An Overview of Regulatory Compliance Reporting

Regulatory Compliance Reporting Overview
Excalibur currently processes the following regulatory compliance production reports:
US Department of Interior
Monthly Report of Operations Form 5
Federal Form MMS-3160 Form 5b
Railroad Commission of Texas
Producer's Monthly Report of Oil Wells
Texas Form P-1 Report.
(new forms effective 9/1/90)
Railroad Commission of Texas
Producer's Monthly Report of Gas Wells
Texas Form P-2
(new forms effective 9/1/90)
Railroad Commission of Texas
Producer's Monthly Report
Texas Form P1-B 2B
(effective only prior to 9/1/90)
State of New Mexico
Operator's Monthly Report
New Mexico Form C-115
State of Wyoming
Operator's Monthly Report of Wells
Wyoming Form 2
State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Operator's Monthly Production Report (OGCC Form 7)
and Monthly Reports of Fluids Injected (OGCC Form 14A)
Montana Form 6 Report of Production
and the Montana Form 5 Report of Subsurface Injections
MMS4054 OGOR Report
Operator's monthly Report of Wells floppy diskette Reporting Requirement's
date 12/29/93.
State of North Dakota
Oil Production Report
Report of Gas Productions
Utah Monthly Oil & Gas Report
Utah Monthly Oil & Gas Destribution
There are some major points that need to be discussed in the generation of the regulatory compliance
reports. First and foremost is the handling of the inventoried volumes. All Excalibur volumes are
reported at the decimal level, yet all regulatory compliance reports are reported at the whole-number
level. A standard method was developed to allow sales and inventory volumes to be reported as
accurately as possible, ensuring that all volumes footed correctly on the report. The method developed
calculates a production volume based on the converted, whole-number volumes of sales, inventories,
and other product dispositions. In other words, production = whole-number ending inventory - wholenumber beginning inventory + whole-number sales + whole-number 'other' dispositions. With this
formula, inventoried production volumes are plugged with any rounding or BS and W / temperaturegravity adjustments.
It is quite likely that a well (or lease) is shut in for a period yet, due to adjustments or due to rounding, a
production figure gets reported. A warning/error report is generated stating that you must explain to
the compliance reporting agency that volumes reported on a shut-in well are due to adjustments or
rounding. Whether a positive production figure gets calculated or a negative production figure gets
calculated, all calculated production volumes are reported under the production column.
A special case exists for Texas reporting. If a well is shut in, yet a positive production figure gets
calculated, the volume is reported under the production column. If a negative production figure gets
calculated, the volume is reported under the 'Other' disposition column. In either case a warning report
is generated stating that an explanation needs to accompany the positive or negative volume
The compliance reports also do Not report Frac Oil test volumes. In order to exclude them, you will need
to define your default Frac Oil product in PRR295 (Production System Setup Data Entry) and use that
product to code all Frac oil production and sales.
Another major point regards the state selection. The "state" selection for a well is Not based on the
state input into the Well Master, but rather it is based on the state input into the well's Primary Lease
Before the system can generate these reports you must set up several new regulatory compliance
master files.
Regulatory compliance reporting authorities normally require that their own codes, name and
descriptions be used on their production reports. These codes will probably differ from the codes you
define for internal purposes.Therefore, you need to maintain regulatory master files which define the
regulatory-compliance codes and which also cross-reference the internal user-defined codes.
These "cross-references" are set up in the following data entry screens:
Regulatory Disposition Codes Master Data Entry (PRR236)
A code file exists in PRR called PRODUCT.DISPOSITION.MASTER. Through data entry screen PRR180
(Product Disposition Master Data Entry) you can set up user-defined codes for all of the possible
dispositions of a product. (For example, U - used, V - vented). By using PRR236 (Regulatory Disposition
Codes Master Data Entry), you can associate your user-defined codes to the regulatory compliance
Regulatory Field Master Data Entry (PRR273)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for fields. You can then
associate a well to the field assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235 (Regulatory
Compliance Well Info Maintenance). This file "does not" cross-reference the regulatory field code to the
user-defined field code set up in Land Lease Records.
