GREAT BASIN COLLEGE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in NURSING (RN-BSN) PROGRAM NURS 336 COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2010 NURS 336: ACUTE HEALTH NURSING (PATHOPHYSIOLOGY) 4 CREDITS: 4 Theory (60 Hours) 0 Clinical I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. CATALOG DESCRIPTION The systematic exploration of normal and pathophysiological responses to states of health and illness. Examines internal and external defense systems, balance and regulation of body systems, and integration of these concepts in the assessment and management of patient problems. Prerequisite: NURS 315 Self-Leadership and Professional Role Transition B. Instructors: Theory Heidi Johnston, MSN, RN 753-2000 (O) 397-3808 (C) Note: This class is conducted entirely online so I would prefer that you use the WebCampus mailbox for this course to correspond with me. I will respond to emails within 24 hours, but more likely it will be sooner than this, as I plan on checking the WebCampus course site at least a couple of times each day. C. Office Hours: By Appointment D. Theory Schedule : Online & Self- Directed Learning Course Dates: October 09, 2010 – November 20, 2010 II. REQUIRED TEXTS: REQUIRED TEXTS & RESOURCES 1. Huether, S. and McCance, K. (2008). Understanding Pathophysiology , 4th edition. St Louis: Mosby. ISBN # 978-0-323-04990-0 NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 1 2/8/16 2. Online Access Code from Evolve/Elsevier. Your initial access number should be available in your textbook. If you are using a used textbook, you may purchase the internet access code for $59.95 from the Evolve site. GETTING STARTED ON EVOLVE: Evolve Directions: Type in: Click on : “Student Site” Scroll down on the left side of the page and select “ Enroll in a new course” You will be asked for a Course ID number. The ID number you will need to put in is: 1340_hjohnston19_0001 You then need to click “Yes, this is my course.” You will then need to add your access code from the textbook you purchased or if you are using a used textbook, you will need to purchase an access code for $59.95 the click “update” and follow the directions to enroll in the class and choose a user name and password. After doing that, you will be able to access the class from the Evolve site icon embedded into WEBCAMPUS. III. OPTIONAL VIDEOS: These videos are available on WebCampus via Webstream under Weblinks. You are not required to watch these videos but they may help you to better understand the material. 1.Acute & Chronic Renal Failure wmv&proto=http 2. Heart Failure & Pulmonary Edema ema.wmv&proto=http 3. Coronary Artery Disease & Angina Pectoris ginapectoris.wmv&proto=http 4. Hypertension ttp NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 2 2/8/16 5. Myocardial Infarction proto=http 6. Diabetes Mellitus o=http 7. Arrhythmias tp 8. Asthma, Emphysema & Chronic Bronchitis icbronchitis.wmv&proto=http IV. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected log-on to the Web-Campus and Evolve site to access the course at least two times a week. See page 24 of the Handbook for further information concerning the attendance policy. V. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: HOW THE COURSE WILL BE CONDUCTED: This course uses an online (WebCampus) format from Evolve consisting of 6 learning modules. Each learning module contains a web-based online learning program with imbedded activities, reading assignments, power point presentations, and animations. Additionally there is a pre test (which is just for you to practice) and a test. Students will need to complete each module and take the module test for each module. All six tests are open book and notes may be used. You will only be allowed to take each test once. There is no time limit for the tests and you may save your answers and come back to the test later if necessary. ONCE THE TEST IS SUBMITTED IT WILL BE GRADED. THE MODULE TEST MUST BE COMPLETED IN A 7 DAY PERIOD, UNLESS YOU HAVE INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION TO TAKE THE TEST LATE. All tests will be available on the Evolve site link that is embedded in WebCampus and will be automatically graded and scored when the test is submitted. VI. THEORY EVALUATION AND CRITERIA FOR NURS 336: It is recommended that all Learning Module assignments and tests should be completed within the weekly time frames. In the event of Internet related problems, please contact the instructor via phone (leave a message if you need to) and arrangements will be made that are mutually NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 3 2/8/16 acceptable to rectify the problem. DON’T PANIC!!! Most internet-related problems can usually be solved! Because this class is taught online, there will be some flexibility extended to students in regards to testing and assignment deadlines. ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY: NOVEMBER 20TH, 2010. VII. CLINICAL EVALUATION: None VIII. GRADING POLICY AND CRITIERIA FOR NURS 336 EXPLANATION OF GRADING COMPONENTS AND COMPUTATION: The awarding of points will be as follows. 