Presentation1_report - Department of Computer Science

Parallel System Interconnections and Communications
Western Michigan University
CS 6260 (Parallel Computations II)
Corse Professor: Elise de Doncker
Presentation (1) Report
Student’s Name: Abdullah Algarni
February 26, 2009
Presentation’s abstract and goal:
In this presentation, I will describe a comprehensive environment of parallel
interconnection networks and communications. The need to interconnect the processing elements
in computers solving many tasks in such a way that ensures optimal network performance is
paramount. Of all architectures, massively parallel systems containing hundreds or more
processors can be interconnected in a network of processors in a static ways (multicomputers) or
dynamic ways (multiprocessors). I will describe many of possible topologies to build and assess
the performance of multicomputers and multiprocessors such as Buses, Crossbars, Multistage
Networks, Multistage Omega Network, Completely Connected Network, Star Connected
Networks, and Linear Arrays. Also, I will give detailed descriptions of all important networks,
hypercubes, and meshes and address all communication models and routing strategies. Finally, I
will give evaluating to the static interconnection networks, and to the dynamic interconnection
In Addition, I will talk about “Grid Computing” which is a special case of parallel system.
Grid computing (or the use of a computational grid) is the application of several computers to a
single problem at the same time as a form of network-distributed parallel processing.
Topics covered in the presentation:
 Parallel Architectures
-Shared memory systems
-Distributed memory machines
-Hybrid systems
 Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms
-Ideal Parallel Computer
 Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers
-Static and Dynamic Interconnection Networks
-Network interfaces
 Network Topologies
-Multistage Networks
-Multistage Omega Network
-Completely Connected Network
-Linear Arrays
-Tree-Based Networks
-Fat Trees
-Evaluating Interconnection Networks
 Grid Computing
-Grid Concept and motivation
-What it needs?
-How it works?
-Some existent grid projects “Today”
1. Classification of Parallel Architectures
1.1 Introduction:
The traditional logical view of a sequential computer consists of a memory connected to a processor via
a datapath. All three components – processor, memory, and datapath – present bottlenecks to the
overall processing rate of a computer system. A number of architectural innovations over the years have
addressed these bottlenecks. One of the most important innovations is multiplicity – in processing units,
datapaths, and memory units. This multiplicity is either entirely hidden from the programmer, as in the
case of implicit parallelism, or exposed to the programmer in different forms. In this section, I present
an overview of important architectural concepts as they relate to parallel processing.
1.2 Types of Parallel Architectures
We have three types of classification of parallel architectures:
 SISD: Single instruction single data
– Classical von Neumann architecture
 SIMD: Single instruction multiple data
 MIMD: Multiple instructions multiple data
– Most common and general parallel machine
1.3 Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) :
SIMD lets one microinstruction operate at the same time on multiple data items. This is
especially productive for applications in which visual images or audio files are processed. What
usually requires a repeated succession of instructions (a loop) can now be performed in one
It is Also known as Array-processors. The concept of this architecture is as follow:
A single instruction stream is broadcasted to multiple processors, each having its own data
This type of architecture is still used in graphics cards today.
Second: Multiple Instructions Multiple Data (MIMD):
MIMD (Multiple Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) is a technique employed to achieve
parallelism. Machines using MIMD have a number of processors that function asynchronously
and independently. At any time, different processors may be executing different instructions on
different pieces of data. MIMD architectures may be used in a number of application areas such
as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, simulation, modeling, and as
communication switches. MIMD machines can be of either shared memory or distributed
memory categories. These classifications are based on how MIMD processors access memory.
Shared memory machines may be of the bus-based, extended, or hierarchical type. Distributed
memory machines may have hypercube or mesh interconnection schemes. So, in this approach,
each processor has its own instruction stream and input data.
We can have further breakdown of MIMD usually based on the memory organization
– Shared memory systems
– Distributed memory systems
Shared memory systems:
The processors are all connected to a "globally available" memory, via either a software or
hardware means. The operating system usually maintains its memory coherence.
From a programmer's point-of-view, this memory model is better understood than the distributed
memory model. Another advantage is that memory coherence is managed by the operating
system and not the written program. Two known disadvantages are: scalability beyond thirty-two
processors is difficult, and the shared memory model is less flexible than the distributed memory
There are two versions of shared memory systems available today:
1) Symmetric multi-processors (SMPs):
All processors share the same physical main memory.
