by Mana Dembo, Nicholas J. Matzke, Arne Ø. Mooers, Mark Collard

Electronic Supplementary Material for “Bayesian analysis of a morphological
supermatrix sheds light on controversial fossil hominin relationships” by
Mana Dembo, Nicholas J. Matzke, Arne Ø. Mooers, Mark Collard
Supplementary Note 1. Analysing phylogenetic hypotheses using Bayes factors.
Figure S1. A cartoon of the topological constraints specified by three competing hypotheses for
the phylogenetic position of species D on a simple tree, and the interpretation of the Bayes factor
Table S1. Geological dates used to constrain fossil hominin species as non-contemporaneous tips
in the phylogeny.
Supplementary Note 2. Results of dated Bayesian analysis of the hominin phylogeny.
Table S2. Model parameters and convergence diagnostics obtained from the dated Bayesian
analysis of the craniodental characters.
Figures S2-S4. Tree models tested in this study.
References for Electronic Supplementary Material.
Supplementary Note 1. Analysing phylogenetic hypotheses using Bayes factors.
We combined Bayesian methods for estimating phylogenetic relationships from morphological
data [1, 2] with techniques that allow the relative support for phylogenetic hypotheses to be
formally compared [3]. Here, we provide a brief, non-technical primer for these approaches.
More in-depth discussion and comparisons with, e.g. distance and parsimony methods, can be
found in Holder and Lewis [4], while Kass and Raftery [5] is an accessible and authoritative
discussion of Bayes factors.
Though supported by a different philosophical camp, Bayesian phylogenetic inference is closely
allied to the maximum likelihood (ML) approach to phylogenetic reconstruction. Under ML, one
first specifies a model of evolution for characters (e.g. Lewis’ Markov-k model [6]). One then
evaluates candidate trees (topologies and branch lengths) and candidate model parameters (e.g.
the average rate of evolution of the characters, and the variance in that rate among characters) by
calculating the likelihood of seeing the observed data if the candidate tree and parameters had
produced those data. Researchers then report the best-fit tree as the maximum likelihood or ML
tree, often ignoring the attendant ML parameter values that lead to that best fit.
Bayesian phylogenetic methods extend the above process in two important ways. First, individual
trees and parameter values are assessed not only in relation to their fit to the data, but also in
relation to prior beliefs about what the trees and parameter values might be. The Bayesian
“posterior” probability of a particular tree (and the attendant parameter values) is calculated using
three steps. First, the likelihood of observing the data given that tree and parameters is computed.
This is then multiplied by the prior probability of that tree and parameter values. Lastly, the
product obtained in the previous step is normalized by (i.e. divided by) the probability of the data
under all possible trees and parameter values.
Formally, these steps are expressed in the following equation:
𝑃(𝑇, πœƒ| 𝑋) =
𝑃(𝑋|𝑇, πœƒ)𝑃(𝑇, πœƒ)
where 𝑃(𝑇, πœƒ| 𝑋) is the posterior probability of the tree (𝑇) and the parameters (πœƒ) given the data
(𝑋); 𝑃(𝑋|𝑇, πœƒ) is the likelihood of the tree and the parameters; 𝑃(𝑇, πœƒ) is the prior probability of
the tree and the parameters; and 𝑃(𝑋) is the normalizing probability.
The first term in the numerator is familiar. For the second term in the numerator, we usually have
few prior beliefs, and so most candidate trees and parameter values will be given equal prior
probabilities and so not have much influence on the final probabilities. In the study reported here,
we attached specific prior probabilities for the ages of nodes in the tree, with higher prior
probabilities for depths that correspond to a simple birth-death model of diversification (see main
text, 2. Materials and Methods - model selection - priors on node ages).
The term in the denominator is related to the fact that the Bayesian framework returns a point
probability for each tree and set of parameter values. The sum of these point probabilities across
all possible trees and parameter values must equal 1.0. As an analogy, if we are told that a pair of
die has produced a roll of 4 (the observed data), we can calculate the probabilities for each of the
two possible ways we could have got this result. The two hypotheses are that we either rolled a 1
and a 3, with probability = 2*1/6*1/6 = 1/18, or we rolled a pair of 2s with probability 1/6*1/6 =
1/36. The overall probability of getting a 4 in a roll of two dice is just the sum of these two, i.e.
1/18+1/36=1/12, and this is the normalizing constant when comparing hypotheses. So, the
probability of the first hypothesis given the data is (1/18)/(1/12) = 2/3 and the probability of the
second hypothesis given the data is (1/36)/(1/12) = 1/3. Unfortunately, in phylogenetics, there are
not just two possible ways to get a set of observed data; there are an infinite number of ways. So,
we cannot simply calculate the overall probability of the data needed to get the posterior
probabilities. Bayesian phylogenetic methods estimate the posterior probabilities of trees using a
roundabout method. This is the second important extension to ML techniques.
