Session Title/Event Session: Month 1 Coaching & Support Facilitator: Date and Time: Topic: Month 1 Coaching & Support Total Time: 90min Intended Audience: All Leaders (Principals, DOSs, ADs, DSSs, ideally DSOs participate for last 90min) Pre-Work: n/a Supporting/Table Facilitators: Aims: SLWBAT… Collect and analyze individual classroom culture data using a week 8 classroom observation tool Diagnose and plan teacher & school interventions based on week 8 school-wide data synthesis Session Description/Connection to PD Arc/Priorities This session will focus on how to collect and analyze critical classroom culture data in order to assess teacher effectiveness, scholar habits and classroom/school procedures. Participants will gain proficiency in using a highimpact classroom walkthrough data collection tool and then begin to analyze school-wide data rolled up to create a differentiated teacher & school support plan. This cycle of weekly collection and analysis will be critical to setting a strong culture foundation in the first 8 weeks of school. Key Points Teacher and scholar habits are shaped in the critical first 8 weeks of the school year. If we get the foundation right and truly make certain foundation behaviors “habit”, it will free up learning time for increased rigor and engagement. We can extract meaningful take-aways from high-impact classroom walkthroughs if we know what we are looking for and how to collect data for the key teacher and scholar behaviors that we expect. Classroom culture data should drive leader action – it’s like formative assessment data reflective of what we taught (staff) well and where there are gaps. We can, and should, differentiate teacher support to meet the needs we are seeing. One size coaching will not fit all. Teachers, like scholars, have a wide range of skill base and we need to proactively plan intervention triggers and supports. Potential Misunderstandings This does not fit within our current observation and feedback work. Culture data only matters in the first 8 weeks. Teacher differentiated support takes the place of full-group PD: there is an either-or. Data collection is objective and does not require any norming. If you collect teacher taxonomy data, that’s enough – scholar habit data is redundant. Classroom culture data is used to assess at the back end to assess how we did. Culture data should only impact DSOs. 1 Session Title/Event AGENDA AT A GLANCE 100min 1) Do Now (4min) - Max 2)Personal reflection & week 8 leader reflections (10min) -- Max 4) Guided: Data tool intro and usage (30min) a) observation tool: intro - Amy b) guided application: 1 video together 5) Application& Debrief (15min) – 6) Case Study – 7) Structures Need for Week 8 6) Closing (5min) Materials I will need: Session handout Extra headphones (estimated 40) Splicers for headphones (so that 3 people can watch the same video from a laptop at the same time) Chart paper (sticky paper), markers Projector Loud speakers Clicker Assessment & Follow-up Follow-up by Principals & Deans (dates): Schedule LT Culture Review for weeks 2, 4, 6 – invite Regional Sup via Outlook invite Grouping/Physical Space Notes Additional Instructions/Notes for Facilitator NOTE: We will need 2 projectors and speakers set up so that we can do an elementary and MS/HS break out for guided video application. Living the Learning (LtL) Legend: O= Opening AA= Airtight Activity K= Key Points M= Additional Model A= Application C: Closing/Reflection 2 Session Title/Event Session Detail 3) Guided: Data tool intro and usage (30min) a) class observation tool: intro – b) guided application (1 video together) 4) Application& Debrief (15min) – -divide out by ES and MS/HS 5) LT Meeting/Planning Week 8 Structures (15min) 6) Closing (5min) – PPT Time Min. Do Now (R) 1 2:402:44 4 Do Now: 1 Introduction: Aims and Agenda In this session… (aims) We will get there by… (agenda) 10 Leader Reflections Video 2-5 6-7 2:452:55 Facilitator Say: DOSs saw this video last week but today we are going to look at it with a new lens. Today, we are going to step back and analyze what does our collective experience tell us about our Week 8 work this year. As you watch each leader reflecting on video, listen for: what worked/what didn’t, what was the impact of that… and what was the lesson learned. Note: You might not have all of the columns filled out for each person. 8-14 2:553:10 15 4) Guided: Data tool intro and usage (30min) Say: DOSs previewed part of this tool last week – today we will take a closer look at it. a- intro to tool & CFU: b- guided usage – watch one together Say: DOSs tried out this tool using tallies and they can show your LT how do that option another time if you are interested. For now, let’s stick to the rating scale column. 