(g) 6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) + 2802.7 kJ SCH 4U REVIEW 26 of 39 METHOD 2: THERMOCHEMICAL EQUATIONS WITH ΔH VALUES e.g., C6H12O6(s) + 6 O2(g) 6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) ΔH = -2802.7 kJ METHOD 3: MOLAR ENTHALPIES OF REACTION e.g., ΔHrespiration = -2802.7 kJ/mol glucose METHOD 4: POTENTIAL ENERGY DIAGRAM e.g., Ep (kJ) C6H12O6(s) + 6 O2(g) ΔH = -2802.7 kJ 6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) Reaction Progress STANDARD ENTHALPY OF FORMATION standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH°f) – the quantity of energy associated with the formation of one mole of a substance from its elements in standard state; zero for elements in standard state HESS’S LAW (ADDITIVITY OF REACTION ENTHALPIES) Hess’s law – the value of the ΔH for any reaction that can be written in steps equals the sum of the values of ΔH for each of the individual steps (i.e., ΔHtarget = Σ ΔHknown) e.g. Determine the enthalpy change involved in the formation of two moles nitrogen monoxide from its elements. N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g) (1) ½ N2(g) + O2(g) NO2(g) (2) NO(g) + ½ O2(g) NO2(g) ΔH°1 = +34 kJ ΔH°2 = -56 kJ 2 x (1): N2(g) + 2 O2(g) 2 NO2(g) -2 x (2): 2 NO2(g) 2 NO(g) + O2(g) ΔH°1 = 2(+34) kJ ΔH°2 = -2(-56) kJ N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g) ΔH° = +68 kJ + 112 kJ = +180 kJ USING STANDARD ENTHALPIES OF FORMATION TO DETERMINE ΔH ΔH = Σ nΔH°f (products) – Σ nΔH°f (reactants) e.g., MULTI-STEP CALCULATION If 3.20 g of propane burns, what temperature change will be observed if all of the heat from combustion transfers into 4.0 kg of water? C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(l) ΔH°f (CO2) = -393.5 kJ/mol ΔH°f (H20) = -285.8 kJ/mol ΔH°f (C3H8) = -104.7 kJ/mol ΔH°f (O2) = 0.0 kJ/mol mpropane = 3.20 g SCH 4U REVIEW 27 of 39 mH2O = 4.0 kg cH2O = 4.18 J/(g•°C) ΔH = Σ nΔH°f (products) – Σ nΔH°f (reactants) = 3 mol x -393.5 kJ 1 mol = -2219 kJ + 4 mol x -285.8 kJ 1 mol – 1 mol x -104.7 kJ 1 mol + 5 mol x 0.0 kJ 1 mol ΔHc (propane) = qwater n ΔHc = mcΔT ΔT = n ΔHc mc = mpropane ΔHc Mpropane mwater c = (3.20 g) (2219 kJ) (44.11 g) (4.0 kg) (4.18 J/g•°C) = 9.6°C CHAPTER 6: CHEMICAL KINETICS chemical kinetics – the area of chemistry that deals with rates of reaction rate of reaction – the speed at which a chemical change occurs, generally expressed in concentration per unit time, such as mol/(L•s) rate = Δc Δt average rate of reaction – the speed at which a reaction proceeds over a period of time; determined using slope of a secant (line between two points) instantaneous rate of reaction – the speed at which a reaction is proceeding at a particular point in time; determined using a tangent METHODS TO MEASURE RATE: pH change; conductivity; volume of gas produced; change in mass of products; change in colour RATE LAW EQUATION r = k [X]m [Y]n k = rate constant; valid only for a specific temperature [X] and [Y] = concentrations of reactants m and n = order of reaction (describes the initial concentration dependence of a particular reactant) overall order of reaction – the sum of the exponents in the rate law equation e.g., r = k[BrO3(aq)-]1 [HSO3(aq)-]2, therefore overall order is 3 (1 + 2) zeroth-order reaction – the rate does not depend on [A] e.g., if the initial concentration of A is doubled, the rate will multiply by 1 (20), and so will be unchanged SCH 4U REVIEW 28 of 39 first-order reaction – the rate is directly proportional to [A] e.g., if the initial concentration of A is doubled, the rate will multiply by 2 (21) second-order reaction – the rate is proportional to the square of [A] e.g., if the initial concentration of A is doubled, the rate will multiply by 4 (22) e.g., NO(g) + H2(g) HNO2(g) EXPERIMENT NO (MOL/L) H2 (MOL/L) 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.003 a) Write the rate law for the reaction. r = k [NO(g)]2 [H2(g)]1 b) Write the overall order of the reaction. 