Fig. S1. The highly dynamic nature of algal assemblages on rocky shores at the scale of individual plots. (a) Total cover and (b) taxon richness of macroalgal assemblages (mean + s.e.m., n = 4) in our uncaged unmanipulated procedural control plots on each algal census. Fig. S2. Standardised effect sizes based on the instantaneous difference between experimental treatments and the corresponding treatment with no species removals for those components of stability that could be quantified separately for each algal survey: (a) the number of algal secondary extinctions, (b) the number of algal invasions and (c) the resistance of algal assemblages to experimental perturbations. The inverse of resistance is shown in (c) so that all positive effect sizes correspond to reductions in stability. Fig. S3. Effects of primary consumer species loss on the volume of ellipsoids in multidimensional stability space. Pairwise differences in ellipsoid volume for random permutations of the data (grey histogram) and observed treatments (Grazers lost–No primary consumers lost [red line]: P = 0.1; Mussels lost–No primary consumers lost [turquoise line]: P = 0.095; Grazers lost–Mussels lost [purple line]: P = 0.95). Table S1. Results of ANOVAs testing for effects of our experimental perturbations on the stability of macroalgal assemblages. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are highlighted in bold. Response variable Source of variation df MS F P Temporal variability Loss of predators, P 2 207.18 0.6 0.56 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 7571.28 21.95 ≤0.0001 P*C 4 1561.62 4.53 0.006 Residual 27 344.94 Loss of predators, P 2 681.66 0.37 0.71 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 11564.58 145.43 0.0002 Month, M 2 181.93 0.39 0.68 P*C 4 2912.75 5.43 0.021 P*M 4 1856.93 3.96 0.0055 C*M 4 79.52 0.17 0.95 P*C*M 8 536.75 1.14 0.34 Residual 21 468.83 Loss of predators, P 2 1.07 8.91 0.0011 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 0.41 3.41 0.048 P*C 4 0.46 3.81 0.014 Residual 27 0.12 Loss of predators, P 2 2.53 1.84 0.18 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 11.03 8.05 0.0018 Compositional turnover Number of extinctions† Number of invasions Spatial variability† Resistance † P*C 4 0.69 0.51 0.73 Residual 27 1.37 Loss of predators, P 2 1.14 0.27 0.77 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 36.34 8.47 0.001 P*C 4 3 0.7 0.6 Residual 27 4.29 Loss of predators, P 2 1236.08 7 0.004 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 233.59 1.32 0.28 P*C 4 567.56 3.21 0.028 Residual 27 176.68 Dependent variable was square-root transformed to stabilise heterogeneous variances Table S2. Results of ANOVAs testing for effects of experimental perturbations on detrended temporal and spatial variability of total algal cover. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are highlighted in bold. Response variable Source of variation df MS F P Temporal variability† Loss of predators, P 2 0.26 0.16 0.85 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 50.1 30.37 ≤0.0001 P*C 4 7.1 4.3 0.008 Residual 27 1.65 Loss of predators, P 2 41992.09 1.97 0.16 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 97767.19 4.58 0.019 P*C 4 54692.2 2.56 0.07 Residual 27 21353.1 Spatial variability‡ † Dependent variable was square-root transformed to stabilise heterogeneous variances. The dependent variable had heterogeneous variances that could not be stabilised by transformation. These data were analysed untransformed based upon the relative robustness of ANOVA to heterogeneous variances in particular when sample size is balanced (Underwood 1997). ‡ Table S3. Macroalgal taxa found in experimental plots over the duration of the experiment. Phylum Taxon Ochrophyta Fucus serratus Leathesia difformis Chlorophyta Enteromorpha intestinalis Ulva lactuca Rhodophyta Ceramium rubrum Chondrus crispus Corallina officinalis Ectocarpus spp. Gelidium pusillum Gracilaria gracilis Lithothamnion spp. Nemalion helminthoides Osmundea pinnatifida Palmaria palmata Polysiphonia fucoides Porphyra umbilicalis Table S4. Results of analyses testing for effects of experimental cages on each of the temporal variability of total algal cover (ANOVA), compositional turnover of algal assemblages (ANOVA), number of extinctions of algal taxa (ANOVA), invasions of algal taxa (ANOVA), spatial variability of total algal cover (ANOVA) and the structure of algal assemblages (PERMANOVA, based on a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix calculated from log(x + 1)transformed algal cover data and done with 9999 permutations of the residuals under a reduced model). Although the design of the cages used to maintain our experimental treatments has been used extensively and successfully to manipulate consumer presence on rocky shores with no consequences for algal community structure (O'Connor & Crowe 2005; O’Connor & Donohue 2013), we tested for experimental artefacts caused by the presence of the cages by comparing the structure and stability of macroalgal communities in caged treatments that had no experimental species removals to that in equivalent uncaged and unmanipulated procedural control plots at the experimental site. Response variable Source of variation df MS F P Temporal variability Cage 1 157.59 0.22 0.66 Residual 6 723.06 Cage, C 1 558.58 0.93 0.44 Month, M 2 3155.93 8.11 0.003 C*M 2 601.29 1.55 0.24 Residual 18 388.95 Compositional turnover† Number of extinctions Number of invasions Spatial variability Assemblage structure † Cage 1 0.13 0.16 0.7 Residual 6 0.79 Cage 1 0.5 0.32 0.59 Residual 6 1.58 Cage 1 5.71 0.02 0.9 Residual 6 365.56 Cage, C 1 1497.3 4.16‡ 0.86 Month, M 3 2228.2 0.88‡ 0.59 C*M 3 360.3 0.14‡ 0.99 Residual 24 2539.5 The dependent variable had heterogeneous variances that could not be stabilised by transformation. These data were analysed untransformed based upon the relative robustness of ANOVA to heterogeneous variances in particular when sample size is balanced (Underwood 1997). ‡ Pseudo-F ratio. Table S5. Results of PERMANOVAs testing for effects of consumer species loss on algal assemblage structure four, seven, ten and fourteen months after the commencement of the experiment. Significant effects (P < 0.05) are highlighted in bold. Month Source of variation df MS Pseudo-F P 4 Loss of predators, P 2 1646.2 0.8 0.61 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 7105.6 3.46 0.001 P*C 4 1007.9 0.49 0.93 Residual 27 2055.9 Loss of predators, P 2 1178 1.38 0.26 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 19353 22.72 ≤0.0001 P*C 4 2539.9 2.98 0.005 Residual 27 851.97 Loss of predators, P 2 1282.2 1.97 0.077 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 19503 29.97 ≤0.0001 P*C 4 2272.9 3.49 0.0005 Residual 27 650.86 Loss of predators, P 2 2082.1 1.15 0.32 Loss of primary consumers, C 2 19611 10.8 ≤0.0001 P*C 4 1630.8 0.9 0.61 Residual 27 1815.7 7 10 14 References O'Connor N.E. & Crowe T.P. (2005). Biodiversity loss and ecosystem functioning: distinguishing between number and identity of species. Ecology, 86, 1783-1796. O'Connor N.E. & Donohue I. (2013). Environmental context determines multi-trophic effects of consumer species loss. Global Change Biology, 19, XXX-XXX. Underwood A.J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.