Southeastern Middle School East 7th Grade Composer Children’s Book Rubric Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mr. Garman Date Submitted: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 4 Overall Appearance Content Illustrations Writing Effort Presentation (Reading) 3 Points 2 1 The book has one or The book has three The book is two areas that are or four areas that illegible. sloppy. are sloppy. Content of the book Content of the book Content of the book Content of the book is exceptional, is good but not is very good, is not good and the appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and reader has trouble enhances the does not help the helps the reader’s comprehending reader’s reader’s comprehension of information about comprehension of comprehension of the composer. the composer. the composer. the composer. The book has The book has The book has a few multiple several illustrations illustrations which The book does not illustrations which which are not are appropriate and have any are appropriate and appropriate and do enhance the overall illustrations. greatly enhance the not enhance the appearance. overall appearance. overall appearance. Book is written Book is written in a Book is written Book is written in a without any logical logical sequence with some logical sequence a sequence and with appropriate sequence and/or few grammar and inappropriate grammar and many grammar and punctuation errors. grammar and punctuation. punctuation errors. punctuation. The book shows The book shows a The book shows The book shows exceptional effort great amount of some effort by the minimal effort by by the author. effort by the author. author. the author. The book is neatly done. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Use of fluid speech Satisfactory use of Displays some and inflection inflection, but does level of inflection Consistently uses a maintains the not consistently use throughout monotone voice. interest of the fluid speech. delivery. audience. ____ Total----> ____ Teacher Comments: The Total score is times (X) 6. e.g.: a student who gets all fours would have a total of 24 x 6 = 144 for a final score.