Dark - Rhoda D`Ettore

David Green
Copyright 2009
The universe exhibits symmetry in many ways, and symmetry is
beautiful in our eyes. However, the cosmos, which in fact is a word
that means beauty, is made even more beautiful, not by super symmetry,
but by the asymmetric qualities it possesses. It is the asymmetric
qualities that give a "personality" to the universe, much like a trait,
quality, or skill that an individual human possesses to set that one
person apart from everyone else.
The number three is an extremely symmetrical number. If one thinks
of an object in the center flanked by two other objects of the same on
each side equidistant from the center, picturing symmetry is easy. This
magic number has been used in many trains of thought throughout history
from the Id, Ego, and Superego in psychology, to the Blessed Trinity of
Christianity's Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as a way to explain God.
Likewise, there is another trinity in physical science-that being
matter, anti-matter, and dark matter. It is this trinity, however, that
applies itself in different configurations, manners, amounts and
magnitudes to make things the way they are and gives the limitless
possibilities of things that could be.
We all know what matter is. Matter is many things. Matter is
defined in many textbooks as anything that has mass and occupies space.
Atoms, subatomic particles, and particles like quarks and leptons which
are tiny pieces of matter, are its building blocks to make up
everything we see, touch, smell, taste, or even hear. All of the
aforementioned particles combine in different configurations to make up
those things which have mass, occupy space, and are able to be sensed.
Matter is also stored information manifesting itself in different ways
to be tangible. Particles come together in such a way to form atoms;
atoms combine in different configurations to form molecules. These
molecules have different properties giving rise to such things as
proteins and DNA that tell nature everything about what a particular
form of life will be like. All of these tiny particles come together
sometimes and form things as huge as planets, solar systems, and
galaxies. Matter occupies and interacts with time and space in ways by
sending ripples through the universe to bring about change or
maintaining a current period of time. Matter is also a manifestation of
a different kind-that being energy. In Einstein’s famous equation
E=MC^2, matter is stored energy. It says that mass times the speed of
light squared is energy.
So how is matter energy? Paul Dirac predicted the existence of
anti-matter. Anti-matter is made up of particles also. It looks and
acts the same way as the regular everyday matter that we see. The only
thing different is that all quantum numbers are the exact opposite
producing the opposite charge. For example, an electron as most know is
negatively charged. Its anti-particle, the anti-electron, is positively
charged hence its name the positron. In fact, every particle has an
anti-particle, and every anti-particle is a piece of anti-matter. When
matter and anti-matter meet, they totally annihilate each other to
produce pure energy. This process is totally reversible, so the energy
can forge back together by way of a photon, bringing particles in the
energy field back into the basic building blocks of matter, as
particles may exist as particles and waves due to the wave particle
duality principle. So neither energy, nor matter is ever created, nor
Matter and anti matter itself also exhibit a brand of symmetry
and asymmetry in quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is usually
thought of as the antithesis of being symmetrical where anything can
happen at any time. CPT invariance are three symmetries within quantum
mechanics that help maintain nature. The C, in CPT, stands for charge
conjugation or producing the opposite charge through the reversal of
all quantum numbers within a particle. The P stands for parity in
reciprocating spacial coordinates, however, not time. The letter T in
the acronym stands for time reversal achieved by changing derivatives
of time like momentum and angular momentum of all particles within an
Matter and anti-matter react with each other, but no one seems to
know anything about dark matter. Scientists don't even know what it is,
if it even really exists at all and have never seen it. What cannot be
seen is very difficult to study. Dark matter cannot be seen because it
does not emit electromagnetic radiation like regular observed matter.
So if dark matter does not emit radiation, does it absorb it? Does it
have any type of energy transfer or interaction between regular matter
and itself? There does seem to be some “loss” of energy associated with
dark matter. Black body radiation is a situation where a perfect black
body absorbs all radiation as in Plank’s equation.
