The Role of Heritage Science in Conservation Philosophy and Practice Craig J. Kennedy School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, EH14 4AS Email: Phone: +44 131 451 4629 1 Abstract For many years the relationship between science and conservation has been growing. Scientific research to understand historic materials and inform evidence-led conservation practices is increasingly seen as an important step towards ensuring positive long-term outcomes for cultural property. ‘Heritage Science’ is emerging as a discipline within its own right. The development of heritage science with specific reference to its application to building conservation is considered. The role of science within building conservation philosophy and practice is discussed, and barriers to effective evidence-led conservation identified. A set of seven recommendations for heritage science applied to building conservation are proposed. It is expected that these recommendations, if implemented, will help to balance the needs of heritage practitioners whose work aligns with conservation philosophy, and scientists who require the ability to gather meaningful data from historic buildings and sites. This is intended to encourage and enhance collaboration between scientists and practitioners. Keywords Conservation, Heritage, Philosophy, Practice, Principles, Research, Science Biography Craig Kennedy is an Associate Professor at Heriot Watt University. Prior to this he was Head of Science at Historic Scotland. His key research interest is historic building materials decay and conservation. 2 Introduction Conservation, restoration and preservation of buildings and other historical artefacts has gone on for centuries. In the 20th century, scientists took an increasing interest in analysing materials of historic value, leading to discrete scientific disciplines such as archaeometry, conservation science and artefact studies. In recent years a new discipline has emerged which aims to encompass all of these domains and bring them together to aid in conservation practice: heritage science. The phrase ‘heritage science’ was coined in the UK in 2006 by the House of Lords Science and Technology sub-committee report in to Science and Heritagea as a replacement for a collection of other terms such as ‘conservation science’ and ‘archaeological science’, though the previous terms still live on. Following the House of Lords Report, a UK national heritage science steering committee was formed, composed of members representing heritage agencies, institutions and academia. This committee produced a number of publications: three 1,2,3 (outlining the role of science in the management of heritage assets; the use of science to understand the past; and the capacity in the heritage sector at that time. The committee’s final publication was the UK national heritage science strategy4 which set out aims and objectives for the heritage science sector, and recommended the formation of a National Heritage Science Forum, which now exists. This paper considers the practical application of heritage science to the building conservation sector, and how best to marry conservation philosophy with scientific investigations. 3 Heritage Science as a Discipline Many cultural institutions have a scientific research department which undertakes research for the benefit of conservation. Over the last century many institutions have incorporated a laboratory as part of the curatorial process when dealing with, for example, museum collections. Early examples of laboratory installations include The Staatliche Museum of Berlin, which opened a laboratory in 1888 and the British Museum in London in 1919. Laboratories within museums increased in number after World War I and again after World War II5. Built heritage organisations such as Historic Scotland and English Heritage have employed scientific staff and equipped laboratories in recent years with the aim of understanding the decay of building materials, testing new conservation materials and providing evidence to aid in the decision making process during conservation works. As well as undertaking direct scientific work, these organisations work with a vibrant, international academic community which retains a strong interest in understanding historic materials, their decay and conservation in order to increase understanding of material properties at a fundamental level6,7. ‘Conservation science’ existed for decades in this form before the emergence of the term ‘heritage science’. Giovanni Urbani8 considered that conservation research should evolve in to an independent scientific discipline, as scientists who were primarily focused in non-heritage areas such as physics or chemistry would consider only the constituent parts of a piece of cultural property, and not other aspects such as aesthetic appreciation or heritage value. Considerable advancement has taken place in the three decades since Urbani’s argument; Matija Strlic9 has set out a 4 theoretical basis for heritage science based on a series of ten premises which strongly consider the nature of the relationship between research and heritage value. In the UK, matters coalesced in the mid-2000s with the House of Lords Science and Technology sub-committee report in to Science and Heritage. This process involved the gathering of evidence from across the scientific community working on the four main areas of heritage: built heritage; collections; libraries and archives; and archaeology. One outcome of this report was the formation of the UK national heritage science strategy which sought to bring together a fragmented community and encourage collaboration