Supplementary: 1 Details of Gene design and assembly 2 Two new restriction sites for endonucleases were introduced in the gene sequence. To substitute lysine 45 with 3 cysteine, AAA codon (coding sequence of lysine) was substituted with TGC codon (coding sequence of 4 cysteine) in the fifth gene constructed oligonucleotides. By adjusting the melting temperature (Tm) of each 5 overlapping region to about 60 °C, the gene assembly and synthesis of mutant SmtA gene were accomplished by 6 simplified gene synthesis (SGS) approach (wu et al., 2006). The procedure for PCR was as follows: 1µl of the 7 oligo mixture (final concentration of 100 µl) was used as a template with the oligonucleotides Sm1 and Sm6 as 8 primers. The PCR conditions were: initial denaturation step of DNA at 94 °C for 1 min, followed by 30 cycles 9 of denaturation at 94 °C for 30s, primer annealing at 52 °C for 30 s and primer elongation at 72 °C for 1 min. 10 The cycling was followed by a final extension step at 72 °C for 4 min. 11 Simulation details: 12 MD simulations were carried out with periodic boundary conditions. Van der Waals forces were treated with a 13 cut-off of 12 Å. The Particle-Mesh Ewald method was used with a 14 Å cut-off (Darden, York & Pedersen, 14 1993).The protein was solvated by a layer of water molecules with a thickness of 1.3 nm in all directions. Then 15 the size of simulation box was 7.15×7.15×5.05 nm. The frequency to update the neighbor list was 10. The 16 protonation state of Gromacs package was used to calculate the total charge of SmtA. The ionic strength of the 17 simulation box was set at about 140 mM. This ionic strength was chosen because it is close to biological ionic 18 strength (Brenner et al., 1982., Arnold,James,& Minou, 1979).This makes ion absorption in a simulated 19 biological system possible. MD simulation was accomplished in four steps. In the first step, the entire system 20 was minimized using the steepest descent followed by conjugate gradient algorithms. In the second step or 21 equilibration step, heavy atoms were restrained using a force constant of 1000 kJ/Mol nm and the solvent and 22 Na+ and Cl- ions were allowed to evolve. This was done through minimization and molecular dynamics in the 23 NVT ensemble for 500 ps and in the NPT ensemble for 1000 ps. Then in order to obtain equilibrium geometry 24 at 300 K and 1 atm, the temperature of the system was increased and the velocities at each step were reassigned 25 according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at that temperature and equilibrated for 200 ps. Temperature 26 coupling was set to 0.1 ps and pressure coupling to 0.5 ps. The Berendsen algorithm was used for thermostat 27 and barostat during the equilibration step (Berendsen,Postma,Van Gunsteren, Dinola, & Haak, 1984).All bonds 28 1 were constrained via the LINCS algorithm (Hess, Bekker, Berendsen, & Fraaije, 1997). In the final step or 29 production phase, a 50 ns MD simulation was performed under an NPT ensemble. In order to retain temperature 30 and pressure stable in production step, Nosé-Hoover thermostat and Parrinello-Rahman barostat were used 31 respectively by removing position restraints (Berendsen, Postma, Van Gunsteren, Dinola, & Haak, 1984).In 32 addition, the LINCS algorithm was used to constrain the lengths of hydrogen-containing bonds in this step 33 (Berendsen, Postma, Van Gunsteren, Dinola, & Haak,1984).The accessible surface area (ASA) and backbone 34 RMSF of protein during MD simulations of phase I were computed by using g_sas and g_rmsf modules of the 35 Gromacs package. 36 37 38 39 40 100000 0 Energy (kJ/mol) 0 10 20 30 40 50 -100000 Potential -200000 Kinetic En. -300000 -400000 -500000 Time (ns) 41 Fig. S1. The kinetic and potential energies of native SmtA during 50 ns MD simulations in phase I. 42 43 44 45 2 46 backbone rmsf Standard deviation of ASA 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 47 Fig. S2. RMS fluctuation of protein backbone and standard deviation of accessible surface area (ASA) of SmtA 48 verses residue number in phase I during 50 ns MD simulation. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 3 56 57 Fig. S3. The number of contacts below 0.6 nmbetweenCd 2+ ions and SmtA(A) and M-SmtA (B) during 50 ns 58 MD simulation in phase II and III. 59 60 PCA Analysis 61 Essential dynamics 62 Essential dynamics is a method which utilizes principal component analysis (PCA) on the actual coordinates of 63 the system and thus gives the essential motion of the protein or some atoms in phase space. Essential dynamics 64 are an efficient tool for monitoring protein dynamics in phase space because the observed motion is 65 unconstrained and represents the atomic fluctuations of the protein. The essential dynamics method divides the 66 conformational space of the protein into two subspecies, an essential subspace and a nonessential subspace. The 67 covariance matrix of carbon alpha atoms is diagnosed to obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues that provide 68 information about correlated motions throughout the protein. 