6 Module tests @ 100 points/test = 600 Possible Points Grading Scale: 565-600 pts = A 540 -564 pts = A522-539 pts = B+ 504-521 pts = B 480-503 pts = B462-479 pts = C+ 450-461 pts = C 420-449 pts = C385-419 pts = D below 385 pts = F Students should try to stay on schedule and take a test each week during the duration of this course. However, because this course is self-paced, students may arrange their tests to fit their schedules. All tests must be completed to successfully pass this course. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION: Course content will be covered by online delivery methods using WebCampus as the online learning platform. The course syllabus and individual learning Modules can be directly accessed via WebCampus as can specific resource materials beyond the assigned course textbook readings. Instructor to student and student to student feedback is possible within the course itself through WEBCAMPUS email (preferred method), announcements, and “chat” and “coffee shop” options as well as through phone and in-person conversation. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 4 2/8/16 Students will be asked to provide evaluative feedback regarding the course, the instructor, and instructional materials. IX. OTHER COURSE RESOURCES: 1. Professional Organizations. Bookmark the following list of organizational Websites and utilize them as additional content resources for this course. American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of Nurse Attorneys American College of Nurse Practitioners American Nurses Association Association of Preoperative Registered Nurses Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses National Association of Orthopedic Nurses National Association of Pediatric Nurses Associates & Practitioners National Association of School Nurses National Institute of Nursing Research National League for Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Society American Association of Colleges of Nursing NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 5 2/8/16 American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Institutes of Health U. S. Department of Health and Human Services U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration-Rural Health Policy Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Nevada Hospital Association 2. Journals: Bookmark the following nursing journal Websites and utilize them as additional content resources for this course. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing NursingCenter Check this site to see a list of standing and current nursing journals. Most articles are available in both html and pdf formats. X. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Great Basin College considers academic honesty one of its highest values. A student who obtains academic credit for work that is not the product of his or her own effort is being dishonest and undermining the academic integrity of the college. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another’s ideas must be accompanied by specific citation and reference. In addition, a learner may not submit the same work for credit in more than one course. The disciplinary consequences of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonest include non-acceptance of work submitted, a failing grade in the course, and/or or other disciplinary action as outlined in Great Basin College’s Student Conduct Policy. XI. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABILITIES: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 6 2/8/16 Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodation GREAT BASIN COLLEGE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in NURSING (RN-BSN) PROGRAM MISSION: The mission of GBC’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program is to provide a superior, innovative post-secondary educational experience that is highly responsive to the undergraduate RN student by preparing them for enhanced practice and leadership opportunities in a variety of health care settings in central and northeastern Nevada. PROGRAM OUTCOMES PROVIDER OF CARE: In this role, the registered nurse uses theory and research-based knowledge in the direct and indirect delivery of care for individuals, family, groups and communities. In this role, the registered nurse possesses and utilizes a well-delineated, broad knowledge base that incorporates strong critical thinking, communication, and assessment skills. In this role, the registered nurse also serves as an advocate and educator in the delivery of care in and across all environments to increasingly diverse populations. Fundamental to the delivery of care is continual outcomes evaluation and implementation of successive improvement measures. DESIGNER/MANGAGER/COORDINATOR OF CARE: In this role, the registered nurse functions autonomously and interdependently in an ever-changing and evolving health care system. In this role, the registered nurse must possess the knowledge and authority to delegate tasks to other health care personnel, as well as supervise and evaluate these personnel. PROFESSIONAL MEMBER: In this role, the registered nurse is committed to life-long learning, remains active in the political and regulatory process that influences health care delivery, and possesses a set of values and framework consistent with the delivery of high quality, cost-effective, ethical care. In this role, the registered nurse leads self and others in the incorporation of professional standards and accountability into practice. The following essential skills and critical behaviors are key constructs that are derived from GBC’s conceptual framework. They provide the theoretical underpinnings for all nursing actions and roles in the baccalaureate degree nursing program. ESSENTIAL SKILLS ES 1-COMMUICATION Communication is a complex, ongoing, interactive process involving oral, nonverbal, written and listening skills. Effective communication skills form the basis for meaningful and professional interpersonal relationships with individuals, family members, and groups of individuals including health care team members, peers, supervisors, faculty, and community leaders. