Exploring iPad Technology Integration in Middle Grades Science

Exploring iPad Technology Integration in Middle Grades Science classroom: MTPACK as a Framework to build students’ science and digital literacy
Nance S. Wilson, SUNY Cortland
Vicky Zygouris-Coe, University of Central Florida
Vicky Cardullo, Auburn University
Purpose of the Study
The affordances of technology present both opportunities and challenges for building
students’ disciplinary literacy practices. Science literacy, specifically, requires that students
comprehend texts that are filled with technical language, concepts, and topics removed from
their everyday life experiences (Fang & Schleppegrell, 2010; Shanahan & Shanahan, 2008).
Science teachers can use technology in a variety of ways (e.g., to take lab notes, explore
data and information about different phenomena, virtual dissections labs, etc.) to support
and extend students’ science and literacy learning and help them acquire disciplinary
literacies unique to science (Castek & Beach, 2013).
This study explored the development of one teacher using the M-TPACK
(Metacognitive, Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) (Wilson, ZygourisCoe, Cardullo, & Fong, 2013) framework as she integrated iPads into her science
classrooms to increase students’ science literacy knowledge and practices. This study was
an in-depth case study conducted to allow for analysis of the teacher’s knowledge and
disposition as a metacognitive teacher. The study included interviews, observations, and
reflective field notes by both the classroom teacher and the researcher.
Perspective/Theoretical Framework:
Technological advancements have changed the way we communicate, learn, create,
share, and publish information (Kiili, Mäkinen, & Coiro, 2013). Affordances of technology
such as the iPad, provide for new techniques for learning and sharing science knowledge.
iPads can be used for a wide variety of academic purposes (reading e-textbooks, document
creation, video viewing and creation, to web surfing). However, there is more to harnessing
the power of the iPad than putting it in the hands of teachers and students. Successful
implementation of the iPad into the classroom is based upon the Metacognitive
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (M-TPACK) (Wilson, Zygouris-Coe,
Cardullo, & Fong, 2013).
M-TPACK views teacher knowledge as the cornerstones of effective teaching and
learning. The framework includes four types of knowledge that are needed for improving
student achievement in the iPad classroom: content, pedagogical, technological, and student
knowledge. These knowledge bases provide the foundation for the teacher’s integration of
technology in the classroom. At the center of the framework are the teacher’s metacognitive
decision-making skills and dispositions. It is the metacognitive teacher who applies her
knowledge to a variety of teaching situations to assure that student learning progresses.
The metacognitive teacher responds immediately to unanticipated situations by making
conscious and deliberate decisions utilizing her knowledge and dispositions (Duffy, Miller,
Parsons & Meloth, 2009; Lin, Schwartz& Hatano, 2005). When Lin (2001) tried to
implement a new technology into her teaching she was forced to adopt new teaching
routines from the presentation of material to how she had students working on math
The SAMR Model: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition
(Puentedura, 2006) helps teachers make connections to emerging technologies and the level
of integration. The SAMR model (Puentedura, 2006) illustrates how teachers process a task
when adopting educational technology. In the substitution stage there really is no functional
change in the implementation of learning and technology, it is simply substituting one for
another. In the augmentation stage, technology acts as direct substitution of the task, with
some functional improvement. The modification stage, technology allows for the
significant redesign of the task and in the redefinition stage, technology allows for the
creation of a new task, a task previously unconceivable (Puentedura, 2006).
Research shows that many middle school students lack effective strategies for
comprehending science texts and for applying science knowledge. (Craig & Yore, 1995;
Fang, 2005). Students need effective strategies to support their understanding of complex
information related to science. The integration of iPads with science literacy instruction
provides authentic and engaging experiences for students as they interact with the iPad for
academic learning. The use of the iPad provided a tool to align science content to the
requirements of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which view media and
technology as an integral part of college and career readiness (NGA & CCSO, 2010).
Students use of iPads built upon their digital literacies as they employed digital tools and
resources to make sense of science content, build knowledge, and share ideas (Kiili,
Mäkinen, & Coiro, 2013).