8 hc
 (e hc /  kt  1)
A black body adsorbs all forms of energy, including radiation, and
emits nothing. Therefore, it would be incredibly cold to the touch, and
space maintains an extremely cold temperature approaching absolute
zero. When one talks about a body, it usually implies that it is a
tangible piece of matter. Therefore, could dark matter also be made
from fundamental particles just like regular matter? Scientists even
suspect that only as much as ten percent of our universe is matter and
the other 90 percent plus is dark matter and dark energy. Even as
little as four percent of the universe is matter, making the other 96%
Dark Matter and energy. Dark matter is said to exist though, by the
effect it has on visible matter. It seems to be a contributor to
“giving” a mass gravity. So is dark matter the elusive Higgs Boson or
the “God Particle” which some believe is the secret to linking quantum
mechanics with classical mechanics through the obstacle of gravity?
When Newton proposed the gravity concept-a greater mass has more
matter, thereby the less massive object gravitates towards the larger
mss-he determined that gravity produces the orbitals of planets around
the sun in our solar system and other solar systems. As a matter of
fact, galaxies exhibit the same characteristics of a large mass at the
center. Einstein’s revision to Newton's theory was his Theory of
General Relativity.
( G   g  
8 G
T )
According to the General Theory of Relativity, an extremely massive
object bends space and time. So a massive object like the sun produces
an indentation for the planets to revolve around, much like a ball
rolling around in an upside down dome. Sometimes, when a star exhausts
its fuel, it collapses in on itself producing an even more extreme mass
and having so much gravity that even light cannot escape making a so
called "black hole.” As Einstein's equation E=MC^2 says, matter is
energy. It also explains a situation of a mass traveling at the speed
of light. For anything to travel at the speed of light, according to
Einstein, is impossible. Light is the governor of time and space as to
what we ourselves are able to witness and remember. For a massive
object to acquire the speed of light, it would require an infinite
amount of energy input to propel it. In addition, Newton's second law
says that the sum of all forces on and object is equal to the mass of
the object times its acceleration. So a mass traveling at or near the
speed of light becomes much more massive. Newton also said that
everything has gravity, and the more massive an object is the greater
attraction it has on objects smaller than itself. However, even a tiny
object with even the slightest bit of mass traveling at or near the
speed of light would be able to bend space time.
Imagine standing exactly where Albert Einstein stood in 1905, but
that was 110 years ago. The earth, sun, solar system and our galaxy as
well as all galaxies were in a different place in time since time and
space is expanding and everything is moving away from everything else.
So in relation, you may be standing where Einstein was 110 years ago,
but you’re not standing where the earth was 110 years ago. No one can
be at the same place at the same time quite literally speaking.
However, let’s say that you and a friend were standing in the
same general spot at the same time. You talk and then move away from
each other. It takes time to move away from each other, as does it to
move back closer together. So nothing or no one can be at the same
place at the same time because time is moving in one direction, and
everything in space is moving away from everything else continuously.
By bending time and space, the implication is that space-time is
also tangible. Stars, galaxies, and planets are seen when looking out
into space with a telescope amongst a vast sea of darkness. We know
that space-time is bent by a mass and by light being refracted around a
mass in space. We know also that dark matter exists due to the fact of
the effect it has on large masses of regular matter. It’s the same way
that light is bent around large objects. Time cannot be seen, and space
is black. Therefore, could dark matter be time and space? Just as
matter is a manifestation of energy and information, I believe dark
matter is a manifestation of time and space, and a record of all of the
information of all of the events that have transpired throughout time.
Dark matter also has its corresponding dark energy. Dark Energy
is now understood to be the reason for the accelerated expansion of the
universe. Light is the energy currency of matter, but it has a “speed
limit” of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. It can act as a
wave exhibiting different frequencies and light can also act as an
energy packet particle in the form of a photon according to the wave
particle duality principle mentioned earlier. Perhaps the energy
currency for dark matter is the tachyon, a theoretical particle that
has no speed boundaries. As Einstein suggested, if one were to travel
very fast, the closer that person gets to the speed of light, the
slower things happen as to that person’s perspective. So tachyons with
no speed boundaries could govern the possibilities of what can happen,
has happened, is happening, or will happen. Even more so, time and
space itself is traveling faster than the speed of light, which does
not by the way go against Einstein’s theory that nothing can travel
faster than the speed of light. Nothing can travel through time and
space faster than the speed light, but time and space itself can travel
faster than light. As Einstein quoted, “The only reason for time is so
everything doesn’t happen at once.” However, in dark energy and dark
matter, could everything in fact always be happening all at once?
