Revised 3-26-2014 CONSTITUTION OF THE COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY PRE-VETERINARY CLUB ARTICLE I. Name. Section 101. 1. The name of this organization shall be the Colorado State University PreVeterinary Club. a. The organization shall henceforth be referred to as the Pre-Vet Club. 2. Within this constitution, Colorado State University can also be abbreviated as CSU ARTICLE II. Purpose. Section 201. 1. The mission of the Pre-Vet Club reads: a. Through the collective efforts of members of the Executive Board and club members we will strive to provide support and knowledge, which will assist in our ultimate goal of practicing veterinary medicine. We will accomplish this by providing exposure to various aspects of veterinary medicine, including hands-on experience and community service opportunities, while aiming to create a supportive and friendly environment. 2. The motto of the Pre-Vet Club reads: a. A Posse Ad Esse- From Possibility to Actuality. 3. The goals of this organization are: a. To present Pre-Vet Club members with opportunities in the veterinary medical profession and other associated fields. b. To coordinate and promote the Pre-Vet Club committees and activities. c. To enhance student-faculty relations and to give students a sense of belonging within Colorado State University. d. To be an integral part of both the Colorado State University campus and the surrounding community. e. To represent the interests of the Pre-Vet Club members before the College Council of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. i. The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences shall henceforth be referred to as CVMBS. ARTICLE III. Membership. Section 301. 1. Student Members: active student membership is open to any full- or part-time college student enrolled at Colorado State University; they may vote, attend activities, participate in committees, and hold office. 2. Associate Members: associate membership is open to any faculty and interested persons outside the university setting; they may not vote, attend any activity outside of sanctioned meetings, join committees, or hold office. 3. Alumni Members: alumni membership is open to any former Colorado State University student who was a member of this organization; they may not vote, attend activities outside of sanctioned meetings, participate in committees, or hold office. 4. Membership Rules of Order: As a recognized student organization at Colorado State University, our organization shall not deny membership to any student on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Section 302. Dues are required for Student members, though not for Associate or Alumni members. Dues will be collected upon registration with the organization. The amount will be determined by the Executive Board each year. Section 303. Each member, unless restricted by the Constitution, shall have one vote for each proposal open to the student members. Section 304. 1. Each Student member may obtain honorary status (i.e. Active, Premier) if requirements are fulfilled as set forth by the Executive Board. a. Honorary Status is a form of recognition for Student members who have demonstrated outstanding participation. Section 305. 1. Members shall be removed from membership under, but not restricted to, the following conditions: a. Dismissal from Colorado State University. b. Failure to represent the Pre-Vet Club in a professional and respectful manner. c. Unruly or inappropriate behavior towards the Pre-Vet Club, its members, or its associates. 2. Removal of Members: a. Any member, as defined by section 301, or member of the Executive Board wishing to remove another member must present their case to the Executive Board in a special meeting in accordance with section 702. b. The accusing member or member of the Executive Board must notify the Executive Board and the primary advisor of the allegations in writing. i. The Executive Board will notify the accused of the allegations being brought against them. 1. The accusing party will have a minimum of seven days prior to this special meeting to prepare an argument or defense. c. A two-thirds vote by the Executive Board will determine if no action is required or if removal is necessary. d. To remove a member or officer, adequate written notice (7 days minimum) is required. e. Removal shall be for the remainder of the academic year and his or her club related fees will not be returned. ARTICLE IV. The Executive Board. Section 401. 1. The Pre-Vet Club Executive Board will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Coordinator, Community Outreach Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Historian, Webmaster and a CVMBS College Council Representative. 2. The term of office for the Executive Board will be one full year, following officer elections. a. After officer elections, training for officer duties or provisional duties will begin at the discretion of the executive board. 3. Each member of the Executive Board must be a Student member in accordance with Article III, Sections 301-302 for the term in which they hold office. 4. At the time of election each member of the Executive Board must have: a. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 or b. Have obtained a grade point average of 3.0 during the last semester 5. Executive Board members shall be removed from their position under, but not restricted to, the following conditions: a. Failure to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.75 or as stated by section 401.4.b. i. The academic standings of the Executive Board will be reviewed by the primary advisor before elections and at the conclusion of the academic year. 1. If an Executive Board member fails to meet these requirements the primary advisor will inform the Executive Board. b. Dismissal from Colorado State University. c. Failure to attend Executive Board and general meetings without a justifiable excuse and/or appropriate notice. i. A justifiable excuse and/or appropriate notice will be discerned by the Executive Board. d. Failure to attend a sufficient number of designated activities as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board without a justifiable excuse. i. A justifiable excuse will be discerned by the Executive Board. e. Failure to fulfill commitments to activities or community service events without a justifiable excuse and/or appropriate notice. i. A justifiable excuse and/or appropriate notice will be discerned by the Executive Board. f. Failure to perform duties and uphold qualifications as designated by the Constitution without a justifiable excuse. i. A justifiable excuse will be discerned by the Executive Board. 6. Removal From Office: a. Any member of the Executive Board wishing to remove another member must present their case to the other members of the Executive Board in a special meeting, in accordance with Section 702. b. The accusing member must notify the accused and the Advisor(s) in writing at least seven days prior to this special meeting. c. The accuser will present the allegations to the Executive Board at this special meeting. d. The accused will then be allowed to defend themselves before the Executive Board at this special meeting. e. The accused and the accuser shall leave the room while the remaining members of the Executive Board discuss and vote on whether the accused shall be placed into a state of probation, removed from office, or if no action is required. i. In the event that the accuser is a collective group, the group shall decide on a representative to present the case for the group. ii. Removal from office, placement into a state of probation, or no action shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board. 1. The probation terms shall be set in writing by the members of the Executive Board. f. A member of the Executive Board placed in a state of probation will be expected to fulfill requirements in a specified timeline as determined by the other members of the Executive Board. g. At the conclusion of the probation period, other members of the Executive Board will vote on whether the member will be removed from probation, placed in an extended state of probation, or removed from office. h. Removal from office shall be for the remainder of the academic year. i. If the removed Executive Board member chooses to run for office the following year, the Executive Board will determine eligibility. ii. If removed from office, the distribution of duties of that Executive Board member will be decided upon by the Executive Board. Section 402. Offices of the Executive Board. 1. President. a. The President shall have attended college at least three semesters; the two semesters immediately preceding elections must have been spent at Colorado State University. b. The President must have been a member of the Executive Board of the Pre-Vet Club prior to their term in office. a. If the President was not a member of the Exectutive Board of the Pre-Vet Club the year prior to their term in office, they must have maintained an active membership status the year prior to their term in office. c. If no previous member of the Executive Board elects to run for President, then the candidacy is open to any Student member who has achieved the highest level of honorary status for at least two consecutive semesters directly prior to elections. d. It shall be the duty of the President to prepare agendas, open general meeting presentations, to preside over all meetings of the Pre-Vet Club, to call special meetings of the Executive Board, to appoint adhoc committees, and to delegate duties not specifically stated by the Constitution. e. In time of need, the President can delegate share of responsibilities to the Vice President 2. Vice President. a. The Vice President shall have attended college at least three semesters; the two semesters immediately preceding elections must have been spent at Colorado State University. b. The Vice President must have been a member of the Executive Board of the Pre-Vet Club the prior to their term in office. a. If the Vice President was not a member of the Exectutive Board of the Pre-Vet Club the year prior to their term in office, they must have maintained an active membership status the year prior to their term in office. c. If no previous member of the Executive Board elects to run for Vice President, then the candidacy is open to any Student member who has achieved the highest level of honorary status for at least two consecutive semesters prior to elections. d. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume the duties of the President in the temporary or permanent absence of that President. i. The new Vice President position shall be appointed by the Executive Board. e. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to schedule speakers for general meetings and assist the President when called upon. f. In time of need, the Vice President will take on responsibilities delegated by the President. 3. Secretary. a. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record in-depth minutes and other official reports of the Pre-Vet Club, to conduct official correspondence and to keep all records, books, and papers relating to the Pre-Vet Club in an organized manner. b. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to tabulate all records necessary to determine honorary status of student members. c. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep updated copies of liability forms for all Student members. d. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to check the Pre-Vet Club’s email account on a regular basis and to forward emails to the appropriate member(s) of the Executive Board or Club member(s). 4. Treasurer. a. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep account of all monies in possession of the Pre-Vet Club. b. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to deposit all monies in the name of the Pre-Vet Club in the designated accounts. i. The Treasurer and President shall be the only members of the Executive Board to have their names on the accounts and debit cards. c. If the Executive Board decides to offer a scholarship: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to compile necessary forms in regards to the scholarship and distribute funds to winners of the scholarship d. The Treasurer will use Pre-Vet Club monies for the payment of all bills incurred by the Pre-Vet Club. e. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain financial documentation of the Pre-Vet Club’s accounts, subject to review at any time. f. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to ensure taxes are filed annually. 5. Publicity Coordinator. a. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Coordinator to be in charge of all publicity-related printing, with the exception of the Newsletter, and distribution of information pertaining to the Pre-Vet Club and to preside over the Publicity Committee. i. The Publicity Committee assists in publicizing the Pre-Vet Club. b. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Coordinator to publicize the PreVet Club as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. c. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Coordinator to perform all merchandising tasks as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. 6. Community Outreach Coordinator. a. It shall be the duty of the Community Outreach Coordinator to coordinate community service related activities and compile and maintain a database of volunteer opportunities. i. The members of the Executive Board shall divide all scheduled community service activities among themselves to ensure attendance of at least two members of the Executive Board at each Pre-Vet Club activity and community service event unless otherwise specified. b. It shall be the duty of the Community Outreach Coordinator to inform, publicize, and remind members of all community outreach programs. c. If the Executive Board decides to offer a Shadow Program, it shall be the duty of the Community Outreach Coordinator to organize and implement the Shadow Program. ii. If assistance is needed, the Community Outreach Coordinator can ask the Activities Coordinator for aid 7. Activities Coordinator. a. It shall be the duty of the Activities Coordinator to coordinate activities and events. i. The members of the Executive Board shall divide all scheduled activities among themselves to ensure attendance of at least two members of the Executive Board at each event unless otherwise specified. b. It shall be the duty of the Activities Coordinator to inform, publicize, and remind members of upcoming Pre-Vet Club activities i. If assistance is needed, the Activities Coordinator can ask the Community Outreach Coordinator for aid 8. Newsletter Editor. a. It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to publish a Pre-Vet Club Newsletter as often as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board and to preside over the Newsletter Committee. i. The Newsletter Committee is responsible for assisting with the newsletter. b. It shall be the duty of the Newsletter Editor to make an electronic version of the newsletters available for the Webmaster. 9. Historian. a. It shall be the duty of the Historian to photograph Pre-Vet Club events. i. When the Historian cannot be present at a Pre-Vet Club event, his/her duty shall be to allocate this responsibility to an attending member of the Executive Board. b. It shall be the duty of the Historian to compile and organize newspaper articles, other significant items, and photographs pertaining to the PreVet Club and to make them accessible to club members (i.e. scrapbook). c. It shall be the duty of the Historian to collect and compile photographs submitted by Student members. d. It shall be the duty of the Historian to post current Pre-Vet Club photographs on the internet for members to access. 