Classroom Procedures for Mrs. Wood

Classroom Procedures for Mrs. Wood
1. Entering the room — Enter quietly and politely; remove your hat/coat if you're wearing
one; don't interrupt other students; follow the appropriate procedures for each time of
day (e.g., morning, after lunch, after a special class).
2. Lining up — Stand up quietly; push in your chair; take all necessary items; line up
without touching others or talking; face the front of the line; watch where you are going.
3. Leaving the room — Ask permission; take the correct hall pass; do not run or play in
the hallways or restrooms.
4. Beginning the day — Enter the room politely; put away your backpack, lunch, and
coat; turn in your homework; sharpen 2 pencils, copy homework, eat breakfast, begin
morning work, read quietly
5. Ending the day—pack your book bag, listen for announcements, reminders from
teacher about what to bring home, double check your agenda. Pick up any trash within
three feet of your desk; Take out your Reading Response Journal for Daily Prompt
6. Taking out/putting away/caring for supplies — Share group supplies; recap markers
and glue; always put materials back where you found them.
7. Participating in group lessons — Do not bring anything with you unless I ask you to;
politely find a place to sit where you can do your best learning; sit flat, not on your
knees; listen carefully for new information; raise your hand to speak; do not speak when
someone else is speaking.
8. Obtaining help with assignments — Quietly ask the students at your table for help
with directions if you need it; if you are working alone, raise your hand to get help from
me; if you are working with a group, ask them for help in understanding how you do the
9. Handing in finished work/homework — Make sure your name is on your paper; place
your paper in homework folder and turn into homework basket
10. What to do with unfinished work — If I ask for work to be turned in, let me know if it
isn't finished; if I ask you to keep an unfinished project, put it in your class work
11. When and how to use the school restroom — If I am not teaching the whole group,
raise index finger quietly in air, wait for me to acknowledge you, go quickly and quietly,
return within 2-3 mins.
12. When and how to use the drinking fountain or sink — When I am not teaching the
whole group, you may get a drink; hold up 3 fingers like a “w”, take only a five-second
drink; you may bring a water bottle to keep on your desk; if you need to wash your
hands, use only a little soap; wipe up any water you spill.
13. When and how to use the pencil sharpener — At the beginning of each assignment,
the person I've chosen to be the helper will invite you to have him or her sharpen your
pencil; if your pencil breaks during an assignment, use a community pencil; only the
helper can run the sharpener and empty it.
14. Being a classroom helper; earning a classroom job — If you get a job on Monday,
you have earned it for good behavior. See the list of helper jobs. You and your partner
must complete each job thoroughly and responsibly to keep your position.
15. Getting into work groups — Take all the materials you will need; greet each other;
complete the task doing your personal best; make sure each person puts in the same
effort and writes their name on the assignment, stay with your group and only allow
them to hear you speak.
16. Using the classroom library — The best choice is to choose 2 books in the morning,
but when I am not teaching the whole group, you may trade out a book. To do so,
select a book (you only have two minutes at the class library) . Return books already
completed to the correct basket in good condition.
17. Handling seatwork pages — As soon as you get a paper, print your first name and last
initial at the top on the right-hand side and today's date at the top on the left-hand side.
18. Preparing for lunch — Wait quietly at your desk; when your team is called, get your
lunch or lunch money and line up in order; take everything with you, as you will not be
allowed to come back to the classroom after we leave for lunch; while you're waiting in
line, think about the way you need to behave in the lunchroom and on the playground;
while you're at lunch and at recess, find one person who is behaving responsibly and be
prepared to tell the class what you noticed.
19. Lunch—is silent from the time we enter the cafeteria until I give permission to put the
red blocks down. Then you may talk quietly to people sitting near you. Do not get up or
throw anything away until I have dismissed your table. Do not wait until lunch to ask to
use the restroom.
20. Buying Snacks—You must be on a level 3. You may not buy more than one snack,
loan/borrow money, or buy a snack for someone else. Raise your money in the air and
wait for me to acknowledge you. Do not get up. You may not buy if we have lost all our
letters in “TEACH” or if you didn’t do your homework. Eat the snack at recess or put it
in your book bag.
21. Getting a tissue — Cover your nose and wait for me to acknowledge you. Throw tissue
in the trash and get hand sanitizer. Do not get more than two tissues.
22. Pledge — When you hear/see the signal, stop what you're doing immediately and stand
up; place your right hand over your heart; say the Pledge of Allegiance respectfully;
during the 30 seconds of silence, quietly think about the things you want to learn today
and how you will act in class and on the playground
23. Morning Announments/Exercise Video—do not talk or get up for any reason during
announcements. These are important for all to hear. If you have most of your morning
procedures completed you may do the exercise video quietly at your seat. Do not
become wild or talk.
24. Throwing away trash — You may throw away trash whenever you need to if I am not
teaching the whole group; do not play basketball with your trash; make sure all trash
lands in the can; pick up trash even if it isn't yours. Do not ask to throw away trash or
get up while I am teaching. Just put it on the ledge inside your desk until later.
25. Visitors in the classroom — When visitors enter the room, smile at them and keep
working. Remember most visitors are there to observe what we are working on and not
to interrupt. If a visitor needs to speak to me, continue working quietly. If you do not
have an assignment, immediately take out a book or put your head down. Do not call
out, get up or interrupt. The same procedure applies for the phone.
26. Fire drill — Stop everything; stand up and head for the door quickly, but without
running or pushing; do not cover your ears; do not make any side trips; follow the line
leader quickly and quietly out the door until I tell you when and where to stop. Do an
“about face” and stand silently for the duration of the drill.
27. Signals for attention — When I need your attention, I will ring the bell or chimes.
Immediately stop, look, and listen to the directions. I may say give me 5 with my hand
up and lip covered. This means mouths are silent, eyes are looking, ears are listening,
hands are still, and feet are still.
28. Helping other students — In a cooperative classroom, it is good to help one another; if
someone needs help with directions or reading an assignment, help him or her if you
are able; if someone needs help with understanding the problem, tell him or her to ask
me for help; never put down another student who asks for help.
29. Organizing desk — Remove all loose papers; decide if they should go home or stay at
school; put papers that should stay at school in the front pocket of your work notebook;
put pencil or art supplies in your school box and place in cubby, throw away trash,
return already ready books to classroom library.
30. What to do during free time — If you finish an assignment, first work on any
unfinished assignments that are in the front pocket of your work notebook; when you
finish those, you may choose to , read a book, write a story, illustrate a book, make up
math problems, work on a research project, peer-tutor someone who needs your help,
or create a song about what the class is studying.
31. Computer—Care for classroom computers, do not eat or drink near them, alter them in
any way or go on internet without permission. You may ask to use the computer by
holding up 4 fingers after morning work or during IDR time for Successmaker, AR, or
Myon Books.
32. Getting my attention—Remember I am only one person and I cannot always
acknowledge you immediately. If you need to ask a question, try asking a neighbor
quietly first, or use your silent signal to get my attention quickly. Do not come up to me,
do not get up without permission, or call out my name. If I am working in a small group,
I am not available for questions.