Order of the Rainbow for Girls

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The Craft
Freemasonry is a worldwide fraternity that is not religious or
political in nature but whose members believe in the Supreme
Being. This is an essential qualification for membership.
The fraternity of Freemasonry encourages self improvement,
practices goodwill towards all men and contributes generously to
worthy causes.
Freemasonry is not a secret society. It is a well known, nationwide fraternity whose members proudly declare their
Membership is open to men of 18 years and over who are in good
standing within the community.
Grand Secretary ph: 32293533
Email: grandsec@freemasonsqld.org.au
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Order of the Rainbow for Girls
What Is Rainbow? Rainbow is a nonprofit organization that
strives to give girls the tools, training, and encouragement to let
their individual spirits shine bright. By providing members with a
safe, fun, caring environment where responsible, older girls can
interact and mentor younger girls through family involvement.
Rainbow Girls are busy. By participating in fun events and
activities, keeping up with new friends, and traveling to different
cities and states, members experience the excitement of what a
productive life has to offer.
Rainbow Girls love a challenge. From volunteering for different
charities, to working to improve their public speaking, to
mastering the lessons of Rainbow, members tackle lots of
challenging hurdles but ultimately walk away with a sense of pride
and accomplishment.
Rainbow Girls are ready for life. Whether they dream of
becoming a successful veterinarian, a talented musician, or a
loving mother, Rainbow Girls learn that they can accomplish
anything and that they can make a difference.
Denise Dickson: Ph: 32825993: Email:
Web : http://www.iorg.org/
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Primarily a social organisation, DeMolay has a time-tested
methodology dating back to its origin in 1919 in Kansas City,
USA. DeMolay’s immense popularity means it now exists in 13
countries worldwide, with tens of thousands of members.
Structured regular meetings are led by the members and provide
the opportunity to learn through participation in meeting
procedures, organising activities, developing public speaking and
DeMolay is not a substitute for home, church or school but a most
effective programme and organisation for physical, mental, moral
and social development allowing participation in civic, social and
athletic events and many other activities provides training of
immediate use and of great value for the future.
Grand Secretary: James Slack (M) 0407032637
Email: james@demolay.org.au
Web: www.demolayaust.org
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Jobs Daughters International
Job’s Daughters is a youth Order for girls aged 10 – 20, who gain
important life skills including leadership, teamwork, public
speaking and self-confidence. Job’s Daughters is rich in heritage
that has been part of the Order since it originated in 1920.
Members are related to Master Masons and special emphasis is
given to the thought that ‘to be fair is to do good’ and ‘virtue is a
quality which highly adorns women’.
Meetings are planned and conducted by members with
supervision by adult volunteers. Job’s Daughters promotes high
moral standards, community engagement, appreciation of beliefs
and family involvement. Members make life-long friends and
learn respect for themselves and others in a fun, safe and
supportive environment.
Ms Jennifer Nielsen
PO Box 1249 Stafford, Q 4053
Tel: 31172421: Email: secretary@jdiqld.org
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Order Of The Amaranth
An Organisation of Master Masons and their female relatives, our
principal objects are to encourage and promote the practice and
principles of Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity.
The Order is based on the Court of Queen Christina of Sweden
who created it for her Honoured Ladies and Sir Knights, building
around the character of Lady Amarantha, a beautiful, virtuous and
talented Lady of the Court.
Our members show patriotism, compassion for those in need
through philanthropic projects and service to humanity and strive
to achieve higher and nobler things in life. We are recognised by
the symbols of the Crown and Sword, emblems of royalty and
power and the Amaranthine Wreath, representing immortality.
Grand Secretary, 07 3359 4480 or amaranthgsq@bigpond.com
Web: www.amaranthqld.com.au
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Order of the Eastern Star
The Order of the Eastern Star is one of the largest international
Fraternal Organisations for Women and Men; part of the Family
of Freemasonry. The Order, dedicated to Charity, Truth and
Loving Kindness strives to take good people through uplifting and
elevating associations of love and service. Its appeal lies in the
deep fraternal bond that exists between the members.