Research on the use of mobile applications for academic purposes have
demonstrated that effective and consistent use of particular applications will improve
academic achievement (McClanahan, 2012; Perkins, Hamm, Pamplin, Morris, &
McKelvain, 2011). This research along with the promise of less expensive and updated ebooks, hands-on personalized experiences, and the adaptive capabilities such as speech
recognition and text to speech (D’Orio, 2011) have brought iPads into K-20 classrooms.
The use of the iPad as a tool for content delivery offers new learning spaces (Shih & Mills,
2007) and changes the culture of teaching and learning.
Research Questions
1. How does the teacher integrate technology into teaching and planning?
a. What are the effects of the teachers' content knowledge?
b. What are the effects of the teachers' knowledge of students?
c. What are the effects of the teachers' knowledge of the iPad?
d. What are the effects of the teachers' pedagogical knowledge?
e. What are the teachers' metacognitive dispositions towards teaching and
learning with iPads?
2. How does the teacher use the iPad to engage students in disciplinary science
The purpose of this year-long study was to investigate a middle grades science
teacher’s M-TPACK as she integrated iPads into her teaching with the goal of building
science literacy. This study was conducted in a small mid-west school in which the science
teacher had a class set of iPads. The iPads were used for accessing the Internet, note taking,
reading, and recording evidence from laboratory experiences.
The school is a K-8 small high socio-economic school located in a Midwestern suburb.
The teacher has a Bachelor’s degree in science education Master’s degree in curriculum and
instruction. She also has 20 years of teaching experience with 11 years in self-contained
upper elementary classes and nine as a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science teacher. The students
were in grades 5-8. There were a total of 70 students in the four grade levels.
Data Collection
Data were collected throughout the course of the school year through a variety of
techniques. The teacher and researcher met on a weekly basis to discuss iPad usage and
experiences, science literacy techniques and the incorporation of the two. Throughout these
meetings there were four formal interviews regarding iPad adoption and implementation as
a tool for building disciplinary science literacy. The researcher observed the teacher and
artifacts were collected throughout the course of the year. The classroom teacher kept a
journal of teaching experiences and aligned them with the artifacts she chose to include in
the study. The artifacts were organized around the CCSS for the teaching of literacy in
science and technical subjects.
The data was collected through a combination of field notes, audio recordings of
teaching and weekly meetings, email correspondence, and artifacts such as lesson plans and
student work samples.
Data Analysis:
Data was coded and analyzed using grounded theory methodology and the constant
comparison approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). This approach of data collection and
analysis occurred simultaneously with the goal of developing insights as to the affordances
of the Apps, the teacher’s integration, of the iPad as a tool for disciplinary science literacy.
This first stage was aimed at direct interpretation (Stake, 1995) of individual instances.
Throughout this stage there was also an analysis of the potential support and training that
the teacher needed to successfully integrate the iPad as a tool for disciplinary science
literacy. As data was collected, we were able to generate emerging conclusions, which, in
turn, drove subsequent observations and interviews. During the analysis, the interview
transcripts, field notes, and artifacts were reviewed multiple times, noting reoccurring
themes. Tentative conclusions developed through a process of constant comparison as the
emerging themes were checked and compared with the incoming data and allowed to evolve
with the new information while remaining true to the previous data. This second stage of
data analysis allowed for an aggregation of instances (Stake, 1995) to determine themes and
The data was analyzed using two models, Puentedura’s ( )
Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model and Wilson, Zygouris-Coe,
Cardullo, & Fong’s (2013) Metacognitive Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Codebook 1 (90% inter-rater reliability)
Codebook 2 (97.4% inter-rater reliability)
General Use of technology
Knowledge of Content
Knowledge of Technology
 Internet Use
 Google Docs
 iPad Specific
Knowledge of Pedagogy
 Classroom management
 General Reading
 Use of video/multimodal literacy
Knowledge of Student
 Student knowledge of iPad use
Metacognitive Teacher
 Decision-Making about technology
 Decision-Making about adaptive
General Use of technology
 Discipline Specific Ways to use the
 Further/extended use of technology
due to iPad
Knowledge of Content
Knowledge of Technology
 Internet Use
 iPad Specific
Knowledge of Pedagogy
 Modeling
 Classroom management
 General Reading
 Use of video/multimodal literacy
Knowledge of Student
 Student Learning as a result of
 Student knowledge of iPad use
Metacognitive Teacher
 Interaction of pedagogical, content,
student and technology knowledge
 Decision-Making about technology
o How technology is changing
 Decision-Making about adaptive
Results: The following understandings have emerged from the analysis:
1. SAMR: The teacher was metacognitively aware of the need to modify and redefine
instruction but was hindered due to multiple factors.