The Disadvantage of this approach is that the Memory bandwidth per processor is limited
In this approach the typical size is : 2-32 processors.
2) Non-uniform memory access (NUMA):
More than one memory but some memory is closer to a certain processor than other memory
(The whole memory is still addressable from all processors)
The Advantage: It Reduces the memory limitation compared to SMPs
The Disadvantage: More difficult to program efficiently
In this approach, To reduce effects of non-uniform memory access, caches are often used
• Largest example of this type is : SGI Origin with10240 processors
Distributed memory machines
In distributed memory MIMD machines, each processor has its own individual memory location.
Each processor has no direct knowledge about other processor's memory. For data to be shared,
it must be passed from one processor to another as a message. Since there is no shared memory,
contention is not as great a problem with these machines. It is not economically feasible to
connect a large number of processors directly to each other. A way to avoid this multitude of
direct connections is to connect each processor to just a few others. This type of design can be
inefficient because of the added time required to pass a message from one processor to another
along the message path. The amount of time required for processors to perform simple message
routing can be substantial. Systems were designed to reduce this time loss and hypercube and
mesh are among two of the popular interconnection schemes.
Some protocols are used in this approach:
– Sockets
– Message passing
– Remote procedure call / remote method invocation
The performance of a distributed memory machine strongly depends on the quality of the
network interconnect and the topology of the network interconnect
There are two classes of distributed memory machines:
1) Massively parallel processing systems (MPPs)
2) Clusters
2. Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms
In this section, I discuss the physical architecture of parallel machines. We start with an ideal
architecture, outline practical difficulties associated with realizing this model, and discuss some
conventional architectures.
2.1) Ideal Parallel Computer
A natural extension of the serial model of computation (the Random Access Machine, or RAM)
consists of p processors and a global memory of unbounded size that is uniformly accessible to
all processors. All processors access the same address space. Processors share a common clock
but may execute different instructions in each cycle. This ideal model is also referred to as a
parallel random access machine (PRAM). Since PRAMs allow concurrent access to various
memory locations, depending on how simultaneous memory accesses are handled, PRAMs can
be divided into four subclasses.
1. Exclusive-read, exclusive-write (EREW) PRAM. In this class, access to a memory
location is exclusive. No concurrent read or write operations are allowed. This is the
weakest PRAM model, affording minimum concurrency in memory access.
2. Concurrent-read, exclusive-write (CREW) PRAM. In this class, multiple read accesses to
a memory location are allowed. However, multiple write accesses to a memory location
are serialized.
3. Exclusive-read, concurrent-write (ERCW) PRAM. Multiple write accesses are allowed to
a memory location, but multiple read accesses are serialized.
4. Concurrent-read, concurrent-write (CRCW) PRAM. This class allows multiple read and
write accesses to a common memory location. This is the most powerful PRAM model.
Allowing concurrent read access does not create any semantic discrepancies in the program.
However, concurrent write access to a memory location requires arbitration. Several protocols
are used to resolve concurrent writes. The most frequently used protocols are as follows:
Common, in which the concurrent write is allowed if all the values that the processors are
attempting to write are identical.
Arbitrary, in which an arbitrary processor is allowed to proceed with the write operation
and the rest fail.
Priority, in which all processors are organized into a predefined prioritized list, and the
processor with the highest priority succeeds and the rest fail.
Sum, in which the sum of all the quantities is written (the sum-based write conflict
resolution model can be extended to any associative operator defined on the quantities
being written).
2.2) Architectural Complexity of the Ideal Model
Consider the implementation of an EREW PRAM as a shared-memory computer with p
processors and a global memory of m words. The processors are connected to the memory
through a set of switches. These switches determine the memory word being accessed by each
processor. In an EREW PRAM, each of the p processors in the ensemble can access any of the
memory words, provided that a word is not accessed by more than one processor simultaneously.
To ensure such connectivity, the total number of switches must be (mp). (See the Appendix for
an explanation of the  notation.) For a reasonable memory size, constructing a switching
network of this complexity is very expensive. Thus, PRAM models of computation are
impossible to realize in practice.
Is it realizable for big programs?
Brain simulation: Imagine how long it takes to complete Brain Simulation?
The human brain contains 100,000,000,000 neurons each neuron receives input from
1000 others. To compute a change of brain “state”, one requires 1014 calculations. If each
could be done in 1s, it would take ~3 years to complete one calculation.