Each point of the star represents a significant female role:
daughter, widow, wife, sister and mother and each colour
represents a guiding virtue: fidelity, constancy, purity, faith and
Members are dedicated women and men who sincerely reflect
the spirit of fraternal love and the desire to associate together
supporting each other as well as local and national charities.
Many jurisdictions support an Eastern Star and/or Masonic aged
care facility, most of which are also open to the public
Grand Secretary: 07 33414042
Email: jmnantes@optusnet.com.au
Web: www.oesqld.com.au
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Order Of The White Shrine Of Jerusalem
The White Shrine of Jerusalem was commenced in 1894 in
Chicago, Illinois to give Ladies and Gentlemen of Christian faith
an opportunity to enjoy social friendships, working together to
raise moneys for charitable organizations and offering relief to
members of the community in times of distress. .
The Ritual is founded upon the Birth of Jesus as written in the
Bible. The teachings illustrate the humble but wonderful story of
the birth of Jesus and advise the coming of the King. Members
are encouraged to perform good deeds and to offer words of
cheer to persons living and suffering in troubled times.
The emblems of the Order are, the five-pointed Star, the
Shepherd’s Crook and the Cross. These items combined form
the Logo of the Order and are symbolic of Jesus’ life. The Star of
Bethlehem directed the Wise Men in their travels to Bethlehem,
the Shepherd’s Crook was used by shepherds to assemble their
flock and the Cross – on which Jesus died to redeem our sins.
The Ritual is based on the story of the Wisemen travelling to
Bethlehem in search of Jesus, the new born King of the Jewish
faith. The Shrine Room is symbolic of the desert and land they
were required to traverse.
The basic ideals of the Order are: Love of God, respect for the
Bible and, that we extend respect and fraternal friendship to all.
Membership is open to Ladies and Master Masons. Ladies do not
require a Masonic relationship
Contact: Helen Shaw: ph: 32694654: Email:
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Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Queensland
One of the questions most frequently asked by Masons beginning
their journey of learning in Masonry is what path they should
follow through the many Masonic Orders available to them, and
which will best equip them with a thorough knowledge about
Freemasonry and will provide a fully satisfying and enriching
ceremonial experience. Our response is that the pathway to
expand one’s Masonic experience and enjoyment is entirely the
choice of each Brother or Companion. The concepts, history and
ideals of each Order will appeal to different individuals.
Our recommendation for that journey, and which we consider will
provide the most satisfaction, is to follow the path of “Pure
Ancient Masonry”. This is laid down in the Article 1 of the Book of
Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland in which it
declares that, beside the three degrees of Craft Masonry, it
recognises only the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason
and the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. In other words,
by this declaration, the United Grand Lodge of Queensland
clearly states its intent that a Master Mason should not consider
the Third Degree as being the end of the journey, but rather a
“midpoint” in the journey of further Masonic enlightenment.
The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Queensland as the
next logical step in the search for greater knowledge and
understanding of Freemasonry in general, and Mark and Royal
Arch masonry in particular. The degrees worked are as follows:
 The Mark Master Mason Degree which expand on the
Fellowcraft Degree;
 The Excellent Master Degree which is about the time
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between the destruction of King Solomon's temple and the
second temple being built.
 The Holy Royal Arch Degree being described as the
perfection and completion of Freemasonry and the
discovery of the genuine secrets.
 The Royal Ark Mariner Degree is the story about Noah
and the flood and God's great covenant with man and the
reestablishment of moral values.
 The Cryptic Series of Degrees include the Select Master,
Royal master, Most Excellent Master and Super Excellent
Master covers the story from the Third Degree through to
the final destruction of King Solomon's temple.
