SMRPolicyProcedures... - Sisters of Mary Reparatrix

Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice, Ireland
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Contact Details………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Introduction and Overview…………………………………………………………………………………….5
The Seven Standards for Safeguarding Children…………………………………………………….6
Definition of Abuse…………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Section 1:
Our Commitment
A written Policy………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Code of Good Behaviour…………………………………………………………………………….9
Section 2:
The Role of the Designated Person
The Role of the Designated Person………………………………………………………………………..10
Section 3:
Guidance on how to receive and respond to an allegation
Receiving Allegations and Disclosures of Abuse………………………………………..13
Responding and Record Keeping……………………………………………………………….13
Reporting procedure…………………………………………………………………………………15
Action to take after a disclosure is made…………………………………………………..15
Listening to a person who admits abusing a child……………………………………..15
Section 4:
Safe recruiting practices
Safe recruiting practices………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Section 5:
Training and Educating
Training and Education……………………………………………………………………………….18
Communicating the Church’s Safeguarding Message
Access to Advice and Support
Implementing and Monitoring the Standards
Section 6:
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy Poster……………………..19
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Child Protection Recording Form
Sample Application Form – Adult Volunteer
Sample Questions During Interview
Declaration Form
Character and Personal Reference – Letter and Form
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Contact details
Local representative: Superior/Contact person in each community
Designated Person:Sr Eileen Carroll.
Tel:01 890 3380 / 086 109 5863
An Garda Siochana:Dublin – Domestic Violence & Sexual Unit - Tel: 01 666 3435
Contact your local Garda Station, See list on the Garda website:
TUSLA: Child and Family Agency, Parkgate Business Centre, Parkgate St. Dublin 8
Tel: 01 635 2928 Email:
Health Service Executive (HSE):Contactyour Local Community Care Area
Tel: 1850 24 1850
National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland:
Tel: 01 505 3124
Director: Teresa Devlin
Childline: Childline provides a 24 hour listening service for all children up to the age of 18.
Tel: 1850 666 666
One in Four: Offers a voice to and support for women and men who have experienced
sexual abuse and/or sexual violence and also to their family and friends.
Tel: 01 662 4070
Samaritans Helpline: Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional
support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Tel: 1850 609 090
Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC):
29 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2. The ISPCC’s vision is to see an Ireland where all children
are heard and valued. Tel: 01 676 7960
Barnados: Bernardos children’s charity, they work with vulnerable children and their
families and campaign for the rights of all children. Tel: 1850 222 300
Towards Healing: Counselling and Support Service for survivors of clerical and religious
abuse. Tel: 1800 303 416
Catholic Youth Care: Arran Quay, Dublin 7 Provider of services to youth in the Dublin
area. CYC promotes personal, physical, social and spiritual development.
Tel: 01 872 5035 Web:
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
This Policy and Procedures document has been devised to guide all the Sisters of Marie
Reparatrice in Ireland on the safeguarding of children with whom they may interact.
The Sisters do not have any direct ministry with children or provide any services to children
and families, except for one member who is chaplain in a children’s hospital, she abides by
the hospitalChild Protection Guidelines.
The Policy and Procedures outlined in this document are based on the principles and
guidance set out in: Safeguarding Children: Standards and Guidance Document for The
Catholic Church in Ireland (2009).
The Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland, are committed to the Gospel values that every
child shall be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to dignity of life
and bodily integrity, which shall be respected, nurtured and protected by all.
This procedure sets out the action that must be taken where there has been a disclosure,
allegation or suspicion of child abuse, whether current or historical.
Section 1 sets out our commitment – a Written Policy and Code of Good Behaviour
Section 2 details the role of the Designated Person
Section 3guidance on how to receive an allegation or suspicion
Section 4 an overview on safe recruitment procedures and policies
Section 5 training and education
Section 6 policy poster
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
This Policy and Procedures are based on the principles and guidance set out in the
national document - Safeguarding Children: Standards and Guidance Document for the
Catholic Church in Ireland (2009).There are 7 Standards:
1. A written policy on keeping children safe:
Each child shall be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to
dignity of life and bodily integrity shall be respected, nurtured and protected by all.
The Policy has been written to ensure that the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland,
their employees and volunteers, take every possible measure to prevent abuse.
2. Procedure – how to respond to allegations and suspicions:
Children have a right to be listened to and heard: Church organisations must respond
effectively and ensure any allegations and suspicions of abuse are reported both
within the Church and to civil authorities.
