1 1 Supplementary Table S1. Intestinal concentration of short-chain fatty acids in marine and 2 freshwater fishes compared to gut transit time. Diet categories are H herbivore, O omnivore, 3 D detritivore, C carnivore. Species Diet SCFA Gut transit (mM) time (h) 18 13 References F. Cichlidae 1. Oreochromis mossambicus O Hofer & Schiemer (1981); Titus & Ahearn (1988) 2. Oreochromis niloticus O 20 12 Moriarty & Moriarty (1973); Leenhouwers et al. (2007) F. Clupeidae 3. Dorosoma cepedianum D 4 4.4 H 4.83 8 Smith et al. (1996) F. Cyprinidae 4. Campostoma anomalum German (2009a); German et al. (2010) 5. C. oligolepis H 9.39 8 “ 6. C. pauciradii H 4.93 8 “ 7. Ctenopharyngodon idella H 7 8 Hickling (1966); Paris et al. (1977) 8. Cyprinus carpio O 14 4.5 Hofer & Schiemer (1981); Smith et al. (1996) 9. Nocomis micropogon C 7.59 8 German (2009a); German et al. 2 (2010) F. Girellidae 10. Girella tricuspidata O 1.70 12.6 Clements & Choat (1997); Raubenheimer et al. (2005) F. Kyphosidae 11. Hermosilla azurea H 21.64 36 Fidopiastis et al. 2006 12. Kyphosus sydneyanus H 38 21 Rimmer & Wiebe (1987) 13. Odax pullus H 36.95 20 Clements et al. (1994); Baker (2011) 14. Chlorurus microrhinos D 7.47 6 Smith & Paulson (1974); Choat & F. Labridae Clements (1998) F. Loricariidae 15. Hypostomus pyrineusi D 3.20 4 German (2009b), German & Bittong (2009) 16. Panaque nocturnus D 1.94 4 “ 17. P. cf. nigrolineatus D 2.85 4 “ 18. Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus D 3.50 4 “ H 29.0 18.9 F. Stichaeidae 19. Cebidichthys violaceus Fris & Horn (1993); German unpublished 4 3 5 Supplementary References 6 7 8 Baker EJC (2011) The nutritional ecology of Odax pullus (Odacidae). Unpublished MSc(Hons) thesis, University of Auckland, 103pp. 9 Choat JH, Clements KD (1998) Vertebrate herbivores in marine and terrestrial environments: 10 a nutritional ecology perspective. 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