ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 August 25 2015 Indigo Shire Council Advocacy Program – 2015-2016 Introduction Indigo Shire Council is committed to enhancing the quality of life of Shire residents. We do this by providing a wide range of services, stimulating economic growth, enhancing key industry such as agriculture and viticulture, manufacturing, retail and tourism, improving the health of our community and the environment, and building partnerships within the community. Advocacy is just one way Council can work with and on behalf of the community on matters of concern. Context Indigo is a small rural shire with limited resources but a rich and enduring history. Indigo has Australia’s greatest collection of historic towns, which makes it unique. Our community is made up of enthusiastic and motivated residents with high expectations. This plan outlines ways to influence key decision-makers about funding, infrastructure, and services to make better decisions sooner for the benefit of the Indigo community. Advocacy involves Council lobbying other levels of government, various agencies, regional organisations and interest groups on issues of importance to our people so the voice of the community can be heard at other levels and in other places. Advocacy can involve a range of methods including making effective submissions, direct lobbying of decision makers such as politicians and state and regional departmental directors, deputations to people of influence, inviting key people to visit the Shire for firsthand experience, consultation, public media campaigns and appropriate use of Social Media. Under the Local Government Act 1989, Council can advocate for its community but advocacy work must not be politically partisan in nature. (The Act sets out clear references to Advocacy under the role and functions of Councils: 3D. (2) (d) advocating the interests of the local community to other communities and governments; and 3E. (1) (a) advocating and promoting proposals which are in the best interests of the local community.) We will conduct our Advocacy Program in three ways. We will: 1. Identify an issue, often through community consultation, or our Council Plan 2. Research the issue, gathering relevant facts and data to support our position 3. Build partnerships, plan activities to lobby relevant people, and put these in motion. Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Page 1 of 8 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 We will report progress of our Advocacy Program quarterly to Council and externally to our community. Our advocacy work is underpinned by the Council Plan 2013-2017 Reviewed June 2015 (TRIM 13/2146), the Indigo 2030 Report (TRIM 10/2611 - INTERNAL12/1667), other Council plans and strategies and community consultation. This Advocacy Program provides us with a guide to addressing some issues that are beyond the capacity of Council, working alone, to find solutions for. The framework of this plan is designed to allow Council to take advantage of advocacy opportunities that arise throughout the year. These opportunities can be sudden with little or no warning. The plan is also the basis for prioritising projects and funding bids, especially when new funding programs are being rolled out from the State Government, and as the Federal Election is due in late 2016. This plan comprises the current priorities. Links Annual Budget 2015-16 (TRIM INTERNAL15/1185) Capital Works 2015-2016 Program Council’s Communications Strategy (TRIM INTERNAL14/380) Communications Policy (TRIM INTERNAL14/381) Social Media Policy (TRIM INTERNAL14/656) This Advocacy Plan should be considered in the light of the above Budget, Capital Works Program, Communication Strategy and Policies and implemented with reference to the communication and social media written procedures (TRIM 14/3117). Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Page 2 of 8 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 Subject Source reference Action We request Rutherglen Economic Revitalisation Project, including Main Street, Lake King and Wine Bottle precinct and Hopetoun Rd Council Plan 2.14.3 Finalise, ensure funding and implement Rutherglen Main Street revitalisation project 2.9.3 Complete DEPI-funded restoration work on Lake King Complete concept design External funding from NSRF ($900,000) TRIM reference for supporting documents 15/3519 Seek grant funding through National Stronger Regions Fund Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Status Timing Mayor CEO Infrastructure Services Communications Tourism Application lodged for Round 2 NSRF for $900,000 Decision December 2015 Infrastructure Services Development and Design work underway, $10,000 Dec-15 Hume Region Tracks and Trails Strategy Hume Regional Growth Plan Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 20102020 Redesign and redevelop the Community Council Plan 2.11 Redesign & Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Complete detailed design External funding of $100,000 for Page 3 of 8 IN15/4065 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 TRIM reference for supporting documents Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Subject Source reference Action We request Beechworth Chinese Gardens. And other elements of Lake Sambell Master Plan, as funding opportunities arise. redevelop the Beechworth Chinese Gardens and cost estimates to use in funding applications redevelopment and partrelocation of Chinese Gardens Planning in Council budget for design work Grant funding of $90,000 to complete detailed designs to get the trail to “construction ready” stage. Infrastructure Services Underway. $30,000 in budget for design Council resolution 26 May 2015 Community Rail Trail network funding Council Plan 2.16.2. Seek funding to commence detailed design and implementation of Beechworth to Yackandandah Rail Trail project, and Wahgunyah to Lake Moodemere Trail Hume Region Tracks and Trails Strategy Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Investigate and secure funding for redevelopment of the