3. Preventing harm to children:
Children should have access to good role models they can trust, who will respect and
nurture their spiritual, physical and emotional development. They also have a right to
an environment free from abuse and neglect.
4. Training and education for keeping children safe:
All church personnel should be offered training in child protection to maintain high
standards and good practice.
5. Communicating the church’s safeguarding message:
Children are welcomed, cherished and protected in a manner consistent with their
central place in the life of the Church.
6. Access to advice and support:
Those who have suffered child abuse should receive a compassionate and just
response and should be offered appropriate pastoral care to rebuild their lives.
Those who have harmed others should be helped to face up to the reality of abuse, as
well as being assisted in healing.
7. Implementing and monitoring the Standards:
To keep children safe, policies, procedures and plans have to be implemented across
all Church organisations. Checks are needed to ensure this is happening consistently.
The views of those involved inside and outside of Church organisations can help to
improve the effectiveness of any measures taken.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Definition of Abuse
In both jurisdictions in Ireland, a child or young person is defined as anyone under 18
years of age‘excluding a person who is or has been married’, 1and child abuse and neglect
are forms of maltreatment. Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts. The abuse
of children generally involves one or more of the following:
Neglect–Neglectcan be defined in terms of an omission, where the child suffers significant
harm or impairment of development by being deprived of food, clothing, warmth,
hygiene, intellectual stimulation, supervision and safety, attachment to and affection
from adults or medical care.
Neglect generally becomes apparent in different ways over a period of time rather than at
one specific point.2
Emotional abuse - Emotional abuse is normally to be found in the relationship between a
parent/carer and a child rather than in a specific event or pattern of events.
It occurs when a child’s developmental need for affection, approval, consistency and
security are not met. Unless other forms of abuse are present it is rarely manifested in
terms of physical signs or symptoms.3
Physical abuse–Physical abuse of a child is that which results in actual or potential
physical harm from an interaction, or lack of interaction, which is reasonably within the
control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust.
There may be single or repeated incidents.4
Sexual abuse –Sexual abuse occurs when a child or young person is used by another
person for his or her gratification or sexual arousal or for that of others.5
Children First National Guidance 2011
Children First 2011
Children First 2011
Children First 2011
Children First 2011
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 1
Our Commitment
1a) A Written Policy
We, the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland, are committed to the Gospel values that
every child shall be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to
dignity of life and bodily integrity, which shall be respected, nurtured and protected by
These guiding principles inform this policy. The policy has been written to ensure that
the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland take every possible measure to prevent abuse,
understanding abuse to mean physical, emotional, sexual or neglect of children.
We endeavour to do this by:
 Circulating our Policy and Procedures to each community.
 Familiarising the members and all those who work with us with our Policy and
Procedures and contact details of the Designated Person.
 Providing a safe environment for ministries to children and young people that
fosters and respects their dignity and human rights.
 Ensuring that each Sister of Marie Reparatrice, employees and volunteers work to
the Code of Behaviour for children.
 Ensuring that none of its members, employees or volunteers engages in behaviour
that could allow abuse to occur or actions that could be misinterpreted by
children, their families or other adults as constituting, or leading to abuse.
 Following the procedures on responding to allegations, suspicions and concerns as
outlined in Safeguarding Children: Standards and Guidance Document for the
Catholic Church in Ireland (2009).
 Reviewing the policy every three years or adapting it whenever there are
significant changes in our organisation or legislation.
All members of the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice, employees and volunteers in Ireland,
must comply with this policy.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
1b) Code of Good Behaviour
It is important for all Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland, their employees, volunteers
and others in contact with children to:
Treat all children with respect
Provide an example of good conduct you wish others to follow
Be visible to others when working with children
Challenge and report behaviour that is abusive or potentially abusive
Respect each child’s boundaries
Have another adult present when working with children
Never act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse
Never do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves
Respect each child’s boundaries
Help children to develop an awareness and understanding of their own rights and
a respect for the rights of others
Never act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade a child
Never show different treatment, or favour particular children to the exclusion of
In general it is inappropriate to spend time alone with children away from others
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 2 The Role of the Designated Person
The Designated Person is the person appointed by the Regional Superior of the Sisters
of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland to receive allegations of child abuse. Having a thorough
knowledge of the policy and correct procedure the Designated Person shall:
Receive information about an allegation or suspicion of child abuse and ensure that
the Regional Superior is aware of it.