Clearly, O(mp) for big values of p and m, a true PRAM is not realizable!
3. Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computers
3.1) Introduction:
Interconnection networks provide mechanisms for data transfer between processing nodes or between
processors and memory modules. A blackbox view of an interconnection network consists of n inputs
and m outputs. The outputs may or may not be distinct from the inputs. Typical interconnection
networks are built using links and switches. A link corresponds to physical media such as a set of wires or
fibers capable of carrying information. A variety of factors influence link characteristics. For links based
on conducting media, the capacitive coupling between wires limits the speed of signal propagation. This
capacitive coupling and attenuation of signal strength are functions of the length of the link.
There are two important metrics when we talk about networks:
• minimal time to send a message from one processor to another
• Unit: ms, μs
– Bandwidth:
• amount of data which can be transferred from one processor to another in a certain time frame
• Units: Bytes/sec, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, Bits/sec, Kb/s, Mb/s, Gb/s
Also its important to know some other terms such as:
3.2) Static and Dynamic Interconnection Networks
Interconnection networks can be classified as static or dynamic. Static networks consist of pointto-point communication links among processing nodes and are also referred to as direct
networks. Dynamic networks, on the other hand, are built using switches and communication
links. Communication links are connected to one another dynamically by the switches to
establish paths among processing nodes and memory banks. Dynamic networks are also referred
to as indirect networks. Figure (a) bellow illustrates a simple static network of four processing
elements or nodes. Each processing node is connected via a network interface to two other nodes
in a mesh configuration. Figure (b) bellow illustrates a dynamic network of four nodes connected
via a network of switches to other nodes.
(a) a static network; and (b) a dynamic network.
3.3 Switches:
Single switch in an interconnection network consists of a set of input ports and a set of output ports.
Switches provide a range of functionality. The minimal functionality provided by a switch is a mapping
from the input to the output ports. The total number of ports on a switch is also called the degree of the
switch. Switches may also provide support for internal buffering (when the requested output port is
busy), routing (to alleviate congestion on the network), and multicast (same output on multiple ports).
The mapping from input to output ports can be provided using a variety of mechanisms based on
physical crossbars, multi-ported memories, multiplexor-demultiplexors, and multiplexed buses. The cost
of a switch is influenced by the cost of the mapping hardware, the peripheral hardware and packaging
costs. The mapping hardware typically grows as the square of the degree of the switch, the peripheral
hardware linearly as the degree, and the packaging costs linearly as the number of pins.
3.4 Network Interfaces:
The connectivity between the nodes and the network is provided by a network interface. The network
interface has input and output ports that pipe data into and out of the network. It typically has the
responsibility of packetizing data, computing routing information, buffering incoming and outgoing data
for matching speeds of network and processing elements, and error checking. The position of the
interface between the processing element and the network is also important. While conventional
network interfaces hang off the I/O buses, interfaces in tightly coupled parallel machines hang off the
memory bus. Since I/O buses are typically slower than memory buses, the latter can support higher
4. Network Topologies
A wide variety of network topologies have been used in interconnection networks. These
topologies try to trade off cost and scalability with performance. While pure topologies have
attractive mathematical properties, in practice interconnection networks tend to be combinations
or modifications of the pure topologies discussed in this section.
4.1 Buses
bus-based network is perhaps the simplest network consisting of a shared medium that is
common to all the nodes. A bus has the desirable property that the cost of the network scales
linearly as the number of nodes, p. This cost is typically associated with bus interfaces.
Furthermore, the distance between any two nodes in the network is constant (O(1)). Buses are
also ideal for broadcasting information among nodes. Since the transmission medium is shared,
there is little overhead associated with broadcast compared to point-to-point message transfer.
However, the bounded bandwidth of a bus places limitations on the overall performance of the
network as the number of nodes increases. Typical bus based machines are limited to dozens of
nodes. Sun Enterprise servers and Intel Pentium based shared-bus multiprocessors are examples
of such architectures.
The demands on bus bandwidth can be reduced by making use of the property that in typical
programs, a majority of the data accessed is local to the node. For such programs, it is possible to
provide a cache for each node. Private data is cached at the node and only remote data is
accessed through the bus.
There are two types of buses network:
1) Without cache memory
The bounded bandwidth of a bus places limitations on the overall performance of the network as
the number of nodes increases!