3rd order c) Calculate k for the reaction (use for experiment’s values). r = 0.02 mol/L•s r = k [NO(g)]2 [H2(g)] [NO] = 0.001 mol/L (0.02) = k (0.001)2 (0.004) [H2] = 0.004 mol/L k = 5 x 106 L2/(mol2•s) INITIAL RATE OF REACTION (MOL/(L•S) 0.002 0.008 0.018 0.008 0.016 0.024 The units for rate constant, k, are related to overall order of reaction: first order overall, the units are 1/s or s-1 second order overall, the units are L/(mol•s) or L/(mol-1•s-1) third order overall, the units are L2/(mol2•s) or L/(mol-2•s-1) COLLISION THEORY CONCEPTS OF THE COLLISION THEORY: A chemical system consists of particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) that are in constant random motion at various speeds. The average kinetic energy of the particles is proportional to the temperature of the sample. A chemical reaction must involve collisions of particles with each other or the walls of the container. An effective collision is one that has sufficient energy and correct orientation of the colliding particles so that bonds can be broken and new bonds formed. Ineffective collisions involve particles that rebound from the collision unchanged. SCH 4U REVIEW 29 of 39 The rate of a given reaction depends on the frequency of collision and the fraction of those collisions that are effective. activation energy – the minimum increase in potential energy of a system Ep required for molecules to react activated complex activation energy products net potential energy reactants change, ΔH activated complex – an unstable chemical species containing Reaction Progress partially broken and partially formed bonds representing the maximum potential energy point in the change; also called the transition state reaction mechanism – a series of elementary steps that makes up an overall reaction elementary step – a step in a reaction mechanism that only involves one-, two-, or three-particle collisions rate-determining step – the slowest step in a reaction mechanism reaction intermediates – molecules formed as short-lived products in reaction mechanisms e.g., elementary step rate-determining step HBr(g) + O2(g) HOOBr(g) HOOBr(g) + HBr(g) 2 HOBr(g) (fast) 2 HOBr(g) + HBr(g) H2O(g) + Br2(g) (fast) 4 HBr(g) + O2(g) 2 H2O(g) + 2 Br2(g) (slow) reaction mechanism reaction intermediate FACTORS AFFECTING RATE OF REACTION 1. NATURE OF THE REACTANTS: each reactant contains a different number of bonds, each with differing bond strengths, that must be broken for the reaction to proceed each reactant has a different threshold energy (minimum kinetic energy required to convert kinetic energy to activation energy) each reactant requires a different collision geometry that can be simple or complex 2. TEMPERATURE : an increase in temperature increases the rate of reaction as temperature rises, the reactant particles gain kinetic energy, moving faster, colliding more frequently, and thus reacting more quickly with a higher temperature, a larger fraction of the molecules will have the required kinetic energy to have effective collisions 3. CONCENTRATION: an increase in reactant concentration increases the rate of reaction SCH 4U REVIEW 30 of 39 the greater the concentration, the greater the number of particles per unit volume, which are more likely to collide as they move randomly within a fixed space 4. SURFACE AREA: an increase in reactant surface area increases the rate of reaction reactants can collide only at the surface where the substances are in contact, and by increasing the surface area, you are increasing the number of particles in an area, thereby increasing the probability of an effective collision 5. CATALYST: a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being permanently changed a catalyst provides an alternate “pathway”, with lower activation energy, to the same product formation, meaning a much larger fraction of collisions are effective the catalyst can help break the bonds in the reactant particles, provide a surface for the necessary collisions, and allow the reactants’ atoms to recombine in new ways