Ensure that the procedure about how to manage suspicions, allegations and
disclosures of abuse involving members of the congregation in Ireland, their
employees and volunteers has been followed, and to ensure a referral has been made
to the statutory authority where appropriate.
Create a Safeguarding Children case file for every referral as indicated in the recording
form. Entries should be made as soon as possible after an allegation has been made
or a suspicion has arisen. Each entry must be timed, dated and signed by the
Designated Person.
Take possession of any written records made by any person in connection with the
case and place them on the Child Protection Case File.
Explain the procedures for addressing the allegation/disclosure to the person who has
raised the concern and that the data protection declaration is signed (by the child;
parent or guardian where appropriate). This consent relates to this child protection
concerns process only – consent is not required for the making of a referral to the
Health and Social Services / An Garda Siochana / PSNI.
To contact emergency or appropriate services where a child appears to be at
immediate and serious risk or harm. An immediate referral should be made to the
Health and Social Services. Where appropriate, if Health and Social Services staff are
not available, An Garda Siochana/PSNI should be contacted to ensure that under no
circumstances a child is left in a dangerous situation pending Health and Social
Services intervention.Consideration should, in all cases, also be given to whether an
immediate referral is necessary in order to preserve, and safeguard against the
possibility of any loss, deterioration or destruction of potential evidence or forensic
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Make enquiries to identify the present and previous appointments of the respondent
in order to establish whether there are any previous concerns about his/her practice,
or any current grounds for concern in relation to the safety and well-being of children.
In conjunction with the Regional Superior, agree the process to conduct an initial
interview with the respondent as soon as possible, unless the statutory authorities
have requested that such a meeting be deferred. This meeting takes place after
contacting the relevant authorities. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the
respondent of the existence of a concern regarding child abuse and of the process
being followed.
a) The respondent should be given information about his or her entitlement to seek
legal advice (both civil and, where appropriate, canonical) and about the child
protection process.
b) The respondent should be informed that he or she is not obliged, in law, to
respond or to furnish evidence, but that any statement provided will be taken into
account in the investigation.
c) As agreed above between the Designated Person and the Regional Superior, the
respondent should be informed of the nature and detail of the allegation or
suspicion and the name of the person raising it.
d) The respondent shall be offered the services of an Adviser.
e) A written record of the meeting must be prepared, agreed with the respondent,
signed and dated.
Implement the referral policy as outlined in Section 3 –How to respond to suspicions,
allegations and disclosures of abuse.
In cases where the Designated Person has a concern about a child but is not sure
whether to make a referral, she should seek appropriate advice. She may consult the
National Office for Safeguarding Children, the Health and Social Services and/or An
Garda Siochana on the appropriate steps to be taken. The Designated Person must
keep a written record of the outcome of the consultation with the Health and Social
Service/ An Garda Siochana on the Safeguarding Children Case File.
Decision not to refer a matter must always be in consultation with the National Office
for Safeguarding Children.
Follow the advice given by the Health and Social Services/An Garda Siochana where a
Safeguarding Children concern has been referred to them. Allow the Health and
Social Services/An Garda Siochana to conduct their enquiries unimpeded. Do not visit
the family or contact family members without prior discussion with investigators.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Maintain a dialogue with the Investigating Officer or Social Worker to monitor the
progress of the case and act on any advice given. Details of contacts made should be
recorded chronologically on the Safeguarding Children Case File.
Ask for an update from the Health and Social Services/An Garda Siochana about the
outcome of their investigations; this request should be made in writing.
Conduct an internal investigation at the conclusion of any external investigation or
where no such investigation takes place. Any internal investigation will be initiated in
cases where Safeguarding Children concerns remain or where disciplinary action
needs to be considered.
o Such an investigation will gather and assess available information from all
sources and witnesses. Every effort should be made, in consultation with the
Health and Social Services/An Garda Siochana, to avoid the necessity to
interview child witnesses for the purposes of disciplinary inquiries.
o This investigation (which takes place after the statutory enquiries have been
completed) should be conducted expeditiously, taking no longer than three
months, wherever possible. In cases where there is a delay, and particularly
where a religious has been temporarily removed from active ministry or a lay
person suspended from duties, it is important to keep everyone informed of
the progress of the investigation and to maintain records of such
communications. There can be no excuse for a respondent to be left
uninformed and ‘in limbo’ indefinitely.
