Student Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________ Class: _______ Energy- Children’s Story Book Directions: Create a story book for children about energy. You must choose what your book will be about using one of the topics below: Book Choice #1 Book Choice #2 Book Cover- It must include a title for your book and ALL of the author’s names. (The people in your group.) Page #1- Describe “What is Energy?” Page #2- Describe how energy can change into different types of energy, but it cannot be created or destroyed because of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Page #3- Show the journey that your energy character goes through beginning with the nuclear energy inside of the Sun. Page #4- Show how your energy character changes into light energy and moves as waves towards the Earth. Page #5- Show how your energy character changes from light energy into chemical energy (and also potential energy) in a plant. Page #6- Show how your energy character changes from chemical energy of a plant into the chemical energy of coal (also potential energy) after the plant dies and decays into the soil. Page #7- Show how your energy character changes from chemical energy of coal into electricity at a power plant. Page #8- Show how your energy character changes travels as electricity (also kinetic energy) through wires into a house. Page #9- Show how some of your energy character changes from electricity to light energy through a light bulb at the house. Page #10- Show how the rest of your energy is released as thermal energy (or heat) through the same light bulb. Page #11- End your story by explaining that the energy character is still alive, well, and is looking forward to its next transformation. Book Cover- It must include a title for your book and ALL authors’ names. (The people in your group.) Page #1- Describe “What is Energy?” Page #2- Describe how energy can change into different types of energy, but it cannot be created or destroyed because of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Page #3- Show that your energy character can be one of many types of energy (provide some examples), but this story is about a character who is thermal energy or heat. Page #4- Show how your thermal energy character is also kinetic energy (energy of motion) due to its moving particles (atoms or molecules). Page #5- Show how your energy character’s particles can move faster and have a higher temperature or can move slower and have a lower temperature because of the kinetic energy of the particles. Page #6- Show how the thermal energy character broke off into four separate parts creating a family of thermal energy characters to go on their own separate adventures. Page #7- Show how the original thermal energy character can transfer (or move) through conduction. (Provide an example) Page #8- Show how the second thermal energy character can transfer (or move) through convection. (Provide an example in a liquid.) Page #9- Show how the third thermal energy character can transfer (or move) through convection. (Provide an example in air or a gas.) Page #10- Show how the fourth thermal energy character can transfer (or move) through any space through radiation. (Provide an example.) Page #11- End your story by explaining that the energy characters are still alive, well, and that they are looking forward to their next adventure. Cut 6 pages of notebook paper in half until you have at least 12 separate pages. Divide the work! Each of your group members should do a specific task. Some suggestions are to give each person a page to work on (front and back) or give some group members the task of writing and some group members the task of drawing the illustrations. Your choice!!! If someone is not working in your group, let your teacher know!!! (YOU HAVE 3 DAYS TO COMPLETE YOUR BOOK!) After the book is completed, your teacher will staple or tie the pages together using staples or a piece of string. Energy Children’s Book Project Rubric 2 3 4 5 Format Unclear, not neatly presented, sloppy and hard to read. Several things out of order, but generally not neat and some messy areas. A few things out of order, neat hand writing, and clean paper. Well organized, easy to follow, orderly, very neatly written with care and clean paper. Research No effort in researching the energy requirements. Did some researching on the specific energy requirements. Did a good job of researching the specific energy requirements. Went above and beyond to research the specific energy requirements. Content Contains no required content facts, reasons, or incidents for all listed pages. Contains a few pages of required content facts, reasons, or incidents for some of the listed pages. Contains almost all of the required content facts, reasons, or incidents for at least 8 of the listed pages. Contains all of the content facts, reasons, and incidents for all 12 of the listed pages. Mechanics Contains numerous grammatical and punctuation errors. Contains some grammatical and punctuation errors. Contains few grammatical and punctuation errors. Relatively free of grammatical and punctuation errors. Illustrations & Capturing the Reader’s Interest Does not contain specific illustrations and does little to capture the reader’s interest in the topic. Does contain a few specific illustrations and does little to capture the reader’s interest in the topic. Does contain most illustrations and does some to capture the reader’s interest in the topic. Contains many specific illustrations and does a great deal to capture the reader’s interest in the topic. Total Score: Score _______ Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________