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Paul Emory Reed Jr.
801 Huntington Ave.
Columbia, SC 29205
PhD Candidate
Linguistics Program
University of South Carolina
Linguistics, Sociolinguistics specialization, University of
South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
-Significant coursework in: Phonetics/Speech Science,
Statistics, Phonology
Dissertation: The Sociophonetics of Appalachian English:
Identity, Intonation, and Monophthongization
-Combines methods from sociolinguistics and statistics in a
novel way to analyze the speech of a rural community in
Romance Languages and Literatures, Spanish concentration,
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
-Significant coursework in: Spanish Linguistics
Business and Organizational Management,
Maryville College, Maryville, TN
Thesis: Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Investing
-Minors: Spanish, Political Science
Teaching/Research Assistant, University of South Carolina,
Columbia, SC
Adjunct Instructor of Spanish, St. Mary’s University, San
Antonio, TX
Spanish Teacher, East High School, Memphis, TN.
Spanish Teaching Assistant, University of Memphis,
Memphis, TN
Grant Writer/Instructor, Clinch-Powell Educational
Cooperative, Sneedville, TN.
College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship
Breakthrough Graduate Scholar (1 of 14), USC VP of
American Dialect Society, Presidential Honorary Student
Membership (3 year membership)
USC Graduate Student Day, Oral Presentation Winner,
American Dialect Society, Student Travel Award, $500
Graduate School Travel Grant, $300
Linguistics Program Travel Award, $300
Linguistics Program Travel Award, $1200
Linguistics Program Travel Award, $300
Center for Business Communication (CBC) Consultant
Travel Award, $250
Websites (2)
Co-Director (With Michael Montgomery) Appalachian English,
-Online resource for information about Appalachian English and research
into this variety.
(With Michael Montgomery) MultiMo: The Multiple Modal Database,
-Online resource for linguistic research into multiple modals, including a
corpus of over 2000 tokens, exhaustive bibliography, and commentary.
Reviews (1)
2014. Review of Sociophonetics: An Introduction by Erik R. Thomas.
American Speech 89:1, pp. 111-114.
Articles (5)
Forthcoming. Inter- and Intra- generational monophthongization and
Appalachian Identity. Southern Journal of Linguistics.
Submitted. (With Allen Montgomery, Kimberlee Crass, Joanna Stith, and
Isabel Hubbard), The Stability of Locus Equations with Vowel Removal
and Error. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
In preparation. (With Stan Dubinsky) An experimental and corpus based
account of Multiple Modals.
In preparation. (With Michael Montgomery) Ethnolinguistic Differences in
an Appalachian Enclave.
In preparation. Monophthongization and Appalachian Identity: Change
over a Lifetime. American Speech.
In preparation. Research into Multiple Modals: Formal and Informal
methods. Southern Journal of Linguistics.
Papers and Talks
Refereed Presentations and Posters (15 presentations, 6 posters)
The realization of rising pitch as a socio-pragmatic identity marker in
Appalachian English. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 43.
Chicago, IL. Oct. 23-26.
Best Practices in Representing Appalachian Speech. Appalachian Studies
Association (ASA) Annual Meeting. Huntington, WV. March 28-30, 2014.
Rising pitch realization in Appalachia. American Dialect Society (ADS)
Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Jan. 2-5, 2014.
(with Stan Dubinsky) A definitive account of double modal distribution in
Southern American English. American Dialect Society (ADS) Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Jan. 2-5, 2014. (Poster)
(With Stan Dubinsky) The syntax of double modals from a corpus and
experimental perspective. Linguistics Society of American (LSA) Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Jan. 2-5, 2014 (Poster)
Exploration of methods and activities that allow greater student
involvement in the instruction of articulatory and acoustic phonetics.
Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) 80. April 6, 2013.
Vowels in Appalachia: Linguistics and Language Change. Appalachian
Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting. Boone, NC. March 23, 2013.
(With Michael Montgomery) Earlier African American English in an
Appalachian Enclave. Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL) BiAnnual Meeting. Boston, MA. Jan. 4, 2013.
(With Allen Montgomery) Stability of Locus Equations with Error and
Vowel Removal. American Speech, Hearing, and Language Association
(ASHA) National Convention. Atlanta, GA. Nov. 15-17, 2012. (Poster)
(With Michael Montgomery) Monophthongization and /r/-lessness in an
Appalachian Bi-racial Enclave Community. New Ways of Analyzing
Variations (NWAV) 41. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Oct. 25-28,
2012. (Poster)
Monophthongization and Southern Appalachian Identity: Change Over a
Lifetime. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 41. Indiana
University, Bloomington, IN. Oct. 25-28, 2012. (Poster)
Inter- and Intra- Generational Monophthongization and Southern
Appalachian Identity. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) 79.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. April 12-14, 2012.