Beechworth Chinese Gardens Complete detailed design for Beechworth to Yackandandah Rail Trail (subject to funding) Development & Planning Corporate & Community Services/Tourism Murray to Mountain Rail Trail committee of management Seek grant funding for Beechworth to Yackandandah Hume RDA Future Page 4 of 8 Status Investigation into funding sources Timing Nov-15 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 Subject Source reference Action We request Rail Trail Hume Regional Growth Plan Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 20102020 Develop Huon Reserve on High Country Rail Trail Community Council Plan 2.16.3 Investigate options to upgrade the Huon Reserve facility on the High Country Rail Trail TRIM reference for supporting documents Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Status Timing Investment Tracks and Trails Project Committee Seek funding for Wahgunyah to Lake Moodemere Trail Investigate funding options as part of the ongoing High Country Rail Trail development External grant funds Director Infrastructure Tourism $15,000 in budget for concept and plan design Application to be made to new State Government grants programs Grant funding from RDV and SRV programs Director of Development and Planning Director of Infrastructure Application to be prepared by Community Development 2015-16 Council resolution 19-11-13 Barkley Park, Rutherglen. $520k project to renovate and refurbish the existing Council Plan 4.3.3 Plan and implement Community Facilities upgrades and Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Page 5 of 8 2015 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 Subject Source reference Action We request pavilion to provide appropriate facilities to users and to cater for the community’s growing recreational needs development at … Barkley Park, Rutherglen for 2015-16. Implementation funding for the top priority determined in the Chiltern Placemaking & Structure Plan. Council Plan 1.9.1 Continue partnerships with our community beginning with the Chiltern Placemaking reference group Chiltern After Dark Placemaking launched 17 July 2015 Support - to be determined - to implement the top priority identified in the Chiltern Placemaking & Structure Plan to be delivered by December 2015. Rutherglen alternative heavy vehicle route Community, Cr Chambers, Council Resolution 19-11-14 (2013/681) Council Resolution 25-2-14 (2014/104) Lobby VicRoads for to identify an official alternative heavy vehicle route Funding for an alternative route for heavy vehicles TRIM reference for supporting documents Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Status Timing $20,000 in budget for preliminary work Council resolution 15-10-13 Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Page 6 of 8 Director Development and Planning Placemaking officer Director Infrastructure Services Placemaking subcommittee Aurecon Report 2010 (INTERNAL 14/617) CEO, Mayor, Cr Chambers Director Infrastructure Services The Chiltern community, Council’s Placemaking team and consultants are developing Chiltern Placemaking & Structure Plan and funding will be required to implement the identified priorities. Ongoing. Carried over from 2014-15 Advocacy Plan. 2015-16 2015-16 ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 TRIM reference for supporting documents Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Subject Source reference Action We request Yeddonba Aboriginal rock paintings at Mt Pilot Council Plan 4.5 Promote and protect our natural environmental assets Bring together representatives from responsible government agencies and interested Aboriginal parties to seek funding to conserve the rock art Full renovation of the Chiltern Oval including appropriate drainage, soil and turf profiles. Funding source identified for restoration work to the rock paintings and conservation measures for the future Director Development and Planning Community Planning Tourism Issue highlighted during meetings with some of the relevant Aboriginal parties and government agencies. Formal request from Indigo Shire to meet on the issue is required. 2015-16 Grant funding Mayor Sustainable Communities staff, Operations staff Investigate grant funding opportunities 2015-16 Community Chiltern Recreation Reserve oval, netball courts. Recreation reserves are the lifeblood of a community’s various recreational activities. They need to be safe and modern facilities to encourage sporting activities and the health and fitness Council Plan 4.3. Plan and implement projects and programs for all people in Indigo Shire to access the information, support & services they need to lead healthy, active, safe and connected lifestyles Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Reconstruction of the Chiltern Netball Court Page 7 of 8 Chiltern Recreation Reserve Committee RDV, Sport and Recreation Victoria Status Seek opportunity for advocacy at State and Federal Government level Timing ADVOCACY PROGRAM 2015-2016 Advocacy Projects 2015-16 Subject aspects that flow from this. Yackandandah to Beechworth mountain bike trails Source reference Action We request Community Community interest groups including Yack Trails Incorporated and Yackandandah Chamber of Commerce Create an MoU between Council and Yack Tracks Incorporated Funding (to be determined) for detailed assessment of the tracks by an independent consultant and inclusion of the project on the Hume Region Tracks & Trails priority list. TRIM reference for supporting documents Key People Staff/Councillors/ Partners Community Planning Tourism Status In discussion with DELWP and the interested parties. Have lodged a request for inclusion into the Hume Region Tracks & Trails priority list. Timing 2015-16 Contacts – see separate list (TRIM 14/3151) The list includes all Federal and State MPs, North East CEOs, Mayors and Councillors, various public sector organisations including MAV, Heritage Victoria, Department of Local Government and Regional Development Australia, Chambers of Commerce, Educational Institutions and Health Services. Advocacy Program 2015-2016 Page 8 of 8