Recomendation for implementation of virtual weld training

Prepared within LEONARDO da Vinci program Transfer of Innovation
project no.: LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100548 - VIRTWELD
„Implementation of virtual technology in education of welders and welding specialists ”
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
This document has been developed by the partners of the VIRTWELD project
“Implementation of virtual technology in education of welders and welding specialists“ Czech
Welding Society – ANB (Česká svářečská společnost – ANB), Prague Czech Republic,
Welding Institute (Institut za varilstvo) Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Federation for
Welding, Joining and Cutting Lisbon Portugal and Welding Research Institute – Industrial
Institute SR (Výskumný ústav zváračský – Priemyslený Inštitút SR), Bratislava Slovakia
during period 11/2009 – 10/2011.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
The objective of this document is to present aspects of the implementation of Virtual
Weld Training Systems (VWTS)/weld trainers/weld simulators into training and education of
welding personnel. The document is pointing out on the peculiarities of implementation of
a completely new tool/equipment – VWTS - which have been developed in the period of the
last ten years. The document should be considered as a recommendation for the
implementation into training and education process of welding personnel.
It is also important to notice that VWTS were considered originally as a tool for
training of welders. During the study and demonstration of individual VWTS it has been
recognized that these tools are suitable not only for practical training but also for presentation
of each welding process at the welding courses of higher welding personnel e.g. welding
engineers, technologist, specialists and practitioners.
The document takes into account all possible application in education and training of
welding personnel and is divided into following chapters: European education and training
scheme of welding personnel, VWTS – new tool for training and education of welding,
recommendations for implementation of VWTS into training of welding personnel.
Education and training of welding personnel
Education and training of welding personnel was an important aspect of
implementation of welding technology into industrial production and use. Since the beginning
of the implementation of welding technology main concern was to train skill of practical
welders in order to have skilled personnel to perform welding without unacceptable defects.
Training and education was mainly controlled according to the national standards.
Globalization and process of European unification remarkably change the approach to training
and education of welding personnel.
Since 1992 complex training and education and qualification programme has been
implemented by European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), an association
of welding organisations/institutes and societies consisting of around 20 European countries.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
EWF has specified content of education programme and also possible qualifications for the
application of welding technology.
The following qualifications have been defined:
International/European welding engineer,
International/European welding technologists,
International/European welding specialists,
International/European welding practitioner,
International/European welder.
The individual qualification levels where built up according to the needs of companies
which have to fulfil the quality requirements according to technical standards. Standards
describe and define skill, knowledge and competence of welding personnel in welding
Access conditions, content of education and time allocated for the training and
education in courses for each qualification level have been defined. Training and education
have been strictly separated from the examination process e.g. education and examination and
performed by different bodies – Authorized National Body -
body responsible for the
implementation of EWF education and qualification programme and examination and
Approved Training Body – body responsible for training and education process.
The basic requirement for qualifications in welding was implemented into quality
production standards and companies are obliged to follow this requirement.
European qualification and education system is also supported by the application of
welding standards which define the requirements for getting approval for practical welders.
This qualification is based on certification of personnel and is outside of EWF qualification
scheme. This approach is very often used.
The welding courses for each qualification level organized by ANB on the national
level define content of education and practical training and also timing for separate parts and
individual subjects of the programme. The education of personnel is performed in classrooms
and also in the welding workshops (welding booth). Up till now traditional training and
education of welding personnel has been used. Old fashion facilities and also old
methodologies are used mainly in ATB and welding schools.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
There is strong activity within European welding community to implement
improvements and changes into education process. The purpose of this activity is to attract
mainly young generation to welding and also to improve image of welding from 3D (dirty,
dusty, dangerous) to 3C (clean, clever, cool) alternative.
Large effort is made to implement information technologies such as computers,
videos, interactive blackboards, internet, video conferences and recently developed so called
Virtual Weld Training Systems (VWTS) etc. into welding training and education.
Virtual Weld Training Systems (VWTS)
VWTS is a new tool developed for training and education of welding personnel. It is
based on the application of virtual reality via highly developed numerical simulation,
application of motion sensors in order to provide visualisation of the welding process. Motion,
distance, speed and trajectory are the fundamental parameters which characterize movement
of torch and arc during welding. All four parameters are followed by sensors in order to
identify and by computer simulation visualize welding process. VWTS is considered as a skill
training and education tool which also provides the evaluation of the practical tests and
knowledge. VWTS is computer based equipment which does not need a specific knowledge
related to welding processes and health and safety in welding.
