Page |1 BASIC DEFINITIONS IN LOGIC (Ch1.11.4) Ch1.1. BASIC CONCEPTUALITIES AND DEFINITIONS A. Definitions: Logic Argument Statement/claim/proposition Inference Truth value B. Steps in Argument evaluation: 1.) Read/Understand 2.) FIND THE CONCLUSION (look for indicator words and note inferential relations between the statements) 3.) Put in “Standard Form” : List premises first : Premise Premise Premise List conclusion last : Conclusion 1.2. RECOGNIZING ARGUMENTS A. A Passage can be considered an Argument if there is an ATTEMPT TO PROVE 1. This requires: a.) a Factual Claim b.) an Inferential Claim 2. Single statements, including conditional statements, are not arguments. -- a single statement does not entail anything beyond itself -- conditional statements can express inferences, but do not present a factual claim B. Conditional Statements; Typically “If…, then…” in form. Other language is also used. 1. Antecedent – “If…” part. Can express a sufficient condition 2. Consequent – “then…” part. Can express a necessary condition C. Sufficient and Necessary Conditions: 1. Sufficient Condition: something that, by itself alone, will bring about “X” 2. Necessary Condition: something required for “X”, but not sufficient by itself alone to produce “X” 1.3. TYPES OF ARGUMENTS A. Deductive: An argument best evaluated using Deductive Criteria: 1.) Conclusion follows necessarily from the premises 2.) Language of Necessity 3.) Type or kind: Definition; based on Mathematics; Categorical, Hypothetical, and Disjunctive Syllogisms; Arguments that apply Laws of Science deductively B. Inductive: An argument best evaluated using Inductive Criteria: 1.) Conclusion follows probably from the premises 2.) Language of Probability 3.) Type or kind: Appeals to Authority, Analogies, Generalizations, Signs, Predictions, Causal Arguments Page |2 1.4. LANGUAGE FOR EVALUATING ARGUMENTS A. GENERAL CRITERIA FOR A GOOD ARGUMENT: 1) Conclusion follows from the premises 2.)Premises are IN FACT true How to Evaluate: STEP ONE: Assume Premises “True”. Does the conclusion follow (necessarily or probably)? STEP TWO: Are the Premises IN FACT True? B. LANGUAGE FOR DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS 1. Deductive Arguments a. Good Deductive Argument: SOUND = 1.) VALID (conclusion follows necessarily from the premises) 2.) All the premises are IN FACT true b. Bad Deductive Argument: UNSOUND = 1.) INVALID ( conclusion does not follow necessarily from the premises) or, 2,) VALID, but with FALSE premise(s) 2. Inductive Arguments a. Good Inductive Argument: COGENT = 1.) Strong (conclusion probably follows from the premises) 2.) All the premises are IN FACT true b. Bad Inductive Argument: UNCOGENT = 1.) WEAK (conclusion does NOT probably follow from the premises ) or, 2.) STRONG, but with FALSE premise(s) C. VALIDITY: A Truth Preserving Characteristic: Validity is a characteristic of some deductive arguments, WHOSE FORM IS SUCH THAT THE TRUTH OF THE PREMISES IS NECESSARILY PRESERVED IN THE CONCLUSION. D. TRUTH VALUES AND VALIDITY/ STRENGTH Truth Values of the statements in an argument are “MUTE” with respect to Validity or Strength, EXCEPT: ANY ARGUMENT THAT HAS ALL TRUE PREMISES AND A FALSE CONCLUSION IS ALWAYS INVALID OR WEAK.