Zoonotic Diseases Project

Zoonotic Diseases
What did we say a zoonotic disease is? What is a mode of transmission?
Below I have listed the most common zoonotic diseases. They are placed
randomly into four categories. Number yourself 1-4, then research the zoonoses
found by your number. You are going to do your share of the research, and then
we will culminate the research onto one sheet in a later class. Don’t slack off on
finding your share of the research because you will affect your grade and those of
your partners.
Find which category the disease falls into, what one or two of the symptoms are,
and what the mode of transmission is.
Four Categories:
Viruses, Parasites, Bacteria, and Fungus
Person #1-Rabies, Hookworms, Psittacosis, Sleeping Sickness, Borellia
Person #2-Toxoplasmosis, Ringworm, Cat Scratch Fever, Tapeworm, Encephalitis
Person #3-Salmonellosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Sarcoptic Mange,
Tuberculosis, Creeping Eruption
Person #4-Streptococcal, Lyme Disease, Leptospirosis, Visceral Larva Migrans,