Staff Contact: JDM
Exam details:
There will be one exam paper that resembles Section C and Section D of the AQA exam. Students will have 30 minutes to complete. There will be an additional 5 minutes for planning time and a focus on quality of written communication.
Topics to be revised:
Development of Personality
Defining personality and temperament
Describing and evaluating studies on temperament
(including Thomas, Kagan & Snidman, and Buss &
The exam will include:
2 x Explanation questions (each worth 6 marks)
2 x Evaluation questions (each worth 6 marks) Plomin)
Describing and evaluating Eysenck’s Type Theory
Identifying personality traits of extroversion, introversion, neuroticism and psychoticism
Identifying characteristics of anti-social personality disorder
Explaining biological and situational causes of APD
(including the studies of Raine, Farrington and Elander)
Explaining practical implications of research into APD
Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination
Defining stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, giving examples of each
Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of stereotyping, including practical implications of research into stereotyping (including gender stereotyping in the
4 marks out of 28 will be awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar. media)
Describing and evaluating Sherif’s, Adorno’s and Tajfel’s studies into explaining prejudice
Describing and evaluating studies aimed at reducing prejudice (including the work of Elliot, Sherif, Harwood and Aronson)
Explaining the terms competition, authoritarian personality (including the F-Scale), and In-Groups and
Suggested strategies for revising:
Mind maps help you to generate ideas and make associations & links.
They can also act as a powerful memory aid because they are visual. Read your lesson notes and make a mind map.
Colour, symbols and pictures can be included on your mind map to make it more memorable.
Make a poster of key words, with illustrations and put it up in your bedroom, your bathroom, the kitchen, somewhere you will see it every day.
Highlight key words with highlighters to make sure you don't forget the important information. Make cue cards of key words.
A good way of remembering important processes, diagrams and terminology is through cue cards. Be creative. Draw colourful images that help you remember what is on the card!
Decorate your room with posters!! Make your room a revision centre!
Use lots of brightly coloured paper; post it notes and images all over your wall. This way, whatever you're doing you are constantly looking at your revision notes!
Activities for students to complete that will support exam preparation:
Use the notes in your exercise book to make a mind map on the expectations outlined above using A3 paper.
Create a poster that outlines the key points for your chosen topic.
Useful links:
Assessment level descriptors:
An excellent answer to the question.
Candidates will demonstrate a diverse and strong understanding of the question. Answers will reflect the significance of the issue(s) raised
Much evidence of fully supported psychological research. A range of evaluative points of view supported by justified arguments/ discussion.
The information will be presented in a clear and organised way. Clear reference to the psychologists studied and a range of interpretations shown. Specialist terms will be used frequently, appropriately and correctly.
Few, if any errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation
A good answer to the question.
Candidates will demonstrate a clear understanding of the question. Answers will reflect the significance of the issue(s) raised
Clear evidence of an appropriate response, fully supported. A range of reasons supported by justified arguments/ discussion. The information will be presented in a clear and organised way Clear reference to the psychologist studied. Specialist terms will be used appropriately and correctly. Few, if any errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation
This means…/Don’t forget to…
I can fully describe the aim, method, results and conclusion of a psychological study and evaluate the study in terms of its ecological validity, ethics, ability to be generalised, possible demand characteristics and reliability. I also can ensure the criticisms are directly linked to the study involved and include extended points
I can fully describe the aim, method, results and conclusion of a psychological study and evaluate the study in terms of its ecological validity, ethics, ability to be generalised, possible demand characteristics and reliability. I also can ensure the criticisms are directly linked to the study involved.
A competent answer to the question.
Candidates will demonstrate a sound understanding of the question. Selection of relevant material with appropriate development.
Evidence of appropriate response, justified arguments/ range of reasons supported by some discussion. The information will be presented in a structured format. Some appropriate reference to the psychologist studied. Specialist terms will be used appropriately and for the most part correctly. There may be occasional errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
A competent answer to the question.
Candidates will demonstrate a sound understanding of the question. Selection of relevant material with appropriate
Development. Evidence of appropriate response, justified arguments/ range of reasons supported by some discussion. The information will be presented in a structured format. Some appropriate reference to the psychologist studied. Specialist terms will be used appropriately and for the most part correctly. There may be occasional errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
A limited answer to the question. Candidates will demonstrate some understanding of the question. Some information will be relevant, although may lack specific detail. Only one reason might be offered and developed.
Reasons might be stated and supported with limited argument/discussion. The information will show some organisation. Reference to the psychologist studied may be vague. Some use of specialist terms, although these may not always be used appropriately. There may be errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation
A limited answer to the question. Candidates will demonstrate some understanding of the question. Some information will be relevant, although may lack specific detail. Only one reason might be offered and developed.
Reasons might be stated and supported with limited argument/discussion. The information will show some organisation. Reference to the psychologist studied may be vague. Some use of specialist terms, although these may not always be used appropriately. There may be errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation
A weak attempt to answer the question.
Candidates will demonstrate little understanding of the question. Answers may be simplistic with little or no relevant information. Reasons may not be supported or appropriate. Answers may be ambiguous or disorganised. There will be little or no use of specialist terms. Errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling may be intrusive
A weak attempt to answer the question.
Candidates will demonstrate little understanding of the question. Answers may be simplistic with little or no relevant information. Viewpoints may not be supported or appropriate. Answers may be ambiguous or disorganised. There will be little or no use of specialist terms. Errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling may be intrusive
I can fully describe the aim, method, results and conclusion of a psychological study and evaluate the study in terms of its ecological validity, ethics, ability to be generalised, possible demand characteristics and reliability.
I can fully describe the aim, method, results and conclusion of a psychological study and evaluate using terms such as ecological validity, ethical and generalisation
I can describe a psychological study fully giving a distinctive conclusion that is different from the aim
I can describe the aim, method, results and conclusiuon of a study
I can describe the method and results of a psychological study
I can describe the method of a psychological study