1. rock K 2. texture P 3. magma J 4. intrusive L 5. lava B 6. extrusive I

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz on ROCKS
Put the CAPITAL letter of the definition beside the matching word in the box.
A. breaking down of rock into pieces/fragments
1. rock K
B. molten rock that has risen to the surface of Earth
2. texture P
C. metamorphic rock in which minerals are not lined up in layers
3. magma J
D. sedimentary rock formed from dissolved minerals that have
E. transformation of rock by heat and pressure
4. intrusive L
5. lava B
6. extrusive I
F. minerals cement or glue together large sediments such as gravel
7. weathering A
8. sediment H
G. sediments stop moving because the force moving them no longer
has enough energy
H. pieces/fragments of rock such as gravel, sand, silt, clay
9. erosion M
I. igneous rocks formed from lava (cools on the surface)
10. deposition G
J. molten rock beneath the Earth’s surface
11. compaction N
K. a solid made of minerals and/or mineral-like materials
12. cementation F
L. igneous rocks that form/cool beneath the surface…”in” the Earth
13. clastic Q
M. movement of sediment by a force
14. chemical
sedimentary rock D
N. sediments are squeezed together by the overlying material and
then solidify
O. describes how rocks form and are transformed over time
15. metamorphism E
16. foliated R
17. nonfoliated
18. rock cycle O
P. size, shape and arrangement of crystals or grains in the rock…the
Q. sedimentary rock formed from pieces of other rocks
R. metamorphic rock with minerals lined up in layers
Bonus: Granite and rhyolite have similar compositions. Why do they have different textures?