Peters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. GRC Root word and sentence study guide. Chron (time) Chronological Cide (kill) insecticide Cgnose, gnosi (know) prognosis, diagnosis Cord, cor, card (heart) cardiac, courage, cordial Cosm (universe) cosmos Crat (rule, strength) democratic Crea (create) create Cred (believe) creed, credit Crease, crete, crease, cru (rise, grow) crescendo Cur, curs (run) current Cycl, cyclo (wheel, circular) Cyclops Deca (ten) decade Dent (tooth) dental Derm (skin) dermatology Die, dict (say, speak) diction Domin (master) dominate Dorm (sleep) dormitory Dox (opinion, praise) orthodox, paradox 1. Elise, will you accept my apology? What is Elise? Subject, Appositive noun, noun of direct address 2. Always write your name on the paper. What is the subject? Name, you, paper 3. My friend, George, will travel here on Tuesday. How is George used in the sentence? Appositive noun, subject, direct object. 4. It’s very warm in our classroom today. What is it’s? Possessive pronoun, it is, subject 5. I like the book, The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. How is The Outsiders in the sentence? Subject, verb, appositive noun 6. We don’t need any new paint for out project, Dad. How is the word Dad used in the sentence? Noun of direct address, subject, appositive noun Pick two of the sentences above and identify the part of speech for each word. Pick one of the sentences and diagram the sentence. Peters GRC Quiz Root words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Match the correct letter of the definition to the number. (2 pts.) Chron Chronological Cide insecticide Cgnose, gnosi prognosis, diagnosis Cord, cor, card cardiac, courage, cordial Cosm cosmos Crat democratic Cred creed, credit Cresce, crete, crease, cru crescendo Cur, curs current Cycl, cyclo Cyclops Derm dermatology Domin dominate Dorm dormitory Dox orthodox, paradox A. know B. rule, strength C. wheel, circular D. kill E. master AB. run AC. time AD. skin BC. sleep BD. heart CD. Rise, grow CE. Opinion, praise AE. universe BE. believe Grammar Identify the correct answer to the question about the part of speech in the sentence. (2 Pts.) 1. Elise, will you accept my apology? What is Elise? a. Subject b. Appositive noun c. noun of direct address 2. Always write your name on the paper. What is the subject? a. Name b. you c. paper 3. My friend, George, will travel here on Tuesday. How is George used in the sentence? a. Appositive noun b. subject c. direct object. 4. It’s very warm in our classroom today. What is it’s? a. Subject b. contraction---it is c. possessive pronoun 5. I like the book, The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. How is The Outsiders in the sentence? a. Subject b. appositive noun c. noun of direct address 6. We don’t need any new paint for out project, Dad. How is the word Dad used in the sentence? a. Noun of direct address b. appositive noun c. subject Pick two of the sentences above and identify the part of speech for each word. (6 points) Pick one of the sentences and diagram the sentence. (4 points)