Where an investigation concerns a religious, the requirements of Canon Law will be
observed and will be carried out by the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice or someone
delegated by the congregation.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 3 Guidance on how to respond to a person making an allegation:
3a) Receiving Allegations and Disclosures of Abuse
It is often very difficult for people to talk about abuse so it is important to make sure that
you are patient, listen carefully and actively, and create a safe environment in which they
feel able to speak openly. This approach can help reassure the person who has come
forward to make an allegation about abuse. It will also help ensure that those people
whose responsibility it is to investigate the incident(s) do so as thoroughly as possible.
People may tell you about:
 abuse that is happening now
 abuse that happened in the past
 an allegation of abuse that has been made to them by a third party
 having seen signs of abuse, such as physical injuries on a child
 having witnessed something that has caused them to feel concerned that a child is
being or has been abused
Where information is given in person:
 Stay calm, take seriously what the person is saying, and reassure them.
 Listen carefully to what the person is saying, allow the person to continue at his or
her own pace.
 Check with the person to make sure that you have understood what they actually
said. Do not suggest words, but use theirs.
 Remember it is not your role to investigate, so do not ask intrusive or leading
 Make no promises that cannot be kept, particularly in relation to secrecy, but
listen carefully to what is being sought.
 Do not make any comments about the incident(s) being reported, and do not
make any statement about believing or not believing what the person has said.
 Be aware that a person’s ability to recount his or her concern or allegation will
depend on age, culture, nationality and upon any disability which may affect use
of language and range of vocabulary.
3b) Responding and Record Keeping
Adopt a listening attitude which is compassionate, calm, and reassuring.
If you find the information given to you shocks, disgusts or distresses you, do not
allow these feelings to show. If you do, you may inadvertently dissuade the
person from giving any further information.
Explain to the person raising the concern what will happen next, including the
procedures for referral to the civil authorities. Give the person the contact details
of the Designated Person in case he or she wishes to make direct contact with the
Designated Person.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Whenever possible and practical, take notes during the conversation. Always ask
permission to do this and explain the importance of recording all information.
 Where it is not appropriate to make notes at the time, make a written record as
soon as possible afterwards and in any case before the end of the day.
 Use the Child Protection Recording Form6template to do this. The following data
will be required:
o The time, date and location of where and when the allegation or
disclosure was made to you.
o The time(s), date(s) and location(s) of alleged incidences
o Record how the allegation/suspicion was made, e.g in person, in
writing or by telephone.
The record would also normally include:
a. accurate identifying information as far as possible. This should include the name,
address, telephone number and date of birth of the person who raised the
concern or made an allegation.
b. if a child raised a concern or made an allegation, the names, addresses and
telephone numbers of their parent(s) or guardian(s) should be obtained and
c. the name of the individual against whom an allegation has been made or a
concern raised, as well as any other identifying information.
d. the statement of the person who has made an allegation or voiced a concern,
recording as far as possible everything they have said regarding the alleged or
suspected abuse.
e. no assumptions or comments should be made about the intended meaning of
words used.
f. any views expressed by the child’s parent’s parent(s) or guardian(s) about the
g. do not be selective. Include details which to you may seem irrelevant. It may
prove invaluable at a later stage in an investigation.
h. details of any action already taken about this allegation.
The record should be signed and dated by the author. This initial record will form
the first entry in a file of information about the case which will be forwarded to
the Designated Person.
All original records, including rough notes, must be passed immediately to the
Designated Person
Child Protection Recording Form
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
3c) Reporting Procedure
All disclosures, allegations and suspicions of child abuse should be brought to the
attention of the Designated Person.
The Designated Person will work in conjunction with the Regional Superior, the
local HSE and An Garda Siochana.
Every assistance will be given to supply all the relevant information.
3d) Action to take after a disclosure or allegation is made:
If an allegation is made about any of our members, employees or volunteers,
she/he will be withdrawn from the ministry/work or any interaction with children.
If a member of any of our communities, employees or volunteers is deemed to be
a potential risk to children, they will no longer be assigned to any ministry or work
with children.
Monitoring procedures will be put in place while offering counselling and/or
3e) Listening to a person who admits abusing a child:
It is necessary to tell a person who admits an offence against a child or young person that
such information cannot be kept confidential. If such an admission is made to you, even
where the admission relates to something which happened a long time ago, you must refer
the matter to the Designated Person as soon as possible, she will follow the procedures for
referral to the HSE/An Garda Siochana.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 4 Safe recruiting practices
The following checklist will apply for an employee or volunteer working with children:
What contact with children will the job involve?