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 7 2/8/16 ES-2-CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking skills involve a reasoned, interactive and reflective process focused on deciding what to believe or do. Critical thinking involves the ability to identify and challenge assumptions, the ability to explore and imagining alternatives, as well as the ability to make judgments based on evidence (i.e., fact) rather than conjecture (i.e., guesswork). ES-3 -EVIDENCE –BASED PRACTICE Evidence based practice is an informed approach to one’s practice that uses problem-solving methods that integrate best research evidence, reflection, client preference and values, and clinical expertise. ES-4- TECHNICAL COMPETENCY Technical competency is the performance and monitoring of nursing interventions based on the ongoing acquisition of knowledge and skills relative to new scientific knowledge and technological advances. These actions involve critical thinking as well as processing and planning clinical interpersonal and/or physical skills that may be selected and performed with the client’s participation. ES-5- ASSESSMENT Assessment skills involve the gathering of information about the health status of the patient, analyzing and synthesizing those data, making judgments about nursing interventions based on the findings, and evaluating patient care outcomes. Assessment also includes understanding the family, community or population and utilizing data from organizations and systems in planning and delivering care. CRITICAL BEHAVIORS CB-1-ACCOUNTBAILITY Accountability is the state of being responsible for one’s individual behaviors and their outcomes when assuming the professional role. Being accountable means being attentive and responsive to the health care needs of the individual, family, or group. It means providing an explanation to self, to the client, to the organization in which one functions and/or works, as well as to the nursing profession. The RN-BSN Program faculty believes that the initial groundwork for accountability is laid during the Associate Degree in Nursing Program and continues throughout the student’s professional career. Ideally, continued educational experiences strengthen the student’s ability to further explore, analyze, and test one’s functioning relative to accountability. CB-2-SELF-LEADERSHIP Self leadership can be described in terms of an individual having a positive self-regard which consists of knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing oneself to be challenged and NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 8 2/8/16 strengthened through goal setting, and understanding the fit between one’s ability to contribute to the organization and the organization’s needs. Self-leadership is also the influence that individuals have over themselves to regulate, manage, direct, and/or control their own behavior. CB-3-PROFESSIONALISM Professionalism is defined in terms of Flexner’s criteria of a profession. As such, nursing is regarded as an intellectual activity in which the activities and techniques can be taught, are practical in nature and based on a body of knowledge. In this context, nursing is characterized by a strong organizational community motivated by altruism. The right to self-determination (i.e., professional autonomy), respect for the inherent worth and uniqueness of individuals and groups, integrity and social justice serve as additional values that guide professional thinking and behavior. CB-4-LIFE- LONG LEARNING Lifelong learning involves the ongoing evaluation and re-evaluation of one’s personal and professional developmental goals and the identification of specific actions needed in order to accomplish these goals. This process is carried out in harmony with one’s current professional practice environment, in collaboration with one’s professional colleagues, and in keeping with one’s professional organizational affiliations. CB-5-COLLABORATION Collaboration is defined as the intentional act of professionals working together toward a common goal. In successful collaboration, mutual respect for each professional’s background and commitment to respond to problems as a whole are essential. Fundamental to the concept of collaboration is the ability to independently communicate and make decisions in support of the individual, family, group or community. CB-6- DELEGATION Delegation is defined by the American Nurses Association as the transfer of the performance of an activity from one individual to another, with the