VWTS is completely new tool for training and education. Its application depends on
the purpose what will be the equipment used for. One purpose is the skill training of welders
and the second for demonstration of specific aspects of welding process in education.
VWTS allows apply specific approach for training in general so called one by one.
Using this approach each parameter is trained separately and subsequently in combination in
order to get skill completely in combination of all parameters.
It is also recommended to split both theoretical and practical parts into two parts and
allocate time for demonstration and training on VWTS.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
Recommendations for implementation of VWTS into training and education
There are two aspects of implementation of VWTS into training. First aspect is type of
VWTS and the second is the purpose of the use – training skill and education.
There are several types of VWTS which are different according to constructions,
content and also technical possibilities on the market. VWTS simulate mainly MMA and
MIG/MAG welding processes. TIG welding has been introduced into some of them recently.
There are also technical aspects which have to be taken into account for the implementation of
VWTS – type of sensors and helmet/no helmet solution. Types of sensors used for
identification of the motion of the electrode/torch are usually electromagnetic, optical and
ultrasonic. The study is performed in order to define what condition, especially location in the
workshop, can be individual sensors used for. Solution of helmet/no helmet seems also to be
an important factor. It is due to the fact that sensors are located also in this part of equipment.
Some other aspects have to be considered when decision is made what type of VWTS to use.
The following parameters are also important: general weight which can influence
transferability, type of tool (torch and electrode holder) and also resolution of the screen
should be taken into account. Each user should take decision according to evaluation of
parameters mentioned above.
Recommendations for the implementation of VWTS into training and education
process of welding personnel are based on specifications of the allocated time and sequence
of training on VWTS. This specification depends on what qualification level the VWTS is
used for. The time of allocation of VWTS depends on the time defined by the guidelines.
Numbers of discussions have been concentrated on definition of time for training skill
of welders. No clear conclusion has been made up till now according to the experiences
presented by the users. It has been declared that the time spent on VWTS is individual
according to the participant of the training course. It is assumed that approximately 20 % from
practical part of training for welders should be sufficient for getting reasonable skill to
process/material/weld type/weld position on VWTS first. Real welding in welding booth is
recommended when VWTS test is successfully passed.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
Total number of hours for training of welders is roughly 200 according to the
guidelines and consists of 20 % of theoretical education and 80 % of practical training in
welding booth. It is supposed to reduce the time spend in welding booth and superseded by
training on VWTS.
There is an important aspect of welders´ training. There are two groups of trainees;
one consists of beginners and the second of welders who are obliged to pass training and
examination in order to prolong the approval/certificate. All recommendations can be applied
for the first group e.g. to beginners. The second group generally refuses the training on
VWTS. Anyway such training seems to be not relevant due to experiences already collected
during practice in the company or the workshop.
The training of welders is concentrated more on skill and the following scheme can be
applied for implementation of VWTS into this type of course:
- theoretical part – allocate up to 5 % of time presentation of VWTS which consists of
presentation of technical solution of VWTS and demonstration of operation system,
- practical part – allocate up to 15 to 20 % time for practical training which consists
mainly of practical training.
The use of VWTS has not been originally presented as a tool for demonstrations in
education programme of higher welding personnel e.g. for welding engineers, technologists,
practitioners and specialists. The technical solutions and technical content of VWTS showed
a completely new view on this modern tool. The technical content and presentation of welding
process which are very important for technical decisions in practice provide an excellent
source of visual and written information. It has been recognized that practical training of real
welding, for which almost 15 % of course time was allocated, brought less knowledge mainly
for engineers and technologists. The presentations and demonstration of VWTS have shown
that the use of virtual reality using VWTS is an excellent tool for study of details of welding
processes. Due to this fact EWF association has already implemented recommendation that
practical training of higher welding personnel can be up to 50 % of time allocated to the
practical part of the course.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”
This document summarizes recommendations for the implementation of Virtual weld
training systems into training and education of welding personnel based upon experiences and
study of application of virtual reality in welding.
The following conclusions can be made:
VVWTS is a modern, sophisticated tool suitable for training skill and also for
demonstration of welding processes in education,
VWTS belong to computer based tool and is recommended for implementation into
education and training process in welding,
it is recommended to implement VWTS into training skill of welders and allocate
approximately 20 % of time of the whole course; the time allocation is not strict and
depends on the skill of the course participant,
one by one approach is recommended to apply for skill training of each welding
parameter distance, speed, working angle and trajectory,
VWTS is recommended for demonstration and practical training for the education of
higher welding personnel such as welding engineers and technologists,
time allocation of VWTS for education is approximately 50 % of time for practical
exercise during the whole course.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”