Will the employee have unsupervised contact with children or hold a position of
What other forms of contact will the person have with children e.g. email,
telephone, letter, internet?
Defining the role:
 What tasks and skills and qualifications are necessary for the job?
 Does the job description make reference to working with and having responsibility
for children
Written application:
 All applicants must supply in writing personal details, past and current
work/volunteering experience.7
 Appoint two representatives from the region to explore information contained in
the applications.
 Previous to the interview, the two representatives from the region will highlight
points to raise during the interview e.g.
 The applicant’s attitudes towards working with children8
 Areas to explore in more detail
 Gaps in employment history
 Unsubstantiated qualifications
 Frequent changes of employment
Applicants must be asked to sign a declaration stating that there is no reason why
they would be considered unsuitable to work with children?9
Applicants must be asked to declare any past criminal convictions and cases
pending against them.
Application Form
Example of questions during interview
Declaration Form
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
 Applicants must be asked for photographic documentation to confirm their
identity e.g. passport.
 Documentation relating to the applicant’s identity and qualifications must be
checked at interview.
 Applicants are asked to supply the names of two referees who are not family
 References must be supplied in writing and followed up with a telephone call.
 The identity of referees must be identified.
Vetting procedure:
 Applicants must be informed that essential background checks need to be
conducted before they take up appointments.
 Garda clearance is required.
 Applicants must be informed that information such as application form and
declaration forms are held on file.
 References received for the person appointed are held on file
 Information about the applicant is only seen by the two representatives who
interviewed the person/s and by the regional superior.
 All information received about applicants will be treated in confidence and not
used against them unfairly.
Letter & Form for referees
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 5 Training and Education
5a) Training and Education
The Designated Person and the Regional Superior have participated at workshops
and training offered by CORI and NBSCCC
If and when new staff is employed they will be introduced to the safeguarding
policies and procedures and be offered appropriate training.
5b) Communicating the Church’s safeguarding message
The Child Protection Policy is openly displayed in each community and available to
Everyone in the region knows who the Designated Person is and how to contact
When working with children, employees and volunteers will make them aware of
their right to feel safe from abuse of any kind.
5c) Access to advice and support:
When advice and support is needed, contact will be made with the NBSCCC who
will advise on the most appropriate action to take.
5d) Implementing and monitoring the Standards:
In monitoring our policy, time has been given to developing other procedures
contained in the Standards which support the policy.
This takes place through formal and informal ways.
The policy is reviewed every three years or adapted and kept up-to-date whenever
significant changes taken place in our organisation or legislation.
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy for Safeguarding Children
Section 6 Sisters of Marie Reparatrice Policy Poster
Child Safeguarding Policy Statement
We, the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland, are committed to the Gospel values that
every child shall be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to
dignity of life and bodily integrity, which shall be respected, nurtured and protected by all.
These guiding principles inform this policy. The policy has been written to ensure that the
Sisters of Marie Reparatrice in Ireland take every possible measure to prevent abuse,
understanding abuse to mean physical, emotional, sexual or neglect of children.
We endeavour to do this by:
 Circulating our Policy and Procedures to each community.
 Familiarising the members and all those who work with us with our Policy and
Procedures and contact details of the Designated Person.
 Providing a safe environment for ministries to children and young people that
fosters and respects their dignity and human rights.
 Ensuring that each Sister of Marie Reparatrice, employees and volunteers work to
the Code of Behaviour for children.
 Ensuring that none of its members, employees or volunteers engages in behaviour
that could allow abuse to occur or actions that could be misinterpreted by
children, their families or other adults as constituting, or leading to abuse.
 Following the procedures on responding to allegations, suspicions and concerns as
outlined in Safeguarding Children: Standards and Guidance Document for the
Catholic Church in Ireland (2009).
 Reviewing the policy every three years or adapting it whenever there are
significant changes in our organisation or legislation.
All members of the Sisters of Marie Reparatrice, employees and volunteers in Ireland,
must comply with this policy.
Contact details:
Designated Person:………………………………………….. Sr Eileen Carroll, Tel: 086 1095863
HSE West…………………………………………………………………………………… Tel: (061)48 27 92
An Garda Siochana……………………………………Henry Street, Limerick: Tel: (061) 21 24 00
Regional Superior
Effective From: 13.05.2009
Review carried out: 13.08.2014