The method in question estimates the posterior probability of a tree as its frequency in a
distribution of evaluated trees. Trees are evaluated and retained in this distribution in an iterative
manner: the program proposes a new tree or set of parameter values, and then multiplies the
resulting likelihood by the prior probability of the tree and attendant parameter values. This is
then compared to the previously retained tree. If the parameter values are better than the previous
tree’s, the new tree is retained. If they are worse, it is retained in proportion to how much worse it
is (e.g. a topology that is 10X worse would only have a 1/10 chance of being retained). Every
time a new tree is retained, the process has produced a “generation” in a “chain” and the new tree
becomes the tree for comparison. This is usually done millions of times, with good combinations
of trees and parameter values being retained in the sample, suboptimal ones retained at lower
frequency, and very poor ones ignored. Multiple chains can be run in parallel, with some ("hot")
chains being less likely to reject new topologies in the hopes of sampling more broadly in search
of optimal solutions. Early on in a chain, while subsequent trees may be retained, they may all fit
the data poorly, and so these early generations are generally discarded as “burn-in.” This
sampling procedure is called the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), and leads to a “posterior
MCMC distribution” of trees and their attendant parameter values, prior probabilities and
likelihoods. Generally, while many millions of trees are evaluated and some large proportion
retained, distributions are usually composed of trees from a smaller subsample, e.g. every 1000th
tree in a chain may be retained for further analyses.
The resulting posterior distribution is composed of a large sample of trees each of which may
differ in its shape and/or in the parameter values used to fit the data to that tree. This large sample
allows individual clades to be evaluated (a clade’s “posterior,” analogous to its bootstrap
proportion, is just the proportion of times it appears in trees in the sample). Importantly for
present purposes, the posterior MCMC distribution of trees also allows specific hypotheses to be
compared. This leads to the use of our second tool—Bayes factor analysis.
A Bayes factors is, in its simplest incarnation, a ratio of two likelihoods, where each represents
how well a hypothesis fits observed data. Trees in a posterior distribution may have similar
topologies but different parameter values for the underlying model of character evolution. If we
combine their likelihoods, we are integrating over these posterior parameter values, and we can
report a “marginal likelihood” of the particular tree topology, effectively averaging across many
possible parameter values (this contrasts with the ML tree, which is the one whose parameter
values contributes to its superior fit to the data).
The essence of our test makes use of these marginal likelihoods: to compare two hypotheses
about hominin evolution, we first constructed two posterior samples using MCMC. Each retained
only topologies that conform to its hypothesis (see Figure S1: we did not propose tree topologies
that conflict with the hypothesis in the MCMC chain). We then summarized the marginal
likelihoods from this sample (details given in main text, 2. Analyses) and compared them, using
the accepted guidelines from Kass and Raftery [5] for evaluating whether there is strong evidence
in favour of one hypothesis of relationship over another. The marginal likelihoods and
corresponding Bayes factors we obtained are given in Tables 1-3 in main text.
Figure S1. A cartoon of the topological constraints specified by three competing hypotheses for
the phylogenetic position of species D on a simple tree, and the interpretation of the Bayes factor
tests. The three hypotheses are represented by the column “Topological constraints” and a
partially constrained model tree: under hypothesis 1, D is the sister species to A; under hypothesis
2, D is the sister species of B; under hypothesis 3, D is more closely related to B and C than it is
to A. Red edges are where the target species (D) can enter the corresponding model tree. For each
hypothesis, we show one possible position after the data are analysed. Bayes factor tests are
carried out by comparing the marginal log likelihood of the best model to the other models.
Table S1. Geological dates used to constrain fossil hominin species as non-contemporaneous tips
in the phylogeny. The oldest dates associated with the specimens used for the morphological
analysis were taken in this study. H. ergaster is a synonym for African H. erectus (see main text).
Ar. ramidus
Au. anamensis
Au. afarensis
Au. africanus
Au. garhi
Au. sediba
H. antecessor
H. ergaster
H. erectus
H. floresiensis
H. habilis
H. heidelbergensis
H. neanderthalensis
H. rudolfensis
H. sapiens
K. platyops
P. aethiopicus
P. boisei
P. robustus
S. tchadensis
Date (Ma) References
ARA-VP 6/1
KNM-KP 29181/29283/29286
LH 4
Makapansgat material
BOU-VP 12/130
MH 1
Koobi Fora specimens
Omo 1, 2
KNM-WT 40000
L 55-s-33
Swartkrans specimens
TM 266-01-060-1
Supplementary Note 2. Results of dated Bayesian analysis of hominin phylogeny.