catalysts are involved in the reaction mechanism at some point, but are regenerated before the reaction is complete CHAPTER 7: CHEMICAL SYSTEMS IN EQUILIBRIUM equilibrium – the balanced state of a reversible reaction or process where there is no net observable change; the rate of the forward reaction equals that of the reverse reaction (A ↔ B) – can be approached from either side of the reaction equation – the concentration of the reactants and products do not change (are constant) solubility equilibrium – an equilibrium between a solute and a solvent in a saturated solution phase equilibrium – an equilibrium between different physical states of a pure substance (e.g., ice over a lake) chemical reaction equilibrium – an equilibrium between reactants and products of a chemical reaction EQUILIBRIUM LAW EQUATION For the general chemical reaction: K = [C]c [D]d [A]a [B]b aA + bB ↔ cC + dD where: • A, B, C, D are chemical entities in gas or aqueous phases (liquids and solids are omitted from the equation) • a, b, c, and d are the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation • K is the equilibrium constant (temperature and pressure specific) - if K is large, reaction’s concentration of products greater than reactants - if K is small, reaction’s concentration of reactants greater than products - K is inversely proportional to the K value of the reverse reaction LE CHÂTELIER’S PRINCIPLE Le Châtelier’s Principle – when a chemical system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in a property, the system adjusts in a way that opposes the change equilibrium shift – movement of a system at equilibrium resulting in a change in the concentrations of reactants and products VARIABLES AFFECTING CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIA: VARIABLE TYPE OF CHANGE RESPONSE OF SYSTEM SCH 4U REVIEW 31 of 39 concentration increase decrease increase temperature shifts to consume added reactant shifts to replace removed reactant shifts to consume added thermal energy (away from heat term) shifts to replace removed thermal energy (towards heat term) shifts towards side with larger total number of gaseous entities shifts towards side with smaller total number of gaseous entities shifts away from common ion to consume the added reactant decrease volume increase (decrease in pressure) decrease (increase in pressure) common ion effect dissolving a compound into solution that adds a common ion VARIABLES THAT DO NOT AFFECT CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIA catalysts no effect adding inert gases no effect SOLVING EQUILIBRIUM PROBLEMS 1. 2. Write a balanced equation for the reaction and list the known values. If the direction the system must go to attain equilibrium is not obvious (i.e., one entity is not present initially), calculate Q with the initial concentrations and compare it to the value of K to determine which direction the system will proceed to attain equilibrium. 3. Construct an ICE (Initial concentration, Change in concentration, Equilibrium concentration) table and input the initial concentrations. 4. Let x represent the changes in concentration, multiplying it by the coefficient in the balanced equation. The reactants should all change in the same way and all the products should proceed in the opposite way. 5. Rewrite the E row using the x values. 6. Substitute equilibrium concentrations into the equilibrium constant equation. 7. Apply appropriate simplifying assumptions, if possible (e.g., 4x3 ÷ (0.4 – 2x)2 can be simplified to 4x3 ÷ (0.4)2 because x value is so small in comparison). 8. Solve for x. 9. Justify any assumptions you have made (i.e., the x value you get should be plugged into the original equation and the difference between the two must be less than 5%). 10. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations by substituting x into equilibrium concentration expressions from the E row. e.g., 4.00 mol of hydrogen and 2.00 mol of iodine are placed in a 2.00-L reaction vessel at 440°C and react to form hydrogen iodide. At this temperature, the K is 49.7. Determine the concentrations of all entities. [H2(g)] = 4.00 mol 2.00 L = 2.00 mol/L H2(g) + I2(g) ↔ 2 HI(g) K = 49.7 [I2(g)] = 2.00 mol 2.00 L = 1.00 mol/L [HI(g)] = 0.00 mol/L Initial concentration (mol/L) Change in concentration (mol/L) Equilibrium concentration (mol/L) H2(g) 2.00 –x 2.00 – x + I2(g) 1.00 –x 1.00 – x ↔ 2 HI(g) 0.00 +2 x 2x SCH 4U REVIEW K = 49.7 = 2 [HI] [H2] [I2] (2x)2 (2.00 – x) (1.00 – x) 32 of 39 [H2(g)] = 2.00 mol/L - x = 2.00 mol/L - (0.93 mol/L) = 1.07 mol/L 0.92x2 – 3.00x + 2.00 = 0 [I2(g)] = 1.00 mol/L - x = 1.00 mol/L - (0.93 mol/L) = 0.07 mol/L x = –b ± √ b2 – 4ac 2a [HI(g)] = 2x = 2(0.93 mol/L) = 1.87 mol/L 4x = 49.7 (2.00 – x) (1.00 – x) 2 = 3.00 ± √ 9.00 – 7.36 1.84 = 2.33 or 0.93 2.33 is rejected, because concentrations cannot have a negative value (i.e., 2.00 – 2.33 = - 0.33) SOLUBILITY PRODUCT CONSTANT solubility – the concentration of a saturated solution of a solute in a particular solvent at a particular temperature; specific maximum concentration solubility product constant (Ksp) – the value obtained from the equilibrium law applied to saturated solution (remember solids are not included in the equation); omit units as with all K values – can only be determined for ionic compounds that are classified as insoluble or slightly soluble 1. 2. 3. 4. Write a balanced equation and list the known values. Use the solid product to write an equilibrium equation for it dissolving into ions. Find the Ksp value for the solid product and write it next to the equilibrium equation. Determine the number of moles of both ions, by using the mole ratios and initial concentrations of reactants. 5. Determine the concentration upon mixing, by dividing the number of moles by the new volume. 6. Plug these new concentrations into the Ksp equation to determine the Q (experimental value). 7. Compare the Q value to the Ksp to predict whether a precipitate will form (see below). USING Q TO PREDICT SOLUBILITY Ion product, Q > Ksp precipitate will form (supersaturated solution) Ion product, Q = Ksp precipitate will not form (saturated solution) Ion product, Q < Ksp precipitate will not form (unsaturated solution) e.g., 20.0 mL of 0.20 mol/L ammonium sulfate solution is added to 130 mL of 0.50 mol/L barium nitrate solution. What are the concentrations of the ions and will a precipitate form? (NH4)2SO4(aq) + Ba(NO3)2(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2 NH4NO3(aq) BaSO4(s) ↔ Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) Ksp = 1.08 x 10-10 Choose the solid to write the equilibrium equation (remember any NO3- molecule is aqueous) nBa2NO3 = c v = (0.50 mol/L) (0.130 L) = 0.065 mol = nBa nNH4NO3 = c v = (0.20 mol/L) (0.020 L) = 0.0040 mol = nSO4 [Ba2+(aq)] = n v [SO42-(aq)] = n v Divide by the “new” volume (i.e., 20 mL and 130 mL equals 150 mL) SCH 4U REVIEW 33 of 39 = 0.065 mol 0.150 L = 0.43 mol/L Ksp = [Ba2+] [SO42-] = (0.43) (0.027) = 0.011 = 0.004 mol 0.150 L = 0.027 mol/L 0.011 > 1.08 x 10-10, therefore it will precipitate ENTROPY spontaneous reaction – one that, given the necessary activation energy, proceeds without continuous outside assistance entropy, S – a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system or the surroundings – equals 0 when the temperature is at absolute zero (0 K) FACTORS THAT INCREASE ENTROPY (S) the volume of a gaseous system increases (i.e., pressure decreases) the temperature of a system increases the physical state of a system changes from solid to liquid to gas, or liquid to gas (i.e., Sgas > Sliquid > Ssolid) fewer moles of reactant molecules form a greater number of moles of product molecules complex molecules are broken down into simpler subunits (e.g., combustion of organic fuels into carbon dioxide and water) CLASSIFICATION OF SPONTANEOUS AND NONSPONTANEOUS REACTIONS Entropy increases (ΔS > 0) Endothermic (ΔH > 0) spontaneous at high temps. nonspontaneous at low temps. Exothermic (ΔH < 0) spontaneous