Inter- and Intra- Generational Monophthongization and Appalachian
Identity: A Family and Self Study. 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium
on Language. Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, TN. March 15, 2012.
(With D. Eric Holt) Native Speaker Perception of L2 Connected Speech in
Spanish. Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language
Phonology (CASPSLaP). University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Feb.
16-18, 2012.
An Exemplar Based Cross Treatment Analysis of Learners’ Acquisition
of the Spanish Vowel Space. Current Approaches to Spanish and
Portuguese Second Language Phonology (CASPSLaP). University of South
Carolina, Columbia, SC. Feb. 16-18, 2012.
(With D. Eric Holt) Native Speaker Perceptions of Learners’ Acquisition of
Connected Speech in Spanish. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS).
University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Oct. 6-9, 2011. (Poster)
(With Nina Moreno and Casey Carroll) Intra-ethnic Attitudes Toward
Language Maintenance within a Hispanic Community in the South.
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Annual Convention, Washington, D.C. July 6-9, 2011.
(With Michael Montgomery) The MultiMo Database and Website: A New
Resource for Researchers. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics
(SECOL) 78. Pine Mountain, GA. April 13-15, 2011.
Towards an Understanding of the Implicational Relationships of Multiple
Modals: A Study in Northeast TN. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics
(SECOL) 78. Pine Mountain, GA. April 13-15, 2011.
Towards an Understanding of the Development of ‘hay’. 19th UT
Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics,
University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX. Feb. 25-26, 2011.
Ehpañol en Loh Ehtadoh Unidoh. First Meeting of Spanish Linguistics in
North Carolina (SLINKI). Raleigh, NC. Jan. 22, 2011.
(With Michael Montgomery). The Multiple Modal Database: A New
Resource for Researchers. American Dialect Society (ADS) Annual
Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Jan. 6-8, 2011.
Locally Presented and Invited Talks (6 talks, 1 workshop)
How We Talk: The Speech of Appalachia. East Tennessee Historical Society
Lecture Series. Knoxville, TN (September 2014)
Appalachian Intonation and Monophthongization. NC State Brown Bag
Series. Raleigh, NC. (April 2014)
The Syntax of Multiple Modals: Corpus and Experimental Perspectives.
Hard Data Café. Columbia, SC. (March 2014)
Appalachian English Website. Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) Open
House. Columbia, SC (September 2013)
Appalachian Intonation. Graduate Students in Linguistics Fall Student
Research Symposium (SRS). Columbia, SC (December 2013)
Early AAE in Appalachia: Evidence from a Biracial Enclave. Graduate
Students in Linguistics Spring Research Symposium. Columbia, SC. (March
The Iberian Peninsula and the Evolution of Language: The Germanic
Impact on Spanish. Graduate Students in Linguistics Spring Colloquium.
Columbia, SC. (March 2012)
Locus Equations with Error and Vowel Removal. Carolina Linguistics
Symposium. Raleigh, NC. (November 2011)
Acoustic Phonetics and Praat Workshop. Maymester, University of South
Carolina. Columbia, SC. (May 2011)
Understanding the Development of ‘hay’. Graduate Student Day, University
of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. (March 2011)
Teaching Competence
Sociolinguistics, General Linguistics, Phonetics, Speech Science, Speech Anatomy and
Physiology, Forensic Phonetics, Spanish
Courses Taught
Introduction to Linguistics
USC 2013
Elementary Spanish
USC 2012; St. Mary’s 2008, 2009; Memphis 2006, 2007
Intermediate Spanish
USC 2012; St. Mary’s 2008, 2009; Memphis 2006, 2007
Spanish Phonetics
USC 2011
-Summary of teaching evaluations available upon request.
Professional Activities
Reviewer of Submissions for:
Southern Journal of Linguistics 2013-2014
Language Variation and Change 2012
Locally Organized Workshops
Curriculum Vitae Workshop, University of South Carolina Linguistics Program, 2012
Linguistics Program Service
Graduate Students in Linguistics (GSLING) President, 2012-Present
Graduate Students in Linguistics (GLSING) Professional Development Workshop Coordinator,
Community Service
Sunday School Teacher, Shandon Baptist Church, 2010-present
Deacon, Shandon Baptist Church, 2011-2013
Praat, WaveSurfer, Audacity, ELAN, R Statistics Software, SPSS, SAS, LaTex, Apple iWork Suite,
Microsoft Office Suite