We ran a Bayesian analysis of the craniodental characters of the hominins, as explained in the
main text. The model parameters and the convergence diagnostics are presented in Table S1.
The summary of best trees is presented in Figure 1, along with the posterior probability clade
support values. Many of the nodes are supported by relatively low posterior probability support
values, but this is consistent with other Bayesian phylogenetic studies with a high percentage of
fossil taxa [27].
Moving from the root towards the tips, the lineage leading to S. tchadensis is the first to diverge.
This is followed by the lineage leading to Ar. ramidus. There is then a split between the lineage
leading to Au. anamensis and a clade formed by all the remaining hominin species. Within the
latter clade, the lineage leading to K. platyops is the first to branch off. Thereafter, there is a split
between a clade formed by Au. afarensis and Au. garhi, and one formed by Au. africanus, Au.
sediba, the nine species of Homo, and the three paranthropine species. Within the latter clade,
there are two main clades. One is formed by the paranthropines; the other by Au. africanus, Au.
sediba, and the Homo species. Within the paranthropine clade, P. robustus and P. boisei are
more closely related to each other than either is to P. aethiopicus. Within the clade formed by
Au. africanus, Au. sediba, and the Homo species, there is a split between the lineage leading to
Au. africanus and a clade formed by Au. sediba and the Homo species. Subsequently, there is a
split between a clade formed by Au. sediba and H. habilis and one formed by the remaining
species of Homo. Within the latter clade, there is a split between the lineage leading to H.
floresiensis and a clade formed by H. rudolfensis, H. ergaster, H. erectus, H. antecessor, H.
sapiens, H. heidelbergensis, and H. neanderthalensis. Among the latter group of species, the
first to diverge is H. rudolfensis. This is followed by H. ergaster. There is then a split between a
clade formed by H. antecessor and H. erectus, and one formed by H. sapiens, H.
heidelbergensis, and H. neanderthalensis. Within the (H. sapiens, H. heidelbergensis, H.
neanderthalensis) clade, H. heidelbergensis and H. neanderthalensis are more closely related to
one another than either is to H. sapiens.
Most of these relationships are unsurprising based on previous work, but some deserve
comment. One is the suggestion that K. platyops is the sister group of the four australopith
species, the nine species of Homo, and the three paranthropine species. This places K. platyops
much deeper in the phylogeny than the widely discussed proposal that K. platyops is the sister
taxon of H. rudolfensis [28]. The position of Homo antecessor as the sister taxon of H. erectus
also runs counter to a widely discussed hypothesis. The hypothesis in question avers that H.
antecessor is the direct ancestor of H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens [29].
Lastly, the positioning of H. heidelbergensis and H. neanderthalensis as sister taxa to the
exclusion of H. sapiens is noteworthy. This hypothesis differs from the results obtained on a
recent analysis of ancient DNA sequences [30]. The latter study suggested that H.
heidelbergensis is the sister taxon of both H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens. Though we did
not do so, all of these alternate placements could be tested using Bayes factors as done in the
main text.
Table S2. Model parameters and convergence diagnostics obtained from the dated Bayesian analysis of the craniodental
characters. The runs are assessed to have converged when Estimated Sample Size (ESS) is greater than 100 and Potential Scale
Reduction Factor (PSRF) approaches 1 for all parameters.
Tree height
Minimum ESS
Average ESS
Tree likelihood
Net speciation
Relative extinction
Figures S2-S4. Tree models tested in this study.
Figure S2. The model trees competed to address phylogenetic hypotheses regarding Au. sediba
and the species of genus Homo. Red edges are where the target species (Au. sediba) can enter a
particular tree, represented by the column “Topological constraints.” Polytomies depicted in
the constrained trees are not fixed, and can be resolved with the data. H. ergaster is used here
as a synonym for African H. erectus (see main text).
Figure S3. The model trees competed to address phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the Dmanisi
fossils. Red edges are where the target species (Dmanisi specimens) can enter a particular tree,
represented by the column “Topological constraints.” Polytomies depicted in the constrained
trees are not fixed, and can be resolved with the data. H. ergaster is used here as a synonym for
African H. erectus (see main text).
Figure S4. The model trees competed to address phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the status of
H. floresiensis. Red edges are where the target species (H. floresiensis) can enter a particular tree,
represented by the column “Topological constraints.” Polytomies depicted in the constrained
trees are not fixed, and can be resolved with the data. H. ergaster is used here as a synonym for
African H. erectus (see main text).
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