15 3:103:20 10 5)Application: breakout groups We are going to break out into one ES and one MS group to watch a few 3 Session Title/Event minutes of a class and assess using the first 3 taxonomy moves. a) break out and watch videos in pairs & assess b) debrief 16-17 3:203:53 33 18 3:534:05 4:054:10 12 NOTE: Max – it’s important for you to watch the ES video and be normed so that you can lead that discussion. Case Study -Read independently and mark up (6min) -Discuss in small groups (5min) -Full group share (5min) -Action Plan in small groups (10min) -Share Out & Synthesize (7min) LT planning: Week 8 structures and determining next steps 5 Closing 19 4 Session Title/Event ADDITIONAL NOTES/REFERENCE: Week 8 Lessons Learned Video School Leader Message 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Principal Checklist for Week 8 Culture Support Planning Schedule Culture DDP biweekly meetings with full LT at the end of Week 2, 4, 6, (8) Schedule weekly struggling teacher data follow up week 1, 3, 5, 7 Plan which struggling teacher interventions will be staffed weekly. Determine which LT member will lead each and when each will take place. Determine observation (walk through) roles and responsibilities (which LT member will observe which teachers and how often). It’s recommended that the first few walk throughs are done in LT pairs to norm data collection. Determine who will enter walkthrough data (OPS, Principal’s Asst, etc.) and by when (ex: must be entered EOD Thursday in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 prior to the Friday Foundations meeting Determine who will email out the biweekly school culture data report to the LT (copy Regional Sup). 5 Session Title/Event Conversation with Kerri Tabarcea, Principal at Success Academy Cobble Hill BIG TAKEAWAYS 1) Clear, concrete goals at the six-week and weekly goals (see p. 1 – this page) 2) Public data that is shared openly with individual teachers and all teachers (see p. 2) 3) Ongoing communication structures (see p. 3) 4) Systematic baseline observations (see p. 2) 5) Systematic real-time coaching esp. leveraging veteran teachers (see p. 2) KERRI INTERVIEW NOTES Big Goal (What is the Big Goal for Teacher Excellence Training (TET)?) 95% of kids are on task for all parts of the academic program (independent work, discourse, etc.). THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DATA POINT. They use the CT3 Baseline Observation page, where basically they tally that # of students off task every minute (“Every minute, scan the room. Note students who do not appear to be on task. Then scan the room a second time. If the student still appears to be off task, tally him or her as being off task.”) They then calculate the % of students off task, i.e. Total # of students off task in 10 min / Total # of students x 10). This goal is differentiated for lead and associate teachers: Lead teachers – 95% of kids on task / actively listening all the time during all components of the class (discourse, independent work, direct instruction) Associate teachers (they are typically just in charge of using behavioral narration and managing the tracker) – 95% of kids on task only focused on transitions (lunch, recess, snack, moving around) and small groups What Success focuses on (How do we get there?) They need kids and teachers to understand all the routines to be successful: 1) “Acts of learning” - accountable talk during read aloud discourse, turn and talk routines, advocating for yourself 2) All transitions - desk to rug, rug to line, line to desk, walking in hallways Weekly Mastery Indicators (How do we measure progress towards the Big Goal?) Week #1 - Hallways, active listening during direct instruction on carpet (Magic 5), getting kids’ attention … and in all contexts (classrooms, shared spaces) Week #2 – 100%, transitions from space to space (different spaces) o Goal for week 2: 95% on task for routines and transitions Week #3 – Accountability for listening (repeating back previous student’s response and answering in complete sentences), independent work Week #4 – Precision of responses, students are audible, individual subject routines o Goal for week 4: 95% on task for direct instruction Week #5 – Best effort (looks like and sounds like to demonstrate best effort; in independent writing, writing the entire time, neat handwriting, heading on paper, express their thoughts, sitting up straight) Week 6 – Reserved for anything that needs to be retaught o