Student Council Membership Application

Duncan Elementary Student Council Application
Name ______________________
Teacher ____________________
Grade _____
Duncan Elementary Student Council is a service based learning program. The
members participate and lead in different service projects throughout the
school year.
The Duncan Elementary Student Council Responsibilities:
1. Attend meeting once a month on a Tuesday from 3:15 – 4:00
2. Passing grades in all subjects
3. Maintain a courteous attitude
4. Be a good role model at school (no office referrals)
5. Participate in school and community service projects
In the space below, please explain why you want to be a classroom
representative in student council.
Duncan Elementary Student Council Permission Slip
I ______________________________ promise that I will maintain good
Behavior at school, work hard to have passing grades and I will attend the
monthly student council meetings. I also understand that if I am called out
of class to perform a duty that I will ask my teacher for the work that I
miss. I understand that I am responsible for making up all work that I miss
while serving as a Duncan Student Council Representative.
Student Signature
To be completed by the parent(s) only.
I _______________________________ give permission for my
child_____________________________ to serve as a Duncan Student
Council Representative if selected. I understand that on monthly meeting
days my child will stay until 4:00 and will walk home or be picked up by a
parent. I also understand that my child must maintain passing grades, have
passing grades and serve as a role model to other students. I understand
that my child may become disqualified as a Duncan Student Council
Representative if he or she fails to meet these standards.
Parent Signature
To be completed by the teacher only.
I agree that _____________________________ has good behavior at
school, has passing grades in all subjects, is reliable, responsible, and is a
good role model for other students. I recommend that this student serve as
a Duncan Student Council Representative.
Teacher Signature