The Schrodinger’s Cat concept describes multiple existences which
would fit in nicely with this concept, that due to the unlimited speed
of the tachyons, there can be omnipresence and multiple existences.
Even more, perhaps that there is so much more dark matter than regular
matter because of the number of possibilities available, and to be able
to hold and record all events throughout time and space, and providing
a medium to produce ripples throughout the universe in a cause and
effect relationship as in the butterfly effect concept. Like these
ripples in a pond, time and space may be fluid, as a matter of fact,
super fluid. A Bose-Einstein Condensate is a condensed form of matter.
So, is it possible that this is how dark matter and regular
matter “interact” with each other? Perhaps dark matter and dark energy
do work with regular matter in a very intricate and intimate way.
Actions of regular matter rippling through the universe instantaneously
and like waves that we know of from regular matter, bring about some
change weather destructive, disruptive or constructive in space-time.
Is it possible for we who are made of regular matter to witness the
past, the present elsewhere and the possible future by somehow
integrating dark matter and regular matter?
In Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”, ghosts of Christmas
past, present and future were able to show Ebenezer Scrooge shadows of
things that have happened, things that are happening elsewhere in the
present time, and things that could happen with actions of choices made
in his life. In “Men in Black III”, agents J and K were able to witness
the 1969 World Series by virtue of having physical contact with a 5th
dimensional being. This being described all the tiny, seemingly
insignificant details of some decisions and actions that were made in
order for some of those players to be there playing that game. Those
decisions and actions rippled through space-time and eventually
manifested themselves into the reality that we humans can witness,
interact with and be part of.
Quarks are said now to be elementary particles. Hadrons are
arrangements of quarks that make up everything. Some Hadrons called
Baryons, are groups of three quarks. The up and down quarks are called
the first generation quarks and the first generation lepton is the
electron. First generation quarks make up all the matter in the
universe. It is very structured. The protons in an atom are made up of
two up quarks and a down quark giving a proton a positive charge.
Protons give the atom physical properties. The neutrons are made of one
up quark and two down quarks giving the neutron a neutral charge. The
neutrons give the atom its nuclear properties. The electrons give the
atom its chemical properties and are negatively charged. There are some
Baryons that may be made of five or seven quarks as well and possibly
even more.
Mesons are another type of Hadron. Mesons are made of a quark and
an anti-quark pair. We know that matter consists of baryons that are
composed of first generation quarks. More specifically, they are called
protons and neutrons, and the first generation lepton, the electron.
Hydrogen is known to be the most abundant of all elements. One reason
for this is because it is the simplest configuration of said baryons,
that being one positively charged proton and one negatively charged
electron. There are also slightly different configurations of Hydrogen
where there can be one or two neurons, but still one proton and one
electron. This of course, would change those types of atoms as far as
their nuclear properties and are called isotopes, of Hydrogen. So it
stands to reason that if the most abundant piece of matter is the
simplest of all elements, then the most abundant particle, or
configuration of particles would be a mesons. Of course a quark and its
particular anti-quark being together would totally annihilate the
particles into pure energy. So an example would be a top quark and an
anti-down quark as there are three generation quarks and six quarks all
All Baryons and leptons and quarks by themselves are called
Fermions after Enrico Fermi. Fermions have half integer spins such as
1/2, 3/2 and so on. Fermions obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle which
states that no more than two particles can occupy the same space at the
same time. For example, when arranging electrons in their quantum
shells, no more than two electrons can share a sub-energy level. What’s
more, Hunds Rule says that if two electrons are sharing the same subenergy level, they must have opposite spins. One must have a +1/2 and
the other a -1/2.
On the other hand, Mesons and energy carrying particles-such as
photons-are called Bosons after Satyendra Bose. These particles do not
obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle and there can be many Mesons and
energy carrying particles in a given area or geometrical point.
Both Bose and Einstein published a paper on photons and what we
now know as Mesons in 1924. We now term the “condensation” of Mesons
and energy carrying particles as Bose-Einstein Condensates.