1.1. August/September: Modification with some Augmentation
1.1.1. Modification example: Students used iMovie to record a demonstration and
explanation of surface tension
1.1.2. Augmentation example: Notability to draw diagram of mealworm, type data
and explanation of surface tension
1.2. October/November/December: Modification with some Augmentation
1.2.1. Modification example: Notability to have students insert images of animals
with symbiotic relationships
1.2.2. Augmentation example: Quizlet to practice vocabulary, writing summary of
notes on atoms and molecules in Noteability, and shared responses to questions
using Google Drive
1.3. Jan/Feb: Modification, Augmentation, and Substitution
1.3.1. Modification example: Played Nitrogen cycle game, recorded results in note
on Notability
1.3.2. Augmentation example: Using Notability students typed questions they have
on praying mantises and then used the internet to research answers
1.3.3. Substitution example: Students typed observations on Notability
1.4. March/April: Modification, Augmentation three instances of Redefinition
1.4.1. Modification example: Used Edmodo to respond to questions comparing the
Biomes of the Desert and Alaska and to have an asynchronous discussion on
the biomes.
1.4.2. Augmentation example: Internet to have students partner read, typed notes in
Notability, and watch video on biomes from internet
1.4.3. Redefinition example: Read over notes in Notability on waves, drew waves
into Notability note, labeled the parts of the waves
1.5. May/June: Modification, Augmentation one instance of Redefinition
1.5.1. Modification example: Students Answered questions about algal blooms in
new document in Google Drive
1.5.2. Augmentation example: Students used Notability to record lab notes. Lab
notes included images and diagrams taken and created with the iPad.
1.5.3. Redefinition example: Used images of the posters taken on field trip to a lake
to help students identify organisms under microscope from the sample brought
back from trip. Students typed notes in Notability to insert images of plankton
to demonstrate understanding.
2. M-TPACK: Integration was not a smooth process. Weekly meetings and debriefing
sessions often provided the teacher with needed time to discuss and problem solve
integration issues.
2.1. As implementation increases content knowledge integration increases
2.2. Pedagogy shifts from Classroom management to technological disciplinary literacy
specific pedagogy
2.2.1. Although the teacher was used to an inquiry model of teaching and learning,
the iPads presented new pedagogical challenges from the creation of routines
for keeping the iPads charged and organized to transferring pedagogical
practices such as recording observations in experiments.
2.3. Use of iPad led to extended use of technology
2.3.1. At the beginning of the year, technological knowledge had a huge impact in
the teacher’s integration and use of the iPads. Her lack of knowledge led her to
have students create “paper” science journals. After just a month with the
iPads she transferred the students to an e-science journal. Additionally, there
were technological issues that caused classroom management problems when
the teacher did not understand how to optimize Google Drive.
2.4. Metacognitive decision making increases during course of integration
2.4.1. The teacher’s disposition as metacognitive was observed throughout the
study as being affected by school factors, student factors, iPad factors,
curriculum factors, etc. Throughout the study, the teacher adjusted her teaching
and her “metacognition served as a mechanism for problem finding, for setting
adaptive goals, for identity building, and for value clarification” (Lin, Schwartz
& Hatano, 2005, p. 249).
Educational Significance:
Researchers in digital literacies (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, Castek, Henry, 2013; Coiro &
Dobler, 2007; Lankshear & Knobel, 2003) recognize that the spaces in which we construct
literacy are evolving. Findings from this research indicate that the advent of new literacies
and the introduction of an iPad for academic learning have forged new cognitive monitoring
issues for teachers (i.e., new technologies, new formats, new content). Teachers must be
able to allocate and monitor these cognitive resources and adjust their teaching. Teacher
preparation in technological literacy requires professional staff developments dedicated to
instruction on the use of multimedia devices such as the iPad for learning in the classroom.
It also requires that teacher’s disposition as metacognitive be further explored to identify
how to use these technologies to introduce students to the strategies and skills necessary for
interacting with the “new literacy” in content areas.
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