The execution time is lower bounded by: TxKP seconds
P: processors
K: data items
T: time for each data access
2) Second type, with cache memory
If we assume that 50% of the memory accesses (0.5K) are made to local data, in this case:
The execution time is lower bounded by:0.5x TxKP seconds
That’s means that we made 50% improvement compared to the first type.
4.2 Crossbars:
A simple way to connect p processors to b memory banks is to use a crossbar network. A
crossbar network employs a grid of switches or switching nodes as shown in the figure bellow.
The crossbar network is a non-blocking network in the sense that the connection of a processing
node to a memory bank does not block the connection of any other processing nodes to other
memory banks.
Some specifications of this type of network:
 The cost of a crossbar of p processors grows as O(p2).
 This is generally difficult to scale for large values of p.
 Examples of machines that employ crossbars include the Sun Ultra HPC 10000 and the
Fujitsu VPP500.
4.3 Multistage Networks:
The crossbar interconnection network is scalable in terms of performance but unscalable in terms
of cost. Conversely, the shared bus network is scalable in terms of cost but unscalable in terms of
performance. An intermediate class of networks called multistage interconnection networks lies
between these two extremes. It is more scalable than the bus in terms of performance and more
scalable than the crossbar in terms of cost.
The general schematic of a multistage network consisting of p processing nodes and b memory
banks is shown in the figure bellow. A commonly used multistage connection network is the
omega network. This network consists of log p stages, where p is the number of inputs
(processing nodes) and also the number of outputs (memory banks). Each stage of the omega
network consists of an interconnection pattern that connects p inputs and p outputs.
Multistage Omega Network:
An omega network has p/2 x log p switching nodes, and the cost of such a network grows as (p
log p). Note that this cost is less than the (p2) cost of a complete crossbar network. The
following figure shows an omega network for eight processors (denoted by the binary numbers
on the left) and eight memory banks (denoted by the binary numbers on the right). Routing data
in an omega network is accomplished using a simple scheme. Let s be the binary representation
of a processor that needs to write some data into memory bank t. The data traverses the link to
the first switching node. If the most significant bits of s and t are the same, then the data is routed
in pass-through mode by the switch. If these bits are different, then the data is routed through in
crossover mode. This scheme is repeated at the next switching stage using the next most
significant bit. Traversing log p stages uses all log p bits in the binary representations of s and t.
The perfect shuffle patterns are connected using 2×2 switches. The switches operate in two
modes – crossover or passthrough.
A complete Omega network with the perfect shuffle interconnects and switches can now be
Multistage Omega Network – Routing:
 Let s be the binary representation of the source and d be that of the destination.
 The data traverses the link to the first switching node. If the most significant bits of s and
d are the same, then the data is routed in pass-through mode by the switch else, it
switches to crossover.
 This process is repeated for each of the log p switching stages using the next significant
Routing from s= 010 , to d=111
Routing from s= 110 , to d=101
4.4 Completely Connected Network
In a completely-connected network, each node has a direct communication link to every other node in
the network. The following figure illustrates a completely-connected network of eight nodes. This
network is ideal in the sense that a node can send a message to another node in a single step, since a
communication link exists between them. Completely-connected networks are the static counterparts of
crossbar switching networks, since in both networks, the communication between any input/output pair
does not block communication between any other pair.
 While the performance scales very well, the hardware complexity is not realizable for
large values of p.
4.5 Star Connected Networks
In a star-connected network, one processor acts as the central processor. Every other processor has a
communication link connecting it to this processor. The following figure shows a star-connected
network of nine processors. The star-connected network is similar to bus-based networks.
Communication between any pair of processors is routed through the central processor, just as the
shared bus forms the medium for all communication in a bus-based network. The central processor is
the bottleneck in the star topology.
4.6 Linear Arrays
In a linear array, each node has two neighbors, one to its left and one to its right. If the nodes at
either end are connected, we refer to it as a 1-D torus or a ring.
a) with no wraparound links; (b) with wraparound link.
Due to the large number of links in completely connected networks, sparser networks are
typically used to build parallel computers. A family of such networks spans the space of linear
arrays and hypercubes. A linear array is a static network in which each node (except the two
nodes at the ends) has two neighbors, one each to its left and right. A simple extension of the
linear array (a) is the ring or a 1-D torus (b). The ring has a wraparound connection between the
extremities of the linear array. In this case, each node has two neighbors.