 The Red Cross Knight Series of Degrees include Knight
of the East, Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East and
Grand Scribe Ezra. 32211911
Email: gse@royalarch.org.au
Web: www.royalarch.org.au
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Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Queensland
The Degree of Mark Master Mason is often referred to as the
fourth degree in Freemasonry but is aligned to the Fellowcraft
Degree in that it relates to the workmen building KS Temple. The
ceremony of admission is called Advancement. It is one of the
oldest and most interesting grades of Freemasonry and today
incorporates two degrees, for the candidate is first acknowledged
as a Mark Man then subsequently advanced as a Mark Master
Mason in the same ceremony.
The legend of the degree is singularly instructive and is well
founded on statements of Holy Writ, relating to the period in the
building of the Temple prior to the death of Hiram Abif, it teaches
the valuable lesson that education is the reward of labour and
contains a dramatic message that fraud can never succeed. The
symbol of the Degree is a Keystone on which is engraved certain
mystic letters, the meaning of which is explained in the ceremony.
The Royal Ark Mariner Degree is the journey of Noah and his
sons in the Ark in the great flood and concerns itself with the
covenant God made with Noah. The Royal Ark Mariner Lodges
are anchored to a Mark Lodge.
The Mark Order is governed by the Grand Lodge of Mark Master
Masons of Queensland. Only two degrees are worked, namely
the Mark Degree and the Royal Ark Mariner Degree with their
accompanying annual installations so that the ritual load is not
excessive and full justice can be done to both of these beautiful
The qualification to join Mark Masonry requires candidates to be
a Master Mason of good standing in a Craft Lodge.
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The membership of the Mark Order is not large and most
members are known to one another, consequently the Order is
generally known as the Friendly Order. Our current nine Lodges
are spread from Warwick in the south west to Cairns in the north
with a new Lodge being proposed to meet at the Brisbane
Masonic Memorial Centre.
Gary Murray, Grand Secretary
Ph: 55922408 Mobile 0408 922408
Email: glmmmq12@bigpond.com
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The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for
This Rite appeals to Master Masons of good character who are
interested in developing their Masonic knowledge and their circle
of Masonic friendships.
To become a member of our Rite you must be a member in good
standing of a Craft Lodge.
The Supreme Council for Australia, is the sovereign authority for
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Australia. The Chapters
and Councils, which are the regular working bodies of the Rite,
are aggregated into Districts led by a District Commander, and
these into Regions led by a Regional Commander. Australia is
divided into 8 Regions
If you truly seek greater knowledge of Freemasonry, we invite you
to apply to join our Order. You will find the experience both
uplifting and rewarding.
Regional Recorder,
Ph: 55934327
Website: www.scottishrite.org.au
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The Great Priory of Queensland
The Founder of Knights Templar Freemasonry in Queensland was
Brisbane’s first Town Clerk who on 7th March 1865 became the first
Commander of the Hinxman Encampment No. 82 EC under the control
of The Great Priory of England.
In 1985 the Great Priory of Queensland was consecrated in the Grand
Hall and thus became a sovereign grand body in its own right and is
recognised by the majority of Great Priories throughout the World.
To become a member of one of the 14 Preceptories within the Great
Priory of Queensland stretching from Cairns to Brisbane and west to
Toowoomba and Warwick you MUST meet two requirements :i.e.be a
financial member of a Craft Lodge and believe in the Holy Trinity.
The Preceptories meet 4 times a year with one meeting being that of an
Installation Meeting with the other 3 Meetings to work either the Knight
Templar Degree or the Knight of Malta Degree in either Queensland or
Scottish Ritual workings.
By way of its nature and its historical background, this is a Christian
Masonic Order. Both the Temple Degree and the Malta Degree have
their roots in the Holy Land during the Crusade era, but on this question
it must be remembered that there is no direct link of descent from the
Operative Templars or Hospitallers to the Degrees worked in our
Preceptories today. In the mid 1700s the Freemasons began to
incorporate symbols and traditions of the medieval Knights Templar.
