Raulston – August 18-22 1st block - E Life Skills 2nd block

Raulston – August 18-22
1st block - E Life Skills
Objective: Managing personal finances
Activities: Bell Ringer, Channel One news
Topic: Counting Money & making correct change
Assessment: task analysis, move on ticket
Objective: Managing personal finances
Activities: Bell Ringer, Channel One news
Topic: Counting Money & making correct
change, making responsible expenditures
Assessment: task analysis, move on ticket, quiz
Objective: Managing personal finances
Activities: Bell Ringer, Channel One news
Topic: Counting money & making change, keep a
basic financial records
Assessment: task analysis, move on ticket, quiz
Objective: Managing personal finances
Activities: Bell Ringer, Channel One news
Topic: counting money & making change,
calculate & pay taxes
Assessment: task analysis, move on ticket
2nd block - E Health
Objective: How can you explain physical, social
and emotional health?
Activities: Bell ringer, stretches
Topic: Discuss physical, social and emotional
health; compare & contrast diet and exercise
Assessment: workbook, lesson review, portfolio
Objective: How can you explain physical, social
and emotional health?
Activities: Bell ringer, stretches
Topic: Make your environment safer; recognize
how diet and exercise are important to health
Assessment: workbook, lesson review, portfolio
Objective: How is good health achieved?
Activities: Bell ringer, stretches
Topic: to identify ways to stay healthy; to
recognize wellness
Assessment: workbook, lesson review, portfolio
3rd block - E English
Objective: What tools would you use to find
information in reference books?
Activities: Bell ringer, Significant Figure
Topic: Understand & use alphabetical order;
to use guide words, headings, and book
divisions to find information quickly
Assessment: workbook, portfolio
Objective: What tools would you use to find
information in reference books?
Activities: Bell ringer, Significant Figure
Topic: to identify key words; to learn how to
find information on a specific topic by using
related words and topics
Assessment: workbook, portfolio
Objective: How can I use the reference books
Activities: Bell ringer, Significant Figure
Topic: to use the parts of a book to find
information; to understand how a dictionary
is organized
Assessment: workbook, portfolio, quiz
Objective: How can I use the reference books
Activities: Bell ringer, Significant Figure
Topic: to identify the different parts of
dictionary entry; to use a dictionary to find
word meanings
Assessment: workbook, portfolio
Objective: How is good health achieved? Health
Activities: Bell ringer, stretches
Topic: To understand how to seek information
about diet and exercise goals; to understand
what a health risks related to heredity and
Assessment: workbook, lesson review, portfolio
Objective: Managing personal finances
Objective: Use your own words to tell me how
Objective: How can I use the reference books
Activities: Bell Ringer, Channel One news
to recognize principles of good health.
Topic: Counting Money & making change, use
Activities: Bell ringer, stretches
Activities: Bell ringer, Significant Figure
credit responsibly, Use banking services
Topic: To recognize causes of health risks
Topic: to use a dictionary to check spelling;
Assessment: task analysis, move on ticket, quiz
related to culture and behavior; to develop the
to use a dictionary as a reference book
power to make changes that will improve health. Assessment: workbook, portfolio, quiz
Assessment: workbook, lesson review, portfolio
Bell ringers each week: Monday – Math, Tuesday – Grammar, Wednesday – Word problem, Thursday – Writing Prompt, Friday - Finalize