10. Webmaster. a. It shall be the duty of the Webmaster to maintain a website for the PreVet Club, the contents of which will be determined by the Executive Board. 11. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences College Council Representative. a. The CVMBS Representative must be a declared primary major within the CVMBS at the time of elections and during the year in which they hold office. b. The position will be open to all majors if no one with a declared major within the CVMBS is available to fulfill the position. c. The CVMBS Representative must attend all CVMBS meetings, therefore acting as a liaison between CVMBS and the Pre-Vet Club. i. The CVMBS Representative must have a justifiable excuse for any absence at these meetings. a. In the absence of the CVMBS Representative, it shall be their duty to obtain the information given at the meeting. d. The CVMBS Representative shall preside over the CVMBS committee. i. The members of the CVMBS committee attend CVMBS College Council meetings. e. The CVMBS Representative shall be responsible for planning all tours for the Pre-Vet Club at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Section 403. 1. The objective of the Executive Board is to perform all duties required to act as a governing body of the Pre-Vet Club. 2. All members of the Executive Board may be required to perform additional duties as decided upon by the Executive Board. 3. All members of the Executive Board will be responsible for maintaining a thorough record for their office. 4. If in the case that an officer is unable to fulfill all of their duties, then those duties may be redistributed amongst the Executive Board. 5. It shall be the duty of the executive board members to maintain social networking sites as necessary ARTICLE V. Advisor(s). Section 501. 1. The Pre-Vet Club shall have a primary Advisor at all times, and when deemed appropriate by the Executive Board, a secondary Advisor will be elected. a. The primary Advisor will preside over the secondary Advisor. 2. Advisor(s). a. The Advisor(s) must be a CSU faculty/staff member or graduate student (with a consent form from their academic advisor) who has an interest in serving as an advisor for the Pre-Vet Club. b. The Advisor(s) will be selected by a majority vote of the Executive Board. c. The term of the Advisor(s) shall be one full year beginning the May following their selection by the Executive Board. d. The Advisor(s) shall have no vote but can offer advice to the Pre-Vet Club. e. The Advisor(s) will be expected to attend meetings and provide assistance to the club when requested. Section 502. 1. If deemed necessary, the Executive Board may remove an Advisor from his/her position by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board. ARTICLE VI. Election of the Executive Board. Section 601. Election. 1. Each candidate must be a Student member in accordance with Article III, Sections 301-302 at the time of elections, and for a minimum of one semester prior. 2. Candidates are required to complete an Intent to Run Form created by the Executive Board in an effort to ensure candidates meet the requirements necessary to hold office. 3. Candidates for President and Vice President must be given prior approval by a two-thirds vote of the current Executive Board in order to run for their respective positions. 4. Election of the Executive Board shall be at a date determined by the Executive Board each year. 5. The candidate elected to each position will be the one receiving the greatest number of votes of the Pre-Vet Club members present at the Officer Election meeting. 6. In the event of a tie, there will be a revote. 7. In the event that a revote is inconclusive, a vote will be held among the current members of the Executive Board and the winner will be determined by a majority vote. 8. No candidate or newly-elected member of the Executive Board may be involved in the collecting or counting of votes. 9. No one individual may hold the same position for more than two consecutive years. a. Under special circumstances this clause can be voided. It will be evaluated by the executive board if necessary ARTICLE VII. Meetings. Section 701. Regular meetings shall be held according to a schedule set by the Executive Board each year. Section 702. Special meetings shall be conducted like all regular meetings and shall be determined by the President or by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board. Section 703. The Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the President. The time and place will also be at the discretion of the President. ARTICLE VIII. Amendments. Section 801. Proposals for amendments to the Constitution shall be made in writing in a meeting of the Executive Board at least two weeks prior to the date of voting. Section 802. Ratification of an amendment requires a two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board. The constitution may be amended at any regular business meeting of the organization by two-thirds vote of active membership, provided that the amendment has been submitted to the membership in writing at least one week prior to the business meeting. ARTICLE IX. Elastic Clause. Section 901. The Pre-Vet Club shall be empowered to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing provisions of this Constitution under auspices of ASCSU.