C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) H2O(s) H2O(l) Entropy decreases (ΔS < 0) spontaneous at low temps. nonspontaneous at high temps. nonspontaneous 3 O2(g) 2 O3(g) 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g) Gibb’s free energy, G – energy that is available to do useful work; ΔG° = ΔH° – (T ΔS°) CHAPTER 8: ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM BRØNSTED-LOWRY THEORY Brønsted-Lowry acid – proton donor Brønsted-Lowry base – proton acceptor amphoteric (amphiprotic) – a substance capable of acting as an acid or a base in different chemical reactions;conjugate a substance pair that may accept or donate a proton e.g., acid HC2H3O2(aq) + H2O(l) ↔ C2H3O2-(aq) + H3O+(aq) base strong acid – an acid with a very weak attraction for protons and easily donates it to a base strong base – a base with a very strong attraction for protons The stronger an acid, the weaker its conjugate base, and vice versa. AUTOIONIZATION OF WATER SCH 4U REVIEW 34 of 39 autoionization of water – the reaction between two water molecules producing a hydronium ion and a hydroxide ion (H2O(l) ↔ H+(aq) + OH-(aq) Kw = [H+(aq)] [OH-(aq)] = (1.0 x 10-7 mol/L) (1.0 x 10-7 mol/L) = 1.0 x 10-14 [H+(aq)] = Kw [OH-(aq)] In neutral solutions In acidic solutions In basic solutions [OH-(aq)] = Kw [H+(aq)] [H+(aq)] = [OH-(aq)] [H+(aq)] > [OH-(aq)] [H+(aq)] < [OH-(aq)] PH pH – the negative of the logarithm to the base ten of the concentration of hydrogen (hydronium) ions in a solution pOH – the negative of the logarithm to the base ten of the concentration of hydroxide ions in a solution pH = –log [H+(aq)] [H+(aq)] = 10–pH pOH = –log [OH-(aq)] [OH-(aq)] = 10–pOH pH + pOH = 14.00 e.g., Calculate the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving 4.3 g of Ba(OH)2(s) in water to form 1.5 L of solution. Ba(OH)2(aq) 100% Ba2+(aq) + 2 OH–(aq) nBa(OH)2 = 4.3 g x 1 mol 171.3 g = 2.5 x 10-2 mol [Ba(OH)2(aq)] = 2.5 x 10-2 mol 1.5 L = 1.7 x 10-2 mol/L [OH-(aq)] = 2 (1.7 x 10-2 mol/L) = 3.3 x 10-2 mol/L pOH = –log [OH-(aq)] = –log (3.3 x 10-2) = 1.47 pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 1.47 = 12.53 STRONG VS. WEAK ACIDS AND BASES strong acid – an acid that is assumed to ionize quantitatively (completely) in aqueous solution (i.e., percent ionization is > 99%); HCl(aq), HNO3(aq), and H2SO4(aq) are the only strong acids we will work with strong base – an ionic substance that dissociates completely in water to release hydroxide ions; all of the metal hydroxides are strong bases weak acid – an acid that partially ionizes in solution but exists primarily in the form of molecules weak base – a base that has a weak attraction for protons percent ionization (p) = concentration of acid ionized x 100% concentration of acid solute [H+(aq)] = p x [HA(aq)] 100 SCH 4U REVIEW 35 of 39 acid ionization constant (Ka) – equilibrium constant for the ionization of an acid e.g., Calculate the Ka and pH of hydrofluoric acid if a 0.100 mol/L solution at equilibrium at SATP has a percent ionization of 7.8%. HF(aq) 7.8% H+ (aq) + F (aq) Ka = [H+(aq)] [F-(aq)] [HF(aq)] [H+(aq)] = (p/100) [HA(aq)] = (7.8 / 100) (0.100 mol/L) = 0.0078 mol/L Initial concentration (mol/L) Change in concentration (mol/L) Equilibrium concentration (mol/L) Ka = [H+(aq)] [F-(aq)] [HF(aq)] = 0.00782 0.0922 = 6.6 x 10-4 HF(aq) ↔ 0.100 –x 0.100 – 0.0078 = 0.0922 H+(aq) 0.000 +x 0.0078 + F-(aq) 0.000 +x 0.0078 pH = –log [H+(aq)] = –log (0.0078) = 2.1 CHAPTER 9: ELECTROCHEMISTRY (ELECTRIC CELLS) OXIDATION NUMBER oxidation number – an integer that is assigned to each atom in a compound when considering redox reactions – a positive or negative number corresponding to the apparent charge that an atom in a molecule or ion would have if the electron pairs in covalent bonds belonged entirely to the more electronegative atom RULES FOR ASSIGNING OXIDATION NUMBERS 1. The oxidation number of an atom in an uncombined element is always 0 (e.g., H2 is 0). 2. The oxidation number of a simple ion is the charge of ion (e.g., Ca2+ is +2). 3. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1, except in metal hydrides when it is -1 (e.g., the H in NaH is -1). 4. The oxidation number of oxygen is -2, except in peroxides when it is -1 (e.g., the O in H2O2 is -1). 5. The oxidation number of Group 1 element ions is +1. The oxidation number of Group 2 element ions is +2. 6. The sum of oxidation numbers in a compound must equal 0. 7. The sum of oxidation numbers in a polyatomic ion must equal the charge on the ion (e.g., OH- is -1). OXIDATION-REDUCTION Oxidation can be defined as a reaction in which: 1) an element is chemically united with oxygen (e.g., C + O2 CO2; carbon is oxidized) 2) a metal is changed from an uncombined to a combined state (e.g., Zn + Cl2 ZnCl2) 3) an element loses electrons, and therefore has an increase in oxidation number (e.g., Ca Ca2+ + 2e-) SCH 4U REVIEW 36 of 39 Loss of Electrons is Oxidation “LEO” Reduction can be defined as a reaction in which: 1) an element loses oxygen (e.g., Fe2O3 2 FeO + ½ O2) 2) a metal is changed from a combined to a uncombined state (e.g., FeO Fe + ½ O2) 3) an element gains electrons, and therefore has a decrease in oxidation number (e.g., Cl2 + 2e- 2 Cl-) Gain of Electrons is Reduction “GER” redox reaction – a chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred between particles; two or more atoms undergo a change in oxidation number; also known as oxidationreduction reactions – all single displacement reactions are redox, while some combination and decomposition reactions are; double displacement reactions are never redox e.g., oxidation +1 -2 H2S(g) 0 + O2(g) +4 -2 SO2(g) +1 -2 + H2O(g) reduction BALANCING REDOX EQUATIONS USING OXIDATION NUMBERS this method is most appropriate when dealing with covalent compounds 1. Assign oxidation numbers to all the atoms in the equation. 2. Identify which atoms undergo a change in oxidation number. 3. Determine the ratio in which these atoms must react so that the total increase in oxidation number equals the decrease (i.e., the total number of electrons lost and gained is equal). 4. Balance the redox participants in the equation using this ratio. 5. Balance the other atoms by the inspection method. 6. Add H+(aq) or OH-(aq) to balance the charge, depending on if it is an acidic or a basic solution (the total charge on each side must be the same). 7. Add H2O(l) to balance the O atoms. e.g., Ag(s) + Cr2O72-(aq) Ag+(aq) + Cr3+(aq) oxidation: lost 1 e- (x 6) 0 6 Ag(s) + +6 -2 Cr2O72-(aq) + 14 H+(aq) +1 6 Ag+(aq) + +3 2 Cr3+(aq) + H2O(l) reduction: gained 2(3 e-) = 6 e- (x 1) BALANCING REDOX EQUATIONS USING HALF-REACTIONS this method is most appropriate for ionic reactions in solution and for relating to electrical processes 1. Separate the skeleton equation into the start of two half-reaction equations (one for the oxidation reaction and one for the reduction reaction). 2. Balance all species, other than O and H. 3. Balance the oxygen, by adding H2O(l) for acidic solutions or OH-(aq) for basic solutions. 4. Balance the hydrogen, by adding H+(aq) for acidic solutions or H2O(l) for basic solutions. SCH 4U REVIEW 37 of 39 5. Balance the charge on each side by adding electrons and canceling anything that is in equal amounts on both sides. 6. Multiply each half-reaction equation by simple whole numbers to balance the electrons lost and gained. 7. Add the two half-reaction equations, canceling the electrons and anything else that appears in equal amounts on both sides. 