69 4 The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix represent the principal components (PCs). 70 In fact, the eigenvectors represent the direction of motion, and the eigenvalues represent the amount of motion 71 along the eigenvectors. In addition, the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue is considered as the first 72 principal component; the eigenvector with the second highest eigenvalue as the second principal component and 73 so on. It has been shown that the majority of protein motion scans be accounted for in the first some principal 74 components. Thus, the dynamics of a protein or some atoms can be analyzed by projecting its atomic motion 75 during a MD simulation onto its first two or three principal components (Sangeeta& Debjani, 2008).The 76 calculations of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues were carried out using the essential dynamics analysis 77 (Amadei, Linssen& Berendsen, 1993) with the aid of the Gromacs software package. We considered the carbon 78 alpha atoms in phase I, and cadmium ions in phases II and III for generating the covariance matrix. 79 The first few eigenvectors typically describe collective motions of the system, and contain the largest mean- 80 square fluctuations. In this work, eigenvectors of Cα in phase I and those of cadmium ions in phases II and III 81 were calculated for the global movement study of Cα and cadmium ions. The first four eigenvalues in phases I- 82 III have been shown in Table 3. The other eigenvalues were trivial. Projections onto eigenvectors are overall 83 coordinates that give information on how the system moves in the directions described by the eigenvectors 84 (Maisuradz, Liwo, & Scheraga, 2009).Projection of Cα motions ofSmtAin phase I and also cadmium ions in 85 phases II and III during the first three principal components (PCs) for 50 ns are shown as supplemental data in 86 Figs.S4, S5and S6, respectively. 87 The cosine content was introduced as a measure of the closeness of the PC to a cosine shape, which appeared to 88 be a good indicator for predicting, whether a trajectory has sampled a free-energy landscape sufficiently for 89 convergence. The value of the cosine content varies between 0 (no cosine shape) and 1 (perfect cosine shape). 90 When the cosine content of the first few PCs is close to 1 (an indication of bad sampling), the largest-scale 91 motions have a random diffusion in the protein dynamics. A cosine content of 0.2 for small peptides which 92 increases up to 0.5 for proteins shows good sampling (in production) and converging (in simulation) (Van Alten 93 et al., 1997). The cosine content of carbon alpha in phase I for eigenvector 1-3 is up to 0.075, suggesting 94 sampling had been good and simulation converged in phase I. Cosine contents of cadmium ions in phases II and 95 III and for the first three eigenvectors are respectively up to 0.027 and 0.006. These results indicate that the 96 samplings were good and cadmium ions did not have random diffusions in phases II and III. Thus, SmtA and 97 M-SmtAbiased Brownian motions of cadmium ions. 98 5 99 projection on eigenvector1 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 -1.5 Time (ns) -2 100 projection on eigenvector2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 -0.5 -1 Time (ns) projection on eigenvector3 -1.5 1 101 0.5 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 -1.5 Time (ns) 102 103 Fig. S4. Projection of Cα motions of SmtA during 50 ns MD simulation onto its first 3 principal components in 104 phase I. 105 6 7 projection on eigenvector1 5 3 1 -1 0 -3 10 20 30 40 50 -5 -7 Time (ns) 106 projection on eigenvector2 7 5 3 1 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 -3 -5 -7 Time (ns) 107 projection on eigenvector3 7 5 3 1 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 -3 -5 -7 Time (ns) 108 109 Fig. S5. Projection of cadmium ions during 50 ns MD simulation onto its first 3 principal components in phase 110 II. 111 7 projection on eigenvector1 7 5 3 1 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 -3 -5 Time (ns) -7 112 projection on eigenvector2 7 5 3 1 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 -3 -5 Time (ns) -7 113 projection on eigenvector3 7 5 3 1 -1 0 10 20 30 40 50 -3 -5 -7 Time (ns) 114 Fig. S6. Projection of cadmium ions during 50 ns MD simulation onto its first three principal components in 115 phase IV. 116 117 118 119 8 References 120 Amadei, A., Linssen, A.B., &Berendsen, H.J.C. (1993) Essential dynamics of proteins. 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