Psychology 300B: Understanding Psychology Research II Spring 2015, Section 04-(32548) Instructor: Dee Bailey Office DDH B121 Email: Phone: 396-7324 (Message) Webpage: Office Hours: M/W 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Class Meetings: Mondays/Wednesdays: Science III 123, 3:00 pm – 5:05 pm CSUB Catalog Course Description: Understanding research articles and reaching conclusions across research articles; comparing/contrasting research methodologies; critical thinking about evidence and explanation; formulating and conducting empirical research; multivariate designs and statistical analysis; training in protection of human and animal subjects. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in PSYC 300A or 250. Required Texts: Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences: Fifth Edition ISBN: 13: 978-1-285-07702-4 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: Sixth Edition ISBN: 13: 978-1-4338-0561-5 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students who are entitled to accommodations under the ADA can contact me at their earliest convenience to make appropriate arrangements. I adhere to all rules and regulations set forth by CSUB’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office (Tel. 654-3360) Student Learning Outcomes: Outcome 1.1: Characterize the nature of psychology as a discipline. Outcome 2.1: Describe the basic characteristics of the science of psychology. Outcome 2.2: Explain different research methods used by psychologists. Outcome 2.3: Evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions derived from psychological research. Outcome 2.4: Design and conduct basic studies to address psychological questions using appropriate research methods. Outcome 2.5: Follow the APA Ethics Code in the treatment of human and nonhuman participants in the design, data collection, interpretation, and reporting of psychological research. Outcome 2.6: Generalize research conclusions appropriately based on the parameters of particular research methods. Outcome 3.1: Use critical thinking effectively. Outcome 3.2: Engage in creative thinking. Outcome 3.3: Use reasoning to recognize, develop, defend, and criticize artuments and other persuasive appeals. Outcome 3.4: Approach problems effectively. Outcome 5.1: Recognize the necessity of ethical behavior in all aspects of the science and practice of psychology. Outcome 5.2: Demonstrate reasonable skepticism and intellectual curiosity by asking questions about causes of behavior. Outcome 5.3: Seek and evaluate scientific evidence for psychological claims. Outcome 5.4: Tolerate ambiguity and realize that psychological explanations are often complex and tentative. Outcome 5.7: Understand the limitations of their psychological knowledge and skills. Assessment Composing 2 research papers; 2 Exams Composing 1 research paper based upon original empirical psychology sources; 2 Exams. Composing 2 research papers; 2 Exams; applied SPSS vignettes and problems. Composing 2 research papers; Evaluating Empirical Journal Articles. Composing 2 research papers (including data gathering for one). Certification in rules for APA Ethics Code for the treatment of human and nonhuman participants in all aspects of research. Composing APA Results & Discussion Sections. 8 SPSS projects that require determining what type of statistical test to use; 2 Research article assessments. Developing 2 research projects. Final Project Presentations (PowerPoint). Analyzing research vignettes for SPSS projects. Data gathering projects. Developing a comprehensive Final Project. 2 Research papers; 2 Research article assessments. 2 Exams; 2 Research papers; 2 Research article assessments. Mid-term exam; Comprehensive final exam; Final project presentation; APA section papers. Course Schedule: NOTE: The following schedule is tentative and most likely will be modified as the quarter progresses! Week 1 Monday, March 30 Wednesday, April 1 Week 2 Monday, April 6 Wednesday, April 8 Week 3 Monday, April 13 Wednesday, April 15 Week 4 Monday, April 20 Wednesday, April 22 Week 5 Monday, April 27 Wednesday, April 29 Week 6 Monday, May 4 Wednesday, May 6 Week 7 Monday, May 11 Wednesday, May 13 Week 8 Monday, May 18 Wednesday, May 20 Week 9 Monday, May 25 Wednesday, May 27 Week 10 Monday, June 1 Wednesday, June 3 Week 11 Monday, June 8 Final Exam, Wednesday June 10 5:00am-7:30pm Syllabus, Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Stats assignment 1 Chapter 4 APA Section paper 1 Chapter 5 Stats assignment 2 Chapter 6, APA Section paper 2 Mid-Term Exam Chapter 7 Stats assignment 3 Chapter 8 APA Section paper 3 Chapter 9 Stats assignment 4 No Class – Memorial Day Chapter 10, APA Section paper 4 Chapter 11 Presentations, Final Project Due Final Exam Preparation Class Points: Mid-Term Exam Final Exam Stats Assignments (4) APA Section Papers (4) Final Project Presentation Final Project Paper Total Points A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 615 570 552 534 509 491 472 447 429 411 386 368 100 Points 150 Points 30 Points Each 30 Points Each 25 Points 100 Points 615 Points – 571 Points – 553 Points – 535 Points – 510 Points – 492 Points – 473 Points – 448 Points – 430 Points – 412 Points – 387 Points – 369 Points or Less Failure to take any examination will result in zero points. There are no make-up exams except in the following circumstance: a serious and compelling medical situation in which the student is under inpatient medical care (admitted to a hospital) and a physician states that it is impossible for the student to take the exam at the stated time. A physician will be required to write a note stating that it is impossible for the student to take the exam at the given time. All notes from physicians will be physically followed-up by the instructor to insure their validity. Late work, homework, quizzes, or papers are not accepted. So, please do not ask to submit any late work. If any homework, quiz, or paper is not received by me by the due date, zero points will be assigned. There are no exceptions to this rule. Academic Integrity Plagiarism occurs when you use the exact written or spoken words, a summary of written or spoken words, and/or the ideas that someone else has produced without giving the original author credit. When you use another author’s material you must give that person credit by indicating the source of the material in your text. Buying a paper or having someone write your paper is also considered plagiarism. A plagiarized paper will receive no (0%) credit. Evaluation Exams will consist of M/C, short answer questions, and practical application problems. Each exam may be comprised of content from the text as well as lecture discussion, including concept/application questions as well as calculations. You may use a 5x7 index card for each exam to use for quick reference notes. WARNING: If you are more than 15 minutes late for an exam, you will not be allowed to take the exam. No make-up exams will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS! PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Computer/Printer/Childcare/Car problems DO NOT constitute a change in my policies. I prefer not to be placed in a position of evaluating personal lives, though I will be more than willing to discuss your difficulties should they arise. Courtesy Note: The use of cell phones and texting is strictly prohibited during class. Cell phones may not be held or placed on desktops during class and must be kept out of your sight. Also, the use of classroom computers is strictly limited to work that is being directed by the instructor and the monitors of all computers must be off unless instructed otherwise. Any other use of classroom computers is grounds for ejection from class. Failure to follow cell phone and computer policies during and in the classroom is grounds for being dropped from the course.