8. Check to ensure all entities and the overall charge on both sides balance. MnO4– + N2H4 MnO2 + N2 e.g., 4 [MnO4– + 2 H2O + 3 e- MnO2 3 [N2H4 + 4 OH– N2 + 4 H2O + 4 OH–] + 4 e-] 4 MnO4– + 8 H2O + 12 e- 4 MnO2 + 16 OH–] 3 N2H4 + 12 OH– 3 N2 + 12 H2O + 12 e-] 4 MnO4– + 3 N2H4 4 MnO2 + 3 N2 + 4 H2O + 4 OH– TECHNOLOGY OF CELLS AND BATTERIES electric cell – a device that continuously converts chemical energy into electrical energy; contains two electrodes (solid conductor) and one electrolyte (aqueous conductor); each electrode has a cathode (+) and anode (–); electrons flow from the anode to the cathode battery – a group of two or more electric cells connected in series voltage – the potential energy difference per unit charge; measured in volts (V), 1 J/C electric current – the rate of flow of charge past a point; measured in amperes (A), 1 C/s TYPE primary cell – electric cell that cannot be recharged secondary cell – electric cell that can be recharged fuel cell – electric cell that produces NAME OF CELL dry cell (1.5 V) 2 MnO2 + 2 NH4+ + 2 e- Mn2O3 + 2 NH3 + H2O Zn Zn2+ + 2 e- alkaline dry cell (1.5 V) 2 MnO2 + H2O + 2 e- Mn2O3 + 2 OHZn + 2 OH- ZnO + H2O + 2 e- mercury cell (1.35 V) HgO + H2O + 2 e- Hg + 2 OHZn + 2 OH- ZnO + H2O + 2 e- Ni-Cad cell (1.25 V) 2 NiO(OH) + 2 H2O + 2 e- 2 Ni(OH)2 + 2 OHCd + 2 OH- Cd(OH)2 + 2 e- lead-acid cell (2.0 V) PbO2 + 4 H+ + SO42- + 2 e- PbSO4 + 2 H2O Pb + SO42- PbSO4 + 2 e- aluminum-air cell (2 V) 3 O2 + 6 H2O + 12 e- 12 OH4 Al 4 Al3+ + 12 e- HALF-REACTIONS CHARACTERISTICS AND USES inexpensive, portable flashlights, radios longer shelf life, higher currents for longer periods same uses as dry cell small cell, constant voltage during life hearing aids, watches completely sealed, lightweight power tools, shavers, portable computers large currents, reliable for recharges all vehicles high energy density, readily available aluminum alloys electric cars SCH 4U REVIEW electricity by a continually supplied fuel 38 of 39 hydrogenoxygen cell (1.2 V) O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e- 4 OH2 H2 + 4 OH- 4 H2O + 4 e- lightweight, high efficiency, can be adapted to use hydrogen-rich fuels vehicles and space shuttle GALVANIC CELLS galvanic cell – consists of two half-cells separated by a porous boundary with solid electrodes connected by an external circuit; standard cells occur at SATP and with concentrations of 1.0 mol/L cathode – positive electrode; reduction (gaining electrons because electronegativity is higher) of the strongest oxidizing agent occurs here; the half-cell that is higher on the “Relative Strengths of Oxidizing and Reducing Agents” table; “red cat on the roof” reduction at the cathode, higher half-cell anode – negative electrode; oxidation (losing electrons because electronegativity is lower) of the strongest reducing agent occurs here; the half-cell that is lower on the table inert electrode – a solid conductor that will not react with any substance present in a cell (usually carbon or platinum) Electrons travel in the external circuit from the anode to the cathode Internally, anions from the salt bridge move toward the anode and cations from the salt bridge move toward the cathode as the cell operates, keeping the solution electrically neutral CELL NOTATION electrons cathode (+) | electrolyte || electrolyte | anode (-) (reduction) (oxidation) CELL POTENTIALS standard cell potential (ΔE°) – the maximum electric potential difference (voltage) of a cell operating under standard conditions reference half-cell – a half-cell assigned an electrode potential of exactly 0.00 volts; the standard hydrogen half-cell, Pt(s) | H2(g), H+(aq) standard reduction potential (ΔEr°) – represents the tendency of a standard half-cell to attract electrons in a reduction half-reaction, compared to the reference half-cell SCH 4U REVIEW 39 of 39 standard oxidation potential ΔE° = cell (ΔEo°) ΔEr° – ΔEr° cathode anode – represents the tendency of a standard half-cell to lose electrons in an oxidation half-reaction; the value of the reverse reaction with an opposite sign A positive standard cell potential (ΔE° > 0) indicates that the overall cell reaction is spontaneous. e.g., SOA + Ag(s) | Ag (aq) OA || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s) RA SRA 2 [Ag+(aq) + e- Ag(s) ] Cu(s) Cu2+(aq) + 2 eCu(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) Cu2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s) ΔE° = cell ΔE = = = ° ΔEr° – ΔEr° cathode anode ΔE Ag+ – ΔE°Cu2+ 0.80 – 0.34 0.46 V °