We normally think of condensation as fluid, and it is. When
something condenses, it is put into a smaller space. So much like
moisture in the air, it condenses into drops on water on a cold glass
of water on a hot day. Mesons and energy carrying particles are
condensed in space.
14.7 Billion years ago, the universe was infinitely tiny, dense,
and hot. Space as we know is very cold which has a temperature of
nearly absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius). Much like water vapor, the
hotter the fluid, the more energy it has and the more space between the
particles. So when space, time and matter went from infinitely hot and
dense and expanded into space, it cooled and all the particles
condensed. So if an almost infinite number of bosons can fit into a
tiny space, it may be easier to see how the universe started out so
small. Remember, the energy carrying particles are also Bosons, so the
fundamental forces of nature are thought to have been one super force
just before The Big Bang.
Now, the universe is vast and cold
condensing those bosons and still continues to expand accumulating more
information and interacting sending ripples through the superconductive
dense condensate, sending ripples through the universe, and interacting
with matter turning energy into matter and matter into energy keeping
it going and expanding. Most, if not all superconductors that we know
of, work best at temperatures near absolute zero where the resistivity
is not a factor.
When the Big Bang happened, as just stated, all of
the forces were thought to be as one. Forces are energy and, again,
energy is matter and vice-versa. So, maybe going from infinitely hot
and dense to practically infinite in space and approaching a
temperature of absolute zero, is a way to keep instantaneous
information. If everything needed is in one place at one time, there is
no need to go anywhere else for the information sought. However, in an
ever expanding universe and temperatures approaching absolute zero,
instantaneous actions and reactions can be achieved by way of
superconductivity and the following. The simplest piece of matter to be
produced is the Boson. At the moment of the Big Bang, Bosons were being
formed, the forces brought other configurations of quarks that were
also simple, into the energy field and produced a proton. The simplest
atom was formed combined with an oppositely charged electron. Billions
of Bosons and Protons and Hydrogen atoms were made in a roughly nine to
one ratio of Bosons, and force carrying particles, (possibly Dark
Matter), to the regular atom, possibly as much as much of as ratio as
24 to one. As the Universe cooled and expanded, pockets of the cooler
parts of the universe started to coalesce the Hydrogen atoms until they
came so close together and ignited into stars. Then, billions of years
of stars going through supernovas, creating black holes and creating
different kinds of atoms and matter, heavier matter and atoms, help
sustain the universe in this ongoing changing of matter to energy and
energy to matter of all types. So possibly, Einstein’s Special Theory
of Relativity wasn’t too far off of being the “Theory of Everything”.
The fact that this process goes on and on would give the impression
that the universe is static in a way that possibly, the Universe must
sustain that nine to one ratio or again, maybe that 24 to one ratio of
dark matter and energy to regular matter.
Fluids obey Pascal’s Principle and fluid dynamics. Pascal’s
Principle says that when an object is placed in a contained fluid,
pressure is exerted equally on all sides of the container, as well as
to all portions of the fluid. If one were to place a marble in a very
viscous, dense fluid, there would be a bubble around the marble as the
electrons would repel each other. Since the electrons are the outermost
particles in an atom, and all regular matter is made up of atoms, the
electrons are negatively charged and like charges repel. When two
objects “touch” each other, they never really touch because of the
electron repulsion. Now if Fermions which are ½ integer spin particles
come into contact with the integer spin Mesons, the repulsion may be
even greater. Not to mention the fact that the Fermions obey the Pauli
Exclusion Principle and the Mesons and energy carrying particles do
not, so there should be a great space according to how much matter
there is in the presence of Bosons. It would bend, much like time and
space, and create a bubble, an atmosphere around a particular planet,
sun, solar system or galaxy. Also, there may not even be any physical
interaction at all between dark matter and regular matter. Therefore,
it’s I suppose, possible that this is why such large objects of matter
such as planets, solar systems and galaxies bend space-time because of
the non-interaction between regular matter and dark matter. However,
again, it could still play an extremely intricate and intimate role. It
could be possible that dark matter could gain some energy transfer
somehow through regular matter, taking those actions from regular
matter and ripple them through the universe bringing about an action
within dark matter itself. Being that dark matter could be comprised of
the tiniest and simplest pieces of everything, the fundamental
particles of the universe. Within these particles is energy, and each
of these particles, innumerous as they are, could act as receptors and
sense very small interactions of matter, and even one particle sensing
something could be enough for the entire system of dark matter to sense
it at the same time throughout the entire universe due to its super
Perhaps, even moreover, the seeming space between regular matter
and dark matter could be much like the synapses between neurons, and
the receptors of dark matter could be individual particles. Perhaps
interaction is relayed by a neurotransmitter like energy carrying
particle. Maybe it’s analogous to sharks sensing very tiny electrical
impulses through the water by its gel filled, semiconducting sensory
organs the Ampullae of Lorenzini. Or, maybe it’s much like Gauss’s Law
where even as seemingly insignificant as a thought, which are in fact
electrical signals from the brain, act as point charges and the
atmosphere is the Gaussian Surface. Particles of Dark Matter may be
able to pick these point charges up and instantaneously integrate,
transmit and interact through space-time.
