Vikan A/S Rævevej 1 DK-7800 Skive T: +45 96 14 26 00 F: +45 96 14 26 55 Visit us at To our customers Skive 8th December 2014 Vikan products in relation to environmental issues and REACH The Vikan Group is certified according to ISO 14001 and therefore we meet the requirements of reducing the use of energy, carbon dioxide etc. and thus a matter of course that we have current focus on environmental issues. The Vikan Group ensures that we both follow the local, the national and the international legislations at each of our production facilities. The Vikan Group ensures that all waste is sorted according to local environmental regulations and is utilized or used for heating in approved district heating plants. Dangerous waste is labeled, stored and handled according to the authorities’ directions and sent to environmental approved depots. The majority of our outer packaging material is reused cardboard. All plastic and cardboard received from suppliers are either being reused or recycled. We are following the REACH regulations 1907/2006, which aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment. The Vikan Group ensures that chemicals used in production or for finished products (articles) are documented with respect to REACH. The candidate list from REACH with Substance of very high concern (SVHC) is continuously updated and counts 155 substances with the latest update 16th June 2014. We commit ourselves to inform you immediately if we receive information related to our products identifying additional or more severe hazards, and/or additional or more stringent risk management measures than previously known. We believe that everyone must actively participate in protecting our environment and our natural resources. Therefore, through active environmental management, we will work to protect the environment, constantly seeking enhancements and the prevention of pollution. We are also committed to employee and customer health and safety. See the following links for further information: Yours sincerely VIKAN A/S Inger Arensbach Quality & Environmental Manager Jette Fruergaard Product Manager