The Knight Templar Degree places the candidate in the position of a
Pilgrim travelling symbolically through hardship and dangers until he is
received as a Christian Knight. The Malta Degree relates the story of
St. Paul’s arrival on the Island of Melita which is known today as Malta.
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Installation/Proclamation yearly on the first Saturday in June to which
visitors are all invited to attend.
V.E. Kt. Vernon Flood
Tel: (07) 5476 0615
E-Mail: gvcqld@knightstemplar.org.au
Web site: www.knightstemplar.org.au
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Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
There are nine Grades in total but most people do not
advance beyond VIIth as further progress is based on
service, knowledge and ability. The Order's aim, basically, is
"To afford mutual aid and encouraging working out the great
problem of life, and in searching out the Secret of Nature; to
facilitate the study of the system of Philosophy founded on
the Kabalah and teh doctrine of Hermes Trismegistus which
was inculcated in the original Frates Rosae Crucis; AD
1450; and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of all
that now remains of the wisdom, art and literature of teh
ancient world."
Regalia is a simple looking jewel that becomes more
complex on close examination. Each College is governed by
a Celebrant and each Province by a Chief Adept. Provinces
are spread throughout the Commonwealth and the whole is
ruled by the Supreme Magus and his High Council in
There is only one College, Eugenius Philalethes, in
Queensland meeting at the Sherwood Masonic Centre, Skew
Street, Brisbane on 2nd Tuesday in February, May, August &
November (Installation).
SRIA Eugenius Philalethes College
PO Box Yungaburra, Qld 4884
Email: Dave@nqlabs.com.au
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Royal Order of Scotland
The Royal Order of Scotland comprises two degrees — the
degree of Heredom of Kilwinning and the Rosy Cross degree.
Tradition informs us that the former was established in Judea in
Palestine but whether at the time of the Crusades or of a much
earlier origin tradition is silent. The Rosy Cross degree as the
name implies deals more with the subject matter of the Rose
Croix degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite rather
than that of Craft Masonry. Candidates must be Master Masons
of five years standing.
Jim Brierley
Ph: 0417849065 Email: jbrierley@bigpond.com
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Order of the Secret Monitor
The ceremony of this Order refers to the beautiful and
affecting history of the friendship between David and Jonathan
which is contained in the twentieth Chapter of the First Book of
Samuel. The circumstances of that friendship and the
saving of David's life are the central themes of the Order.
Had the friendship not occurred there would have been no
King David, no King Solomon and no Temple as
Freemasons understand it.
Candidates must be a Master Mason.
Bill Benham; Ph; 33489966 Email: thebenhams@stoben.net.au
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Ancient and Accepted Rite for Scotland
The Rite is a Christian branch of Freemasonry and is open to all
Master Masons of three years standing who profess a belief in the
Christian Trinity in Unity.
Admission into the Order is through the Ceremony of ‘Perfection’ or
Rose Croix or 18th Degree and receives the title of Excellent and
Perfect Companion.
The Degree may be regarded as building upon the knowledge
gained in the Craft, Mark, and Chapter Degrees although the latter
two are not prerequisites for acceptance into the Rite. The Degrees
from the 4th to 17th are conferred.
After a period of 5 years a member can petition to become a
member of the 30th Degree and receive the title of Grand Elect
Knight Kadosh where the Degrees from the 19 th to 29th are
Progress into the higher degrees of 31, 32 and 33 degrees are by
Contact: Haydn McBryde
Provincial Grand Secretary
Province of South Queensland (Metropolitan)
Tel:. 3267 5379
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Grand Council of Knight Masons
This Order is a secular, chivalric Masonic Order open to
all Master Masons who are also members of a Mark Lodge and a
Royal Arch Chapter. Members of the Order meet in Councils of
Knight Masons which are governed by the Grand Council of
Knight Masons based in Dublin, Ireland. In Queensland there is
only one Council of Knight Masons viz. Achmeta Council of
Knight Masons. It is the 'youngest' of all the Orders in
The Order confers three degrees viz. Knight of the Sword or
Babylonian Pass, Knight of the East or Jordan Pass and knight of
the East and West. All the degrees relate to the return of the
Jewish people from the Babylonian captivity.