Quantum Mechanics is very strange. In the macro world, there are
so many atoms and particles that go into making lager objects that a
few strange happenings at a subatomic level will not affect the system
as a whole. An example of quantum mechanics being strange, however, is
in the Boson called the Pion. It is made from the up quark and antidown quark. However, the rho-vector meson is made from the same quark
anti-quark pair, but has a relative mass of five and one half times
greater than the pion due to the angular momentum of the particles.
It’s a lot like being in a roller coaster and going around a bend at a
high speed. You can feel the force of gravity pulling on you due to the
angular momentum. As the Pion has the quarks spinning in opposite
directions, the Rho-vector meson has the quarks spinning in the same
direction. Furthermore, Quantum Mechanics is based on bits of
information, or more particularly, qubits of information. A bit of
information is a yes or no answer, on or off, positive or negative or
it is or isn’t. In quantum mechanics though, Schrodinger’s Cat comes
into play again to where that on or off, yes or no, positive or
negative can also be both at the same time. What better way to do that
than with a meson? A meson is a partially charged particle with an
anti-particle. It seems almost perfectly dipolar. This depolarization
is a characterization of water that makes life possible. With a meson
however, perhaps that moment of being positive or negative or even both
is possible by being an integral part of this superfluid, and the
possibility of even a single particle interacting, then instantaneously
integrating and acting within the entire system of Dark Matter.
However, with time integrated into all that, another dimension is
posed on the mesons. Mesons, which are bosons only exist for tiny
fractions of a second and are very unstable. So, the mere instant of
their existence is very important. Both their formation and decay play
an extremely intricate role in the workings of the universe.
Time and space being super fluid could also be a reason for the
expansion of the universe in being able to hold the ever increasing
amount of input by recording everything that has happened and is
happening. Our brains can hold information and store it, remember it,
and understand it. We can remember things like the universe can
“remember”. Maybe light acts as a regulator to our perception, to our
world and places a limit in what can, will, or is happening instead of
a different possibility or all possibilities randomly or haphazardly
occurring at the same time or a particular point in time. Again, like
Einstein said, “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t
happen at once.” Furthermore, it could be the case that light also acts
like it does in a camera by capturing a point in time and perpetually
recording it in dark matter like a photographer developing pictures in
a dark room.
If a picture could be taken of dark matter, it may look like a
sponge. The dents could be galaxies held by dark matter, and the
sponge’s material itself could be the medium by which time and events
are recorded and by which the events themselves can ripple through time
and space and arrange themselves. So if dark matter is in fact time and
space and is tangible, the matter of which it is made must be tough and
elastic in order to be able to bend. It seems though that anything
smaller than a planet can travel in any direction until acted on by a
massive object’s gravity or a massive object itself. The planets and
galaxies are held in a plane oriented in space. So space-time seems to
act as a semipermeable membrane allowing anything less massive than a
planet to flow through space. However, as stated earlier, a mass
travelling at the speed of light is extremely massive, distorts time
and space (the sponge) even further, thereby producing an avenue or
wormhole to travel from one area of space to another that has a
different orientation.