Regulatory Facility Master Data Entry (PRR274)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for facilities. You can
then associate a well to the facility assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235
(Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance). This file "does not" cross-reference the regulatory
facility code to the user-defined production facility code.
Regulatory District Master Data Entry (PRR275)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for districts. You can
then associate a well to the district assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235
(Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory Lease Master Function Processor (PRR261)
This option calls on a menu which gives access to screens set up for some of the different states which
use regulatory compliance reporting. Each screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined
codes for leases. You can then associate a well to a lease assigned by the state (or federal government)
by using PRR235 (Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance). Cross-referencing is made available to
the State Lease Master file not Land Lease Records Lease Master file.
Regulatory Area Master Data Entry (PRR277)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for areas. You can then
associate a well to the area assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235 (Regulatory
Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory Unit Master Data Entry (PRR278)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for units. You can then
associate a well to the unit assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235 (Regulatory
Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory Reservoir Master Data Entry (PRR279)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for reservoirs. You can
then associate a well to the reservoir assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235
(Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory Operator Master Data Entry (PRR287)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for operators. You can
then associate a well to the operator assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235
(Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance). All regulatory operator codes refer to a Name and
Address Master item in order to obtain name and address information.
Regulatory Transporter Codes Master Data Entry (PRR281)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for transporter codes.
The transporter code has to exist on the NAME.ADDRESS.MASTER file. You can then associate a well to
the transporter code assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235 (Regulatory
Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory County Master Data Entry (PRR282)
This data entry screen allows you to enter regulatory-compliance defined codes for counties. You can
then associate a well to the county assigned by the state (or federal government) by using PRR235
(Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance).
Regulatory Status Codes Master Data Entry (PRR286)
A code file exists in Land Lease Records called WELL.TYPE.MASTER. Through data entry screen LLR176
(Well Type Master Data Entry), you can set up user-defined codes for all of the possible statuses of a
well. (For example, FL - flowing, S - shut-in). Once these "user-defined" codes are set up, you can then
assign a status to a well by using Well Detail Data Entry (LLR100) and entering the status code at the
TYPE prompt. Use PRR286 (Regulatory Status Codes Data Entry) to match up regulatory compliance
status codes with your user-defined status codes. See the documentation on PRR286 for further details
in setting up the regulatory status codes.
Regulatory Class Codes Master Data Entry (PRR186)
A code file exists in Land Lease Records called WELL.CLASS.MASTER. Through data entry screen LLR175
(Well Class Master Data Entry), you can set up user-defined codes for all of the possible classes of a well.
(For example, O - oil well). Once these "user-defined" codes are set up, you can then assign a class to a
well by using Well Detail Data Entry (LLR100) and entering the class code at the CLASS prompt. Use
PRR186 (Regulatory Class Codes Master Data Entry) to match up regulatory compliance class codes with
your user-defined class codes. Since the federal government requires such a detailed description of the
class of a well, we recommend that you set up unique class codes for (at least) the various well
classifications specified in the documentation for LLR175. These unique class codes will then need to be
matched up to unique regulatory class codes detailed further in the documentation for PRR186.
Regulatory Injection Master Data Entry (PRR222)
This data entry screen was originally set up for gathering information for the Wyoming Operator's
Monthly Report of Wells (Form 2). For all injection wells, the state of Wyoming requires the Injection
Substance (like water), the Source of Injection Substance, which is a reservoir, the Formation substance
Injected Into, which is also a reservoir, and the Type of Project. Use this data entry screen to enter such
injection information.
Regulatory Compliance Well Info Maintenance (PRR235)
This screen allows you to assign regulatory-compliance defined codes to a given well. The outcome of
most of what you enter here determines the selection and printing process for the regulatory
compliance reports.
You are ready to process any of the above-mentioned compliance reports after you properly update the
master code files. All compliance reports should be run only after executing the period end close
process. Regulatory compliance reports can be run as often as you wish.