between scientists, conservation professionals, heritage managers and stakeholders. The national heritage science strategy gives two strategic aims: ‘1. Demonstrate the public benefit of heritage science and increase public engagement and support for it. 2. Improve partnership within the sector and with others by increasing collaboration to help practice make better use of research, knowledge and innovation and to enhance resources, funding and skills’ Each aim is underpinned by a number of objectives that will, if fully carried out, improve the standing of heritage science. In terms of considering the application of heritage science to building conservation philosophy and practice, the objective of most relevance is: ‘Improving preservation. The sector has made great strides in understanding materials and the mechanisms of decay as well as developing ways to assess, monitor and record condition. 5 Through the application of heritage science we will continue to improve conservation practice ... ’ This objective links heritage science to conservation practice, but as yet the linkage between the two is informal and the practical application of heritage science to building conservation has not fully been considered. Building Conservation Philosophy and Practice Historic building conservation, replication or restoration has existed in various forms for centuries. Jukka Jokilehto10 details the development of international building conservation philosophies from the Italian Renaissance through to the 20 th century. Today, repairs to historic buildings and monuments should be carried out with an understanding and basis within building conservation philosophy. International charters by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the manifesto of Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) and other publications have evolved and been updated over time to meet the developing ideas behind sensitive conservation. Forster11,12 discusses the ethics and principles behind building conservation philosophy for masonry repair. Briefly, these are listed as: Ethics: authenticity; integrity; avoidance of conjecture; respect for age and historic patina; respect for the contribution of all periods; inseparable bond with setting; rights of the indigenous community. Principles: minimal intervention; legibility (honesty and distinguishability); materials and techniques (use of ‘like for like’ materials); reversibility; documentation; sustainability. 6 The British Standard which relates to conservation of historic buildings – BS 7913 – was updated in 201313. This document brings the fundamentals of conservation philosophy in to practice, with a strong emphasis on heritage management, conservation plans, values, significance, and how these relate to the flow of work during conservation projects. Further translating conservation philosophy to practice is the accreditation process for professionals. Accredited conservators undergo rigorous evaluation to ensure that their work portfolio is aligned with these philosophical points. The Institute for Conservation (ICON) manages the professional accreditation for conservatorrestorers (PACR) process in the UK. This process encompasses conservators working in all areas of heritage, and as such their guidance is not built heritagespecific. The PACR guidance14 lists five key standards for members undergoing the accreditation process: assessment of cultural heritage; conservation options and strategies; conservation measures; organisation and management; and professional development. Alongside these five standards are thirteen professional judgement and ethics (J&E) principles, including ‘understanding principles and practice’ and ‘conversance with guidelines’. The Institute for Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) has an accreditation process for practitioners working specifically in the historic buildings sector. The IHBC structures its accreditation process around the main elements of the ‘areas of competence’. These areas of competence are divided in to two sections: professional and practical. Within the ‘professional’ competence, the membership standards, criteria and guidelines15 states that professionals working in conservation require an understanding of conservation philosophy and its application to practice. 7 Heritage Science as a part of Conservation Philosophy Ethical considerations of conservation philosophy do not occur in isolation. Scientific research may have a part to play in ensuring the effective application of ethical values to conservation. When considering authenticity, the ability to distinguish between original material and later repairs is important. In many cases scientific equipment may not be needed – for example, plastic repairs from the latter half of the 20th century on a building that is centuries old will be distinguishable to a competent practitioner. However, for other forms where effort has been made to ensure that the repair is indistinguishable from the original material, scientific methods may be needed to provide an additional dimension to the available information. An example of the use of science to establish authenticity is the identification of original window glass in historic buildings using portable X-ray fluorescence16. Integrity of a structure is discussed by Forster, who makes the distinction between ‘living’ and ‘dead’ buildings and how integrity may conflict with authenticity in these cases. For a ‘living’ building which is still in use and functioning (as opposed to, say, a ruin), the replacement of a failed section would require some scientific intervention to ensure that the