In Ireland the degrees were being conferred within Masonic
Knights Templar Preceptories until 1923 but as the ceremonies
were elaborate and exceptionally detailed, it was decided to form
an own governing body. Since then the Order has spread to
England, Scotland, Greece, New Zealand, USA, Australia, India,
Bermuda, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, South Africa to name a few.
Don Dezentje ph: 0410595922: Email: dezen@dezentje.com.au
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Knights Templar
The Great Priory of Scotland.
The United Religious Military Orders of the Temple and of St
John of Jerusalem,
Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in Scotland and its Districts
Are you a Mason good standing of a Craft Lodge and a Royal
Arch Chapter? If so, you are now eligible to enquire about the
true Scottish Knight Templar Masonry having it’s Grand Master
based in Scotland. An Order not only steeped in real history but
also one which has its roots to the Eleventh Century.
The Preceptories holding under the Great Priory of Scotland are
spread world-wide, and its District Grand Priory of Queensland
and Papua New Guinea has eleven Preceptories and Priories
under its jurisdiction.
The Order is Christian in content, so only those professing the
Christian faith are eligible to join. The ceremonies draw their
themes from the celebrated chivalric Orders of the Knights of the
Temple and Knights of Malta. The ritual draws upon the traditions
of medieval Knights Templar, using them to impart moral
instruction consistent with the biblical teachings of the Christian
Contact: G. Pickers: Ph: 38430742 Email: essers@bigpond.com
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Knights of the York Cross of Honour
The Order was formed in Monroe, North Carolina, United States of
America on March 13 1930. On June 6, 1930 a month after the first
Priory was formed the Convent General of the United States of
America was formed to administer the Order.
Candidates must be a Past Master of a Lodge, Past First Principal
of a Royal Arch Chapter, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of a Cryptic
Council and Past Preceptor of a Knight Templars Preceptory. The
main principles and the core moral teachings of the Order are a
continuation of those four Orders which each candidate is required to
be a member.
Don Dezentje ph: 0410595922: Email: dezen@dezentje.com.au
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Rectified Scottish Rite
Existing in its current form location 1778 this chivalric Christian
Masonic Rite has three grades as administered in Australia these
are Scottish Master of Saint Andrew, Squire Novice and Knight
Beneficent of the Holy City. The right enjoys a special place in the
broader Masonic family because of its history, ideals and
The Rite effectively provides a snapshot of Masonic history as a
direct descendant of earlier chivalric orders stop the impressive
archaic rituals, the exclusive nature of the Rite, with its strictly
enforced requirements for admission and the limitations on
promotion, all served to provide a mystique that promotes its
Joining is by invitation only and candidates must be a subscribing
Master Mason and also Knights Templar who profess the
Trinitarian Christian faith.
Contact: G. Stead Ph: 47544288 Email: gstead@ozemail.com.au
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St. Thomas of Acon
This is a Commemorative Order which takes his name and
symbolism from the medieval Order without claiming to be its
linear descendant. The Order commemorates the selfless
devotion of a small band of English Knights, part of the Third
Crusade led by King Richard of England to the Holy Land (11891192). During the siege of Acre tis band of knights, formed as the
Order of St Thomas of Acon, undertook the task of burying the
dead. Later they included tending the wounded and clothing the
The watchwords of the Order are "Love" and "Humility." There is
only one Degree that of Knight with an additional two tiered
honour of "Knight Caritas" and "Knight Humilitus."
Joining is by invitation only and a Candidate must be and remain
a subscribing member of a Craft Lodge and a Knight Templar
Ivan Teager: ph: 0296303533: Email: ivan@transdata.com.au
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The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales
and its Provinces Overseas
The Masonic Order of Athelstan grew out an interest in the origins
of Masonry, focusing specifically on the Saxon Chronicles and
particularly the life and symbolism of King Athelstan, the
grandson of King Alfred, and the first King of England to be
referred to as “The King of All the English”.
