NGOs in Comparative Context: Nonprofit NGO approaches in

NGOs in Comparative Context:
Nonprofit NGO approaches in diverse socio-economic contexts
Monday evenings, 5:00-8:00,
Sophia University, Fall 2012
Sarajean Rossitto
This course focuses on how nonprofit NGOs have developed in diverse contexts and the different roles and functions they serve. The
course is divided into 3 sections. The introduction reviews theories and approaches to understanding nonprofit NGOs as well as the
socio-economic pressures that influence the roles they take on in given environments and targets specific countries to assess civil
society development of the sectors have developed. An overview of the diverse functions such organizations serve is followed by how
they may serve as agents of social change in certain environments. The course comes together with students’ presentations
connecting areas of student interest to the approaches and theories presented. Participants come out of the course with a more
critical understanding of the study of nonprofit NGOs, environmental factors relevant to civil society development and the different
roles organizations take on given societal constraints and opportunities.
Each class will include discussion based on assignments, presentation by course lecturer, and group work activities. Besides academic
articles, the course uses case studies, country-specific reports and NGO website review. For each session, course participants will be
asked to complete at least 1 reading from an assignment list provided by the instructor. Most readings will be accessible online.
Class participants are expected to take part in discussion, class work, and a group project.
readings and other course work, even if absent.
Everyone is expected to complete
Course Evaluation will be based on:
30% In-class work
15% Active class participation in discussions and activities.
15% Completion of regular reading assignments
15% Weekly writing assignments and quizzes (each week there will be either a quiz or a short essay)
10% 2 short presentations (each week 2-3 persons will do 5-min presentations on the key themes)
15% Timely completion of midterm presentation and paper
30% Timely completion of final paper and presentation
Course outline
Section 1 Introduction to social context and nonprofit NGO approaches
Class 1 – Introduction
Introduction to the class Overview of class objectives & expectations, assignments, clarify key terms and nonprofit NGO basics
Review of information sources and challenges - Looking for NGO data and resources.
Review of examples of what NGOs do and how they do it
Sample quiz – What do you know about Nonprofit NGOs?
Class 2:Theories for understanding nonprofit NGOs sector development and
Introduction to social theories on the development of the third sector
Approaches, Roles and Functions of civil society actors in different contexts
Overview of social factors leading to the development of the nonprofit sector and the functions of nonprofit NGOs.
Class 3 Nonprofit NGOs in different contexts #1 :
Focus on the nonprofit sector in developed nations contexts the Amer-Anglo third sector development in UK, US, and Canada
in comparison with Italy France, and Japan
Legacy of legacy of the British Empire on systems, scale and data.
The role of institutions such as religion and legal systems.
The role of political and socio-economic pressures.
What’s in common? What are the differences? Which are anomalies?
Class 4 Nonprofit NGOs in different contexts #2:
Focus on the nonprofit sector in countries such as Brazil, China, India, The Philippines, South Korea, Kenya, South Africa,
Egypt, Uganda, and Sierra Leone
How important are religion, political stability and colonialism? How important are culture, institutions and economic development?
Similarities and differences?
How do they affect the roles NGOs fulfill in a given context?
Section 2 - Functions of NGOs in different contexts: basic roles & functions
Review of the basic roles nonprofits have taken on and how they differ by context.
How did these roles for nonprofits arise?
Are nonprofit NGOs taking over or competing with the government in these fields?
Unit 5 Service provision & ODA
What services do nonprofits provide? Why do they do this? How do nonprofit NGOs support citizens and residents on a regular basis?
How integral are NGOs to ODA and aid provision? Collaboration between the government and NGOs: Benefits and challenges?
Project cycle management and an introduction to objectives-oriented project methodologies developed for/by aid agencies
Assignment themes: food security, disasters and medical support
Class 6 Public education/IEC (Information, Education and Communications)
Developing public awareness about issues: How do organizations educate the public and distribute information about issues?
Passive education programs to active behaviour modification projects.
Assignment themes: Hunger & poverty, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive health, Sanitation and hygiene,
Class 7 Training and self help programs: moving people to change how they think and act
What types of trainings are done and where? Why training matters? Where does empowerment fit in such programs?
Dealing with sensitive issues in different contexts.
Assignment themes: Post-conflict, Gender equity, Education,
Class 8 - Group presentations introducing the context and theme for their project + next steps in project development.
Section 3 - NGOs as social change agents: How nonprofit NGOs influence and affect change
Where and how do nonprofit NGOs serve as change agents?
What factors enable/hinder NGOs to fulfill these roles?
Social Relations on Reactions to social change
Class 9 Influencing policy and institutional structures
What is advocacy? What are some of the different approaches to advocacy? What has brought about the evolution of advocacy as a
key role for NGOs?
Assignment themes: Home abuse, EEOL, environmental regulations
Class 10 Social mobilization and socially vulnerable persons: organizing people without power
What are some of the origins of community organizing? Grassroots organizing people without voices
Community leaders and examples in different contexts (Gandhi, King etc)
Assignment themes: Standard of living, human rights and discrimination:
Class 11: Emergencies: Conflict resolution and peace building
Role of NGOs in conflict resolution and peace building: what NGOs are doing/can do in environments that lack stability. When and
how are nonprofits and NGOs involved? Challenges facing local and outside organizations.
Assignment themes: Local and regional conflict and resolution, the role of NGOs in peace building
Class 12: Disasters: Prevention to mitigation
Introduction to disasters and the disaster management cycle. What’s the role of citizens’ organizations in the disaster management
cycle? How can nonprofits and NGOs be more effectively involved?
Challenges facing local and outside organizations.
Assignment themes: Haiti and Chile, New Orleans and Tohoku
Class 13 Global movements and transnational action
The importance of networks & linking communities.
South-South collaboration and North –South collaboration
Assignment themes: Trafficking in persons, human rights
Class 14: Economic justice: institutions matter, financial interests matter
Why are organizations focusing on economic systems? What strategies are used in different countries? Methods in developing and
developed countries.
Assignment themes: Microfinance, ethical consumerism, fair trade and social business
Class 15: Group presentations
Overview of the Group project presentations
- A more complete outline will be distributed in class
Pairs/trios select one issue in one country (i.e. gender based violence in Japan, water in Israel etc)
Review of the context in which nonprofit NGOs work: using the outline of social pressure discussed in part one (political,
economic, historical, cultural religious etc.)
Research 3-5 different approaches to the problem (i.e. IEC, service provision, advocacy, etc.)
Investigate 3 to 4 nonprofit NGOs addressing the issue in that country using different approaches.
Analyze the constraints and opportunities organizations face given the context in which they work. Discuss complementary
roles and differences/similarities
Analyze the different approaches and impacts in the chosen context
Learning points
 Presentations and essays for class 8 will focus on points 1-3,
 Final Presentations and papers for class 15 will review the all points above
 Each person will submit their own paper but each pair or trio will do a joint presentation