appropriate material is selected17. The avoidance of conjecture (the need for incontestable evidence) and restoration are wholly reliant on having as complete an evidence base as possible. Restoration is taking a building back to a specific point in time and to do so effectively requires interpretation of all the available evidence from that time. Forster notes that evidence of this nature is rarely available without good historical documentation. Taking a recent example, the restoration of the palace at Stirling Castle which was completed 8 in 2011 relied on an extensive research programme analysing historic plans, furnishings and excavation reports18. Scientific information has the potential to complement such historical research, through the analysis of the building fabric to determine origin, provenance or conservation history. Respect for age and patina are considerations for conservation, as patina is regarded as having aesthetic and historic qualities19 . Research has a role in this regard, by ensuring that cleaning techniques are not overly aggressive. Disruptive techniques have the potential to destroy the patina in order to make a material look like new. Stone cleaning carried out using inappropriate methods in the 20 th century has allowed buildings to lose their historic patina and, in some cases, discolour the stone20. This realisation led to research in to different methods that has allowed for gentler methods of stone cleaning which retain the historic patina to be highlighted. Similarly, research carried out on historic wrought iron which has sought to develop a cleaning method that will not disrupt the oxide layer that forms on the iron surface over time, demonstrating that scientific testing can lead to positive outcomes from cleaning that will not significantly harm the heritage value of an object or building21. As well as ethical considerations, the principles of building conservation philosophy can be enhanced through scientific input. Perhaps the most obvious example is use of ‘like for like’ materials for repair, as it may be necessary to scientifically determine which replacement material bears the closest resemblance in terms of material properties to the original. A clear illustration of this is petrographic analysis of building stones, a technique that considers which stones available from currently operating quarries most closely match historic stones in terms of properties such as porosity and sorting22. Over time, this will ensure that 9 the replacement stone does not accelerate the decay of the historic stones surrounding it, as can happen if a dense stone is placed in the midst of porous stones, hastening the decline of the historic elements of the building fabric. Other innovations in this field include the potential use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and soil micromorphology to identify appropriate repair materials for earth buildings23,24. Scientific input has the potential to allow for a greater understanding of the condition of existing historic sections of a building and may aid in keeping in place materials that could otherwise be removed unnecessarily. This will aid in honouring the principle of least or minimal intervention. Timber is a good example of this –timber members within a building are visually assessed as part of a condition survey and a decision is made to remove the member or keep it in place. The member may still be load bearing but if the surface of the timber is eroded by, for example, rot or woodworm the decision may be taken to remove it. Recent experiments have taken place to attempt to develop a non-destructive acoustic method of assessing timber strength in situ. This type of testing has the potential to protect many timbers within historic buildings from being removed and replaced25. Reversibility of a conservation application is an important philosophical principle. Any action taken to conserve an object or building should have the ability to be removed should it prove harmful to the substrate. Included in this are short-term remedies, such as the application of facing materials to structural paintings for transportation and storage. Theur26 conducted a series of experiments to understand the effects of commonly used facing materials on long-term storage of paintings and painted ceilings, and their ability to be removed after prolonged periods. 10 The ability of science to influence and improve conservation has long been recognised, and as such is included in international charters and professional guidance. Article 2 of the ICOMOS Venice charter27 states: ‘The conservation and restoration of monuments must have recourse to all the sciences and techniques which can contribute to the study and safeguarding of the architectural heritage’ The ICOMOS charter ‘Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage28’ considers the role of research more fully, and has a key guiding principle listed as ‘Research and diagnosis’. This principle relates to the approach that should be taken when undertaking research in to historic buildings, including two which specifically relate to scientific analysis of a building (2.3 and 2.5). These can be summarised as the requirement for a full understanding of the structural and material characteristics required in conservation practice; and the approaches that should be made when diagnosing defects. Specifically, in terms of science: ‘the quantitative approach mainly [based] on material and structural tests, monitoring and structural analysis.’ An example of using science to diagnose defects in historic buildings is the analysis of hair used in lime plasters29 which found that repair materials that have been pretreated with bleach or acid will lose performance significantly, leading to failures. British Standard BS 791313 makes several explicit references to research in support of evidence-led conservation, including a statement that good conservation depends 11 on ‘a sound research evidence base and the use of competent advisors and contractors.’ Two statements in the Standard clearly define the role of science as an essential part of conservation work: ‘Work proposals should be based on an appropriate level of research into the historic building in order to understand its significance, structure, fabric, design, layout, services and other parameters.’ And: ‘The correct choice of materials for conservation works is important for historic buildings. Where possible, existing materials should be investigated and tested so that good performance and aesthetic matches can be achieved.’ The role of science has also made its way in to the professional accreditation process for heritage practitioners. Standard 3 of the ICON guidance14 – conservation measures – makes several references to taking in to account current research as part of the decision making process when considering conservation measures and techniques. In 2006/7 the Institute of Conservation Science (ICS) joined ICON to become the ICON Science Group. This merger was designed to improve the scope for closer interaction between conservation and science. The Institute for Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) recognises the value of incorporating research to conservation, and has produced guidance to work towards evidence-based conservation standards30. This stems from a belief that ‘effective conservation standards should be developed out of research-based evidence supported by practice-based guidance’. This statement clearly places research in a 12 key role in the conservation process. The IHBC lists ‘Research, Recording & Analysis’ as an area of competence in their membership standards, criteria and guidelines, further aligning research and practical conservation for professional members. From these examples, it may be considered that science not only has a role to play in informing conservation practice, but that scientific research is essential in ensuring that conservation carried out is evidence-based, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome. Scientific research has been a central theme of conservation philosophy for over half a century, though its utilisation in practice has perhaps not been fully realised. Barriers to Effective Heritage Science Whilst the role of heritage science in conservation philosophy is explicitly stated in conservation charters, it is often not possible to utilise heritage science fully for the purposes of conservation. One key issue faced by heritage scientists is sampling. In order to fully understand a material, it may be necessary to extract sections to be taken for laboratory investigations. Heritage managers are often reluctant to allow sampling, and if allowed it is often at a level inadequate for statistically significant findings to be gleaned. This is perhaps related to heritage managers considering loss of historic fabric for testing as inadvisable, or inappropriate. Under the heading ‘Heritage Management Principles’ in BS 791313 it is stated that the principle of minimal intervention is 13 important; that is, as much fabric as possible should be retained when a repair or other intervention is required. This leaves the heritage manager with the task of balancing the need for sampling in order to gain an understanding of the building materials with the pressure to allow as little material to be taken from the site as possible. Torraca31 describes balancing minimum intervention and the requirement for testing as a ‘tightrope’ in the context of stone conservation, whereby as little of the ‘information’ stored in objects is disturbed as possible, whilst ensuring that the object can be preserved for the present and future. In many cases the level of sampling allowed is in proportion to the status of the building being examined; a traditional building with no statutory protection such as listed status may be sampled extensively with the owner’s permission, but a building of national importance such as a scheduled ancient monument is unlikely to be sampled at all. Ironically, conservation is allowed on many high-status buildings but the lack of scientific input, brought about by a desire to protect the building, may lead to a less than ideal long-term outcome from the conservation works. A second issue facing heritage scientists is a lack of knowledge of the provenance of a sample. It may be the case that the building under study is centuries old and has undergone a series of changes over time, such as extensions, renovations, restorations and conservation works. It may not always be apparent if a sample is original to the building, or as the result of a later intervention. As such, one emerging branch of heritage science is that of understanding provenance, as observed in recent papers by Dungworth32, Avino & Rosada33 and Ortega et al34. 