4.7 Meshes
A two-dimensional mesh illustrated in the following figure (a) is an extension of the linear array to twodimensions. Each dimension has square P nodes with a node identified by a two-tuple (i, j). Every node
(except those on the periphery) is connected to four other nodes whose indices differ in any dimension
by one. A 2-D mesh has the property that it can be laid out in 2-D space, making it attractive from a
wiring standpoint. Furthermore, a variety of regularly structured computations map very naturally to a
2-D mesh. For this reason, 2-D meshes were often used as interconnects in parallel machines. Two
dimensional meshes can be augmented with wraparound links to form two dimensional tori illustrated
in the following figure (b). The three-dimensional cube is a generalization of the 2-D mesh to three
dimensions, as illustrated in the following figure (c). Each node element in a 3-D cube, with the
exception of those on the periphery, is connected to six other nodes, two along each of the three
dimensions. A variety of physical simulations commonly executed on parallel computers (for example, 3D weather modeling, structural modeling, etc.) can be mapped naturally to 3-D network topologies. For
this reason, 3-D cubes are used commonly in interconnection networks for parallel computers (for
example, in the Cray T3E).
4.8 Hypercubes
The hypercube topology has two nodes along each dimension and log p dimensions. The construction of
a hypercube is illustrated in the following figure. A zero-dimensional hypercube consists of 20, i.e., one
node. A one-dimensional hypercube is constructed from two zero-dimensional hypercubes by
connecting them. A two-dimensional hypercube of four nodes is constructed from two one-dimensional
hypercubes by connecting corresponding nodes. In general a d-dimensional hypercube is constructed by
connecting corresponding nodes of two (d - 1) dimensional hypercubes. The following figure illustrates
this for up to 16 nodes in a 4-D hypercube.
Properties of Hypercubes:
- The distance between any two nodes is at most log p.
- Each node has log p neighbors.
4.9 Tree-Based Networks
A tree network is one in which there is only one path between any pair of nodes. Both linear
arrays and star-connected networks are special cases of tree networks. The following figure
shows networks based on complete binary trees. Static tree networks have a processing element
at each node of the tree see the following figure. Tree networks also have a dynamic counterpart.
In a dynamic tree network, nodes at intermediate levels are switching nodes and the leaf nodes
are processing elements.
Complete binary tree networks: (a) a static tree network; and (b) a dynamic tree network.
To route a message in a tree, the source node sends the message up the tree until it reaches the node at
the root of the smallest subtree containing both the source and destination nodes. Then the message is
routed down the tree towards the destination node.
Fat Trees:
Tree networks suffer from a communication bottleneck at higher levels of the tree. For example, when
many nodes in the left subtree of a node communicate with nodes in the right subtree, the root node
must handle all the messages. This problem can be alleviated in dynamic tree networks by increasing the
number of communication links and switching nodes closer to the root. This network, also called a fat
tree, is illustrated in the following figure.
5. Evaluating Static Interconnection Networks
We now discuss various criteria used to characterize the cost and performance of static
interconnection networks. We use these criteria to evaluate static networks introduced in the
previous subsection.
 Diameter: The distance between the farthest two nodes in the network.
 Bisection Width: The minimum number of wires you must cut to divide the network into
two equal parts.
 Cost: The number of links or switches
 Degree: Number of links that connect to a processor
A number of evaluation metrics for dynamic networks follow from the corresponding metrics for
static networks. Since a message traversing a switch must pay an overhead, it is logical to think
of each switch as a node in the network, in addition to the processing nodes. The diameter of the
network can now be defined as the maximum distance between any two nodes in the network.
This is indicative of the maximum delay that a message will encounter in being communicated
between the selected pair of nodes. In reality, we would like the metric to be the maximum
distance between any two processing nodes; however, for all networks of interest, this is
equivalent to the maximum distance between any (processing or switching) pair of nodes.
The connectivity of a dynamic network can be defined in terms of node or edge connectivity.
The node connectivity is the minimum number of nodes that must fail (be removed from the
network) to fragment the network into two parts. As before, we should consider only switching
nodes (as opposed to all nodes). However, considering all nodes gives a good approximation to
the multiplicity of paths in a dynamic network. The arc connectivity of the network can be
similarly defined as the minimum number of edges that must fail (be removed from the network)
to fragment the network into two unreachable parts.
6. Grid Computing
Can we make Sharing between different organizations?