former retaining accountability of the outcome. Delegation within the context of nursing is a complex activity because of the diversity, number, and varying degrees of knowledge and skill levels of care providers. In addition, delegation is dependent on the presence of effective interpersonal relationships among care providers, individuals and health care environments. Delegation involves knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, skills, job description, job-related circumstances and state practice acts. Knowing members of one’s health care team relative to these areas is also essential for effective delegation. CB-7-EVALUATION Evaluation involves the analysis of information received. It is a critical phase in the nursing process. In this phase, the nurse examines an individual’s, family’s, group’s or community’s progress in relation to established goals to determine whether a problem or situation is resolved, NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_2011 9 2/8/16 is in the process of being resolved, or is unresolved. Evaluation may also indicate a need to change the established goals because they are unattainable, inappropriate, based on inadequate information, and/or based on incorrect analysis. NURSING ROLES & RELATED STUDENT OUTCOMES In accordance with the philosophy and conceptual framework of the BSN Program, students who successfully complete the program will: As a Provider of Care: 1. Utilize theory and research-based knowledge in the direct, indirect management of complex health care needs of culturally diverse patients, families, groups and communities in a variety of rural health care delivery settings. Related Student Outcomes: a. Integrate theories, knowledge, strategies, processes and techniques from the biological and behavioral sciences, humanities and arts in their professional nursing practice. b. Apply appropriate knowledge of major health problems and cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions. c. Demonstrate knowledge of the importance and meaning of health and illness for the patient in providing nursing care. d. Apply information and patient care technologies to maximize optimal outcomes for patients. e. Perform direct and indirect therapeutic interventions. f. Delegate and supervise the performance of nursing interventions. g. Develop a comprehensive plan of care in collaboration with the patient. h. Serve as the patient’s advocate. i. Incorporate principles of quality management into the plan of care. j. Integrate care with other members of the interdisciplinary health care team. k. Evaluate and assess the usefulness in integrating traditional and complementary health care practices 2. Apply methods of scientific inquiry in nursing practice as a means of improving health care delivery. Related Student Outcomes: a. Utilize appropriate evaluation methods including evidence based practice to evaluate the effectiveness of care. b. Evaluate and/or participate in research activities that focus on the efficacy and effectiveness of nursing interventions As a Designer/Manager/Coordinator of Care: NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201110 2/8/16 3. Collaborate with consumers, other health care professionals and agencies in the planning, coordination, and delivery of comprehensive, cost-effective health care. Related Student Outcomes: a. Coordinate and manage care to meet the special needs of vulnerable populations, including the frail elderly, in order to maximize independence and quality of life. b. Coordinate the health care of individuals across the lifespan utilizing principles and knowledge of interdisciplinary models of care delivery and case management. c. Utilize knowledge related to healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments in providing and evaluating health care delivery. d. Apply principles of collaboration and effective interpersonal communication among healthcare professions in delivering high quality and safe patient care. 4. Serve as leaders and change agents in the assessment and improvement of health care delivery within the rural setting. Related Student Outcomes: a. Assume a leadership role within one’s scope of practice by applying leadership concepts, skills and decision making. b. Delegate and supervise the nursing care given by others while retaining the accountability for the quality of care given to the patient. c. Organize, manage, and evaluate the development of strategies to promote health and disease prevention at the individual and population level. d. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of complex organizational systems. f. Employ principles of quality improvement, healthcare policy and cost-effectiveness to improve healthcare delivery. As a Member of a Profession: 5. Understand, value and promote the professional role of nursing including accepting responsibility and accountability for individual nursing practice and for continued personal and professional growth. Related Student Outcomes: a. Understand the history and philosophy of the nursing profession. b. Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice. c. Advocate for professional standards of practice and adhere to licensure law and regulations. d. Understand limits to one’s scope of practice and adhere to licensure law and regulations. e. Articulate to the public the values of the profession as they relate to patient welfare. f. Negotiate and advocate for the role of the professional nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201111 2/8/16 g. Develop personal goals for professional development. h. Participate in professional organizations, working to support agendas that enhance both high quality, cost-effective health care, and the advancement of the profession. SUGGESTED COURSE SCHEDULE DATE *These are suggested dates as this class is self paced Week 1 READING ASSIGNMENT Evolve Module 3: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases October 9 – October 15 2010 Week 2: Evolve Module 10: Alterations of Hematologic Function Evolve Module 11: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function Evolve Module 12: Alterations of Pulmonary Function You should complete test by: November 5, 2010 Evolve Module 13: Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function November 6 – November 12 2010 Week 6: You should complete test by: October 29, 2010 October 30 – November 5 2010 Week 5: You should complete test by: October 22, 2010 October 23 – October 29 2010 Week 4: You should complete test by: October 15, 2010 October 16 – October 22 2010 Week 3: TEST DATES (Self- Paced) You should complete test by: November 12, 2010 Evolve Module 15: Alterations of Digestive Function November 13 – November 20 2010 NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201112 You should complete test by: November 20, 2010 2/8/16 LEARNER OUTCOMES AND MEASUREMENTS STATEMENT OF PROGRAM GOALS, LEARNER OUTCOMES AND MEASUREMENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM GOALS & COURSE LEARNER OUTCOMES Course Learner Outcomes: 1. Understand the basic principles and processes of pathophysiology as they relate to: a. cellular communication b. genes and genetic disease c. forms of cell injury d. fluid and electrolytes and acid and base balance. e. Immunity and inflammation f. mechanisms of infection g. stress, coping and illness h. tumor biology 2. Understand the mechanisms by which alterations in structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) disrupt the human body as a whole. 3. Comprehend the clinical manifestations and summaries of treatment for the most common alterations according to body system. 4. Describe the environmental and lifestyle factors that influence disease initiation and progression. 5. Discuss gender differences that affect epidemiology and pathophysiology. 6. Identify common life span alterations associated with common disease/disorders. 7. Identify health promotion and risk reduction activities important for clinical practice. MEASUREMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Completion of all Reading Assignments 2. Completion of all Evolve Learning Lessons/ online activities. 3. Completion of all Learning Unit Tests. 4. Completion of end of course evaluation. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201113 2/8/16 Week 1: Dates: October 9 – October 15, 2010 Theory Readings & Online Study Assignment: Unit 3: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Modules 3 Test Module 3: Available on Evolve LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the mechanisms responsible for the movement of water between the intracellular fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid volume (ECV). 2. Relate age to total body weight. 3. Describe the process of edema. 4. Describe the hormonal and neural mechanisms that regulate water and sodium balance. 5. Correlate the alterations that can occur in sodium and water balance with its pathogenesis. 6. Identify the major electrolytes and their function. 7. Recognize the effects of alterations in the concentration of the major electrolytes in the ICF and ECV. 8. Define the buffer systems and their mechanism of action to regulate pH. 9. Describe the four types of acid-base imbalances with the compensatory mechanisms involved in regulation. Describe the mechanisms of the first line of host defense (physical, mechanical, and biochemical barriers). WEEK 2: Dates: October 16 – October 22, 2010 Theory Readings & Study Guide Assignments: Module 10: Alterations of Hematologic Function Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Module 10 Test Module 10: Available on Evolve NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201114 2/8/16 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the common classification and clinical manifestations of anemia. 2. Compare and contrast the risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of macrocytic-normochromic anemias, microcytichypochromic anemias, and normocytic-normochromic anemias. 3. Discuss the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of myeloproliferative red blood cell disorders. 4. Describe the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of quantitative alterations of leukocytes. 5. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of acute and chronic leukemias. 6. Identify the similarities and differences between the common forms of lymphoma. 7. Describe the common disorders of platelet function and coagulation. 8. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of disseminated intravascular coagulation. 