14 Linked to the issue of provenance is the history of a sample. If a sample is original it may have undergone conservation works in the past, and this may not be known to the scientist if appropriate recording has not been taken. Here, it is important that a scientist working on a building has access to conservation records so that it may inform the results and recommendations arising from scientific investigation. Strlic9 notes an issue regarding scientific values with regards to heritage science: it can be neither experimental nor fundamental. When analysing historic items, experiments are not repeatable and so taking a typical scientific approach to an experimental programme is not possible in these instances. Equally, the objective of heritage science is always known, and so it cannot be considered fundamental research. Developing a Set of Recommendations for Practicing Heritage Science It is clear from the conservation charters and the national heritage science strategy that science has a central role to play in informing conservation practice. Here, a set of recommendations are proposed which are designed to meet the requirements of scientists, conservators and heritage managers which share the same vision of favourable outcomes for historic buildings following conservation interventions. 1. A team-based approach to developing evidence-based conservation. This is a reflection of principle 2.1 of the ICOMOS charter ‘Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage’. When undertaking building conservation, the scientist should be part of the multidisciplinary team with a specific remit to investigate the building and help inform the physical conservation of the building. Ideally as part of a planning process scientific investigations should take 15 place ahead of the of conservation work. This form of interaction will help to highlight the positive role that a scientist can take in the conservation process, and also help the scientist take direction and understand underlying issues facing the building. 2. Preference for non-destructive or micro-destructive testing. A major barrier to effective scientific input is the constraints placed on scientists regarding sampling. Here, two approaches are proposed which will allow heritage managers to be satisfied that excessive sampling is not taking place and allow the scientist to glean meaningful, statistically significant data. The recent development of portable laboratory equipment with capabilities analogous to larger laboratory-based systems has allowed for an effective revolution in heritage science. Recent advances in portable technology have included NearInfrared spectroscopy (NIR), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), hyperspectral imaging, thermal imaging, laser scanning, Raman spectroscopy and many others. Such systems have allowed scientists to take the laboratory to the site, gathering a large quantity of highly relevant data without the need for physical sampling. Where appropriate and possible, non-destructive testing should be the preferred method of scientific investigation of historic buildings and sites. The type of equipment used should be appropriate for the type of information being sought, and often more than one technique will need to be employed at any one time. It may also be the case that sampling is required, should such portable devices either be unavailable or not suited for the type of scientific investigation needed. Xray diffraction is an example of a technique that is highly useful for the analysis of 16 stone and mortar materials, but is not available as a portable instrument. Should sampling be required, it is recommended that a high number of very small samples from various places across the area of interest (i.e. façade) are taken. Such microtesting is already in place in other sectors of heritage, for example micro-drilling of parchment for document conservation35. 3. Gathering Large Data Sets The nature of historic monuments and sites means that they often consist of a collection of various materials combined to form the whole. The building may also be subject to microclimates and discrete variations in fabric that mean different sections of the buildings becoming weathered at different rates. As such, data should be taken from across the whole site where possible. This would allow for a more complete understanding of the behaviour of the whole area of interest and reduce the chances that a sample taken from an unusual area – for instance, an area subjected to a microclimate different from the rest of the site – could skew results and produce less than ideal scientific conclusions. It is not advisable to take only a few samples, or sample from a limited area, as to extrapolate information on the whole building from such small data sets may not be beneficial to conservation works. 4. Use of modern analogue materials For robust scientific investigations on how a material may respond to specific circumstances, the development of modern equivalents that can be tested extensively is encouraged, though with caution. For example, Historic Scotland commissioned the construction of experimental earth walls in locations across Scotland to determine their responses to climate36. The same organisation also 17 constructed a sandstone wall in order to examine the effects of extreme salt damage, exposing the analogue to conditions that would not be allowable on a heritage asset (figure 1). Strlic9 considers the benefits of using ‘mock or surrogate objects for research’. As stated previously, scientific investigations taking place on historic materials are not repeatable, and as such heritage science cannot be considered experimental. However, when using analogous materials experiments can be reproduced allowing for typical scientific principles to remain intact. Care must be taken when comparing modern analogues to historical materials. Historic building elements may have been constructed in a subtly different manner from the modern analogues and will have been subjected to weathering over a long period of time. Additionally, historic materials may be naturally different from modern equivalents – one example is timber, which historically was slow grown for a longer period of time compared to modern timber which may be faster grow for a shorter period of time. Altering the growth regime for timbers in such a way will significantly alter the physical properties37. As such, although useful information may be gained from modern analogues, it may be the case that historic building materials behave in a different manner. 