In this Order we bring to life King Athelstan's Court held in York in
926 which aimed to educate and raise the quality of Masonry in
10th century England, and which provides the framework and
conduit for our current ceremonies.
The Order explores the development of the Craft over the
centuries and encourages further Masonic study and research.
The Order is invitational, and a candidate must be and remain a
subscribing Craft Freemason and a Companion of a Royal Arch
Owen Vickers, Provincial Grand Secretary, PO Box 1099,
Caboolture 4510.
Phone: 54967193
Email: ovickers@hotkey.net.au
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The Grand College of the Holy Royal Arch Knight
Templar Priests or Order of Holy Wisdom
The origins of the Order are not definite, but it was flourishing in
Ireland in the early eighteenth century.
The title of Knight Priest is significant and descriptive and is borne
with great pride by members. It recognizes that first, we are
Knights, as was true with the Templars of old; we are Priests
committed to the priestly role of preserving and promoting the
Christian religion. Dedication to Jesus Christ our Saviour and
Lord is the guiding principles of our lives.
The Order works a beautiful ceremony worked around seven
‘pillars’ with readings from both the Old and New Testament.
The Order is invitational, and a candidate must be and remain a
subscribing Craft Freemason, have been regularly installed
Worshipful Master, a Companion of a Royal Arch Chapter and a
Knight Templar, and hold a belief in the Christian faith and
Christian Trinity.
Owen Vickers, Provincial Grand Secretary, PO Box 1099,
Caboolture 4510.
Phone: 54967193
Email: ovickers@hotkey.net.au
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The Worshipful Society of Free Masons
Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and
(The Operatives)
A Masonic Society which exists to perpetuate a memorial of the
practices of Operative Free Masons existing prior to Modern
Speculative Freemasonry, filling a notable gap in the Masonic
Membership of the Society is restricted to Master
Masons, Mark Master Masons and Holy Royal Arch Companions
in good standing.
The Worshipful Society is an independent Sovereign body of
some 2500 members meeting in over 100 Assemblages
throughout the world.
Assemblages meet in Brisbane and in
Townsville. To seek further information you are requested to
The Regional Clerk
Peter Morris, 0428 129 200;
John Cook 07 4635 4074;
Graham Stead 07 4725 4288;
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Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
The Red Cross of Constantine is officially known as the Masonic and
Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the
Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist and consists of five
degrees or Grades.
The basis of this order derives from the life of the emperor
Constantine and the crucial effect he had on Christianity.
Constantine, a Roman, was destined for the College of Emperors but
following the death of his father, Constantius, he was hailed by the
Legions in York as Augustus and became the Governor of Britain
and Gaul. After several successive successful battles across the Alps
and Italy, he eventually established himself as the lawful emperor of
both East and West and transferred the capital of the empire from
Rome to Byzantium, later to be named after him.
He was the first Roman emperor to openly encourage Christianity. It
is acknowledged that
O. Vickers, ph: 54967193; email: ovickers@hotkey.net.au
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Allied Masonic Degrees
This Order welcomes Masons who have taken the Royal
Arch degree. There is no religious requirement beyond belief
in God.
There are five degrees:>
St Lawrence the Martyr. This is the basic degree of the
Order, from which we derive our symbol of the gridiron. It
refers to the persecution of the Christians under the Roman
Knight of Constantinople. In this degree, we meet the
Emperor Constantine.
Grand Tylers of Solomon. This degree takes place in
the secret vault.
Red Cross of Babylon. There is a similar degree (not
identical!) worked under Grand Chapter.
Grand High Priest. A most impressive ceremony, in
which we meet Abraham.
T. McRae, Ph: 33525197;
Email: thomas.mcrae@bigpond.com
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