Goal for week 6: 95% on task for all times (routines and transitions, direct instruction AND INCLUDING discourse and independent work) 6 Session Title/Event Baseline culture training during August PD (What do they do with teachers before the school year starts?) Setting up school culture has three parts during August: 1) School-wide behavior management – This is consistent routines, using the behavior system, norming on consequences and how to build relationships– i.e. every teacher calls every parent in the entire class with survey questions, communication norms with tricky parent relationships) 2) Teacher Excellence Training (just 1 hour) – This focuses on the adults. They roll out the big goal of 95% on task, introduce the weekly mastery goals, explain to teachers how to use the tally sheet, etc. 3) Assessment - Everyone turns in first week plans (all the explicit narrations and narration – behaviorally and intellectually- need to be scripted in, language for consequences) Observation Data (How do they gather data during their TET?) Kerri and her team (leadership team and senior teachers) conduct baseline observations once a week for each grade team. These are 10 min observations in each classroom using the CTTT tally sheet. After the class, she photocopies the tally sheet and gives it to the teacher. At the end of the day, she spends 30 min to go through and input all scores into a Google doc. She copies the data and sends it immediately to individual teachers. The purpose is growth over time (our goal is 95%, here’s where you are, here’s what’s good, here’s what’s holding you back; on the tally sheet, here’s where you had 10 kids off task; its’ because there was no narrating or explicit directions). Public Data Sharing - The Google doc with the observation data is public and accessible by all teachers. This is so teachers can see which other teachers are nailing it and can observe their classrooms. Real time coaching (How do they move teachers quickly during TET?) Kerri has been real-time coaching for 3-4 years (since she was initially trained as an assistant principal in 2011) and has now trained 5 of her 13 lead teachers to walkie-talkie real time coach. (She realized last year that it was not sustainable for her to do it all by herself) During TET, she blocks off a 3 hour window each day, twice a week in the morning for real-time coaching. First, she prioritizes the top teachers and real-time coaches them twice during the first 73 hours of TET. This is so they can be anchors and exemplars for other teachers in the school. Then, she coaches the strugglers, who get real-time coached 5-6 times during TET. So if the baseline observation is on Monday morning, real-time coaching would take place on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. She always goes through the entire three-part full cycle (pre-observation conversation, coaching and follow up conversation). This last year, NONE OF HER teachers did not meet the big goal (!). We asked her how she did that. Kerri learned about how to prioritize time, with good to great teachers prioritized first, which allowed struggling teachers to observe strong teachers. Also, a lead teacher was often pulled from class (or asked during prep) to push in to struggling teachers. (During TET, it’s “all hands on deck” and everyone is on, i.e. all lead teachers are expected to be with classes during specials until specials are tight) This would be either a) real-time coaching or b) co-manage the class and interject, inserting during the four—part management cycle, i.e. “What are the directions?” or starting to narrate or giving the consequence. 7 Session Title/Event Ongoing Staff Communication (How is the observation data analyzed and communicated during TET?) Daily debrief meeting - During the first week of school, there’s a daily debrief meeting with all teachers. Teachers hear about the school-wide trends and focus areas for the school. They also refer to the Google doc with all the observation data. Daily debrief e-mail – A debrief e-mail is sent out by the principal every day for the first two weeks of school. It highlights mastery goals for that week Ongoing Leader Communication (How is the observation data analyzed and communicated during TET?) Daily leadership meetings – The leadership team meets at the beginning of the day to determine the focus for the day, who is coaching who, etc. It also meets at the end of day to review the data (what are the trends, what to drive towards tomorrow, etc. For example, last year, effort was an issue so how do you know that a child is showing their best effort?) 8