“Yes we can”
.. By using Grid computing we can make Computational Resources sharing Across the
What is the relationship between parallel computing and grid computing?
Grid computing is a special case of parallel computing
6.1 Introduction:
Grid computing (or the use of a computational grid) is the application of several computers to a single
problem at the same time – usually to a scientific or technical problem that requires a great number of
computer processing cycles or access to large amounts of data
Grid computing depends on software to divide and apportion pieces of a program among several
computers, sometimes up to many thousands. Grid computing can also be thought of as
distributed and large-scale cluster computing, as well as a form of network-distributed parallel
processing [citation needed]. It can be small confined to a network of computer workstations
within a corporation, for example or it can be a large, public collaboration across many
companies or networks.
It is a form of distributed computing whereby a "super and virtual computer" is composed of a
cluster of networked, loosely coupled computers, acting in concert to perform very large tasks.
This technology has been applied to computationally intensive scientific, mathematical, and
academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for
such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and backoffice data processing in support of e-commerce and Web services.
6.3 Goals of Grid Computing
Reduce computing costs
Increase computing resources
Reduce job turnaround time
Reduce Complexity to Users
Increase Productivity
6.4 What does the Grid do for you?
 You submit your work
 And the Grid
◦ Finds convenient places for it to be run
◦ Organises efficient access to your data
 Caching, migration, replication
◦ Deals with authentication to the different sites that you will be using
◦ Interfaces to local site resource allocation mechanisms, policies
Runs your jobs, Monitors progress, Recovers from problems, Tells you when your
work is complete
6.5Grids versus conventional supercomputers:
"Distributed" or "grid" computing in general is a special type of parallel computing that relies on
complete computers (with onboard CPU, storage, power supply, network interface, etc.)
connected to a network (private, public or the Internet) by a conventional network interface, such
as Ethernet. This is in contrast to the traditional notion of a supercomputer, which has many
processors connected by a local high-speed computer bus.
The primary advantage of distributed computing is that each node can be purchased as
commodity hardware, which when combined can produce similar computing resources to a
multiprocessor supercomputer, but at lower cost. This is due to the economies of scale of
producing commodity hardware, compared to the lower efficiency of designing and constructing
a small number of custom supercomputers. The primary performance disadvantage is that the
various processors and local storage areas do not have high-speed connections. This arrangement
is thus well suited to applications in which multiple parallel computations can take place
independently, without the need to communicate intermediate results between processors.
The high-end scalability of geographically dispersed grids is generally favorable, due to the low
need for connectivity between nodes relative to the capacity of the public Internet.
There are also some differences in programming and deployment. It can be costly and difficult to
write programs so that they can be run in the environment of a supercomputer, which may have a
custom operating system, or require the program to address concurrency issues. If a problem can
be adequately parallelized, a "thin" layer of "grid" infrastructure can allow conventional,
standalone programs to run on multiple machines (but each given a different part of the same
problem). This makes it possible to write and debug on a single conventional machine, and
eliminates complications due to multiple instances of the same program running in the same
shared memory and storage space at the same time
6.6 Examples of Grids
TeraGrid (
◦ USA distributed terascale facility at 4 sites for open scientific research
Information Power Grid (
NASAs high performance computing grid
Department of Information Technology (India Gov.).
It connect 45 institutes in 17 cities in the country at
10/100 Mbps bandwidth.
Data grid
A data grid is a grid computing system that deals with data — the controlled
sharing and management of large amounts of distributed data. These are often, but
not always, combined with computational grid computing systems.
Current large-scale data grid projects include the Biomedical Informatics
Research Network (BIRN), the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC),
and the Real-time Observatories, Applications, and Data management Network
(ROADNet), all of which make use of the SDSC Storage Resource Broker as the
underlying data grid technology. These applications require widely distributed
access to data by many people in many places. The data grid creates virtual
collaborative environments that support distributed but coordinated scientific and
engineering research.
[1] Introduction to Parallel Computing. By Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and
Vipin Kumar.
[2] Parallel System Interconnections and Communications. By D. Grammatikakies, D. Frank
Hsu, and Miro Kraetzl
[3] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[4] Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus (
[5] Network and Parallel Computing: Ifip International Conference Npc 2008 Shanghai China
Octob. By Jian (EDT)/ Li Cao
[6] Network and Parallel Computing . By Jian (EDT) Cao & Minglu (EDT) Li & Min-you
(EDT) Wu & Jinjun (EDT) Chen