9. Describe the characteristics of thromboembolic and hypercoagulable disorders. WEEK 3: Dates: October 23 – October 29, 2010 Theory Readings & Study Guide Assignments: Module 11: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Module 10 Test Module 10: Available on Evolve LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss the mechanisms of deep venous thrombosis. 2. Define hypertension and describe some of the theories of its pathogenesis. 3. Compare and contrast diseases of blood vessels such as aneurysms, thrombi, emboli, and peripheral artery disease. 4. Describe the process of atherogenesis. 5. Describe the myocardial ischemic syndromes including stable angina and silent ischemia. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201115 2/8/16 6. Describe the acute coronary syndromes including unstable angina and myocardial infarction. 7. Compare and contrast diseases of the pericardium and myocardium. 8. Discuss four major types of valvular dysfunction, including mitral and aortic regurgitation and stenosis. 9. Describe rheumatic heart disease and infective endocarditis. 10. Identify some of the basic dysrhythmias. 11. Describe in detail the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure. 12. Compare and contrast the different types of shock. 13. Describe in detail the pathophysiology of septic shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. WEEK 4: Dates: October 30 –November 5, 2010 Theory Readings & Study Guide Assignments: Module 12: Alterations of Pulmonary Function Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Module 12 Test Module 12: Available on Evolve LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe some of the common signs and symptoms of pulmonary disease. 2. Compare and contrast alterations in pulmonary function that lead to hypercapnia and hypoxemia. 3. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment of selected pleural alterations such as pneumothorax and pleural effusion. 4. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, evaluation, and treatment of selected pulmonary parenchymal diseases, including pulmonary fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory infections, and pulmonary vascular disease. 5. Identify the types of lung cancer and their pathophysiologic and clinical features. WEEK 5: Dates: November 6 – November 12, 2010 Theory Readings & Study Guide Assignments: NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201116 2/8/16 Module 13: Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Module 13 Test Module 13: Available on Evolve LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss the consequences of urinary obstruction. 2. Describe the disorders of obstructive uropathy. 3. Compare several obstructive disorders of the lower urinary tract. 4. Discuss the variety of renal tumors and their manifestations. 5. Compare the types of urinary tract infections and their treatment. 6. Describe glomerular disease, its pathophysiology, and its treatment. 7. Discuss nephrotic syndrome, its pathophysiology, and its treatment. 8. Identify the classification of renal failure. 9. Compare and contrast acute and chronic renal failure. 10. Describe the systemic effects of uremia. WEEK 6: Dates: November 13 – November 20, 2010 Theory Readings & Study Guide Assignments: Module 15: Alterations of Digestive Function Assessment, Measurement & Evaluation of Learner Outcomes: Successful completion of Evolve online learning lessons for Modules 15 Test Module 15: Available on Evolve LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the common clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal dysfunction including anorexia, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bleeding. 2. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of disorders of gastrointestinal motility including dysphagia, gastrointestinal reflux, hiatal hernia, and pyloric and intestinal obstruction. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201117 2/8/16 3. Describe the two types of gastritis (acute and chronic), and discuss how they differ in pathophysiology and clinical manifestations. 4. Compare and contrast the risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of duodenal, gastric, and stress ulcers. 5. Identify the most common malabsorption syndromes. 6. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment of ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. 7. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of diverticular disease and appendicitis. 8. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome. 9. Describe the characteristics of vascular insufficiency. 10. Discuss the theories related to the pathophysiology of obesity. 11. Describe the characteristics of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and starvation. 12. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations and treatment of portal hypertension and ascites. 13. Describe the mechanisms of hepatic encephalopathy and jaundice. 14. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of hepatitis A, B, and C. 15. Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of hepatic and biliary cirrhosis. 16. Describe the major disorders of the gallbladder. NURS336\2010_2011Word Docs\NURS 336 syllabus 2010_201118 2/8/16