From the beginning of the universe, matter, energy, space, and
time were all put into play by a single event in the big bang. Moments
after the event, the infinitesimally tiny point expanded and cooled
greatly. The creation of all of the matter, energy, antimatter, dark
matter, and dark energy began interacting with everything else in
various ways. These interactions continue today in even more ways. When
the universe started to cool even more, it did not do so in a uniform
manner. Differences in temperature have allowed matter to coalesce in
pockets to start to form galaxies, then stars and solar systems and
planets. When looking through the telescope, it seems that the galaxies
we see are a swirling disk of gas centered by a great mass in a planar
orientation of space. So perhaps space-time, dark matter, is a thick
viscous bowl of Bose-Einstein condensate soup whereby much like a mass
dropping into a bowl of gelatin, a mass “drops” into the universe
sending ripples through space time in a superconducting manner. Other
times, it absorbs some of the energy from the gasses in newly forming
galaxies allowing them to cool and condense.
Also with the expansion of the universe comes the third law of
thermodynamics, entropy. With expansion, there are more places for
information to be. When putting information into a computer, some of
that information randomly goes to another location in the memory. So
sometimes one must defragment the computer to reconfigure the
information and consolidate the information by reconfiguring it into an
organized manner. As the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says that an
atom or particle can never be located precisely and have its momentum
known, the same applies to locating a particular point in time or a
particular series of events in time and space. That is of course unless
all physical properties break down completely in a big crunch,
condensing back into a singularity as in moments before the big bang
where all information from time, space, and matter are all in one
single point. However, no one would be around to see and know the
location and momentum of all and everything that has happened
throughout time and space. Or, it could be that any information can be
accessed anywhere in space due to the aforementioned super-fluidity and
superconductivity possible characteristics of Dark Matter and Dark
So perhaps the beginning of the Universe was like a book written
by God Himself. Everything was organized to happen in a certain way at
a certain time, then entropy, the law of disarray. But entropy gives
more possibilities and more wonder about the universe. Perhaps also
that there are infinite dimensions and some sort of space time events
in other dimensions are happening. At any given geometrical point of
space time, there could be a tangential universe and or dimension. So
perhaps space and time have been going on for an infinite amount of
time before the Big Bang and what we perceive as our Universe. Saint
Augustine in the fourth century said, “Seek not understanding that you
may believe, but believe that you may understand.” That is a great
quote in the understanding of the universe. Yet another quote from
Einstein is, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” We humans
have a gift of understanding the universe to an extent, and our
imaginations play a very important role because anything that is
conceivable by the human mind is possible through physics.
In our lives, we have choices, those choices that we make, and
those choices which we decide not to make lead to a series of events in
our lives and in space-time. So it may be easy to see since each of us
have been faced with a great many choices, how many outcomes there
could have been and could be. Each one of those choices could be in
another universe or dimension.
The universe and everything in it is a huge system within a series
of redundant systems and concepts. It occurs all the way from the
universe itself, to galaxies, solar systems, planetary conditions and
ecosystems, to life and consistency of matter, down to the molecular
level, atomic, subatomic structures, all the way down to quantum
mechanics and multi dimensions and existences at the fundamental level,
whatever that may be. Matter emits light through the excitation of
electrons: anti-matter turns matter into energy and a photon turns it
back into matter. It seems to be a never-ending matter turning into
other forms of matter and energy turning into other forms of energy;
oceanic tumultuous action and interaction perpetual necessity to keep
the universe going and growing. It all occurs in a medium, a field in
which the beautifully symmetrical becomes the even more beautifully
asymmetrical. There must be a delicate balance of matter, energy,
antimatter, dark matter, and dark energy, no matter how lop sided it
is. Dark matter interacts with all other matter, energy, forces, and
other phenomena in an extremely complex cosmological code. New life
forms and materials form with a specific set of circumstances from the
interaction of matter, antimatter, energy and forces applied through
nature in a medium of space over a period of time. We humans would not
exist, nor would life on this otherwise insignificant planet "floating"
out in space. Rather, earth and other celestial bodies are held here,
being recorded and interacting with everything else in a substance
called dark matter.