Incident # ______0797___________ Name______Tiffany Lynch


Incident # ______0797___________ Name______Tiffany Lynch __________

On November 27 th 2012, at approximately 18:00 hours, I proceeded to Florida Southern College. The address is

111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr. Lakeland, FL, 33801, The Ordway Building, Polk County, Florida in reference to a proposed Homicide

I arrived at approximately 18:05 hours, made contact with Deputy Jean Gardner and was directed through the scene.

I was advised that there was a disturbance that was dispatched by a neighbor, when Deputy Gardner arrived on the scene what was observed was a deceased female and a suspect was apprehended and transported to a nearby

Hospital. The male suspect was said to have life threatening injuries. Nearby neighbors professed to hearing what sounded like a gunshot come from the residence

The suspect was later identified as being the husband of the deceased female.

Before entering the residence, the investigation team set up a command stations just outside the residence to help with making sure that all evidence was labeled and document correctly.

The scene is described as an average sized living room area located within the Ordway Building at Florida Southern.

In the entrance, walking northeast there is a reddish brown substance (possibly blood) trail pattern. There appears to be 2 chairs toppled over in the northwest corner of the room. There is a female victim’s body located on the east southeast area of the room, with the coffee table located northwest of the body. There are two couches located within the residence (one) couch (greenish/blue) is located east of the body against the east wall. (Two) couch

(white/green/blue (striped)) located northeast of the body. There were 3 tables located in the southeast quadrant of the room and on the south wall there appears to be a blackish/green chalk board with 2 apparent bullet holes.

Located on the East side of the Parking lot facing the large testing area The apparent point of entry is the west side door, which is the only way to enter the residence.

The apparent point of exit is the west side door, which is the only way to exit the residence.

Incident # _____0797_________

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Name _____Tiffany Lynch ______________

Investigator Caitlin Owen photographed the scene as observed on arrival using a digital camera. She worked her way in getting direct photos of the entrance as well as the full scene inside, down to the smallest amounts of evidence.

Officers Chelsia Stone and Scott Kisling obtained the following measurements of the scene: [Please see attached sketch] Measurements chart below

Southeast Corner


13’ 4”

15’ 1”

19’ 8”

Body (head)

Body (feet)

Coffee (table)

Chair 1(toppled)

Southwest corner

12’ 3”

17’ 2”

16’ 5”

15’ 10”

22’ 6”

17’ 8”


19’ 4”

Chair 2 (toppled)



Bullet Casings

22’ 1”

18’ 5”

22’ 9”

20’ 3”

7’ 6” Bullet hole (1) (From the Floor) 4’ 9”

7’ 9 ½ “ Bullet hole (2)

I collected the following items as evidence (in a logical order):

(From the Floor) 5’ 1”

 Investigator Chelsia Stone - Bullet Casing from Northeast wall (in proximity to body) @ 18:39 hours

 Investigator Chelsia Stone – Sprite can (1) west (in proximity to body) @ 18:41 hours

 Investigator Caitlin Owen – Tissue Northwest wall (in proximity to body) @ 18:42 hours

 Investigator Chelsia Stone – Reddish substance swabbed (southwest desk) (in proximity to body) @ 18:44 hours

 Investigator Caitlin Owen – Body was Turned @ 18:45 hours

 Investigator Chelsia Stone – Reddish substance collected/swabbed (trail) (southwest) (in proximity to body)

@ 18:46 hours

 Investigator Caitlin Owen – covered victims hands (taped) (in proximity to body) @ 18:46 hours

 Investigator Caitlin Owen – swabbed desk (reddish brown substance) south (in proximity to body) @


 Investigator Caitlin Owen – swabbed Knife (in proximity to body) @ 18:50 hours

 Investigator Caitlin Owen – Knife was collected and bagged northwest (in proximity to body) @ 18:52 hours

Gun was searched for but was not located within the residence. It is unknown as to the location of the Gun at this time.

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I submitted the swabs to FDLE for DNA analysis.

Name _____Tiffany Lynch ______________

 Shell Casing o Sent to the Lab for GSR and fingerprinting

 Swabs of Reddish brown substance o Sent for confirmation of blood o Sent to find if there is any type of DNA match in system

 Sprite Can o Sent to lab for DNA identification by saliva o Sent to lab for fingerprint/ touch DNA

 Knife o Sent for Blood DNA Identification o Sent for touch/ fingerprint identification

The digital media card was forwarded to the Photo Lab.

Evidence collected was forwarded to the Property/Evidence Unit.

This investigation is pending results from FDLE>s

I cleared the scene at approximately 18:55 hours and have taken no further action in reference to this case as of this date November 27 th 2012 .

Investigative Costs: Four (4) crime scene investigator conducting investigation for approximately __1__ hour