5. Stress Testing (Artificial or Accelerated Ageing) Accelerated or artificial ageing is a concept used in heritage science since the nineteen fifties38. Much of the research carried out on accelerated ageing relates to shelf life of perishable materials, and in the heritage sector the key output has been for studies on historic paper. This form of testing requires a material to be placed in 18 an environmental chamber and exposed to extreme conditions; in theory, such conditions speed up the natural ageing of the material (figure 2). Such tests are done in order to determine the effects of a conservation treatment or to evaluate the future condition of a historic material39,40,41. The basis for this type of test is the Arrhenius equation (figure 3), a formula for the temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates. A generalisation of this equation is that for common chemical reactions at room temperature, the reaction rate doubles for each 10 degrees Celsius rise in temperature42. Extrapolating the Arrhenius equation to a log-plot of reaction rates (k) or degradation times (1/k) versus inverse temperature (1/T) should result in a straight line, allowing extrapolations to be made at lower temperatures. Hence, for data gathered on a material at high temperature over a period of weeks, the rate of degradation can be calculated at low temperature for a period of years. However, there is some scepticism as to the validity of these ageing methods as a means of predicting behaviour of historic materials38,43. One argument against Arrhenius ageing is that the equation was designed to consider elementary chemical reactions, whilst historic materials are complicated aggregates of differing systems. Another is that Arrhenius behaviour does not match experimentally derived data44. To improve accelerated ageing results, more complicated systems of ageing have been proposed which include elevated temperature, controlled humidity, irradiation, and the inclusion of pollutants43,45. However, no standard method of accelerated ageing has yet been devised that can accurately predict the behaviour of a building material after many years of natural ageing. 19 For the purposes of understanding reactions of historic building materials to environmental conditions, it may be wise to stop references to ageing and instead replace these forms of experiments with a title such as ‘stress tests’. Such tests are valuable in determining a material’s durability following conservation works. Renaming these tests will remove the inference that the results of such experiments are representative of the future condition of samples. 6. Openness of Access to Experimental Data Recording and documentation is a principle of building conservation. This is essential in tracking the changes undergone over the lifetime of a building. Regular condition surveys chart the emergence of any potential problems that threaten the building. More recently laser scanning has become an integrated part of the condition survey46. When building conservation works are carried out extensive reports are written, photographs taken and the final work is archived for future conservators. Results of scientific investigations should be included as part of the building conservation records with a similar view in mind: in future years, when conservators and scientists revisit a site they should have access to as much detailed information as possible about the building they are about to embark working on. As well as summary reports of scientific investigations, raw data should be included where possible so that comparisons may be made in future which may highlight any changes that have taken place to the material over time. Additionally, publication of scientific material relating to conservation should be encouraged. For evidence-led conservation to become the norm, the overall knowledge base regarding traditional building materials must be increased. This 20 would allow scientists worldwide to have access to a wealth of data which may inform their own conservation programmes. 7. Integrating heritage science as part of the overall heritage experience Heritage science is an increasingly significant aspect of conservation work. Where possible, the investigative aspects of conservation should also be highlighted. This will boost both the profile of heritage science, and also enhance the public understanding of how key decisions are reached with regards to conservation. Heritage institution websites, magazines and technical publications often hold articles on how an object or building was investigated and conserved47,48. This level of openly available information has the potential to expand the visitor experience, and consideration should be taken as to how this could be achieved. This principle links directly to the strategic aim of the national heritage science strategy to demonstrate the public benefit of, and increase support for, heritage science. Conclusion Here, seven recommendations are suggested which relate to how heritage science can be of practical help to building conservation works, enhancing the quality and outcomes of conservation work. These principles align with the established philosophical basis for conservation of buildings. On a practical level, these also aim to balance the needs of the scientist with heritage management principles. 21 References a House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, 2006, Enquiry report on Science and Heritage. HL 256, London: The Stationery Office Limited. Jim Williams, ‘The role of science in the management of the UK’s heritage’, National Heritage Science Strategy (London: English Heritage, 2009) [online] < uk/test/images/dynamicImages/file/nhs s_report_1_web.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] Jim Williams, ‘The use of science to enhance our understanding of the past’, National Heritage Science Strategy (London: English Heritage, 2009) [online] < uk/test/images/dynamicImages/file/nhs s_report_2_web.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] 2 Jim Williams, ‘Understanding capacity in the heritage sector’, National Heritage Science Strategy (London: English Heritage, 2009) [online] < uk/test/images/dynamicImages/file/nhs s_report_3_web.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] 3 4 Sarah Staniforth, Peter Brimblecombe, Craig Kennedy, Katy Lithgow, Nick Merriman, Sebastian Payne, Mark Pollard, Helen Shenton, Jim Tate, Heather Viles, David Watkinson, ‘Our vision and strategy for heritage science’ , National Heritage Science Strategy (London: English Heritage, 2009) [online] < uk/test/images/dynamicImages/file/nhs 22 s_vision_strategy_web.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] Paul Coremans, ‘La recherché scientifique et la restauration des tableaux’ Bulletin de l’Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique 4 (1961) pp 10915 5 Historic Scotland, ‘Technical Research Plan, 2014-15’ Historic Scotland Conservation Directorate (Edinburgh, Historic Scotland, 2014) [online] < 2014-2015.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] 6 7 Jim Williams, Edmund Lee, Gill Campbell, EH Science Network, ‘English Heritage Science Strategy’ (London, English Heritage, 2013) [online] magesbooks/publications/ehss/EHSS.pdf/ [accessed 6th May 2015] Giovanni Urbani, ‘La scienza e l’arte della conservazione dei beni culturali’ in La Scienza e l’arte della Conservazione: Storici dell’arte, Tecnici, Restauratori a Confronto sui Temi Ancora Irrisolti del Restauro. Ricerche di Storia dell’arte 16 (Rome, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1982) pp 710 8 Matija Strlic, ‘A brief theory of heritage science’ (London, National Heritage Science Forum, 2015) [online] <https://nationalheritagescienceforum. sustainable-heritage/> [accessed 6th May 2015] Jukka Jokilehto, ‘A History of Architectural Conservation’, D.Phil Thesis, University of York, 1986 0 Historic Scotland, ‘Stirling Castle Palace: Archaeological and Historical Research’ [online] < age.html> [accessed 6th May 2015] 8 9 Alan M. Forster, ‘Building conservation philosophy for masonry repair: part 1 – “ethics”’, Structural Survey, 28 (2010) pp 91-107 1 D. Bell, Technical Advice Note 8: The Historic Scotland Guide to International Charters (Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 1997) 20 Alan M. Forster, ‘Building conservation philosophy for masonry repair: part 2 – “principles”’, Structural Survey, 28 (2010) pp 165-88 C. Andrew, S. Baxter, J. MacDonald, M. Rocha, B. Thomson, K. Tonge, D. Urquhart, R. Webster, M.E. Young, ‘Stonecleaning in Scotland’ (Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 1992) 3 21 2 Technical Committee B/560 Conservation of tangible cultural heritage, BS7913:2013 Guide to the Conservation of Historic Buildings (London: British Standards Institute, 2013) Institute of Conservation, ‘PACR Professional Standards’ [online] < acr_professional_standards_2.pdf> [accessed 6th May 2015] Nicola Emmerson, David Watkinson, ‘Preparing historic wrought iron for protective coatings: quantitative assessment to produce evidencebased protocols’ in: Metal 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group. Ed. by Ewan Hyslop, Vanesa Gonzalez, Lore Troalen, Lyn Wilson. 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Parkin, Dorothy A. McLaughlin, Craig J. Kennedy, ‘Novel micro-scale techniques to establish a life-cycle analysis of earth-built structures in Scotland’ Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Heritage (Peru, ICOMOS, 2012) October-2014.pdf > [accessed 6th May 2015] Giorgio Torraca, ‘The scientist’s role in historic preservation with particular reference to stone conservation’ in Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monuments; Report of the Committee on Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monuments (Washington D.C., National Academy Press, 1982) pp 1318 31 25 D. Ridley-Ellis, C-M Popescu, ‘Acoustic Assessment of Timber from 16th Century Painted Timber Ceilings in Scotland’. Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration and Conservation (ESRARC) (Iasi, Romania, 2012) Chantal-Helen Theur, ‘Scottish Renaissance Interiors: Facings and adhesives for size‐tempera painted wood’ Historic Scotland Technical Paper 11 (Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 2011) 26 David Dungworth, ‘The value of historic window glass’ The Historic Environment, 2:1 (2011) pp. 21-48 32 33 ICOMOS, ‘The Venice Charter, (Venice, Italy, 1964) [online] < df> [accessed 6th May 2015] 27 ICOMOS, ‘Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage’, (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 2003) [online] < ctoriafalls2003/struct1_eng.htm> [accessed 6th May 2015] 28 29 Craig J. Kennedy, William A. Revie, Matthew Wade, Tim J. 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